2025/01/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What are my goals? What are their goals? (How to prepare for that meeting.)
2025/01/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Echoing Eco: From the logic of stories to posterior predictive simulation
2025/01/03 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
命名向量:R 语言中的键值对
2025/01/03 FlowingData
Star Wars galaxy map
2025/01/03 Chatomics on Chatomics
Biotech Data Strategy: Building a Scalable Foundation for Startups
2025/01/02 earfanfan | 袁凡
2025/01/02 R-bloggers
Revisiting depression incidence by county and vote for Trump by @ellis2013nz
2025/01/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Progress in 2024 (Jessica)
2025/01/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Advice for weighting the results of conjoint analyses/experiments
2025/01/02 free range statistics
Revisiting depression incidence by county and vote for Trump
2025/01/02 FlowingData
Convergence to sameness in the algorithm
2025/01/02 Asa's blog
iPhylo 生成并绘制优美的分类树(物种+化学)
2025/01/01 yangzhang's Site
2025/01/01 R-bloggers
Some of the more useful Tidyverse functions
2025/01/01 R-bloggers
Once more ‘round the sun
2025/01/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Newly published in 2024
2025/01/01 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2025/01/01 Chatomics on Chatomics
Review 2024
2024/12/31 R-bloggers
Leveraging AI to Enhance Functional Programming in 2025
2024/12/31 R-bloggers
Generating a triangular navigation mesh from H3 hexagons in R
2024/12/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What is the minimum bloggable contribution?
2024/12/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Most popular posts of 2024
2024/12/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Calibration “resolves” epistemic uncertainty by giving predictions that are indistinguishable from the true probabilities. Why is this still unsatisfying?
2024/12/31 FlowingData
2024/12/31 文章 on 叶寻的博客
2024/12/30 R-bloggers
Repost: Bluesky conversation analysis with local and frontier LLMs with R/Tidyverse
2024/12/30 R-bloggers
R and Python Together: Refactoring and Prompt Engineering A Previous Case Study, Using the Perplexity API
2024/12/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A very interesting discussion by Roy Sorensen of the interesting-number paradox
2024/12/30 FlowingData
Seeing the single largest tree in the forest of 400 billion
2024/12/30 FlowingData
Best Data Visualization Projects of 2024
2024/12/29 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/12/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Sorry, NYT, but, yes, “Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis” was junk science
2024/12/29 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/12/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayesian inference (and mathematical reasoning more generally) isn’t just about getting the answer; it’s also about clarifying the mapping from assumptions to inference to decision.
2024/12/27 yangzhang's Site
2024/12/27 yangzhang's Site
2024/12/27 yangzhang's Site
2024/12/27 R-bloggers
The Complete Guide to Searching Files in Linux: A Beginner’s Tutorial
2024/12/27 R-bloggers
Harnessing Azure OpenAI and R for Web Content Summarisation: A Practical Guide with rvest and tidyverse
2024/12/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Announcing two new members of our blogging team . . .
2024/12/27 FlowingData
Home insurance companies dropping customers
2024/12/26 R-bloggers
Strategic Investment Analysis: Key Questions Generated by DoTadda’s Knowledge Platform
2024/12/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Softmax is on the log, not the logit scale
2024/12/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Data manipulation in the world of long-distance swimming!
2024/12/26 FlowingData
Year of tornadoes
2024/12/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to cheat at Codenames; cheating at board games more generally
2024/12/25 Freakonometrics
Time for a break 🎄
2024/12/25 Another Dayu
2024/12/24 R-bloggers
Impact of Trump’s Win on Financial ETFs
2024/12/24 R-bloggers
Comprehensive Guide: Using DoTadda Knowledge for Earnings Call Analysis
2024/12/24 R-bloggers
Calling C++ functions from R using Rcpp
2024/12/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Addressing legitimate counterarguments in a scientific review: The challenge of being an insider
2024/12/24 FlowingData
More time on the plane, but more flights arriving early
2024/12/23 R-bloggers
Launch RStudio, Positron, and other Data Science apps from your Finder Toolbar
2024/12/23 R-bloggers
How to Transform Data in R (Log, Square Root, Cube Root)
2024/12/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The marginalization or Jeffreys-Lindley paradox: it’s already been resolved.
2024/12/23 Homepage on Magisk
2024/12/23 Homepage on Magisk
2024/12/23 FlowingData
When cities last saw snow on Christmas
2024/12/23 FlowingData
Data Advent Calendar
2024/12/23 Asa's blog
2024/12/22 R-bloggers
The life changing magic of tidying text files
2024/12/22 R-bloggers
Should you Submit Papers before Christmas? Submission Percentages across Months of the Year
2024/12/22 R-bloggers
Introducing the {pipeflow} package
2024/12/22 R-bloggers
Depression incidence by county and vote for Trump by @ellis2013nz
2024/12/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stanford medical school professor misrepresents what I wrote (but I kind of understand where he’s coming from)
2024/12/22 Homepage on Magisk
2024/12/22 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
零碎的 samtools 笔记
2024/12/22 free range statistics
Depression incidence by county and vote for Trump
2024/12/22 文章 on 叶寻的博客
了解与使用 Android 的 root 权限
2024/12/21 R-bloggers
Version 1.3.0 of NIMBLE released
2024/12/21 R-bloggers
Rethinking How I Do Supervised Topic Modeling, Using ModernBERT and GPT-4o mini
2024/12/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The true meaning of the alzabo
2024/12/21 Homepage on Magisk
2024/12/21 Thinking inside the box
anytime 0.3.11 on CRAN: Maintenance
2024/12/20 R-bloggers
A Comprehensive Guide to Computer Networking in Linux: Commands, Tools, and Best Practices
2024/12/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Delicate language for talking about statistical guarantees
2024/12/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Accounting for Nonresponse in Election Polls: Total Margin of Error”
2024/12/20 FlowingData
Map of walkable neighborhoods
2024/12/20 FlowingData
Counting the Christmas days with snow
2024/12/20 Another Dayu
WordPress 插件-NeoDB Integration 书影音展示页面
2024/12/20 Asa's blog
2024/12/19 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, December 2024
2024/12/19 R-bloggers
How to Use complete.cases in R With Examples
2024/12/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How did the press do on that “black spatula” story? Not so great.
2024/12/19 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, December 2024
2024/12/19 Freakonometrics
Optimal vaccination policy to prevent endemicity: a stochastic model
2024/12/19 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Resources, December 2024 Roundup
2024/12/19 FlowingData
Probability does not exist
2024/12/19 FlowingData
Online reach of Elon Musk on X
2024/12/19 FlowingData
Elon Musk’s posting (and sleep) schedule
2024/12/19 Another Dayu
将 NeoDB 书影音记录整合到 WordPress 中
2024/12/18 R-bloggers
Introducing Rlinguo, a native mobile app that runs R
2024/12/18 R-bloggers
Breaking In and Out of Looped Code: A Beginner’s Guide to C Loop Control
2024/12/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
He took public funds and falsified his data. Are they gonna make him pay back the $19 million?
2024/12/18 FlowingData
Network of Supermarket Chains
2024/12/17 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/12/17 R-bloggers
Introducing the rOpenSci Localization and Translation Guidelines
2024/12/17 R-bloggers
A Complete Guide to Using na.rm in R: Vector and Data Frame Examples
2024/12/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Iterative imputation and incoherent Gibbs sampling
2024/12/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Applications of (Bayesian) variational inference?
2024/12/17 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Introducing the rOpenSci Localization and Translation Guidelines
2024/12/17 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Skip RStudio splash screen
2024/12/17 FlowingData
Multiplication mistake leads to exaggerated plastic cautions
2024/12/17 Thinking inside the box
BH 1.87.0-1 on CRAN: New Upstream
2024/12/16 R-bloggers
Use an LLM to translate help documentation on-the-fly
2024/12/16 R-bloggers
Satellite mapping of surface waters in R
2024/12/16 R-bloggers
Latent Growth Curve Models using the Lavaan Package in R workshop
2024/12/16 R-bloggers
How to Use na.omit in R: A Comprehensive Guide to Handling Missing Values
2024/12/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The Exceptions: Nancy Hopkins, MIT, and the Fight for Women in Science”
2024/12/16 FlowingData
Military location data that anyone can buy legally
2024/12/16 sellorm
Intro to APIs For Data Science
2024/12/16 Thinking inside the box
#45: Some r-ci Updates
2024/12/15 印记
2024/12/15 R-bloggers
RObservations #50: a journey across the United States with {mapBliss}
2024/12/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism
2024/12/15 Freakonometrics
Revue d’Economie Politique
2024/12/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The most interesting part of the story is that the publisher went through all these steps of reviewing and revising. If they just want to make money by publishing crap, why bother engaging outside reviewers at all?
2024/12/14 文章 on 叶寻的博客
推荐可以刷机的一加 Ace 3
2024/12/13 R-bloggers
Understanding Storage Media in Linux: A Beginner’s Guide
2024/12/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“How a simple math error sparked a panic about black plastic kitchen utensils”: Does it matter when an estimate is off by a factor of 10?
2024/12/13 free range statistics
Death rates by cause of death
2024/12/13 FlowingData
More milk, fewer cows
2024/12/12 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/12/12 印记
My App Defaults 2024
2024/12/12 R-bloggers
How to Use drop_na to Drop Rows with Missing Values in R: A Complete Guide
2024/12/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
It’s Harvard time, baby: “Kerfuffle” is what you call it when you completely botched your data but you don’t want to change your conclusions.
2024/12/12 Freakonometrics
Data Augmentation with Variational Autoencoder for Imbalanced Dataset
2024/12/12 FlowingData
✚ Exploring Empty Spaces
2024/12/12 FlowingData
How mpox virus spreads
2024/12/12 Thinking inside the box
#44: r2u For ML and MLops Talk
2024/12/11 earfanfan | 袁凡
安装 Docker-部署 Qanything/Dify 项目
2024/12/11 R-bloggers
Understanding Switch Statements in C Programming
2024/12/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Answering two questions, one about Bayesian post-selection inference and one about prior and posterior predictive checks
2024/12/11 FlowingData
“All I Want for Christmas Is You” spreads to earlier months
2024/12/11 Thinking inside the box
RcppCCTZ 0.2.13 on CRAN: Maintenance
2024/12/10 R-bloggers
How to Select Row with Max Value in Specific Column in R: A Complete Guide
2024/12/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why am I willing to bet you $100-1000 there will be a Nobel Prize for Adaptive Experimentation in the next 40 years?
2024/12/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Postdoc position at Northwestern on evaluating AI/ML decision support
2024/12/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bias remaining after adjusting for pre-treatment variables. Also the challenges of learning through experimentation.
2024/12/10 Freakonometrics
Arriving in Vancouver, and some news from AAAI’25
2024/12/10 Freakonometrics
Insurance analytics: prediction, explainability and fairness
2024/12/10 FlowingData
Words that do not appear in literature
2024/12/10 FlowingData
Where Health Insurance Comes From in the United States
2024/12/09 R-bloggers
Turn a GitHub repo into a single text file for LLM-friendly input (repost)
2024/12/09 R-bloggers
Parallel and Asynchronous Programming in Shiny with future, promise, future_promise, and ExtendedTask
2024/12/09 R-bloggers
How to Find the Column with the Max Value for Each Row in R
2024/12/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Close Reading Archive
2024/12/09 FlowingData
Sitting vs. standing jobs
2024/12/09 Another Dayu
好好吃饭 意大利肉酱面
2024/12/08 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/12/08 Bayesian Spectacles
Do the Data Speak for Themselves? A Bayesian Analysis of a Labor Law Case
2024/12/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“I work in a biology lab . . . My PI proposed a statistical test that I think is nonsense. . .”
2024/12/08 Thinking inside the box
pinp 0.0.11 on CRAN: Maintenance
2024/12/07 R-bloggers
Advent of Code with data.table: Week One
2024/12/07 R-bloggers
7 New Books added to Big Book of R [7/12/2024]
2024/12/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Of course, this could conceivably be a case of near unbelievable luck: A flawed analysis based on wrong assumptions gave an unusually large causal effect estimate – but the misguided result just happened to be correct. We can imagine how the research team huddled nervously around the computer terminal biting their nails and silently praying as they executed their updated Stata code, only to erupt in joy and celebration as the results appeared on screen and revealed they were right all along. . . .”
2024/12/07 Freakonometrics
Post-Calibration Techniques: Balancing Calibration and Score Distribution Alignment (NeurIPS’24)
2024/12/07 文章 on 叶寻的博客
2024/12/07 Another Dayu
被烹饪的数据 Cooking Data
2024/12/07 Another Dayu
剑玉 Kendama
2024/12/06 R-bloggers
Support geocompx and the development of open-source geocomputation resources!
2024/12/06 R-bloggers
A Book Dash for the R Development Guide
2024/12/06 R-bloggers
A Beginner’s Guide to Package Management in Linux
2024/12/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
New Course: Prediction for (Individualized) Decision-making
2024/12/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Gayface Data Replicability Problems
2024/12/06 FlowingData
Chinese names lost in translation
2024/12/06 sellorm
Designing 3D prints with R
2024/12/06 Another Dayu
迷失东京 Day 2 东京都写真美术馆和根津美术馆
2024/12/06 Another Dayu
2024/12/06 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo 14.2.2-1 on CRAN: Small Upstream Fixes
2024/12/05 R-bloggers
Quantitative Analysis: NVIDIA
2024/12/05 R-bloggers
How to Find Columns with All Missing Values in Base R
2024/12/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Michael Clayton in NYC
2024/12/05 L. Collado-Torres
Lessons From Working On The Edge Of Human Brain Spatially-Resolved Transcriptomics
2024/12/05 Freakonometrics
Discounting the Future?
2024/12/05 FlowingData
When internet cables break under the sea
2024/12/05 FlowingData
Tsunami alert, because earthquake off coast of Northern California
2024/12/05 FlowingData
✚ Claude Review: Experimenting with an AI Assistant in the Visualization Workflow
2024/12/05 Another Dayu
迷失东京 Day 1 – Saul Leiter、FUJIFILM、安藤忠雄、Banksy 和 YOSIGO
2024/12/05 Another Dayu
2024/12/04 R-bloggers
Positron vs RStudio – is it time to switch?
2024/12/04 R-bloggers
Nuevo canal de Youtube: Programación en R
2024/12/04 R-bloggers
Mastering For Loops in C: A Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide with Examples
2024/12/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey, journalist readers! Does anyone have a contact at NPR?
2024/12/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Credit where due to NPR regarding science data fraud, and here’s how they can do even better
2024/12/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
4 different meanings of p-value (and how my thinking has changed)
2024/12/04 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
tinyvdiff: Minimalist visual regression testing plugin for pytest
2024/12/04 FlowingData
Your name shaped under a trend line
2024/12/04 FlowingData
Macy’s lost track of $154m in expenses because of poor metrics
2024/12/04 文章 on 叶寻的博客
一加 Ace 3 刷机前的准备与安装 PixelOS 的过程
2024/12/04 Thinking inside the box
corels 0.0.5 on CRAN: Maintenance
2024/12/03 R-bloggers
Tackling Advent of Code
2024/12/03 R-bloggers
R-Universe Named R Consortium Top-Level Project
2024/12/03 R-bloggers
How to Find and Count Missing Values in R: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples
2024/12/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Toward a unified theory of bad science and bad scholarship
2024/12/03 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
R-Universe Named R Consortium Top-Level Project
2024/12/03 FlowingData
Higher margins with fewer hospital staff, not the best mix
2024/12/02 R-bloggers
How to Replace Missing Values in R: A Comprehensive Guide
2024/12/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Understanding p-values: Different interpretations can be thought of not as different “philosophies” but as different forms of averaging.
2024/12/02 FlowingData
China jumps to car exports leader in just a few years
2024/12/02 Thinking inside the box
anytime 0.3.10 on CRAN: Multiple Enhancements
2024/12/02 Asa's blog
巨型病毒(Giant virus)生物学和多样性研究
2024/12/02 Asa's blog
2024/12/01 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/12/01 R-bloggers
Predicting Best Picture at the 2025 Academy Awards
2024/12/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The odd non-spamness of some spam comments
2024/12/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Presidential campaign effects are small.
2024/12/01 Freakonometrics
Actuarial ethics and the future of the profession, in the European Actuary
2024/12/01 Freakonometrics
Artificial Intelligence and Personalization of Insurance: Failure or Delayed Ignition?
2024/11/30 R-bloggers
Codes postaux
2024/11/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Here’s my excuse for using obsolete, sub-optimal, or inadequate statistical methods or using a method irresponsibly.
2024/11/30 FlowingData
Gifting FlowingData
2024/11/30 FlowingData
Material requirements from EV batteries
2024/11/29 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, November 2024
2024/11/29 R-bloggers
Mastering Linux: A Beginner’s Guide to Customizing the Bash Prompt
2024/11/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
That’s what happens when you try to run the world while excluding 99.8% of the population
2024/11/29 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, November 2024
2024/11/29 free range statistics
Simulating Ponzi schemes
2024/11/29 Thinking inside the box
RcppAPT 0.0.10: Maintenance
2024/11/28 印记
Less is more
2024/11/28 R-bloggers
These Languages are Accumulating
2024/11/28 R-bloggers
How to Interpolate Missing Values in R: A Step-by-Step Guide with Examples
2024/11/28 Publishable Stuff
A simple interactive advent calendar in HTML/CSS/JS
2024/11/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why does this guy have 2 gmail accounts?
2024/11/27 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/11/27 R-bloggers
R Shiny Deployment: 5 Options for Individuals and Enterprises
2024/11/27 R-bloggers
Mastering While and Do While Loops in C: A Beginner’s Guide
2024/11/27 R-bloggers
Examining Meta-Analysis
2024/11/27 R-bloggers
Big-Scale Data Dashboards With Observable Framework
2024/11/27 Blog on Credibly Curious
{geotargets} 0.2.0
2024/11/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Physics is like Brazil, Statistics is like Chile
2024/11/27 FlowingData
Peak Thanksgiving Food
2024/11/26 R-bloggers
The Benefits of Fully Utilizing UX/UI Design Throughout the Project Journey for Extractable
2024/11/26 R-bloggers
Shiny Gatherings x Pharmaverse: Building Clinical Data Analysis Apps with {teal}
2024/11/26 R-bloggers
Give Thanks with the allcontributors Package
2024/11/26 R-bloggers
Deleting Multiple Columns in R: A Step-by-Step Guide for Data Frame Manipulation
2024/11/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Practical issues with calibration for every group and every decision problem
2024/11/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“I wonder just what it takes to get people to conclude that a research seam has been mined to the point of exhaustion.”
2024/11/26 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Give Thanks with the allcontributors Package
2024/11/26 Freakonometrics
Julien Trufin, on “Predictive Modeling and Balance Property through Autocalibration”
2024/11/26 FlowingData
3-D print of John Snow cholera map
2024/11/25 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/11/25 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/11/25 R-bloggers
Tech I’m thankful for (repost)
2024/11/25 R-bloggers
Mastering String Comparison in R: 3 Essential Examples and Bonus Tips
2024/11/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Keith O’Rourke’s final published paper: “Statistics as a social activity: Attitudes toward amalgamating evidence”
2024/11/25 FlowingData
Daily post-it notes as stop motion diary
2024/11/25 Another Dayu
Calibre-web 数据库路径和下载权限 500 Internal Server Error 问题
2024/11/25 Another Dayu
2024/11/24 R-bloggers
So many new people on Bluesky! Who should I follow?
2024/11/24 R-bloggers
2024/11/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Those correction notices, in full. (Yes, it’s possible to directly admit and learn from error.)
2024/11/24 Another Dayu
目前使用的 WordPress 插件
2024/11/23 印记
2024/11/23 R-bloggers
Unified interface and conformal prediction (calibrated prediction intervals) for R package forecast (and affiliates)
2024/11/23 R-bloggers
Effect Plots in Python and R
2024/11/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Why do medical tests always have error rates?”
2024/11/23 Another Dayu
2024/11/22 R-bloggers
Signature.py: Award-Winning Application at the 2024 Shiny Contest
2024/11/22 R-bloggers
2024/11/22 R-bloggers
How do we combine errors? The linear case
2024/11/22 R-bloggers
How do we combine errors, in biology? The delta method
2024/11/22 R-bloggers
A Beginner’s Guide to VI and VIM: Mastering Text Editing in Linux
2024/11/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What genre of writing is AI-generated poetry?
2024/11/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Plagiarism searches and post-publication review
2024/11/22 FlowingData
Rainbow Sky, the colors mentioned on Bluesky
2024/11/22 FlowingData
Movie runtimes framed by life expectancy
2024/11/21 R-bloggers
How to Compare Two Columns in R: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples
2024/11/21 R-bloggers
From Pandemic Response to Package Development
2024/11/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Andrew Gelman is not the science police because there is no such thing as the science police
2024/11/21 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, November 2024 Roundup
2024/11/21 FlowingData
Our World in Data wants you to use their data with improved export and API
2024/11/21 FlowingData
LLM-driven robot made of garbage
2024/11/20 R-bloggers
Mastering Conditional Logic and Small Change Operators in C
2024/11/20 R-bloggers
How to Perform a Wald Test in R | wald.test function in R
2024/11/20 R-bloggers
Expand your Bluesky network with R (repost)
2024/11/20 R-bloggers
era 0.5.0: chronological ordering and extremes
2024/11/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Village Voice in the 1960s/70s and blogging in the early 2000s
2024/11/20 FlowingData
Tree blanket color-coded by local temperature
2024/11/20 FlowingData
Foursquare open sources location data
2024/11/20 FlowingData
Bathymetry blanket crochet
2024/11/20 FlowingData
Emoji rain and Bluesky Matrix
2024/11/20 Asa's blog
2024/11/19 R-bloggers
You’ve Been Waiting for Native Mobile Apps with R? The Wait Is Over.
2024/11/19 R-bloggers
How to Combine Vectors in R: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples
2024/11/19 R-bloggers
Crafting Custom and Reproducible PDF Reports with Quarto and Typst in R workshop
2024/11/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Behavioural Insights Team decided to scare people.
2024/11/19 FlowingData
Tunnel through the live Bluesky firehose
2024/11/19 FlowingData
Stream of deleted Bluesky posts
2024/11/19 FlowingData
Mike Tyson Fights Against Age
2024/11/18 R-bloggers
Using LLM agents to review tutorials ‘in character’ as learners
2024/11/18 R-bloggers
How to Compare Two Vectors in base R With Examples
2024/11/18 R-bloggers
GLMNet in Python: Generalized Linear Models
2024/11/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
5 different reasons why it’s important to include pre-treatment variables when designing and analyzing a randomized experiment (or doing any causal study)
2024/11/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What should Yuling include in his course on statistical computing?
2024/11/18 FlowingData
Participation in the annual United Nations climate conference
2024/11/18 FlowingData
✚ Make the Chart: Interactive Line Chart with Ghost Trails
2024/11/18 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo 14.2.0-1 on CRAN: New Upstream Minor
2024/11/17 R-bloggers
Understanding and extending the methods of comparing spatial patterns in raster data
2024/11/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Anti-immigration attitudes: they didn’t want a bunch of Hungarian refugees coming in the 1950s
2024/11/17 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/11/17 Another Dayu
多语言博客WordPress 插件 Polylang
2024/11/17 Another Dayu
聊聊最近 Lancet 上刊登的中药复方研究
2024/11/17 Another Dayu
Kagi 使用体验和近期更新:翻译、助手和与Perplexity的对比
2024/11/16 印记
从酷态科 15 号充电器开始说起
2024/11/16 R-bloggers
Design effects for stratified sub-populations by @ellis2013nz
2024/11/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Code it! (patterns in data edition)
2024/11/16 free range statistics
Design effects for stratified sub-populations
2024/11/16 Another Dayu
2024/11/16 Another Dayu
向国内用户展示Twitter X和Instagram-WordPress插件
2024/11/15 R-bloggers
Linux Environment Variables: A Beginner’s Guide to printenv, set, export, and alias
2024/11/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Calibration for everyone and every decision problem, maybe
2024/11/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Average predictive comparisons
2024/11/15 Freakonometrics
The role of government versus private sector provision of insurance
2024/11/15 FlowingData
Swooping vote margins
2024/11/15 FlowingData
Margin of victory over past elections, in Minnesota
2024/11/15 Another Dayu
PIVOT Vol.10 写作、思考、辩论
2024/11/14 R-bloggers
R Dev Day @ SIP 2024
2024/11/14 R-bloggers
Package Updates
2024/11/14 R-bloggers
How to Keep Certain Columns in Base R with subset(): A Complete Guide
2024/11/14 R-bloggers
Create and Interpret a Interactive Volcano Plot in R | What & How
2024/11/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Objects of the class “David Owen”
2024/11/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Call for StanCon 2025+
2024/11/14 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/11/14 FlowingData
Employment Rates and Age, More Work and More Years
2024/11/14 FlowingData
✚ Connect the Charts
2024/11/14 文章 on 叶寻的博客
一加 / ColorOS 的 Google Play 安装教程
2024/11/14 Another Dayu
2024/11/13 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/11/13 R-bloggers
Understanding Logical Operators in C Programming
2024/11/13 R-bloggers
Time Series Machine Learning: Shanghai Composite
2024/11/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Oregon State Stats Dept. is Hiring
2024/11/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Make a hypothesis about what you expect to see, every step of the way. A manifesto:
2024/11/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Faculty positions at Princeton in interdisciplinary data science
2024/11/13 L. Collado-Torres
Integrating gene expression and imaging data across Visium capture areas with visiumStitched
2024/11/13 Freakonometrics
Selection bias in insurance: why portfolio-specific fairness fails to extend market-wide
2024/11/13 FlowingData
Evolution of the love song
2024/11/12 yangzhang's Site
2024/11/12 R-bloggers
Smith-Pittman Algorithm: Enhancing Community Detection in Networks
2024/11/12 R-bloggers
How to Subset a Data Frame in R: 4 Practical Methods with Examples
2024/11/12 Bayesian Spectacles
The Value of Science
2024/11/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Specification curve analysis and the multiverse
2024/11/12 FlowingData
See you on Bluesky
2024/11/12 FlowingData
Mapping every voter as a grain of sand
2024/11/12 FlowingData
Dot density map for election results
2024/11/12 FlowingData
Days without rain
2024/11/11 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/11/11 印记
2024/11/11 R-bloggers
Python in Excel via Reticulate
2024/11/11 R-bloggers
How to Use the Tilde Operator (~) in R: A Comprehensive Guide
2024/11/11 R-bloggers
Greenland ice thickness
2024/11/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Meta-analysis with a single study
2024/11/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Help teaching short-course that has a healthy dose of data simulation
2024/11/11 L. Collado-Torres
Genomics scientists from and in Mexico community building
2024/11/11 FlowingData
23andMe sinking
2024/11/11 Thinking inside the box
RcppSpdlog 0.0.19 on CRAN: New Upstream, New Features
2024/11/10 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/11/10 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2024/11/10 R-bloggers
Comparison of spatial patterns in categorical raster data for arbitrary regions using R
2024/11/10 R-bloggers
Build a Python CLI with Click+Cookiecutter (repost)
2024/11/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Prediction markets in 2024 and poll aggregation in 2008
2024/11/10 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/11/10 Thinking inside the box
inline 0.3.20: Mostly Maintenance
2024/11/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Polling by asking people about their neighbors: When does this work? Should people be doing more of it? And the connection to that French dude who bet on Trump
2024/11/09 Another Dayu
2024/11/08 R-bloggers
Understanding Linux Processes and Essential Commands: A Beginner’s Guide
2024/11/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Two spans of the bridge of inference
2024/11/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
If you wanted to be a top tennis player in the late 1930s, there was a huge benefit to being a member of ____. Or to being named ____.
2024/11/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bad science as genre fiction: I think there’s a lot to be said for this analogy!
2024/11/08 Freakonometrics
Les algorithmes et la bureaucratie
2024/11/08 FlowingData
What might have sank the Bayesian superyacht
2024/11/08 Another Dayu
2024/11/07 R-bloggers
Training Lineup for 2025: January-June
2024/11/07 R-bloggers
Testing Data with If and Else If in C
2024/11/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Red Sox are hiring
2024/11/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Fake data on the honeybee waggle dance, followed by the inevitable “It is important to note that the conclusions of our studies remain firm and sound.”
2024/11/07 FlowingData
✚ Random Everyday Walk
2024/11/07 FlowingData
✚ Make the Chart: Scatterplot Using Text Instead of Dots
2024/11/07 FlowingData
European night train map
2024/11/07 Asa's blog
2024/11/07 Asa's blog
2024/11/06 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/11/06 R-bloggers
How to Use Dollar Sign ($) Operator in R: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
2024/11/06 R-bloggers
DataCamp’s RADAR: Forward Edition
2024/11/06 R-bloggers
A comunidade R fala português
2024/11/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Reflections on the recent election
2024/11/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
That day in 1977 when Jerzy Neyman committed the methodological attribution fallacy.
2024/11/06 free range statistics
Regressions where the coefficients are a simplex.
2024/11/06 Freakonometrics
Talk at the Financial Conduct Authority, UK
2024/11/06 FlowingData
Restored rose and lily illustrations from the Pierre-Joseph Redouté collection
2024/11/06 FlowingData
Why states swing while counts come in
2024/11/06 FlowingData
Jello map as states are called
2024/11/06 FlowingData
Electoral vote cartogram
2024/11/05 R-bloggers
The Complete Guide to Using setdiff() in R: Examples and Best Practices
2024/11/05 R-bloggers
Tapyr 0.2 Update: Package Management with uv and Shiny for Python Testing API
2024/11/05 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/11/05 R-bloggers
Paper: ‘Right to be forgotten for mortgage insurance issued to cancer survivors: critical assessment and new proposal’
2024/11/05 R-bloggers
Introduction to generalized linear models in R workshop
2024/11/05 R-bloggers
Getting comfortable talking about tech
2024/11/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Self-reference and self-reproduction of evidence
2024/11/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What if the polls are right? (some scatterplots, and some comparisons to vote swings in past decades)
2024/11/05 L. Collado-Torres
Molecular impact of nicotine and smoking exposure on the developing and adult mouse brain
2024/11/05 FlowingData
When to expect results from each state, based on previous elections
2024/11/05 FlowingData
When the polls close
2024/11/05 FlowingData
Presidential candidate preferences, by offbeat demographics
2024/11/05 FlowingData
Live map of county shifts
2024/11/05 FlowingData
Election touchscreen really deep dive by The Onion
2024/11/05 FlowingData
50/50 Spins
2024/11/05 Another Dayu
2024/11/04 R-bloggers
Shiny for Python and JavaScript: How to Add JS Scripts to Your Dashboards
2024/11/04 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/11/04 R-bloggers
Join the GeoTAM hackathon to work out business turnovers!
2024/11/04 R-bloggers
How to Use NOT IN Operator in R: A Complete Guide with Examples
2024/11/04 R-bloggers
Good Software Engineering Practices (GSEP) in FDA Submissions – 7 Categories to Follow
2024/11/04 R-bloggers
DataCamp’s Free Access Week, Nov 4–10
2024/11/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Probabilistic numerics and the folk theorem of statistical computing
2024/11/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Interpreting recent Iowa election poll using a rough Bayesian partition of error
2024/11/04 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/11/04 FlowingData
Winning the Electoral College, a mini-game
2024/11/04 Another Dayu
Devonthink 出品的免费软件
2024/11/03 R-bloggers
Predictive scenarios simulation in R, Python and Excel using Techtonique API
2024/11/03 R-bloggers
Global discret grids
2024/11/03 R-bloggers
Death penalty
2024/11/03 R-bloggers
Comparison of spatial patterns in categorical raster data for overlapping regions using R
2024/11/03 Publishable Stuff
A template for creating card sorting games in R
2024/11/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Violent science teacher makes ridiculously unsupported research claims, gets treated by legislatures/courts/media as expert on the effects of homeschooling
2024/11/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Should pollsters preregister their design, data collection, and analyses?
2024/11/02 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/11/02 R-bloggers
Street names
2024/11/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A 10% swing in win probability corresponds (approximately) to a 0.4% swing in predicted vote
2024/11/02 Another Dayu
PIVOT Vol.9 组会分享什么?一些有趣的科研论文
2024/11/02 Thinking inside the box
Rcpp 1.0.13-1 on CRAN: Hot Fix
2024/11/01 R-bloggers
2024/11/01 R-bloggers
Free Data and AI Courses with 365 Data Science—Unlimited Access until Nov 21
2024/11/01 R-bloggers
Linux Permissions Explained: A Beginner’s Guide to File Security Commands
2024/11/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Calibration is sometimes sufficient for trusting predictions. What does this tell us when human experts use model predictions?
2024/11/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Trivia question for you. I kept temperature records for 100 days one year in Boston, starting August 15th (day “0”). What would you guess is the correlation between day# and temp? r=???”
2024/11/01 FlowingData
Drying of the Aral Sea and its source rivers
2024/11/01 文章 on 叶寻的博客
概念解析:物理像素、逻辑像素、CSS 像素、物理分辨率、逻辑分辨率
2024/11/01 Another Dayu
2024/10/31 R-bloggers
Vetiver: Monitoring Models in Production
2024/10/31 R-bloggers
How to Use ‘OR’ Operator in R: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
2024/10/31 R-bloggers
Delimiting the modelling background for scattered uneven occurrence data
2024/10/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stan Playground: Run Stan on the web, play with your program and data at will, and no need to download anything on your computer
2024/10/31 FlowingData
Uniform flair on the rise in NBA basketball games
2024/10/31 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, October 2024 Roundup
2024/10/31 FlowingData
People moving towards political affiliation
2024/10/31 FlowingData
Halloween Candy Ratings by Cost and Love
2024/10/31 Another Dayu
2024/10/31 Another Dayu
2024/10/30 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/10/30 R-bloggers
Powering Up Your Variables with Assignments and Expressions in C
2024/10/30 R-bloggers
Chat with your tabular data in www.techtonique.net
2024/10/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
StanCon 2024 Oxford: recorded talks are now released!
2024/10/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Leave-one-out cross validation (LOO) for an astronomy problem
2024/10/30 FlowingData
Presidential Election Chances, Practice Run
2024/10/30 FlowingData
Election ad views for Democrats and Republicans
2024/10/29 R-bloggers
The Ultimate Guide to Creating Lists in R: From Basics to Advanced Examples
2024/10/29 R-bloggers
Sheldon Cooper’s favorite number
2024/10/29 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/10/29 R-bloggers
Free Interview Prep Tool for Data Professionals by 365 Data Science
2024/10/29 R-bloggers
10 New Books added to Big Book of R + R community on BlueSky
2024/10/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What makes an MCMC sampler GPU-friendly?
2024/10/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Props to the liberal anticommunists of the 1930s-1950s
2024/10/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A question for Nate Cohn at the New York Times regarding a claim about adjusting polls using recalled past vote
2024/10/29 FlowingData
Early voting turnout
2024/10/29 Thinking inside the box
gcbd 0.2.7 on CRAN: More Mere Maintenance
2024/10/28 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/10/28 R-bloggers
PAMLj: The new Power Analysis Module for jamovi
2024/10/28 R-bloggers
How to Iterate Over Rows of Data Frame in R: A Complete Guide for Beginners
2024/10/28 R-bloggers
Gradient-Boosting anything (alert: high performance): Part3, Histogram-based boosting
2024/10/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Freakonomics does it again (not in a good way). Jeez, these guys are credulous:
2024/10/28 FlowingData
World map of tides
2024/10/27 R-bloggers
Comparison of spatial patterns in continuous raster data for arbitrary regions using R
2024/10/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Reduce likelihood of a tick bite by 73.6 times”? Forking paths on the Appalachian Trail.
2024/10/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
NYT catches up to Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2024/10/27 Chatomics on Chatomics
I regret not doing so
2024/10/27 Another Dayu
2024/10/26 R-bloggers
Polyglot Maxxie and Minnie
2024/10/26 R-bloggers
More neurons in the hidden layer than predictive features in neural nets
2024/10/26 R-bloggers
Did you Know How to Use prop.table function in R | Proportional Analysis
2024/10/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
This one might possibly be interesting.
2024/10/26 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
tinytopics: GPU-accelerated topic modeling via constrained neural Poisson NMF
2024/10/26 Freakonometrics
More neurons in the hidden layer than predictive features in neural nets
2024/10/25 印记
2024/10/25 R-bloggers
Mastering Linux Terminal: Clear and History Commands for Beginners
2024/10/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Prediction markets and the need for “dumb money” as well as “smart money”
2024/10/25 Freakonometrics
39th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Econometrics Study Group (CESG), in Toronto
2024/10/25 FlowingData
Which campaign people donate more to, by ZIP code
2024/10/24 R-bloggers
Table It Like a Pro: Print-Ready Tables in R
2024/10/24 R-bloggers
Enhancing Time Series Analysis: RandomWalker 0.2.0 Release
2024/10/24 R-bloggers
Dyson’s Algorithm for the Twelve Coins Problem
2024/10/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Postdoc opportunity! to work with me here at Columbia! on Bayesian workflow! for contamination models! With some wonderful collaborators!!
2024/10/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Flatiron Institute hiring: postdocs, joint faculty, and permanent research positions
2024/10/24 Freakonometrics
Risques, nouveau numéro (139)
2024/10/24 FlowingData
✚ Translating Visualization Steps
2024/10/24 FlowingData
Micro-communities that might decide the election
2024/10/23 earfanfan | 袁凡
使用 R base 抓取网页数据--基于红黑统计公报库
2024/10/23 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, October 2024
2024/10/23 R-bloggers
Mastering Mathematics in C Programming: A Beginner’s Guide
2024/10/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Which book should you read first, Active Statistics or Regression and Other Stories?
2024/10/23 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, October 2024
2024/10/23 FlowingData
✚ Make the Chart: Precipitation Map as Animated GIF
2024/10/23 FlowingData
Legality of abortion pills in each state
2024/10/23 FlowingData
Abortion mazes to represent the complexity of abortion access
2024/10/22 R-bloggers
Time Series Machine Learning: S&P 500
2024/10/22 R-bloggers
Python for R users (repost)
2024/10/22 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/10/22 R-bloggers
Looking for Maintainers to Support First-Time Contributors
2024/10/22 R-bloggers
How to Loop Through List in R with Base R and purrr: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
2024/10/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
ChatGPT o1-preview can code Stan
2024/10/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
3M misconduct regarding knowledge of “forever chemicals”: As is so often the case, the problem was in open sight for a long time before anything was done
2024/10/22 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Looking for Maintainers to Support First-Time Contributors
2024/10/22 FlowingData
Visual explainer for the thrilling game of Crokinole
2024/10/22 文章 on 叶寻的博客
jQuery 使用笔记
2024/10/22 TheCoatlessProfessor
HTML Table to DataFrame Converter
2024/10/22 Another Dayu
2024/10/21 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/10/21 yangzhang's Site
2024/10/21 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2024/10/21 R-bloggers
Visualizing Variance with Sankey diagrams/Riverplots using R: An Illustration with Longitudinal Multi-level Modeling workshop
2024/10/21 R-bloggers
Understanding Difference-in-Differences: Basics and Beyond with Applications in R workshop
2024/10/21 R-bloggers
Sentiment Analysis in R
2024/10/21 R-bloggers
R editor and SQL console (in addition to Python editors) in www.techtonique.net
2024/10/21 R-bloggers
Mastering Column Names in Base R: A Beginner’s Guide
2024/10/21 R-bloggers
Kill all R sessions
2024/10/21 R-bloggers
A Guide to Validating R (Shiny) Applications in Pharma
2024/10/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Supporting Bayesian modeling workflows with iterative filtering for multiverse analysis
2024/10/21 FlowingData
How Americans vote in each state
2024/10/21 Thinking inside the box
drat 0.2.5 on CRAN: Small Updates
2024/10/20 R-bloggers
Supply Chain Analysis with R Using the planr Package
2024/10/20 R-bloggers
Comparison of spatial patterns in continuous raster data for overlapping regions using R
2024/10/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What is the purpose of a methods section?
2024/10/19 R-bloggers
How to Add a Row to a Data Frame in R | What & Why
2024/10/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Carroll/Langer: Credulous, scientist-as-hero reporting from a podcaster who should know better
2024/10/19 Freakonometrics
The m=√p rule for random forests
2024/10/19 TheCoatlessProfessor
Converting FontAwesome CSS to Lua with R: A Unicode Adventure
2024/10/18 R-bloggers
Understanding Expansion in the Linux Shell
2024/10/18 R-bloggers
The Climate Impact Sorting Challenge
2024/10/18 R-bloggers
Monads in R
2024/10/18 R-bloggers
Getting Started with R
2024/10/18 Publishable Stuff
The Climate Impact Sorting Challenge
2024/10/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“It’s a very short jump from believing kale smoothies are a cure for cancer to denying the Holocaust happened.”
2024/10/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Columbia Surgery Prof Fake Data Update . . . (yes, he’s still being promoted on the university webpage)
2024/10/18 FlowingData
Scale of buildings destroyed in Gaza
2024/10/18 FlowingData
Color Buddy, a tool for building color palettes for visualization
2024/10/18 Another Dayu
2024/10/17 R-bloggers
How to Loop Through Column Names in Base R with Examples
2024/10/17 R-bloggers
Highlights from Shiny in Production (2024)
2024/10/17 R-bloggers
Don’t Get Fooled by Numbers: Data Literacy as the New Survival Skill
2024/10/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Different perspectives on the claims in the paper, The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development
2024/10/17 Freakonometrics
CASdatasets 1.2.0
2024/10/17 FlowingData
Scoring climate, conflict, and vulnerability around the world
2024/10/17 FlowingData
✚ Stats Are for Losers
2024/10/17 Chatomics on Chatomics
How PCA projection and cell label transfer work in Seurat
2024/10/17 文章 on 叶寻的博客
优化 Hugo 博客速度:Pjax、dynamic script、preload、minification
2024/10/17 Another Dayu
博客作者呀,我想采访你这 9 个问题!
2024/10/16 R-bloggers
Interacting with Users: Mastering scanf() in C
2024/10/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Here is the Data Sharing Statement, in its entirety, for van Dyck CH, Swanson CJ, Aisen P, et al. Trial of Lecanemab in Early Alzheimer’s Disease. N Engl J Med. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2212948.
2024/10/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Here is the Data Sharing Statement, in its entirety, for Goodwin GM, Aaronson ST, Alvarez O, et al. Single-Dose Psilocybin for a Treatment-Resistant Episode of Major Depression. N Engl J Med. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2206443.
2024/10/16 Homepage on Magisk
2024/10/16 FlowingData
Increasing time spent at home
2024/10/16 FlowingData
✚ Make the Chart: Grid Map with Stacked Areas
2024/10/16 FlowingData
Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Adoption in the States
2024/10/15 R-bloggers
R and Python consoles + JupyterLite in www.techtonique.net
2024/10/15 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/10/15 R-bloggers
How to Add Prefix to Column Names in Base R: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
2024/10/15 R-bloggers
A Guide to R Package Validation in Pharma
2024/10/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Things are Getting So Politically Polarized We Can’t Measure How Politically Polarized Things are Getting”
2024/10/15 FlowingData
Presidential election still a toss-up
2024/10/15 FlowingData
Presidential campaign target states, since 1952
2024/10/15 Another Dayu
2024/10/15 Thinking inside the box
qlcal 0.0.13 on CRAN: Small Calendar Update
2024/10/14 R-bloggers
Shiny for Python: How to Create and Style a Custom Module
2024/10/14 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/10/14 R-bloggers
How to Add Suffix to Column Names in Base R: A Beginner’s Guide
2024/10/14 R-bloggers
Gradient-Boosting anything (alert: high performance): Part2, R version
2024/10/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Pitfalls of Demographic Forecasts of US Elections”
2024/10/14 Homepage on Magisk
2024/10/14 Julia Silge
Positron in action with #TidyTuesday orca encounters
2024/10/14 Freakonometrics
Peut-on diversifier des risques extrêmes?
2024/10/14 FlowingData
Election of random chance
2024/10/14 Another Dayu
2024/10/14 Thinking inside the box
RcppDate 0.0.4: New Upstream Minor
2024/10/14 Asa's blog
2024/10/13 印记
如何利用 Telegram 打造 0 成本微博客
2024/10/13 R-bloggers
Inventory of methods for comparing spatial patterns in raster data
2024/10/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Where have all the count words gone? In defense of “fewer” and “among”
2024/10/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
She wants to know what are best practices on flagging bad responses and cleaning survey data and detecting bad responses. Any suggestions from the tidyverse or crunch.io?
2024/10/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
20-year anniversary of this blog
2024/10/12 Freakonometrics
How to Go Beyond the Coldness of Numbers and Take Action?
2024/10/12 Freakonometrics
Comment dépasser la froideur des chiffres, et agir ?
2024/10/11 印记
2024/10/11 R-bloggers
What is GxP Validation in Clinical Software Development?
2024/10/11 R-bloggers
Redirection in Linux: A Beginner’s Guide
2024/10/11 R-bloggers
Introducing: the POLYGON FULL
2024/10/11 Bayesian Spectacles
Bayesian Conference Next Week in Amsterdam: Advances in Network Modeling, Demography, and More
2024/10/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The interactions paradox in statistics
2024/10/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The comments section: A request to non-commenters, occasional commenters, and frequent commenters
2024/10/11 Freakonometrics
Calculating an LOOCV MSE by hand
2024/10/11 Freakonometrics
Post-Calibration Techniques: Balancing Calibration and Score Distribution Alignment
2024/10/11 Freakonometrics
Perspective causale sur les discriminations directes et indirectes liées aux caractéristiques sensibles dans les modèles prédictifs en assurance
2024/10/11 Mikko Marttila
ggragged 0.2.0
2024/10/10 R-bloggers
Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test | shapiro.test in R
2024/10/10 R-bloggers
R You Ready? Git Your Code Under Control!
2024/10/10 R-bloggers
Methods for the smooth functions in R
2024/10/10 R-bloggers
How to Combine Two Data Frames in R with Different Columns Using Base R, dplyr, and data.table
2024/10/10 R-bloggers
Fostering Open Science in Latin America: CZI Awards Funds for Sustainable Research Software Development
2024/10/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Update on that politically-loaded paper published in Demography that I characterized as a “hack job”: Further post-publication review
2024/10/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Two kings, a royal, a knight, and three princesses walk into a bar (Nobel prize edition)
2024/10/10 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/10/10 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Fostering Open Science in Latin America: CZI Awards Funds for Sustainable Research Software Development
2024/10/10 文章 on 叶寻的博客
将 LineageOS 20 升级到 LineageOS 21
2024/10/10 TheCoatlessProfessor
Shiny Assistant: A Game-Changer for Shiny Development
2024/10/09 R-bloggers
Making Your Programs More Powerful with #include and #define for C
2024/10/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Responsibility for Raw Data”: “Failure to retain data for some reasonable length of time following publication would produce notoriety equal to the notoriety attained by publishing inaccurate results. A possibly more effective means of controlling quality of publication would be to institute a system of quality control whereby random samples of raw data from submitted journal articles would be requested by editors and scrutinized for accuracy and the appropriateness of the analysis performed.”
2024/10/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Inaccuracy in New York magazine report on election forecasting
2024/10/09 FlowingData
Hurricane Watch
2024/10/09 等待下一个秋
2024/10/09 Asa's blog
2024/10/08 R-bloggers
Use nanoparquet instead of readr/CSV
2024/10/08 R-bloggers
The Vibe of Flanders: Part 2
2024/10/08 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/10/08 R-bloggers
How to Combine Two Columns into One in R With Examples in Base R and tidyr
2024/10/08 R-bloggers
DuckDB vs dplyr vs base R
2024/10/08 R-bloggers
Can ChatGPT help construct non-trivial statistical models? An example with Bayesian “random” splines
2024/10/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Honesty and transparency are not enough: politics edition
2024/10/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Defining statistical models in JAX?
2024/10/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A quick simulation to demonstrate the wild variability of p-values
2024/10/08 FlowingData
Seen from space: Hurricane Milton approaches
2024/10/08 FlowingData
Preparing for a hurricane, a visual guide
2024/10/08 FlowingData
Hurricane Milton potential threats
2024/10/08 FlowingData
FlowingData Membership Update
2024/10/08 TheCoatlessProfessor
Creating Desktop Shortcuts for Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, and iCloud on macOS using symlinks
2024/10/07 R-bloggers
Standardising R Projects with the ProjectTemplate package workshop
2024/10/07 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/10/07 R-bloggers
Nested unit tests with testthat
2024/10/07 R-bloggers
How to Combine Rows with Same Column Values in R
2024/10/07 R-bloggers
Exploratory Data Analysis: Will PCE Data Push Bitcoin?
2024/10/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Tough choices in election forecasting: All the things that can go wrong” (my webinar this Friday 11am with the Washington Statistical Society)
2024/10/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some references and discussions on the foundations of probability—not the math so much as its connection to the real world, including the claim that “Pr(aliens exist on Neptune that can rap battle) = .137”
2024/10/07 FlowingData
Rise in drug overdose deaths, led by fentanyl
2024/10/06 R-bloggers
Second edition of Geocomputation with R is complete
2024/10/06 R-bloggers
Handling Large Investment Datasets with R: A Powerful Solution to Data Management Challenges
2024/10/06 R-bloggers
Gradient-Boosting anything (alert: high performance)
2024/10/06 R-bloggers
Dudeney’s Remainder Problem
2024/10/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Salesses: “some writing exercises meant to help students with various elements of craft”
2024/10/05 R-bloggers
Is round(0.5) 0 or 1?
2024/10/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
eLife press release: Deterministic thinking led to a nonsensical statement
2024/10/04 R-bloggers
Working With Linux Commands: A Beginner’s Guide to Essential Tools
2024/10/04 R-bloggers
Expectations, Verified! Dive into the World of Unit Tests with expect_*()
2024/10/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Basu’s Bears (Fat Bear Week and survey calibration)
2024/10/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
22 Revision Prompts from Matthew Salesses
2024/10/04 FlowingData
Smuggling fentanyl precursors, illustrated
2024/10/04 FlowingData
Political search interest in 2024
2024/10/03 印记
使用 iPhone 半年之后(2)
2024/10/03 R-bloggers
Top 10 R Packages for Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) (Bookmark this!)
2024/10/03 R-bloggers
How to Split Data into Equal Sized Groups in R: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
2024/10/03 R-bloggers
Choosing the Right Chart: A Personal Guide to Better Data Visualization
2024/10/03 Bayesian Spectacles
Another Brief Test of Your Bayesian Intuition: The Answer
2024/10/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Clybourne Park. And a Jamaican beef patty. (But no Gray Davis, no Grover Norquist, no rabbi.)
2024/10/03 Freakonometrics
“Éloge du bug” de Marcello Vitalli-Rosati
2024/10/03 FlowingData
✚ Communicating Probability and Odds to People
2024/10/03 FlowingData
Helene power outages mapped
2024/10/02 R-bloggers
Understanding Character Variables in C: A Beginner’s Guide
2024/10/02 R-bloggers
Shiny Assistant for Python – How to Build Shiny for Python Apps with GPT and GenerativeAI
2024/10/02 R-bloggers
Data science with Microsoft Fabric – Plotting ROC curve and distribution of scores
2024/10/02 R-bloggers
Automated random variable distribution inference using Kullback-Leibler divergence and simulating best-fitting distribution
2024/10/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Evidence-based Medicine Eats Itself, and How to do Better (my talk at USC this Friday)
2024/10/02 Freakonometrics
Algorithmic fairness with optimal transport: quantifying counterfactual fairness and mitigating group fairness
2024/10/01 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/10/01 R-bloggers
How to Split a Data Frame in R: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
2024/10/01 R-bloggers
Getting started with generative art
2024/10/01 R-bloggers
A Safe Space for Learning How to Make Pull Requests
2024/10/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Wendy Brown: “Just as nothing is more corrosive to serious intellectual work than being governed by a political programme (whether that of states, corporations, or a revolutionary movement), nothing is more inapt to a political campaign than the unending reflexivity, critique and self-correction required of scholarly inquiry.”
2024/10/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Pete Rose
2024/09/30 R-bloggers
Spatial modelling with GAMs in R workshop
2024/09/30 R-bloggers
simaerep release 0.6.0
2024/09/30 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/09/30 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/09/30 R-bloggers
Mastering Data Manipulation in R: Comprehensive Guide to Stacking Data Frame Columns
2024/09/30 R-bloggers
Bachet’s Four Weights Problem
2024/09/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Toward reproducible research: Some technical statistical challenges” and “The political content of unreplicable research” (my talks at Berkeley and Stanford this Wed and Thurs)
2024/09/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“A Hudson Valley Reckoning: Discovering the Forgotten History of Slaveholding in My Dutch American Family”
2024/09/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Faculty positions at the University of Oregon’s new Data Science department
2024/09/30 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
FLUX.1 + LoRA for styled image generation
2024/09/30 Freakonometrics
C’est la rentrée… des chaires parisiennes
2024/09/30 文章 on 叶寻的博客
2024/09/29 yangzhang's Site
小霞 3.0
2024/09/29 yangzhang's Site
2024/09/29 R-bloggers
Noting the differences in deploying R vs Python apps on Posit Connect
2024/09/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Announcing the 2023 IPUMS Research Award Winners”
2024/09/28 R-bloggers
Making R work in government
2024/09/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Fake stories in purported nonfiction
2024/09/28 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Group sequential trials in industry: a 30-year perspective
2024/09/28 free range statistics
Git, peer review, tests and toil
2024/09/28 Thinking inside the box
RApiSerialize 0.1.4 on CRAN: Added C++ Namespace
2024/09/27 R-bloggers
The 100 Bushels Puzzle
2024/09/27 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, September 2024
2024/09/27 R-bloggers
Rene Descartes walks into a bar
2024/09/27 R-bloggers
Mastering File and Directory Manipulation in Linux: A Beginner’s Guide
2024/09/27 R-bloggers
Estimating ecological network robustness with R: A functional approach*
2024/09/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Online seminar for Monte Carlo Methods++
2024/09/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
3 levels of fraud: One-time, Linear, and Exponential
2024/09/27 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, September 2024
2024/09/26 R-bloggers
R GUI Reviews Updated
2024/09/26 R-bloggers
How to Create Horizontal Boxplots in Base R and ggplot2
2024/09/26 R-bloggers
Blueprint for SUCCESS: The Architecture of Structured Reports
2024/09/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s the story behind that paper by the Center for Open Science team that just got retracted?
2024/09/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Mark Twain on chatbots
2024/09/26 r4stats.com
R GUI Reviews Updated
2024/09/26 L. Collado-Torres
Benchmarking cell type deconvolution methods with human brain data
2024/09/26 Freakonometrics
SCOR Project Newsletter #2
2024/09/26 Another Dayu
Too good to go、Olio 和惜食魔法袋
2024/09/25 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2024/09/25 R-bloggers
Techtonique web app for data-driven decisions using Mathematics, Statistics, Machine Learning, and Data Visualization
2024/09/25 R-bloggers
Mastering R Programming for Data Science: Tips and Tricks
2024/09/25 R-bloggers
In-Place Modifications
2024/09/25 R-bloggers
Adding Variables to Your C Code: A Beginner’s Guide
2024/09/25 普癌新声
2024/09/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stan’s autodiff is 4x faster than JAX on CPU but 5x slower on GPU (in one eval)
2024/09/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Oh no Stanford no no no not again please make it stop
2024/09/25 Dr. Water
Water Research: Mitigating harmful cyanobacterial blooms in drinking water reservoirs through in-situ sediment resuspension
2024/09/25 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Single-cell analysis best practices and challenges
2024/09/24 R-bloggers
New R Package: Data Science Looks at Discrimination (dsld)
2024/09/24 R-bloggers
Installation, Integration, and Usage Tips | FAQs
2024/09/24 R-bloggers
How to Remove Outliers from Multiple Columns in R: A Comprehensive Guide
2024/09/24 R-bloggers
Exploding, Impacting: looking at bioRxiv preprint view dynamics with R
2024/09/24 R-bloggers
Cover and modify, some tips for R package development
2024/09/24 R-bloggers
Comparing Many Models: An Uptrend for Nvidia?
2024/09/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Well, today we find our heroes flying along smoothly…
2024/09/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
It’s martingale time, baby! How to evaluate probabilistic forecasts before the event happens? Rajiv Sethi has an idea. (Hint: it involves time series.)
2024/09/24 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Cover and modify, some tips for R package development
2024/09/24 文章 on 叶寻的博客
2024/09/24 Thinking inside the box
RcppFastAD 0.0.4 on CRAN: Updated Again
2024/09/23 R-bloggers
Unlocking Chemical Volatility: How the volcalc R Package is Streamlining Scientific Research
2024/09/23 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/09/23 R-bloggers
How to Switch Two Columns in R: A Beginner’s Guide
2024/09/23 R-bloggers
Dual licensing R packages with code and data
2024/09/23 R-bloggers
Bay Area use R Meetup is Back!!!!
2024/09/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Present Each Other’s Posters: An update after 15 years
2024/09/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Nonsampling error and the anthropic principle in statistics
2024/09/23 Another Dayu
做中国的 M&S:奥乐齐
2024/09/22 R-bloggers
Introducing OptimalTransportNetworks.jl: Optimal Transport Networks in Spatial Equilibrium
2024/09/22 R-bloggers
Introducing gt_summarytools: Analyze Your Data Faster With R
2024/09/22 Bayesian Spectacles
Too Good to be True: A “Fake” Podcast on how to go from p-values to Bayes Factors
2024/09/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
StanCon 2024… is a wrap!
2024/09/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Arguing about bitcoin
2024/09/22 Another Dayu
2024/09/21 R-bloggers
5 Books added to Big Book of R
2024/09/21 Publishable Stuff
A Bayesian Plackett-Luce model in Stan applied to pinball championship data
2024/09/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why art is more forgiving than game design
2024/09/21 Freakonometrics
Risques, big data, réputation… au château de Cerisy, l’assurance face aux défis de son époque
2024/09/21 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
You need to master it if you deal with genomics data
2024/09/20 R-bloggers
Prime numbers as sums of three squares. by @ellis2013nz
2024/09/20 R-bloggers
Mastering Linux Commands: ls, file, and less for Beginners
2024/09/20 R-bloggers
How to Import Data into R | Load Data file in R Programming
2024/09/20 R-bloggers
Free Boba Tea and Technical R Topics Lure Young Learners to New Brunei R User Group
2024/09/20 Bayesian Spectacles
Another Brief Test of Your Bayesian Intuition
2024/09/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Pete Rose and gambling addiction: An insight and a question
2024/09/20 free range statistics
Prime numbers as sums of three squares.
2024/09/20 Home on Jinji
2024/09/19 印记
使用 Follow 的第 50 天:RSS 迎来又一春?
2024/09/19 R-bloggers
Keep It Simple: Extracting Value from the Noise of Data Overload
2024/09/19 R-bloggers
How to Use cat() in R to Print Multiple Variables on the Same Line
2024/09/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Take a pass”: New contronym just dropped.
2024/09/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Instability of win probability in election forecasts (with a little bit of R)
2024/09/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Getting a pass on evaluating ways to improve science
2024/09/19 Home on Jinji
2024/09/18 R-bloggers
Mastering printf() in C: A Beginner’s Guide
2024/09/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Election prediction markets: What happens next?
2024/09/18 文章 on 叶寻的博客
2024/09/18 Thinking inside the box
Rblpapi 0.3.15: Updated and New BLP Library
2024/09/17 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/09/17 R-bloggers
Rhino 1.10.0 Update: Automated Styling & Auto-complete for box Modules
2024/09/17 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/09/17 R-bloggers
How to Print All Rows of a Tibble in R: A Beginner’s Guide
2024/09/17 R-bloggers
Deposits In The Wild
2024/09/17 R-bloggers
Analyzing Time Series at Scale with Cluster Analysis in R workshop
2024/09/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
20 years of blogging . . . What have been your favorite posts?
2024/09/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Mets are looking to hire a data scientist
2024/09/17 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Deposits In The Wild
2024/09/17 Freakonometrics
SCOR-UQAM Annual Report
2024/09/17 文章 on 叶寻的博客
2024/09/17 等待下一个秋
2024/09/16 R-bloggers
Unveiling ‘RandomWalker’: Your Gateway to Tidyverse-Compatible Random Walks
2024/09/16 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/09/16 R-bloggers
Introducing Shiny Assistant – You Can Now Build Shiny Applications with GPT and GenerativeAI
2024/09/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Rider
2024/09/16 Thinking inside the box
nanotime 0.3.10 on CRAN: Update
2024/09/15 R-bloggers
How to Analyze Your Data Faster With R Using summarytools
2024/09/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Shreddergate! A fascinating investigation into possible dishonesty in a psychology experiment
2024/09/15 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
R command-line tool paths on Windows
2024/09/15 Freakonometrics
Summer School in Warsow
2024/09/15 文章 on 叶寻的博客
CSS Grid 布局教程
2024/09/15 Thinking inside the box
RcppFastAD 0.0.3 on CRAN: Updated
2024/09/14 R-bloggers
forcats::fct_lump_n() with weights “overall”
2024/09/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Freakonomics asks, “Why is there so much fraud in academia,” but without addressing one big incentive for fraud, which is that, if you make grabby enough claims, you can get featured in . . . Freakonomics!
2024/09/13 earfanfan | 袁凡
R base 中的字符串处理函数
2024/09/13 印记
2024/09/13 R-bloggers
How to Use the duplicated Function in Base R with Examples
2024/09/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Supercentenarian superfraud update
2024/09/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Movements in the prediction markets, and going beyond a black-box view of markets and prediction models
2024/09/13 free range statistics
Stepwise selection of variables in regression is Evil.
2024/09/12 R-bloggers
Labels For Technical Writing Projects
2024/09/12 R-bloggers
How to Print Tables in R with Examples Using table()
2024/09/12 R-bloggers
Express to Impress: Leveraging IBCS Standards for Powerful Data Presentations
2024/09/12 R-bloggers
Empowering Data Science: How R is Transforming Research in Cameroon
2024/09/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
It’s Stanford time, baby: 8-hour time-restricted press releases linked to a 91% higher risk of hype
2024/09/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
B-school prof data sleuth lawsuit fails
2024/09/12 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Labels For Technical Writing Projects
2024/09/12 Freakonometrics
Colloque, au Centre Culturel International de Cerisy, en France
2024/09/12 TheCoatlessProfessor
surreal v0.0.1 Released
2024/09/12 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo 14.0.2-1 on CRAN: Updates
2024/09/11 R-bloggers
Probabilistic Network Inference and Analysis in R and Python workshop
2024/09/11 R-bloggers
How to Use lapply() Function with Multiple Arguments in R
2024/09/11 R-bloggers
Create a free Llama 3.1 405B-powered chatbot on any GitHub repo in 1 minute (cross-posted from Paired Ends)
2024/09/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Decisions of parties to run moderate or extreme candidates
2024/09/11 Freakonometrics
“Mathematical Foundations of AI” day at the Sorbonne center for artificial intelligence
2024/09/11 Another Dayu
2024/09/10 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/09/10 R-bloggers
Thank You, Joseph Rickert: A Legacy of Leadership and Innovation in the R Community
2024/09/10 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/09/10 R-bloggers
Introduction to Interpretable Machine Learning in R
2024/09/10 R-bloggers
How to webscrape in R?
2024/09/10 R-bloggers
How to Exclude Specific Matches in Base R Using grep() and grepl()
2024/09/10 R-bloggers
Capturing Screenshots Programmatically With R
2024/09/10 R-bloggers
Adaptive (online/streaming) learning with uncertainty quantification using Polyak averaging in learningmachine
2024/09/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Awesome online graph guessing game. And scatterplot charades.
2024/09/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayesian social science conference in Amsterdam! Next month!
2024/09/10 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/09/10 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Capturing Screenshots Programmatically With R
2024/09/10 Another Dayu
2024/09/10 Thinking inside the box
RcppSpdlog 0.0.18 on CRAN: Updates
2024/09/09 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/09/09 R-bloggers
Please Version Data
2024/09/09 R-bloggers
New versions of nnetsauce and ahead
2024/09/09 R-bloggers
How to Use grep() and Return Only Substring in R: A Comprehensive Guide
2024/09/09 R-bloggers
Exploratory Data Analysis: Economic Performance of China
2024/09/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The mainstream press is failing America (UK edition)
2024/09/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Modeling Weights to Generalize (my talk this Wed noon at the Columbia University statistics department)
2024/09/09 Another Dayu
2024/09/09 Another Dayu
2024/09/08 R-bloggers
Mind reader game, and Unicode symbols
2024/09/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Sports gambling addiction epidemic fueled by some combination of psychology, economics, and politics
2024/09/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Here’s a useful response by Christakis to criticisms of the contagion-of-obesity claims
2024/09/08 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
ssw is on CRAN
2024/09/08 Another Dayu
2024/09/08 Another Dayu
2024/09/08 Another Dayu
北海道 | 始于牛奶忠于甜点
2024/09/07 R-bloggers
JSON, NULL values and as_tibble
2024/09/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Evil scamming fake publishers
2024/09/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Remember that many-times-debunked claim of “contagion of obesity”? How’s it being cited nowadays?
2024/09/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Very interesting failed attempt at manipulation on Polymarket today”
2024/09/07 free range statistics
Gender and sexuality in Australian surveys and census
2024/09/07 文章 on 叶寻的博客
CSS BEM 命名规范入门教程
2024/09/06 R-bloggers
R-Ladies Bariloche in Argentina: Fostering a Different Approach to Leadership
2024/09/06 R-bloggers
Navigating Linux with ‘pwd’, ‘cd’, and ‘ls’: A Beginner’s Guide
2024/09/06 R-bloggers
Dr Drang and the Electoral College
2024/09/06 Bayesian Spectacles
How to Memorize Bayes’ Rule
2024/09/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
If you want to play women’s tennis at the top level, there’s a huge benefit to being ____. Not just ____, but exceptionally ___, outlier-outlier ___. (And what we can learn about social science from this stylized fact.)
2024/09/06 Freakonometrics
European Actuarial Journal Conference (in Lisbon)
2024/09/05 印记
2024/09/05 yangzhang's Site
2024/09/05 R-bloggers
Side by Side Comparison – Gleam vs R
2024/09/05 R-bloggers
Resources For Using R With Screen Readers
2024/09/05 R-bloggers
Guarding Against Misleading Data
2024/09/05 R-bloggers
C Programming Data Types: A Comprehensive Guide to Characters, Integers, and Floating Points
2024/09/05 R-bloggers
BlueSky Statistics Version 10 is Not Open Source
2024/09/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The NYT sinks to a new low in political coverage
2024/09/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
In search of a theory associating honest citation with a higher/deeper level of understanding than (dishonest) plagiarism
2024/09/05 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/09/05 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/09/05 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Resources For Using R With Screen Readers
2024/09/05 r4stats.com
BlueSky Statistics Version 10 is Not Open Source
2024/09/05 文章 on 叶寻的博客
CSS flexbox 布局教程
2024/09/04 R-bloggers
R-Change Number of Bins in Histogram
2024/09/04 R-bloggers
How to Specify Histogram Breaks in R
2024/09/04 R-bloggers
Harness the Full Potential of Case-Insensitive Searches with grep() in R
2024/09/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Should you always include a varying slope for the lower-level variable involved in a cross-level interaction?
2024/09/04 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/09/03 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/09/03 R-bloggers
PLANES: Plausibility Analysis of Epidemiological Signals
2024/09/03 R-bloggers
Our Experience at posit::conf 2024
2024/09/03 R-bloggers
Mastering the grep() Function in R: Using OR Logic
2024/09/03 R-bloggers
Five ways to improve your chart axes
2024/09/03 R-bloggers
Create and use a custom roxygen2 tag
2024/09/03 R-bloggers
Boost your shiny app with sparkling data visualizations: a deep dive into Chart.js JavaScript library
2024/09/03 R-bloggers
An IV study design to estimate an effect size when randomization is not ethical
2024/09/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Feedback on the blog—this is your chance!
2024/09/03 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Create and use a custom roxygen2 tag
2024/09/03 Freakonometrics
Workshop on Climate Change and Insurance, CCI’24, in Vienna
2024/09/03 Thinking inside the box
RcppCNPy 0.2.13 on CRAN: Micro Bugfix
2024/09/02 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/09/02 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/09/02 R-bloggers
Prediction sets and prediction intervals for conformalized Auto XGBoost, Auto LightGBM, Auto CatBoost, Auto GradientBoosting
2024/09/02 R-bloggers
GxP Validation in Software Development starts from the Definition of Done
2024/09/02 R-bloggers
Explaining a Causal Forest
2024/09/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Chutzpah is their superpower (Dominic Sandbrook edition)
2024/09/02 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/09/02 TheCoatlessProfessor
ucimlrepo v0.0.2 Released - Graceful Speedy Data
2024/09/01 印记
Cloudflare 与 OneKey Card
2024/09/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“My basic question is do we really need data to be analysed by both methods?”
2024/09/01 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/09/01 Asa's blog
2024/08/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The Waltz of Reason” and a paradox of book reviewing
2024/08/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
log(A + x), not log(1 + x)
2024/08/30 印记
使用 iPhone 半年之后(1)
2024/08/30 R-bloggers
The 2024 ISC Grant Program will begin Accepting Applications Soon!
2024/08/30 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, August 2024
2024/08/30 R-bloggers
Quick/automated R package development workflow (assuming you’re using macOS or Linux) Part2
2024/08/30 R-bloggers
Mastering grep() in R: A Fun Guide to Pattern Matching and Replacement
2024/08/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why are we making probabilistic election forecasts? (and why don’t we put so much effort into them?)
2024/08/30 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, August 2024
2024/08/30 Thinking inside the box
pkgKitten 0.2.4 on CRAN: Updates
2024/08/29 R-bloggers
How to use the agrep() function in base R
2024/08/29 R-bloggers
Does my test really validate a bug fix? Check it with git cherry-pick
2024/08/29 R-bloggers
Condense: Enhancing Reporting Efficiency through IBCS Standards
2024/08/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The statistical controversy over “White Rural Rage: the Threat to American Democracy” (and a comment about post-publication review)
2024/08/29 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Does my test really validate a bug fix? Check it with git cherry-pick
2024/08/29 free range statistics
Ratios of indexed line charts
2024/08/29 Asa's blog
2024/08/28 Yongfu's Blog
Word Segmentation in the Browser
2024/08/28 印记
发布在 @FindBlog 频道的一小段话
2024/08/28 R-bloggers
Reproducible data science with Nix, part 12 — Nix as a polyglot build automation tool for data science
2024/08/28 R-bloggers
openstatsware at UseR!2024
2024/08/28 R-bloggers
How to Use grep() for Exact Matching in Base R: A Comprehensive Guide
2024/08/28 R-bloggers
Get your codebase lint-free forever with lintr
2024/08/28 Econometrics and Free Software
Reproducible data science with Nix, part 12 -- Nix as a polyglot build automation tool for data science
2024/08/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Piranhas for “omics”?
2024/08/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Doctoral student positions in Bayesian workflow at Aalto, Finland
2024/08/28 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Get your codebase lint-free forever with lintr
2024/08/28 Freakonometrics
C’est la rentrée du Manuel d’Assurance
2024/08/27 R-bloggers
Understanding Comments in C: Why They Matter and How to Use Them Effectively
2024/08/27 R-bloggers
Simplifying Clinical Data Dashboards with {teal} and {pharmaverseadam}
2024/08/27 R-bloggers
R4SocialScience: Empowering Social Science Research with R in India
2024/08/27 R-bloggers
R package development workflow (assuming you’re using macOS or Linux)
2024/08/27 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/08/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Is marriage associated with happiness for men or for women? Or both? Or neither?
2024/08/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Faculty positions at the University of California on AI, Inequality, and Society
2024/08/26 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/08/26 yangzhang's Site
2024/08/26 yangzhang's Site
2024/08/26 yangzhang's Site
2024/08/26 R-bloggers
Unveiling Bottlenecks (Part 2): A Deep Dive into Profiling Tools
2024/08/26 R-bloggers
Text analysis of 2024 US Presidential convention speeches
2024/08/26 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/08/26 R-bloggers
News from R Submissions Working Group – Pilot 3 Successfully Reviewed by FDA
2024/08/26 R-bloggers
Mastering the sapply() Function in R: A Comprehensive Guide for Data Manipulation
2024/08/26 R-bloggers
{golem} 0.5.0 is now available
2024/08/26 R-bloggers
Exploring the Top 5 pharmaverse Packages
2024/08/26 R-bloggers
DataCamp Free Access Week | Aug 26 – Sept 1
2024/08/26 R-bloggers
Creating R Functions workshop
2024/08/26 R-bloggers
A new method for deriving a nonparametric confidence interval for the mean
2024/08/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s gonna happen between now and November 5?
2024/08/26 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
A docker image to keep this site alive
2024/08/25 印记
2024/08/25 R-bloggers
Top 25 R Packages (You Need To Learn In 2024)
2024/08/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Luck vs. skill in poker
2024/08/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Beyond junk science: How to go forward
2024/08/24 R-bloggers
Correlation By Group in R
2024/08/24 R-bloggers
biorecap: an R package for summarizing bioRxiv preprints with a local LLM
2024/08/24 R-bloggers
Adding Subtitles in ggplot2
2024/08/24 R-bloggers
Add Footnote to ggplot2
2024/08/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Heroes and Villains: The Effects of Identification Strategies on Strong Causal Claims in France
2024/08/24 Thinking inside the box
RcppEigen on CRAN: Micro Maintenance
2024/08/23 R-bloggers
Unlocking the Power of the Linux Shell
2024/08/23 R-bloggers
SQL of the Rings: One Language to Query Them All (with R)
2024/08/23 R-bloggers
Out-of-sample Imputation with {missRanger}
2024/08/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Abortion crime controversy update
2024/08/23 free range statistics
Polar-centred maps
2024/08/22 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/08/22 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2024/08/22 R-bloggers
Understanding the main() Function in C
2024/08/22 R-bloggers
IPv4 Components in APL
2024/08/22 R-bloggers
Comparing Many Models: Crude Oil Futures Price
2024/08/22 R-bloggers
Best Books on Generative AI
2024/08/22 R-bloggers
armadillo 0.3.0 is available on CRAN
2024/08/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Alphabetical order of surnames may affect grading”
2024/08/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Which books, papers, and blogs are in the Bayesian canon?
2024/08/21 R-bloggers
Visualizing the Impact of U.S. Crude Oil Production Surge on Prices
2024/08/21 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/08/21 R-bloggers
lapply vs. sapply in R: What’s the Difference?
2024/08/21 R-bloggers
Join DataCamp for a Month of Free Data & AI Literacy Events
2024/08/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The Stadium” by Frank Guridy
2024/08/21 Asa's blog
2024/08/20 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/08/20 R-bloggers
My Experience With Long Term Maintenance Of An R Package
2024/08/20 R-bloggers
More on Adjusting Saturated Multivariate Linear Models
2024/08/20 R-bloggers
grep() vs. grepl() in R
2024/08/20 R-bloggers
Building Bridges in Haifa, Israel: How the New R User Group in Haifa is Establishing a Diverse R Community
2024/08/20 R-bloggers
A Day in the Life of a Delivery Manager
2024/08/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Implicitly denying the controversy associated with the Implicit Association Test. (Whassup with the American Association of Arts & Sciences?)
2024/08/20 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
My Experience With Long Term Maintenance Of An R Package
2024/08/19 R-bloggers
Your First C Adventure: Hello World in VS Code
2024/08/19 R-bloggers
R For SEO Part 7: Loops
2024/08/19 R-bloggers
Conformalized adaptive (online/streaming) learning using learningmachine in Python and R
2024/08/19 R-bloggers
Best Practices for Building Blazing-Fast Shiny Apps
2024/08/19 R-bloggers
Advanced Panel Data Analysis in R workshop
2024/08/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The JAMA effect plus news media echo chamber: More misleading publicity on that problematic claim that lesbians and bisexual women die sooner than straight women
2024/08/19 free range statistics
Perturbing a non-symmetrical probability distribution
2024/08/19 Freakonometrics
Internships, Spring and Summer 2025
2024/08/19 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
The Most Common Mistake In Bioinformatics, one-off error
2024/08/19 Thinking inside the box
digest 0.6.37 on CRAN: Maintenance
2024/08/18 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/08/18 R-bloggers
Wingspan Data Analysis
2024/08/18 R-bloggers
Violin Plots in R with ggplot2 | Comprehensive Guide
2024/08/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Zombie Ideas” in psychology, from personality profiling to lucky golf balls
2024/08/17 R-bloggers
Gemini 1.5 Flash Better Than RAG? Let’s Check It Out In R!
2024/08/17 R-bloggers
Creating interactive tables with reactable
2024/08/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The Secret Life of John Le Carré”
2024/08/16 R-bloggers
Why Every Data Scientist Needs the janitor Package
2024/08/16 R-bloggers
Post-hoc Adjustment for Zero-Thresholded Linear Models
2024/08/16 R-bloggers
Mastering grepl with Multiple Patterns in Base R
2024/08/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Rise and Fall of the Rock Stars
2024/08/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
GIST: Now with local step size adaptation for NUTS
2024/08/16 Thinking inside the box
RcppEigen on CRAN: Minor Maintenance
2024/08/15 印记
从 Bitwarden 开始讲起
2024/08/15 R-bloggers
Mastering Matrix Concatenation in R: A Guide to rbind() and cbind()
2024/08/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Sports media > Prestige media (space aliens edition)
2024/08/15 Asa's blog
Zotero 7.0正式版,大更新!
2024/08/14 R-bloggers
Use R to prompt a local LLM with ollamar
2024/08/14 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/08/14 R-bloggers
Opening an Excel Workbook with VBA and Calling it from R
2024/08/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When is calibration enough?
2024/08/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Close reading in literary criticism and statistical analysis
2024/08/13 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/08/13 R-bloggers
Raygun: A Bayesian Breakdown
2024/08/13 R-bloggers
R tidymodels: A tidyverse Like Ecosystem for Efficient Machine Learning in R
2024/08/13 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/08/13 R-bloggers
Quarto dashboard creation and automation
2024/08/13 R-bloggers
Mastering String Concatenation of Vectors in R: Base R, stringr, stringi, and glue
2024/08/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The River, the Village, and the Fort: Nate Silver’s new book, “On the Edge”
2024/08/13 Freakonometrics
Back from London
2024/08/13 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
The Most Common Stupid Mistakes In Bioinformatics
2024/08/13 Asa's blog
2024/08/12 R-bloggers
Unveiling Bottlenecks: A Guide to Profiling R and R Shiny Code
2024/08/12 R-bloggers
Multiple regression model in R
2024/08/12 R-bloggers
Mastering String Concatenation in R: A Comprehensive Guide
2024/08/12 R-bloggers
Getting creative with ggplot2 workshop
2024/08/12 R-bloggers
Bayesian (nonlinear) adaptive learning
2024/08/12 R-bloggers
A New R Community in Ahmedabad, India, focused on Clinical Research and Pharmaceutical Industries
2024/08/12 Bayesian Spectacles
A Free Course Book on Bayesian Inference: [11.] Nine More Chapers on Bayesian Hypothesis Testing
2024/08/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What can aspiring political moderates learn from the example of Nelson Rockefeller?
2024/08/12 sellorm
How R4Pi gets built
2024/08/11 R-bloggers
Tidy DataFrames but not Tibbles
2024/08/11 R-bloggers
Descriptive statistics in R
2024/08/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My suggestion for the 2028 Olympics
2024/08/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Data issues in that paper that claims that TikTok and Instagram have consumption spillovers that lead to negative utility
2024/08/10 R-bloggers
How to Find the Size of a Data Frame in R
2024/08/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Benefit of Stanford: Are there connections between unethical behavior in science promotion and cheating in private life?
2024/08/09 yangzhang's Site
2024/08/09 R-bloggers
The deep rabbit hole of DIY small ergonomic keyboards
2024/08/09 R-bloggers
Tableau in R for $0 (Introducing GWalkR)
2024/08/09 R-bloggers
Mastering Character Counting in R: Base R, stringr, and stringi
2024/08/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
StanCon 2024 is in 32 days!
2024/08/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
NeurIPS 2024 workshop on Statistical Frontiers in LLMs and Foundation Models
2024/08/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Crap papers with crude political agendas published in scientific journals: A push-pull problem
2024/08/09 free range statistics
Snakes and ladders
2024/08/09 Freakonometrics
Szkoła Nauk Aktuarialnych
2024/08/09 Freakonometrics
End of the week in Cambridge, UK
2024/08/08 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/08/08 yangzhang's Site
2024/08/08 yangzhang's Site
2024/08/08 yangzhang's Site
2024/08/08 R-bloggers
Shiny in Production 2024: Full speaker lineup
2024/08/08 R-bloggers
How to Check if a String Contains Specific Characters in R: A Comprehensive Guide with Base R, string & stringi
2024/08/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Nicholas Carlini on LLMs and AI for research programmers
2024/08/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Free Book of Stories, Activities, Computer Demonstrations, and Problems in Applied Regression and Causal Inference
2024/08/08 L. Collado-Torres
Integrating gene expression and imaging data across Visium capture areas with visiumStitched
2024/08/08 Freakonometrics
Probabilistic Scores of Classifiers, Calibration is not Enough
2024/08/08 Freakonometrics
Sequential Conditional Transport on Probabilistic Graphs for Interpretable Counterfactual Fairness
2024/08/08 Dr. Water
Debian 下mysql编译更新
2024/08/07 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/08/07 R-bloggers
Checking If a Workbook is Open Using VBA and Executing from R
2024/08/07 R-bloggers
Black Monday Crash
2024/08/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A welcome rant on betting, knowledge, belief, and the foundations of probability
2024/08/07 Freakonometrics
Seminario de Matemáticas Aplicadas
2024/08/06 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/08/06 R-bloggers
Object Oriented Programming in R (Part 4): Reference Classes & R6 Classes
2024/08/06 R-bloggers
Git Tricks for Working with Large Repositories
2024/08/06 R-bloggers
Converting Text to Uppercase with toupper() in R
2024/08/06 Bayesian Spectacles
Aleatory Uncertainty and the River Rubicon
2024/08/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Unsolicited feedback on your research from the LLMs at large
2024/08/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
He wants to compute “the effect of a predictor” (that is, an average predictive comparison) for a hierarchical mixture model. You can do it in Stan!
2024/08/06 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Git Tricks for Working with Large Repositories
2024/08/06 Another Dayu
2024/08/06 Asa's blog
2024/08/05 R-bloggers
Systematic Sampleing in R with Base R
2024/08/05 R-bloggers
How to Write Tests with shiny::testServer Similar to shinytest2
2024/08/05 R-bloggers
Auto XGBoost, Auto LighGBM, Auto CatBoost, Auto GradientBoosting
2024/08/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Adverse Adult Research Outcomes Increased After Increased Willingness of Public Health Journals to Publish Absolute Crap
2024/08/05 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/08/05 Freakonometrics
From Uncertainty to Precision
2024/08/04 印记
2024/08/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Lucy is not a nickname.
2024/08/03 颜林林的个人网站
2024/08/03 颜林林的个人网站
2024/08/03 yangzhang's Site
China Joy 2024
2024/08/03 R-bloggers
{charcuterie} – What if Strings Were Iterable in R?
2024/08/03 Publishable Stuff
CopenhagenR, the 2024 spring season
2024/08/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Kamala Harris gets coveted xkcd endorsement.
2024/08/02 R-bloggers
Spatial analysis with geostan
2024/08/02 R-bloggers
R Consortium Grants Committee Announces New Chair
2024/08/02 R-bloggers
Cluster Sampling in R: A Simple Guide
2024/08/02 R-bloggers
All You Need to Know About Rhino 1.8 and 1.9 Updates: A Fireside Chat
2024/08/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The Active Seating Zone (An Educational Experiment)”
2024/08/02 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/08/02 文章 on 叶寻的博客
2024-08-03 本站改动:使用 Yue 主题和 giscus 评论,post 目录改为 posts
2024/08/01 R-bloggers
Pulling a Loose Thread on Pull()
2024/08/01 R-bloggers
Pharma RUG: The Rise of R in China’s Pharmaceutical Industry
2024/08/01 R-bloggers
Filter a Vector in R
2024/08/01 R-bloggers
EpiLPS for estimation of incubation times
2024/08/01 R-bloggers
Creating typewriter-styled images in R
2024/08/01 R-bloggers
Automate Your Blog Workflow with a Custom R Function: Creating QMD Files
2024/08/01 R-bloggers
A subtle flaw in pull()
2024/08/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s a generative model? PyMC and Stan edition
2024/08/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
An apparent paradox regarding hypothesis tests and rejection regions
2024/08/01 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/07/31 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/07/31 yangzhang's Site
2024/07/31 yangzhang's Site
2024/07/31 yangzhang's Site
2024/07/31 R-bloggers
Split a Vector into Chunks in R
2024/07/31 R-bloggers
Multistart nonlinear least squares fitting with {gslnls}
2024/07/31 R-bloggers
How to List All Open Workbooks Using VBA and Call It from R
2024/07/31 R-bloggers
AI-Powered Virtual Assistants: Beyond Siri and Alexa
2024/07/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Suspicious data pattern in recent Venezuelan election
2024/07/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Age gaps between spouses in U.S., U.K., and India
2024/07/31 Thinking inside the box
RQuantLib 0.4.24 on CRAN: Robustification
2024/07/31 Asa's blog
2024/07/31 Asa's blog
Anti-CRISPR 相关内容学习
2024/07/30 颜林林的个人网站
将AWS S3挂载到本地目录使用
2024/07/30 颜林林的个人网站
2024/07/30 R-bloggers
Moving to blog.stephenturner.us (Paired Ends)
2024/07/30 R-bloggers
Mastering the table() Function in R
2024/07/30 R-bloggers
Mastering String Conversion to Lowercase in R
2024/07/30 R-bloggers
BlueSky Statistics Enhancements
2024/07/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Statistical factuality versus practicality versus poetry
2024/07/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Free Textbook on Applied Regression and Causal Inference
2024/07/30 r4stats.com
BlueSky Statistics Enhancements
2024/07/30 Freakonometrics
Time for a (short) break
2024/07/29 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/07/29 R-bloggers
Taking Treatment Effects Analysis and Visualisation to Higher Levels with R
2024/07/29 R-bloggers
Stratified Sampling in R: A Practical Guide with Base R and dplyr
2024/07/29 R-bloggers
Introduction to Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling in R workshop
2024/07/29 R-bloggers
Applications of Machine Learning in Pharma: From Drug Design to Clinical Trials
2024/07/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Design analysis is not just about statistical significance and power; it’s relevant for Bayesian inference too.
2024/07/28 R-bloggers
Mastering the tapply() Function in R
2024/07/28 R-bloggers
Best Data Visualization Books
2024/07/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Unusual Betting Patterns With Several Temple Games”: It’s martingale time, baby!
2024/07/27 R-bloggers
Using describeBy() in R: A Comprehensive Guide
2024/07/27 R-bloggers
Let’s Talk About the Weather
2024/07/27 R-bloggers
Convert a continuous variable to a categorical in R
2024/07/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Background on “fail fast”
2024/07/27 TheCoatlessProfessor
ucimlrepo v0.0.1 Released
2024/07/26 R-bloggers
R-Ladies Rome: Empowering Women in Data Science Through Collaboration and Innovation
2024/07/26 R-bloggers
Global movement of Happiness ladder with Machine learning in R
2024/07/26 R-bloggers
Creating Summary Tables in R with tidyquant and dplyr
2024/07/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Niall Ferguson, J. D. Vance, George Washington, and Jesus
2024/07/26 free range statistics
Population age changes in the Pacific
2024/07/25 R-bloggers
Mastering Wildcard Searches in R with grep()
2024/07/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Two job openings, one in New York on data visualization, one near Paris on Bayesian modeling
2024/07/24 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/07/24 R-bloggers
The distribution has changed; and pretty tables in base R
2024/07/24 R-bloggers
Getting the Workbook Name in VBA and Calling It from R
2024/07/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
(This one’s important:) Looking Beyond the Obvious: Essentialism and abstraction as central to our reasoning and beliefs
2024/07/23 R-bloggers
plotting individual values within multiple groups together with their means
2024/07/23 R-bloggers
FAQs on RStudio: Installation, Features, and Tips for Data Analysis
2024/07/23 R-bloggers
Checking if a String Contains Multiple Substrings in R
2024/07/23 R-bloggers
Augmenting RNA-Ligand Binding Prediction With Machine Learning: A Leap Towards Enhanced Drug Discovery
2024/07/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What do the data say about Kamala Harris’s electability?
2024/07/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The “fail fast” principle in statistical computing
2024/07/23 Freakonometrics
Bayesian Improved Surname Geocoding to predict “Race” in the U.S.
2024/07/23 Thinking inside the box
RQuantLib 0.4.23 on CRAN: Updates
2024/07/23 Thinking inside the box
qlcal 0.0.12 on CRAN: Calendar Updates
2024/07/22 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/07/22 R-bloggers
{Shiny.Telemetry} 0.3.0: Track User Behavior In Your Shiny Applications
2024/07/22 R-bloggers
How to Concatenate Strings in R
2024/07/22 R-bloggers
Forecasting uncertainty: sequential split conformal prediction + Block bootstrap (web app)
2024/07/22 R-bloggers
Empowering the R Community: Insights from Myles Mitchell of the Leeds Data Science Group
2024/07/22 R-bloggers
Bootstrap Confidence Intervals: Exports in Japan
2024/07/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The piranha problem: Large effects swimming in a small pond
2024/07/21 R-bloggers
How to use read.table Function in R | Read table in r
2024/07/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What to do with election forecasts after Biden is replaced on the ticket? Also something on prediction markets.
2024/07/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Put multiple graphs on a page: that’s what Nathan Yau says, and I agree.
2024/07/21 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/07/21 Jihong Z. - Play Harder and Learn Harder
ESRM 64503: Applied Multivariate Analysis
2024/07/20 颜林林的个人网站
2024/07/20 R-bloggers
King of the Mountain: using R to bag a Strava KOM
2024/07/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some books: The Good Word (1978), The Hitler Conspiracies (2020), In Defense of History (1999), The Book of the Month (1986), Slow Horses (2010), Freedom’s Dominion (2022), A Meaningful Life (1971)
2024/07/20 Freakonometrics
Measuring and mitigating biases in motor insurance pricing
2024/07/20 Another Dayu
订阅制搜索引擎: Kagi
2024/07/20 Another Dayu
Kagi 使用技巧
2024/07/19 yangzhang's Site
We Shouldn't Chat
2024/07/19 R-bloggers
Shockingly-fast data manipulation in R with polars
2024/07/19 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, July 2024
2024/07/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My comments on Nate Silver’s comments on the Fivethirtyeight election forecast
2024/07/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How do you interpret standard errors from a regression fit to the entire population?
2024/07/19 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, July 2024
2024/07/19 Thinking inside the box
dtts 0.1.3 on CRAN: More Maintenance
2024/07/18 R-bloggers
Simplify Regression Modeling with tidyAML’s fast_regression()
2024/07/18 R-bloggers
Extracting names of functions defined in a script with treesitter
2024/07/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Polling averages and political forecasts and what do you really think is gonna happen in November?
2024/07/18 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Extracting names of functions defined in a script with treesitter
2024/07/18 Another Dayu
2024/07/18 Asa's blog
2024/07/17 R-bloggers
VBA: Saving and Closing a Workbook
2024/07/17 R-bloggers
Inferring the gender of the subjects from RNAseq BAM files
2024/07/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bill James hangs up his hat. Also some general thoughts about writing vs. statistics. Also I push back against James’s claim about sabermetrics and statistics.
2024/07/17 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
虚岁 26
2024/07/17 Thinking inside the box
Rcpp 1.0.13 on CRAN: Some Updates
2024/07/17 Asa's blog
2024/07/17 Asa's blog
2024/07/17 Asa's blog
2024/07/16 R-bloggers
R Microbenchmark: How To Measure And Compare The Execution Of R Expressions
2024/07/16 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/07/16 R-bloggers
Metrics, Impact and Community Management
2024/07/16 R-bloggers
How to Extract Substring Starting from the End of a String in R
2024/07/16 R-bloggers
Extracting all links from my slidedeck
2024/07/16 R-bloggers
Assessing the number of mapped reads in several bam files
2024/07/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The recent Iranian election: Should we be suspicious that the vote totals are all divisible by 3?
2024/07/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Google is violating the First Law of Robotics.
2024/07/16 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Metrics, Impact and Community Management
2024/07/16 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Extracting all links from my slidedeck
2024/07/16 Freakonometrics
Exploration des Techniques de Transfert d’Apprentissage sur des Données Climatiques
2024/07/16 Dr. Water
2024/07/16 Another Dayu
城市生活指南 – 上海停车(持续更新)
2024/07/15 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2024/07/15 R-bloggers
The Power Of Transitioning To A ‘-Verse’ Approach In R Package Development
2024/07/15 R-bloggers
Some thoughts after a trial run of GitHub’s Copilot Workspace
2024/07/15 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/07/15 R-bloggers
Calculating Autocorrelation in R
2024/07/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A message to Christian Hesse, mathematician and author of chess books
2024/07/15 Asa's blog
2024/07/15 Asa's blog
2024/07/14 Bayesian Spectacles
Origin of the Texas Sharpshooter II: The Dubner Maggid
2024/07/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“How bad are search results?” Dan Luu has some interesting thoughts:
2024/07/13 R-bloggers
Schedule generator with R
2024/07/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Our troops with aching hearts were obliged to fire a part of the town as a punishment.”
2024/07/12 R-bloggers
Rhino 1.9.0 Update On CRAN: New Formatting Tools And Cleaner {Bslib} Integration
2024/07/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
19 ways of looking at data science at the singularity, from David Donoho and 17 others
2024/07/12 Asa's blog
2024/07/12 Home on Jinji
2024/07/11 印记
2024/07/11 R-bloggers
Unify: How to Eliminate Ambiguity and Achieve Consistent Business Communication
2024/07/11 R-bloggers
Exploring Random Walks with TidyDensity in R
2024/07/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Ancestor-worship in academia: Where does it happen?
2024/07/11 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Community Collaboration Insight Using Social Networks Analysis
2024/07/11 Freakonometrics
Some updates about the insurance datasets package (CASdataset)
2024/07/11 Asa's blog
2024/07/10 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/07/10 R-bloggers
Using the FileDateTime Function in VBA from R
2024/07/10 R-bloggers
R For SEO Part 6: Using APIs In R
2024/07/10 R-bloggers
Better A/B testing with survival analysis
2024/07/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayesian statistics: the three cultures
2024/07/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
(Trying to) clear up a misunderstanding about decision analysis and significance testing
2024/07/10 Freakonometrics
Portrait de Franklin, lauréat du Prix des Sciences du Risque
2024/07/10 Freakonometrics
Talk at the 27th International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
2024/07/10 Another Dayu
2024/07/10 Another Dayu
2024/07/10 Another Dayu
2024/07/10 Asa's blog
VirRep: 人类肠道微生物组识别病毒新方法
2024/07/10 Asa's blog
2024/07/09 R-bloggers
Time Series Forecasting In R: From Moving Averages To Seasonal ARIMA
2024/07/09 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/07/09 R-bloggers
Multilingual Documentation in R Packages
2024/07/09 R-bloggers
Extracting Strings Before a Space in R
2024/07/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A guide to detecting AI-generated images, informed by experiments on people’s ability to detect them
2024/07/09 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Multilingual Documentation in R Packages
2024/07/08 R-bloggers
ShinyProxy 3.1.1: What’s New And How It Improves Scalability And Performance Of Your Shiny Applications
2024/07/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The election is coming: What forecasts should we trust?
2024/07/08 Freakonometrics
Talk on collaborative insurance, unfairness and discrimination
2024/07/08 Posts on 叶寻的博客
2024/07/08 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo 14.0.0-1 on CRAN: New Upstream
2024/07/07 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/07/07 R-bloggers
Visualising NREL’s Annual Technology Baseline ("ATB") data for wind and solar energy using R
2024/07/07 R-bloggers
Exploring Linear Models with R and Exporting to Excel
2024/07/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
It’s $ time! How much should we charge for a link?
2024/07/07 Freakonometrics
Talks in Chicago
2024/07/07 Thinking inside the box
RcppSimdJson 0.1.12 on CRAN: Maintenance
2024/07/06 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/07/06 R-bloggers
Automate Your R Scripts with taskscheduleR
2024/07/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Cross validation and pointwise or joint measures of prediction accuracy
2024/07/06 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
ggsci 3.2.0: new color palettes from Observable, Bootstrap, and Tailwind CSS
2024/07/06 Freakonometrics
Insurance, Biases, Discrimination and Fairness
2024/07/06 Freakonometrics
Next week in Chicago, IL
2024/07/06 Thinking inside the box
binb 0.0.7 on CRAN: Maintenance
2024/07/05 R-bloggers
Introducing Positron: A New, Yet Familiar IDE For R And Python
2024/07/05 R-bloggers
Improving Ecosystem Interoperability Iteratively via Progressive Enhancement
2024/07/05 R-bloggers
Designing for Complexity: 5 Key Considerations in High-Fidelity Prototyping
2024/07/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
You can guarantee that the term “statistical guarantee” will irritate me. Here’s why, and let’s go into some details.
2024/07/05 Freakonometrics
Croissance, décroissance, de quoi parle-t-on ?
2024/07/05 FlowingData
Visually navigate code as stars and galaxies
2024/07/05 FlowingData
UK party gains and winners
2024/07/05 FlowingData
Conservatives lose UK election by a lot
2024/07/04 R-bloggers
Shiny in Production 2024: Workshops
2024/07/04 R-bloggers
Say What You Mean: Mastering Clarity in Business Communication
2024/07/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“What do we need from a probabilistic programming language to support Bayesian workflow?”
2024/07/03 R-bloggers
Recap: Exploring Clinical Submissions With Admiral: An R-Based ADaM Solution With Ben Straub
2024/07/03 R-bloggers
Mastering Zoom Functionality in Excel with VBA
2024/07/03 R-bloggers
Introducing latent2likert v1.2.1: Converting Latent Variables into Likert Scale Responses
2024/07/03 R-bloggers
Announcing New Software Peer Review Editors: Beatriz Milz and Margaret Siple
2024/07/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Grappling with uncertainty in forecasting the 2024 U.S. presidential election
2024/07/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“A Columbia Surgeon’s Study Was Pulled. He Kept Publishing Flawed Data.” . . . and it appears that he’s still at Columbia!
2024/07/03 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Announcing New Software Peer Review Editors: Beatriz Milz and Margaret Siple
2024/07/03 Freakonometrics
Samuel が横浜に到着
2024/07/03 FlowingData
Seeing the world after Google Streetview
2024/07/02 R-bloggers
R Dygraphs: How To Visualize Time Series Data In R And R Shiny
2024/07/02 R-bloggers
R Consortium’s Submission Working Group: Advancing R for Regulatory Success at PharmaSUG 2024
2024/07/02 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/07/02 R-bloggers
How to Extract String After a Specific Character in R
2024/07/02 R-bloggers
Generating binary data by specifying the relative risk, with simulations
2024/07/02 R-bloggers
A wrapper for the Climate Data Operators in R
2024/07/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Obnoxious receipt from Spirit Airlines
2024/07/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Holes in Bayesian statistics (my talk tomorrow at the Bayesian conference, based on work with Yuling)
2024/07/02 FlowingData
Shrinking down to the size of an atom
2024/07/02 FlowingData
FlowingData at 17
2024/07/01 R-bloggers
The Hidden Challenges Of Working With Cloud Large Language Models: A Text2Graph Case Study
2024/07/01 R-bloggers
Structural and Predictive Macro Analyses using the R Package bsvars workshop
2024/07/01 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/07/01 R-bloggers
Unlocking the Power of Administrative Data with healthyR.data
2024/07/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Interactive and Automated Data Analysis: thoughts from Di Cook, Hadley Wickham, Jessica Hullman, and others
2024/07/01 FlowingData
Age differences between world leaders and the populations they serve
2024/06/30 印记
周报 #11 – 情绪调节的原则
2024/06/30 R-bloggers
Little useless-useful R functions – Dragon curve
2024/06/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The state of statistics in 1990
2024/06/29 颜林林的个人网站
2024/06/29 R-bloggers
Calculating Z-Scores in R: A Step-by-Step Guide
2024/06/29 R-bloggers
Big Update to Big Book of R (new look, new chapter, new books)
2024/06/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Toward a Shnerbian theory that establishes connections between the complexity (nonlinearity, chaotic dynamics, number of components) of a system and the capacity to infer causality from datasets
2024/06/28 R-bloggers
Shiny ducks: connecting to MotherDuck from Shiny
2024/06/28 R-bloggers
SHAP Values of Additive Models
2024/06/28 R-bloggers
How to Execute VBA Code in Excel via R using RDCOMClient
2024/06/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
It’s lumbar time: Wrong inference because of conditioning on a reasonable, but in this case false, assumption.
2024/06/28 Freakonometrics
Contribution of machine learning in modeling rare values and imbalanced data
2024/06/28 FlowingData
Estimating Covid deaths
2024/06/27 R-bloggers
Introduction to Standardization in Business Reporting
2024/06/27 R-bloggers
Exploring Random Walks and Brownian Motions with healthyR.ts
2024/06/27 R-bloggers
A timeline of R’s first 30 years
2024/06/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2024/06/27 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, June 2024 Roundup
2024/06/27 FlowingData
Searching for the hardest and easiest Spelling Bee puzzels
2024/06/27 Dr. Water
2024/06/26 R-bloggers
Updates to the Big Book of R
2024/06/26 R-bloggers
How to Run a Macro When a Cell Value Changes in VBA
2024/06/26 R-bloggers
Choosing the Right Parent for R Object Classes
2024/06/26 Bayesian Spectacles
Clarkson’s Farm and the Clarkson Ring
2024/06/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some solid criticisms of Ariely and Nudge—from 2012!
2024/06/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Last week’s summer school on probabilistic AI
2024/06/26 Jihong Z. - Play Harder and Learn Harder
2024/06/26 FlowingData
Decade-Long Battle for “Yogurt” vs. “Yoghurt” on Wikipedia
2024/06/25 R-bloggers
Steve's Data Tips and Tricks 2024-06-24 22:00:00
2024/06/25 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/06/25 R-bloggers
How to do F-test in R | Compare variances in Rstudio
2024/06/25 R-bloggers
Beyond R Shiny: PyShiny’s Clean Design For Dynamic Plot Management
2024/06/25 Rob J Hyndman
fpp3 package update
2024/06/25 Freakonometrics
Partage des données, à qui profite le crime ?
2024/06/25 Freakonometrics
Generalized Oversampling for Learning from Imbalanced datasets and Associated Theory
2024/06/25 Freakonometrics
Exposé et atelier au Centre de recherche sur l’intelligence2 en gestion de systèmes complexes (CRI2GS)
2024/06/25 FlowingData
Changing climate zones of major cities
2024/06/24 R-bloggers
The Crucial Role of Release Control in R for Healthcare Organizations
2024/06/24 R-bloggers
Race Charts In R: How To Visualize And Compare Change Over Time With Gganimate
2024/06/24 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/06/24 R-bloggers
Polynomial Support Vector Machines: Why Warner Music Entering the South Asia Market?
2024/06/24 R-bloggers
Celebrating a Decade of EARL: Join us in Brighton, UK for EARL 2024!
2024/06/24 R-bloggers
An Introduction to healthyR.ai
2024/06/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
StanCon 2024: scholarships, sponsors, and other news
2024/06/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Forking paths in LLMs for data analysis
2024/06/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Forking paths and workflow in statistical practice and communication
2024/06/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Edward Kennedy on the Facebook/Instagram 2020 election experiments
2024/06/24 FlowingData
Trendy baby name sounds
2024/06/24 TheCoatlessProfessor
quarto-webr v0.4.2 Released - A Change Is Gonna Come!
2024/06/24 Thinking inside the box
x13binary 1.1.61 on CRAN: Maintenance
2024/06/23 印记
周报 #10 – 我毕业了
2024/06/23 R-bloggers
Writing Excel Spreadsheets to Disk with R and Python
2024/06/23 R-bloggers
Something a llttle different: Hexbin maps
2024/06/23 R-bloggers
R vs Power BI
2024/06/23 R-bloggers
Few notes on getting R package data from the local library
2024/06/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some fun basketball graphs
2024/06/23 中文博客 on Yongchao Fu | 付永超
2024/06/23 Freakonometrics
Can we diversify extremal events?
2024/06/23 Another Dayu
PIVOT Vol.5 终于毕业了!
2024/06/23 等待下一个秋
2024/06/23 等待下一个秋
2024/06/23 Thinking inside the box
digest 0.6.36 on CRAN: Big endian, maintenance
2024/06/22 R-bloggers
Creating Email Threads
2024/06/22 R-bloggers
CP 1919 / PSR B1919+21 Dataset
2024/06/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Implicit assumptions in the Tversky/Kahneman example of the blue and green taxicabs
2024/06/21 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, June 2024
2024/06/21 R-bloggers
Joining the flock from R: working with data on MotherDuck
2024/06/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
This is not an argument against self-citations. It’s an argument about how they should be counted. Also, a fun formula that expresses the estimated linear regression coefficient as a weighted average of local slopes.
2024/06/21 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, June 2024
2024/06/21 Freakonometrics
Peut-on diversifier des risques extrêmes ?
2024/06/21 Freakonometrics
Prix des Sciences du Risque de la Fondation Optimind – Accenture
2024/06/21 FlowingData
Where State Farm Insurance is dropping home policies
2024/06/21 Thinking inside the box
nanotime 0.3.9 on CRAN: Bugfix
2024/06/20 颜林林的个人网站
2024/06/20 R-bloggers
Writing R Code the “Good Way”
2024/06/20 R-bloggers
What’s new in {PrettyCols} 1.1.0?
2024/06/20 R-bloggers
Vetiver: Model Deployment
2024/06/20 R-bloggers
Practical Examples with healthyR.ts
2024/06/20 R-bloggers
How Appsilon Delivers Impactful Products: What To Expect When You Work With Us
2024/06/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Pervasive randomization problems, here with headline experiments
2024/06/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
More on the disconnect between who voters support and what they support
2024/06/20 FlowingData
✚ Games to Explore Data and Possibilities
2024/06/20 FlowingData
Perplexity is probably stealing content
2024/06/20 FlowingData
AI-generated email from a friend
2024/06/19 颜林林的个人网站
2024/06/19 R-bloggers
Open Source Spotlight Recap: Tapyr (Deployment-Ready PyShiny Template)
2024/06/19 R-bloggers
Expected goals, gamestate, and predictiveness
2024/06/19 R-bloggers
2024/06/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What to do with age? (including a regression predictor linearly and also in discrete steps)
2024/06/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
In Stan, “~” should be called a “distribution statement,” not a “sampling statement.”
2024/06/19 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
You should (maybe) enable font ligatures when building with GPT models
2024/06/19 FlowingData
Heat tracker for the U.S.
2024/06/19 Thinking inside the box
nanotime 0.3.8 on CRAN: More Maintenance
2024/06/18 R-bloggers
R Gganimate: How To Make Stunning Chart Animations With Ggplot2
2024/06/18 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/06/18 R-bloggers
Advanced International Trade in R
2024/06/18 R-bloggers
Academic and Personal Website Creation: A Quarto Tutorial workshop
2024/06/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Subscribe to this free newsletter and get a heads-up on our scheduled posts a week early!
2024/06/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
New online Stan course: 80 videos + hosted live coding environment
2024/06/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Comedy and child abuse in literature
2024/06/18 Freakonometrics
IDSC’24, Insurance Data Science Conference, in Stockholm
2024/06/18 FlowingData
See Who is Older and Younger than You
2024/06/17 R-bloggers
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Linear Models with codes and datasets sale
2024/06/17 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/06/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
This well-known paradox of R-squared is still buggin me. Can you help me out?
2024/06/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Beyond the black box: Toward a new paradigm of statistics in science” (talks this Thursday in London by Jessica Hullman, Hadley Wickham, and me)
2024/06/17 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/06/17 Posts | Guy Abel
The evolution of squad compositions at UEFA European Championships
2024/06/17 FlowingData
Analysis of Sudoku play patterns
2024/06/16 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/06/16 R-bloggers
{alone} v0.4 is now available
2024/06/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Myths of American history from the left, right, and center; also a discussion of the Why everything you thought you knew was wrong” genre of book.
2024/06/16 Freakonometrics
Talk in Stockholm, Sweden, at the Insurance Data Science Conference
2024/06/15 R-bloggers
Multiple Plots to PDF in R
2024/06/15 R-bloggers
Descriptive Statistics in R
2024/06/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
One way you can understand people is to look at where they prefer to see complexity.
2024/06/15 L. Collado-Torres
Network nature of ligand-receptor interactions underlies disease comorbidity in the brain
2024/06/14 R-bloggers
Working with Excel Files in R and Python
2024/06/14 R-bloggers
Version 1.2.0 of NIMBLE released
2024/06/14 R-bloggers
Supercharge your #rstats web searching in Google Chrome with Site Search Shortcuts
2024/06/14 R-bloggers
Large Language Models (LLMs) in R with tidychatmodels
2024/06/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Statistics Blunder at the Supreme Court
2024/06/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Loving, hating, and sometimes misinterpreting conformal prediction for medical decisions
2024/06/14 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/06/14 FlowingData
Probabilistic Tic-Tac-Toe
2024/06/13 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/06/13 R-bloggers
Vetiver: First steps in MLOps
2024/06/13 R-bloggers
Joins Are No Mystery Anymore: Hands-On Tutorial — Part 3
2024/06/13 R-bloggers
An Introduction to healthyR
2024/06/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Faculty and postdoc jobs in computational stats at Newcastle University (UK)
2024/06/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Arnold Foundation and Vera Institute argue about a study of the effectiveness of college education programs in prison.
2024/06/13 L. Collado-Torres
Lessons from spatially-resolved transcriptomics of postmortem human brain data projects
2024/06/13 Freakonometrics
Talk in København
2024/06/13 FlowingData
✚ Towards Unfamiliar Data Representation
2024/06/13 FlowingData
Occupation and Salary Rankings, Each Decade Since 1970
2024/06/12 FlowingData
Visualize This on storytelling with data
2024/06/12 R-bloggers
VBA Code to Check if a Sheet Exists
2024/06/12 R-bloggers
Get Hired Faster with a DataCamp Certification
2024/06/12 R-bloggers
2024/06/12 R-bloggers
A fresh new look for R-universe!
2024/06/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How would the election turn out if Biden or Trump were replaced by a different candidate?
2024/06/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
1. Why so many non-econ papers by economists? 2. What’s on the math GRE and what does this have to do with stat Ph.D. programs? 3. How does modern research on combinatorics relate to statistics?
2024/06/12 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
A fresh new look for R-universe!
2024/06/12 FlowingData
Mapping hurricane winds with avocado of uncertainty
2024/06/12 Dr. Water
Growth curve fitting for culture data
2024/06/12 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Dissecting myeloid and T cells interaction niches in the TME using spatial transcriptome
2024/06/12 首页 on 楚新元 | All in R
用 R 整理随意命名的照片文件
2024/06/11 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/06/11 R-bloggers
Meta-Analysis in R workshop
2024/06/11 R-bloggers
Keith Karani Wachira: Leading the Dekut R Community in Kenya and Innovating with R
2024/06/11 R-bloggers
Incorporating time-varying seasonality in forecast models
2024/06/11 R-bloggers
Hack your way to a good Git history
2024/06/11 R-bloggers
Extracting Numbers from Strings in R
2024/06/11 R-bloggers
Boost Your Shiny App’s Code Quality with {box.linters} in {rhino} 1.8.0
2024/06/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Questions and Answers for Applied Statistics and Multilevel Modeling
2024/06/11 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Hack your way to a good Git history
2024/06/11 FlowingData
Visualizing GitHub commit history in a 3-D virtual space
2024/06/11 首页 on 楚新元 | All in R
Markdown 常用公式和符号学习笔记
2024/06/10 R-bloggers
shiny.gosling is Now on Bioconductor – An Open-Source Software for Bioinformatics
2024/06/10 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/06/10 R-bloggers
Introduction to My Content Series
2024/06/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“‘Pure Craft’ Is a Lie” and other essays by Matthew Salesses
2024/06/10 Freakonometrics
From Contemplative to Predictive Modeling
2024/06/10 FlowingData
Hockey player tracking projected on ice for live watch party
2024/06/09 R-bloggers
Remove rows from dataframe based on condition in R
2024/06/09 R-bloggers
New Paper on Data Privacy
2024/06/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I strongly doubt that any human has ever typed the phrase, “torment executioners,” on any keyboard—except, of course, in discussions such as this.
2024/06/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
He has some questions about a career in sports analytics.
2024/06/09 Freakonometrics
Talk in Leuven, Belgium
2024/06/08 R-bloggers
Why you shouldn’t use boxplots
2024/06/08 R-bloggers
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Linear Models
2024/06/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Report of average change from an Alzheimer’s drug: I don’t get the criticism here.
2024/06/08 Freakonometrics
SCOR Foundation – Scope and limits of Artificial intelligence
2024/06/07 R-bloggers
Matrices with fixed row and column sums
2024/06/07 R-bloggers
LogAnalyzer: An Easy-to-Use Log Monitoring Tool for R/Shiny Applications
2024/06/07 R-bloggers
How to Check if a Character is in a String in R
2024/06/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Who is the Stephen Vincent Benet of today?
2024/06/07 Freakonometrics
Trip in (Northern) Europe
2024/06/07 FlowingData
Dr Pepper ties with Pepsi-Cola for number two soda
2024/06/06 R-bloggers
R One Billion Row Challenge: Is R Viable Option for Analyzing Huge Datasets?
2024/06/06 R-bloggers
June 2024 Training Update
2024/06/06 R-bloggers
Joins Are No Mystery Anymore: Hands-On Tutorial — Part 2
2024/06/06 R-bloggers
Introduction of My Content Series
2024/06/06 R-bloggers
From scripts to package. Developing dendroNetwork and learning with rOpenSci
2024/06/06 Bayesian Spectacles
Psychological Methods Lab Receives the 2024 Ammodo Science Award: The Video
2024/06/06 Publishable Stuff
Public Pinball Machines per Capita: A new global indicator
2024/06/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
To what extent is psychology different from other fields regarding fraud and replication problems?
2024/06/06 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
From scripts to package. Developing dendroNetwork and learning with rOpenSci
2024/06/06 FlowingData
✚ Chart Options to Cut Through the Noise and See Patterns
2024/06/06 FlowingData
About a dog
2024/06/05 R-bloggers
The Sanctuary: Stats and data from {survivoR}
2024/06/05 R-bloggers
How to Split a Character String and Get the First Element in R
2024/06/05 R-bloggers
How to Develop Robust and Maintainable JavaScript Code Within a Shiny Application
2024/06/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
More on the oldest famous person ever (just considering those who lived to at least 104)
2024/06/05 FlowingData
Currently, a light display that shows where your energy is from
2024/06/05 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
R or Python for Bioinformatics?
2024/06/04 R-bloggers
Unveiling New Tools in the TidyDensity Arsenal: Distribution Parameter Wrangling
2024/06/04 R-bloggers
Technology Stocks Surge: Causal Impact of FTC Actions
2024/06/04 R-bloggers
simstudy: another way to generate data from a non-standard density
2024/06/04 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/06/04 R-bloggers
Full-time Korea R User Group Founder Victor Lee Sees AI Future for R and Quarto Textbooks
2024/06/04 R-bloggers
Coloured text in {ggplot2}: {ggtext} vs {marquee}
2024/06/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Again on the role of elite media in spreading UFOs-as-space-aliens and other bad ideas
2024/06/04 Freakonometrics
Quantifying Fairness and Discrimination in Predictive Models
2024/06/04 FlowingData
California property taxes, through the Painted Ladies houses
2024/06/04 Thinking inside the box
ulid 0.4.0 on CRAN: Extended to Milliseconds
2024/06/03 R-bloggers
Why you need small, informative Git commits
2024/06/03 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/06/03 R-bloggers
pRotectionism: The way to compete in 2024
2024/06/03 R-bloggers
Polytomous Latent Class Analysis and Regression in R workshop
2024/06/03 R-bloggers
An Overview of the New Parameter Estimate Functions in the TidyDensity Package
2024/06/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Selection bias leads to confusion about the relative stability of deterministic and stochastic algorithms
2024/06/03 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Why you need small, informative Git commits
2024/06/03 FlowingData
Wheel of Fortune analysis for the win
2024/06/02 印记
周报 #09 – 灿烂的花园
2024/06/02 R-bloggers
Simple custom colour palettes with R ggplot graphs
2024/06/02 R-bloggers
Shapefile must… be replaced
2024/06/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Nonreplicable” publications are cited more than “replicable” ones?
2024/06/01 R-bloggers
RStudio Shortcuts and Settings
2024/06/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When the story becomes the story
2024/06/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Update on “the hat”: It’s “the spectre,” a single shape that can tile the plane aperiodically but not periodically, and doesn’t require flipping
2024/05/31 R-bloggers
Creating R tutorial worksheets (with and without solutions) using Quarto
2024/05/31 R-bloggers
An Overview of the New AIC Functions in the TidyDensity Package
2024/05/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Whassup with those economists who predicted a recession that then didn’t happen?
2024/05/31 FlowingData
Simple tool for proportional area charts
2024/05/31 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: Upstream Bugfix
2024/05/30 R-bloggers
{survivoR} 2.3.3 is now available
2024/05/30 R-bloggers
Shiny in Production 2024: Call for Abstracts
2024/05/30 R-bloggers
Joins Are No Mystery Anymore: Hands-On Tutorial — Part 1
2024/05/30 R-bloggers
Exciting New Updates to TidyDensity: Enhancing Distribution Analysis!
2024/05/30 R-bloggers
Calculating data for visualization on stacked 100% bar
2024/05/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Simulation from a baseline model as a way to better understand your data: This is what “hypothesis testing” should be.
2024/05/30 FlowingData
On the PolicyViz Podcast →
2024/05/30 Freakonometrics
Assurabilité, vers de nouveaux partages de risque, Congrès des Actuaires
2024/05/30 Freakonometrics
58th Annual Meetings of the Canadian Economics Association
2024/05/30 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, May 2024 Roundup
2024/05/30 FlowingData
Analysis of text messages with an ex-boyfriend
2024/05/29 R-bloggers
Run a specific code block in R
2024/05/29 R-bloggers
Race and Ethnicity in New York City
2024/05/29 R-bloggers
Our experience as new admiral developers, coming from a CRO
2024/05/29 R-bloggers
Iterative Square Root
2024/05/29 R-bloggers
Introducing get_provider_meta_data() in healthyR.data
2024/05/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Three takes on the protests at Columbia University
2024/05/29 FlowingData
Visualize This: Publication Day, Fourteen Years Later
2024/05/29 FlowingData
Flight turbulence on the Singapore Airlines flight, visually explained
2024/05/28 R-bloggers
Unveiling the Power of get_cms_meta_data() in healthyR.data
2024/05/28 R-bloggers
Replace first match in R
2024/05/28 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/05/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Dan Luu asks, “Why do people post on [bad platform] instead of [good platform]?”
2024/05/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Blog was down and is now operating again.
2024/05/28 FlowingData
When feelings of nostalgia peak
2024/05/27 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/05/27 R-bloggers
{geotargets} 0.1.0
2024/05/27 R-bloggers
Forecasting the Economy
2024/05/27 R-bloggers
Display the structure in R
2024/05/27 Blog on Credibly Curious
{geotargets} 0.1.0
2024/05/27 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
DuckDB 学习笔记
2024/05/27 Freakonometrics
Conference on New Developments in Probability, in September
2024/05/27 Freakonometrics
Workshop on Trustworthy AI, in Montreal
2024/05/26 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/05/26 颜林林的个人网站
2024/05/26 R-bloggers
Quantifying extra compensations of full-time instructors at an ideal college.
2024/05/26 R-bloggers
Convert characters to time in R
2024/05/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Is there a balance to be struck between simple hierarchical models and more complex hierarchical models that augment the simple frameworks with more modeled interactions when analyzing real data?
2024/05/26 Freakonometrics
Présentation à Bordeaux, Journées de Statistique
2024/05/25 Yongfu's Blog
2024/05/25 颜林林的个人网站
2024/05/25 R-bloggers
Identify positions in R
2024/05/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Break it to grok it: The best way to understand how a method works is go construct scenarios where it fails
2024/05/25 Freakonometrics
L’indispensabile e controverso uso dell’intelligenza artificiale
2024/05/24 R-bloggers
Wrap a character string in R
2024/05/24 R-bloggers
Update to healthyR.data 1.1.0
2024/05/24 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, May 2024
2024/05/24 R-bloggers
Plotting weather data with ggplot()
2024/05/24 Bayesian Spectacles
Learning Statistics from Counterexamples: A New Paper by Jim Berger
2024/05/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
HMC fails when you initialize at the mode
2024/05/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2024/05/24 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, May 2024
2024/05/24 Freakonometrics
Fresh from the oven…
2024/05/24 FlowingData
WildChat, a dataset of ChatGPT interactions
2024/05/24 FlowingData
Dashboard for L.A. Dodgers baseball
2024/05/24 Posts on 叶寻的博客
Hugo:补全文章的 ISO 8601 日期
2024/05/24 Posts on 叶寻的博客
Hugo:给文章添加 lastmod(上次修改时间)
2024/05/23 R-bloggers
What I edit when refactoring a test file
2024/05/23 R-bloggers
Metallica tour history with R and PowerBI
2024/05/23 R-bloggers
Mastering purrr: From Basic Maps to Functional Magic in R
2024/05/23 R-bloggers
How to Drop or Select Rows with a Specific String in R
2024/05/23 R-bloggers
Duplicate and concatenate in R
2024/05/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Another opportunity in MLB for Stan users: the Phillies are hiring
2024/05/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
No, I don’t believe the claim that “Mothers negatively affected by having three daughters and no sons, study shows.”
2024/05/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
GPT today: Buffon’s Needle in Python with plotting (and some jokes)
2024/05/23 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
ggsci 3.1.0, ggsurvfit example, and reverse dependency check
2024/05/23 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
What I edit when refactoring a test file
2024/05/23 L. Collado-Torres
HumanPilot: first spatially-resolved transcriptomics study using Visium
2024/05/23 Freakonometrics
Philipp Ratz’s PhD Defense
2024/05/23 FlowingData
✚ Writing a Book About Visualization
2024/05/23 FlowingData
Energy surges due to solar storm
2024/05/22 R-bloggers
How to Split a Number into Digits in R Using gsub() and strsplit()
2024/05/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
From what body part does the fish rot?
2024/05/22 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
容器 Singularity/Apptainer 简单使用
2024/05/22 Freakonometrics
Retour du séminaire d’été des étudiants
2024/05/22 FlowingData
Change in housing prices where you live
2024/05/21 R-bloggers
Sort or Order Rank in R
2024/05/21 R-bloggers
simstudy 0.8.0: customized distributions
2024/05/21 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/05/21 R-bloggers
Locate position of patterns in a character string in R
2024/05/21 R-bloggers
Introduction to vvcanvas
2024/05/21 R-bloggers
How to Split a Vector into Chunks in R
2024/05/21 R-bloggers
Get a Free New Logo for Your R Package in Our Hex Design Contest
2024/05/21 Bayesian Spectacles
Preprint: Introducing Synchronous Robustness Reports
2024/05/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What to make of implicit biases in LLM output?
2024/05/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Mitzi’s and my talks in Trieste 3 and 4 June 2024 (yes, they’ll be broadcast)
2024/05/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Former dean of Temple University convicted of fraud for using fake data to boost its national ranking”
2024/05/21 FlowingData
Mapping Hacker News
2024/05/21 FlowingData
Visualize This (2nd ed.): A real book that’s almost here
2024/05/20 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/05/20 R-bloggers
R Shiny and DuckDB: How to Speed Up Your Shiny Apps When Working With Large Datasets
2024/05/20 R-bloggers
How to Remove Specific Elements from a Vector in R
2024/05/20 R-bloggers
formatdown v0.1.4
2024/05/20 R-bloggers
Effective Visual Communication with R workshop
2024/05/20 R-bloggers
Divide data into groups in R
2024/05/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
More red meat for you AI skeptics out there
2024/05/20 FlowingData
Visualization of flying into a black hole
2024/05/19 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/05/19 颜林林的个人网站
捉妖记 - 一个奇怪的插入片段长度分布图
2024/05/19 R-bloggers
Extract certain rows of data set in R
2024/05/19 R-bloggers
Course Launch: Generative AI for Data Scientists in 11 Days!
2024/05/19 R-bloggers
A detailed introduction to Deep Quasi-Randomized ‘neural’ networks
2024/05/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Not eating sweet potatoes: Is that gonna kill me?
2024/05/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A data science course for high school students
2024/05/19 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
Markdown 文档拆分与脚注编号重排
2024/05/19 Freakonometrics
Pour une intelligence artificielle équitable en assurance
2024/05/18 R-bloggers
Three Ways to Include Images in Your ggplots
2024/05/18 R-bloggers
Select variables of data frame in R
2024/05/18 R-bloggers
Positive or Negative in R
2024/05/18 R-bloggers
Export output as text in R
2024/05/18 R-bloggers
Count Function in R I dplyr::count()
2024/05/18 R-bloggers
A simple probabilistic algorithm for estimating the number of distinct elements in a data stream
2024/05/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
New stat podcast just dropped
2024/05/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
If I got a nickel every time . . .
2024/05/18 FlowingData
Visualize This (2nd ed.): Finding the Best Visualization Tools
2024/05/17 R-bloggers
gitlabr V2.1.0 – gitlab-ci with ‘pak’ and functions to deal with groups on GitLab
2024/05/17 R-bloggers
Free DataCamp Online Conference: Radar: AI Edition, June 26–27, 2024
2024/05/17 Blog on Credibly Curious
Find Out How many Times Faster your Code is
2024/05/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to think about the effect of the economy on political attitudes and behavior?
2024/05/17 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Communication Tips for your Open-Source Project
2024/05/17 Freakonometrics
What a day…
2024/05/17 FlowingData
Shifting to batteries for electricity
2024/05/17 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Real-life bioinformatics skill: from dealing with one sample to a lot of samples
2024/05/16 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/05/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“A bizarre failure in the review process at PNAS”
2024/05/16 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/05/16 FlowingData
✚ Does the data make sense?
2024/05/16 FlowingData
Simulation for Probability of Success
2024/05/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to think about the claim by Justin Wolfers that “the income of the average American will double approximately every 39 years”?
2024/05/15 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Automate code refactoring with {xmlparsedata} and {brio}
2024/05/15 Freakonometrics
Rapport Langreney : lutter contre le désengagement des assureurs dans la couverture des risques climatiques
2024/05/15 Freakonometrics
The book (Insurance, Biases, Discrimination and Fairness) is officially out
2024/05/15 Freakonometrics
“Scope and limits of artificial intelligence” at the SCOR foundation monthly webinar
2024/05/15 Freakonometrics
Société canadienne de science économique (SCSE) 63ème congrès annuel
2024/05/15 FlowingData
Map of magnetic fields in the Milky Way
2024/05/15 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Common mistakes when analyzing single-cell RNAseq data
2024/05/14 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2024/05/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Data challenges with the Local News Initiative mapping project
2024/05/14 Freakonometrics
(Second) Workshop on Fairness and Discrimination in Insurance, in Laval, Québec
2024/05/14 FlowingData
Communal Plot, a shared coordinate space to see how your taste compares
2024/05/14 Thinking inside the box
RApiSerialize 0.1.3 on CRAN: Skipping XDR
2024/05/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Fewer kids in our future: How historical experience has distorted our sense of demographic norms
2024/05/13 Another Dayu
Apple Watch Terminal 风格表盘
2024/05/12 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2024/05/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
They’re trying to get a hold on the jungle of cluster analysis.
2024/05/12 r4stats.com
Minitab Alternative BlueSky Statistics to Display Graphical Interface to R at ASQ Conference
2024/05/12 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
msaenet 3.1.2 and a sparse survival modeling example
2024/05/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Is it really ‘the economy, stupid’?”
2024/05/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What happens when you’ve had deferential media coverage and then, all of a sudden, you’re treated as a news item rather than as a figure of admiration?
2024/05/10 Freakonometrics
Growth, Degrowth: What Are We Talking About?
2024/05/10 Freakonometrics
Save the date, May 16th
2024/05/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Who understands alignment anyway
2024/05/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
This is a very disturbing map.
2024/05/09 Freakonometrics
Croissance, décroissance, de quoi parle-t-on ?
2024/05/09 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
How to separate a comma delimited string into multiple lines in R and python
2024/05/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Studying causal inference in the presence of feedback:
2024/05/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I just got a strange phone call from two people who claimed to be writing a news story. They were asking me very vague questions and I think it was some sort of scam. I guess this sort of thing is why nobody answers the phone anymore.
2024/05/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Applied modelling in drug development? brms!
2024/05/08 Another Dayu
Poe AI
2024/05/08 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: Upstream Bugfix
2024/05/07 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/05/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“There is a war between the ones who say there is a war, and the ones who say there isn’t.”
2024/05/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Papers on human decision-making under uncertainty in ML venues! We have advice.
2024/05/07 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
S3 and S4 objects in R explained
2024/05/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
MCMC draws cannot fill the posterior in high dimensions
2024/05/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A cook, a housemaid, a gardener, a chauffeur, a nanny, a philosopher, and his wife . . .
2024/05/05 Bayesian Spectacles
Two Grotesque-esque Chess Problems
2024/05/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
On lying politicians and bullshitting scientists
2024/05/05 free range statistics
Reproducing and adapting the UN Population Projections
2024/05/05 Freakonometrics
2024 Optimization Days, (algorithmic) collusions in games
2024/05/04 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2024/05/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“You want to gather data to determine which of two students is a better basketball shooter. You plan to have each student take N shots and then compare their shooting percentages. Roughly how large does N have to be for you to have a good chance of distinguishing a 30% shooter from a 40% shooter?”
2024/05/03 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/05/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Combining multiply-imputed datasets, never easy
2024/05/03 Freakonometrics
Talk at SDAI’24, in El Ghaza (الغزالة), Tunis
2024/05/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Two kings, a royal, a knight, and three princesses walk into a bar . . . (Dude from Saudi Arabia accuses the lords of AI of not giving him enough credit.)
2024/05/02 Another Dayu
语音笔记 Shortcuts:iOS 音频转文字并导入 Obsidian
2024/05/01 Alison Hill, PhD
The Composable Codex
2024/05/01 Alison Hill, PhD
The Theseus Benchmarks Report
2024/05/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Who wrote the music for In My Life? Three Bayesian analyses
2024/05/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayesian Workflow, Causal Generalization, Modeling of Sampling Weights, and Time: My talks at Northwestern University this Friday and the University of Chicago on Monday
2024/05/01 Freakonometrics
Save the date, May 16th
2024/05/01 Freakonometrics
Non Life Insurance Mathematics
2024/05/01 Another Dayu
2024/05/01 Another Dayu
在线日程安排和预约工具 – Calendly、Cal.com 和 Tidycal
2024/05/01 Thinking inside the box
RcppInt64 0.0.5 on CRAN: Minor Maintenance
2024/04/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Does this study really show that lesbians and bisexual women die sooner than straight women? Disparities in Mortality by Sexual Orientation in a Large, Prospective JAMA Paper
2024/04/30 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
stackgbm is on CRAN
2024/04/30 Another Dayu
2024/04/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Job Ad: Spatial Statistics Group Lead at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
2024/04/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Boris and Natasha in America: How often is the wife taller than the husband?
2024/04/29 Freakonometrics
Brief talk on non-diversification of extreme risks, for France Stratégie
2024/04/29 Another Dayu
2024/04/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Often enough, scientists are left with the unenviable task of conducting an orchestra with out-of-tune instruments”
2024/04/28 Dr. Water
2024/04/28 Another Dayu
2024/04/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“When are Bayesian model probabilities overconfident?” . . . and we’re still trying to get to meta-Bayes
2024/04/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Evaluating MCMC samplers
2024/04/27 Another Dayu
使用 Telegram、邮件和 Alfred 记录 Obsidian 中的 Daily note
2024/04/27 Thinking inside the box
qlcal 0.0.11 on CRAN: Calendar Updates
2024/04/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Whooping cough! How to respond to fatally-flawed papers? An example, in a setting where the fatal flaw is subtle, involving a confounding of time and cohort effects
2024/04/26 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/04/26 Freakonometrics
Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition of changes in means and inequality
2024/04/26 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Academia to Industry: Computational Biology Careeer Advice and Tips
2024/04/26 Thinking inside the box
RcppSpdlog 0.0.17 on CRAN: New Upstream
2024/04/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Population forecasting for small areas: an example of learning through a social network
2024/04/25 Freakonometrics
Save the date, May 16th
2024/04/25 Thinking inside the box
RQuantLib 0.4.22 on CRAN: Maintenance
2024/04/24 earfanfan | 袁凡
使用基础 R 抓取网页数据
2024/04/24 R-bloggers
A Practical Guide to Selecting Top N Values by Group in R
2024/04/24 Bayesian Spectacles
A Good Check on the Bayes Factor
2024/04/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
GIST: Gibbs self-tuning for HMC
2024/04/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
For that price he could’ve had 54 Jamaican beef patties or 1/216 of a conference featuring Gray Davis, Grover Norquist, and a rabbi
2024/04/24 Julia Silge
Educational attainment in #TidyTuesday UK towns
2024/04/24 FlowingData
Who is Sleeping, by Age and Time
2024/04/23 R-bloggers
Prehistoric: when do authors preprint their papers?
2024/04/23 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/04/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What is your superpower?
2024/04/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Postdoc Opportunity at the HEDCO Institute for Evidence-Based Educational Practice in the College of Education at the University of Oregon
2024/04/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
6 ways to follow this blog
2024/04/23 FlowingData
Climate change in your lifetime and the next
2024/04/22 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2024/04/22 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, April 2024
2024/04/22 R-bloggers
Conducting Simulation Studies in R workshop
2024/04/22 R-bloggers
Can Money Really Buy Happiness? Or How to Lie with Statistics in Science
2024/04/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Storytelling and Scientific Understanding (my talks with Thomas Basbøll at Johns Hopkins this Friday)
2024/04/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Decorative statistics and historical records
2024/04/22 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, April 2024
2024/04/22 FlowingData
Israel uses Iron Dome as defense against rockets
2024/04/21 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/04/21 R-bloggers
joint fiddlin
2024/04/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Now here’s a tour de force for ya
2024/04/21 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
R Package Release Notes: ggsci, protr, and msaenet (Spring 2024)
2024/04/21 Freakonometrics
Workshop on fairness and discrimination in insurance (registration is open)
2024/04/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Analogy between (a) model checking in Bayesian statistics, and (b) the self-correcting nature of science.
2024/04/19 R-bloggers
Checking Row Existence Across Data Frames in R
2024/04/19 R-bloggers
Asset Allocation
2024/04/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The data are on a 1-5 scale, the mean is 4.61, and the standard deviation is 1.64 . . . What’s so wrong about that??
2024/04/19 Freakonometrics
Foundations of Data Science (Lancaster University)
2024/04/19 FlowingData
Existing mortgages with lower rates than new ones
2024/04/18 earfanfan | 袁凡
在 Anolis OS 上离线安装 R
2024/04/18 R-bloggers
R Highcharts Drilldown – How to Create Animated and Interactive Drilldown Charts in R
2024/04/18 R-bloggers
Navigating the Data Pipes: An R Programming Journey with Mario Bros.
2024/04/18 R-bloggers
KNN vs. XGBoost Rivalry: Women Employment in Management
2024/04/18 R-bloggers
Fostering Equity and Leadership: the rOpenSci Champions Program Selection Process
2024/04/18 R-bloggers
Extracting the Last N’th Row in R Data Frames
2024/04/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Infovis, infographics, and data visualization: My thoughts 12 years later
2024/04/18 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/04/18 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Fostering Equity and Leadership: the rOpenSci Champions Program Selection Process
2024/04/18 FlowingData
Sleep Hours and Feeling Rested
2024/04/18 FlowingData
✚ Chart Options When the Differences are Small But Worthwhile
2024/04/17 R-bloggers
A Guide to Selecting Rows with NA Values in R Using Base R
2024/04/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Do research articles have to be so one-sided?
2024/04/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Close but no cigar” unit tests and bias in MCMC
2024/04/17 FlowingData
What happened to Japantown in San Francisco when residents were forced out by executive order
2024/04/17 FlowingData
✚ How to Make a Cartogram with Packed Circles in R
2024/04/16 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
用 Python 语言开发 Shiny 应用
2024/04/16 R-bloggers
simstudy enhancement: specifying idiosyncratic follow-up times for longitudinal data
2024/04/16 R-bloggers
Selecting Rows with Specific Values: Exploring Options in R
2024/04/16 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/04/16 R-bloggers
Parameter Constraints & Significance
2024/04/16 R-bloggers
Jack polynomials with symbolic parameter
2024/04/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
N=43, “a statistically significant 226% improvement,” . . . what could possibly go wrong??
2024/04/16 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/04/16 FlowingData
Scented products with potentially harmful ingredients
2024/04/16 FlowingData
Chartr was acquired by Sherwood Media
2024/04/16 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: Micro Fix
2024/04/15 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/04/15 R-bloggers
Introduction to Quality Assurance for Shiny for Python Dashboards with Playwright
2024/04/15 R-bloggers
gssr is now two packages: gssr and gssrdoc
2024/04/15 R-bloggers
Estimating Chi-Square Distribution Parameters Using R
2024/04/15 R-bloggers
Decade of Data: Celebrating 10 Years of Innovation at the New York R Conference
2024/04/15 R-bloggers
Counting Down to ShinyConf 2024: Why Attending Can Be a Game Changer for Your Career
2024/04/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
No, it’s not “statistically implausible” when results differ between studies, or between different groups within a study.
2024/04/15 OmicX
Install Open Source PyMOL 3.0.x in Windows 11
2024/04/15 Freakonometrics
Publication dans le dernier numéro de Risques
2024/04/15 FlowingData
Teenage adversity that carries into adulthood
2024/04/14 印记
2024/04/14 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
An Introduction to xfun
2024/04/14 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2024/04/14 R-bloggers
R and Python Together: A Second Case Study Using LangChain’s LLM Tools
2024/04/14 R-bloggers
Optimal policy learning based on causal machine learning in R workshop
2024/04/14 R-bloggers
How to Make Mobile Apps with R Shiny
2024/04/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Simulation to understand two kinds of measurement error in regression
2024/04/14 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/04/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Intelligence is whatever machines cannot (yet) do
2024/04/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Evidence, desire, support
2024/04/13 OmicX
Install Open Source PyMOL 3.0 in Windows 11
2024/04/13 Freakonometrics
Great workshop in Corsica
2024/04/12 earfanfan | 袁凡
R 中的 apply 族函数
2024/04/12 R-bloggers
Taking the data out of the glue with regex in R
2024/04/12 R-bloggers
R-Universe Documentation Gets a Boost from Google Season of Docs
2024/04/12 R-bloggers
Leverage Effect
2024/04/12 R-bloggers
Eclipse map
2024/04/12 R-bloggers
Daily Average Sea Surface Temperature Animation
2024/04/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Delayed retraction sampling
2024/04/12 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/04/12 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
R-Universe Documentation Gets a Boost from Google Season of Docs
2024/04/12 FlowingData
Visualize This, Second Edition: Updating a Visualization Guide for My Past Self
2024/04/12 FlowingData
Access to nature where you live
2024/04/11 颜林林的个人网站
2024/04/11 R-bloggers
simaerep release 0.5.0
2024/04/11 R-bloggers
R-hub v2
2024/04/11 R-bloggers
Mastering Rows: Selecting by Index in R
2024/04/11 R-bloggers
Crafting Elegant Scientific Documents in RStudio: A LaTeX and R Markdown Tutorial
2024/04/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How large is that treatment effect, really? (my talk at NYU economics department Thurs 18 Apr 2024, 12:30pm)
2024/04/11 L. Collado-Torres
How to reduce the size of a large GitHub repo
2024/04/11 FlowingData
✚ Histograms for Regular People
2024/04/11 FlowingData
People movements during the eclipse
2024/04/10 R-bloggers
A Guide to Removing Multiple Rows in R Using Base R
2024/04/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“He had acquired his belief not by honestly earning it in patient investigation, but by stifling his doubts. And although in the end he may have felt so sure about it that he could not think otherwise, yet inasmuch as he had knowingly and willingly worked himself into that frame of mind, he must be held responsible for it.”
2024/04/10 FlowingData
Ages of the People We Marry
2024/04/09 R-bloggers
Simple and Fast Visualization of Biodiversity Occurrence Data using GBIF and R Shiny
2024/04/09 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/04/09 R-bloggers
How to Remove Rows with Some or All NAs in R
2024/04/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Here’s something you should do when beginning a project, and in the middle of a project, and in the end of the project: Clearly specify your goals, and also specify what’s not in your goal set.
2024/04/09 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/04/09 FlowingData
Expanding Rube Goldberg machine that you can edit
2024/04/08 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/04/08 R-bloggers
Loading Financial Time Series
2024/04/08 R-bloggers
Git Gud: Version Control Best Practices
2024/04/08 R-bloggers
Data Frame Merging in R (With Examples)
2024/04/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
People have needed rituals to turn data into truth for many years. Why would we be surprised if many people now need procedural reforms to work?
2024/04/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey, some good news for a change! (Child psychology and Bayes)
2024/04/08 Rob J Hyndman
Forecast variance and forecast error variance
2024/04/08 Freakonometrics
Éclipse solaire…
2024/04/08 FlowingData
Airbnb occupancy along the eclipse path
2024/04/07 R-bloggers
S.P.I.C.E of Causal Inference
2024/04/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Evilicious 3: Face the Music
2024/04/07 Freakonometrics
Optimal Transport: Theory and Applications, in Corsica
2024/04/07 首页 on 楚新元 | All in R
用 R 批量拆分数据后写入 Excel
2024/04/06 印记
2024/04/06 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2024/04/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What is the prevalence of bad social science?
2024/04/05 R-bloggers
A Practical Guide to Merging Data Frames Based on Multiple Columns in R
2024/04/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“AI” as shorthand for turning off our brains. (This is not an anti-AI post; it’s a discussion of how we think about AI.)
2024/04/05 Nathan's Lemma
通过调用 OpenAI API 创建自己的 Chatbot
2024/04/05 FlowingData
easystats, an R package
2024/04/05 Posts on 叶寻的博客
2024/04/05 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: Upstream Fix
2024/04/04 R-bloggers
Unveiling Car Specs with Multidimensional Scaling in R
2024/04/04 R-bloggers
Reproducible data science with Nix, part 11 — build and cache binaries with Github Actions and Cachix
2024/04/04 R-bloggers
R Highcharts: How to Make Animated and Interactive Data Visualizations in R
2024/04/04 R-bloggers
Make Your Own NOAA Sea Temperature Graph
2024/04/04 R-bloggers
Achieving Reporting Excellence: R Packages for Consistency and Diverse Outputs
2024/04/04 Econometrics and Free Software
Reproducible data science with Nix, part 11 -- build and cache binaries with Github Actions and Cachix
2024/04/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
It’s Ariely time! They had a preregistration but they didn’t follow it.
2024/04/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
There is no golden path to discovery. One of my problems with all the focus on p-hacking, preregistration, harking, etc. is that I fear that it is giving the impression that all will be fine if researchers just avoid “questionable research practices.” And that ain’t the case.
2024/04/04 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/04/04 Freakonometrics
Journée de la recherche en sciences
2024/04/04 FlowingData
Wind flows displayed with spinning paddles
2024/04/04 FlowingData
✚ Letting the Data Play Through
2024/04/03 R-bloggers
Scaling Your Data to 0-1 in R: Understanding the Range
2024/04/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Bayesian Workflow: Some Progress and Open Questions” and “Causal Inference as Generalization”: my two upcoming talks at CMU
2024/04/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Supporting Bayesian modelling workflows with iterative filtering for multiverse analysis
2024/04/03 FlowingData
Conway’s Game of Hope
2024/04/02 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/04/02 R-bloggers
Navigating ShinyConf 2024: A First-Timer’s Guide to Virtual Conferences
2024/04/02 R-bloggers
Discover great_tables: The Python Answer to R’s {gt} Package for Table Formatting in Quarto and PyShiny
2024/04/02 R-bloggers
A Practical Guide to Data Normalization in R
2024/04/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bad parenting in the news, also, yeah, lots of kids don’t believe in Santa Claus
2024/04/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“A passionate group of scientists determined to revolutionize the traditional publishing model in academia”
2024/04/02 FlowingData
Regulating deepfakes
2024/04/02 FlowingData
OpenAI previews voice synthesis
2024/04/02 Thinking inside the box
ulid 0.3.1 on CRAN: New Maintainer, Some Polish
2024/04/01 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/04/01 R-bloggers
gssr Update
2024/04/01 R-bloggers
organize blocks of code in R with with() ?
2024/04/01 Bayesian Spectacles
The University of Amsterdam Bans The Teaching of P-Values
2024/04/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Paper cited by Stanford medical school professor retracted—but even without considering the reasons for retraction, this paper was so bad that it should never have been cited.
2024/04/01 FlowingData
Examining the dataset driving machine learning systems
2024/03/31 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2024/03/31 R-bloggers
How to Scrape PDF Text and Summarize It with OpenAI LLMs (in R)
2024/03/31 R-bloggers
Creating a simple Automator app to launch a new instance of RStudio Desktop on macOS
2024/03/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Randomization in such studies is arguably a negative, in practice, in that it gives apparently ironclad causal identification (not really, given the ultimate goal of generalization), which just gives researchers and outsiders a greater level of overconfidence in the claims.”
2024/03/31 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
Shiny 中使用 tidyverse 的一个注意点
2024/03/31 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
Trust in Data Science
2024/03/31 Freakonometrics
An introduction to multivariate and dynamic risk measures (back in 2014)
2024/03/30 颜林林的个人网站
2024/03/30 颜林林的个人网站
2024/03/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Andrew, you are skeptical of pretty much all causal claims. But wait, causality rules the world around us, right? Plenty have to be true.”
2024/03/29 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/03/29 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, March 2024
2024/03/29 R-bloggers
Hello from our New Executive Director!
2024/03/29 R-bloggers
From the Founding Director: My Farewell to rOpenSci
2024/03/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Every time Tyler Cowen says, “Median voter theorem still underrated! Hail Anthony Downs!”, I’m gonna point him to this paper . . .
2024/03/29 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, March 2024
2024/03/29 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Hello from our New Executive Director!
2024/03/29 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
From the Founding Director: My Farewell to rOpenSci
2024/03/29 Freakonometrics
Geospatial Disparities: A Case Study on Real Estate Prices in Paris
2024/03/29 FlowingData
Mapping NBA basketball shots
2024/03/28 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2024/03/28 R-bloggers
Mastering Quantile Normalization in R: A Step-by-Step Guide
2024/03/28 R-bloggers
gratia 0.9.0
2024/03/28 R-bloggers
Empowering R Enthusiasts: SatRDays London 2024 Unveiled
2024/03/28 R-bloggers
Data Visualization Reloaded: Equipping Your Reports with the Ultimate R Package Arsenal
2024/03/28 R-bloggers
6 New books added to Big Book of R
2024/03/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Banning the use of common sense in data analysis increases cases of research failure: evidence from Sweden
2024/03/28 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Prompt LLMs with R Package Source Code Using pkglite
2024/03/28 FlowingData
Using satellite imagery to tell stories
2024/03/28 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, March 2024 Roundup
2024/03/27 R-bloggers
Mastering Text Manipulation in R: A Guide to Using gsub() for Multiple Pattern Replacement
2024/03/27 R-bloggers
Aligning Beliefs and Profession: Using R in Protecting the Penobscot Nation’s Traditional Lifeways
2024/03/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The feel-good open science story versus the preregistration (who do you think wins?)
2024/03/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayesian inference with informative priors is not inherently “subjective”
2024/03/27 FlowingData
Interactive timeline of notable people throughout history
2024/03/27 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Bioinformatics is not (just) statistics
2024/03/26 R-bloggers
Title: Mastering the map() Function in R: A Comprehensive Guide
2024/03/26 R-bloggers
R dtplyr: How to Efficiently Process Huge Datasets with a data.table Backend
2024/03/26 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/03/26 R-bloggers
Learning Path: Introduction to R
2024/03/26 R-bloggers
A webR powered Shiny app for browsing TidyTuesday plots
2024/03/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Philip K. Dick’s character names
2024/03/26 Freakonometrics
Insurance Data Science, IDSC’24 (in Stockholm)
2024/03/26 Freakonometrics
Boarding for ISS: Imbalanced Self-Supervised Discovery of a Scaled Autoencoder for Mixed Tabular Datasets
2024/03/26 Freakonometrics
Équité en assurance, présentation à l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers
2024/03/26 FlowingData
Visualizing the statistical connections behind ChatGPT
2024/03/25 R-bloggers
Wrangling Data with R: A Guide to the tapply() Function
2024/03/25 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/03/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The contrapositive of “Politics and the English Language.” One reason writing is hard:
2024/03/25 Freakonometrics
Chapman & Hall/CRC Series in Actuarial Science
2024/03/25 FlowingData
Conway’s Game of Life with a third dimension
2024/03/25 TheCoatlessProfessor
quarto-webr v0.4.1 Released - Vivid Montage!
2024/03/24 R-bloggers
Using R and Python Together, Seamlessly: A Case Study Using OpenAI’s GPT Models
2024/03/24 R-bloggers
Indicating local functions in R scripts
2024/03/24 R-bloggers
Canadamaps 0.3.0
2024/03/24 R-bloggers
AI Use Cases for R Enthusiasts workshop
2024/03/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey! Here’s a study where all the preregistered analyses yielded null results but it was presented in PNAS as being wholly positive.
2024/03/23 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/03/23 R-bloggers
Little useless-useful R functions – Reverse Hello World
2024/03/23 Publishable Stuff
Modeling my pinball scores
2024/03/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey—let’s collect all the stupid things that researchers say in order to deflect legitimate criticism
2024/03/23 Thinking inside the box
littler 0.3.20 on CRAN: Moar Features!
2024/03/22 R-bloggers
R doParallel: How to Parallelize R DataFrame Computations
2024/03/22 R-bloggers
Mastering Data Manipulation in R with the Sweep Function
2024/03/22 R-bloggers
Choosing the Right Data Visualization Tool: R Shiny, PowerBI or Spotfire
2024/03/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Jonathan Bailey vs. Stephen Wolfram
2024/03/22 Freakonometrics
Exposé sur l’IA, instrument de lutte contre le blanchiment
2024/03/22 FlowingData
When Your Vision and Hearing Decline with Age
2024/03/21 R-bloggers
Update on mocking for testing R packages
2024/03/21 R-bloggers
Mastering Replacement: Using the replace() Function in R
2024/03/21 R-bloggers
ggbrick is now on CRAN
2024/03/21 R-bloggers
Causal Effect of Approval of ETF for Bitcoin on the Prices
2024/03/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why are all these school cheating scandals happening?
2024/03/21 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/03/21 Freakonometrics
SCOR Project Newsletter #1
2024/03/21 FlowingData
✚ Misleading or Not? A Chart About How Couples Meet
2024/03/21 FlowingData
Happiness ratings, by country and age
2024/03/21 FlowingData
Birding and data visualization
2024/03/21 Another Dayu
Instagram 和 Flickr
2024/03/20 印记
2024/03/20 R-bloggers
Techguides Update: package dependencies, deployment and Shiny CI/CD!
2024/03/20 R-bloggers
rOpenSci Champions Pilot Year: Projects Wrap-Up
2024/03/20 R-bloggers
Mastering Data Segmentation: A Guide to Using the cut() Function in R
2024/03/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Whistleblowers always get punished”
2024/03/20 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Champions Pilot Year: Projects Wrap-Up
2024/03/20 FlowingData
National identity stereotypes through generative AI
2024/03/20 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Fine tune the best clustering resolution for scRNAseq data: trying out callback
2024/03/20 Thinking inside the box
ciw 0.0.2 on CRAN: Updates
2024/03/19 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/03/19 R-bloggers
How to Replicate Rows in a Data Frame in R
2024/03/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“I was left with an overwhelming feeling that the World Values Survey is simply a vehicle for telling stories about values . . .”
2024/03/19 FlowingData
Flipbook Experiment, like the Telephone game but visual
2024/03/19 等待下一个秋
2024/03/18 R-bloggers
Puzzles no. 409–413
2024/03/18 R-bloggers
Object Oriented Programming in R (Part 3): A Practical Guide to the S4 System
2024/03/18 R-bloggers
An Example of the DRY/DAMP Principles for Package Tests
2024/03/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Inspiring story from a chemistry classroom
2024/03/18 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
An Example of the DRY/DAMP Principles for Package Tests
2024/03/18 Freakonometrics
17th Financial Risks International Forum “Big Data & Algorithmic Finance”
2024/03/18 FlowingData
Visual guide to airfoils
2024/03/18 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Downstream of bulk RNAseq: read in salmon output using tximport and then DESeq2
2024/03/18 Posts on 叶寻的博客
跳过 Android 应用广告
2024/03/17 R-bloggers
Linking R to iRODS’ new HTTP API 🥳
2024/03/17 R-bloggers
Is rowSums slow?
2024/03/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Preregistration is a floor, not a ceiling.
2024/03/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“On the uses and abuses of regression models: a call for reform of statistical practice and teaching”: We’d appreciate your comments . . .
2024/03/16 印记
2024/03/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How often is there a political candidate such as Vivek Ramaswamy who is so much stronger in online polls than telephone polls?
2024/03/16 Freakonometrics
Fairness of predictive models: an application to insurance markets
2024/03/15 R-bloggers
The Fun in Functional Programming
2024/03/15 R-bloggers
ShinyConf 2024: A Sneak Peek into the Agenda
2024/03/15 R-bloggers
Resolving errors connecting PowerBI to Linux version of MS SQL Server
2024/03/15 R-bloggers
Plotting Training and Testing Predictions with tidyAML
2024/03/15 R-bloggers
Here is why I don’t care about the Levene’s test
2024/03/15 R-bloggers
An application of the resultant
2024/03/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Hot hand”: The controversy that shouldn’t be. And thinking more about what makes something into a controversy:
2024/03/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Conformal prediction and people
2024/03/15 Freakonometrics
Intelligence artificielle et blanchiment d’argent
2024/03/15 FlowingData
Mile-by-mile map along the path of totality
2024/03/15 FlowingData
Language-based AI to chat with her dead husband
2024/03/15 Another Dayu
PIVOT Vol.4 经验的消失
2024/03/14 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/03/14 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/03/14 R-bloggers
Unleash the Power of Your Data: Extend Excel with Python and R!
2024/03/14 R-bloggers
Pi Day Circles
2024/03/14 R-bloggers
Navigating the Cosmos: Quarto, The Next Generation of Data Storytelling
2024/03/14 R-bloggers
Bird’s Eye View: using R to generate inventory maps for lab reagents
2024/03/14 R-bloggers
2024 Workshops Series Kick-off
2024/03/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Here’s the Unsealed Report Showing How Harvard Concluded That a Dishonesty Expert Committed Misconduct”
2024/03/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Abraham Lincoln and confidence intervals
2024/03/14 FlowingData
✚ One Chart to Multiple Charts
2024/03/14 FlowingData
Maps in the wild
2024/03/13 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/03/13 R-bloggers
R-Ladies Goiânia: Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in Local R Community
2024/03/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
You probably don’t have a general algorithm for an MLE of Gaussian mixtures
2024/03/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Their signal-to-noise ratio was low, so they decided to do a specification search, use a one-tailed test, and go with a p-value of 0.1.
2024/03/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Fully funded doctoral student positions in Finland
2024/03/13 FlowingData
Racial bias in OpenAI GPT resume rankings
2024/03/13 FlowingData
Common Age Differences, Married Couples
2024/03/13 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
How to preprocess GEO bulk RNAseq data with salmon
2024/03/13 Thinking inside the box
ciw 0.0.1 on CRAN: New Package!
2024/03/12 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/03/12 R-bloggers
Mastering Random Sampling in R with the sample() Function
2024/03/12 R-bloggers
Attacks on Healthcare Facilities
2024/03/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Zotero now features retraction notices
2024/03/12 Jihong Z. - Play Harder and Learn Harder
Sum Score, Factor Score, and Reliability
2024/03/12 Freakonometrics
L’assurance au défi des ruptures, colloque, mi-septembre prochain, à Cerisy
2024/03/12 FlowingData
Diversity in college admissions without considering race
2024/03/11 R-bloggers
Wrangling Names in R: Your Guide to the make.names() Function
2024/03/11 R-bloggers
rOpenSci Dev Guide 0.9.0: Multingual Now! And Better
2024/03/11 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/03/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Putting a price on vaccine hesitancy (Bayesian analysis of a conjoint experiment)
2024/03/11 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Dev Guide 0.9.0: Multingual Now! And Better
2024/03/11 Freakonometrics
Online Seminar Finance & Modeling, Centre d’Économie de la Sorbonne
2024/03/11 FlowingData
Defining the greatest albums of all time
2024/03/11 Posts on 叶寻的博客
Mastodon 不是长毛象
2024/03/11 Thinking inside the box
digest 0.6.35 on CRAN: New xxhash code
2024/03/10 R-bloggers
Add shiny in quarto blog with shinylive
2024/03/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Refuted papers continue to be cited more than their failed replications: Can a new search engine be built that will fix this problem?
2024/03/10 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/03/10 Another Dayu
LM Studio: 在 Obsidian 中使用本地 LLM
2024/03/10 Another Dayu
Minimalistic Obsidian Setup
2024/03/09 R-bloggers
Pre Self: what fraction of a journal’s papers are preprinted?
2024/03/09 R-bloggers
My Simple Understanding of Total Effect = Direct Effect + Indirect Effect (via Mediator)
2024/03/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A new piranha paper
2024/03/08 R-bloggers
Taming the Nameless: Using the names() Function in R
2024/03/08 R-bloggers
Introduction to Causal Machine Learning estimators in R
2024/03/08 Bayesian Spectacles
Classroom Demonstration of Ockham’s Razor with Polyhedral Dice
2024/03/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Statistical practice as scientific exploration (my talk for the Philosophy of Computation and Data Workshop)
2024/03/08 Freakonometrics
WIM (Workshop in Insurance Mathematics) is back
2024/03/08 FlowingData
Mapping the crops with the most potential in a changing climate
2024/03/07 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/03/07 R-bloggers
The Cleveland R User Group’s Journey Through Pandemic Adaptations and Baseball Analytics
2024/03/07 R-bloggers
R Plumber: How to Craft Error Responses that Speak Fluent HTTP
2024/03/07 R-bloggers
Mastering the Arcane: Advanced RMarkdown for Magical Data Science
2024/03/07 R-bloggers
Marketing Ideas For Your Package
2024/03/07 R-bloggers
How to Subset Data Frame in R by Multiple Conditions
2024/03/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
With journals, it’s all about the wedding, never about the marriage.
2024/03/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Relating t-statistics and the relative width of confidence intervals
2024/03/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Is the 2024 New York presidential primary really an “important election”?
2024/03/07 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Marketing Ideas For Your Package
2024/03/07 FlowingData
✚ Baseline Point of View
2024/03/07 FlowingData
Analysis of when movies use their own names in the dialogue
2024/03/07 Another Dayu
2024/03/07 Thinking inside the box
prrd 0.0.6 at CRAN: Several Improvements
2024/03/06 R-bloggers
webrcli & spidyr: A starter pack for building NodeJS projects with webR inside
2024/03/06 R-bloggers
How to Add New Level to Factor in R
2024/03/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My NYU econ talk will be Thurs 18 Apr 12:30pm (NOT Thurs 7 Mar)
2024/03/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Mindlessness in the interpretation of a study on mindlessness (and why you shouldn’t use the word “whom” in your dating profile)
2024/03/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Defining optimal reliance on model predictions in AI-assisted decisions
2024/03/06 Freakonometrics
Exposé au séminaire de statistique (StatQAM)
2024/03/06 Freakonometrics
Fairness and discrimination, PhD Course, #9 Mitigation, Pre-processing and In-processing
2024/03/06 FlowingData
Why Line Chart Baselines Can Start at Non-Zero
2024/03/06 Another Dayu
Altoids 城市 EDC kit(Everyday Carry)
2024/03/05 颜林林的个人网站
2024/03/05 R-bloggers
Title: How to Rename Factor Levels in R (With Examples)
2024/03/05 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/03/05 R-bloggers
Beyond Equality: Unleashing the Power of Non-Equi Joins in {dplyr}
2024/03/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How large is that treatment effect, really? (My talk at the NYU economics seminar, Thurs 7 Mar)
2024/03/05 Freakonometrics
Discussions autour du Manuel d’Assurance, partie 2
2024/03/05 Freakonometrics
Fairness of predictive models research project
2024/03/05 FlowingData
Tiny chip manufacturing, visually explained
2024/03/05 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Do you really understand log2Fold change in single-cell RNAseq data?
2024/03/04 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/03/04 颜林林的个人网站
2024/03/04 R-bloggers
rOpenSci Code of Conduct Annual Review
2024/03/04 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/03/04 R-bloggers
Modeling the Oscar for Best Picture (and Some Insights About XGBoost)
2024/03/04 R-bloggers
A Beginner’s Guide to Renaming Data Frame Columns in R
2024/03/04 Blog on Credibly Curious
{naniar} version 1.1.0 "Prince Caspian"
2024/03/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Our new book, Active Statistics, is now available!
2024/03/04 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Code of Conduct Annual Review
2024/03/04 FlowingData
Where to see the total eclipse
2024/03/04 Thinking inside the box
tinythemes 0.0.2 at CRAN: Maintenance
2024/03/03 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2024/03/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey! Here’s some R code to make colored maps using circle sizes proportional to county population.
2024/03/03 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: Upstream Fix, Interface Polish
2024/03/02 颜林林的个人网站
2024/03/02 R-bloggers
insufficient Gibbs sampling bridges as well!
2024/03/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to code and impute income in studies of opinion polls?
2024/03/01 R-bloggers
Knowing Something vs. Knowing the Name of Something: Some Points about Causal Analysis
2024/03/01 R-bloggers
Help make qualtRics better! Code contributions wanted
2024/03/01 R-bloggers
Filtering Rows in R Where Column Value is Between Two Values
2024/03/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Minor-league Stats Predict Major-league Performance, Sarah Palin, and Some Differences Between Baseball and Politics
2024/03/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The four principles of Barnard College: Respect, empathy, kindness . . . and censorship?
2024/03/01 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Help make qualtRics better! Code contributions wanted
2024/03/01 FlowingData
Rock map of Scotland
2024/03/01 FlowingData
If we didn’t have leap years
2024/03/01 Another Dayu
东方航空国际航班 Wi-Fi 体验
2024/02/29 R-bloggers
Unlocking Efficiency: How to Set a Data Frame Column as Index in R
2024/02/29 R-bloggers
Reproducible data science with Nix, part 10 — contributing to nixpkgs
2024/02/29 R-bloggers
Help users and developers of targets by answering questions!
2024/02/29 Econometrics and Free Software
Reproducible data science with Nix, part 10 -- contributing to nixpkgs
2024/02/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Leap Day Special!
2024/02/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
ISBA 2024 Satellite Meeting: Lugano, 25–28 June
2024/02/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Exclusive: Embattled dean accused of plagiarism in NSF report” (yup, it’s the torment executioners)
2024/02/29 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Help users and developers of targets by answering questions!
2024/02/29 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, February 2024 Roundup
2024/02/29 FlowingData
Algorithmic road trip to visit a street named after each day of the year
2024/02/29 Another Dayu
时差 Time difference 和 Jet lag
2024/02/28 R-bloggers
What Good is Analysis of Variance?
2024/02/28 R-bloggers
The R Consortium 2023: A Year of Growth and Innovation
2024/02/28 R-bloggers
Key advantages of using the keyring package
2024/02/28 R-bloggers
Homicide Rates from Gender Perspective: Analysis using Radar Chart and Bootstrap Intervals
2024/02/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Varying slopes and intercepts in Stan: still painful in 2024
2024/02/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Free online book by Bruno Nicenboim, Daniel Schad, and Shravan Vasishth on Bayesian inference and hierarchical modeling using brms and Stan
2024/02/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Blog is adapted to laptops or desktops, not to smartphones or pads.
2024/02/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A suggestion on how to improve the broader impacts statement requirement for AI/ML papers
2024/02/28 FlowingData
McDonald’s Locations vs. Golf Courses
2024/02/28 Thinking inside the box
RcppEigen on CRAN: New Upstream, At Last
2024/02/27 R-bloggers
Moffitt Cancer Center Bio-Data Club’s New Chapter in Spatial Data Analysis and Enhanced Hackathon Collaboration
2024/02/27 R-bloggers
Help make assertr better! Come close issues
2024/02/27 R-bloggers
Demystifying the melt() Function in R
2024/02/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Tutorial on varying-intercept, varying-slope multilevel models in Stan, from Will Hipson
2024/02/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
On the border between credulity and postmodernism: The case of the UFO’s-as-space-aliens media insiders
2024/02/27 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Help make assertr better! Come close issues
2024/02/27 Freakonometrics
Discussions autour du Manuel d’Assurance
2024/02/27 FlowingData
Interactive LED basketball court
2024/02/26 R-bloggers
Unveiling the Magic of dcast Function in R’s data.table Package
2024/02/26 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/02/26 R-bloggers
I Patched R to Solve an Exercism Problem
2024/02/26 R-bloggers
Answering some ‘Forecasting with GAMs in R’ questions
2024/02/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When Steve Bannon meets the Center for Open Science: Bad science and bad reporting combine to yield another ovulation/voting disaster
2024/02/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hand-drawn Statistical Workflow at Nelson Mandela
2024/02/26 FlowingData
Map of most common domesticated animals
2024/02/25 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/02/25 R-bloggers
How to set up development and production environments using AWS Copilot: Example using a `plumber` API.
2024/02/25 R-bloggers
Du Bois Visualization Challenge 04
2024/02/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Not once in the twentieth century . . . has a single politician, actor, athlete, or surgeon emerged as a first-rate novelist, despite the dismayingly huge breadth of experience each profession affords.”
2024/02/25 sesa blog
Adjust labels in ggplot
2024/02/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Science as Verified Trust”
2024/02/23 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2024/02/23 R-bloggers
Taming the Data Jungle: Filtering data.tables and data.frames in R
2024/02/23 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, February 2024
2024/02/23 R-bloggers
Recap: R Validation Hub Community Meeting
2024/02/23 R-bloggers
Pairwise comparisons in nonlinear regression
2024/02/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The New York Young Republican Club
2024/02/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why we say that honesty and transparency are not enough:
2024/02/23 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, February 2024
2024/02/23 Freakonometrics
38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, in Vancouver
2024/02/23 Freakonometrics
Fairness and discrimination, PhD Course, #8 Individual fairness
2024/02/23 FlowingData
Feeling Rested with Age
2024/02/23 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Hidden skills beyond programming for computational biology
2024/02/22 R-bloggers
The Analyst’s Odyssey: Transforming Data into Narratives
2024/02/22 R-bloggers
Demystifying Data Types in R: A Beginner’s Guide with Code Examples
2024/02/22 R-bloggers
Beautiful Code, Because We’re Worth It!
2024/02/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Michael Lewis.
2024/02/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Scientific publishers busily thwarting science (again)
2024/02/22 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/02/22 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024 年
2024/02/22 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Beautiful Code, Because We’re Worth It!
2024/02/22 L. Collado-Torres
2024 Current Topics in Biostatistics guest seminar
2024/02/22 FlowingData
✚ Looking for a Denominator
2024/02/22 FlowingData
Love: math or magic?
2024/02/21 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/02/21 R-bloggers
Performance Optimization in R: An Example Using Memoise
2024/02/21 R-bloggers
Moju-kapu(モジュカプ)Modular Encapsulation
2024/02/21 R-bloggers
Linking overlapping hospital stays
2024/02/21 R-bloggers
Join our R/Medicine Webinar: Quarto for Reproducible Medical Manuscripts
2024/02/21 R-bloggers
Enhancing Your Plots in R: Adding Superscripts & Subscripts
2024/02/21 R-bloggers
Du Bois Visualization Challenge 03
2024/02/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey! A new (to me) text message scam! Involving a barfing dog!
2024/02/21 Freakonometrics
TD General Insurance Pricing Seminar
2024/02/21 FlowingData
Data-driven running journal
2024/02/21 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
A community challenge to predict clinical outcomes after immune checkpoint blockade in non-small cell lung cancer
2024/02/21 Another Dayu
2024/02/20 R-bloggers
R-Ladies Cotonou – A Community that Makes R Accessible for French-Speaking African Women
2024/02/20 R-bloggers
Perfectly balanced treatment arm distribution in a multifactorial CRT using stratified randomization
2024/02/20 R-bloggers
Join Us at Shiny Gatherings #11: New Developments in Rhino
2024/02/20 Bayesian Spectacles
Does Statistical Amateurism Cause Questionable Research Practices? Book Review of “Never Waste a Good Crisis”
2024/02/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When do we expect conformal prediction sets to be helpful?
2024/02/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stabbers gonna stab — fraud edition
2024/02/20 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Read and Play Digital Music (MIDI) in R using the *fluidsynth* package
2024/02/20 Dr. Jihong Zhang
Danmu Cloud for Bilibili
2024/02/20 Freakonometrics
Histoire de l’assurance (petite recension)
2024/02/20 FlowingData
Rise of Caitlin Clark, scoring machine
2024/02/19 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/02/19 R-bloggers
Torch for R Now in the qeML Package
2024/02/19 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/02/19 R-bloggers
Help make waywiser better! User requests wanted
2024/02/19 Publishable Stuff
Why pandas feels clunky when coming from R
2024/02/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A gathering of the literary critics: Louis Menand and Thomas Mallon, meet Jeet Heer
2024/02/19 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Help make waywiser better! User requests wanted
2024/02/19 Freakonometrics
Talk at the 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, in Vancouver
2024/02/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Here’s some academic advice for you: Never put your name on a paper you haven’t read.
2024/02/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Lefty Driesell and Bobby Knight
2024/02/18 Freakonometrics
La revue Risque change de format…
2024/02/17 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/02/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Lakatos soccer training
2024/02/17 sesa blog
Dictionaries in R
2024/02/17 TheCoatlessProfessor
RcppEnsmallen v0. Released - Numerical Fix for L-BFGS!
2024/02/16 颜林林的个人网站
2024/02/16 R-bloggers
Tame your namespace with a dash of suggests
2024/02/16 R-bloggers
Level Up Your Data Wrangling: Adding Index Columns in R like a Pro!
2024/02/16 R-bloggers
Get Ready for ShinyConf 2024: Explore Keynotes & Secure Your Spot
2024/02/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Mary Rosh!
2024/02/16 Freakonometrics
Fairness and discrimination, PhD Course, #7 Sensitive attributes and proxies
2024/02/16 Freakonometrics
Data Talk at Generali
2024/02/16 FlowingData
Race and Occupation
2024/02/15 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/02/15 颜林林的个人网站
2024/02/15 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2024/02/15 R-bloggers
Introducing rOpenSci Champions – Cohort 2023-2024
2024/02/15 R-bloggers
Discrimination by proxy (a real case study)
2024/02/15 R-bloggers
Conquering R’s Apply Family: Your Guide to apply(), lapply(), sapply(), and tapply()
2024/02/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Uncertainty in games: How to get that balance so that there’s a motivation to play well, but you can still have a chance to come back from behind?
2024/02/15 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Introducing rOpenSci Champions - Cohort 2023-2024
2024/02/15 Freakonometrics
Discrimination by proxy (a real case study)
2024/02/15 Freakonometrics
Who benefits from data sharing?
2024/02/15 FlowingData
✚ Better or Less Bad
2024/02/15 FlowingData
BrailleR, a R package to improve access for blind users
2024/02/14 R-bloggers
Understanding Methane Emissions Through Heat Map and Comparison of Many Models
2024/02/14 R-bloggers
R Shiny Security: How to Make Your Shiny Apps Secured
2024/02/14 R-bloggers
Mastering Date Sequences in R: A Comprehensive Guide
2024/02/14 Nathan's Lemma
2024/02/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Those annoying people-are-stupid narratives in journalism
2024/02/14 FlowingData
Diva-ness of national anthem renditions
2024/02/13 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/02/13 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/02/13 R-bloggers
How to Get First or Last Day of Month in R with lubridate and base R
2024/02/13 R-bloggers
Ann Arbor R User Group: Harnessing the Power of R and GitHub
2024/02/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I love this paper but it’s barely been noticed.
2024/02/13 Freakonometrics
From Uncertainty to Precision: Enhancing Binary Classifier Performance through Calibration
2024/02/13 Freakonometrics
Partage des données, à qui profite le crime ?
2024/02/13 Freakonometrics
A Fair price to pay: exploiting causal graphs for fairness in insurance
2024/02/13 FlowingData
Consumer confidence in current economic conditions
2024/02/13 FlowingData
When and How Many Super Bowl Wins, by Team
2024/02/12 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/02/12 R-bloggers
From Chaos to Clarity: Mastering Weekly Data Wrangling in R with strftime()
2024/02/12 R-bloggers
Du Bois Visualization Challenge
2024/02/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Torment executioners in Reno, Nevada, keep tormenting us with their publications.
2024/02/12 Freakonometrics
Assurances : des collectivités désemparées face aux effets du dérèglement climatique
2024/02/12 FlowingData
Your body as a processing plant, digesting a hot wing
2024/02/11 印记
使用 Vercel 免费部署 LobeChat
2024/02/11 R-bloggers
Taylor Swift and Data Analysis
2024/02/11 Publishable Stuff
Baking the cake dataset cake
2024/02/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Clinical trials that are designed to fail
2024/02/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
If school funding doesn’t really matter, why do people want their kid’s school to be well funded?
2024/02/10 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
Win11 Snap groups 功能好评
2024/02/10 Dr. Jihong Zhang
Customize font family of Visual Mode in Rstudio
2024/02/09 R-bloggers
Unveiling Roman Amphitheaters with a ggplot2 violin plot
2024/02/09 R-bloggers
Demystifying Dates: Finding the Day of the Week in R with lubridate
2024/02/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey, here’s some free money for you! Just lend your name to this university and they’ll pay you $1000 for every article you publish!
2024/02/09 Freakonometrics
Fairness and discrimination, PhD Course, #6 Group fairness
2024/02/09 FlowingData
Investor expectations for interest rates compared to reality
2024/02/08 R-bloggers
Tweedie regression, or Poisson-Gamma regressions ?
2024/02/08 R-bloggers
Reading notes on Producing open source software by Karl Fogel (First edition)
2024/02/08 R-bloggers
Navigating the Bayesian Landscape: From Concepts to Application
2024/02/08 R-bloggers
How to Check if a Column is a Date in R: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples
2024/02/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Social penumbras predict political attitudes (my talk at Harvard on Monday Feb 12 at noon)
2024/02/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Listen to those residuals
2024/02/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayesian Analysis with Python
2024/02/08 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Reading notes on Producing open source software by Karl Fogel (First edition)
2024/02/08 Freakonometrics
Tweedie regression, or Poisson-Gamma regressions ?
2024/02/08 FlowingData
✚ Organizing Data
2024/02/08 FlowingData
Highest Education Level by Age
2024/02/08 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: New Upstream, Interface Polish
2024/02/07 R-bloggers
Testing Containers and WebAssembly in Submissions to the FDA
2024/02/07 R-bloggers
How to Check if Date is Between Two Dates in R
2024/02/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When all else fails, add a code comment
2024/02/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Replicability & Generalisability”: Applying a discount factor to cost-effectiveness estimates.
2024/02/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I’ve been mistaken for a chatbot
2024/02/07 FlowingData
Speed puzzling times and strategies
2024/02/07 FlowingData
Evolution of the scrollbar
2024/02/06 R-bloggers
Simplifying Date Manipulation: How to Get Week Numbers in R
2024/02/06 R-bloggers
Please Shut Up! Verbosity Control in Packages
2024/02/06 R-bloggers
Level Up Your R/Shiny Team Skills – Download Ebook
2024/02/06 R-bloggers
Join Our Upcoming Webinar: Master Tidy Finance & Access Financial Data with Expert Christoph Scheuch
2024/02/06 Bayesian Spectacles
A Brief Test of Your Bayesian Intuition: The Answer
2024/02/06 主页 on tc&xy
2024/02/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
It’s bezzle time: The Dean of Engineering at the University of Nevada gets paid $372,127 a year and wrote a paper that’s so bad, you can’t believe it.
2024/02/06 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Please Shut Up! Verbosity Control in Packages
2024/02/06 FlowingData
Researchers might have found Amelia Earhart’s crashed plane
2024/02/05 earfanfan | 袁凡
依依 K 歌
2024/02/05 颜林林的个人网站
2024/02/05 R-bloggers
Taming Excel Dates in R: From Numbers to Meaningful Dates!
2024/02/05 R-bloggers
new programming with data.table
2024/02/05 R-bloggers
Getting marine polygon maps in R
2024/02/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Using the term “visualization” for non-visual representation of data
2024/02/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Cherry blossoms—not just another prediction competition
2024/02/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A new argument for estimating the probability that your vote will be decisive
2024/02/05 FlowingData
Decline of the school bus
2024/02/05 TheCoatlessProfessor
quarto-webr v0.4.0 Released - Ball of Yarn!
2024/02/04 R-bloggers
Version 1.1.0 of NIMBLE released
2024/02/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Evaluating samplers with reference draws
2024/02/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Don’t feed the trolls” and the troll semi-bluff
2024/02/04 Freakonometrics
Fable du dimanche, “L’Hirondelle et les petits Oiseaux”
2024/02/04 sesa blog
Using dynamic variables in ggplot2 for facetting and more
2024/02/03 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2024/02/03 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2024/02/03 R-bloggers
more .I in data.table
2024/02/03 R-bloggers
more .I in data.table
2024/02/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A question about Lindley’s supra Bayesian method for expert probability assessment
2024/02/02 R-bloggers
Reproducible data science with Nix, part 9 — rix is looking for testers!
2024/02/02 R-bloggers
Object Oriented Programming in R Part 2: S3 Simplified
2024/02/02 R-bloggers
Big Book of R at 400 [New milestone!]
2024/02/02 R-bloggers
Accounts Recievables Pathways in SQL
2024/02/02 Econometrics and Free Software
Reproducible data science with Nix, part 9 -- rix is looking for testers!
2024/02/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Participants reported being hungrier when they walked into the café (mean = 7.38, SD = 2.20) than when they walked out [mean = 1.53, SD = 2.70, F(1, 75) = 107.68, P < 0.001]."
2024/02/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Click here to help this researcher gather different takes on making data visualizations for blind people
2024/02/02 Freakonometrics
Talk at Akur8 internal weekly seminar
2024/02/02 Freakonometrics
Talk at the Groupe de travail ARC (Actuariat et Risques Contemporains), in Paris
2024/02/02 FlowingData
Infinite Craft with large language model
2024/02/01 R-bloggers
Shadow and Substance: Unveiling the Twin Mysteries of Correlation and Covariance
2024/02/01 R-bloggers
R for the Real World: Counting those Business Days like a Pro!
2024/02/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2024/02/01 FlowingData
✚ Long Information
2024/02/01 FlowingData
Local wanderlust
2024/02/01 FlowingData
A New FlowingData Book, Second Edition
2024/01/31 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/01/31 颜林林的个人网站
肿瘤疫苗与免疫检查点治疗联用的临床前支持证据 | 文献学习
2024/01/31 R-bloggers
Time Flies? Time Travels! Adding Days to Dates in R (Like a Pro)
2024/01/31 R-bloggers
Quickstart for playing with LLMs locally
2024/01/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2024/01/31 Freakonometrics
Fairness and discrimination, PhD Course, #5 Machine learning models
2024/01/31 FlowingData
Commonness of Races in Different Occupations
2024/01/31 Thinking inside the box
dtts 0.1.2 on CRAN: Maintenance
2024/01/30 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/30 R-bloggers
Webinar for R and Databases! How Oracle Machine Learning for R Helps with ML and Massive Datasets
2024/01/30 R-bloggers
Using the ‘RowReorder’ extension in a Shiny app
2024/01/30 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/01/30 R-bloggers
Mastering Time Manipulation in R: Subtracting Hours with Ease
2024/01/30 R-bloggers
Binary logistic regression in R
2024/01/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey, I got tagged by RetractoBot!
2024/01/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Minimum criteria for studies evaluating human decision-making
2024/01/30 OmicX
Install Open Source PyMOL in Windows 11
2024/01/30 FlowingData
World railway map
2024/01/30 Home on 算是紀錄一下
2024/01/30 sesa blog
Prevent dropping from non-occuring levels using dplyr
2024/01/29 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/29 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/01/29 R-bloggers
R For SEO Part 4: Functions
2024/01/29 R-bloggers
Playing with webr
2024/01/29 R-bloggers
mirai Parallel Clusters
2024/01/29 R-bloggers
How to Extract Month from Date in R (With Examples)
2024/01/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“When will AI be able to do scientific research both cheaper and better than us, thus effectively obsoleting humans?”
2024/01/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Fun with Dååta: Reference librarian edition
2024/01/29 FlowingData
Cost of a Big Mac at every McDonald’s in the United States
2024/01/29 sesa blog
Simulating multiple event collision
2024/01/29 sesa blog
Numerical similarity of some Bayes and Classical models
2024/01/28 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/28 R-bloggers
Readings from the Book
2024/01/28 R-bloggers
Exploring Non-linear Effects: Visual CATE Analysis of Continuous Confounders, Binary Exposures, and Continuous Outcomes
2024/01/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Sympathy for the Nudgelords: Vermeule endorsing stupid and dangerous election-fraud claims and Levitt promoting climate change denial are like cool dudes in the 60s wearing Che T-shirts and thinking Chairman Mao was cool—we think they’re playing with fire, they think they’re cute contrarians pointing out contradictions in the system. For a certain kind of person, it’s fun to be a rogue.
2024/01/28 Home on 算是紀錄一下
2024/01/27 印记
2024/01/27 R-bloggers
WhatsR – An R-Package for processing exported WhatsApp Chat Logs
2024/01/27 Publishable Stuff
The source of the cake dataset
2024/01/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The paradox of replication studies: A good analyst has special data analysis and interpretation skills. But it’s considered a bad or surprising thing that if you give the same data to different analysts, they come to different conclusions.
2024/01/26 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/26 颜林林的个人网站
使用Let's Encrypt免费配置HTTPS
2024/01/26 R-bloggers
Unveiling the Earliest Date: A Journey Through R
2024/01/26 R-bloggers
Extract raster values to points with bilinear interpolation
2024/01/26 R-bloggers
Confirmation dialog in a Shiny app
2024/01/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
They solved the human-statistical reasoning interface back in the 80s
2024/01/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The importance of measurement, and how you can draw ridiculous conclusions from your statistical analyses if you don’t think carefully about measurement . . . Leamer (1983) got it.
2024/01/26 FlowingData
Shifting bird populations
2024/01/25 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/25 R-bloggers
The Art of Estimation in R: Confidence Intervals Demystified
2024/01/25 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, January 2024
2024/01/25 R-bloggers
Mastering Date Calculations in R: A Guide to Calculating Months with Base R and lubridate
2024/01/25 R-bloggers
Events at Jumping Rivers 2024
2024/01/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Mister P and Stan go to Bangladesh . . .
2024/01/25 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, January 2024
2024/01/25 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, January 2024 Roundup
2024/01/25 FlowingData
Mathematical feature in all Sudoku puzzles
2024/01/24 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/24 R-bloggers
Mastering Date Calculations in R: A Guide to Calculating Months with Base R and lubridate
2024/01/24 R-bloggers
2024 RUGS Program Progress: Reviewing Grants and Empowering R Communities
2024/01/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Resources for teaching and learning survey sampling, from Scott Keeter at Pew Research
2024/01/24 FlowingData
Catalog of AI data tools
2024/01/24 FlowingData
Where else to find FlowingData
2024/01/24 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Single-cell RNAseq data integration: methods and challenges
2024/01/24 Thinking inside the box
RApiDatetime 0.0.9 on CRAN: Maintenance
2024/01/23 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/23 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/01/23 R-bloggers
Load different R package versions at once with git worktree
2024/01/23 R-bloggers
Exploring Data Lengths with R’s lengths() Function
2024/01/23 R-bloggers
Data discovery: seasonal speed
2024/01/23 R-bloggers
Actual pixel sizes of unprojected raster maps
2024/01/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Progress in 2023, Leo edition
2024/01/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Learning from mistakes (my online talk for the American Statistical Association, 2:30pm Tues 30 Jan 2024)
2024/01/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Here’s how to subscribe to our new weekly newsletter:
2024/01/23 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Load different R package versions at once with git worktree
2024/01/23 FlowingData
DNA face to facial recognition in attempt to find suspect
2024/01/23 Thinking inside the box
RcppAnnoy 0.0.22 on CRAN: Maintenance
2024/01/22 R-bloggers
Website Relaunch
2024/01/22 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/01/22 R-bloggers
Demystifying bootstrap_stat_plot(): Your Ticket to Insightful Data Exploration
2024/01/22 Bayesian Spectacles
A Brief Test of Your Bayesian Intuition
2024/01/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Progress in 2023, Leo edition
2024/01/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“My view is that if I can show that a result was cooked and that doing it correctly does not yield the answer the authors claimed, then the result is discredited. . . . What I hear, instead, is the following . . .”
2024/01/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Intro to BridgeStan: The new in-memory interface for Stan
2024/01/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Michael Wiebe has several new replications written up on his site.
2024/01/22 FlowingData
Oceans that all the rivers drain
2024/01/22 Thinking inside the box
x13binary 1.1.60 on CRAN: Upstream Update, Updated Build
2024/01/21 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s the problem, “math snobs” or rich dudes who take themselves too seriously and are enabled in that by the news media?
2024/01/21 Freakonometrics
Fairness and discrimination, PhD Course, #3 Machine Learning, losses and distances
2024/01/21 Freakonometrics
Fairness and discrimination, PhD Course, #4 Wasserstein Distances and Optimal Transport
2024/01/21 Another Dayu
Calibre 插件推荐
2024/01/21 Another Dayu
清理 VPS 中的异常文件 mysql-bin
2024/01/21 Thinking inside the box
RProtoBuf 0.4.22 on CRAN: Updated Windows Support!
2024/01/20 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/01/20 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/20 R-bloggers
Centering in Moderation Analysis: A Guide
2024/01/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Regarding the use of “common sense” when evaluating research claims
2024/01/20 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/01/20 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/01/19 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/19 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/19 R-bloggers
The new function on the block with tidyAML extract_regression_residuals()
2024/01/19 R-bloggers
Reading notes on Pro Git by Scott Chacon
2024/01/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The free will to repost
2024/01/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Progress in 2023, Charles edition
2024/01/19 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Reading notes on Pro Git by Scott Chacon
2024/01/19 Freakonometrics
Talk on Fairness and Discrimination in Insurance at the Thelem-ILB Chaire
2024/01/19 FlowingData
Learning animal languages with AI
2024/01/19 FlowingData
Collection of NBA basketball data sources and apps
2024/01/18 颜林林的个人网站
用于DNA存储的纠错算法 | 文献学习
2024/01/18 R-bloggers
Reading and Writing Data with {arrow}
2024/01/18 R-bloggers
R doParallel: A Brain-Friendly Introduction to Parallelism in R
2024/01/18 R-bloggers
Introducing saperlipopette, a package to practice Git!
2024/01/18 R-bloggers
Hypothesis Testing in R: Elevating Your Data Analysis Skills
2024/01/18 R-bloggers
Exploring the Enhanced Features of tidyAML’s internal_make_wflw_predictions()
2024/01/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Storytelling and Scientific Understanding (my talks with Thomas Basbøll at Johns Hopkins on 26 Apr)
2024/01/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Progress in 2023, Aki’s software edition
2024/01/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Postdoc at Washington State University on law-enforcement statistics
2024/01/18 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Introducing saperlipopette, a package to practice Git!
2024/01/18 FlowingData
Where restaurants serve Asian cuisines in the U.S.
2024/01/18 FlowingData
✚ Visual Metaphor
2024/01/18 sesa blog
Using quizzes on markdown html sites
2024/01/18 Home on Jinji
2024/01/17 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/17 R-bloggers
Using .drop_na in Fast Classification and Regression
2024/01/17 R-bloggers
Six not-so-basic base R functions
2024/01/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bad stuff going down at the American Sociological Association
2024/01/17 Julia Silge
Changes in #TidyTuesday US polling places
2024/01/17 FlowingData
Where it warmed the most in the world
2024/01/17 FlowingData
Snow drought
2024/01/16 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/16 R-bloggers
Satellite Data with R: Unveiling Earth’s Surface Using the ICESat2R Package
2024/01/16 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/01/16 R-bloggers
How to Update a Translation with Babeldown
2024/01/16 R-bloggers
Exploring the Power of tidyAML 0.0.4: Unleashing New Features and Enhancements
2024/01/16 R-bloggers
Data Visualization of the WBL Index and Modeling with Quantile Regression using Random Forest
2024/01/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
This post is not really about Aristotle.
2024/01/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Progress in 2023, Jessica Edition
2024/01/16 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
How to Update a Translation with Babeldown
2024/01/16 FlowingData
Find familiar places in new cities
2024/01/16 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
How to make a multi-group dotplot for single-cell RNAseq data
2024/01/15 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/15 R-bloggers
Statistical computing on a shoestring: Stan in the Azure cloud using Cloud-init
2024/01/15 R-bloggers
Rebooting the Warsaw R Community in 2024: Insights from Kamil Sijko’s Journey and Future Aspirations
2024/01/15 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/01/15 R-bloggers
Poor Dude’s Janky Bluesky Feed Reader CLI Via atrrr
2024/01/15 R-bloggers
A simple workflow for async `{shiny}` with `{mirai}`
2024/01/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Progress in 2023, Aki Edition
2024/01/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A feedback loop can destroy correlation: This idea comes up in many places.
2024/01/15 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Use STIX Fonts in R Markdown and Quarto for Readability
2024/01/15 Freakonometrics
AAAI video (with blooper)
2024/01/14 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/14 R-bloggers
R-universe now builds MacOS ARM64 binaries for use on Apple Silicon (aka M1/M2/M3) systems
2024/01/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Theoretical statistics is the theory of applied statistics”: A scheduled conference on the topic
2024/01/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“And while I don’t really want a back-and-forth . . .”
2024/01/14 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
R-universe now builds MacOS ARM64 binaries for use on Apple Silicon (aka M1/M2/M3) systems
2024/01/14 Dr. Jihong Zhang
How to set up High Performance Computing of U of Ark
2024/01/14 Freakonometrics
Creating automatically dozens of calendar notifications (with R)
2024/01/14 Freakonometrics
Fairness and discrimination, PhD Course, #2 Insurance and risk classes
2024/01/13 印记
2024/01/13 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/13 R-bloggers
simulating Gumbel’s bivariate exponential distribution
2024/01/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Pinker was right, I was wrong.
2024/01/13 Dr. Jihong Zhang
2024/01/12 R-bloggers
TidyDensity Powers Up with Data.table: Speedier Distributions for Your Data Exploration
2024/01/12 R-bloggers
rOpenSci 2023 Code of Conduct Transparency Report
2024/01/12 R-bloggers
Gauging Cryptocurrency Market Sentiment in R
2024/01/12 R-bloggers
From Vision to Action: Pfizer’s R Adoption Odyssey – Join the Webinar on February 8, 2024
2024/01/12 R-bloggers
Call for Speakers: ShinyConf 2024 by Appsilon
2024/01/12 R-bloggers
A simple workflow for async {shiny} with {callr}
2024/01/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why isn’t Barack Obama out there giving political speeches?
2024/01/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayesian BATS to advance Bayesian Thinking in STEM
2024/01/12 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci 2023 Code of Conduct Transparency Report
2024/01/12 FlowingData
When movies become musicals and then movies again
2024/01/12 sesa blog
Simple contingency tables in R
2024/01/12 等待下一个秋
2024/01/12 Thinking inside the box
RDieHarder 0.2.6 on CRAN: Maintenance
2024/01/12 Thinking inside the box
RcppSpdlog 0.0.16 on CRAN: New Upstream
2024/01/11 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/01/11 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/11 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/11 R-bloggers
Security Headers for Shiny Applications
2024/01/11 R-bloggers
Retrieving data from the bottom of the ocean:
2024/01/11 R-bloggers
Overview of clustering methods in R
2024/01/11 R-bloggers
Benchmarking the Speed of Cumulative Functions in TidyDensity
2024/01/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Our new Substack newsletter: The Future of Statistical Modeling!
2024/01/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“My quick answer is that I don’t care much about permutation tests because they are testing a null null hypothesis that is of typically no interest”
2024/01/11 OmicX
VS Code Connect to Remote Server over Intranet
2024/01/11 FlowingData
✚ Unlimited Chart Options
2024/01/11 FlowingData
Boeing panel that blew off during flight
2024/01/11 等待下一个秋
2024/01/11 Thinking inside the box
digest 0.6.34 on CRAN: Maintanance
2024/01/10 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/10 R-bloggers
Probably More Than Chance: A Beginner’s Guide to Probability Distributions in R
2024/01/10 R-bloggers
Exploring the Peaks: A Dive into the Triangular Distribution in TidyDensity
2024/01/10 R-bloggers
An overview of the rsi R package for retrieving satellite imagery and calculating spectral indices
2024/01/10 Blog on Credibly Curious
2024/01/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The appeal of New York Times columnist David Brooks . . . Yeah, I know this all sounds like a nutty “it’s wheels within wheels, man” sort of argument, but I’m serious here!
2024/01/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Prediction isn’t everything, but everything is prediction
2024/01/10 FlowingData
NYT Flash-based visualizations work again
2024/01/10 Thinking inside the box
BH 1.84.0-1 on CRAN: New Upstream
2024/01/09 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/09 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/01/09 R-bloggers
New Horizons for TidyDensity: Version 1.3.0 Release
2024/01/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
God is in every leaf of every tree—comic book movies edition.
2024/01/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s up with spring blooming?
2024/01/09 Freakonometrics
Chat sur Twitch
2024/01/09 FlowingData
Map with a receipt printer
2024/01/09 Thinking inside the box
Rcpp 1.0.12 on CRAN: New Maintenance / Update Release
2024/01/08 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/01/08 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/08 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2024/01/08 R-bloggers
Financial Assistance is Available for Your R User Group in 2024!
2024/01/08 R-bloggers
Conquering Daily Data: How to Aggregate to Months and Years Like a Pro in R
2024/01/08 Nathan's Lemma
2024/01/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayesians are frequentists.
2024/01/08 Freakonometrics
Fairness and discrimination, PhD Course, #1 Motivation
2024/01/08 FlowingData
Coin flips might tend towards the same side they started
2024/01/07 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/01/07 R-bloggers
Optimizing the parameters of the spatial kinetic Ising model to simulate spatial patterns
2024/01/07 R-bloggers
Explain that tidymodels blackbox!
2024/01/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The immediate victims of the con would rather act as if the con never happened. Instead, they’re mad at the outsiders who showed them that they were being fooled.
2024/01/07 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/01/06 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/06 颜林林的个人网站
Promise- 异步编程的强大工具
2024/01/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Ben Shneiderman’s Golden Rules of Interface Design
2024/01/05 印记
2024/01/05 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/05 R-bloggers
Unveiling the Smooth Operator: Rolling Averages in R
2024/01/05 R-bloggers
How to Execute the Code on My Blog by Downloading the Quarto File
2024/01/05 R-bloggers
Factor Analysis in R workshop
2024/01/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What to trust in the newspaper? Example of “The Simple Nudge That Raised Median Donations by 80%”
2024/01/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Since Jeffrey Epstein is in the news again . . .
2024/01/05 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/01/05 FlowingData
AI-based things in 2023
2024/01/04 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/04 R-bloggers
Your Data’s Untold Secrets: An Introduction to Descriptive Stats with R
2024/01/04 R-bloggers
Reflecting on the Past Year: A LinkedIn Year in Review (2023)
2024/01/04 R-bloggers
Icons in a Shiny dropdown input
2024/01/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Progress in 2023
2024/01/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
In some cases academic misconduct doesn’t deserve a public apology
2024/01/04 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2024/01/04 FlowingData
Repairing Panama Canal water levels
2024/01/04 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Great Things Take Time: How Decades of Effort Led to My Dream Career
2024/01/04 等待下一个秋
2024/01/04 等待下一个秋
2024/01/03 earfanfan | 袁凡
2024/01/03 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Bye, RStudio/Posit!
2024/01/03 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/03 R-bloggers
.I in data.table
2024/01/03 R-bloggers
.I in data.table
2024/01/03 R-bloggers
Cryptocurrency Market Data in R
2024/01/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“It’s About Time” (my talk for the upcoming NY R conference)
2024/01/03 Freakonometrics
Le Manuel d’Assurance arrive en format électronique !
2024/01/03 FlowingData
Psuedo-charts with Microsoft Image Creator
2024/01/03 Another Dayu
用 PicGo 图床连接文本编辑器 Drafts-Obsidian-WordPress
2024/01/02 印记
充分发挥 ChatGPT 在日常生活中的作用
2024/01/02 R-bloggers
Using great circle distance to determine Twin Cities
2024/01/02 R-bloggers
Quantile Regression with Random Forests
2024/01/02 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2024/01/02 R-bloggers
Most popular posts – 2023
2024/01/02 R-bloggers
Mastering Lowess Smoothing in R: A Step-by-Step Guide
2024/01/02 R-bloggers
Automating updates to dashboards on Shiny Server workshop
2024/01/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Clarke’s Law, and who’s to blame for bad science reporting
2024/01/02 FlowingData
Oppenheimer movie timeline
2024/01/01 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/01 颜林林的个人网站
2024/01/01 R-bloggers
R To trade or not to trade with Shitcoins and Memecoins (part 1)
2024/01/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Here’s a sad post for you to start the new year. The Onion (ok, an Onion-affiliate site) is plagiarizing. For reals.
2024/01/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Extinct Champagne grapes? I can be even more disappointed in the news media
2024/01/01 Another Dayu
2023/12/31 R-bloggers
The 6 steps to finally lose weight (or solve almost any other problem) (with R code)
2023/12/31 R-bloggers
Four ways to streamline your R workflows
2023/12/31 Publishable Stuff
The one good use case of Bubble Sort is beer tasting
2023/12/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The continuing challenge of poststratification when we don’t have full joint data on the population.
2023/12/31 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/12/31 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Review 2023
2023/12/30 颜林林的个人网站
2023/12/30 颜林林的个人网站
2023/12/30 颜林林的个人网站
2023/12/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“How not to be fooled by viral charts”
2023/12/29 R-bloggers
Usage shares of programming languages in economics research
2023/12/29 R-bloggers
Unlocking the Power of Time: Transforming Data Frames into Time Series in R
2023/12/29 R-bloggers
Reversion to the Mean: Unraveling a Pervasive Misconception in Business and Beyond
2023/12/29 R-bloggers
100 days of Python and R
2023/12/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey wassup Detroit Pistons? What’s gonna happen for the rest of the season? Let’s get (kinda) Bayesian. With graphs and code (but not a lot of data; sorry):
2023/12/29 FlowingData
Best Data Visualization Projects of 2023
2023/12/28 颜林林的个人网站
2023/12/28 颜林林的个人网站
2023/12/28 R-bloggers
Unveiling the Time Traveler: Plotting Time Series in R
2023/12/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Judgments versus decisions
2023/12/28 Dr. Jihong Zhang
ESRM 6554: Adv. Multivariate
2023/12/28 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, December 2023 Roundup
2023/12/28 FlowingData
A phone charger that only works when you recharge yourself
2023/12/28 等待下一个秋
Flink DataStream API 编程模型
2023/12/27 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/12/27 R-bloggers
Salt Lake City R User Group’s Success Story: Blending In-Person and Online Events
2023/12/27 R-bloggers
Old Art, New Code: The Typesetter’s Guide to Memoization
2023/12/27 R-bloggers
Creating Time Series in R with the ts() Function
2023/12/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Uh oh Barnard . . .
2023/12/27 FlowingData
Estimating the size of YouTube
2023/12/26 颜林林的个人网站
2023/12/26 颜林林的个人网站
预后模型 vs. 预测模型:别在错误方向上拼尽全力
2023/12/26 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2023/12/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
John Mandrola’s tips for assessing medical evidence
2023/12/26 Homepage on Jemma Stachelek
2023/12/26 FlowingData
Breaking down the holiday movie formula
2023/12/25 印记
2023/12/25 颜林林的个人网站
2023/12/25 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2023/12/25 Bayesian Spectacles
A Free Course Book on Bayesian Inference: [10.] The Principle of Parsimony
2023/12/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
In judo, before you learn the cool moves, you first have to learn how to fall. Maybe we should be training researchers the same way: first learn how things can go wrong, and only when you get that lesson down do you learn the fancy stuff.
2023/12/25 OmicX
Install BookStack by Docker
2023/12/25 Freakonometrics
Time for a break…
2023/12/24 印记
周报 #08 – 用写作来和世界交流的日子
2023/12/24 颜林林的个人网站
2023/12/24 R-bloggers
Archive Projects
2023/12/24 Publishable Stuff
Rasmus's maximum meeting length formula
2023/12/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Explaining that line, “Bayesians moving from defense to offense”
2023/12/24 Another Dayu
Librewolf Sync Problem 同步问题和 Fingerprinting 隐私保护
2023/12/23 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/12/23 颜林林的个人网站
2023/12/23 R-bloggers
qeML Example: Nonparametric Quantile Regression
2023/12/23 R-bloggers
Introduction to Time Series Analysis (with applications in R)
2023/12/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayesians moving from defense to offense: “I really think it’s kind of irresponsible now not to use the information from all those thousands of medical trials that came before. Is that very radical?”
2023/12/22 颜林林的个人网站
2023/12/22 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, December 2023
2023/12/22 R-bloggers
non-equi joins in data.table
2023/12/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Plagiarism means never having to say you’re clueless.
2023/12/22 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, December 2023
2023/12/22 FlowingData
Tracking operations in an online scam labor camp
2023/12/21 印记
2023/12/21 R-bloggers
S(00)7 — Agent with License for OOP
2023/12/21 R-bloggers
R Docker: How to Run Your R Scripts in a Docker Container
2023/12/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Statistical Practice as Scientific Exploration (my talk on 4 Mar 2024 at the Royal Society conference on the promises and pitfalls of preregistration)
2023/12/21 Freakonometrics
Workshop “Networks, Games and Risk”
2023/12/21 FlowingData
Scale of all the things, compared to you
2023/12/21 FlowingData
✚ Fun With Data
2023/12/20 颜林林的个人网站
2023/12/20 颜林林的个人网站
2023/12/20 R-bloggers
hello world
2023/12/20 R-bloggers
Comparing many Models with Fast Regression
2023/12/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Source of the line, “One should always beat a dead horse because the horse is never really dead”
2023/12/20 FlowingData
Visual history of Yahoo Pipes
2023/12/20 sesa blog
Logistic regression using z-standardized values
2023/12/20 Another Dayu
Daily Note,时间的厚度:Obsidian + Drafts
2023/12/20 Another Dayu
2023/12/19 颜林林的个人网站
2023/12/19 R-bloggers
Reproducible data science with Nix, part 8 — nixpkgs, a tale of the magic of free and open source software and a call for charity
2023/12/19 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2023/12/19 R-bloggers
In-Person Shiny in Production Conference Hosted by North East Data Science Group in Newcastle, UK
2023/12/19 R-bloggers
A three-arm trial using two-step randomization
2023/12/19 R-bloggers
A Gentle Introduction to Poisson Regression for Count Data: School’s Out, Job Offers Incoming!
2023/12/19 R-bloggers
2023 rOpensci Champions Program: My Experience
2023/12/19 Econometrics and Free Software
Reproducible data science with Nix, part 8 -- nixpkgs, a tale of the magic of free and open source software and a call for charity
2023/12/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Explainable AI works, but only when we don’t need it
2023/12/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Doctoral student and PostDoc positions in Finland
2023/12/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Dave Krantz
2023/12/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
COVID roughly twice as deadly in poorer countries
2023/12/19 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
2023 rOpensci Champions Program: My Experience
2023/12/19 FlowingData
Excel World Championship
2023/12/18 颜林林的个人网站
2023/12/18 R-bloggers
Using a Quarto Dashboard for GitHub Wrapped
2023/12/18 R-bloggers
Scaling R to Use with Enterprise Strength Databases
2023/12/18 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2023/12/18 R-bloggers
Introducing Autocomplete Search to shiny.fluent’s Dropdown Component
2023/12/18 R-bloggers
Exploring Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) in R: A Practical Guide
2023/12/18 R-bloggers
Effortless Cool Is A Detailed Process – How To Influence, Tell Better Stories, and Become More Persuasive
2023/12/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Suppose you realize that a paper on an important topic, with thousands of citations, is fatally flawed? Where should the correction be published?
2023/12/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
More than 10k scientific papers were retracted in 2023
2023/12/18 FlowingData
A hotter year, again
2023/12/18 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Part 4 CITE-seq normalization using empty droplets with the dsb package
2023/12/18 Thinking inside the box
tinythemes 0.0.1 at CRAN: New Package
2023/12/17 颜林林的个人网站
2023/12/17 R-bloggers
Why R? Foundation (Liquidation) 2023-12-17 16:24:42
2023/12/17 R-bloggers
Simulating spatial patterns with the spatial kinetic Ising model
2023/12/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Integrated Inferences: Causal Models for Qualitative and Mixed-Method Research”
2023/12/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Celebrity scientists and the McKinsey bagmen
2023/12/17 Thinking inside the box
littler 0.3.19 on CRAN: Several Updates
2023/12/16 印记
2023/12/16 颜林林的个人网站
2023/12/16 R-bloggers
Use google’s Gemini in R with R package “gemini.R”
2023/12/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Has the replication crisis been a long series of conversations that haven’t influenced publishing and research practices much if at all?”
2023/12/15 R-bloggers
Demystifying Odds Ratios in Logistic Regression: Your R Recipe for Loan Defaults
2023/12/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“U.S. Watchdog Halts Studies at N.Y. Psychiatric Center After a Subject’s Suicide”
2023/12/15 FlowingData
Data portrait of a life with long Covid
2023/12/15 Another Dayu
2023/12/14 R-bloggers
Introduction of R activities in Japan
2023/12/14 R-bloggers
Effect of Shiny Widgets with Google Lighthouse
2023/12/14 R-bloggers
Decoding the Mystery: How to Interpret Regression Output in R Like a Champ
2023/12/14 R-bloggers
A Beautiful Mind: Writing Testable R Code
2023/12/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
AI bus route fail: Typically the most important thing is not how you do the optimization but rather what you decide to optimize.
2023/12/14 Freakonometrics
Melting contestation: insurance fairness and machine learning
2023/12/14 FlowingData
✚ Relatable Units
2023/12/14 FlowingData
Common Millionaire Household
2023/12/13 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/12/13 R-bloggers
New R/Insurance Webinar Series: The Journey from Excel to High-Performance Programming in R
2023/12/13 R-bloggers
Météo-France Open Data
2023/12/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
This empirical paper has been cited 1616 times but I don’t find it convincing. There’s no single fatal flaw, but the evidence does not seem so clear. How to think about this sort of thing? What to do? First, accept that evidence might not all go in one direction. Second, make lots of graphs. Also, an amusing story about how this paper is getting cited nowadays.
2023/12/13 FlowingData
Generative plants
2023/12/13 sesa blog
Testing if return value is in tolerance
2023/12/13 Another Dayu
纠结了很久 Chrome 和 Arc,我最终选择了 Librewolf
2023/12/13 Another Dayu
译 | 个体经验的局限性和统计数据的价值
2023/12/13 Thinking inside the box
RProtoBuf 0.4.21 on CRAN: Updated Upstream Support!
2023/12/12 R-bloggers
Webinar: Use of R in Japan’s Pharma Industry
2023/12/12 R-bloggers
How to deploy Shiny application to Digital Ocean using GitHub Actions
2023/12/12 R-bloggers
‘fusen’ v0.6.0 (beta): a new Rmd/Qmd parser with ‘lightparser’ to try before release
2023/12/12 R-bloggers
FastAI in R: How to Train Deep Learning Models with FastAI
2023/12/12 R-bloggers
Conquering Unequal Variance with Weighted Least Squares in R: A Practical Guide
2023/12/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Who cares about the normal assump? I don’t!
2023/12/12 FlowingData
World map of illustrated animals
2023/12/12 Another Dayu
笔记:Bob + ChatGPT 中英翻译和润色 Prompt
2023/12/11 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/12/11 R-bloggers
Reading notes on The Pragmatic Programmer by David Thomas and Andrew Hunt
2023/12/11 R-bloggers
femR: Bridging Physics and Statistics in R with Support from the R Consortium
2023/12/11 R-bloggers
Advent of 2023, Day 11 – Starting data science with Microsoft Fabric
2023/12/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Concerns about misconduct at Harvard’s department of government and elsewhere
2023/12/11 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Reading notes on The Pragmatic Programmer by David Thomas and Andrew Hunt
2023/12/11 FlowingData
High concentration of intrastate pipelines in Texas
2023/12/11 FlowingData
Cost of assisted living where you are
2023/12/11 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Part 3 Centered log ratio (CLR) normalization for CITE-seq protein count data
2023/12/10 印记
周报 #07 – 铲屎官、内容与外表、新闻女王
2023/12/10 R-bloggers
The 10 most popular R books of 2023
2023/12/10 R-bloggers
Customizing slides and documents using Quarto extensions workshop
2023/12/10 R-bloggers
Advent of Array Elegance (AoC2023 Day 7)
2023/12/10 R-bloggers
Advent of 2023, Day 10 – Creating Job Spark definition
2023/12/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why I like hypothesis testing (it’s another way to say “fake-data simulation”):
2023/12/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Using simulation from the null hypothesis to study statistical artifacts (ivermectin edition)
2023/12/10 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
读《Python 神经网络编程》
2023/12/10 Freakonometrics
The whole is greater than the sum of the parts
2023/12/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Cohort effects in literature (David Foster Wallace and other local heroes)
2023/12/09 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
试用 httr2 爬取博客日志
2023/12/09 Thinking inside the box
RcppInt64 0.0.4 on CRAN: Minor Bugfix
2023/12/08 R-bloggers
R Implementation in China’s Pharmaceutical Industry in 2023
2023/12/08 R-bloggers
Exploring TidyAML: Simplifying Regression Analysis in R
2023/12/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Adding intermediate outcomes to an item-response (Bradley-Terry) model
2023/12/08 Freakonometrics
Second workshop on fairness and discrimination in insurance
2023/12/08 FlowingData
Young Money
2023/12/07 R-bloggers
Unraveling Patterns: A Step-by-Step Guide to Piecewise Regression in R
2023/12/07 R-bloggers
The two phases of commits in a Git branch
2023/12/07 R-bloggers
Analysing Shiny App start-up Times with Google Lighthouse
2023/12/07 R-bloggers
5 new books added to Big Book of R
2023/12/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Mixtures: A debugging story
2023/12/07 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
The two phases of commits in a Git branch
2023/12/07 Freakonometrics
A Sequentially Fair Mechanism for Multiple Sensitive Attributes
2023/12/07 FlowingData
✚ Figuring Out How a Visualization Was Made
2023/12/07 FlowingData
Life in the Gaza Strip
2023/12/06 R-bloggers
What is the probability that two persons have the same initials?
2023/12/06 R-bloggers
Shiny Express: Blending the Best of Shiny and Streamlit for Dashboard Development
2023/12/06 R-bloggers
Ph Profiles
2023/12/06 R-bloggers
A Complete Guide to Stepwise Regression in R
2023/12/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
In July 2015 I was spectacularly wrong
2023/12/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Exploring pre-registration for predictive modeling
2023/12/06 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/12/06 FlowingData
Steps for getting started with data visualization
2023/12/05 R-bloggers
Unveiling the Magic of Polynomial Regression in R: A Step-by-Step Guide
2023/12/05 R-bloggers
R Data Processing Frameworks: How To Speed Up Your Data Processing Pipelines up to 20 Times
2023/12/05 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2023/12/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey, Taiwan experts! Here’s a polling question for you:
2023/12/05 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Divide and Conquer: From polar To the Polarverse
2023/12/05 Freakonometrics
Podcast: IA, biais et éthique en assurance
2023/12/05 FlowingData
A wide view of visualization with ‘The Art of Insight’
2023/12/05 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
CITE-seq downstream analysis: From Alevin output to Seurat visualization
2023/12/04 R-bloggers
Understanding Spline Regression
2023/12/04 R-bloggers
Statistics without mathematics series
2023/12/04 R-bloggers
Re-Release: `traktok`
2023/12/04 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2023/12/04 R-bloggers
Chi-square distribution and test in R
2023/12/04 R-bloggers
{checkhelper} is on CRAN: so you don’t have to be afraid to run a check
2023/12/04 R-bloggers
Are Birth Dates Still Destiny for Canadian NHL Players?
2023/12/04 R-bloggers
Advent of 2023, Day 4 – Delta lake and delta tables in Microsoft Fabric
2023/12/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Reading Like It’s 1965”: Fiction as a window into the past
2023/12/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Modest pre-registration
2023/12/04 FlowingData
ER visits for Christmas decoration injuries
2023/12/04 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: No More Deprecation
2023/12/03 R-bloggers
Trying out timeplyr
2023/12/03 R-bloggers
Finding the most unique land cover spatial pattern
2023/12/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Other than when he treated Steve Jobs, Agus, 58, had never been told anything besides that he’s awesome . . .”
2023/12/03 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
How to use Salmon/Alevin to preprocess CITE-seq data
2023/12/02 earfanfan | 袁凡
在 ORACLE 中 UPDATE(更新)一张表
2023/12/02 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2023/12/02 R-bloggers
gssr Update
2023/12/02 R-bloggers
Data Engineering in R: How to Build Your First Data Pipeline with R, Mage, and Google Cloud Platform (in under 45 Minutes)
2023/12/02 R-bloggers
A R graphic in a Yesod app
2023/12/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
On a proposal to scale confidence intervals so that their overlap can be more easily interpreted
2023/12/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
EJG Pitman’s Notes on Non-Parametric Statistical Inference
2023/12/02 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
学 R 第五年
2023/12/02 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/12/02 Freakonometrics
Table ronde sur le risque sécheresse en France, à l’ENS Ker Lann
2023/12/02 Another Dayu
个人博客 RSS 订阅数统计
2023/12/02 Thinking inside the box
tidyCpp 0.0.7 on CRAN: Maintenance
2023/12/01 Yongfu's Blog
Some Reflections on the Subjective Nature of Psychological Measurements
2023/12/01 颜林林的个人网站
2023/12/01 R-bloggers
Beyond SAS: How R is Revolutionizing Pharma and Life Sciences
2023/12/01 R-bloggers
Weekly Digest — 2023/12/01
2023/12/01 R-bloggers
tidyAML: Now supporting gee models
2023/12/01 R-bloggers
Geocomputation with R comptetition: book cover for the 2nd edition
2023/12/01 Bayesian Spectacles
Coin Tossing Paper Wins Chinese IgNobel “Pineapple” Award
2023/12/01 Publishable Stuff
Get a Git repo where your team can stow their throwaway data science code!
2023/12/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Russell’s Paradox of ghostwriters
2023/12/01 FlowingData
Inflation high, cost of living no good
2023/11/30 印记
2023年,你可以用 Thorn 写博客
2023/11/30 R-bloggers
Using Google Lighthouse for Web Pages
2023/11/30 R-bloggers
Maximizing Efficiency: A Guide to Benchmarking Memory Usage in Shiny Apps
2023/11/30 R-bloggers
deposits R Package Delivers a Common Workflow for R Users
2023/11/30 R-bloggers
Cliff notes about the cli package
2023/11/30 R-bloggers
Catch Me If You Can: Exception Handling in R
2023/11/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Effective Number of Parameters in a Statistical Model
2023/11/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
(back to basics:) How is statistics relevant to scientific discovery?
2023/11/30 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools, Resources, and Datasets – November 2023 Roundup
2023/11/30 FlowingData
How much more income people need to be happy
2023/11/30 Another Dayu
PIVOT Vol.2 快乐 + 期望 = 现实
2023/11/30 Another Dayu
2023/11/29 R-bloggers
Spatial autocorrelation
2023/11/29 R-bloggers
Shiny Gatherings #8: Teal’s Role in Pharma Innovation with Paweł Rucki
2023/11/29 R-bloggers
Navigating Quantile Regression with R: A Comprehensive Guide
2023/11/29 R-bloggers
Multivariate Regression Ensemble Models for Errors Prediction
2023/11/29 R-bloggers
Introducing rOpenSci Mentors – Cohort 2023-2024
2023/11/29 R-bloggers
data.table User Survey
2023/11/29 R-bloggers
Bug fixes for dqrng and tikzDevice
2023/11/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why I continue to support the science reform movement despite its flaws
2023/11/29 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Introducing rOpenSci Mentors - Cohort 2023-2024
2023/11/29 Julia Silge
Empirical Bayes for #TidyTuesday Doctor Who episodes
2023/11/29 FlowingData
Failed community notes to stop misinformation on Twitter
2023/11/29 Thinking inside the box
RcppSpdlog 0.0.15 on CRAN: Maintenance
2023/11/29 Thinking inside the box
RcppQuantuccia 0.1.1 on CRAN: Maintenance
2023/11/29 Thinking inside the box
qlcal 0.0.9 on CRAN: Maintenance
2023/11/28 R-bloggers
Understanding and Implementing Robust Regression in R
2023/11/28 R-bloggers
Training Lineup for 2024: January-June
2023/11/28 R-bloggers
{rhino} vs {golem} vs {leprechaun}: Which R/Shiny Library is Right for You?
2023/11/28 R-bloggers
R Shiny Docker: How To Run Shiny Apps in a Docker Container
2023/11/28 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2023/11/28 R-bloggers
Igniting Innovation: Bilikisu Wunmi Olatunji’s Journey with Abuja’s Thriving R User Community
2023/11/28 R-bloggers
Advent of Code 2022
2023/11/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Guns, Race, and Stats: The Three Deadliest Weapons in America”
2023/11/28 Freakonometrics
Fondation SCOR, Fairness of predictive models: an application to insurance markets
2023/11/28 FlowingData
Running out of space to grow food
2023/11/28 TheCoatlessProfessor
RcppEnsmallen v0. Released - Callback tweaks!
2023/11/28 Thinking inside the box
RcppSimdJson 0.1.11 on CRAN: Maintenance
2023/11/27 R-bloggers
Unveiling Power Regression: A Step-by-Step Guide in R
2023/11/27 R-bloggers
R Solution for Excel Puzzles
2023/11/27 R-bloggers
Quasi-randomized nnetworks in Julia, Python and R
2023/11/27 R-bloggers
Introduction to data manipulation in R with {dplyr}
2023/11/27 Bayesian Spectacles
This Prior Distribution is Fine
2023/11/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey! Here’s how to rewrite and improve the title and abstract of a scientific paper:
2023/11/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Book on Stan, R, and Python by Kentaro Matsuura
2023/11/27 OmicX
Fix Cmake 'Unsupported GNU Version' Error
2023/11/27 FlowingData
Change in commute times in major cities
2023/11/27 Thinking inside the box
RcppCNPy 0.2.12 on CRAN: More Maintenance
2023/11/26 印记
周报 #06 – 奔波的一个多月
2023/11/26 R-bloggers
Query BigQuery throws error: Error in strsplit(name, “.”, fixed = TRUE) : non-character argument
2023/11/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some people have no cell phone and never check their email before 4pm.
2023/11/26 Posts on 叶寻的博客
小米 / 红米 / MIUI 自动通话录音教程
2023/11/26 Posts on 叶寻的博客
2023/11/26 Thinking inside the box
RQuantLib 0.4.20 on CRAN: More Maintenance
2023/11/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Here are just some of the factors that have been published in the social priming and related literatures as having large effects on behavior.
2023/11/25 Another Dayu
趁着 2023 Steam 秋季特惠,推荐几款今年比较喜欢的游戏
2023/11/24 R-bloggers
Weekly Digest — 2023/11/24
2023/11/24 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, November 2023
2023/11/24 R-bloggers
reactable.extras 0.2.0 Release: Enhanced Interactivity and Efficiency for Shiny Apps
2023/11/24 R-bloggers
Black & white
2023/11/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Here are the most important parts of statistics:
2023/11/24 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, November 2023
2023/11/24 FlowingData
Toddlers and stochastic parrots
2023/11/23 R-bloggers
Using ChatGPT for Exploratory Data Analysis with Python, R and prompting workshop
2023/11/23 R-bloggers
2023/11/23 R-bloggers
Revolutionizing Clinical Research with Interactive Reports: Shiny and Quarto in Action
2023/11/23 R-bloggers
Object-Oriented Express: Refactoring in R
2023/11/23 R-bloggers
Getting started with theme()
2023/11/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Zipf’s law and Heaps’s law. Also, when is big as bad as infinity? And why unit roots aren’t all that.
2023/11/23 Freakonometrics
Measuring and Mitigating Biases in Motor Insurance Pricing
2023/11/22 印记
2023/11/22 R-bloggers
Using benchmarking to guide the adoption of dependencies in R packages
2023/11/22 R-bloggers
Unveiling the Magic of LOESS Regression in R: A Step-by-Step Guide with mtcars
2023/11/22 R-bloggers
Time Series Analysis in R: How to Read and Understand Time Series Data
2023/11/22 R-bloggers
Time Series Analysis and Understanding a Eurobond Fund with Prophet
2023/11/22 R-bloggers
The “Secret Sauce” Used in Many qeML Functions
2023/11/22 R-bloggers
2023/11/22 R-bloggers
Non-stationary wrapped Gaussian spatial response model
2023/11/22 Bayesian Spectacles
A Free Course Book on Bayesian Inference: [9.] Wrinch and Jeffreys to the Rescue
2023/11/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
In all seriousness, what’s USC gonna do about its plagiarizing professor?
2023/11/22 FlowingData
Parallel lines of old
2023/11/22 sesa blog
Unicode in R und in Markdown
2023/11/21 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Making SearchBuilder Work in the Server Mode in DT (Help Needed)
2023/11/21 R-bloggers
qeML Example: Issues of Overfitting, Dimension Reduction Etc.
2023/11/21 R-bloggers
PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R
2023/11/21 R-bloggers
Logarithmic Regression in R: A Step-by-Step Guide with Prediction Intervals
2023/11/21 R-bloggers
From Local Roots to Global Reach: The Collaborative Expansion of R-Ladies Gaborone
2023/11/21 R-bloggers
Folks, C’mon, Use Parquet
2023/11/21 R-bloggers
Airy Area: approximating surface area of a cell from a 3D point set
2023/11/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Of course its preregistered. Just give me a sec
2023/11/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
More on possibly rigor-enhancing practices in quantitative psychology research
2023/11/21 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Empowering Open Science: Donate to Support our Mission
2023/11/21 FlowingData
Attitudes towards tipping in the U.S.
2023/11/20 Yongfu's Blog
Pick and Stick to a Convention
2023/11/20 R-bloggers
Reading notes on Kill It with Fire by Marianne Bellotti
2023/11/20 R-bloggers
R Solutions for Excel Puzzles
2023/11/20 R-bloggers
Mastering Exponential Regression in R: A Step-by-Step Guide
2023/11/20 R-bloggers
A plethora of datasets at your fingertips
2023/11/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The rise and fall of Seth Roberts and the Shangri-La diet
2023/11/20 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Reading notes on Kill It with Fire by Marianne Bellotti
2023/11/20 FlowingData
Jobs with Higher Income and Fewer Hours
2023/11/19 R-bloggers
New Package, New Book!
2023/11/19 R-bloggers
5-minute map
2023/11/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Dorothy Bishop on the prevalence of scientific fraud
2023/11/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Brian Nosek on “Here are some ways of making your study replicable”:
2023/11/19 Freakonometrics
Networks, Games and Risk
2023/11/18 R-bloggers
Statistical Shrinkage (3)
2023/11/18 R-bloggers
Overriding RStudio Desktop’s Font Picker
2023/11/18 R-bloggers
2023/11/18 R-bloggers
Extracting information about spatial patterns from spatial signatures
2023/11/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I disagree with Geoff Hinton regarding “glorified autocomplete”
2023/11/17 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/11/17 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
An Upcoming Change in the TinyTeX Installation Path on Windows
2023/11/17 R-bloggers
{shiny.telemetry}: Enhanced User Behavior Analytics in R/Shiny Dashboards
2023/11/17 R-bloggers
R-universe now builds WASM binaries for all R packages
2023/11/17 R-bloggers
Quadratic Regression in R: Unveiling Non-Linear Relationships
2023/11/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey, check this out! Here’s how to read and then rewrite the title and abstract of a paper.
2023/11/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Open Letter on the Need for Preregistration Transparency in Peer Review”
2023/11/17 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
R-universe now builds WASM binaries for all R packages
2023/11/17 FlowingData
Building fair algorithms
2023/11/16 R-bloggers
The Fast and the Curious: Optimizing R
2023/11/16 R-bloggers
R lubridate: How To Efficiently Work With Dates and Times in R
2023/11/16 R-bloggers
Highlights from R-Ladies Paris Hybrid Meetup Empowering Community Outreach
2023/11/16 R-bloggers
{healthyR.ts} New Features: Unlocking More Power
2023/11/16 R-bloggers
Efficient row min calculation: From R to C
2023/11/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Oooh, I’m not gonna touch that tar baby!
2023/11/16 FlowingData
✚ Charts Options When You Have Little Space
2023/11/16 FlowingData
Carrier pigeon vs. internet upload speeds
2023/11/16 TheCoatlessProfessor
quarto-webr v0.3.9 Released - Zoom-Zoom!
2023/11/15 R-bloggers
Introduction to mixed frequency data models in R workshop
2023/11/15 R-bloggers
How to Perform Multiple Linear Regression in R
2023/11/15 R-bloggers
How to Change Fonts in ggplot2 with Google Fonts
2023/11/15 R-bloggers
Defibrillator from OSM
2023/11/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What happens when someone you know goes off the political deep end?
2023/11/15 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/11/15 FlowingData
Premiums on electricity during Covid lockdowns in Italy
2023/11/15 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
My take on Data Challenges in Immuno-oncology, the Role of the Cloud, and Growing a Computational Biology Team
2023/11/15 sesa blog
Speed test for parallel processing
2023/11/14 R-bloggers
SatRdays London 2024
2023/11/14 R-bloggers
Renewable energy in Europe
2023/11/14 R-bloggers
How to Predict a Single Value Using a Regression Model in R
2023/11/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Generically partisan: Polarization in political communication
2023/11/14 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/11/14 FlowingData
Claim file request generator
2023/11/13 Yongfu's Blog
Navigating Taiwan's Public Transport
2023/11/13 印记
My App Defaults 2023
2023/11/13 R-bloggers
Unlocking the Power of Prediction Intervals in R: A Practical Guide
2023/11/13 R-bloggers
2023/11/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Multilevel models for taxonomic data structures
2023/11/13 FlowingData
Animated map shows the search for the best path
2023/11/13 TheCoatlessProfessor
quarto-webr v0.3.8 Released - New Coat of Paint!
2023/11/12 R-bloggers
Ligatures In RStudio Dailies
2023/11/12 R-bloggers
2023/11/12 R-bloggers
A classifier that’s very accurate (and deep)
2023/11/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Another reason so much of science is so bad: bias in what gets researched.
2023/11/12 Another Dayu
2023/11/11 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/11/11 印记
2023/11/11 R-bloggers
Permutation SHAP versus Kernel SHAP
2023/11/11 R-bloggers
Old map
2023/11/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Simulations of measurement error and the replication crisis: Update
2023/11/11 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/11/10 R-bloggers
Save ggplot Graphics at Intended End-use Dimensions and Resolutions for Best Results
2023/11/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey! Here are some amazing articles by George Box from around 1990. Also there’s some mysterious controversy regarding his center at the University of Wisconsin.
2023/11/10 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
protr 1.7-0
2023/11/10 FlowingData
$7.5-million historical chart
2023/11/10 Another Dayu
My App Defaults 2023
2023/11/09 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/11/09 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2023/11/09 R-bloggers
The current introduction to my package development workshops
2023/11/09 R-bloggers
Slide, Scan, Sum — Find the largest
2023/11/09 R-bloggers
Simulating Phylogenetically Structured Networks*
2023/11/09 R-bloggers
Pfizer Leaders Discuss the Adoption of Open Source, Predominantly R, in Clinical Trial Reporting
2023/11/09 R-bloggers
Most average payed employees
2023/11/09 R-bloggers
Dominant Teams
2023/11/09 Bayesian Spectacles
Bayes Factors for Human versus ChatGPT Authorship Discrimination: Ultrafast Review of Bozza et al. (2023)
2023/11/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“You need 16 times the sample size to estimate an interaction than to estimate a main effect,” explained
2023/11/09 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
The current introduction to my package development workshops
2023/11/09 FlowingData
✚ Pushing Out the Charts
2023/11/09 FlowingData
Music theory in interactive visuals
2023/11/09 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Navigating Omics Data Analysis Challenges in Biotech
2023/11/08 R-bloggers
The Function Begins
2023/11/08 R-bloggers
How to Simulate & Plot a Bivariate Normal Distribution in R: A Hands-on Guide
2023/11/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Malcolm Gladwell is my new hero.
2023/11/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
For how many iterations should we run Markov chain Monte Carlo?
2023/11/08 FlowingData
Fonts for rendering lines and bars from data
2023/11/07 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Convert Definition Lists (`<dl>`) to Frames (`<fieldset>`)
2023/11/07 R-bloggers
Print Debugging (Now with Icecream!)
2023/11/07 R-bloggers
Grouped Sequences in dplyr Part 2
2023/11/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Experimental reasoning in social science
2023/11/07 Julia Silge
Logistic regression modeling for #TidyTuesday US House Elections
2023/11/07 FlowingData
Thousands of satellites orbiting Earth
2023/11/07 FlowingData
Most Common Jobs, by Income Group
2023/11/06 颜林林的个人网站
2023/11/06 R-bloggers
Useful functions for dealing with object names
2023/11/06 R-bloggers
The rOpenSci Multiverse
2023/11/06 R-bloggers
Swap first and last… letter
2023/11/06 R-bloggers
Sum of Series
2023/11/06 R-bloggers
Powerful Numbers
2023/11/06 R-bloggers
Populations of Unlabeled Networks: Graph Space Geometry and Generalized Geodesic Principal Components
2023/11/06 R-bloggers
Demystifying Data: A Comprehensive Guide to Calculating and Plotting Cumulative Distribution Functions (CDFs) in R
2023/11/06 R-bloggers
Builld Your First App With Shiny – R Shiny Tutorial For Beginners
2023/11/06 R-bloggers
365 Data Science courses 100% free until November 20
2023/11/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The importance of group-level predictors in multilevel models
2023/11/06 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
The rOpenSci Multiverse
2023/11/06 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Useful functions for dealing with object names
2023/11/06 FlowingData
Maui fires timeline, a visual reconstruction of the events
2023/11/06 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
How to use random forest as a clustering method
2023/11/05 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/11/05 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2023/11/05 R-bloggers
mlsauce version 0.8.10: Statistical/Machine Learning with Python and R
2023/11/05 R-bloggers
Grouped Sequences in dplyr
2023/11/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
You can tell that this Bret guy never tried driving on the George Washington Bridge on rush hour
2023/11/05 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/11/04 R-bloggers
How to Make a Data Science Portfolio Website (in Under 15 Minutes with R)
2023/11/04 R-bloggers
Bad map
2023/11/04 Bayesian Spectacles
Plan Z: Why Politicians Should Ban Government-Funded Research from Being Published in Commercial Outlets
2023/11/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
If someone were to sneak into Add Health HQ and replace the data there with random numbers and not tell anyone, . . . the numbers of papers publishing from Ad Health data would not change.
2023/11/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Watching movie on plane
2023/11/04 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/11/04 sesa blog
normal distribution animated
2023/11/04 Another Dayu
2023/11/03 R-bloggers
Introducing TidyDensity’s New Powerhouse: The convert_to_ts() Function
2023/11/03 R-bloggers
Clustering points to polygons
2023/11/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
OK, this time they’re taking sabermetrics a bit too far . . .
2023/11/03 Freakonometrics
Intelligence artificielle et individualisation des garanties en assurance: échec ou retard à l’allumage ?
2023/11/03 FlowingData
Demonstration of bias in AI-generated images
2023/11/03 Thinking inside the box
RcppEigen on CRAN: Maintenance, Matrix Changes
2023/11/02 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/11/02 R-bloggers
Using ChatGPT for Exploratory Data Analysis with Python, R and prompting
2023/11/02 R-bloggers
Sluggish system or client code?
2023/11/02 R-bloggers
OSM Guadeloupe trail relation
2023/11/02 R-bloggers
Lesser-known reasons to prefer apply() over for loops
2023/11/02 R-bloggers
Fitting a Distribution to Data in R
2023/11/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Discovering what mattered: Answering reverse causal questions using change-point models
2023/11/02 Freakonometrics
Maths for journalists (and probably many others) by Naël Shiab
2023/11/02 FlowingData
✚ Chart Options When You Need to Fill Space
2023/11/02 FlowingData
Data-based journal of Pavement tour songs
2023/11/02 Another Dayu
2023/11/02 Another Dayu
永久服务能用多久呢:MXroute 和 SM.MS
2023/11/01 R-bloggers
Lynx from GBIF
2023/11/01 R-bloggers
Understanding the Triangular Distribution and Its Application in R
2023/11/01 R-bloggers
Reading notes on Git in Practice by Mike McQuaid
2023/11/01 R-bloggers
Harnessing AI in R and Python – Gather data with ChatGPT
2023/11/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The problem with p-values is how they’re used
2023/11/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
SIMD, memory locality, vectorization, and branch point prediction
2023/11/01 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Reading notes on Git in Practice by Mike McQuaid
2023/11/01 Freakonometrics
Parametric Fairness with Statistical Guarantees
2023/11/01 Freakonometrics
Fairness Explainability using Optimal Transport with Applications in Image Classification
2023/11/01 FlowingData
Disney’s innovations in animation
2023/11/01 首页 on 楚新元 | All in R
K 最近邻算法(KNN)
2023/11/01 Another Dayu
2023/10/31 R-bloggers
Remove Solar System
2023/10/31 R-bloggers
R Quixote in Spain: Organizing Annual R Conference and Writing Book for Hispanic R Users
2023/10/31 R-bloggers
Multinomial Distribution in R
2023/10/31 R-bloggers
Cypher and turn around- Atbash palindrome
2023/10/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hydrology Corner: How to compare outputs from two models, one Bayesian and one non-Bayesian?
2023/10/31 Rob J Hyndman
AIC calculations
2023/10/31 Freakonometrics
Forthcoming… Insurance, Biases, Discrimination and Fairness, v3
2023/10/31 Freakonometrics
Fairness and ethics for Insurance Pricing, at TD Insurance Seminar
2023/10/31 FlowingData
Getting a reservation at a busy restaurant, gamified
2023/10/31 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
My 4-steps to learn deep learning for genomics
2023/10/31 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: Bugfix, Thread Throttling
2023/10/30 印记
2023/10/30 R-bloggers
Scanning QR codes in R
2023/10/30 R-bloggers
Randomness in R: runif(), punif(), dunif(), and quinf()
2023/10/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
On a really bad paper on birth month and autism (and why there’s value in taking a look at a clear case of bad research, even if it’s obscure and from many years ago)
2023/10/30 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Scanning QR codes in R
2023/10/30 Freakonometrics
Econometrics Seminars at Université de Montréal
2023/10/30 FlowingData
Taylor Swift earnings visualized with bracelet beads
2023/10/29 R-bloggers
Introducing anomalize for timetk in R (For Time Series Anomaly Detection)
2023/10/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Simulations of measurement error and the replication crisis: Maybe Loken and I have a mistake in our paper?
2023/10/29 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
I my bike 维修记
2023/10/29 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/10/29 Another Dayu
Life is full of sudden goodbyes
2023/10/28 R-bloggers
Approaches to Calculating Number Needed to Treat (NNT) with Meta-Analysis
2023/10/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
We were gonna submit something to Nature Communications, but then we found out they were charging $6290 for publication. For that amount of money, we could afford 37% of an invitation to a conference featuring Grover Norquist, Gray Davis, and a rabbi, or 1/160th of the naming rights for a sleep center at the University of California, or 4735 Jamaican beef patties.
2023/10/28 Home on 算是紀錄一下
研究生系列 01:對 DL/DS/AI領域研究生來說實用的一些小工具小訣竅
2023/10/27 Yongfu's Blog
A Diary of R Charts
2023/10/27 颜林林的个人网站
2023/10/27 R-bloggers
Plotting Log Log Plots In Base R
2023/10/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Experts and the politics of disaster prevention
2023/10/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Blue Rose Research is hiring (yet again) !
2023/10/27 FlowingData
Falling insect species
2023/10/26 印记
使用 CloudCone 的第 7 个月
2023/10/26 颜林林的个人网站
2023/10/26 R-bloggers
Plotting a Logistic Regression In Base R
2023/10/26 R-bloggers
PHUSE Connect EU 2023 – Clinical Data Science Conference – Coming in Early November
2023/10/26 R-bloggers
How to Load SAS Files in R: Transitioning from SAS to R with Seamless Data Integration
2023/10/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Teaching materials now available for Llaudet and Imai’s Data Analysis for Social Science!
2023/10/26 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/10/26 FlowingData
Rising to Top Net Worth, by Age
2023/10/26 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Resources, October 2023 Roundup
2023/10/26 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
How to convert raw counts to TPM for TCGA data and make a heatmap across cancer types
2023/10/25 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/10/25 颜林林的个人网站
2023/10/25 R-bloggers
What’s a Bland-Altman Plot? In Base R
2023/10/25 R-bloggers
Ted Laderas Discusses CascadiaR and the Diverse R Community in Portland
2023/10/25 R-bloggers
Sort Text Numbers
2023/10/25 R-bloggers
Fund Forecasting: Comparing Prophet, ETS, and ARIMA using Bagging
2023/10/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Springboards to overconfidence: How can we avoid . . .? (following up on our discussion of synthetic controls analysis)
2023/10/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
EDA and modeling
2023/10/25 FlowingData
Food shortage in a height chart
2023/10/24 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/10/24 颜林林的个人网站
2023/10/24 R-bloggers
Unlocking the Power of Functional Programming in R (Part 2): Key Concepts & Analytical Benefits
2023/10/24 R-bloggers
Creating a Scree Plot in Base R
2023/10/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Postdoc on Bayesian methodological and applied work! To optimize patient care! Using Stan! In North Carolina!
2023/10/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Modeling Social Behavior”: Paul Smaldino’s cool new textbook on agent-based modeling
2023/10/24 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/10/24 Freakonometrics
Est-il nécessaire (et utile) d’être en guerre contre tout ?
2023/10/24 Freakonometrics
Présentation sur l’équité et la discrimination en assurance, pour Intact
2023/10/24 FlowingData
When Mike Breen announces “Bang!”
2023/10/24 FlowingData
Data on net worth, income, and savings
2023/10/23 颜林林的个人网站
2023/10/23 R-bloggers
ISBN10 to ISBN13 Converter
2023/10/23 R-bloggers
How to Create a Bubble Chart in R using ggplot2
2023/10/23 R-bloggers
Answering some {tidymodels} questions
2023/10/23 theoretical ecology
Time to leave “species richness” behind, as it serves no scientific purpose on x- or y-axis
2023/10/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Wow—those are some really bad referee reports!
2023/10/23 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/10/23 Julia Silge
Topic modeling for #TidyTuesday Taylor Swift lyrics
2023/10/23 Freakonometrics
Save the date, 16 mai 2024
2023/10/23 FlowingData
Analysis of romance novel covers
2023/10/23 Another Dayu
PIVOT Vol. 1
2023/10/22 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/10/22 R-bloggers
Unearthing Golden Nuggets of Data: A RegEx Treasure Hunt in R
2023/10/22 R-bloggers
RObservations #48: Exploring All Possible Hands in 5 card Poker
2023/10/22 R-bloggers
Portmanteau Words
2023/10/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bloomberg News makes an embarrassing calibration error
2023/10/22 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/10/22 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/10/22 Another Dayu
替代 Readwise Reader 的选择:Zotero 7
2023/10/21 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/10/21 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
R Markdown v1: Feature Complete!
2023/10/21 R-bloggers
All The Right Friends: how does Google Scholar rank co-authors?
2023/10/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What is “public opinion”?
2023/10/21 Freakonometrics
Networks, Games and Risk
2023/10/21 Another Dayu
小米、Yeelight 和 BenQ 屏幕挂灯体验
2023/10/21 Thinking inside the box
qlcal 0.0.8 on CRAN: QuantLib 1.32 Updates
2023/10/20 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
A Simple HTML Article Format
2023/10/20 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, October 2023
2023/10/20 R-bloggers
Reproducible data science with Nix, part 7 — Building a Quarto book using Nix on Github Actions
2023/10/20 R-bloggers
Creating Pareto Charts in R with the qcc Package
2023/10/20 R-bloggers
3 (actually 4) neat R functions
2023/10/20 Econometrics and Free Software
Reproducible data science with Nix, part 7 -- Building a Quarto book using Nix on Github Actions
2023/10/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Moving from “admit your mistakes” to accepting the inevitability of mistakes and their fractal nature
2023/10/20 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, October 2023
2023/10/20 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
3 (actually 4) neat R functions
2023/10/20 FlowingData
Google Maps and 3D experiments
2023/10/20 FlowingData
Evolution of race categories in U.S. Census forms
2023/10/20 Another Dayu
云端 Jupyter Notebook 平台:Google colaboratory 和 Featurize
2023/10/19 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/10/19 颜林林的个人网站
2023/10/19 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2023/10/19 R-bloggers
Using Spatial Data with R Shiny workshop
2023/10/19 R-bloggers
Reading notes on A Philosophy of Software Design by John Ousterhout
2023/10/19 R-bloggers
Mastering Interaction Plots in R: Unveiling Hidden Relationships
2023/10/19 R-bloggers
Highlights from Shiny in Production (2023)
2023/10/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“His continued strength in the party is mostly the result of Republican elites’ reluctance to challenge him, which is a mixture of genuine support and exaggerated ideas about his strength among Republican voters.”
2023/10/19 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Reading notes on A Philosophy of Software Design by John Ousterhout
2023/10/19 FlowingData
✚ Making Dents
2023/10/19 FlowingData
Gaza Strip size compared to U.S. cities
2023/10/18 R-bloggers
Semi Prime Numbers
2023/10/18 R-bloggers
satRdays infrastructure update – ISC Funded Project
2023/10/18 R-bloggers
Making Time Series Stationary Made Easy with auto_stationarize()
2023/10/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Academia corner: New candidate for American Statistical Association’s Founders Award, Enduring Contribution Award from the American Political Science Association, and Edge Foundation just dropped
2023/10/18 FlowingData
More pets than children in Taiwan
2023/10/18 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
How to code a variational autoencoder (VAE) in R using the MNIST dataset
2023/10/17 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/10/17 Robin Lovelace
From code to impact: reproducible research and open tools for evidence-based policy
2023/10/17 R-bloggers
The real reset button for local mess fom tests: withr::deferred_run()
2023/10/17 R-bloggers
The Forgotten Factor in the Middle East Conflict | Youth Bulge Theory
2023/10/17 R-bloggers
Testing stationarity with the ts_adf_test() function in R
2023/10/17 R-bloggers
Sine Wave (plotting with digits)
2023/10/17 R-bloggers
Releasing collapse 2.0: Blazing Fast Joins, Reshaping, and Enhanced R
2023/10/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why aren’t there more fake reviews on yelp etc?
2023/10/17 Rob J Hyndman
P-values for prediction intervals
2023/10/17 FlowingData
Most Common Causes of Death, by Age
2023/10/17 首页 on 楚新元 | All in R
用 R 计算一年有多少天?
2023/10/16 R-bloggers
Winning Teams Point Balances
2023/10/16 R-bloggers
Version v0.14.0 of nnetsauce for R and Python
2023/10/16 R-bloggers
Unlocking the Power of Functional Programming in R (Part 1)
2023/10/16 R-bloggers
The real reset button for local mess fom tests: withr::deferred_run()
2023/10/16 R-bloggers
Interactions – where are you?
2023/10/16 R-bloggers
Analyzing Time Series Growth with ts_growth_rate_vec() in healthyR.ts
2023/10/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Getting the first stage wrong
2023/10/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A successful example of “adversarial collaboration.” When does this approach work and when does it not?
2023/10/16 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
The real reset button for local mess fom tests: withr::deferred_run()
2023/10/16 FlowingData
Realistic rendering of Canada’s wildfires
2023/10/16 TheCoatlessProfessor
quarto-webr v0.3.7 Released - Mutex On, Mutex Off!
2023/10/16 free range statistics
The 'V20' group of vulnerable countries and the MVI
2023/10/15 印记
2023/10/15 R-bloggers
ChatGPT: How to use ChatGPT to make a Shiny App (an Excel Analyzer)
2023/10/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“I am a junior undergraduate student majoring in linguistics and have recently started conducting brain imaging studies. . . .”
2023/10/15 OmicX
Mamba and Its Usage
2023/10/14 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/10/14 R-bloggers
Stochastic Fluid Dynamics
2023/10/14 R-bloggers
Preregistration and Researcher Degrees of Freedom: Experiences from a Field Experiment
2023/10/14 R-bloggers
Conformal parameterization of the torus
2023/10/14 R-bloggers
A brand new GAMLj
2023/10/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2023/10/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayes factors evaluate priors, cross validations evaluate posteriors
2023/10/13 R-bloggers
Mastering the Art of Drawing Circles in Plots with R
2023/10/13 R-bloggers
All Primes After Removal Single Digits
2023/10/13 Bayesian Spectacles
Preprint: Fair coins tend to land on the same side they started: Evidence from 350,757 flips
2023/10/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Partisan assortativity in media consumption: Aggregation
2023/10/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Many ways to trick a deep model
2023/10/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Frictionless reproducibility; methods as proto-algorithms; division of labor as a characteristic of statistical methods; statistics as the science of defaults; statisticians well prepared to think about issues raised by AI; and robustness to adversarial attacks
2023/10/13 FlowingData
Dip in solar generation during the solar eclipse
2023/10/13 FlowingData
Map of the 2023 solar eclipse
2023/10/13 首页 on 楚新元 | All in R
从 GitHub 上下载文件的一点经验
2023/10/12 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Create Tabsets from HTML Sections or Bullet Lists via JavaScript and CSS
2023/10/12 R-bloggers
Vigenere Cypher Grid
2023/10/12 R-bloggers
How to Use cex to Change the Size of Plot Elements in base R
2023/10/12 R-bloggers
Boosting Your Data Weights: Training Accurate Models with tidymodels
2023/10/12 R-bloggers
🇪🇸📚 Big Book of R now has a Spanish section 📚🇪🇸
2023/10/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Simple pseudocode for transformer decoding a la GPT
2023/10/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Debate over effect of reduced prosecutions on urban homicides; also larger questions about synthetic control methods in causal inference.
2023/10/12 OmicX
Common Used Flatpak Commands
2023/10/12 FlowingData
Where the clouds are the highest
2023/10/12 FlowingData
✚ Scale of Things
2023/10/11 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Three Useful Functions in Base R: `regexec()`, `strrep()`, and `append()`
2023/10/11 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
An Example of Simplifying a Decade-Old Piece of JavaScript
2023/10/11 R-bloggers
R Conference 2023: Malaysia’s Largest Face-to-Face Annual R Conference
2023/10/11 R-bloggers
Polydivisible Numbers puzzle
2023/10/11 R-bloggers
Horizontal Legends in Base R
2023/10/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Difference-in-differences: What’s the difference?
2023/10/11 Julia Silge
Where are #TidyTuesday haunted cemeteries compared to haunted schools?
2023/10/11 FlowingData
Real space location of Star Trek and other science fiction
2023/10/11 FlowingData
✚ How to Make a Heatmap with Irregular Bins in R
2023/10/11 叶寻的博客
无需 root 修复 LineageOS 的银行应用 / SafetyNet / Play Integrity
2023/10/11 首页 on 楚新元 | All in R
找到你最需要的最棒的 R 包
2023/10/10 R-bloggers
Steve's Data Tips and Tricks 2023-10-09 22:00:00
2023/10/10 R-bloggers
From Standstill to Momentum: MLP as Your First Gear in tidymodels
2023/10/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Rubric-based holistic word salad represents a change from traditional approaches to publish papers in physics
2023/10/10 Freakonometrics
Insurance, biases, discrimination and fairness, v2
2023/10/10 FlowingData
Nobel Prize for research in global labor markets, using historical data
2023/10/10 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Pathfinder podcast
2023/10/09 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
An Example of Shortening R Code
2023/10/09 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Two Hidden Ways to Set Global Chunk Options for knitr
2023/10/09 颜林林的个人网站
2023/10/09 R-bloggers
Two recent enhancements to my testing workflow
2023/10/09 R-bloggers
Locally Sparse Functional Regression
2023/10/09 R-bloggers
Hooray, Array!
2023/10/09 R-bloggers
A couple of case_when() tricks
2023/10/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Gigerenzer: Simple heuristics to run a research group
2023/10/09 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Two recent enhancements to my testing workflow
2023/10/09 FlowingData
News organizations blocking OpenAI
2023/10/09 FlowingData
Mapping Israel and Gaza attacks
2023/10/09 Thinking inside the box
drat 0.2.4 on CRAN: Improved macOS Support, General Updates
2023/10/08 印记
周报 #05 – 换电池、动态博客还是静态博客?
2023/10/08 R-bloggers
Visualising connection in R workshop
2023/10/08 R-bloggers
Little useless-useful R functions – Function for faster reading with Bionic Reading
2023/10/08 R-bloggers
Introducing Pytimetk: Time Series Analysis in Python
2023/10/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Ministry of Food sez: Potatoes are fattening
2023/10/08 Freakonometrics
Thanksgiving (short) break
2023/10/07 印记
2023/10/07 R-bloggers
Enneper surface with square checkerboard
2023/10/07 R-bloggers
checks and {tiny}testing – a quick primer
2023/10/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“What role will hydrological science play in the age of machine learning?” I think it will depend on the problem you’re trying to solve.
2023/10/06 R-bloggers
Title: Mastering Legends in R: Drawing Them Outside the Plot
2023/10/06 R-bloggers
R-Guru.com Cheat Sheet for Statistical Programmers
2023/10/06 R-bloggers
How to translate your package’s messages with {potools}
2023/10/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Fake It Until You Make It: How and why to simulate research data”
2023/10/06 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/10/06 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
9 Questions About Adaptive Design
2023/10/06 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
How to translate your package's messages with {potools}
2023/10/06 FlowingData
Following the path of the 2024 solar eclipse
2023/10/05 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/10/05 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/10/05 印记
2023/10/05 R-bloggers
Steve's Data Tips and Tricks 2023-10-04 22:00:00
2023/10/05 R-bloggers
Shiny App Successfully Reviewed by FDA CDER Staff (Pilot 2 Announcement 2)
2023/10/05 R-bloggers
An overview of what’s out there for reproducibility with R
2023/10/05 Econometrics and Free Software
An overview of what's out there for reproducibility with R
2023/10/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
No, this paper on strip clubs and sex crimes was never gonna get retracted. Also, a reminder of the importance of data quality, and a reflection on why researchers often think it’s just fine to publish papers using bad data under the mistaken belief that these analyses are “conservative” or “attenuated” or something like that.
2023/10/05 FlowingData
Tree rings to compare life expectancy in your state
2023/10/05 FlowingData
✚ Anti-Aggregate
2023/10/04 R-bloggers
Creating Stacked Dot Plots in R: A Guide with Base R and ggplot2
2023/10/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
You can learn a lot from reanalyzing data (“Signing at the beginning . . .” example, but also many others)
2023/10/04 L. Collado-Torres
Lessons from spatially-resolved transcriptomics of postmortem human brain data projects
2023/10/04 FlowingData
Scale of Sports Fields and Courts
2023/10/03 R-bloggers
How to use R in Google Colab?
2023/10/03 R-bloggers
Elliptic cyclide by inversion of a torus
2023/10/03 R-bloggers
Creating Interactive Radar Charts in R with the ‘fmsb’ Library
2023/10/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The connection between the psychological concept of “generic language” and the problem of overgeneralization from research studies
2023/10/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Call for Participation: Crowd-sourcing “Wisdom of the Crowd” mechanisms. Win $10,000.
2023/10/03 FlowingData
Billion dollar natural disasters
2023/10/03 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Predict TCR cancer specificity using 1d convolutional and LSTM neural networks
2023/10/03 TheCoatlessProfessor
RcppEnsmallen v0. Released - New Active CMAES Implementation and Fixes!
2023/10/02 R-bloggers
Horizontal Boxplots in R using the Palmer Penguins Data Set
2023/10/02 R-bloggers
Get DataCamp Premium for Just $1!
2023/10/02 R-bloggers
Diffusion models in ESGtoolkit + announcements
2023/10/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How did some of this goofy psychology research become so popular? I think it’s a form of transubstantiation.
2023/10/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Beneath every application of causal inference to ML lies a ridiculously hard social science problem
2023/10/02 FlowingData
Visual explanation of menstrual cycle length and variability
2023/10/01 印记
周报 #04 – 口腔溃疡、认知觉醒与返利的讨论
2023/10/01 R-bloggers
adaR: An accurate, fast and WHATWG-compliant URL parser
2023/10/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Wait, is everybody wearing glasses nowadays?”
2023/10/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Stockholm’s Replication Games”
2023/10/01 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Unleashing the power of computational biology
2023/10/01 首页 on 楚新元 | All in R
简约而不简单的 beamer 幻灯片
2023/09/30 R-bloggers
Top 9 R packages (that every Data Scientist must know)
2023/09/30 R-bloggers
Creating typewriter-styled maps in {ggplot2}
2023/09/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Brooks Robinson, Earl Weaver, and a general principle of management
2023/09/30 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/09/30 首页 on 楚新元 | All in R
用 R 语言绘图之放大曲线的一部分
2023/09/30 free range statistics
The UN's proposed Multidimensional Vulnerability Index
2023/09/29 R-bloggers
Plotting Decision Trees in R with rpart and rpart.plot
2023/09/29 R-bloggers
Mastering the Many Models Approach
2023/09/29 R-bloggers
Insights from Posit::conf(2023)
2023/09/29 R-bloggers
3 R functions that I enjoy
2023/09/29 Econometrics and Free Software
ZSA Voyager review
2023/09/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Donald Trump’s and Joe Biden’s ages and conditional probabilities of their dementia risk
2023/09/29 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
3 R functions that I enjoy
2023/09/29 FlowingData
How Cause of Death Shifted with Age and Time in America
2023/09/28 R-bloggers
Shiny in Production: Sponsors
2023/09/28 R-bloggers
Network Analysis with R workshop
2023/09/28 R-bloggers
How to Reorder Boxplots in R: A Comprehensive Guide
2023/09/28 R-bloggers
An Educational Stroll With Stan – Part 2
2023/09/28 Bayesian Spectacles
A Free Course Book on Bayesian Inference: [8.] A Bayesian Reading List
2023/09/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Where should we go to see the eclipse in April? Here’s a graph I’d like to see.
2023/09/28 Rob J Hyndman
How NASA didn’t discover the hole in the ozone layer
2023/09/28 FlowingData
Search the text in historical maps
2023/09/28 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, September 2023 Roundup
2023/09/28 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
How to create pseudobulk from single-cell RNAseq data
2023/09/27 R-bloggers
Linear-cost unbiased estimator for large crossed random effect models via couplings
2023/09/27 R-bloggers
Forecasting Freddie Mac with the DeepAR Algorithm
2023/09/27 R-bloggers
Enhancing Your Data Visualizations with Base R: Overlaying Points and Lines
2023/09/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“We live in a time of mad kings, megalomaniacal sociopaths granted dangerous power through wealth and/or political position, prone to wild schemes of empire and grandeur”
2023/09/27 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/09/27 Julia Silge
How often does Roy Kent say "F*CK"?
2023/09/27 FlowingData
Loneliness, life satisfaction, and time
2023/09/26 颜林林的个人网站
2023/09/26 R-bloggers
System Dependencies in R Packages & Automatic Testing
2023/09/26 R-bloggers
System Dependencies in R Packages & Automatic Testing
2023/09/26 R-bloggers
Mastering Data Visualization with ggplot2: A Guide to Using facet_grid()
2023/09/26 R-bloggers
Implicitization for the spherical trochoid
2023/09/26 R-bloggers
How to Translate a Hugo Blog Post with Babeldown
2023/09/26 R-bloggers
How NOT to format time series data
2023/09/26 R-bloggers
Creating a nice looking Table 1 with standardized mean differences
2023/09/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to teach certain tricky things such as the difference between standard deviation and standard error
2023/09/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How many hours should students spend in class each week (compared to doing homework)?
2023/09/26 首页 on Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/09/26 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
How to Translate a Hugo Blog Post with Babeldown
2023/09/26 Rob J Hyndman
Forecast model selection
2023/09/26 OmicX
Install Nextstrain by Conda
2023/09/26 Freakonometrics
Talk at the ESSEC Risk Seminar
2023/09/26 FlowingData
Two maps with the same scale
2023/09/25 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Implement Dark Mode with One Line of CSS
2023/09/25 R-bloggers
Mastering Data Visualization with Pairs Plots in Base R
2023/09/25 R-bloggers
Empowering Healthcare with R: Javier Orraca-Deatcu’s Journey from Finance to Predictive Health Models
2023/09/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Psychology needs to get tired of winning”
2023/09/25 Freakonometrics
Fairness and Ethic in (insurance) Pricing
2023/09/25 FlowingData
Evolution of beer
2023/09/24 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/09/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stupid legal arguments: a moral hazard?
2023/09/24 OmicX
Setup TigerVNC Server and Windows Client
2023/09/24 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Generative AI: Text generation using Long short-term memory (LSTM) model
2023/09/24 TheCoatlessProfessor
quarto-webr v0.3.6 Released - Ready, Set, Run!
2023/09/24 Another Dayu
2023/09/23 印记
周报 #03 – 未通过的三面、infuse 初体验以及网站的变化
2023/09/23 R-bloggers
Tracking Rite-Aid Store Closures
2023/09/23 R-bloggers
Finding a circle in a chart by @ellis2013nz
2023/09/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
(again) why I don’t like to talk so much about “p-hacking.” But sometimes the term is appropriate!
2023/09/23 首页 on 楚新元 | All in R
利用 CNID 包获取身份证基本信息
2023/09/23 free range statistics
Finding a circle in a chart
2023/09/22 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, September 2023
2023/09/22 R-bloggers
Creating Confidence Intervals for a Linear Model in R Using Base R and the Iris Dataset
2023/09/22 Bayesian Spectacles
A Free Course Book on Bayesian Inference: [7.] Buffon’s Needle and the Pancake Puzzle
2023/09/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
West Point, like major league baseball, was purely based on merit and achievement before Jackie Robinson and that Tuskegee Airman guy came along and messed everything up.
2023/09/22 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, September 2023
2023/09/22 Freakonometrics
Bias 2023 (3rd Workshop on Bias and Fairness in AI)
2023/09/22 FlowingData
Twitter slows competitor links
2023/09/22 sesa blog
Gantt-Diagramme mit ganttrify
2023/09/21 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Snap Slides: a Lightweight HTML Presentation Framework
2023/09/21 R-bloggers
Parallel raster processing in stars
2023/09/21 R-bloggers
2023/09/21 R-bloggers
Confidence Intervals in Election Polling: Understanding the Uncertainty of Political Forecasting
2023/09/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My SciML Webinar next week (28 Sep): Multiscale generalized Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with delayed rejection
2023/09/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
In which we answer some questions about regression discontinuity designs
2023/09/21 FlowingData
✚ Calming Data
2023/09/21 FlowingData
Crows might understand probabilities
2023/09/20 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Add a Copy Button to Any Element on a Web Page
2023/09/20 R-bloggers
Rugby World Cup explainer using data
2023/09/20 R-bloggers
Reproducible data science with Nix, part 6 — CI/CD has never been easier
2023/09/20 R-bloggers
nimbleHMC version 0.2.0 released, providing improved HMC performance
2023/09/20 R-bloggers
Mastering Data Visualization in R: Plotting Predicted Values with the mtcars Dataset
2023/09/20 Econometrics and Free Software
Reproducible data science with Nix, part 6 -- CI/CD has never been easier
2023/09/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A message to Parkinson’s Disease researchers: Design a study to distinguish between these two competing explanations of the fact that the incidence of Parkinson’s is lower among smokers
2023/09/20 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
Lecture Notes
2023/09/20 Freakonometrics
Value-at-risk Forecasting via Sieves
2023/09/20 Freakonometrics
Melting contestation: insurance fairness and machine learning
2023/09/20 FlowingData
Cooling a city
2023/09/19 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Code Folding with 6 Lines of Vanilla JavaScript
2023/09/19 R-bloggers
smooth & greybox under LGPLv2.1
2023/09/19 R-bloggers
Season 10 is now included in {alone} v0.3
2023/09/19 R-bloggers
Exploring Data with Scatter Plots by Group in R
2023/09/19 R-bloggers
Attract Contributors with ‘help wanted’ Issues
2023/09/19 R-bloggers
Algorithmic Fairness
2023/09/19 R-bloggers
A Continental Movement: LatinR Event is Face-to-Face in Montevideo, Uruguay This Year
2023/09/19 Bayesian Spectacles
A Free Course Book on Bayesian Inference: [6.] The Rule of Succession and The Problem of Points
2023/09/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to quit smoking, and a challenge to currently-standard individualistic theories in social science
2023/09/19 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Attract Contributors with 'help wanted' Issues
2023/09/19 Freakonometrics
Le défi de l’assurabilité des risques climatiques
2023/09/19 FlowingData
Life Expectancy of Pets
2023/09/19 叶寻的博客
在 Proxmox VE(PVE)安装最新微码(microcode),改善 N5105 虚拟机死机问题
2023/09/19 Thinking inside the box
RcppInt64 0.0.3 on CRAN: Now with <code>nanotime</code> Support
2023/09/18 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/09/18 R-bloggers
Mastering Histogram Breaks in R: Unveiling the Power of Data Visualization
2023/09/18 R-bloggers
Analyzing every minutes of my spare time in R: 6 months of time tracking insights
2023/09/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Freaky Friday that never happened
2023/09/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Creating Community in a Data Science Classroom”
2023/09/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Are there clear examples of the opposite idea, where four visually similar visualizations can have vastly different numerical stats?”
2023/09/18 FlowingData
Evolution of Lego brick colors
2023/09/17 印记
周报 #02 – 寻找那个少年、面试与乘客的文明
2023/09/17 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Add Client-side Searching via Fuse.js to Static Sites
2023/09/17 R-bloggers
Building Mastodon Bots and Promoting the Community – Part 2
2023/09/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Harvard law prof sez: “I believe that if [universities] are going to accept blood money . . . the should only ever accept that money anonymously.”
2023/09/17 Freakonometrics
Fairness in Multi-Task Learning via Wasserstein Barycenters, at ECML PKDD 2023
2023/09/17 TheCoatlessProfessor
quarto-webr v0.3.5 Released - Rocking the Monaco!
2023/09/16 R-bloggers
Introduction to Topic Modelling in R and Python workshop
2023/09/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Evidence-based medicine”: does it lead to people turning off their brains?
2023/09/15 R-bloggers
The Cantor expansion revisited
2023/09/15 R-bloggers
Reproducible data science with Nix, part 5 — Reproducible literate programming with Nix and Quarto
2023/09/15 R-bloggers
Meeting the Stars of the R-Universe: The R-Universe Against Diseases.
2023/09/15 R-bloggers
Histograms with Two or More Variables in R
2023/09/15 Econometrics and Free Software
Reproducible data science with Nix, part 5 -- Reproducible literate programming with Nix and Quarto
2023/09/15 主页 on tc&xy
戴森球 游戏杂感
2023/09/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Omid Malekan on why crypto is not a scam
2023/09/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How big problem it is that cross-validation is biased?
2023/09/15 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Meeting the Stars of the R-Universe: The R-Universe Against Diseases.
2023/09/15 FlowingData
Oldest and Youngest, by State
2023/09/15 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Monkeybread: A Python toolkit for the analysis of cellular niches in single-cell resolution spatial transcriptomics data
2023/09/14 earfanfan | 袁凡
使用 DiagrammeR 绘制流程图的笔记
2023/09/14 R-bloggers
The pretty Klein j-invariant function
2023/09/14 R-bloggers
How to Create a Histogram with Different Colors in R
2023/09/14 R-bloggers
Fast remote parquet
2023/09/14 R-bloggers
Exploring Machine Learning-Derived Data in Life Sciences with Shiny Applications
2023/09/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Evaluating Visualizations for Inference and Decision-Making (Jessica Hullman’s talk in the Columbia statistics seminar next Monday)
2023/09/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Better Than Difference in Differences (my talk for the Online Causal Inference Seminar Tues 19 Sept)
2023/09/14 Freakonometrics
A Sequentially Fair Mechanism for Multiple Sensitive Attributes
2023/09/14 FlowingData
Visualization to better see true values in data
2023/09/14 FlowingData
✚ Why I Use R More than Python
2023/09/13 R-bloggers
State of Shiny 2023 – Download Report
2023/09/13 R-bloggers
How to Plot Multiple Plots on the Same Graph in R
2023/09/13 R-bloggers
Appsilon’s Top 10 Sessions to Check Out at posit::conf 2023
2023/09/13 Bayesian Spectacles
A Free Course Book on Bayesian Inference: [5.] Learning from the Likelihood Ratio
2023/09/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Crypto scam social science thoughts: The role of the elite news media and academia
2023/09/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Analyst positions available at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau!
2023/09/13 FlowingData
Very Expensive Maps
2023/09/13 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
The tidyomics ecosystem: Enhancing omic data analyses
2023/09/13 TheCoatlessProfessor
quarto-webr v0.3.2 Released - Rocking the Monaco!
2023/09/12 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
An Interview of Me by JP and Sarah
2023/09/12 R-bloggers
R User Group Philippines Turns 10
2023/09/12 R-bloggers
Preprocessing and analyzing web tracking data with webtrackR
2023/09/12 R-bloggers
How Open Source (R and Shiny) Is Transforming Processes in the Pharmaceutical Industry
2023/09/12 R-bloggers
Exploring the Third Dimension with R: A Guide to the persp() Function
2023/09/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Using forecasts to estimate individual variances
2023/09/12 FlowingData
Tattoos and impulsiveness dataset
2023/09/12 TheCoatlessProfessor
quarto-webr v0.3.1 Released - Maintenance Release: Upgrade to webR v0.2.1!
2023/09/12 Another Dayu
2023 年 WP-Statistics 插件崩溃问题
2023/09/12 Thinking inside the box
RcppInt64 0.0.2 on CRAN: Small Update
2023/09/12 主页 on tc&xy
2023/09/11 earfanfan | 袁凡
win11 修改 hosts 文件需要管理员权限
2023/09/11 R-bloggers
Plotting SVM Decision Boundaries with e1071 in R
2023/09/11 R-bloggers
First Publicly Available R-Based Submission Package Submitted to FDA (Pilot 3)
2023/09/11 R-bloggers
Enneper surface with rotating checkerboard
2023/09/11 Bayesian Spectacles
A Free Course Book on Bayesian Inference: [4.] Measuring Probability and Coherence
2023/09/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s the difference between Derek Jeter and preregistration?
2023/09/11 Freakonometrics
Perspectives de la pratique actuarielle
2023/09/11 FlowingData
Shifting causes of death over the decades
2023/09/10 印记
周报 #01 – 开学、番茄工作法和新的域名
2023/09/10 R-bloggers
Roulette-wheel selection for dqrng (part 2)
2023/09/10 R-bloggers
Cracking the Code: Unveiling the Hidden Language of USB HID Keyboards!
2023/09/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The authors of research papers have no obligation to share their data and code, and I have no obligation to believe anything they write.
2023/09/10 Freakonometrics
3e Colloque International de l’Actuariat Francophone
2023/09/10 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: Another Upstream Bugfix
2023/09/09 R-bloggers
R-posts.com 2023-09-09 04:02:52
2023/09/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Improving Survey Inference in Two-phase Designs Using Bayesian Machine Learning
2023/09/09 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
How to use 1d convolutional neural network (conv1d) to predict DNA sequence binding to protein
2023/09/09 Thinking inside the box
RcppFarmHash 0.0.3 on CRAN: Small Update
2023/09/09 Thinking inside the box
Carmageddon by Daniel Knowles: A Brief Review
2023/09/08 印记
2023/09/08 R-bloggers
iETS: State space model for intermittent demand forecasting
2023/09/08 R-bloggers
Creating Population Pyramid Plots in R with ggplot2
2023/09/08 R-bloggers
An Introduction to Web Scraping Using rvest
2023/09/08 R-bloggers
A dull and shadowed ‘rgl’ mesh
2023/09/08 Bayesian Spectacles
A Free Course Book on Bayesian Inference: [3.] The Rules of Probability
2023/09/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When I said, “judge this post on its merits, not based on my qualifications,” was this anti-Bayesian? Also a story about lost urine.
2023/09/08 FlowingData
Are we back yet?
2023/09/07 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
The Upcoming knitr v1.44: More Compatible with Quarto, and Locking `opts_current`
2023/09/07 R-bloggers
Shiny in Production: Full speaker lineup
2023/09/07 R-bloggers
Rhino 1.5.0 Update on CRAN: Streamlining Your R Development Workflow with New Addins
2023/09/07 R-bloggers
Mastering Data Visualization in R: How to Plot a Subset of Data
2023/09/07 R-bloggers
Adding a website next to your Shiny server
2023/09/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
This is what “power = .06” looks like (visualized by Art Owen).
2023/09/07 FlowingData
✚ Chart Options for When the Scale is Squished by the Full Range of Data
2023/09/07 FlowingData
Flawed Rotten Tomatoes ratings
2023/09/07 Another Dayu
译 | 学习的态度看过去,比较的视角看现在,发展得眼光看未来
2023/09/07 Thinking inside the box
x13binary 1.1.57-4 on CRAN: Minor Update
2023/09/06 R-bloggers
Mapping the Past – Geospatial Visualization in R
2023/09/06 R-bloggers
Little useless-useful R functions – Continuous, nowhere differentiable Weierstrass function
2023/09/06 R-bloggers
Insights on R Package Quality and Validation for Clinical Trials
2023/09/06 R-bloggers
Exploring Multivariate Data with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Biplot in R
2023/09/06 R-bloggers
CRAN Download counts
2023/09/06 Bayesian Spectacles
A Free Course Book on Bayesian Inference: [2.] The Nature of Probability
2023/09/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Forking paths in medical research! A study with 9 research teams:
2023/09/06 FlowingData
Declining groundwater
2023/09/05 R-bloggers
When to use Jitter
2023/09/05 R-bloggers
Pearson, Spearman and Kendall correlation coefficients by hand
2023/09/05 R-bloggers
Is this still Weather or is it already Climate? Decoding Chaos!
2023/09/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What happened with HMOs? An update and an empirical research question.
2023/09/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
PhD student, PostDoc, and Research software engineering positions
2023/09/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A rational agent framework for improving visualization experiments
2023/09/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A client tried to stiff me for $5000. I got my money, but should I do something?
2023/09/05 FlowingData
Looking for the best pizza for different styles in different places
2023/09/05 Thinking inside the box
RcppInt64 0.0.1 on CRAN: New Package!
2023/09/04 R-bloggers
Risk-neutralize simulations
2023/09/04 Bayesian Spectacles
A Free Course Book on Bayesian Inference: [1.] Preface, Synopsis, JASP
2023/09/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Sources of bias in observational studies of covid-19 vaccine effectiveness”
2023/09/03 今是昨非
2023/09/03 Bayesian Spectacles
The Tomb of Thomas Bayes in 2023
2023/09/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How many Americans drink alcohol? And who are they?
2023/09/03 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Long Short-term memory (LSTM) Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) to classify movie reviews
2023/09/02 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/09/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Latest observational study shows moderate drinking associated with a very slightly lower mortality rate”
2023/09/01 R-bloggers
Kernel Density Plots in R
2023/09/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Advice on writing a discussion of a published paper
2023/09/01 Julia Silge
Evaluate multiple modeling approaches for #TidyTuesday spam email
2023/09/01 FlowingData
Clock plays a song with the current time in its title
2023/08/31 R-bloggers
R functions that shorten/filter stuff: less is more
2023/08/31 R-bloggers
Grants For R Language Infrastructure Projects Available Now!
2023/08/31 R-bloggers
Deep Learning with torch in R workshop
2023/08/31 R-bloggers
Creating Eye-Catching Data Visualizations with Lollipop Charts in R using ggplot2
2023/08/31 R-bloggers
Build serverless shiny application via Github page
2023/08/31 R-bloggers
Access DataCamp’s entire platform for free until September 3, 11.59 PM EST!
2023/08/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The variation-ignoring junk science that’s promoted by the Association for Psychological Science and related academic celebrities. It’s like a poker player thinking: “okay, if push all in from the button I’ll win 3.6 big blinds each and every time.”
2023/08/31 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
R functions that shorten/filter stuff: less is more
2023/08/31 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, August 2023 Roundup
2023/08/31 FlowingData
When the Cost of a Mortgage is a Multiple of the Original Loan
2023/08/31 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Understand word embedding and use deep learning to classify movie reviews
2023/08/30 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/08/30 R-bloggers
Three (four?) R functions I enjoyed this week
2023/08/30 R-bloggers
How to: one-way ANOVA by hand
2023/08/30 R-bloggers
Geographic data analysis in R and Python: comparing code and outputs for vector data
2023/08/30 R-bloggers
Four Filters for Functional (Programming) Friends
2023/08/30 R-bloggers
Exploring Relationships with Correlation Heatmaps in R
2023/08/30 R-bloggers
dqrng v0.3.1 and tikzDevice v0.12.5
2023/08/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My two courses this fall: “Applied Regression and Causal Inference” and “Communicating Data and Statistics”
2023/08/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
ChatGPT (4) can do 3-digit multiplication
2023/08/30 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Three (four?) R functions I enjoyed this week
2023/08/30 L. Collado-Torres
Studying the human prefrontal cortex transcriptome at different resolutions
2023/08/30 FlowingData
Turn a static SVG into an interactive one, with Flourish
2023/08/29 颜林林的个人网站
2023/08/29 R-bloggers
Visualizing Categorical Data in R: A Guide with Engaging Charts Using the Iris Dataset
2023/08/29 R-bloggers
TidyTuesday 35: Exploring Fair Use Cases
2023/08/29 R-bloggers
Talks to watch at the RSS International Conference 2023
2023/08/29 R-bloggers
R/Basel 2023
2023/08/29 R-bloggers
Now You’re Thinking with Arrays
2023/08/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some Open Questions in Statistics (my talk this Fri, 1 Sep 2023, at the University of Michigan)
2023/08/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Chris Chambers’s radical plan for Psychological Science
2023/08/29 FlowingData
✚ How I Made That: Network Diagrams of All the Household Types
2023/08/29 FlowingData
Apple’s global suppliers
2023/08/29 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: New Upstream Bugfix
2023/08/28 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
rmarkdown::output_format_dependency(): An Easier Way to Customize Output Formats for R Markdown
2023/08/28 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
A Simple CSS Trick to Deal with Horizontal Scrollbars in Code Blocks
2023/08/28 R-bloggers
TidyTuesday: Exploring Refugee Flow with A Sankey Diagram
2023/08/28 R-bloggers
Enhancing Your Histograms in R: Adding Vertical Lines for Better Insights
2023/08/28 R-bloggers
An R package with Baltagi’s ‘Econometric Analysis of Panel Data’ datasets
2023/08/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
There are no underpowered datasets; there are only underpowered analyses.
2023/08/28 FlowingData
Infinity abstractions
2023/08/27 今是昨非
35 天实习之后,我学到了什么?
2023/08/27 R-bloggers
Little useless-useful R functions – Return matrix elements in spiral order
2023/08/27 R-bloggers
How to make Data Visualizations THAT GO VIRAL (with ggplot2 in R)
2023/08/27 R-bloggers
Comparing cross-validation results using crossval_ml and boxplots
2023/08/27 R-bloggers
6 New books added to Big Book of R
2023/08/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Differences between boy and girl dinosaurs: Going beyond p-values and dichotomous thinking
2023/08/27 Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/08/26 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/08/26 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/08/26 R-bloggers
Unravelling Transparency in Coverage Data
2023/08/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Update on Retrodesign: R package for Type M and Type S errors
2023/08/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Blast from the past (hot hand edition)
2023/08/26 Another Dayu
如何在 macOS 上浏览 .svs 格式文件
2023/08/25 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, August 2023
2023/08/25 R-bloggers
How to Plot Multiple Histograms with Base R and ggplot2
2023/08/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
U.S. congressmember makes the fallacy of the one-sided bet.
2023/08/25 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, August 2023
2023/08/25 FlowingData
Renting vs. Owning a Home, by State
2023/08/24 earfanfan | 袁凡
IMPALA 与 ORACLE 在一些函数上的异同
2023/08/24 R-bloggers
Scrape Yahoo search engine results with R
2023/08/24 R-bloggers
Plotting Multiple Lines on a Graph in R: A Step-by-Step Guide
2023/08/24 Bayesian Spectacles
Coming Up: A Free Course Book on Bayesian Inference
2023/08/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How well do engineers understand probability? (question from an aeronautical engineer)
2023/08/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Cureus, its reviewing, and its “Scholarly Impact Quotient”
2023/08/24 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Integration
2023/08/24 FlowingData
Explorable explanation for matrix transformations
2023/08/23 R-bloggers
Time Series Forecasting by Comparing Many Models: EUR/TRY Rates
2023/08/23 R-bloggers
Rython tips and tricks – Clipboard
2023/08/23 R-bloggers
Exploring Data Distribution in R: A Comprehensive Guide
2023/08/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why does education research have all these problems?
2023/08/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Editorial processes and ethics approval — Case study of 248 studies with the same ethics approval number
2023/08/23 FlowingData
Using cold lake water to cool buildings
2023/08/23 FlowingData
Python is coming to Excel
2023/08/22 R-bloggers
Unveiling Data Distribution Patterns with stripchart() in R
2023/08/22 R-bloggers
quantmod_0.4.25 on CRAN
2023/08/22 R-bloggers
Creating template files with R
2023/08/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
thefacebook and mental health trends: Harvard and Suffolk County Community College
2023/08/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The backpack fallacy rears its ugly head once again
2023/08/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Editorial processes and ethics approval — Case study of 248 studies with the same ethics approval number
2023/08/22 FlowingData
Passenger planes flying too close
2023/08/22 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
multi-omics data integration: a case study with transcriptomics and genomics mutation data
2023/08/22 Another Dayu
专辑 | 买车、驾驶和体验
2023/08/21 R-bloggers
Exploring Box Plots with Mean Values using Base R and ggplot2
2023/08/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Hi Andrew, there’s a new Effective Altruist billionaire giving away their money . . .”
2023/08/21 Freakonometrics
Addressing Fairness and Explainability in Image Classification Using Optimal Transport
2023/08/21 FlowingData
xkcd: Pairwise matrix of what to do in an emergency
2023/08/20 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/08/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Report on the large language model meeting at Berkeley
2023/08/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bob Carpenter thinks GPT-4 is awesome.
2023/08/20 Thinking inside the box
RcppRedis 0.2.4 on CRAN: Maintenance
2023/08/19 R-bloggers
Introduction to structural causal modelling
2023/08/19 R-bloggers
Copernicus OpenEO NDVI time series
2023/08/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The fundamental role of data partitioning in predictive model validation
2023/08/19 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
2023/08/19 Another Dayu
选车笔记 – 特斯拉 Model Y
2023/08/18 R-bloggers
Omitted Variable Effects in Logistic Regression
2023/08/18 R-bloggers
Exploring Data Distribution with Box Plots in R
2023/08/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Weggy time: A (conceptual) blast from the past
2023/08/18 FlowingData
Visual breakdowns of iconic hip-hop samples
2023/08/18 Another Dayu
2023/08/17 R-bloggers
Testing multiple differences via symmetric hierarchical Dirichlet processes
2023/08/17 R-bloggers
Mastering Data Approximation with R’s approx() Function
2023/08/17 R-bloggers
From Blood to Oil: A techies perspective on how the USAAF’s pragmatism destroyed the Luftwaffe, dropped the A, and yet failed on it’s Grandest Ambitions
2023/08/17 R-bloggers
Best Practices for Data Cleaning and Preprocessing
2023/08/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Whom to leave behind”
2023/08/17 FlowingData
✚ Chart Options for When Time Data Has Uneven Gaps
2023/08/17 FlowingData
Hip-hop’s influence on the English language
2023/08/17 Another Dayu
信息传输协议 – 从 SMS 到 MLS(Messaging Layer Security)
2023/08/17 Thinking inside the box
#43: r2u Faster Than the Alternatives
2023/08/16 R-bloggers
Use R to explore the link between literacy and suicide in 1830s France
2023/08/16 R-bloggers
Exploring the Power of the curve() Function in R
2023/08/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2023/08/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Confusions about inference, prediction, and “probability of superiority”
2023/08/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Artificial intelligence and aesthetic judgment
2023/08/16 FlowingData
Shifting towards more hot days, fewer cold days
2023/08/16 Another Dayu
Surge 使用笔记 – 新版本支持 Apple TV
2023/08/15 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/08/15 R-bloggers
Solving Systems of Equations in R using the solve() Function
2023/08/15 R-bloggers
Mapping for the Tombstone Project
2023/08/15 R-bloggers
Can a Simple Multi-Agent Model Replicate Complex Stock Market Behaviour?
2023/08/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Polling without paying respondents: The tragedy—or, in this case, comedy—of the commons
2023/08/15 FlowingData
Supermarket provides AI-driven meal planner and is disappointed by the internet using it to output weird recipes
2023/08/15 Another Dayu
译 | 驾驶者的哲学
2023/08/15 Thinking inside the box
#41: Using r2u in Codespaces
2023/08/14 R-bloggers
The substring() function in R
2023/08/14 R-bloggers
An Introduction to Bayesian A/B Testing in Stan, R, and Python workshop
2023/08/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Plenty of causal claims have to be true, but . . .
2023/08/14 FlowingData
Cultural Midwest, not technically
2023/08/13 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2023/08/13 R-bloggers
From TakeOut to TakeIn: The Savings Simulator
2023/08/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Blogging is “destroying the business model for quality”?
2023/08/13 Thinking inside the box
#41: Using r2u in Codespaces
2023/08/12 R-bloggers
Reproducible data science with Nix, part 4 — So long, {renv} and Docker, and thanks for all the fish
2023/08/12 Econometrics and Free Software
Reproducible data science with Nix, part 4 -- So long, {renv} and Docker, and thanks for all the fish
2023/08/12 The Coatless Professor
slcm v0.1.0 Released:
2023/08/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
NYT does some rewriting without attribution. I guess this is standard in journalism but it seems unethical to me.
2023/08/11 今是昨非
2023/08/11 R-bloggers
pmax() and pmin(): Finding the Parallel Maximum and Minimum in R
2023/08/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Claims of election manipulation in the 2019 Indian election
2023/08/11 FlowingData
Map of Lahaina buildings destroyed in wildfire
2023/08/11 Another Dayu
单细胞分析 marker 基因数据库
2023/08/10 R-bloggers
Shuffling Columns: Pandas is Competitive‽
2023/08/10 R-bloggers
Runcinated tesseract (tetrahedra only)
2023/08/10 R-bloggers
Mastering Grouped Counting in R: A Comprehensive Guide
2023/08/10 R-bloggers
Flipbookr for Quarto
2023/08/10 R-bloggers
Drawing a tennis ball
2023/08/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Causal Inference with Ranking Data?
2023/08/10 Freakonometrics
Generalized Oversampling for Learning from Imbalanced datasets and Associated Theory
2023/08/10 FlowingData
✚ Chart Options for When You Have Lots of Categories
2023/08/10 FlowingData
Losing ice in the Antarctic
2023/08/10 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: New Upstream
2023/08/09 R-bloggers
Multi-step Estimators and Shrinkage Effect in Time Series Models
2023/08/09 R-bloggers
Mastering Data Visualization: A Guide to Harnessing the Power of R’s par() Function
2023/08/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
(from 2017 but still relevant): What Has the Internet Done to Media?
2023/08/09 FlowingData
Greenhouse gas from wasting food at home
2023/08/08 earfanfan | 袁凡
用 data.table 做数据处理的笔记
2023/08/08 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/08/08 R-bloggers
Mastering Data Transformation with the scale() Function in R
2023/08/08 R-bloggers
Black hole word numbers in multiple languages
2023/08/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Freakonomics and global warming: What happens to a team of “rogues” when there is no longer a stable center to push against? (a general problem with edgelords)
2023/08/08 FlowingData
Rarity of songwriters who are women for popular songs
2023/08/08 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
neighborhood/cellular niches analysis with spatial transcriptome data in Seurat and Bioconductor
2023/08/08 Thinking inside the box
dtts 0.1.1 on CRAN: Enhancements
2023/08/07 R-bloggers
New Executive Director Position Created at R Consortium
2023/08/07 R-bloggers
Enhance Your Plots with the text() Function in R
2023/08/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The connection between junk science and sloppy data handling: Why do they go together?
2023/08/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Faculty position in computation & politics at MIT
2023/08/07 FlowingData
Finding a troll’s identity
2023/08/07 Thinking inside the box
RQuantLib 0.4.19 on CRAN: More Maintenance
2023/08/06 R-bloggers
What Happens If Our Model Adjustment Includes A Collider?
2023/08/06 R-bloggers
Introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) using R workshop
2023/08/06 R-bloggers
How to make Ridiculous Tables in R (from Excel)
2023/08/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Unifying Design-Based and Model-Based Sampling Inference (my talk this Wednesday morning at the Joint Statistical Meetings in Toronto)
2023/08/06 Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/08/06 Another Dayu
Barbie :重塑,权力与性别
2023/08/05 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2023/08/05 R-bloggers
Resolving A Bluesky/AT Protocol did:plc To A Handle/Handles
2023/08/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What is a standard error?
2023/08/05 free range statistics
Model life tables
2023/08/04 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2023/08/04 R-bloggers
rOpenSci Champions Pilot Year: Training Wrap-Up
2023/08/04 R-bloggers
Exploring R’s Versatile str() Function: Unraveling Your Data with Ease!
2023/08/04 R-bloggers
Drawing a tubular path with Julia
2023/08/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Mundane corrections to the dishonesty literature
2023/08/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Fully Bayesian computing: Don’t collapse the wavefunction until it’s absolutely necessary.
2023/08/04 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Champions Pilot Year: Training Wrap-Up
2023/08/04 FlowingData
Save recipes to your email
2023/08/04 FlowingData
Directory of date-me docs
2023/08/04 ewen
barbie and bell hooks
2023/08/03 今是昨非
使用 Zeabur 构建我的 n8n 赛博空间
2023/08/03 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2023/08/03 R-bloggers
A Handy Guide to read.delim() in R – Unraveling the Magic of Reading Tabular Data
2023/08/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Statistical mistake in published paper is fixed. Correction is issued. Original paper still sitting online with the wrong findings. Press release still sitting online with the wrong findings. Elsevier!
2023/08/03 FlowingData
✚ Range of Possible Answers, Maybe
2023/08/03 FlowingData
Honesty research likely faked data
2023/08/02 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/08/02 R-bloggers
The unlist() Function in R
2023/08/02 R-bloggers
Plotting a COVID-19 vaccination map with different projections (with updated versions of canadamaps and tintin)
2023/08/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“They got a result they liked, and didn’t want to think about the data.” (A fish story related to Cannery Row)
2023/08/02 中文博客 on Yongchao Fu | 付永超
FDA:2022:指南翻译:基于药代动力学获批PD 1或PD- 1新给药方案的行业指南
2023/08/02 L. Collado-Torres
BioC2023 Package Demo: analyzing spatially-resolved transcriptomics data from Visium using spatialLIBD
2023/08/02 FlowingData
Taylor Swift pop charts
2023/08/01 今是昨非
2023/08/01 R-bloggers
It’s the interactions
2023/08/01 R-bloggers
Ensure R Language Reproducibility with dateback Package
2023/08/01 R-bloggers
2023/08/01 R-bloggers
R Functions for Getting Objects
2023/08/01 R-bloggers
My Life with the R-universe
2023/08/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Studying average associations between income and survey responses on happiness: Be careful about deterministic and causal interpretations that are not supported by these data.
2023/08/01 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
My Life with the R-universe
2023/08/01 r4stats.com
Ensure R Language Reproducibility with dateback Package
2023/08/01 FlowingData
Hot surfaces, stored energy
2023/07/31 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/07/31 颜林林的个人网站
2023/07/31 R-bloggers
The replicate() function in R
2023/07/31 R-bloggers
R-Ladies Morelia, Mexico, hosts First Anniversary Event on July 31, 2023
2023/07/31 R-bloggers
One Weird Trick to Make Ggplot2 Columns the Same Width
2023/07/31 R-bloggers
Linear model and Transformations
2023/07/31 Bayesian Spectacles
The Psi of Eros
2023/07/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
It was an open secret for years and years that they were frauds, but nobody seemed to care.
2023/07/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
In the real world people have goals and beliefs. In a controlled experiment, you have to endow them
2023/07/31 FlowingData
Comparing home run in distance different stadiums
2023/07/30 颜林林的个人网站
2023/07/30 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2023/07/30 R-bloggers
Reproducible data science with Nix, part 3 — frictionless {plumber} api deployments with Nix
2023/07/30 R-bloggers
Quantum Entanglement
2023/07/30 Econometrics and Free Software
Reproducible data science with Nix, part 3 -- frictionless {plumber} api deployments with Nix
2023/07/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Cross-validation FAQ
2023/07/30 Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/07/29 R-bloggers
Posit Package Manager for Linux R Binaries
2023/07/29 R-bloggers
Mr. Mastodon Farm: analysing a mastodon ActivityPub outbox.json file
2023/07/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
We want to go beyond intent-to-treat analysis here, but we can’t. Why? Because of this: “Will the data collected for your study be made available to others?” “No”; “Would you like to offer context for your decision?” “–“. Millions of taxpayer dollars spent, and we don’t get to see the data.
2023/07/29 free range statistics
Log transforms, geometric means and estimating population totals
2023/07/28 R-bloggers
The intersect() function in R
2023/07/28 R-bloggers
Quantum programs
2023/07/28 R-bloggers
Grover’s algorithm with qsimulatR
2023/07/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Causal inference and the aggregation of micro effects into macro effects: The effects of wages on employment
2023/07/28 FlowingData
Barbie and Oppenheimer themes for charts in R
2023/07/27 R-bloggers
Unleashing the Power of Cumulative Mean in R: A Step-by-Step Guide
2023/07/27 R-bloggers
SatRdays London 2023 – Recordings
2023/07/27 R-bloggers
Quantum computing with qsimulatR
2023/07/27 R-bloggers
Canadian Hansard Live Database
2023/07/27 R-bloggers
Adding social media icons to charts with {ggplot2}
2023/07/27 R-bloggers
A Memorable Experience: Attending the NYC-R Conference and Key Takeaways
2023/07/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
New research on social media during the 2020 election, and my predictions
2023/07/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
He’s looking for student-participation activities for a survey sampling class
2023/07/27 FlowingData
Racing amateurs against Tour de France cyclists
2023/07/27 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, July 2023 Roundup
2023/07/26 R-bloggers
Understanding the Effect of Subsidies on Agriculture with Neural Networks
2023/07/26 R-bloggers
Summarizing Data in R: tapply() vs. group_by() and summarize()
2023/07/26 R-bloggers
See BlueSky Statistics GUI for R at JSM 2023
2023/07/26 R-bloggers
Reducing my for loop usage with purrr::reduce()
2023/07/26 R-bloggers
Price’s Protein Puzzle: 2023 update
2023/07/26 R-bloggers
New cran.dev shortlinks to package information and documentation
2023/07/26 R-bloggers
Barbie and math
2023/07/26 R-bloggers
Autoregressive Moving Average Models and Power Spectral Densities
2023/07/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s the story with news media insiders getting all excited about UFOs?
2023/07/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Slides on large language models for statisticians
2023/07/26 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
New cran.dev shortlinks to package information and documentation
2023/07/26 r4stats.com
See BlueSky Statistics GUI for R at JSM 2023
2023/07/26 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Reducing my for loop usage with purrr::reduce()
2023/07/26 FlowingData
John Snow’s cholera map, an animated version
2023/07/25 颜林林的个人网站
2023/07/25 R-bloggers
Unraveling Data Insights with R’s fivenum(): A Programmer’s Guide
2023/07/25 R-bloggers
A Heatmap of James Lind’s Scurvy Study
2023/07/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Slate runs embarrassingly bad article on UFOs
2023/07/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Blue Rose Research is hiring (again) !
2023/07/25 FlowingData
When is Dinner, By State
2023/07/24 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2023/07/24 R-bloggers
Workshop: Analyzing BarbieHeimer texts with R
2023/07/24 R-bloggers
Use of R in Non-Profit Social Policy Research in New York
2023/07/24 R-bloggers
Three useful (to me) R notions
2023/07/24 R-bloggers
How to Calculate Percentage by Group in R using Base R, dplyr, and data.table
2023/07/24 R-bloggers
7 New books added to Big Book of R
2023/07/24 Bayesian Spectacles
Order-restrictions in JAGS: Five Methods Fail, One Method Succeeds
2023/07/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Recently in the sister blog
2023/07/24 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Three useful (to me) R notions
2023/07/24 FlowingData
Increasing alcohol-related deaths
2023/07/23 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/07/23 R-bloggers
Step-by-Step Guide to Scrape UN Comtrade metadata with R and Selenium
2023/07/23 R-bloggers
Request for Resources: Teaching Computer Science Basics to R Programmers
2023/07/23 R-bloggers
R and/or Python training – 4 sessions – With discount
2023/07/23 R-bloggers
Front-door Adjustment
2023/07/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A time series so great, they plotted it twice. (And here’s a better way to do it:)
2023/07/23 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
scRNAseq clustering significance test: an unsolvable problem?
2023/07/23 Thinking inside the box
#41: Another r2u Example – Really Simple CI
2023/07/22 R-bloggers
Happy Pi Approximation Day
2023/07/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Problem with the University of Wisconsin’s Area Deprivation Index. And, no, face validity is not “the weakest of all possible arguments.”
2023/07/21 今是昨非
2023/07/21 R-bloggers
When Numbers Meet Stories – an introduction to the synthetic control method in R
2023/07/21 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, July 2023
2023/07/21 R-bloggers
Preparing Data for Modeling Using the Recipes R Package workshop
2023/07/21 R-bloggers
Harness the Power of paste() and cat() in R: Combining and Displaying Text Like a Pro
2023/07/21 R-bloggers
fusen v0.5: Gotta inflate ’em all !
2023/07/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Ten Craziest Facts You Should Know About A Giraffe:
2023/07/21 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, July 2023
2023/07/21 FlowingData
A race to find the best route to the Jersey Shore
2023/07/20 R-bloggers
Using implicitization to split a ball
2023/07/20 R-bloggers
Teaching targets with Penguins
2023/07/20 R-bloggers
Supervised Topic Modeling for Short Texts: My Workflow and A Worked Example
2023/07/20 R-bloggers
Simplify Your Code with R’s Powerful Functions: with() and within()
2023/07/20 R-bloggers
How to use ChatGPT for Time Series in R
2023/07/20 R-bloggers
Generate multiple presentations with Quarto parameters
2023/07/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Devereaux on ChatGPT in the classroom
2023/07/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Deja vu on researching whether people combined with LLMs can do things people can do
2023/07/20 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Teaching targets with Penguins
2023/07/20 Rob J Hyndman
Videos for Forecasting: principles and practice (3rd ed)
2023/07/20 FlowingData
Understanding the SVG path element, a visual guide
2023/07/20 FlowingData
✚ Mundane Data Stories
2023/07/19 R-bloggers
The Power of Effective Product Ownership – Insight from Appsilon
2023/07/19 R-bloggers
Reproducible data science with Nix, part 2 — running {targets} pipelines with Nix
2023/07/19 R-bloggers
How to subset list objects in R
2023/07/19 R-bloggers
Gröbner implicitization and the ‘giacR’ package
2023/07/19 Econometrics and Free Software
Reproducible data science with Nix, part 2 -- running {targets} pipelines with Nix
2023/07/19 FlowingData
What Americans drink and their changing habits
2023/07/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some questions on regression
2023/07/19 Julia Silge
Classification metrics for #TidyTuesday GPT detectors
2023/07/19 Another Dayu
2023/07/19 Thinking inside the box
qlcal 0.0.7 on CRAN: QuantLib 1.31 Updates
2023/07/18 R-bloggers
Shiny in Production 2023
2023/07/18 R-bloggers
Efficiently Finding Duplicate Rows in R: A Comparative Analysis
2023/07/18 R-bloggers
Communicating development stages of open-source software
2023/07/18 R-bloggers
A naive simplex phase 2 implementation with C++ 11 and R
2023/07/18 theoretical ecology
The end of the bias-variance trade-off?
2023/07/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When your regression model has interactions, do you need to include all the corresponding main effects?
2023/07/18 L. Collado-Torres
Lessons from working on the edge of human brain transcriptomics with spatially-resolved transcriptomics and deconvolution
2023/07/18 FlowingData
Manual data labeling behind the AI
2023/07/17 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/07/17 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/07/17 R-bloggers
Get Your Data On 2023-07-16 21:19:00
2023/07/17 R-bloggers
Finding Duplicate Values in a Data Frame in R: A Guide Using Base R and dplyr
2023/07/17 R-bloggers
Create a CV with Quarto
2023/07/17 R-bloggers
Building Websites in R with Distill workshop
2023/07/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What data to include in an analysis? Not always such an easy question. (Elliott Morris / Nate Silver / Rasmussen polls edition)
2023/07/17 FlowingData
Age shifts around the world
2023/07/17 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Dissecting myeloid and T cells interaction niches in the TME using spatial transcriptome
2023/07/16 R-bloggers
Using Custom TeX Fonts (Lucida and Minion Pro) in Quarto
2023/07/16 R-bloggers
How To Modularize an Existing Shiny App
2023/07/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A quote on data transparency—from 1662!
2023/07/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Do Ultra-Processed Data Cause Excess Publication and Publicity Gain?
2023/07/15 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Navigating Variant Calling for Disease-Causing Mutations: The state-of-art process
2023/07/15 sesa blog
Filtering vectors in R
2023/07/14 R-bloggers
Open Call for rOpenSci Champions Program Applications!
2023/07/14 R-bloggers
Covariance in R with the cov() Function
2023/07/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Nobody’s Fool,” by Daniel Simons and Christopher Chabris
2023/07/14 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Open Call for rOpenSci Champions Program Applications!
2023/07/14 Freakonometrics
Modèles d’apprentissage statistique pour données de comptage
2023/07/14 FlowingData
Flowchart showing the splits, mergers, and acquisitions of the former Bell Telephone Company
2023/07/14 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Reuse the single cell data! How to create a seurat object from GEO datasets
2023/07/13 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/07/13 R-bloggers
The Benjamini-Hochberg procedure (FDR) and P-Value Adjusted Explained
2023/07/13 R-bloggers
Simplifying File Existence Checking in R with file.exists()
2023/07/13 R-bloggers
Reproducible data science with Nix
2023/07/13 R-bloggers
Introducing dataverifyr: A Lightweight, Flexible, and Fast Data Validation Package that Can Handle All Sizes of Data
2023/07/13 R-bloggers
datasetR – R package for creating datasets
2023/07/13 Econometrics and Free Software
Reproducible data science with Nix
2023/07/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How does Bayesian inference work when estimating noisy interactions?
2023/07/13 FlowingData
✚ When I Switched Visualization Tools
2023/07/13 FlowingData
Outsourced work and generative AI
2023/07/13 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
10 single-cell data benchmarking papers
2023/07/13 Home on Jinji
Curriculum Vitae
2023/07/13 Home on Jinji
2023/07/12 今是昨非
2023/07/12 R-bloggers
Uncovering History with R – A Look at the HistData Package
2023/07/12 R-bloggers
Exploring Data with colMeans() in R: A Programmer’s Guide
2023/07/12 R-bloggers
Another Hopf torus
2023/07/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some challenges with existing election forecasting methods
2023/07/12 FlowingData
A rubber stamp for graph axes
2023/07/11 R-bloggers
Weighted probability vs. favourability
2023/07/11 R-bloggers
Tree models for assessing covariate-dependent method agreement
2023/07/11 R-bloggers
TidyTuesday Week 28: Global Surface Temperature
2023/07/11 R-bloggers
Create interactive 2023 Toronto mayoral election map in R with leaflet
2023/07/11 R-bloggers
A Closer Look at the R Function identical()
2023/07/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why is every action hero named Jack, John, James, or, occasionally, Jason, but never Bill, Bob, or David?
2023/07/11 Freakonometrics
Talk at SINCLAIR (Saclay INdustrial Collaborative Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence Research)
2023/07/11 FlowingData
Introduction to statistical learning, with Python examples
2023/07/10 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/07/10 R-bloggers
Unveiling a New Era in Molecular Visualization: Introducing shiny.molstar for Large Molecular Structures Visualization in R
2023/07/10 R-bloggers
The “curse of the bye” revisited
2023/07/10 R-bloggers
Rhino 1.4.0 Update on CRAN: Streamlined Dependency Management and React Support
2023/07/10 R-bloggers
An Open Source Framework for Choice Based Conjoint Experiments in R workshop
2023/07/10 Bayesian Spectacles
What Determines the Price of LEGO Sets? A Bayesian Analysis with Twists and Turns
2023/07/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The vicious circle of corroboration or pseudo-confirmation in science and engineering
2023/07/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Here are the data from that cold showers study. So you haters can now do your own analyses!
2023/07/10 Freakonometrics
Discussion à l’ACPR
2023/07/10 FlowingData
Wimbledon grass patterns
2023/07/10 Thinking inside the box
RcppSpdlog 0.0.14 on CRAN: Upstream Update
2023/07/09 R-bloggers
New R Package For HTTP Headers Hashing
2023/07/09 R-bloggers
midfieldr v1.0.1
2023/07/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Would you allow a gun to be fired at your head contingent on a mere 16 consecutive misfires, whatever the other inconclusive evidence?
2023/07/09 Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/07/09 Freakonometrics
“Notre maison brûle et”… nous espérons que notre assureur ne regarde pas ailleurs
2023/07/08 R-bloggers
The Doyle spiral with R
2023/07/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Before reading this post, take a cold shower: A Stanford professor says it’s “great training for the mind”!
2023/07/08 Thinking inside the box
#40: Another r2u Example – Making Colab Easier
2023/07/07 R-bloggers
Poor Dude’s Janky Bluesky Feed Reader CLI Via R & Python
2023/07/07 R-bloggers
Illustration of Graphical Gaussian Process models to analyze highly multivariate spatial data
2023/07/07 R-bloggers
Array Languages: R vs APL
2023/07/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Cheating in science, sports, journalism, business, and art: How do they differ?
2023/07/07 FlowingData
Focusing on the majority of students not affected by affirmative action
2023/07/07 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Patient Participation: The Unsung Hero of Drug Development
2023/07/07 Thinking inside the box
digest 0.6.33 on CRAN: Bugfix
2023/07/06 今是昨非
Hello, Threads
2023/07/06 R-bloggers
Using Spatial Data with R Shiny workshop
2023/07/06 R-bloggers
R Consortium Funded Project Extendr Provides Rust Extensions for R
2023/07/06 R-bloggers
Changing the world with Data: An outreach event
2023/07/06 R-bloggers
An Easy Way to Customize Your Shiny App Theme
2023/07/06 R-bloggers
A Gentle Introduction to K-Means Clustering in R (Feat. Tidyclust)
2023/07/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The Role of Doubt in Conceiving Research.” The capacity to be upset, to recognize anomalies for what they are, and to track them down and figure out what in our understanding is lacking:
2023/07/06 FlowingData
✚ Learning to Use One Visualization Tool Really Well
2023/07/06 FlowingData
Fonts primer
2023/07/06 Thinking inside the box
Rcpp 1.0.11 on CRAN: Updates and Maintenance
2023/07/05 Biomedical science and Mathematics
How to update all R packages after installing a new version of R?
2023/07/05 R-bloggers
R Validation Hub Community Meeting – June Recap ↺
2023/07/05 R-bloggers
Fast expansion of a polynomial with R – part 2
2023/07/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“On the Past and Future of Null Hypothesis Significance Testing”
2023/07/05 Julia Silge
What tokens are used more vs. less in #TidyTuesday place names?
2023/07/05 Freakonometrics
Excursion parisienne
2023/07/05 FlowingData
xkcd: Real estate analysis
2023/07/04 R-bloggers
Using webR in an Express JS REST API
2023/07/04 R-bloggers
TidyTuesday Week 27: Historical Markers
2023/07/04 R-bloggers
July Training Update
2023/07/04 R-bloggers
Fast expansion of a polynomial with R
2023/07/04 R-bloggers
CheatSheet for coding in R, Python and Julia
2023/07/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Annals of Spam
2023/07/04 Dr. Jihong Zhang
Data visualization for survey data
2023/07/03 R-bloggers
Credible intervals with Capybaras, R and Stan (rstan and cmdstanr interfaces)
2023/07/03 Bayesian Spectacles
Visualizing the Equation for the Sample Correlation Coefficient
2023/07/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Welcome to the grand opening of the Alexey Guzey Sleep Center at the University of California!
2023/07/03 FlowingData
Mosaic, a framework for scalable and linked visualization
2023/07/03 FlowingData
Competitive hot dog eating requirements
2023/07/02 R-bloggers
The scaling limit of Baxter permutations
2023/07/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Instructors are trying their best but they are busy and often don’t themselves understand statistics so well. How can they avoid using bad examples, or does this even matter?
2023/07/02 Another Dayu
为什么我愿意给 Twitter 试错的机会?
2023/07/02 Thinking inside the box
RcppAnnoy 0.0.21 on CRAN: Upstream Update
2023/07/01 Biomedical science and Mathematics
Lifelong Learning
2023/07/01 On Your Mark
I am back
2023/07/01 R-bloggers
parallelly: Querying, Killing and Cloning Parallel Workers Running Locally or Remotely
2023/07/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The causal revolution in econometrics has gone too far.
2023/07/01 Thinking inside the box
New Achievement Unlocked: Bugfix Patch into Stable Release Update
2023/06/30 earfanfan | 袁凡
用 ggplot2 绘制柱状图的笔记
2023/06/30 R-bloggers
Simplifying File Management in R: Introducing file.rename()
2023/06/30 R-bloggers
Mentoring & training program for Scientific Open Source Champions
2023/06/30 R-bloggers
Graph Data Modeling with Python
2023/06/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Incompetent officeholders, retractions of published papers, and norms
2023/06/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Defining decisions in studies of visualization and human centered AI
2023/06/30 Freakonometrics
Insurance, biases, discrimination and fairness
2023/06/30 FlowingData
Oddly specific ad profiles
2023/06/30 sesa blog
Farbpaletten für nominale Variablen
2023/06/29 R-bloggers
Tidy Tuesday Revisited: Interactive Map of Arlington Historic Neighborhoods
2023/06/29 R-bloggers
How to Use a Windows .bat File to Execute an R Script
2023/06/29 R-bloggers
Building a basic Shiny app with Golem – Part II (Video)
2023/06/29 Econometrics and Free Software
How to self-publish a technical book on Leanpub and Amazon using Quarto
2023/06/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Workflow for robust and efficient projection predictive inference
2023/06/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
If the Nobel Prize winners and the bigshots at the National Cancer Institute are doing hype on the daily, then it makes sense that the loser wannabe bigshots at the Cleveland Clinic and the Scripps Translational Science Institute will imitate that behavior.
2023/06/29 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, June 2023 Roundup
2023/06/29 FlowingData
Astericking NBA champions
2023/06/28 R-bloggers
Write a function with Python and R
2023/06/28 R-bloggers
Nurturing Growth: Advancing Your IT Career in the Appsilon Tech Team
2023/06/28 R-bloggers
Machine Learning workflow with tidymodels in R workshop
2023/06/28 R-bloggers
Exploring Rolling Correlation with the rollapply Function: A Powerful Tool for Analyzing Time-Series Data
2023/06/28 R-bloggers
A Journey through Arrow in R
2023/06/28 FlowingData
Noise and health
2023/06/28 FlowingData
Password game requires more ridiculous rules as you play
2023/06/27 Yongfu's Blog
Beyond Item Response Theory
2023/06/27 R-bloggers
Tidy Tuesday: US Populated Places
2023/06/27 R-bloggers
The ave() Function in R
2023/06/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
They came in through the window: The migration of tech hype from the fringes to the media and academic mainstream
2023/06/27 Rob J Hyndman
Degrees of freedom for a Ljung-Box test
2023/06/27 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Base R Shortcuts: A Collection of Lesser-Known Idioms and Coding Patterns for Writing Concise and Fast R Code
2023/06/27 Dr. Jihong Zhang
A tutorial for forester R package
2023/06/27 FlowingData
A year of flight paths, for someone with an unlimited pass
2023/06/27 Another Dayu
论文投稿技巧:Format-free journals 和 Your Paper, Your Way
2023/06/26 R-bloggers
Visualization in R: Unleashing the Power of the abline() Function
2023/06/26 R-bloggers
R for Predictive Modeling and Data Visualization in Turkey
2023/06/26 R-bloggers
%dofuture% – a Better foreach() Parallelization Operator than %dopar%
2023/06/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Variation over time or across scenarios is more relevant than within-sample standard errors
2023/06/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Summer School on Advanced Bayesian Methods in Belgium
2023/06/26 Dr. Jihong Zhang
One Template for Quarto Report
2023/06/26 Freakonometrics
Optimal vaccination policy to prevent endemicity: a stochastic model
2023/06/26 FlowingData
Map of electric grid required for cleaner energy
2023/06/26 Thinking inside the box
digest 0.6.32 on CRAN: CRC32C and AES Updates
2023/06/25 怡然轩
2023/06/25 R-bloggers
Order Constraints in Bayes Models (with brms)
2023/06/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Scientists correcting past mistakes (climate oscillation edition)
2023/06/25 Another Dayu
特斯拉 Tesla model Y 相关配件推荐
2023/06/24 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/06/24 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/06/24 颜林林的个人网站
2023/06/24 R-bloggers
How to visually assess the convergence of a mixed-effects model by plotting various optimizers
2023/06/24 R-bloggers
How to map more informative values onto fill argument of sjPlot::plot_model
2023/06/24 R-bloggers
How to break up colour variable in sjPlot into equally-sized bins
2023/06/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
On that weird stereotype about Jews being bad at spatial reasoning
2023/06/24 Dr. Jihong Zhang
Moving My Website to Quarto
2023/06/23 R-bloggers
rOpenSci Champions Program Teams: Meet Ghozayel Elotteebi and Zebulun Arendsee
2023/06/23 R-bloggers
How to generate a hex sticker with {openai} and {cropcircles}
2023/06/23 R-bloggers
Bootstrap Function in R: Resampling with the lapply and sample Functions
2023/06/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
It’s worse than you might think: Passive corruption in the social sciences
2023/06/23 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Champions Program Teams: Meet Ghozayel Elotteebi and Zebulun Arendsee
2023/06/23 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Create Engaging Word Cloud Visualizations from Your Research in an Hour
2023/06/23 Freakonometrics
Mitigating Discrimination in Insurance with Wasserstein Barycenters
2023/06/23 FlowingData
Crochet lake map
2023/06/23 free range statistics
Weighted versus unweighted percentiles
2023/06/22 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, June 2023
2023/06/22 R-bloggers
Mastering Repetition with R’s rep() Function: A Programmer’s Guide
2023/06/22 R-bloggers
Coming in July! 🔥 We Have a 20% off Promo Code – Data Scientists & Data Professionals at New York R Conference
2023/06/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Here are some ways of making your study replicable. (No, it’s not preregistration or increasing the sample size!)
2023/06/22 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, June 2023
2023/06/22 FlowingData
✚ Chart Practice: Branch Out Beyond the Visual Bits
2023/06/22 FlowingData
An interactive guide to color and contrast
2023/06/21 R-bloggers
Version 1.0.1 of NIMBLE released, fixing a bug in version 1.0.0 affecting certain models
2023/06/21 R-bloggers
Unleashing the Power of Sampling in R: Exploring the Versatile sample() Function
2023/06/21 R-bloggers
Several Key PerformanceAnalytics Functions From R Now In Python (special thanks to Vijay Vaidyanathan)
2023/06/21 R-bloggers
Miami-Dade County Public Employee Salary Research – An Analysis in R, Python, and Julia
2023/06/21 R-bloggers
All About Coworking Sessions with rOpenSci
2023/06/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Ted-talking data fakers who write books about lying and rule-breaking . . . what’s up with that?
2023/06/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
HIIT Research Fellow positions in Finland (up to 5 year contracts)
2023/06/21 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
All About Coworking Sessions with rOpenSci
2023/06/21 Freakonometrics
Fairness in Multi-Task Learning via Wasserstein Barycenters
2023/06/21 FlowingData
Switching from Python to R
2023/06/20 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/06/20 R-bloggers
TidyTuesday Week 25: UFO Sightings Redux
2023/06/20 R-bloggers
Mastering Data Aggregation with xtabs() in R
2023/06/20 R-bloggers
Finding logistic models to generate data with desired risk ratio, risk difference and AUC profiles
2023/06/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Should every correlation be published during the COVID-19 pandemic?
2023/06/20 FlowingData
Friend simulation system, with ChatGPT
2023/06/19 R-bloggers
Two-way ANOVA in R
2023/06/19 R-bloggers
The Naming of Stats
2023/06/19 R-bloggers
rOpenSci Champions Program Teams: Meet Alican Cagri Gokcek and Elio Campitelli
2023/06/19 R-bloggers
Renewing the R Consortium Census Working Group
2023/06/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Can Visualization Alleviate Dichotomous Thinking? Some experimental evidence.
2023/06/19 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Champions Program Teams: Meet Alican Cagri Gokcek and Elio Campitelli
2023/06/19 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Rethinking the Word Cloud Generator
2023/06/19 Dr. Jihong Zhang
A Conversation between R and Python on Data Analysis and Machine Learning
2023/06/19 FlowingData
To make electric vehicle batteries, China must be involved
2023/06/19 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: New Upstream Bugfix
2023/06/18 R-bloggers
Leveraging generic type hints of classes in Python
2023/06/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Social experiments and the often-neglected role of theory
2023/06/18 Another Dayu
特斯拉 Tesla 的最佳伴侣:Teslamate
2023/06/18 Thinking inside the box
spdl 0.0.5 on CRAN: Small Extension
2023/06/17 今是昨非
2023/06/17 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/06/17 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/06/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
It’s Harvard time, baby: That thing where well-connected policy advocates can’t handle criticism and call it “Stasi” or “censorship”
2023/06/17 Freakonometrics
Entrevue avec RTS
2023/06/17 Another Dayu
Onekey Card 虚拟信用卡使用体验
2023/06/17 Thinking inside the box
RcppSpdlog 0.0.13 on CRAN: Small Extensions
2023/06/16 R-bloggers
Step By Step: recreating a volcano plot in R
2023/06/16 R-bloggers
Mastering the Power of R’s diff() Function: A Programmer’s Guide
2023/06/16 R-bloggers
‘Bring a Shiny App to Production’ the hands-on workshop
2023/06/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Bayes is guaranteed to overfit”: What does this mean? There’s a factor of 2 here.
2023/06/16 FlowingData
Where people are moving in the U.S.
2023/06/16 free range statistics
Simpler drawing of Pacific choropleth maps
2023/06/15 今是昨非
2023/06/15 R-bloggers
Introduction to Linear Regression in R: Analyzing the mtcars Dataset with lm()
2023/06/15 R-bloggers
How do you measure the impact of a champions program?
2023/06/15 R-bloggers
Bayesian structural equation model tutorial
2023/06/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Fake data scandal in basketball!
2023/06/15 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
How do you measure the impact of a champions program?
2023/06/15 FlowingData
✚ Chart Practice: Changing the Audience
2023/06/15 FlowingData
Life timeline in a spreadsheet
2023/06/15 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Has AI changed the course of Drug Development?
2023/06/14 R-bloggers
Use of R for Meta-Research in Zürich
2023/06/14 R-bloggers
rOpenSci’s Communication Channels for Safe and Friendly Exchange
2023/06/14 R-bloggers
Pulling a formula from a recipe object
2023/06/14 R-bloggers
Learnings and Reflection from Case Studies: What is Next for the R Validation Hub?
2023/06/14 R-bloggers
Introduction to Supervised Text Classification in R workshop
2023/06/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Economist is hiring a political data scientist to do election modeling!
2023/06/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Scientific software research faculty award
2023/06/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Explaining the horribly wasteful U.S. heath care system as a combination of rich-countries-spend-more-on-health-care and diminishing-returns-to-health-care-spending
2023/06/14 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci's Communication Channels for Safe and Friendly Exchange
2023/06/14 FlowingData
Objectiveness distributions
2023/06/13 R-bloggers
Simplifying Model Formulas with the R Function ‘reformulate()’
2023/06/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
World premiere performance of Recursion is tonight!
2023/06/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
AI as Wiley E. Coyote, and a funny thing about Worstfish
2023/06/13 FlowingData
Using gaps in location data to track illegal fishing
2023/06/13 FlowingData
Fake location signals from oil tankers avoiding oversight
2023/06/12 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/06/12 R-bloggers
rOpenSci Champions Program Teams: Meet Cheryl Isabella Lim and Mauro Lepore
2023/06/12 R-bloggers
R Consortium Funding for R User Groups! Highlighting R-Ladies São Paulo
2023/06/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The three ages of -i
2023/06/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My talk Tues 13 June in London on statistics education
2023/06/12 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Champions Program Teams: Meet Cheryl Isabella Lim and Mauro Lepore
2023/06/12 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Context-Free R Package Release Checklist Generation with usethis
2023/06/12 FlowingData
Generative AI exaggerates stereotypes
2023/06/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The loneliest kind of lonely
2023/06/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Joe Simmons, Leif Nelson, and Uri Simonsohn agree with us regarding the much publicized but implausible and unsubstantiated claims of huge effects from nudge interventions
2023/06/11 Thinking inside the box
sanitizers 0.1.1 on CRAN: Updated and Expanded
2023/06/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Evil spammers waste our time.
2023/06/10 Freakonometrics
Insurance Data Science Conference
2023/06/09 R-bloggers
R and OOP anti-patterns
2023/06/09 R-bloggers
‘Advanced Shiny Development’ the hands-on workshop
2023/06/09 Publishable Stuff
A Makefile recipe for Python data pipelines
2023/06/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The cigarettes and cocaine argument
2023/06/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
R and OOP anti-patterns
2023/06/09 L. Collado-Torres
Harnessing the power of spatially-resolved transcriptomics one step at a time
2023/06/09 Dr. Jihong Zhang
Latent Class Model: Batch Mplus using R on Mac
2023/06/09 FlowingData
Smoke from Canada wildfires over the U.S.
2023/06/09 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Single-cell analysis: best practices and unsolved problems
2023/06/08 R-bloggers
Update to Data Science Software Popularity
2023/06/08 R-bloggers
Understanding the file.info() Function in R: Listing Files by Date
2023/06/08 R-bloggers
Building a basic Shiny app with Golem – Part I (Video)
2023/06/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Prior knowledge elicitation: The past, present, and future
2023/06/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hedging your bets by weighting regressions?
2023/06/08 r4stats.com
Update to Data Science Software Popularity
2023/06/08 L. Collado-Torres
escheR: Unified multi-dimensional visualizations with Gestalt principles
2023/06/08 FlowingData
✚ Artificial Data Visualization
2023/06/08 FlowingData
NYC city council district voting guide
2023/06/08 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
How to add boxplots or density plots side-by-side a scatterplot: a single cell case study
2023/06/07 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/06/07 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/06/07 R-bloggers
JAGS Simulation with Multivariate State-Space Model: The G7 on Food Security
2023/06/07 R-bloggers
Introduction to Propensity Score Analysis with R workshop
2023/06/07 R-bloggers
Geographic SHAP
2023/06/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Incompetence or fraud hidden in plain sight
2023/06/07 FlowingData
See if you are middle class
2023/06/07 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Unlock the Power of Genomics Data Analysis: Watershed's Seamless Cloud Computing Solution
2023/06/07 Another Dayu
2023/06/06 R-bloggers
Three useful (to me) R patterns
2023/06/06 R-bloggers
Simplifying Data Transformation with pivot_longer() in R’s tidyr Library
2023/06/06 R-bloggers
Moving from bookdown to Quarto (and the corresponding GitHub Actions changes)
2023/06/06 R-bloggers
Meeting the Stars of the R-Universe: PEcAn, an Open Source Project to Take Care of the Planet
2023/06/06 R-bloggers
Bridging Ecology, Statistics, and Data Science with R for Biodiversity and Climate Change Research
2023/06/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The traffic accidents study exposes the lamentable state of Covid-19 science”
2023/06/06 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Meeting the Stars of the R-Universe: PEcAn, an Open Source Project to Take Care of the Planet
2023/06/06 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Error in options[[sprintf("fig.%s", i)]] * options$dpi: ! non-numeric argument to binary operator
2023/06/06 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Three useful (to me) R patterns
2023/06/06 FlowingData
A moving drumbeat, explained visually
2023/06/06 Another Dayu
特斯拉 Tesla model Y 提车指南
2023/06/05 R-bloggers
Tidying the Freedom Index
2023/06/05 R-bloggers
Stan class at NYR Conference in July (in person and virtual)
2023/06/05 R-bloggers
Mastering file download in shiny
2023/06/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“This is a story some economists like to tell . . .”
2023/06/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stan class at NYR Conference in July (in person and virtual)
2023/06/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Rosenthal’s textbook: A First Look at Rigorous Probability Theory
2023/06/05 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Responsive Design for Statistical Graphics with Shiny and ggplot2
2023/06/05 FlowingData
Map of donut federations
2023/06/05 FlowingData
Changes to Blackjack payouts so that gamblers lose more to casinos
2023/06/05 Another Dayu
2023 年 macOS 版微信如何使用默认浏览器打开网页链接
2023/06/04 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/06/04 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Going on Vacation for Two Months
2023/06/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
In the past fifty years, real life has caught up with Life of Brian.
2023/06/04 Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/06/03 R-bloggers
Simulating confounders, colliders and mediators by @ellis2013nz
2023/06/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Junk science: It’s not just for Ted talks, NPR features, and airport bestsellers. It can also ruin people’s lives.
2023/06/03 free range statistics
Simulating confounders, colliders and mediators
2023/06/02 今是昨非
2023/06/02 R-bloggers
Sorting, Ordering, and Ranking: Unraveling R’s Powerful Functions
2023/06/02 R-bloggers
Learn to ‘Make an outstanding Shiny App’ with us
2023/06/02 R-bloggers
Introduction to Mixed-effects Models in R workshop
2023/06/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
blme: Bayesian Linear Mixed-Effects Models
2023/06/02 Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
利用 Webhook 将 R 消息推送至钉钉和企业微信
2023/06/02 FlowingData
Rights at risk at the U.S. Supreme Court level
2023/06/02 FlowingData
An open-access journal for visualization research
2023/06/01 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2023/06/01 R-bloggers
{attachment} v0.4.0: Breaking changes and configuration file for a better experience
2023/06/01 R-bloggers
Version 1.0.0 of NIMBLE released, providing automatic differentiation, Laplace approximation, and HMC sampling
2023/06/01 R-bloggers
Troubleshooting Pandoc Problems as an R User
2023/06/01 R-bloggers
The do.call() function in R: Unlocking Efficiency and Flexibility
2023/06/01 R-bloggers
Sharing the Big Book of R upgrade proposal
2023/06/01 R-bloggers
Learning Julia with #TidyTuesday and Tidier.jl
2023/06/01 R-bloggers
Checking normality in R
2023/06/01 R-bloggers
3D alpha wrapping with R
2023/06/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Before data analysis: Additional recommendations for designing experiments to learn about the world
2023/06/01 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Troubleshooting Pandoc Problems as an R User
2023/06/01 FlowingData
Scale model of the universe’s timeline
2023/06/01 FlowingData
✚ Chart Practice: Feature Focus
2023/05/31 R-bloggers
Static and Dynamic Web Scraping with R
2023/05/31 R-bloggers
Downloading snapshots and creating stable R packages repositories using r-universe
2023/05/31 R-bloggers
Demystifying Regular Expressions: A Programmer’s Guide for Beginners
2023/05/31 R-bloggers
Comparing Analysis Method Implementations in Software (CAMIS)
2023/05/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Multilevel regression and poststratification (MRP) vs. survey sample weighting
2023/05/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Jurassic AI extinction
2023/05/31 中文博客 on Yongchao Fu | 付永超
2023/05/31 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Downloading snapshots and creating stable R packages repositories using r-universe
2023/05/31 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Sparse Index Tracking with msaenet and CVXR: A Two-Stage Regression Approach
2023/05/31 FlowingData
More hiring, because more quitting
2023/05/30 颜林林的个人网站
2023/05/30 R-bloggers
Simplifying Logical Operations with the R Function any()
2023/05/30 R-bloggers
Introducing standby
2023/05/30 R-bloggers
Alone Australia is now included in {alone}
2023/05/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The narrow beach between the continent of clear effects and the sea of confusion”: that sweet spot between signals that are so clear you don’t need statistics, and signals that are so weak that statistical analysis can’t help
2023/05/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
OK, I was wrong about Paul Samuelson.
2023/05/30 FlowingData
Shortening baseball games
2023/05/30 FlowingData
A guessing game for place and time
2023/05/29 今是昨非
2023/05/29 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/05/29 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/05/29 R-bloggers
‘Build your first Shiny App’ with us
2023/05/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What exactly is a “preregistration”?
2023/05/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The series is inspired by Dan Ariely’s novel ‘Predictably Irrational’ . . .”
2023/05/27 R-bloggers
The Big Picture: Technical + Fundamental Analysis = Buy-and-Hold
2023/05/27 R-bloggers
Covid-19 vaccination rates in the Pacific by @ellis2013nz
2023/05/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Maybe Paul Samuelson and his coauthors should’ve spent less time on dominance games and “boss moves” and more time actually looking out at the world that they were purportedly describing.
2023/05/27 Freakonometrics
Actuarial Science Workshop on 2023 SSC Meeting in Ottawa
2023/05/27 free range statistics
Covid-19 vaccination rates in the Pacific
2023/05/27 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: New Upstream Minor
2023/05/26 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Please Avoid Using Hugo v0.112.x
2023/05/26 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
How to Fold Messages and Warnings in knitr
2023/05/26 R-bloggers
Why Check File Size Output for Different Methods?
2023/05/26 R-bloggers
AMMI analyses for multi-environment studies
2023/05/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The mistake comes when it is elevated from a heuristic to a principle.
2023/05/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
New open access journal on visualization and interaction
2023/05/26 FlowingData
How teenagers’ job ambitions have changed
2023/05/25 R-bloggers
Comparing R Packages for Writing Excel Files: An Analysis of writexl, openxlsx, and xlsx in R
2023/05/25 R-bloggers
Building reproducible analytical pipelines in R workshop
2023/05/25 R-bloggers
April 2023: “Top 40” New CRAN Packages
2023/05/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Effect size expectations and common method bias
2023/05/25 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting podcasts
2023/05/25 L. Collado-Torres
Harnessing the power of spatially-resolved transcriptomics one step at a time
2023/05/25 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, May 2023 Roundup
2023/05/25 FlowingData
A geolocation game in the format of Wordle
2023/05/25 free range statistics
Showing women proportion of Parliamentarians on a map
2023/05/25 Thinking inside the box
qlcal 0.0.6 on CRAN: More updates from QuantLib
2023/05/24 颜林林的个人网站
2023/05/24 R-bloggers
Exploring Data with TidyDensity: A Guide to Using tidy_empirical() and tidy_four_autoplot() in R
2023/05/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bob Carpenter says LLMs are intelligent.
2023/05/24 L. Collado-Torres
Activity-regulated gene expression across cell types of the mouse hippocampus
2023/05/24 Freakonometrics
Talk at the seminar, at Waterloo (Ontario, Canada)
2023/05/24 FlowingData
All the Household Types in the U.S.
2023/05/23 R-bloggers
Why learning Python is hard (but important) for Data Scientists that use R
2023/05/23 R-bloggers
What is the sink() function? Capturing Output to External Files
2023/05/23 R-bloggers
R Programming and Pharmaceutical Data Analysis (Packages for Clinical Trial Data)
2023/05/23 R-bloggers
{fusen}: Simplifying Writing Packages for R Users
2023/05/23 R-bloggers
Edmonton R User Group Meetup: Futureverse – A Unifying Parallelization Framework in R for Everyone
2023/05/23 R-bloggers
Cpp11 (R package) vendoring
2023/05/23 R-bloggers
An introductory workshop in Shiny, June 1st from 17.30 to 18.30 (FREE)
2023/05/23 R-bloggers
A demo of power estimation by simulation for a cluster randomized trial with a time-to-event outcome
2023/05/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Principal stratification for vaccine efficacy (causal inference)
2023/05/23 L. Collado-Torres
Lessons from working on the edge of human brain transcriptomics with spatially-resolved transcriptomics and deconvolution
2023/05/23 FlowingData
A portrait of your stolen identity in data breaches
2023/05/22 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/05/22 R-bloggers
Welcome to our newest member Parexel!
2023/05/22 R-bloggers
Update to {TidyDensity}
2023/05/22 R-bloggers
getSymbols Rebooted
2023/05/22 R-bloggers
2023-02 Porter-Duff Compositing Operators in R Graphics
2023/05/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What exactly is a “representative sample”?
2023/05/22 L. Collado-Torres
Navigating human brain gene expression measurements at different resolutions to study psychiatric disorders
2023/05/22 Freakonometrics
Short visit at McMaster (Ontario, Canada)
2023/05/22 FlowingData
Spreadsheet esports
2023/05/21 今是昨非
2023/05/21 R-bloggers
Achieve your target
2023/05/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Is omicron natural or not – a probabilistic theory?
2023/05/21 中文博客 on Yongchao Fu | 付永超
2023/05/20 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/05/20 R-bloggers
Maximum volume inscribed ellipsoid
2023/05/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“If you do not know what you would have done under all possible scenarios, then you cannot know the Type I error rate for your analysis.”
2023/05/20 Julia Silge
Predict the magnitude of #TidyTuesday tornadoes with effect encoding and xgboost
2023/05/19 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, May 2023
2023/05/19 R-bloggers
Mastering File Manipulation with R’s list.files() Function
2023/05/19 R-bloggers
Learning Path: Shiny
2023/05/19 R-bloggers
Bayesian nonparametric modeling of conditional multidimensional dependence structures
2023/05/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What happened in the 2022 elections
2023/05/19 Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/05/19 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, May 2023
2023/05/19 FlowingData
Swipe left or right to cut the national debt
2023/05/19 ewen
document the ting
2023/05/18 R-bloggers
The which() Function in R
2023/05/18 R-bloggers
rOpenSci Champions Program Teams: Meet César and Marc
2023/05/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
If you’re coming to FAccT 2023, don’t miss the world premiere performance of Recursion.
2023/05/18 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Champions Program Teams: Meet César and Marc
2023/05/18 FlowingData
✚ Chart Practice: Switching the Datasets
2023/05/18 FlowingData
How much AI will affect your job
2023/05/18 FlowingData
✚ How to Make Unit-Based, Variable Width Bar Charts
2023/05/17 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
My Webinar on R Markdown v1 at the ASA Philadelphia Chapter
2023/05/17 R-bloggers
Working with Dates and Times Pt 4
2023/05/17 R-bloggers
Scheduling Mastodon Posts in R with rtoot and GitHub Actions
2023/05/17 R-bloggers
Becoming an R developer: the workshop
2023/05/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The problems with p-values are not just with p-values.
2023/05/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayesian Believers in a House of Pain?
2023/05/17 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Scheduling Mastodon Posts in R with rtoot and GitHub Actions
2023/05/17 L. Collado-Torres
Applying Visium Spatial Proteogenomics (Visium-SPG) to study Alzheimer’s Disease
2023/05/17 FlowingData
Eurovision winners past and present
2023/05/16 R-bloggers
Working with Dates and Times Pt 3
2023/05/16 R-bloggers
CRediTas is Now Part of rOpenSci
2023/05/16 R-bloggers
“Climate spiral” – Plotting GISS Surface Temperature
2023/05/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Colonoscopy corner: Misleading reporting of intent-to-treat analysis
2023/05/16 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
CRediTas is Now Part of rOpenSci
2023/05/16 FlowingData
A visual story about kimchi and family
2023/05/15 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
The Status of the DT Package
2023/05/15 颜林林的个人网站
2023/05/15 R-bloggers
Working with Dates and Times Pt 2: Finding the Next Mothers Day with Simplicity
2023/05/15 R-bloggers
Using OTP (one-time passwords) in rstudio server open source
2023/05/15 R-bloggers
Spatial regionalization using universal superpixels algorithm
2023/05/15 R-bloggers
Better Understanding Your Tools Choices with Online Book HTTP Testing in R
2023/05/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Decades of polling have drained the aquifer of survey participation.
2023/05/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Poll aggregation: “Weighting” will never do the job. You need to be able to shift the estimates, not just reweight them.
2023/05/15 Freakonometrics
On my way to Brussels
2023/05/15 FlowingData
Scale of billions of dollars in Australia’s budget
2023/05/14 R-bloggers
Model Misspecification and Linear Sandwiches
2023/05/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some cool interactive covid infographics from the British Medical Journal
2023/05/14 Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
dplyr 源码学习笔记(一)
2023/05/14 Freakonometrics
Workshop in Leuven, Belgium
2023/05/14 Thinking inside the box
RcppSimdJson 0.1.10 on CRAN: New Upstream
2023/05/13 R-bloggers
Tooltips for a dropdown list in Shiny
2023/05/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Does having kids really protect you from serious COVID‑19 symptoms?
2023/05/12 R-bloggers
Working with Dates and Times Pt 1
2023/05/12 R-bloggers
The 15th Annual R/Finance Conference 2023
2023/05/12 R-bloggers
Introducing {ggflowchart}
2023/05/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Lots of confusion around probability. It’s a jungle out there.
2023/05/12 FlowingData
Population surrounded by interstate highways
2023/05/11 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/05/11 R-bloggers
rOpenSci Champions Program Teams: Meet Victor Ordu and Laura DeCicco
2023/05/11 R-bloggers
How R Shiny Helps Protect Coral Reefs in Micronesia
2023/05/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The political pendulum (abortion edition)
2023/05/11 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Champions Program Teams: Meet Victor Ordu and Laura DeCicco
2023/05/11 Julia Silge
Tune an xgboost model with early stopping and #TidyTuesday childcare costs
2023/05/11 Freakonometrics
Short visit at Oxford University, UK
2023/05/11 FlowingData
✚ Chart Practice: Mimicking Others
2023/05/11 FlowingData
Best Possible Life More Common with Age
2023/05/11 Thinking inside the box
crc32c 0.0.2 on CRAN: Build Fixes
2023/05/10 R-bloggers
VBA to R and Back Again: Running R from VBA Pt 2
2023/05/10 R-bloggers
(Update) How to install RStudio and Quarto with ‘apt install’
2023/05/10 R-bloggers
Story of “Probabilistic forecasting of hourly emergency department arrivals”
2023/05/10 R-bloggers
Build an R package: the workshop
2023/05/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stan for Pharmacometrics Day in Paris: 8 June 2023
2023/05/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Physics educators do great work with innovative teaching. They should do better in evaluating evidence of effectiveness and be more open to criticism.
2023/05/10 OmicX
Install R and RStudio Using Scoop
2023/05/10 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Find Your Perfect Open Source Font: Introducing the Interactive Typeface Lookbook
2023/05/10 FlowingData
Improved color palettes in R
2023/05/09 R-bloggers
VBA to R and Back Again: Running R from VBA
2023/05/09 R-bloggers
Understanding the Gender-based Over-qualified Employment Rates in the EU using Bootstrap Intervals
2023/05/09 R-bloggers
rOpenSci Champions Program Teams: Meet Haydee Svab and Beatriz Milz
2023/05/09 R-bloggers
A toolbox for debugging and refactoring in R workshop
2023/05/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The market can become rational faster than you can get out”
2023/05/09 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Champions Program Teams: Meet Haydee Svab and Beatriz Milz
2023/05/09 Freakonometrics
Talk at the seminar at the Bayes Business School (City University, London, UK)
2023/05/09 FlowingData
Mona Chalabi wins Pulitzer for data illustrations
2023/05/09 FlowingData
Arguing in favor of dual axes to show correlation
2023/05/08 R-bloggers
Updates to {healthyR.data}
2023/05/08 R-bloggers
swephR v0.3.1
2023/05/08 R-bloggers
RADAR AI Edition: DataCamp’s Free Summit on How Generative AI is Transforming Data Science
2023/05/08 R-bloggers
Pledging My Time VI: scraping and analysis of race results in R
2023/05/08 R-bloggers
Io, ChatGPT e Lorenza
2023/05/08 Econometrics and Free Software
Why you should consider working on a dockerized development environment
2023/05/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why do journalists make it so hard to find their email addresses?
2023/05/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Two talks about robust objectives for visualization design and evaluation
2023/05/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
PhD or PostDoc position on simulation-based inference with Paul “brms” Bürkner
2023/05/08 FlowingData
Mapping where trees will grow
2023/05/08 Thinking inside the box
crc32c 0.0.1 on CRAN: New Package
2023/05/07 今是昨非
2023/05/07 R-bloggers
Little useless-useful R functions – Old phone converted from text to numbers
2023/05/07 R-bloggers
A Time Series Apologia
2023/05/07 R-bloggers
5 new books added to Big Book of R
2023/05/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
BDA: Bayesian Dolphin Analysis
2023/05/06 今是昨非
2023/05/06 R-bloggers
Bio7 3.5 Released
2023/05/06 R-bloggers
2023-01 Rendering Typeset Glyphs in R Graphics
2023/05/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Using the anthropic principle to think about researchers’ priors on effect sizes
2023/05/05 R-bloggers
Think like a programmeR: the workshop
2023/05/05 R-bloggers
rOpenSci Champions Program Teams: Meet Carolina Pradier and Athanasia Monika Mowinckel
2023/05/05 R-bloggers
Maps with {shiny} Pt 2
2023/05/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
These corruption statistics are literally incredible! (Every political science student should read this article.)
2023/05/05 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Champions Program Teams: Meet Carolina Pradier and Athanasia Monika Mowinckel
2023/05/05 FlowingData
Demonstrating how large language models work
2023/05/05 叶寻的博客
小米手机/红米手机/MIUI Google Play 安装教程
2023/05/04 R-bloggers
This function VITAL for portfolio backtesting is now in Python, written with the help of chatGPT4
2023/05/04 R-bloggers
Teaching and Translating R Resources in Nepal
2023/05/04 R-bloggers
Systematic Literature Review and R Shiny: App for Marine Conservation and Climate Change Mitigation
2023/05/04 R-bloggers
Streamline Your Analytical Method Development: Convert Signal to Concentration with Back-PredicteR
2023/05/04 R-bloggers
Modifying the shinydashboard theme with one line
2023/05/04 R-bloggers
Maps with {shiny}
2023/05/04 R-bloggers
Introducing the Weighted pickerInput Module for Shiny
2023/05/04 R-bloggers
2023/05/04 R-bloggers
Creating a cracked egg plot using {ggplot2} in R
2023/05/04 R-bloggers
Coloring in R’s blind spot
2023/05/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When did the use of stylized data examples become standard practice in statistical research and teaching?
2023/05/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Using predictions from arbitrary models to get tighter confidence intervals
2023/05/04 Julia Silge
Deploy a model on AWS SageMaker with vetiver
2023/05/04 FlowingData
Quantum computing visual explainer
2023/05/04 FlowingData
✚ Chart Practice
2023/05/03 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/05/03 R-bloggers
Is The Ratio of Normal Variables Normal?
2023/05/03 R-bloggers
Intermediate Web Scraping and API Harvesting using R workshop
2023/05/03 R-bloggers
How to Download a File from the Internet using download.file()
2023/05/03 R-bloggers
Amplification of Lightning in the European Alps 1980-2019
2023/05/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Workflow: The big picture
2023/05/03 FlowingData
When you cross hyrdopower and a battery
2023/05/02 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2023/05/02 R-bloggers
TidyTuesday Week 18: Portal Project
2023/05/02 R-bloggers
The Counter Intelligence Of The US’s Counter Intelligence Apparatus
2023/05/02 R-bloggers
T-SQL Tuesday #162 Invitation – Data Science in the time of ChatGPT
2023/05/02 R-bloggers
rpaleoclim v1.0.0: paleoclimate data in R
2023/05/02 R-bloggers
Diffify – the anniversary update!
2023/05/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Carl Morris: Man Out of Time [reflections on empirical Bayes]
2023/05/02 FlowingData
Chart Challenge for a Day
2023/05/01 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/05/01 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/05/01 R-bloggers
Extracting a model call from a fitted workflow in {tidymodels}
2023/05/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Analog computing and hybrid computing: The view from 1962.
2023/05/01 FlowingData
Non-abstract Curry shot chart
2023/05/01 FlowingData
Bed and Bath’s Beyond
2023/05/01 Thinking inside the box
RQuantLib 0.4.18 on CRAN: Maintenance
2023/04/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A proposal to build new hardware and thermodynamic algorithms for stochastic computing
2023/04/30 Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/04/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Knee meniscus repair: Is it useful? Potential biases in intent-to-treat studies.
2023/04/28 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Share Your Goodwill
2023/04/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
School shooters and shooter drills and statistics
2023/04/28 FlowingData
Melting ice, global effects
2023/04/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Straining on the gnat of the prior distribution while swallowing the camel that is the likelihood. (Econometrics edition)
2023/04/27 FlowingData
Switching to electric school buses
2023/04/27 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources – April 2023 Roundup
2023/04/26 Yongfu's Blog
Demystifying Item Response Theory (4/4)
2023/04/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Large language model alignment “bias” and cultural consensus theory
2023/04/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Estimated effects of pre-K over the decades: From Cold War optimism to modern-day pessimism
2023/04/25 Econometrics and Free Software
I've been blogging for 10 years
2023/04/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Open problem: How to make residual plots for multilevel models (or for regularized Bayesian and machine-learning predictions more generally)?
2023/04/25 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Champions Program Teams: Meet Bilikisu Wunmi Olatunji and Christina Maimone
2023/04/24 今是昨非
使用 Vercel + Supabase 零成本部署 Umami
2023/04/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Postdoctoral position at MIT: privacy, synthetic data, fairness & causal inference
2023/04/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How large is the underlying coefficient? An application of the Edlin factor to that claim that “Cash Aid to Poor Mothers Increases Brain Activity in Babies”
2023/04/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey—here’s some ridiculous evolutionary psychology for you, along with some really bad data analysis.
2023/04/23 Mikko Marttila
Highlights in R 4.3.0
2023/04/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s up with that iron-fisted grip?
2023/04/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Scholarships for StanCon 2023
2023/04/21 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, April 2023
2023/04/21 R-bloggers
Exploring Distributions with {shiny} and {TidyDensity} Part 4
2023/04/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How animals make decisions
2023/04/21 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, April 2023
2023/04/21 FlowingData
Income Sources
2023/04/21 Mikko Marttila
data.table joins
2023/04/20 R-bloggers
What’s new in R 4.3.0?
2023/04/20 R-bloggers
Using R to Develop Solutions for Industrial Problems
2023/04/20 R-bloggers
Exploring Distributions with {shiny} and {TidyDensity} Part 3
2023/04/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
No, the polls did not predict “a Republican tsunami” in 2022.
2023/04/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A Westlaw for science?
2023/04/20 L. Collado-Torres
Influence of Alzheimer’s disease related neuropathology on local microenvironment gene expression in the human inferior temporal cortex
2023/04/20 Freakonometrics
2023/04/20 FlowingData
✚ Explaining More, Assuming Less
2023/04/20 FlowingData
An illustrated tour of the skies in an elevator
2023/04/20 等待下一个秋
2023/04/20 等待下一个秋
2023/04/20 等待下一个秋
2023/04/20 Thinking inside the box
qlcal 0.0.5 on CRAN: Updates from QuantLib 1.3.0
2023/04/19 R-bloggers
xts_0.13.1 on CRAN
2023/04/19 R-bloggers
The 2023 RUGS Program is awarding grants for 2023!
2023/04/19 R-bloggers
Multistate Models for Medical Applications
2023/04/19 R-bloggers
Map any region in the world with R – Part III: Programming with ggplot2
2023/04/19 R-bloggers
Exploring Distributions with {shiny} and {TidyDensity} Part 2
2023/04/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“While we absolutely acknowledge that we’re moving to a more accurate and appropriate way to count deaths, it doesn’t change our understanding, it does not alter our understanding . . .”
2023/04/19 FlowingData
Scraping data without programming
2023/04/18 R-bloggers
Global Fishing Watch Helps Protect Critical Marine Ecosystems Through Open Data and Innovative Technology
2023/04/18 R-bloggers
Generating variable cluster sizes to assess power in cluster randomize trials
2023/04/18 R-bloggers
Exploring Distributions with {shiny} and {TidyDensity}
2023/04/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why it doesn’t make sense to say, “X people are dying every year from Y.” Use life-years instead.
2023/04/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
ChatGPT4 writes Stan code so I don’t have to.
2023/04/18 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Champions Program Teams: Meet Marcos Prunello and Lukas Wallrich
2023/04/18 FlowingData
Explorable explanation for signal detection theory
2023/04/17 今是昨非
ChatGPT 帮我写代码,实现“已写完哪本书”统计
2023/04/17 R-bloggers
Removing absences from GBIF datasets
2023/04/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Ghostwriting by federal judges (a way to violate disclosure rules) as the opposite of plagiarism.
2023/04/17 OmicX
Archlinux WSL Installation and Configuration
2023/04/17 Freakonometrics
Alternative fixed-effects panel model using weighted asymmetric least squares regression
2023/04/17 Freakonometrics
Model selection, AIC and Tweedie regression
2023/04/17 FlowingData
Scale of flying animals
2023/04/16 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/04/16 颜林林的个人网站
2023/04/16 R-bloggers
Where and when (not) to eat in France ?
2023/04/16 R-bloggers
11 tricks to level up your rmarkdown documents
2023/04/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Political Science Special Issue on Forecasting the 2024 US Elections
2023/04/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How much confidence should be placed in market-based predictions?
2023/04/16 L. Collado-Torres
CZI Lat Am Meeting 2023: some questions I have before the meeting
2023/04/15 R-bloggers
Sentiment Analysis Using Google Translate (Pt. 1)
2023/04/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Climate change makes the air hotter, thus less dense, leading to more home runs.
2023/04/15 首页 on 楚新元 | All in R
利用 R 批量拆分数据后写入到多个文件
2023/04/14 R-bloggers
Zombie Forests: Mapping Tree Migration with R Shiny
2023/04/14 R-bloggers
Detecting heart murmurs from time series data in R
2023/04/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
4 different meanings of p-value (and how my thinking has changed)
2023/04/14 FlowingData
Age and getting enough sleep
2023/04/14 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
How to do neighborhood/cellular niches analysis with spatial transcriptome data
2023/04/13 R-bloggers
Why should I use R: The Excel R plotting comparison: Part 2
2023/04/13 R-bloggers
rOpenSci Champions Program Teams: Meet Pao Corrales and Adam Sparks
2023/04/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The “percentogram”—a histogram binned by percentages of the cumulative distribution, rather than using fixed bin widths
2023/04/13 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Champions Program Teams: Meet Pao Corrales and Adam Sparks
2023/04/13 FlowingData
Science behind California rains
2023/04/13 FlowingData
✚ Balancing Cares in Chart Design, Continuum Follow-up
2023/04/13 FlowingData
Areas still controlled by Ukraine
2023/04/12 今是昨非
2023/04/12 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Do You Have to get() Objects?
2023/04/12 R-bloggers
Visualizing Plankton Diversity and Climate Change: Impacting Policy with R Shiny
2023/04/12 R-bloggers
Make “Solar System” Plots With {ggsolar}
2023/04/12 R-bloggers
Extending Data Frames
2023/04/12 R-bloggers
collapse and the fastverse: Reflections on the Past, Present and Future
2023/04/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Which came first, science or engineering?
2023/04/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2023/04/12 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting workshops in New York and Chicago
2023/04/12 FlowingData
Declining vacation time from work
2023/04/11 R-bloggers
We’re a British Data Awards 2023 Finalist
2023/04/11 R-bloggers
Styling Tables for Excel with {styledTables}
2023/04/11 R-bloggers
Predicting the Real USD/TRY Rates with MARS
2023/04/11 R-bloggers
Credit Card Fraud: A Tidymodels Tutorial
2023/04/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Gaussian process as a default interpolation model: is this “kind of anti-Bayesian”?
2023/04/11 FlowingData
A colorblind view of the web
2023/04/10 R-bloggers
WooCommerce Administrator with R
2023/04/10 R-bloggers
Progress on R-spatial evolution, Apr 2023
2023/04/10 R-bloggers
Introducing WebRIDEr: The WebR “IDE”-ish REPL You Didn’t Know You Needed
2023/04/10 R-bloggers
Chaotic mixing and the statistical properties of scalar turbulence
2023/04/10 R-bloggers
Building and Backtesting a Volatility-based Trading Strategy with ChatGPT
2023/04/10 R-bloggers
A Tidymodels Tutorial
2023/04/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Assault Deaths in the OECD 1960-2020”: These graphs are good, and here’s how we can make them better:
2023/04/10 FlowingData
Congress still getting older
2023/04/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to digest research claims? (1) vitamin D and covid; (2) fish oil and cancer
2023/04/09 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Compressing PNG Output for R Packages with pngquant and ragg
2023/04/09 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
How to classify MNIST images with convolutional neural network
2023/04/08 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/04/08 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/04/08 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/04/08 R-bloggers
IPL 2023:GooglyPlusPlus now with by AI/ML models, near real-time analytics!
2023/04/08 R-bloggers
Heatmap formatting of a table with ‘DT’
2023/04/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Does the scientific literature contradict itself? Very well, then it contradicts itself, it is large, it contains multitudes.
2023/04/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
GiveWell’s Change Our Mind contest, cost-effectiveness, and water quality interventions
2023/04/07 R-bloggers
Tips for using chatGPT to learn R
2023/04/07 R-bloggers
tabular and flextable
2023/04/07 R-bloggers
Reading in Multiple Excel Sheets with lapply and {readxl}
2023/04/07 R-bloggers
Making predictions from GAMs in R explained by an 18th century author
2023/04/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Nationally poor, locally rich: Income and local context in the 2016 presidential election
2023/04/07 FlowingData
Changing Fed projections
2023/04/06 R-bloggers
SatRdays London is now Hybrid!
2023/04/06 R-bloggers
How Long Does it Take to Win War?
2023/04/06 R-bloggers
Adoption of R by Actuaries Community in Melbourne
2023/04/06 R-bloggers
A New Package for the African Stock Market {BRVM}
2023/04/06 R-bloggers
A data analyst workflow, part 1: SQL & tidyverse
2023/04/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Consider the analogy of learning statistics to learning a new language.
2023/04/06 FlowingData
✚ Continuum of Cares
2023/04/06 FlowingData
AI and the American smile
2023/04/05 R-bloggers
Open and merge multiple shapefiles, updated
2023/04/05 R-bloggers
Looking at Daily Log Returns with tidyquant, TidyDensity, and Shiny
2023/04/05 R-bloggers
flextable supports RTF
2023/04/05 R-bloggers
Cosmopsychism and the Many Worlds Interpretation: A Monistic Perspective on Consciousness and Quantum Mechanics
2023/04/05 R-bloggers
Controlling for covariates is not the same as “slicing”
2023/04/05 R-bloggers
Cherry blossom
2023/04/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Mystery resolved! How did an article with apparently zero Jewish content end up in a “magazine of Jewish news, ideas, and culture”?
2023/04/05 Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/04/05 Julia Silge
Use OpenAI text embeddings with #TidyTuesday horror movie descriptions
2023/04/05 FlowingData
Data Visualization State of the Industry, 2022
2023/04/05 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: New Upstream Minor
2023/04/04 R-bloggers
waywiser is Now a Part of rOpenSci
2023/04/04 R-bloggers
Use of R in Agricultural Chemical Industry in Chile
2023/04/04 R-bloggers
Recent advances in extreme value theory
2023/04/04 R-bloggers
How to use buttons in a Reactable widget for navigation in a Shiny application
2023/04/04 R-bloggers
How to Modify Variables the Right Way in R
2023/04/04 R-bloggers
A sample Shiny App to view Forecasts on the AirPassengers Data
2023/04/04 R-bloggers
30 Day Chart Challenge- Endangered Species
2023/04/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Association between low density lipoprotein cholesterol and all-cause mortality
2023/04/04 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
waywiser is Now a Part of rOpenSci
2023/04/04 FlowingData
Physics of a bicycle visually explained
2023/04/03 R-bloggers
How r-universe searches for packages on CRAN / Bioconductor
2023/04/03 R-bloggers
flextable for ‘Grid graphics’
2023/04/03 R-bloggers
A sample Shiny App to view CMS Healthcare Data
2023/04/03 Bayesian Spectacles
Rosenkrantz on Severity and the Problem of Old Evidence
2023/04/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When plotting all the data can help avoid overinterpretation
2023/04/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Recent book reviews
2023/04/03 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
How r-universe searches for packages on CRAN / Bioconductor
2023/04/03 FlowingData
World water gap
2023/04/02 R-bloggers
ChatGPT: Made this Shiny App in 10 Minutes
2023/04/02 R-bloggers
A new version of nnetsauce (randomized and quasi-randomized ‘neural’ networks)
2023/04/02 R-bloggers
30 Day Chart Challenge -Arlington Parks
2023/04/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Risk ratio, odds ratio, risk difference… Which causal measure is easier to generalize?”
2023/04/01 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/04/01 R-bloggers
Trade Classification in R with PINstimation
2023/04/01 R-bloggers
Who are Twitter Blue Users?
2023/04/01 R-bloggers
Self-Guided Learning through a Wordle Guess Generator: Part 2
2023/04/01 R-bloggers
Self-Guided Learning through a Wordle Guess Generator: Part 1
2023/04/01 R-bloggers
How to use Bootstrap 5 popovers in Shiny applications
2023/04/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Surgisphere . . . is back!!
2023/04/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
StanCon 2023: deadline for proposals extended!
2023/04/01 Freakonometrics
April Fools’ Day
2023/03/31 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/03/31 R-bloggers
How much weight do you need to lose to drop an inch off the waist?
2023/03/31 R-bloggers
Computing Rank Dependent Utility in R: Getting More out with RDU_Data()
2023/03/31 R-bloggers
6 new books added to Big Book of R
2023/03/31 R-bloggers
2023 Workshops Series Kick-off
2023/03/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The behavioral economists’ researcher degree of freedom
2023/03/31 Freakonometrics
Groupe de travail IA de France Assureurs
2023/03/31 FlowingData
Mapping where Taylor Swift performs on stage during a show
2023/03/31 Another Dayu
社交媒体、ChatGPT 和心理健康
2023/03/30 R-bloggers
Optimising approval rates by creating segmented models
2023/03/30 R-bloggers
Meeting the Stars of the R-Universe: Researching Our Brain with the Magic of the R-Universe
2023/03/30 R-bloggers
Introduction to Deep Learning with R workshop
2023/03/30 R-bloggers
Assault Deaths in the OECD 1960-2020
2023/03/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Replacing the “zoo of named tests” by linear models
2023/03/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Beverly Cleary is winner in third iteration of Greatest Seminar Speaker competition
2023/03/30 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Meeting the Stars of the R-Universe: Researching Our Brain with the Magic of the R-Universe
2023/03/30 FlowingData
Words used in layoff letters
2023/03/30 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources – March 2023 Roundup
2023/03/30 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
How to construct a spatial object in Seurat
2023/03/29 Yongfu's Blog
Demystifying Item Response Theory (3/4)
2023/03/29 R-bloggers
Life Expectancy and Health Spending in the OECD
2023/03/29 R-bloggers
Is Your Company Giving You What You Need to Build Great R Shiny Apps?
2023/03/29 R-bloggers
A Bootstrapped Time Series Model with auto.arima() from {forecast}
2023/03/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some nuggets from a week’s worth of comments
2023/03/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Messy data crashes into us
2023/03/29 FlowingData
Visual explainer on what an AR-15 does to the human body
2023/03/29 FlowingData
UC admission rates for California public and private high schools
2023/03/28 R-bloggers
What is ChatGPT? Will it affect my job? Can it help me? How can I learn it? (sign up for a free course to find out)
2023/03/28 R-bloggers
SatRdays London 2023: Sponsors
2023/03/28 R-bloggers
How fast does a compressed file in Part 2
2023/03/28 R-bloggers
Floating-point summation and the M1 processor
2023/03/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
An epidemiologist and a psychologist come down from the ivory tower to lecture us on “concrete values like freedom and equality” . . . What does that even mean?? The challenge of criticizing policies without considering their political and social contexts:
2023/03/28 FlowingData
Among cities with the same name, which one people are probably talking about given their location
2023/03/28 Another Dayu
虚拟银行卡 Dupay(Depay) 手续费大概多少
2023/03/27 颜林林的个人网站
2023/03/27 R-bloggers
There’s a black hole in the number line
2023/03/27 R-bloggers
R in Finance and Accounting Sector in Korea
2023/03/27 R-bloggers
How fast does a compressed file in?
2023/03/27 R-bloggers
Data wrangling tricks from the R4DS slack
2023/03/27 R-bloggers
🧪 Lit + WebR + Observable Plot: Linking Lit’s Lightweight Web Components And WebR For Vanilla JS Reactivity & JS DataVis
2023/03/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Multilevel modeling to make better decisions using data from schools: How can we do better?
2023/03/27 FlowingData
Online dating, who filters out what
2023/03/27 Another Dayu
Project Xanadu、区块链 和 ChatGPT
2023/03/27 Another Dayu
macOS 和 Windows 之间的文件乱码问题
2023/03/27 等待下一个秋
ChatGPT 注册教程
2023/03/26 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/03/26 R-bloggers
One neighbour
2023/03/26 R-bloggers
Little useless-useful R functions – Transforming dataframe to markdown table
2023/03/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Someone has a plea to teach real-world math and statistics instead of “derivatives, quadratic equations, and the interior angles of rhombuses”
2023/03/26 Thinking inside the box
littler 0.3.18 on CRAN: New and Updated Scripts
2023/03/25 R-bloggers
REDCapDM: a package to access and manage REDCap data
2023/03/25 R-bloggers
Linking Lit’s Lightweight Web Components And WebR For Vanilla JS Reactivity
2023/03/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Tile wars! The hat vs. South America.
2023/03/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
It’s the finals! Time to choose the ultimate seminar speaker: Beverly Cleary vs. Laura Ingalls Wilder
2023/03/24 R-bloggers
Webscrap e iteraciones con R
2023/03/24 R-bloggers
Webscrap and iteration in R
2023/03/24 R-bloggers
How fast do the files read in?
2023/03/24 R-bloggers
10 potential career options with a degree in statistics
2023/03/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The hat”: A single shape that can tile the plane aperiodically but not periodically.
2023/03/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
More on “I could care less about the twin primes conjecture”
2023/03/24 FlowingData
NYT switches to CDC data for their Covid dashboard
2023/03/24 FlowingData
Deforestation and increased risk of outbreaks
2023/03/24 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Deep learning to predict cancer from healthy controls using TCRseq data
2023/03/23 R-bloggers
Top five(ish) sources of ecological data
2023/03/23 R-bloggers
Alt Text in R: Plots, Reports, and Shiny
2023/03/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bad stuff going down in biostat-land: Declaring null effect just cos p-value is more than 0.05, assuming proportional hazards where it makes no sense
2023/03/23 FlowingData
Single Parents
2023/03/23 FlowingData
✚ Narrow Audience
2023/03/23 FlowingData
Fake sugars in your food
Major AI advances this month
2023/03/22 earfanfan | 袁凡
用 ParBayesianOptimization 包寻参时使用并行计算的学习记录
2023/03/22 R-bloggers
Unlocking the Power of purrr: How to Create Multiple Lags Like a Pro in R
2023/03/22 R-bloggers
Some Examples of Cumulative Mean with {TidyDensity}
2023/03/22 R-bloggers
R data.validator – How to Create Automated Data Quality Reports in R and Shiny
2023/03/22 R-bloggers
A suite of tools to scrape and parse search engine results
2023/03/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What does it take, or should it take, for an empirical social science study to be convincing?
2023/03/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
StanCon 2023: call for proposals is still open!
2023/03/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Research is everywhere, even, on rare occasions, in boxes labeled research
2023/03/22 FlowingData
Curiously timed stock trades by ultra-wealthy
2023/03/22 Thinking inside the box
RcppSMC 0.2.7 on CRAN: Extensions and Update
2023/03/21 R-bloggers
You’re One JavaScript Function Call Away From Using (Most) WebR R Functions In Your WebR-Powered Apps/Sites
2023/03/21 R-bloggers
Implementing a one-step GEE algorithm for very large cluster sizes in R
2023/03/21 R-bloggers
Getting the CCI30 Index Current Makeup
2023/03/21 R-bloggers
Computing Rank Dependent Utility in R
2023/03/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
They did a graphical permutation test to see if students could reliably distinguish the observed data from permuted replications. Now the question is, how do we interpret the results?
2023/03/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Laura Ingalls Wilder vs. Maurice Sendak; Cleary advances
2023/03/21 FlowingData
Past and present California drought severity
2023/03/20 R-bloggers
WebR Filesystem Machinations & ReefR
2023/03/20 R-bloggers
Simple code for the probability weighting function according to prospect theory
2023/03/20 R-bloggers
Orbit trapped Julia fractal
2023/03/20 Publishable Stuff
officialcocktails.com - An AI-generated cocktails site
2023/03/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Parallelization for Markov chain Monte Carlo with heterogeneous runtimes: a case-study on ODE-based models
2023/03/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“On March 14th at 7pm ET, thought leader and Harvard professor Steven Pinker will release digital collectibles of his famous idea that ‘Free speech is fundamental.'”
2023/03/20 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Bolden Your Typography in R Markdown and Quarto with MLModern
2023/03/20 FlowingData
When spring is coming where you live
2023/03/20 Another Dayu
诗意探索:AI 如何解读诗歌之美
2023/03/19 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/03/19 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/03/19 R-bloggers
How To Geocode In R For FREE
2023/03/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Thinking about statistical modeling, overfitting, and generalization error
2023/03/19 Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/03/19 Freakonometrics
Modélisation par apprentissage machine sous contrainte d’équité
2023/03/19 Another Dayu
我的 2022,从摄影到写作
2023/03/18 R-bloggers
WebR WASM R Package Load/Library Benchmarking Rabbit Hole
2023/03/18 R-bloggers
The Road To ggplot2 In WebR, Part 1: The Road Is Paved With Good Base R Plots
2023/03/18 R-bloggers
GooglyPlusPlus: Computing T20 player’s Win Probability Contribution
2023/03/18 R-bloggers
Automating checks of *handcrafted* Word tables with {docxtractr}
2023/03/18 Econometrics and Free Software
Automating checks of *handcrafted* Word tables with {docxtractr}
2023/03/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
It’s the semifinals! Shakira vs. Beverly Cleary; Sendak advances
2023/03/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hierarchical stacking in Pyro and PyMC
2023/03/18 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Basic tensor/array manipulations in R
2023/03/18 Another Dayu
Towards artificial general intelligence
2023/03/18 Another Dayu
跟着项目学 Python | OpenAI 翻译双语文档
2023/03/17 R-bloggers
Use of the apply family of functions
2023/03/17 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, March 2023
2023/03/17 R-bloggers
Announcing R/Medicine 2023!
2023/03/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Behavioural science is unlikely to change the world without a heterogeneity revolution”
2023/03/17 Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/03/17 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, March 2023
2023/03/17 FlowingData
Excess Kia and Hyundai car thefts
2023/03/17 sesa blog
Estimating simulation variance in Stan models
2023/03/16 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/03/16 R-bloggers
Scraping London Marathon data with {rvest}
2023/03/16 R-bloggers
Polycrisis: When Will the World End? Professor Gott’s Equation Gives an Answer! (Also as a Video!)
2023/03/16 R-bloggers
Kaizen Project for R Package Documentation
2023/03/16 R-bloggers
How to customise the style of your {shinydashboard} Shiny app
2023/03/16 R-bloggers
Food Inflation: Comparing with Interactive Chart of {ggiraph}
2023/03/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Problems with a CDC report: Challenges of comparing estimates from different surveys. Also a problem with rounding error.
2023/03/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Maurice Sendak vs. Li Wenwen; Wilder advances
2023/03/16 FlowingData
✚ Burning Out
2023/03/16 FlowingData
Maps of home heating sources in the United States
2023/03/16 sellorm
The "nhsnumber" package and the joy of sharing your niche
2023/03/16 Another Dayu
数字移民 e-Residency
2023/03/15 R-bloggers
Use of R for Marketing and CRM in Tunisia
2023/03/15 R-bloggers
Modding Rome Total War (Avatar, The Last Airbender mod) using R!
2023/03/15 R-bloggers
{golem} 0.4.0 is now available
2023/03/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Predicting LLM havoc
2023/03/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Don’t trust people selling their methods: The importance of external validation. (Sepsis edition)
2023/03/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Alison Bechdel vs. Laura Ingalls Wilder; Cleary advances
2023/03/15 FlowingData
More Dual Income, No Kids
2023/03/15 Another Dayu
MBTI as method
2023/03/14 R-bloggers
Scrapping financial data from finviz with R and rvest package
2023/03/14 R-bloggers
Log-modulated rough stochastic volatility models
2023/03/14 R-bloggers
Don’t miss out! Shiny for Good talks at ShinyConf 2023
2023/03/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to add scaffolding when making a graph that’s hard to follow?
2023/03/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Blogs > Twitter, part the umpteenth
2023/03/14 Freakonometrics
Quand on marche sur des œufs avec Chat-GPT
2023/03/14 FlowingData
Finding the physical location in an online video via Google Maps clues
2023/03/14 Another Dayu
2023/03/14 Home on Jinji
2023/03/13 R-bloggers
ShinyConf 2022 – Short Recap of the 2022 R Shiny Conference (Projects, Talks, and Showcases)
2023/03/13 R-bloggers
Managing Large R Codebases webinar (summary and slides)
2023/03/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Is there a Bayesian justification for the Murdaugh verdict?
2023/03/13 FlowingData
Bank Failures in the United States, Since 2001
2023/03/12 R-bloggers
Data transformation and standardization in r
2023/03/12 R-bloggers
alone in Napoli
2023/03/12 R-bloggers
Almost Bare Bones WebR Starter App
2023/03/12 Publishable Stuff
IBA cocktails in csv and json format: But why?!!
2023/03/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Should drug companies be required to release data right away, not holding data secret until after regulatory approval?
2023/03/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Our Bayesian predictions for the Oscars . . . using Stan!
2023/03/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Beverly Cleary (2) vs. Leona Helmsley; Shakira advances
2023/03/12 Another Dayu
玩转 Telegram 表情包(Emoji、GIF 和 Stickers)
2023/03/11 R-bloggers
The International Bartenders Association (IBA) cocktails in csv and json format
2023/03/11 Publishable Stuff
The International Bartenders Association (IBA) cocktails in csv and json format
2023/03/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Tidyverse examples for Regression and Other Stories
2023/03/11 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Deep learning with Keras using MNIST dataset
2023/03/11 Another Dayu
2023/03/11 Another Dayu
OpenAI API 和 ChatGPT Plus 使用体验
2023/03/11 Thinking inside the box
pkgKitten 0.2.3 on CRAN: Minor Update
2023/03/10 R-bloggers
Use of the apply family of functions
2023/03/10 R-bloggers
Unlock your next move with Datacamp: Save up to 67% on in-demand data upskilling
2023/03/10 R-bloggers
Spatial Data Wrangling with R workshop
2023/03/10 R-bloggers
Seeking community endorsement for an upgrade to Big Book of R
2023/03/10 R-bloggers
Organising R scripts
2023/03/10 R-bloggers
Introduction to data analysis with {Statgarten}.
2023/03/10 R-bloggers
Financial Markets & Value Invest in R (I) – Analyzing Market Cap data with fmpcloudr and ggplot
2023/03/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Round 4 has arrived! Shakira vs. Roald Dahl; Li advances
2023/03/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Count the living or the dead?
2023/03/10 FlowingData
NBA will track players with a third dimension
2023/03/10 FlowingData
Hypothetical map that shows how access changes if more states ban abortion
2023/03/09 R-bloggers
2023/03/09 R-bloggers
Understanding Drug-Drug Interactions Using R Shiny
2023/03/09 R-bloggers
Network Error Logging – Important Insights
2023/03/09 R-bloggers
Multiple Solutions to speedup tidy_bernoulli() with {data.table}
2023/03/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The butterfly and the piranha: Understanding the generalizability and reproducibility crisis from statistical and political perspectives” (my talk at the University of Minnesota political science department on Monday)
2023/03/09 Freakonometrics
Semaine parisienne
2023/03/09 FlowingData
✚ Making Old Charts Move
2023/03/09 FlowingData
Increasing range of electric vehicles
2023/03/09 Another Dayu
超越双向链接,用 OpenAI 关联笔记! – Obsidian 插件 Smart Connections
2023/03/08 R-bloggers
Getting NYS Home Heating Oil Prices with {rvest}
2023/03/08 R-bloggers
Getting continent, mainland and island maps in R
2023/03/08 R-bloggers
Gender Diversity in the International Development Sector
2023/03/08 R-bloggers
From excel to R: Part 1
2023/03/08 R-bloggers
forester: the simplicity of AutoML
2023/03/08 R-bloggers
Finding Economic Articles with Data: Boosting the App with GPT-3 Embeddings
2023/03/08 Bayesian Spectacles
The Problem of Old Evidence
2023/03/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Isaac Newton vs. Li Wenwen; Sendak advances
2023/03/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Haemoglobin blogging
2023/03/08 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
ggsci 3.0.0
2023/03/08 FlowingData
Multiple Income Households
2023/03/08 FlowingData
Line chart race to show emissions
2023/03/08 首页 on 楚新元 | All in R
分享一个 shinyApp 的用户和角色权限管理的方案
2023/03/08 Thinking inside the box
RcppRedis 0.2.3 on CRAN: Maintenance
2023/03/07 R-bloggers
tidy_bernoulli() with {data.table}
2023/03/07 R-bloggers
Software engineering techniques that non-programmers who write a lot of code can benefit from — the DRY WIT approach
2023/03/07 R-bloggers
SatRdays London 2023: Speakers
2023/03/07 R-bloggers
Is your infrastructure ready for data science? – Posit and eoda support you
2023/03/07 Econometrics and Free Software
Software engineering techniques that non-programmers who write a lot of code can benefit from — the DRY WIT approach
2023/03/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Significance testing, the replication crisis, and the market for lemons
2023/03/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Maurice Sendak vs. Margaret Wise Brown; Wilder advances
2023/03/07 Freakonometrics
Optimal Transport for Counterfactual Estimation: A Method for Causal Inference
2023/03/07 FlowingData
Asian representation at the Oscars
2023/03/07 Another Dayu
沿着大师的角度,用 Midjourney 街头摄影
2023/03/06 Yongfu's Blog
Demystifying Item Response Theory (2/4)
2023/03/06 R-bloggers
Simple examples of imap() from {purrr}
2023/03/06 R-bloggers
Interpolating non-gridded data
2023/03/06 R-bloggers
Copilot for R
2023/03/06 R-bloggers
Coding the Cost Effectiveness Acceptability Curve (CEAC) in R
2023/03/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayes del Sur conference in Argentina
2023/03/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“A complete, current, and granular picture of COVID-19 epidemic in the United States”
2023/03/06 FlowingData
Why South Koreans grew taller so quickly
2023/03/06 Another Dayu
重置旧 macbook
2023/03/06 Thinking inside the box
RcppFastAD 0.0.1 and 0.0.2: New Package on CRAN!
2023/03/05 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
数据可视化与 R 语言
2023/03/05 R-bloggers
Little useless-useful R functions – Using xspline to create wacky signatures
2023/03/05 Eryk Walczak
Preparing for and passing BCS Foundation Certificate in Business Analysis (v4)
2023/03/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Reconciling evaluations of the Millennium Villages Project
2023/03/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Malcom X vs. Laura Ingalls Wilder; Bechdel advances
2023/03/05 Freakonometrics
2023/03/05 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
How to deal with overplotting without being fooled
2023/03/04 R-bloggers
Using R in an High Performance Computing environment
2023/03/04 R-bloggers
Structural Equation Modeling in R with the Lavaan package workshop
2023/03/04 R-bloggers
Generalized Additive Models in R workshop
2023/03/04 R-bloggers
Dataviz with R and ggplot: Using colour and annotations for effective story telling workshop
2023/03/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Poetry is everywhere, even in boxes labeled “Poetry.”
2023/03/04 Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
清洗数据框中的 JSON 列
2023/03/03 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/03/03 R-bloggers
What I’ve learned making an .epub Ebook with Quarto
2023/03/03 R-bloggers
Simple examples of pmap() from {purrr}
2023/03/03 R-bloggers
7 New books added to Big Book of R
2023/03/03 Econometrics and Free Software
What I've learned making an .epub Ebook with Quarto
2023/03/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stochastic terrorism
2023/03/03 FlowingData
Shooting down the Chinese balloon
2023/03/02 R-bloggers
ShinyProxy 3.0.0
2023/03/02 R-bloggers
Procrustes Analysis for High-Dimensional Data
2023/03/02 R-bloggers
Forecasting Timeseries in a list with R
2023/03/02 R-bloggers
Content Security Policy – Why You Need It
2023/03/02 R-bloggers
Attention! What lies at the Core of ChatGPT? (Also as a Video!)
2023/03/02 R-bloggers
Adoption and Expansion of R in Human Resources in Argentina
2023/03/02 Publishable Stuff
Call ChatGPT (or really any other API) from R
2023/03/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A bit of harmful advice from “Mostly Harmless Econometrics”
2023/03/02 FlowingData
Ski resorts dealing with fewer snow days
2023/03/02 FlowingData
✚ Endless Visual Options
2023/03/02 Another Dayu
支持 OpenAI ChatGPT API 的优秀软件
2023/03/01 R-bloggers
forester: predicting house prices use case
2023/03/01 R-bloggers
Text Processing Made Easy with {healthyR}’s sql_left(), sql_mid(), and sql_right() Functions in R
2023/03/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Risk without reward: The myth of wage compensation for hazardous work.” Also some thoughts of how this literature ended up to be so bad.
2023/03/01 FlowingData
Emissions from big electric trucks vs. gas vehicles
2023/02/28 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
ggplot2 作图经验
2023/02/28 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
ggplot2 食谱
2023/02/28 R-bloggers
Open a File Folder in R
2023/02/28 R-bloggers
Online Session: Data Science in Production – Der Weg zur erfolgreichen Dateninfrastruktur | eoda GmbH
2023/02/28 R-bloggers
Meeting the Stars of the R-universe: ThinkR’s Approach to Contributing to a Growing and Friendly R Community
2023/02/28 R-bloggers
January 2023: “Top 40” New CRAN Packages
2023/02/28 R-bloggers
Happy 23rd Birthday R!
2023/02/28 R-bloggers
Enseigner, aider et partager. L’approche de ThinkR pour contribuer à la croissance d’une communauté R conviviale
2023/02/28 R-bloggers
Distribution generalization in causal inference
2023/02/28 R-bloggers
Aprender, ayudar y compartir. El método de ThinkR para crear una comunidad cada vez más grande y amigable de R
2023/02/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
(What’s So Funny ‘Bout) Fake Data Simulation
2023/02/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Multiverse R package
2023/02/28 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Enseigner, aider et partager. L'approche de ThinkR pour contribuer à la croissance d’une communauté R conviviale
2023/02/28 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Aprender, ayudar y compartir. El método de ThinkR para crear una comunidad cada vez más grande y amigable de R
2023/02/28 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Meeting the Stars of the R-universe: ThinkR's Approach to Contributing to a Growing and Friendly R Community
2023/02/28 Freakonometrics
Time for a (short) break
2023/02/28 Freakonometrics
The Bullshit Society
2023/02/28 FlowingData
Using satellite imagery to assess the damage in Ukraine
2023/02/28 FlowingData
✚ How to Make a Smoother Animated Growth Map in R
2023/02/27 颜林林的个人网站
2023/02/27 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
空间数据可视化与 R 语言(下篇)
2023/02/27 R-bloggers
Visualizing Blood Bowl Tournament rosters
2023/02/27 R-bloggers
Quickly Generate Nested Time Series Models
2023/02/27 R-bloggers
Discovering and learning everything there is to know about R packages using r-universe
2023/02/27 R-bloggers
Descubrir y aprender todo lo que hay que saber sobre los paquetes de R utilizando r-universe
2023/02/27 R-bloggers
Animating a ‘rgl’ mesh at constant speed
2023/02/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Rohrer and Arslan’s nonet: More ideas regarding interactions in statistical models
2023/02/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Alison Bechdel vs. Diana Rigg; Helmsley advances
2023/02/27 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Discovering and learning everything there is to know about R packages using r-universe
2023/02/27 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Descubrir y aprender todo lo que hay que saber sobre los paquetes de R utilizando r-universe
2023/02/27 Freakonometrics
La société du bullshit
2023/02/27 FlowingData
100 visualizations from a single dataset with 6 data points
2023/02/27 Another Dayu
2023/02/26 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/02/26 R-bloggers
Asymptotic Statistics in Non-Sparse Networks
2023/02/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Overestimated health effects of air pollution
2023/02/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Leona Helmsley vs. Bob Dylan; Cleary advances
2023/02/26 Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/02/25 Yongfu's Blog
Demystifying Item Response Theory (Part I)
2023/02/25 R-bloggers
Transformations for compositional data by @ellis2013nz
2023/02/25 R-bloggers
These drinking glasses are too short!
2023/02/25 R-bloggers
Mapping a square to a circle
2023/02/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Not within spitting distance”: Challenges in measuring ovulation, as an example of the general issue of the importance of measurement in statistics
2023/02/25 free range statistics
Transformations for compositional data
2023/02/24 R-bloggers
Data Preppers with {healthyR.ai}
2023/02/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
with Lauren Kennedy and Jessica Hullman: “Causal quartets: Different ways to attain the same average treatment effect”
2023/02/24 FlowingData
Greatest unexpected NBA performance
2023/02/24 Thinking inside the box
ttdo 0.0.9 on CRAN: Small Update
2023/02/23 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Convert Inline Footnotes to Regular Footnotes in Markdown
2023/02/23 R-bloggers
Call for Applications – SICSS ACCRA 2023
2023/02/23 Bayesian Spectacles
Bayesian Inference in Three Minutes
2023/02/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to think about proofs of correctness of computer programs?
2023/02/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
David Bowie vs. Beverly Cleary; Dahl advances
2023/02/23 FlowingData
Trying to isolate Russia
2023/02/23 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, February 2023 Roundup
2023/02/23 FlowingData
Countries with the longest healthy retirements
2023/02/22 earfanfan | 袁凡
用 R 中 echarts4r 包绘制仪表盘
2023/02/22 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/02/22 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Style Keyboard Keys and Shortcuts on Web Pages
2023/02/22 R-bloggers
forester: what makes the package special?
2023/02/22 R-bloggers
Forecasting Disney Stock Prices as the Latest Earnings Beat Estimates
2023/02/22 R-bloggers
Calibrate and Plot a Time Series with {healthyR.ts}
2023/02/22 R-bloggers
Calculating Log Likelihood Ratios (LLRs) using the jeva module
2023/02/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Manipulating a machine-learning method by feeding it doctored training data
2023/02/22 中文博客 on Yongchao Fu | 付永超
2023/02/22 FlowingData
Wealthy Percentiles Rising
2023/02/22 Another Dayu
2023/02/22 Another Dayu
ChatGPT 必备 Chrome 插件和 Prompts 技巧汇总
2023/02/22 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: New Upstream, New Features
2023/02/21 R-bloggers
Working with ChatGPT in R workshop
2023/02/21 R-bloggers
The State of Data Literacy 2023, by DataCamp
2023/02/21 R-bloggers
simstudy 0.6.0 released: more flexible correlation patterns
2023/02/21 R-bloggers
Shiny in Production 2023: Workshops
2023/02/21 R-bloggers
RADAR 2023 | Free Annual Summit of the World’s Data Leaders
2023/02/21 R-bloggers
Puntapié inicial de nuestro programa de campeonas y campeones
2023/02/21 R-bloggers
Decision Tree Modelling for Cost Effectiveness Analysis in R
2023/02/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The placebo effect as selection bias?
2023/02/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Software to sow doubts as you meta-analyze
2023/02/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Erroneous Statistics in Physical Review Physics Education Research . . . causal conclusions that are unsupported by evidence and sometimes (e.g. on use of GREs) flatly contradicted by the evidence”
2023/02/21 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Champions Program Kick off
2023/02/21 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Puntapié inicial de nuestro programa de campeonas y campeones
2023/02/21 Freakonometrics
Statistique & société, équité en apprentissage automatique
2023/02/21 Freakonometrics
Workshop “Machine Learning and Data Mining in Insurance and Finance ” at the SSC 2023
2023/02/21 FlowingData
Map of homes bought with all cash
2023/02/20 R-bloggers
Pivoting in tidyr and data.table
2023/02/20 R-bloggers
Making data available with dataset functions
2023/02/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why I don’t trust “libertarian paternalism,” part 65
2023/02/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Henry Winkler vs. Roald Dahl; Shakira advances
2023/02/19 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/02/19 Publishable Stuff
P-value bowling
2023/02/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Any particularly favourite result sections?
2023/02/19 Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023 年周总结
2023/02/19 Home on Jinji
Spiral Plating and Automatic Colonies Counting
2023/02/18 R-bloggers
Large Matrix Multiplication: DuckDB vs. SQLite
2023/02/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Contradictions within economic theory. All well known but still important and, I think, not taken as seriously as they should be.
2023/02/17 R-bloggers
Survival Analysis with R and Python workshop
2023/02/17 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, February 2023
2023/02/17 R-bloggers
Making Pretty PDFs with Quarto
2023/02/17 R-bloggers
Converting a {tidyAML} tibble to a {workflowsets}
2023/02/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The political consequences of party polarization and state-level aggregation
2023/02/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Columbia University’s M.S. in Political Analytics
2023/02/17 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, February 2023
2023/02/17 FlowingData
Spy balloons and UFOs
2023/02/17 FlowingData
Cyanotype to represent grief
2023/02/16 R-bloggers
Work smarter; not harder: COVID-19 processing for the WHO/Europe
2023/02/16 R-bloggers
rang: make ancient R code run again
2023/02/16 R-bloggers
Officially on CRAN {tidyAML}
2023/02/16 R-bloggers
ChatGPT can write talks about brms and run a D&D game
2023/02/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
It’s round 3 of the Ultimate Seminar Speaker contest! E. Gary Gygax vs. Shakira; Li advances
2023/02/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Identify the time series: a little statistics puzzle
2023/02/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
ChatGPT can write talks about brms and run a D&D game
2023/02/16 FlowingData
✚ Real Bits
2023/02/16 FlowingData
Guide for working with machine learning datasets
2023/02/16 FlowingData
Data warehouse at the supermarket
2023/02/16 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
How to commit changes to a docker image
2023/02/16 Another Dayu
观展 | 何藩
2023/02/15 Yongfu's Blog
A Minimalist Structure for Snakemake
2023/02/15 R-bloggers
Moving Average Plots with {healthyR.ts}
2023/02/15 R-bloggers
forester: an R package for automated building of tree-based models
2023/02/15 R-bloggers
10 Tidyverse functions that might save your day
2023/02/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Lancet finally publishes letters shooting down erroneous excess mortality estimates.
2023/02/15 FlowingData
Why modern popular songs have so many more writing credits
2023/02/14 R-bloggers
Selecting the Number of Factors in Exploratory Factor Analysis via out-of-sample Prediction Errors
2023/02/14 R-bloggers
Flexible correlation generation: an update to genCorMat in simstudy
2023/02/14 R-bloggers
An example of using {box}
2023/02/14 Bayesian Spectacles
A Presentation on Transparency in Science and Statistics
2023/02/14 Publishable Stuff
Three strategies to tackle Big Data in R and Python
2023/02/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Columbia Journalism Review garbles public opinion stats
2023/02/14 FlowingData
Tour of romantic comedies through the decades
2023/02/14 FlowingData
Growth of Target, an Animated Map
2023/02/13 earfanfan | 袁凡
用 R 批量读取文本文件、拼接文件内容
2023/02/13 R-bloggers
RObservations #45: Making Beautiful Star Maps With The `starBliss` Package
2023/02/13 R-bloggers
Rhino R Package Tutorial: Build Your First Rhino App
2023/02/13 R-bloggers
Off to CRAN! {tidyAML}
2023/02/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Yale prof thinks that murdering oldsters is a “complex, nuanced issue”
2023/02/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Lauren Hill vs. Li Wenwen; Newton advances
2023/02/13 FlowingData
Sources and attribution for AI-generated images
2023/02/12 R-bloggers
Some different graph types in R
2023/02/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Wanted: a catalog of the sorts of problems that can and can’t be solved using statistics.
2023/02/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Columbia is hiring a professor of political analytics
2023/02/12 Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/02/12 Another Dayu
网页广告屏蔽工具 | uBlock Origin
2023/02/11 R-bloggers
The plasma effect: correction
2023/02/11 Publishable Stuff
Putting the top 100 R packages into a GIF
2023/02/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Statistical analysis: (1) Plotting the data, (2) Constructing and fitting models, (3) Plotting data along with fitted models, (4) Further modeling and data collection
2023/02/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
StanCon 2023 registration & proposal submission is open!
2023/02/10 R-bloggers
tikzDevice v0.12.4
2023/02/10 R-bloggers
Get the Current Hospital Data Set from CMS with {healthyR.data}
2023/02/10 R-bloggers
A (kind of) plasma effect in R
2023/02/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Isaac Asimov vs. Isaac Newton; Brown advances
2023/02/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Controversy over an article on syringe exchange programs and harm reduction: As usual, I’d like to see more graphs of the data.
2023/02/10 Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/02/10 Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/02/10 Freakonometrics
Talk at StatQAM on Counterfactuals and Optimal Transport
2023/02/10 FlowingData
Search and rescue after an earthquake, illustrated
2023/02/10 FlowingData
LeBron James’ longevity
2023/02/09 R-bloggers
R-Ladies Vitória: Use of R for Public Policy Decisions on Maternal and Child Health in Brazil
2023/02/09 R-bloggers
Creating and Predicting Fast Regression Parsnip Models with {tidyAML}
2023/02/09 R-bloggers
A roundup from the 2022 NHS-R Conference – Part 1
2023/02/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Great news: “From next year, eLife is eliminating accept/reject decisions after peer review, instead focusing on public reviews and assessments of preprints.”
2023/02/09 FlowingData
✚ Preserving Visualization Work that Will Probably Break or Disappear
2023/02/09 FlowingData
Inferring the scale of China’s Covid spike through obituaries
2023/02/08 R-bloggers
The Mandelbulb in R
2023/02/08 R-bloggers
Creating an R Project Directory
2023/02/08 Bayesian Spectacles
Redefine Statistical Significance XX: A Chat on P-values with ChatGPT
2023/02/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Implementing Laplace approximation in Stan: What’s happening under the hood
2023/02/08 Julia Silge
Resampling to understand gender in #TidyTuesday art history data
2023/02/08 FlowingData
Pele greatness illustrated
2023/02/08 FlowingData
Cumulative points scored by LeBron James and other top scorers
2023/02/08 FlowingData
All of LeBron James’ career points, animated by season
2023/02/07 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Manipulate SVG Plots with Javascript in R Markdown
2023/02/07 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Shiny App without Shiny: a JavaScript Exercise in R Markdown
2023/02/07 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
You Should Rarely Need eval(parse())
2023/02/07 R-bloggers
What Does It Mean to Maintain a Package?
2023/02/07 R-bloggers
Using chatGPT in the teaching of R
2023/02/07 R-bloggers
Top 10 errors in R and how to fix them
2023/02/07 R-bloggers
Subsetting Named Lists in R
2023/02/07 R-bloggers
New preferred repo name for r-universe registries
2023/02/07 R-bloggers
Grupo de Usuarios de R de Madrid Collaborates with the National R Congress in Spain
2023/02/07 R-bloggers
February Training Update
2023/02/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Checking survey representativeness by looking at canary variables
2023/02/07 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
What Does It Mean to Maintain a Package?
2023/02/07 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
New preferred repo name for r-universe registries
2023/02/07 FlowingData
Where Else You Can Work
2023/02/07 FlowingData
Scale of the Chinese balloon
2023/02/07 等待下一个秋
2023/02/06 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Deprecating xfun::isFALSE()
2023/02/06 R-bloggers
Passing a function from R to C++
2023/02/06 R-bloggers
Cumulative Measurement Functions with {TidyDensity}
2023/02/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
They say that stocks go down during the day and up at night.
2023/02/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Margaret Wise Brown vs. Lisa Lisa; Sendak advances
2023/02/06 FlowingData
Objects in space headed towards Earth
2023/02/05 R-bloggers
Extending R with C++ and Fortran
2023/02/05 R-bloggers
Cricket Weighted Batting Average in R
2023/02/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Pssst . . . anyone interested in the email list of Modern Language Association??
2023/02/05 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
How to make a triangle correlation heatmap with p-values labeled
2023/02/04 R-bloggers
Probot: building a Mastodon bot
2023/02/04 R-bloggers
Better and enhanced method of estimating Mallow’s Cp
2023/02/04 Publishable Stuff
Data from the file drawer: Remembering case-sensitive and case-insensitive words
2023/02/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Writing that changed my life
2023/02/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Where are the right-wing congressional candidates with science and engineering backgrounds? A pipeline problem, perhaps.
2023/02/03 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2023/02/03 R-bloggers
What’s new in {PrettyCols} 1.0.1?
2023/02/03 R-bloggers
The Argument Matcher: A Function for Selecting the Right Arguments {tidyAML}
2023/02/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The Undying Holiday-Suicide Myth”
2023/02/03 Freakonometrics
ASTIN Reading Club
2023/02/03 FlowingData
Wonders of Google Street View
2023/02/03 sesa blog
Tables, plotted as ggplot objects
2023/02/03 Another Dayu
真菌、气候变化和病原溢出 | The Last of Us
2023/02/02 R-bloggers
Simultaneous Optimization of Several Response Variables
2023/02/02 R-bloggers
Diverging Lollipop Chart: A Visual Tool for Comparing Data with {healthyR}
2023/02/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
On the ethics of pollsters or journalists or political scientists betting on prediction markets
2023/02/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Free Bayesian Data Analysis course
2023/02/02 FlowingData
Sankey diagrams to show change in opinion
2023/02/02 FlowingData
✚ Eggtastic Graph
2023/02/01 R-bloggers
R Shiny Shipping Logistics: How Shiny Provides Value to Your Business
2023/02/01 R-bloggers
Attributes in R Functions: An Overview
2023/02/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Maurice Sendak vs. Steve McQueen; Wilder advances
2023/02/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Disappointing lack of institutional memory at the New Yorker
2023/02/01 Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
Kindle 笔记整理 3.0
2023/02/01 FlowingData
Shifts in time on the Doomsday Clock
2023/02/01 Another Dayu
Outlook 设置 Easy WP SMTP 发送通知邮件,并修复连接错误 Bug
2023/02/01 Thinking inside the box
RInside 0.2.18 on CRAN: Maintenance
2023/01/31 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/01/31 R-bloggers
Tips for organising your R code
2023/01/31 R-bloggers
Median: A Simple Way to Detect Excess Events Over Time with {healthyR}
2023/01/31 R-bloggers
Explanatory Analysis of the XGBoost Model for Budget Deficits of U.S.
2023/01/31 R-bloggers
Dynamite for Causal Inference from Panel Data using Dynamic Multivariate Panel Models
2023/01/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Alberto Cairo’s visualization course
2023/01/31 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Dynamite for Causal Inference from Panel Data using Dynamic Multivariate Panel Models
2023/01/31 FlowingData
Stripper earnings tracked over four years
2023/01/31 FlowingData
Evolution of George Santos’ biography
2023/01/31 Another Dayu
试拍 | GR3 负片色调 – 2023 1.70 固件更新
2023/01/30 R-bloggers
smooth v3.2.0: what’s new?
2023/01/30 R-bloggers
Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis: Video lectures now available on youtube
2023/01/30 R-bloggers
Improved permanent URL schema for r-universe.dev
2023/01/30 R-bloggers
{healthyR.ts}: The New and Improved Library for Time Series Analysis
2023/01/30 R-bloggers
December 2022: “Top 40” New CRAN Packages
2023/01/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Changes since the 1970s (ESP edition)
2023/01/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
As the last days of January dawn… the 2nd International Cherry Blossom Prediction Competition arrives!
2023/01/30 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Improved permanent URL schema for r-universe.dev
2023/01/30 FlowingData
Generating music from text
2023/01/30 FlowingData
Battling plant extinction
2023/01/30 sesa blog
Playing around with spirographs
2023/01/30 Another Dayu
2023 年还在写独立博客的人
2023/01/30 Thinking inside the box
#39: Faster Feedback Systems – A Continuous Integration Example
2023/01/29 R-bloggers
Snow in Montréal (Canada)
2023/01/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
You wish you’re first to invent this scale transform: -50 x*x + 240 x – 7
2023/01/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Grade inflation: Why hasn’t it already reached its terminal stage?
2023/01/29 Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/01/29 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Deep Learning GPU Selector
2023/01/29 Freakonometrics
Snow in Montréal (Canada)
2023/01/29 Thinking inside the box
RcppTOML 0.2.2 on CRAN: Now with macOS-on-Intel Builds
2023/01/28 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/01/28 R-bloggers
Update of the ‘cgalMeshes’ package
2023/01/28 R-bloggers
Spaghetti Code Dieting Tips
2023/01/28 R-bloggers
GooglyPlusPlus: Win Probability using Deep Learning and player embeddings
2023/01/28 R-bloggers
An R function to compute Tumor Mutational Burden (TMB)
2023/01/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The importance of “bumblers” and “pointers” in science, and the division of labor
2023/01/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Laura Ingalls Wilder vs. Steve Stigler; Malcolm advances
2023/01/27 R-bloggers
SHAP + XGBoost + Tidymodels = LOVE
2023/01/27 R-bloggers
Service Line Grouping with {healthyR}
2023/01/27 R-bloggers
Hello Data Scientists from Germany – eoda is hiring
2023/01/27 R-bloggers
Has your knowledge stopped updating?
2023/01/27 Publishable Stuff
Setting up plain markdown blogging in Hugo
2023/01/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What are the most important statistical ideas of the past 50 years?
2023/01/27 FlowingData
Differing approaches between SpaceX and NASA to sending rockets to the moon
2023/01/26 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/01/26 R-bloggers
Why comment your code as little (and as well) as possible
2023/01/26 R-bloggers
Updating Style Guide
2023/01/26 R-bloggers
Transforming Your Data: A Guide to Popular Methods and How to Implement Them with {healthyR.ai}
2023/01/26 R-bloggers
nanonext – High Performance Persistent HTTP Sessions
2023/01/26 R-bloggers
Improving the responsiveness of Shiny applications
2023/01/26 Publishable Stuff
Can AI save us from the perils of P-values? at Bayes\@Lund 2023
2023/01/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Labeling the x and y axes: Here’s a quick example where a bit of care can make a big difference.
2023/01/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Erik van Zwet explains the Shrinkage Trilogy
2023/01/26 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, January 2023 Roundup
2023/01/26 FlowingData
Misuse of the rainbow color scheme to visualize scientific data
2023/01/25 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/01/25 颜林林的个人网站
《C++ Primer》书评
2023/01/25 R-bloggers
Simplifying List Filtering in R with purrr’s keep()
2023/01/25 R-bloggers
Safe-and-simple cleaning of species occurrences
2023/01/25 R-bloggers
How Goals-Based Investing Actually Works: A Case Study
2023/01/25 R-bloggers
Comeback! Reviving the Warwick R User Group with In-Person and Online Events
2023/01/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Water Treatment and Child Mortality: A Meta-analysis and Cost-effectiveness Analysis
2023/01/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Joan Didion vs. Malcolm X; Rigg advances
2023/01/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Efficient leave-one-out cross-validation for Bayesian non-factorized normal and Student-t models
2023/01/25 Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/01/25 FlowingData
Cinematic visualization
2023/01/25 FlowingData
✚ How to Animate Packed Circles in R
2023/01/25 Thinking inside the box
RcppTOML 0.2.1 on CRAN: Small Build Fix for Some Arches
2023/01/24 R-bloggers
Shiny Monster Maze
2023/01/24 R-bloggers
How to add NA values into a factor level
2023/01/24 R-bloggers
Events at Jumping Rivers
2023/01/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Students learn more from active classrooms, but they think they’re learning less!
2023/01/24 FlowingData
Unreturned Native American remains, mapped
2023/01/24 FlowingData
Mass shootings calendar
2023/01/23 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/01/23 R-bloggers
Top 7 Skills Required to Become a Data Scientist
2023/01/23 R-bloggers
How to Put margins on tables or arrays in R
2023/01/23 R-bloggers
Finding Economic Articles with Data und Stata Reproductions
2023/01/23 R-bloggers
A testing pattern: adding switches to your code
2023/01/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Several artists have torn, burned, ripped and cut their artwork over the course of their careers. it is still possible for them to do it, but they will be able to preserve their artwork permanently on the blockchain.”
2023/01/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Diana Rigg vs. Benedict Arnold; Bechdel advances
2023/01/23 FlowingData
Mixed Feelings of Happiness and Meaning
2023/01/23 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
How to do gene correlation for single-cell RNAseq data (part 2) using meta-cell
2023/01/22 R-bloggers
How to add straight lines to a plot in R
2023/01/22 R-bloggers
Deploy your own Shiny app server with debian
2023/01/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The twists and turns of cultural politics (who to blame for a bad ghostwritten book?)
2023/01/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Correction: it’s Hammurabi vs. Alison Bechdel
2023/01/22 Thinking inside the box
Rcpp 1.0.10 on CRAN: Regular Update
2023/01/22 Thinking inside the box
BH 1.81.0-1 oon CRAN: New Upstream, New Library, sprintf Change
2023/01/21 R-bloggers
More on the ‘Reorient’ transformation
2023/01/21 R-bloggers
Learn Hadoop for Data Science
2023/01/21 R-bloggers
How to Measure Execution Time in R
2023/01/21 R-bloggers
How to generate data from a model – Part 2
2023/01/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“We found that almost no respondents currently report probabilistically. Perhaps more surprisingly, most respondents who claimed to report probabilistically, in fact, do not.”
2023/01/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hammurabi vs. Frida Kahlo; Dylan advances
2023/01/21 Thinking inside the box
RcppSimdJson 0.1.9 on CRAN: New Upstream
2023/01/21 Thinking inside the box
RcppFastFloat 0.0.4 on CRAN: New Upstream
2023/01/20 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/01/20 R-bloggers
The Music of the Spheres
2023/01/20 R-bloggers
Seeing double? Building the same app in Shiny for R and Shiny for Python
2023/01/20 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, January 2023
2023/01/20 R-bloggers
Alone R package: Datasets from the survival TV series
2023/01/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Last bit from Theranos lawyers
2023/01/20 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, January 2023
2023/01/20 Freakonometrics
Optimal Transport for Counterfactual Estimation: A Method for Causal Inference
2023/01/20 FlowingData
Reservoir refills in California
2023/01/20 FlowingData
Meaning of the Chinese New Year meal
2023/01/20 FlowingData
Manual removal of harmful text to train AI models
2023/01/19 R-bloggers
Map your Strava activities
2023/01/19 R-bloggers
End-to-end testing with shinytest2
2023/01/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
There are five ways to get fired from Caesars: (1) theft, (2) sexual harassment, (3) running an experiment without a control group, (4) keeping a gambling addict away from the casino, (5) refusing to promote gambling to college students
2023/01/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bob Dylan vs. Dr. Seuss; Helmsley advances
2023/01/19 OmicX
Move Buttons of Save Dialog Box in Xfce4 to Bottom Right
2023/01/19 Freakonometrics
Is there discrimination against the poor?
2023/01/19 Freakonometrics
Y-a-t-il une discrimination contre les pauvres ?
2023/01/19 FlowingData
✚ More Noise, Better Signal
2023/01/19 FlowingData
Barely a map of the west coast
2023/01/19 sesa blog
Differences according to importing CSV using different functions
2023/01/19 Another Dayu
2023/01/18 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/01/18 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/01/18 R-bloggers
Some R Conferences for 2023
2023/01/18 R-bloggers
MiRiM – RiskMetrics – v1.1
2023/01/18 R-bloggers
How Do Online Criminals Acquire Sensitive Data
2023/01/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The qualitative conclusions of our work remain the same”: Has it ever been otherwise? Click to learn more about induced brain injuries in piglets:
2023/01/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Our first in-person StanCon since 2019 will be held in Washington University in St. Louis!
2023/01/18 Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
Hugo Stack 主题添加「最后修改于」
2023/01/18 Julia Silge
To downsample imbalanced data or not, with #TidyTuesday bird feeders
2023/01/18 FlowingData
Scrolly video JavaScript library
2023/01/17 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/01/17 R-bloggers
Top Reasons To Learn R in 2023
2023/01/17 R-bloggers
{reactable} Podium – How to Build a Leaderboard in R Shiny
2023/01/17 R-bloggers
How to Rename Files in R
2023/01/17 R-bloggers
A GAM for time trends in a stepped-wedge trial with a binary outcome
2023/01/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What joker put seven dog lice in my Iraqi FZ box?
2023/01/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Brutus vs. Leona Helmsley; Cleary advances
2023/01/17 Freakonometrics
Un «Manuel d’assurance» universitaire et professionnel à la fois
2023/01/17 FlowingData
Snow cover mapped using snowflakes
2023/01/17 Another Dayu
公告 | 域名迁移
2023/01/16 R-bloggers
Web scraping in R
2023/01/16 R-bloggers
Test if two objects are nearly equal in R
2023/01/16 R-bloggers
Linear Interpolation in R-approx
2023/01/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Data-perception tasks where sound perception is more effective than sight
2023/01/16 Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023/01/16 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
A General-Purpose Link Checker for R Markdown and Quarto Projects
2023/01/16 sesa blog
A quick demo how to compute rowwise means with the tidyverse
2023/01/15 R-bloggers
Python for R users workshop
2023/01/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Ethical standards of some rich retired athletes are as low as ethical standards of some rich scientists
2023/01/15 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: Updates
2023/01/14 R-bloggers
Il vero prezzo del carburante
2023/01/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayesian statistics and machine learning: How do they differ?
2023/01/14 Thinking inside the box
RApiDatetime 0.0.8 on CRAN: Maintenance
2023/01/13 R-bloggers
The Falling of ARK Innovation ETF: Forecasting with Boosted ARIMA Regression Model
2023/01/13 R-bloggers
How to Become a Data Scientist in 2023
2023/01/13 R-bloggers
curl 5.0.0: massive concurrent downloads and HTTP/2
2023/01/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Vladimír Chvátil vs. Beverly Cleary; Bowie advances
2023/01/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayesian geomorphology
2023/01/13 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
curl 5.0.0: massive concurrent downloads and HTTP/2
2023/01/13 FlowingData
Tracking hundreds of pizza slices
2023/01/13 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
How to do gene correlation for single-cell RNAseq data (part 1)
2023/01/12 R-bloggers
git and GitHub in R for the casual user
2023/01/12 R-bloggers
Expanding our Community through Multilingual Publishing
2023/01/12 R-bloggers
End-to-end testing with shinytest2
2023/01/12 R-bloggers
Check whether any values of a logical vector are TRUE
2023/01/12 Econometrics and Free Software
MRAN is getting shutdown - what else is there for reproducibility with R, or why reproducibility is on a continuum?
2023/01/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What is the obligation of the theorist to the “motivating application?”
2023/01/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Update on the “burly coolie” and the “titled English woman”
2023/01/12 Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
读《MySQL 必知必会》
2023/01/12 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Expanding our Community through Multilingual Publishing
2023/01/12 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
git and GitHub in R for the casual user
2023/01/12 FlowingData
✚ Alternative Ways to Represent Data
2023/01/12 FlowingData
Happiness and Meaning in What We Do
2023/01/12 Another Dayu
2023/01/12 Thinking inside the box
RDieHarder 0.2.5 on CRAN: Mandated Update
2023/01/11 R-bloggers
Top Data Science Skills- step by step guide
2023/01/11 R-bloggers
SatRdays London 2023
2023/01/11 R-bloggers
progressr 0.13.0: cli + progressr = ♥
2023/01/11 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2023/01/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Have social psychologists improved in their understanding of the importance of representative sampling and treatment interactions?
2023/01/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
David Bowie vs. Larry Hagman; Dahl advances
2023/01/11 FlowingData
Origins of the world map
2023/01/11 Another Dayu
2023 年如何查找 Youtube Channel ID?
2023/01/11 Another Dayu
2023 年为什么我们还要使用 RSS?
2023/01/11 Thinking inside the box
qlcal 0.0.4 on CRAN: Extended and Updated
2023/01/10 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/01/10 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
My Webinar on Explaining R Markdown with Minimal Applications
2023/01/10 R-bloggers
RTutor: Public Infrastructure Spending and Voting Behaviour
2023/01/10 R-bloggers
MRAN Time Machine will be retired on July 1
2023/01/10 R-bloggers
Imputation in R: Top 3 Ways for Imputing Missing Data
2023/01/10 R-bloggers
Fast-Track Your Next Move with R
2023/01/10 The Coatless Professor
Disable Cisco Anyconnect Notice on macOS
2023/01/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Fields where it matters that “there’s no there there,” fields where you can thrive on B.S. alone, and everything in between
2023/01/10 FlowingData
Tom Brady of other jobs
2023/01/10 Another Dayu
途径 5 驿站
2023/01/10 Thinking inside the box
RcppTOML 0.2.0: TOML 1.0.0 rewrite with toml++
2023/01/09 R-bloggers
Dplyr-style without dplyr
2023/01/09 Bayesian Spectacles
Bayes Factors for Those who Hate Bayes Factors, Part III: The Coherence Plot
2023/01/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
If we’re against parsimony, what are we for?
2023/01/09 Freakonometrics
Causal inference with optimal transport
2023/01/09 FlowingData
Generative AI trade-offs
2023/01/09 FlowingData
Bias in AI-generated images
2023/01/09 Another Dayu
NeoDB | 书影音标记 – 豆瓣、GoodReads 和 Google Book 的替代品
2023/01/09 Another Dayu
BOOX 文石电纸书 | Calibre 管理和一些实用小技巧
2023/01/08 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/01/08 R-bloggers
Performance comparison of converting list to data.frame with R language
2023/01/08 R-bloggers
Escaping the Malthusian Trap
2023/01/08 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2023/01/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Trafalgar polls
2023/01/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Roald Dahl vs. Ethel Rosenberg; advances
2023/01/08 Another Dayu
BOOX 文石电纸书 | 安卓软件推荐
2023/01/08 Thinking inside the box
spdl 0.0.4 on CRAN: Adding Stopwatch
2023/01/08 Thinking inside the box
RVowpalWabbit 0.0.18: Maintenance
2023/01/07 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/01/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The good news is that the pound is collapsing so this particular publishing scam is not as expensive as you might think!
2023/01/07 Another Dayu
BOOX 文石电纸书 | 启用 Google Play 套件
2023/01/07 Thinking inside the box
RcppSpdlog 0.0.12 on CRAN: Added Stopwatch
2023/01/06 R-bloggers
rOpenSci Code of Conduct Annual Review
2023/01/06 R-bloggers
rOpenSci 2022 Code of Conduct Transparency Report
2023/01/06 R-bloggers
Inclusive Space for Bio-Data and Medical R Group in Tampa, Florida
2023/01/06 R-bloggers
Find the next number in the sequence
2023/01/06 R-bloggers
Combining R and Python with {reticulate} and Quarto
2023/01/06 R-bloggers
Color Palette Choice and Customization in R and ggplot2 workshop
2023/01/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
James Naismith vs. Henry Winkler; Shakira advances
2023/01/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
God is in every leaf of every tree (bathroom scale edition)
2023/01/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Blue Rose Research is hiring !
2023/01/06 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci 2022 Code of Conduct Transparency Report
2023/01/06 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Code of Conduct Annual Review
2023/01/06 FlowingData
Every hour tracked, for five years
2023/01/06 Another Dayu
BOOX 文石电纸书 | 设置 Kindle、Readwise Reader 和免费外文书城
2023/01/06 Another Dayu
BOOX 文石电纸书 | 更改字体(霞鹜文楷)
2023/01/05 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
One Fewer Dependency of knitr
2023/01/05 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
An Upcoming Clean Progress Bar in knitr
2023/01/05 颜林林的个人网站
2023/01/05 R-bloggers
Lottery Prediction-Comparison between Statistics and Luck
2023/01/05 R-bloggers
Lollipop chart
2023/01/05 R-bloggers
End-to-end testing with shinytest2: Part 1
2023/01/05 R-bloggers
Cut your EDA time into 5 minutes with Exploratory DataXray Analysis (EDXA)
2023/01/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Dying children and post-publication review: Update on data availability
2023/01/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A. A. Milne vs. Shakira; Gygax advances
2023/01/05 Freakonometrics
Un “Manuel d’Assurance” de référence, sur News Assurances Pro
2023/01/05 FlowingData
When Americans Are Happiest
2023/01/04 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
Docker 从入门到实战
2023/01/04 R-bloggers
Smooth forecasting with the smooth package in R
2023/01/04 R-bloggers
shiny.benchmark – How to Measure Performance Improvements in R Shiny Apps
2023/01/04 R-bloggers
Little useless-useful R functions – Mandelbrot set
2023/01/04 R-bloggers
Applications of Data Science in Education
2023/01/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Tom Lehrer puts himself in the public domain—and here, for a limited time, are all his songs. (Really.)
2023/01/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Round 2! J. R. R. Tolkien vs. E. Gary Gygax; Li advances
2023/01/04 OmicX
Install libg2c.so.0 for ZDOCK in Debian 11
2023/01/04 FlowingData
Animal extinction over time
2023/01/04 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
transpose single-cell cell x gene dataframe to gene x cell
2023/01/03 Homepage on Liangliang's Homepage
2023/01/03 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/01/03 R-bloggers
November 2022: “Top 40” New CRAN Packages
2023/01/03 R-bloggers
Data Science Applications in Banking
2023/01/03 R-bloggers
Boosting Win Probability accuracy with player embeddings
2023/01/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The interaction between predatory journals and mainstream social science
2023/01/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Explanation and reproducibility in data-driven science (new course)
2023/01/03 Freakonometrics
Recension du Manuel d’Assurance
2023/01/03 FlowingData
Names that are more dog or more human
2023/01/02 R-bloggers
Top Data Science Applications You Should Know 2023
2023/01/02 R-bloggers
Running Around: 2022 running dataviz in R
2023/01/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Challenge of expressing uncertainty in scientific claims (exercise and lifespan edition)
2023/01/02 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Announcing My First VS Code Extension: textmate.rstheme
2023/01/02 FlowingData
Mapping the sea floor
2023/01/01 earfanfan | 袁凡
2023/01/01 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Finding Function Calls in R Code
2023/01/01 Robin Lovelace
Contraflows and Cycling Safety: Evidence from 22~Years of Data Involving 508 One-Way Streets
2023/01/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Yo-Yo Ma (1) vs. Li Wenwen; Hill advances
2023/01/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to model a non-monotonic relation?
2023/01/01 Shitao Wu | 吴诗涛
2023 年第一个好消息
2023/01/01 Rob J Hyndman
Monash Quarto Templates
2022/12/31 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/12/31 颜林林的个人网站
2022/12/31 R-bloggers
The easiest way to radically improve map aesthetics
2022/12/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2022/12/31 Freakonometrics
Bonne année 2023
2022/12/31 Another Dayu
2022 年末总结 | 不确定性、成长和亲密关系
2022/12/30 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/12/30 颜林林的个人网站
2022/12/30 颜林林的个人网站
2022/12/30 R-bloggers
Moving Next from Revue to Substack
2022/12/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Does the existence of widespread belief in political disinformation demonstrate that humans are not Bayesians?
2022/12/30 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Review 2022
2022/12/29 R-bloggers
Using Emacs for R
2022/12/29 R-bloggers
Roulette-wheel selection for dqrng
2022/12/29 R-bloggers
Load Multiple Packages in R
2022/12/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Lauryn Hill (4) vs. Ai Weiwei; Newton advances
2022/12/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Have you ever had the unsettling experience of going into a dungeon you’ve already done before, and you have to fight monsters you’ve already killed?”
2022/12/29 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, December 2022 Roundup
2022/12/29 FlowingData
Best Data Visualization Projects of 2022
2022/12/28 R-bloggers
New R Package: cryptotrackr
2022/12/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Show me the noisy numbers! (or not)
2022/12/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How should you choose a job if you’re optimizing for impact?
2022/12/28 FlowingData
Southwest flight cancellations
2022/12/27 R-bloggers
RObservations #44: Adding Frame and Custom Title Support To mapBliss
2022/12/27 R-bloggers
Another Year of #TidyTuesday
2022/12/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Journalist and historian vs. economists: Is the 2022 economics Nobel prize well deserved or awful?
2022/12/27 Freakonometrics
A Fair Pricing Model via Adversarial Learning
2022/12/27 FlowingData
Apply your daylight saving preferences to the rest of the country
2022/12/26 R-bloggers
Twitcher II: tweet frequency and top tweets
2022/12/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Nudge meets Edge: A Boxing Day Story
2022/12/26 Freakonometrics
Qu’est-ce que l’assurance ?
2022/12/26 叶寻的博客
Epic 游戏商城的免费游戏
2022/12/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Coral reef update: University vindicates whistleblowers
2022/12/24 R-bloggers
Computing Win-Probability of T20 matches
2022/12/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
(an issue raised by a recent failed-science story:) The distinction between research that could be valid but just happens to be wrong, and junk science that never had a chance
2022/12/23 R-bloggers
Advent of 2022, Day 23 – Working with R
2022/12/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A probability isn’t just a number; it’s part of a network of conditional statements
2022/12/23 FlowingData
Inevitably super rich
2022/12/22 R-bloggers
What is survival analysis? Examples by hand and in R
2022/12/22 R-bloggers
Shiny Showcase Recap from the Shiny Weekly Newsletter
2022/12/22 R-bloggers
R-Ladies Cologne – Our first year in the books!
2022/12/22 R-bloggers
Create Texts with a Markov Chain Text Generator… and what this has to do with ChatGPT!
2022/12/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Do Simpler Machine Learning Models Exist and How Can We Find Them?”
2022/12/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Vladimir Putin (3) vs. Isaac Newton; Asimov advances
2022/12/22 Freakonometrics
Quantifying fairness and discrimination in predictive models
2022/12/22 FlowingData
✚ Finding the Point
2022/12/22 FlowingData
Lord of the Rings and Santa Venn diagram
2022/12/21 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Using Github Actions as Free Virtual Machines to Debug R Problems on Different Platforms
2022/12/21 Shane Lynn
Electric Car Prices in Ireland for 2023
2022/12/21 R-bloggers
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2023!
2022/12/21 R-bloggers
Interpret Complex Linear Models with SHAP within Seconds
2022/12/21 R-bloggers
How to move from Junior Data Scientist
2022/12/21 R-bloggers
Code longevity of the R programming language
2022/12/21 R-bloggers
Any Time At All: tweet frequency around the clock
2022/12/21 Econometrics and Free Software
Code longevity of the R programming language
2022/12/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I guess Gladwell couldn’t have afforded a fact-checker who could’ve told him that planes don’t take off in a tailwind.
2022/12/21 FlowingData
Visual exploration through emotional granularity
2022/12/20 R-bloggers
OLS Regression in R
2022/12/20 R-bloggers
{drawCell} – R package and Shiny app for drawing cell structures
2022/12/20 R-bloggers
December Training Update
2022/12/20 R-bloggers
2022 Hanukkah of Data • Puzzle 2
2022/12/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Pete Rose (2) vs. Isaac Asimov; Lisa advances
2022/12/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Another physically motivated sampler: Microcanonical HMC
2022/12/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A need for “Poli Sci 101”?
2022/12/20 Freakonometrics
Multiarmed Bandits Problem Under the Mean-Variance Setting
2022/12/20 FlowingData
VIS 2022 talks are online
2022/12/20 FlowingData
Carbon footprint in the city versus the suburbs
2022/12/20 Thinking inside the box
RcppDE 0.1.7 on CRAN: Several Updates
2022/12/19 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
A Change in the Meaning of the Chunk Option "message = FALSE" / "warning = FALSE"
2022/12/19 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Migrating Comments from Disqus and Utterances to Giscus
2022/12/19 R-bloggers
Hierarchical clustering, cutting the tree and colouring the tree leaves based on sample classes
2022/12/19 R-bloggers
Fundamentals of R Programming
2022/12/19 R-bloggers
Credit Card Fraud Detection in R
2022/12/19 R-bloggers
2022 Hanukkah of Data • Puzzle 1
2022/12/19 R-bloggers
2022-04 Constructive Solid Geometry and Function Representation in R
2022/12/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Signal-to-noise ratio and statistical tests
2022/12/19 FlowingData
xkcd on optimal bowling metrics
2022/12/18 R-bloggers
Twitcher: tweet frequency over the years
2022/12/18 R-bloggers
Reshape data in R
2022/12/18 R-bloggers
Designing Accessible Research with R/Shiny
2022/12/18 R-bloggers
demographeR’s notes
2022/12/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Uncertainties regarding historical facts
2022/12/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
James Dean (2) vs. Lisa Lisa; Brown advances
2022/12/18 Freakonometrics
Happy Holidays
2022/12/18 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
How to run dockerized Rstudio server on google cloud
2022/12/17 R-bloggers
R packages for visualising spatial data
2022/12/17 R-bloggers
How to Perform Bootstrapping in R
2022/12/17 R-bloggers
How to arrange training and testing datasets in R
2022/12/17 R-bloggers
Advent of 2022, Day 17 – Building responsible AI dashboard with Python SDK
2022/12/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Statistical experiments and science experiments
2022/12/17 Another Dayu
Readwise Reader
2022/12/16 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/12/16 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, December 2022
2022/12/16 R-bloggers
Google Analytics in R: Review of 2022
2022/12/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The conspiracy theory / pseudoscience culture
2022/12/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Lewis Carroll (3) vs. Margaret Wise Brown; McQueen advances
2022/12/16 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, December 2022
2022/12/16 FlowingData
Stable Diffusion to generate spectrograms to convert to sounds
2022/12/15 R-bloggers
What is R7? A New OOP System for R
2022/12/15 R-bloggers
R en Buenos Aires in 2023: Compiling a list of Latin American R packages
2022/12/15 R-bloggers
NHS-R Workshop: Development and validation of clinical prediction models using R
2022/12/15 R-bloggers
Gosling: Interactive Genomics Charts in R Shiny
2022/12/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Steve McQueen (4) vs. Vidkun Quisling; Sendak advances
2022/12/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Here’s how I think about “meritocracy”
2022/12/15 FlowingData
✚ Mistaken Error
2022/12/15 FlowingData
One home’s blackouts in Kyiv
2022/12/14 R-bloggers
{Proverbs} Now Has Support for ESV Translation
2022/12/14 R-bloggers
Progress on R-spatial evolution, Dec 2022
2022/12/14 R-bloggers
Error in solve.default(mat) : Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular: U[2,2] = 0
2022/12/14 R-bloggers
Check if the Column Contains a String or not
2022/12/14 R-bloggers
Advent of 2022, Day 14 – Registering the models
2022/12/14 R-bloggers
2022-03 Offsetting Lines and Polygons in ‘grid’
2022/12/14 Bayesian Spectacles
Bayes Factors for Those who Hate Bayes Factors, Part II: Lord Ludicrus, Vampire Count of Incoherence, Insists on a Dance
2022/12/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Research fellow, postdoc, and doctoral student positions at Aalto University, Finland
2022/12/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Martha Stewart (1) vs. Maurice Sendak; Stigler advances
2022/12/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Lack of correlation between school mask mandates and paediatric COVID-19 cases in a large cohort”
2022/12/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
It can be hard to get the data from a published study. Here are 2 frustrating examples:
2022/12/14 Freakonometrics
Infectious Disease Modeling Colloquium
2022/12/14 Freakonometrics
Félicitations François
2022/12/14 FlowingData
Conway’s Game of Life in infinite space
2022/12/14 Another Dayu
WordPress | 国内谷歌字体 + Gravatar 头像服务优化 = WP-China-Yes 插件【2023 可用】
2022/12/13 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/12/13 R-bloggers
Touching the 3rd Rail of Data Science: “R or Python?”
2022/12/13 R-bloggers
Modeling the secular trend in a stepped-wedge design
2022/12/13 R-bloggers
Advent of 2022, Day 13 – Automated ML
2022/12/13 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2022/12/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Update 4 – World Cup Qatar 2022 predictions (semifinals and winning probabilities)
2022/12/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The easygoing relationship between computer scientists and null hypothesis significance testing
2022/12/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey, what happened with this randomized controlled trial of “How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk”?
2022/12/13 FlowingData
Bodybuilder risks
2022/12/13 sesa blog
Consistency of set.seed across different systems
2022/12/13 Thinking inside the box
RcppSpdlog 0.0.11 on CRAN: Small Enhancement
2022/12/12 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/12/12 R-bloggers
Learning the Fundamentals of R, Workshop with R-Ladies Gaborone and Botswana R User Group
2022/12/12 R-bloggers
europeanaR: Exploring A Digitized Art Database with Shiny
2022/12/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What is the original source of the bulls-eye graphs that represent bias and variance?
2022/12/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Scientifical Americans: The Culture of Amateur Paranormal Research”
2022/12/12 Rob J Hyndman
We need more open data in Australia
2022/12/12 FlowingData
Information Graphic Visionaries delivered
2022/12/12 Another Dayu
使用 Obsidian 建站发布网页 – 基于 Digital Garden + Github + Netlify
2022/12/12 Thinking inside the box
digest 0.6.31 on CRAN: snprintf Update
2022/12/11 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/12/11 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/12/11 R-bloggers
Redesigning Dashboards with Shiny and Rhino: World Bank’s Carbon Pricing
2022/12/11 R-bloggers
MIDI madness with ChatGPT: the AI-powered tunes that will make you laugh, cry, and dance
2022/12/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Judas (1) vs. Steve Stigler; Wilder advances
2022/12/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A reminder of why I don’t think statistics should have a nobel prize
2022/12/11 首页 on 楚新元 | All in R
2022/12/11 Another Dayu
macOS | 防止合盖后耗电,关闭新式待机功能(Power Nap)
2022/12/10 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/12/10 R-bloggers
Risk Management for Goals-Based Investors, Some Ideas
2022/12/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2022/12/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Laura Ingalls Wilder (4) vs. Banksy; Malcolm advances
2022/12/10 Another Dayu
WP Super Cache 导致 RSS Feed 失效
2022/12/09 R-bloggers
ChatGPT can Create Datasets, Program in R… and when it makes an Error it can Fix that too!
2022/12/09 R-bloggers
BridgeStan: Stan model log densities, gradients, Hessians, and transforms in R, Python, and Julia
2022/12/09 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2022/12/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Malcolm X (3) vs. Kris Kristofferson; Didion advances
2022/12/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Has the science public relations machine improved?
2022/12/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
BridgeStan: Stan model log densities, gradients, Hessians, and transforms in R, Python, and Julia
2022/12/09 FlowingData
Perfect seasons needed to get over .500 overall
2022/12/09 FlowingData
Gifts my true love gave to me over the 12 days of Christmas
2022/12/08 earfanfan | 袁凡
在 Linux 上 安装 R/RStudio Server 及 R 包
2022/12/08 R-bloggers
The effect of Childhood Education on Wealth: Modeling with Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART)
2022/12/08 R-bloggers
Regaining Momentum with In-Person Meetups
2022/12/08 R-bloggers
I’m an R user: Quarto or R Markdown?
2022/12/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The cleantech job market: Every modeler is supposed to be a great Python programmer.
2022/12/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
J. K. Rowling (2) vs. Joan Didion; Arnold advances
2022/12/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Do doctors get too little respect nowadays? Or too much?
2022/12/08 Freakonometrics
Assurance collaborative, théorie des graphes et actuariat
2022/12/08 FlowingData
✚ Scratching Projects
2022/12/08 FlowingData
Life cycle of coronavirus at the molecular level
2022/12/08 Thinking inside the box
AsioHeaders 1.22.1-2 on CRAN: Small Update
2022/12/07 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2022/12/07 R-bloggers
Weighted residual empirical processes in semi-parametric copula adjusted for regression
2022/12/07 R-bloggers
UPDATE: Successful R-Based Package Submission with Shiny Component to FDA
2022/12/07 R-bloggers
How to read multiple Excel files in R
2022/12/07 R-bloggers
How To Become a Business Intelligence Analyst
2022/12/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Successful randomization and covariate “imbalance” in a survey experiment in Nature
2022/12/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
On the Republicans’ decision to choose extremist candidates in high-profile close races
2022/12/07 Rob J Hyndman
Derivations of forecast variance for benchmark methods
2022/12/07 FlowingData
Tour through the greatest movies of all time
2022/12/07 FlowingData
Digital face aging with neural network
2022/12/07 Home on Jinji
2022/12/06 R-bloggers
Shiny in Production: Recordings
2022/12/06 R-bloggers
Select colours from an image in R with {eyedroppeR}
2022/12/06 R-bloggers
Please Avoid detectCores() in your R Packages
2022/12/06 R-bloggers
How to Save ggplot2 Plots in a targets Workflow?
2022/12/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
OpenAI’s GPT chat bot enters the uncanny valley
2022/12/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Joseph Heller (2) vs. Benedict Arnold; Rigg advances
2022/12/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A homework question in someone’s 11th grade statistics class
2022/12/06 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
How to Save ggplot2 Plots in a targets Workflow?
2022/12/06 FlowingData
Asteroid simulator for before the big one hits
2022/12/06 ewen
listening, 2022
2022/12/06 Cartesian Faith
Wallets as a reward and penalty mechanism for online behavior
2022/12/05 R-bloggers
Using R and Python in Microsoft SQL Server 2022
2022/12/05 R-bloggers
Just How Good Is ChatGPT in Data Science?
2022/12/05 R-bloggers
Advent of 2022, Day 5 – Creating compute and cluster instances in Azure Machine Learning
2022/12/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When conclusions are unverifiable (multilevel data example)
2022/12/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Diana Rigg (3) vs. Elizabeth Taylor; Bechdel advances
2022/12/05 Freakonometrics
Journal of Risk and Insurance, call for paper
2022/12/05 FlowingData
Who pays for Twitter
2022/12/04 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/12/04 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/12/04 R-bloggers
Hypothesis Testing in R
2022/12/04 R-bloggers
Comparison of Partition Around Medoid R programming Implementations
2022/12/04 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2022 的冬天
2022/12/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Keith O’Rourke
2022/12/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Centering predictors in Bayesian multilevel models
2022/12/03 R-bloggers
How to make your own #RStats Wrapped!
2022/12/03 R-bloggers
Advent of 2022, Day 3 – Understanding Azure Machine Learning Studio
2022/12/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Update 3 – World Cup Qatar 2022 predictions (round of 16)
2022/12/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The “noble lie” in science reporting
2022/12/03 叶寻的博客
亚人 OAD 动画
2022/12/02 R-bloggers
Exact integral of a polynomial on a simplex
2022/12/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Not frequentist enough.
2022/12/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Alison Bechdel (4) vs. Willie Nelson; Hammurabi advances
2022/12/02 FlowingData
Retrofitting old British homes to improve energy efficiency
2022/12/02 FlowingData
Managing temperature fluctuations through UK architecture
2022/12/01 R-bloggers
How to make a plot with two different y-axis in R with ggplot2? (a secret ggplot2 hack)
2022/12/01 R-bloggers
Burnout in Data Professionals – A Personal Take
2022/12/01 R-bloggers
Advent of 2022, Day 1 – What is Azure Machine Learning?
2022/12/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“But shouldn’t we prefer these outside delusions . . .”: Malcolm Gladwell in a nutshell
2022/12/01 Freakonometrics
2022/12/01 FlowingData
Upward mobility through a personal lens
2022/12/01 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, November 2022 Roundup
2022/12/01 Thinking inside the box
spdl 0.0.2 on CRAN: First Update
2022/11/30 R-bloggers
Version 0.13.0 of NIMBLE released
2022/11/30 R-bloggers
Shiny for Good: R Shiny Projects with a Positive Impact
2022/11/30 R-bloggers
Our First Peer-Reviewed Statistical R Packages!
2022/11/30 R-bloggers
Functional programming explains why containerization is needed for reproducibility
2022/11/30 R-bloggers
Autocorrelation and Partial Autocorrelation in Time Series
2022/11/30 R-bloggers
30 Day Map Challenge 2022
2022/11/30 Econometrics and Free Software
Functional programming explains why containerization is needed for reproducibility
2022/11/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The more I thought about them, the less they seemed to be negative things, but appeared in the scenes as something completely new and productive
2022/11/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey! Check out this short new introductory social science statistics textbook by Elena Llaudet and Kosuke Imai
2022/11/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hammurabi (1) vs. Frida Kahlo; Seuss advances
2022/11/30 Home on Xianying's Blog
2022/11/30 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Our First Peer-Reviewed Statistical R Packages!
2022/11/30 Home on JIN Li
Julia 深度学习(二)
2022/11/30 Freakonometrics
Talk on fairness and “differential pricing” in insurance
2022/11/30 FlowingData
On the Data Journalism Podcast
2022/11/30 FlowingData
Illustration of ranked-choice voting
2022/11/30 sesa blog
Plot timelines using ggplot
2022/11/29 R-bloggers
Spreading a Passion for R with the Münster Community in Germany
2022/11/29 R-bloggers
postdoc 1.0: minimal and uncluttered HTML package manuals
2022/11/29 R-bloggers
Navigating folders in RStudio: a beginner’s guide
2022/11/29 R-bloggers
Matthews Correlation Coefficient in R
2022/11/29 R-bloggers
How to Calculate Ratios in R
2022/11/29 R-bloggers
How Stable is China?
2022/11/29 R-bloggers
EDA de datos de INEGI
2022/11/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
WikiGuidelines: A new way to set up guidelines for medical practices to better acknowledge uncertainty
2022/11/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Dr. Seuss (1) vs. Michael B. Jordan; Dylan advances
2022/11/29 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
postdoc 1.0: minimal and uncluttered HTML package manuals
2022/11/29 Freakonometrics
Assurances, vers une utilisation éthique de l’intelligence artificielle
2022/11/29 FlowingData
Republican and Democrat follower counts on Twitter
2022/11/29 Another Dayu
2022/11/28 R-bloggers
October 2022: “Top 40” New CRAN Packages
2022/11/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Where does this quote come from? “I don’t trust anything until it runs. In fact, I don’t trust anything until it runs twice.”
2022/11/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bob Dylan (4) vs. T. S. Eliot; Helmsley advances
2022/11/28 Home on JIN Li
Julia 深度学习(一)
2022/11/28 FlowingData
Building a happy life, interpreted through data
2022/11/28 Another Dayu
2022/11/27 R-bloggers
Bayes Factors for Forensic Decision Analyses with R [book review]
2022/11/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Science as a Vocation”
2022/11/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
J. Robert Lennon (3) vs Leona Helmsley; Brutus advances
2022/11/27 Freakonometrics
Bayesian Models for the Casualty Actuarial and Statistical Task Force
2022/11/26 颜林林的个人网站
2022/11/26 R-bloggers
Filtering Complex Data With gsignal
2022/11/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When a conceptual tool is used as a practical tool (Venn diagrams edition)
2022/11/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Brutus (2) vs. Mo Willems; Cleary advances
2022/11/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Update 2 – World Cup Qatar 2022 Predictions with footBayes/Stan
2022/11/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Flood/cyclone risk and the all-coastal-cities-are-equal-narrative
2022/11/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Beverly Cleary (2) vs. A. J. Foyt; Chvátil advances
2022/11/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A different Bayesian World Cup model using Stan
2022/11/25 OmicX
Alignment of SARS-CoV-2 Reference Genome Sequences
2022/11/25 Julia Silge
High cardinality predictors for #TidyTuesday museums in the UK
2022/11/25 FlowingData
Depth of the underwater Tonga volcano
2022/11/24 R-bloggers
RObservations #43 : Control Individual Label Positions In mapBliss With `_flex()` Functions
2022/11/24 R-bloggers
Processing large scale satellite imagery with openEO Platform and R
2022/11/24 R-bloggers
Learning Excel as an R user
2022/11/24 R-bloggers
HTML widgets in Power BI
2022/11/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Vladimir Chvátil (3) vs. Guy Fawkes; Hagman advances
2022/11/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Understanding exchangeability in statistical modeling: a Thanksgiving-themed post
2022/11/24 Rob J Hyndman
Australian Academy of Science
2022/11/23 颜林林的个人网站
2022/11/23 R-bloggers
Simple interfaces to the forecasting API
2022/11/23 R-bloggers
Meeting the stars of the R-universe: R Community, Exchange and Learn
2022/11/23 R-bloggers
Learning Data Science: Predictive Maintenance with Decision Trees
2022/11/23 R-bloggers
Conciendo a las estrellas del universo R: comunidad R, intercambiar y aprender
2022/11/23 R-bloggers
2022 Government & Public Sector R Conference
2022/11/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Time Series Forecasting: futile but necessary. An example using electricity prices.
2022/11/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Larry Hagman (4) vs. John Paul Jones; Bowie advances
2022/11/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bigshot chief scientist of major corporation can’t handle criticism of the work he hypes.
2022/11/23 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Conciendo a las estrellas del universo R: comunidad R, intercambiar y aprender
2022/11/23 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Meeting the stars of the R-universe: R Community, Exchange and Learn
2022/11/23 Freakonometrics
Tarification en assurance dans un marché concurrentiel, chez Beneva
2022/11/23 FlowingData
Experimental Noisycharts sonifies data for improved accessibility
2022/11/22 R-bloggers
Processing large scale satellite imagery with openEO Platform and R
2022/11/22 R-bloggers
How to put margins on tables or arrays in R?
2022/11/22 R-bloggers
Going Global During the Pandemic
2022/11/22 R-bloggers
Generating clustered data with marginal correlations
2022/11/22 R-bloggers
ave for average calculation in R
2022/11/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
David Bowie (1) vs. Wesley Snipes; Rosenberg advances
2022/11/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
4th down update and my own cognitive illusion
2022/11/22 OmicX
Create Phylogenetic Tree of SARS CoV 2 by UShER
2022/11/22 FlowingData
Decline of key changes in popular music
2022/11/22 ewen
sipping on Shenmue
2022/11/22 叶寻的博客
用 Cloudflare 缓存本站的订阅文件
2022/11/22 Thinking inside the box
spdl 0.0.1 on CRAN: New Package!
2022/11/21 R-bloggers
When to Use plotly?
2022/11/21 R-bloggers
Introducing formatdown
2022/11/21 R-bloggers
How to compare the performance of different algorithms in R?
2022/11/21 R-bloggers
{designer} 0.2.0: Now with more designing!
2022/11/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Only positive reinforcement for researchers in some fields
2022/11/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Miles Davis (1) vs. Ethel Rosenberg; Dahl advances
2022/11/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A proposal for the Ingram Olkin Forum on Statistics Serving Society
2022/11/21 Freakonometrics
Insurance analytics: prediction, explainability and fairness (call for papers)
2022/11/21 FlowingData
Shifts in European energy sources
2022/11/21 Thinking inside the box
RcppClassic 0.9.13 on CRAN: Minor Update
2022/11/20 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/11/20 R-bloggers
Whisperings in the Academy
2022/11/20 R-bloggers
PCA for Categorical Variables in R
2022/11/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Jane Fonda (4) vs. Roald Dahl; Winkler advances
2022/11/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Going for it on 4th down: What’s striking is not so much that we were wrong, but that we had so little imagination that we didn’t even consider the possibility that we might be wrong. (I wonder what Gerd Gigerenzer, Daniel Kahneman, Josh “hot hand” Miller, and other experts on cognitive illusions think about this one.)
2022/11/19 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/11/19 Robin Lovelace
Road Segment Prioritization for Bicycle Infrastructure
2022/11/19 R-bloggers
TidyFinance: Financial Data in R workshop
2022/11/19 R-bloggers
The missing lazy numbers: implementation
2022/11/19 R-bloggers
Some problems related to Dice
2022/11/19 R-bloggers
Reproducibility with Docker and Github Actions for the average R enjoyer
2022/11/19 R-bloggers
Introduction to efficiency analysis in R workshop
2022/11/19 R-bloggers
How to combine Multiple Plots in R
2022/11/19 R-bloggers
Add Significance Level and Stars to Plot in R
2022/11/19 Econometrics and Free Software
Reproducibility with Docker and Github Actions for the average R enjoyer
2022/11/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Malcolm “doesn’t know which way the airplane takes off” Gladwell and Matthew “can’t bring himself to copy the parts of the graph that don’t fit his story” Walker, together at last!
2022/11/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Football World Cup 2022 Predictions with footBayes/Stan
2022/11/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Al Capone (3) vs. Henry Winkler; Naismith advances
2022/11/18 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, November 2022
2022/11/18 R-bloggers
Rapid dashboard prototyping
2022/11/18 R-bloggers
2022/11/18 R-bloggers
Fetch your Facebook Ads data using windsor.ai API and R
2022/11/18 R-bloggers
Fantasy Football Weekly Cheat Sheet: Week 11 (2022)
2022/11/18 R-bloggers
Data Types in R
2022/11/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why don’t we talk to each other the way we talk to Google?
2022/11/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
James Naismith (2) vs. John Adams; Shakira advances
2022/11/18 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, November 2022
2022/11/18 FlowingData
$300b World Cup seen through satellite imagery
2022/11/18 Posts on R-Ladies Blog
Global Leadership Team Transition
2022/11/17 R-bloggers
Cross-validation in Machine Learning
2022/11/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“You Are Not Expected to Understand This”: How 26 Lines of Code Changed the World
2022/11/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
If that sort of transition helps you keep the flow, go for it. Then, when you’re done, go back, find these phrases, and delete them.
2022/11/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Michael Keaton (2) vs. Shakira; A. A. Milne advances
2022/11/17 FlowingData
✚ Setting Axis Ranges
2022/11/17 FlowingData
All the parts of daily life in India controlled by Mukesh Ambani
2022/11/17 Thinking inside the box
RcppSpdlog 0.0.10 on CRAN: New Features
2022/11/16 R-bloggers
World Cup 2022: My Prediction for Germany in the Group Stage (also as a Video)!
2022/11/16 R-bloggers
rOpenSci’s Communication Channels: Twitter
2022/11/16 R-bloggers
Open source is a hard requirement for reproducibility
2022/11/16 R-bloggers
How to make a connected scatter plot in R?
2022/11/16 R-bloggers
How to Analyze Likert Scale Data?
2022/11/16 R-bloggers
Canales de comunicación de rOpenSci: Twitter
2022/11/16 Econometrics and Free Software
Open source is a hard requirement for reproducibility
2022/11/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Kim Philby (3) vs. A. A. Milne; Gygax advances
2022/11/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How good are election prediction markets?
2022/11/16 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Canales de comunicación de rOpenSci: Twitter
2022/11/16 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci's Communication Channels: Twitter
2022/11/16 FlowingData
8 billion population visualized
2022/11/16 Another Dayu
2022/11/15 R-bloggers
XGBoost’s assumptions
2022/11/15 R-bloggers
Tree Based Methods: Exploring the Forest
2022/11/15 R-bloggers
The lazy numbers in R: correction
2022/11/15 R-bloggers
Promoting the Use of R in Mali
2022/11/15 R-bloggers
J.League Soccer 2022 Season Review!
2022/11/15 R-bloggers
ggpairs in R
2022/11/15 R-bloggers
Diffify – Python release
2022/11/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
In research, when should you tie yourself to the mast?
2022/11/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Circling back to an old Bayesian “counterexample”
2022/11/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Boutros Boutros-Ghali (4) vs. E. Gary Gygax; Tolkien advances
2022/11/15 Posts | Guy Abel
Animated population tree maps
2022/11/15 Freakonometrics
DataDay 2022 MAIF
2022/11/15 FlowingData
Sleuthing for birth dates, with just TikTok profiles as clue
2022/11/15 FlowingData
New Visualization in R Course, and Other Updates
2022/11/14 R-bloggers
Using functional analysis to model air pollution data in R
2022/11/14 R-bloggers
RObservations #41: Making a “Matlab Pumkin” in R
2022/11/14 R-bloggers
Method for Counting TRUE Values in a Logical Vector
2022/11/14 R-bloggers
How to make a scatterplot in R
2022/11/14 R-bloggers
Asia Against Dollar: Forecasting with Modeltime
2022/11/14 R-bloggers
2022 Government & Public Sector R Conference
2022/11/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Which one of these will be the biggest “unicorn” failure ever?
2022/11/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
J. R. R. Tolkien (1) vs. K. D. Lang
2022/11/14 FlowingData
Role of luck in football wins
2022/11/13 R-bloggers
2022/11/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stan and Tensorflow for fast parallel Bayesian inference
2022/11/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
On the Republicans’ decision to choose extremist candidates in high-profile close races
2022/11/12 R-bloggers
The lazy numbers in R
2022/11/12 R-bloggers
2022/11/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
History of time series forecasting competitions
2022/11/11 R-bloggers
2022/11/11 R-bloggers
rtoot: Collecting and Analyzing Mastodon Data
2022/11/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
And here it is . . . the bracket for our new Greatest Seminar Speaker contest!
2022/11/11 Freakonometrics
Actuarial science videos
2022/11/11 FlowingData
Exports through the Mississippi River
2022/11/11 FlowingData
Deleting your tweets with R
2022/11/10 R-bloggers
Which Gender is associated with this Name? R to the R-escue!
2022/11/10 R-bloggers
Get lost
2022/11/10 R-bloggers
Dirichlet Regression with PyMC
2022/11/10 Alison Hill, PhD
The happiest notebooks on Earth
2022/11/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
postdoc in communicating statistics at the Alan Alda Center in Stony Brook, New York
2022/11/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How did NPR’s pre-election poll get things so so so wrong? The friends/family/coworkers question
2022/11/10 Julia Silge
Delete all your tweets using rtweet
2022/11/10 Freakonometrics
Graduate Scholarships in Montréal (Canada)
2022/11/10 FlowingData
✚ Using Visualization Feedback
2022/11/10 FlowingData
Life Satisfaction and Age
2022/11/09 R-bloggers
Use data from Wikipedia
2022/11/09 R-bloggers
The giant French Olympic-size swimming pool
2022/11/09 R-bloggers
Preparing to Thrive by Collaborating with Local Universities
2022/11/09 R-bloggers
Chapter 5: Part 1, Real Markets
2022/11/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Simulation-based calibration checking (SBC) is stronger than you thought! (and the SBC package in R)
2022/11/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2022/11/09 FlowingData
Dashboard Design Patterns
2022/11/09 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: Updates
2022/11/08 R-bloggers
Scaling Shiny Apps for Python and R: Sticky Sessions on Heroku
2022/11/08 R-bloggers
Into The Fediverse!
2022/11/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Dying children and post-publication review (rectal suppositories edition)
2022/11/08 FlowingData
History of wars and power in Europe, animated from 1500 to present
2022/11/08 ewen
on deathloop
2022/11/08 Home on Jinji
2022/11/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The discount cost paradox?
2022/11/07 FlowingData
Chance of rain and election turnout
2022/11/07 FlowingData
AI-based image generation ethics
2022/11/07 Another Dayu
如果只在手机上留一款游戏 – Alto’s odyssey
2022/11/06 R-bloggers
Use data from data.gouv.fr
2022/11/06 R-bloggers
R and Shiny Training
2022/11/06 R-bloggers
How to use nflfastR with Google BigQuery?
2022/11/06 R-bloggers
Fantasy Football Weekly Cheat Sheet: Week 9 (2022)
2022/11/06 R-bloggers
Acerca de R White Dwarf
2022/11/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2022/11/06 OmicX
Check and Upgrade Bioconductor Packages
2022/11/06 Another Dayu
Z-library 现阶段可行的访问方法和替代方法 2022 [持续更新]
2022/11/06 Thinking inside the box
RcppCCTZ 0.2.12 on CRAN: Maintenance
2022/11/05 R-bloggers
Form and File: estimating running form in R
2022/11/05 R-bloggers
another drawer of socks
2022/11/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What continues to stun me is how something can be clear and unambiguous, and it still takes years or even decades to resolve
2022/11/05 Thinking inside the box
RcppEigen on CRAN: Maintenance
2022/11/04 R-bloggers
Opening a spatial subset with {sf}
2022/11/04 R-bloggers
Map any region in the world with R – Part II: Obtaining the coordinates
2022/11/04 R-bloggers
Introducing yahoofinancer
2022/11/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
New version of Posteriordb: a database of posterior distributions for evaluating Bayesian computation algorithms
2022/11/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Important questions
2022/11/04 FlowingData
Procedurally generated driving game
2022/11/04 sesa blog
Accessing Google Trends
2022/11/04 Thinking inside the box
RcppSpdlog 0.0.9 on CRAN: Extended Usability and New Upstream
2022/11/03 R-bloggers
‘CGAL’ meets ‘R6’: the ‘cgalMeshes’ package
2022/11/03 Bayesian Spectacles
Rejoinder – No Evidence for Nudging After Adjusting for Publication Bias
2022/11/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Concreteness vs faithfulness in visual summaries
2022/11/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Banned from presenting research to the organization for the next two years” . . . how does that happen?
2022/11/03 Freakonometrics
Climate risk, some slow long-term trend?
2022/11/03 FlowingData
✚ The Process of Choosing the Better Chart
2022/11/03 FlowingData
Daylight saving time and circadian rhythms
2022/11/03 Another Dayu
2022 | About me | 答普鲁斯特问卷
2022/11/03 Thinking inside the box
RProtoBuf 0.4.20 on CRAN: Maintenance
2022/11/02 R-bloggers
My air travel carbon footprint
2022/11/02 R-bloggers
Extract POIs from a Suunto watch
2022/11/02 R-bloggers
Building a TidyModels classification model from scratch and deploying with Vetiver
2022/11/02 R-bloggers
A web application for forecasting in Python, R, Ruby, C#, JavaScript, PHP, Go, Rust, Java, MATLAB, etc.
2022/11/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Rankings offer no sense of scale”
2022/11/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Cherry-picking during pumpkin-picking season? (the effects of the Jan. 6th hearings)
2022/11/02 FlowingData
How you might vote based on what you like
2022/11/01 R-bloggers
XLConnect 1.0.6
2022/11/01 R-bloggers
How do I count thee? Let me count the ways?
2022/11/01 R-bloggers
Bayesian multilevel modeling in R with brms workshop
2022/11/01 R-bloggers
365 Data Science courses free until November 21
2022/11/01 R-bloggers
Modeling the secular trend in a cluster randomized trial using very flexible models
2022/11/01 R-bloggers
A Footnote in History
2022/11/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hiring at Flatiron Institute (NYC): research scientists, postdoctoral fellows, interns, and software engineers at Flatiron Institute
2022/11/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Another book about poker
2022/11/01 FlowingData
What hearing loss sounds (and looks) like
2022/11/01 Thinking inside the box
tint 0.1.4 on CRAN: Miscellaneous Updates
2022/11/01 Thinking inside the box
RcppXts 0.0.5 on CRAN: Maintenance
2022/10/31 earfanfan | 袁凡
用 Rmd 格式给 COS 投稿
2022/10/31 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/10/31 R-bloggers
Modeling the Extinction of Species with SVM-Kernel
2022/10/31 R-bloggers
How to deal with annoying medium sized data inside a Shiny app
2022/10/31 Econometrics and Free Software
How to deal with annoying medium sized data inside a Shiny app
2022/10/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Here’s a fun intro lesson on how to read a graph!
2022/10/31 FlowingData
Election ad topics
2022/10/31 Thinking inside the box
RcppRedis 0.2.2 on CRAN: Maintenance and Enhancement
2022/10/30 R-bloggers
Some Recent Developments in Mixture Cure Model Methodology for Survival Analysis
2022/10/30 R-bloggers
Getting acquainted with Mastodon — Instances
2022/10/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Tigers need your help.
2022/10/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Distrust in science
2022/10/30 Thinking inside the box
RcppGSL 0.3.12 on CRAN: Maintenance
2022/10/30 Thinking inside the box
RcppBDT 0.2.6 on CRAN: Maintenance
2022/10/30 Thinking inside the box
RApiDatetime 0.0.7 on CRAN: Maintenance
2022/10/29 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/10/29 R-bloggers
A Linux Live USB as a statistical programming dev environment
2022/10/29 Econometrics and Free Software
A Linux Live USB as a statistical programming dev environment
2022/10/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Update on the fake story about the river laborers paying people to whip them
2022/10/29 R Psychologist RSS feed (last 10 posts)
The Cohen's d app translation project
2022/10/29 Thinking inside the box
littler 0.3.17 on CRAN: Maintenance
2022/10/29 Thinking inside the box
gettz 0.0.5 on CRAN: Maintenance
2022/10/28 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Register for the Government & Public Sector R Conference
2022/10/28 R-bloggers
RObservations #40 : Packaging My Route Map Code! Introducting mapBliss.
2022/10/28 R-bloggers
Register for the Government & Public Sector R Conference
2022/10/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Graphs do not lead people to infer causation from correlation”
2022/10/28 FlowingData
Gas prices and confidence
2022/10/28 Another Dayu
将英文 PDF 文件翻译为中文
2022/10/27 earfanfan | 袁凡
DT 包子速查手册
2022/10/27 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/10/27 R-bloggers
Who’s best in class? Comparing forecasting models with a Predictive Analytics Cube (PAC)
2022/10/27 R-bloggers
Top 5 Shiny UI Add-On Packages
2022/10/27 Alison Hill, PhD
The happiest notebooks on Earth
2022/10/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
You can read for free but comments cost money . . . or is it the other way around?
2022/10/27 Home on JIN Li
陈旧的 Fortran 笔记
2022/10/27 Home on JIN Li
Conda 常用命令及设置
2022/10/27 Freakonometrics
Le risque climatique, une tendance lente de long terme ?
2022/10/27 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, October 2022 Roundup
2022/10/27 FlowingData
Feelings at Work
2022/10/27 Another Dayu
Stage Manager 「台前调度」使用体验
2022/10/27 Thinking inside the box
RcppAnnoy 0.0.20 on CRAN: Maintenance
2022/10/26 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
rstudio::glimpse() Newsletter
2022/10/26 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Community Monthly Events Roundup - November 2022
2022/10/26 R-bloggers
Understanding ShinyApps
2022/10/26 R-bloggers
rstudio::glimpse() Newsletter
2022/10/26 R-bloggers
Community Monthly Events Roundup – November 2022
2022/10/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Speculating about assigning probabilities to speculative theories: Lots of problems here.
2022/10/26 Lijin Zhang
2022/10/26 FlowingData
Geographic misconceptions about the location of continents
2022/10/25 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/10/25 R-bloggers
Editing metadata in trail camera images using R, magick and exiftool
2022/10/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Wandering through Sforza castle
2022/10/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Best letter-to-the-editor ever (Tocqueville and Algeria)
2022/10/25 Freakonometrics
Le manuel d’assurance est officiellement édité
2022/10/25 Freakonometrics
Le site du Manuel d’Assurance
2022/10/25 FlowingData
Luxury surveillance
2022/10/25 Another Dayu
如何引用 R 和 R Packages
2022/10/25 Thinking inside the box
RQuantLib 0.4.17 on CRAN: Maintenance
2022/10/24 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
rstudio::conf(watch_on = "YouTube")
2022/10/24 R-bloggers
rstudio::conf(watch_on = “YouTube”)
2022/10/24 theoretical ecology
The tail of application wagging the dog of knowledge: is ecological science fit for policy?
2022/10/24 theoretical ecology
“Scientists in a war for a future of humanity” – I strongly disagree!
2022/10/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Funny NYT corrections
2022/10/24 FlowingData
Educational statistics illustrations
2022/10/24 Thinking inside the box
nanotime 0.3.7 on CRAN: Enhancements
2022/10/23 颜林林的个人网站
2022/10/23 R-bloggers
R, its license and my take on it
2022/10/23 R-bloggers
An ode to Statistics Scotland
2022/10/23 Econometrics and Free Software
R, its license and my take on it
2022/10/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Last post on that $100,000 Uber paper
2022/10/23 Another Dayu
[人间食话] 我在上海吃汉堡
2022/10/23 Thinking inside the box
RDieHarder 0.2.4 on CRAN: Packaging Updates
2022/10/22 R-bloggers
NEW BOOK: Visualização de Dados com o R (in portuguese)
2022/10/22 R-bloggers
Introducing dfms: Efficient Estimation of Dynamic Factor Models in R
2022/10/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Statistical methods that only work if you don’t use them (more precisely, they only work well if you avoid using them in the cases where they will fail)
2022/10/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Best Meetup swag: OVHcloud
2022/10/22 Another Dayu
2022/10/21 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
RStudio at R/Pharma 2022
2022/10/21 R-bloggers
SAS or R-Yould Should Know!
2022/10/21 R-bloggers
RTutor: Political Incentives and River Pollution in China
2022/10/21 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, October 2022
2022/10/21 R-bloggers
Near Real-time Analytics of ICC Men’s T20 World Cup with GooglyPlusPlus
2022/10/21 R-bloggers
How to create Anatogram plot in R
2022/10/21 R-bloggers
Hosting Malaysia’s Largest Annual R Conference
2022/10/21 R-bloggers
ggdogs on ggplot2
2022/10/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
From soup to Bayes: Make inferences using strong assumptions not because you “believe” your model but because you don’t believe it.
2022/10/21 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, October 2022
2022/10/21 FlowingData
Word cloud + Streamgraph = WordStream
2022/10/20 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/10/20 R-bloggers
Using R in Inventory Management and Demand Forecasting
2022/10/20 R-bloggers
How to create a ggalluvial plot in R?
2022/10/20 R-bloggers
Difference Between a Histogram and a Bar Graph
2022/10/20 R-bloggers
Automating Dockerfile creation for Shiny apps
2022/10/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The psychology of thinking discretely
2022/10/20 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Become a Mentor for rOpenSci Champions!
2022/10/20 Julia Silge
Find high FREX and high lift words for #TidyTuesday Stranger Things dialogue
2022/10/20 FlowingData
Slow internet for the same price as fast internet
2022/10/20 FlowingData
✚ The Process of Finding Data
2022/10/19 R-bloggers
Paper: ‘EpiLPS: A fast and flexible Bayesian tool for estimation of the time-varying reproduction number’
2022/10/19 R-bloggers
New Repositories Working Group
2022/10/19 R-bloggers
Interesting Uses of censo2017 a Year After Publishing
2022/10/19 R-bloggers
How to create a Sankey plot in R?
2022/10/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Newton’s Third Law of Reputations
2022/10/19 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Interesting Uses of censo2017 a Year After Publishing
2022/10/19 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Usos interesantes de censo2017 un año después de su publicación
2022/10/19 FlowingData
Less rich Covid billionaires
2022/10/19 FlowingData
All the elections where you live
2022/10/19 Thinking inside the box
RcppQuantuccia 0.1.1 on CRAN: Maintenance
2022/10/19 Thinking inside the box
qlcal 0.0.3 on CRAN: Maintenance and Updates
2022/10/18 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
MLOps with vetiver in Python and R: Answering your questions
2022/10/18 R-bloggers
Training course update – Autumn 2022
2022/10/18 R-bloggers
Splitting Text in R
2022/10/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey! It’s time for another Greatest Seminar Speaker contest!
2022/10/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
David Blackwell stories
2022/10/18 FlowingData
Chartball is sports data visualized in a playful way
2022/10/18 Thinking inside the box
RcppSimdJson 0.1.8 on CRAN: Maintenance
2022/10/18 Thinking inside the box
digest 0.6.30 on CRAN: More Package Maintenance
2022/10/17 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Translating Shiny Apps for International Audiences
2022/10/17 R-bloggers
Unlock Your Data-Driven Future with DataCamp’s Analyst Takeover
2022/10/17 R-bloggers
Translating Shiny Apps for International Audiences
2022/10/17 R-bloggers
Maintain or Co-Maintain an rOpenSci Package!
2022/10/17 R-bloggers
Little useless-useful R functions – R Solution with O(n) Time and O(n) Space complexity for CanSum() problem
2022/10/17 R-bloggers
A dbplyr-based Address Matching Package
2022/10/17 R-bloggers
10 Best R Programming Books
2022/10/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Cheating in sports vs. cheating in journalism vs. cheating in science
2022/10/17 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Maintain or Co-Maintain an rOpenSci Package!
2022/10/17 FlowingData
Algorithmic rent increase
2022/10/16 R-bloggers
Understanding the Basics of Package Writing in R
2022/10/16 R-bloggers
Simple Linear Regression in R
2022/10/16 R-bloggers
IF ELSE- ELSE IF Statement in R
2022/10/16 R-bloggers
Gender Roles in Hit Country & R&B/Hip-Hop Lyrics (1990-2021): A TidyText Analysis With R
2022/10/16 R-bloggers
Difference between R and Python
2022/10/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“MIT Built a Theranos for Plants” update
2022/10/15 R-bloggers
Where does bigrquery store credential-tokens on a Mac?
2022/10/15 R-bloggers
Manage Dependencies with the deps R Package for Docker Containers
2022/10/15 R-bloggers
How to Replace Inf Values with NA in R
2022/10/15 R-bloggers
Extract patterns in R?
2022/10/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How should Bayesian methods for the social sciences differ from Bayesian methods for the physical sciences? (my talk at the Bayesian Methods for the Social Sciences workshop, 21 Oct 2022, Paris)
2022/10/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey! Here’s a surprisingly fascinating discussion of copyright of transformed images!
2022/10/14 中文博客 on Yongchao Fu | 付永超
2022/10/14 FlowingData
Linear regression visual explainer
2022/10/13 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Tips for Getting Started With the NFL Big Data Bowl From the 2022 Winners
2022/10/13 R-bloggers
Highlights from Shiny in Production (2022)
2022/10/13 R-bloggers
Common Statistical Tests in R – Part I
2022/10/13 R-bloggers
Classification modeling in R for profitable decisions workshop
2022/10/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How did Bill James get this one wrong on regression to the mean? Here are 6 reasons:
2022/10/13 FlowingData
✚ Getting Better at Making Charts
2022/10/13 FlowingData
Introduction to Data Science, an open source book
2022/10/13 Another Dayu
Macbook 电池健康状况查询
2022/10/12 R-bloggers
Data Science Software Popularity Update
2022/10/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Blogs > Twitter again
2022/10/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
0 to 100K users in 10 years: how Stan got to where it is
2022/10/12 r4stats.com
Data Science Software Popularity Update
2022/10/12 FlowingData
Impossible or improbable lottery results
2022/10/12 free range statistics
Pacific island choropleth map
2022/10/12 Thinking inside the box
GitHub Streak: Round Nine
2022/10/11 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
R @ AZ: Building a Community in the Pharmaceutical Industry
2022/10/11 R-bloggers
Inference on Adaptively Collected Data
2022/10/11 R-bloggers
How to Estimate the Efficiency of an Algorithm?
2022/10/11 R-bloggers
Acing Virtual Events with Networking Sessions and Collaboration
2022/10/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Depressingly unbothered”
2022/10/11 FlowingData
Good Country Index
2022/10/11 Another Dayu
NENO – 用 Github 自建类 Flomo 子弹笔记软件
2022/10/11 Another Dayu
iOS 翻译体验优化(欧路词典 + Shortcuts + Back Tap)
2022/10/10 R-bloggers
Simplifying Parts Of A Shiny App by Creating Functions
2022/10/10 R-bloggers
R workshops Brisbane February 2023
2022/10/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Quantitative science is (indirectly) relevant to the real world, also some comments on a book called The Case Against Education
2022/10/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Pathfinder, Causality, and SARS-CoV-2 talks in Paris this week
2022/10/10 FlowingData
Future monsoon patterns
2022/10/10 Cartesian Faith
Simulating Twitter users with reinforcement learning
2022/10/09 R-bloggers
Fantasy Football Weekly Cheat Sheet: Week 5 (2022)
2022/10/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Who rotated my cookie? The all-too-common mistake when presenting Bayesian inference to strain at the gnat of the prior while swallowing the camel of the likelihood
2022/10/08 R-bloggers
Map any region in the world with R – Part I: The basic map
2022/10/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
It’s . . . doxtastic!
2022/10/07 R-bloggers
Youth Bulge theory: Why there won’t be an Uprising in Russia
2022/10/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Mira magic—a probabilistic card trick
2022/10/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Les Distributions a Priori pour l’Inférence Causale (my talk in Paris Tues 11 Oct 14h)
2022/10/07 FlowingData
Difficulties reading the cone of uncertainty
2022/10/07 FlowingData
China’s fishing patterns shift globally
2022/10/06 Blog - Statistics.com: Data Science, Analytics & Statistics Courses
Ethical AI: Darth Vader and the Cowardly Lion
2022/10/06 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Team Collaboration in R and Python Made Easy
2022/10/06 R-bloggers
Team Collaboration in R and Python Made Easy
2022/10/06 R-bloggers
Refactoring Russian Doll Code
2022/10/06 R-bloggers
R Shiny vs Shiny for Python: What are the Key Differences
2022/10/06 R-bloggers
Ordinal Regression as a Model for Signal Detection
2022/10/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
(One of) the hardest things about differential privacy could also be seen as opportunity
2022/10/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Numb3d by Numbers—a must see kid’s science exhibition about measurement, counting, and stats
2022/10/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
(Now that faculty aren’t coming into the office anymore) Will universities ever recover?
2022/10/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Chess cheating: how to detect it (other than catching someone with a shoe phone)
2022/10/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A baseball analytics job using Stan!
2022/10/06 Rob J Hyndman
Python implementations of time series forecasting and anomaly detection
2022/10/06 FlowingData
✚ Fun with Limitations
2022/10/06 FlowingData
K-Means clustering visually explained
2022/10/06 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Are PDL1 RNA and protein levels correlated in cancer cell lines?
2022/10/06 Thinking inside the box
Rblpapi 0.3.14: Updates and Extensions
2022/10/05 R-bloggers
Money, Money, Money: RConcillation
2022/10/05 R-bloggers
GooglyPlusPlus gets ready for ICC Men’s T20 World Cup
2022/10/05 R-bloggers
choroplethr 3.7.1 is now on CRAN
2022/10/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What Nested R-hat teaches us about the classical R-hat
2022/10/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Not frequentist enough.
2022/10/05 Rob J Hyndman
Notation for forecast reconciliation
2022/10/05 FlowingData
Coffee versus tea in charts
2022/10/05 Thinking inside the box
RVowpalWabbit 0.0.17: Maintenance
2022/10/04 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/10/04 R-bloggers
Package dev with {fusen} & {attachment}: load all functions of a flat, manage qmd and auto-fill Remotes field
2022/10/04 R-bloggers
ggradar: radar plots with ggplot in R
2022/10/04 R-bloggers
Get Miles: using treemap to visualise running distances
2022/10/04 R-bloggers
Applications open: The Seventh Summer School on Statistical Methods for Linguistics and Psychology, 11-15 September 2023
2022/10/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Rich guys and their dumb graphs: The visual equivalents of “Dow 36,000”
2022/10/04 FlowingData
Accessible visualization with Olli JavaScript library
2022/10/03 颜林林的个人网站
2022/10/03 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
6 Productivity Hacks for Quarto
2022/10/03 R-bloggers
TidyFinance: Empirical asset pricing in R workshop
2022/10/03 R-bloggers
Shiny in Production: Coming up
2022/10/03 R-bloggers
RObservations #39: Uncovering A Stranger Side Of The Collatz Conjecture
2022/10/03 R-bloggers
Mastering Debugging in R
2022/10/03 R-bloggers
Automatically deploying a Shiny app for browsing #RStats tweets with GitHub Actions
2022/10/03 R-bloggers
Access Datacamp’s top programming courses for only $1 this week!
2022/10/03 R-bloggers
6 Productivity Hacks for Quarto
2022/10/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some things are more difficult than you might think (literary interviewing edition)
2022/10/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Praising with Faint Damnation
2022/10/03 FlowingData
Wide range of data exploration tools
2022/10/03 FlowingData
Unemployed data scientist
2022/10/03 Home on Jinji
2022/10/02 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/10/02 颜林林的个人网站
2022/10/02 颜林林的个人网站
2022/10/02 R-bloggers
Probabilistic Photograph Manipulation with ggplot2 and imager
2022/10/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Ecologists push for more reliable research
2022/10/02 Freakonometrics
Exposé sur l’équité en assurance
2022/10/02 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: Updates
2022/10/01 颜林林的个人网站
2022/10/01 R-bloggers
R tips and tricks – get the gist
2022/10/01 R-bloggers
Fantasy Football Weekly Cheat Sheet: Week 4 (2022)
2022/10/01 R-bloggers
Why and how to use JS in your Shiny app
2022/10/01 Econometrics and Free Software
Why and how to use JS in your Shiny app
2022/10/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Wow, this classic research article from 1955 on betting and probability has a really high math-to-conceptual-content ratio!
2022/09/30 颜林林的个人网站
2022/09/30 R-bloggers
Kernel SHAP in R and Python
2022/09/30 R-bloggers
Boosting in Machine Learning:-A Brief Overview
2022/09/30 R-bloggers
Algorithm Classifications in Machine Learning
2022/09/30 R-bloggers
5 New books added to Big Book of R
2022/09/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayesian inference for discrete parameters and Bayesian inference for continuous parameters: Are these two completely different forms of inference?
2022/09/30 FlowingData
Tree Talk
2022/09/30 FlowingData
Mapping climate-related hazards in real-time
2022/09/30 ewen
homemade radio: a field guide
2022/09/29 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
rstudio::glimpse() Newsletter
2022/09/29 R-bloggers
rstudio::glimpse() Newsletter
2022/09/29 R-bloggers
How do confidence intervals work?
2022/09/29 R-bloggers
API as a package: Testing
2022/09/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stock prices, a notorious New York Times article, and that method from 1998 that was going to cure cancer in 2 years
2022/09/29 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, September 2022 Roundup
2022/09/29 FlowingData
Days-since tickers for all the natural disasters
2022/09/28 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Get Started with Shiny for Python
2022/09/28 R-bloggers
Get Started with Shiny for Python
2022/09/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
OK, I know you were all waiting for this one: My review of the 1995 album, Saturday Morning: Cartoons’ Greatest Hits
2022/09/28 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
New Paper Published: eCTD Submission with Analysis Using R
2022/09/28 Freakonometrics
Talk on fairness and discrimination
2022/09/28 FlowingData
Trajectories of celebratory gunfire
2022/09/28 FlowingData
Potential storm surge flooding map
2022/09/28 FlowingData
✚ How to Draw and Use Polygons in R
2022/09/28 sesa blog
Programmatically plotting with ggplot2
2022/09/27 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Shiny in Production Conference
2022/09/27 R-bloggers
Writing Functions in R
2022/09/27 R-bloggers
How to Use Italic Font in R
2022/09/27 R-bloggers
How to Find Quartiles in R?
2022/09/27 R-bloggers
How to append two tables in R Markdown?
2022/09/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why she teaches her students about scientific failure
2022/09/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Elicitation from different perspectives
2022/09/27 Freakonometrics
Exposé sur interprétabilité et explicabilité (des modèles prédictifs)
2022/09/27 FlowingData
Design principles for data analysis
2022/09/26 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
All the New Things in {gt} 0.7.0
2022/09/26 R-bloggers
How to Use Bold Font in R with Examples
2022/09/26 R-bloggers
Data Visualisation with Markdown, Flexdashboard and Shiny
2022/09/26 R-bloggers
All the New Things in {gt} 0.7.0
2022/09/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Dangerous messaging around a recent SIDS study”: This time, don’t blame the news media.
2022/09/26 Freakonometrics
Week live with @IAmSciComm
2022/09/26 FlowingData
Maps of wildfire smoke pollution
2022/09/26 FlowingData
Historical data
2022/09/26 sesa blog
Some ways to plot the distribution of each variable of a data frame
2022/09/25 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/09/25 颜林林的个人网站
2022/09/25 R-bloggers
Changing the Font Size in Base R Plots
2022/09/25 The Coatless Professor
bibtex v0.5.0 Released: !
2022/09/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Progress in post-publication review: error is found, author will correct it without getting mad at the people who pointed out the error
2022/09/24 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/09/24 R-bloggers
To become data scientists and engineers!
2022/09/24 R-bloggers
Gamma distribution in R
2022/09/24 R-bloggers
A note on Shiny reactivity
2022/09/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Is Martha (Smith) still with us?
2022/09/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Axios II: Attack of the Clones
2022/09/23 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/09/23 R-bloggers
Triangular Distribution in R
2022/09/23 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, September 2022
2022/09/23 R-bloggers
rOpenSci Champions Program
2022/09/23 R-bloggers
Fantasy Football Weekly Cheat Sheet: Week 3 (2022)
2022/09/23 R-bloggers
explore: simplified exploratory data analysis (EDA) in R
2022/09/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey—what’s up with that method from 1998 that was going to cure cancer in 2 years??
2022/09/23 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, September 2022
2022/09/23 Julia Silge
Predict the status of #TidyTuesday Bigfoot sightings
2022/09/23 FlowingData
Housing market cooldown
2022/09/23 FlowingData
Data horror stories song
2022/09/23 About | 关于 on
Tips on Using Zotero
2022/09/22 颜林林的个人网站
2022/09/22 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
From Biology to Healthcare Analytics: My Data Science Journey
2022/09/22 R-bloggers
From Biology to Healthcare Analytics: My Data Science Journey
2022/09/22 R-bloggers
Complete monitoring stack for ShinyProxy on Kubernetes
2022/09/22 R-bloggers
API as a package: Logging
2022/09/22 R-bloggers
¡Anunciamos el programa de Campeones y Campeonas de rOpenSci!
2022/09/22 R-bloggers
Announcing the rOpenSci Champions Program!
2022/09/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Fill in the Blank Leads to More Citations”: Junk science and unavailable data at the European Heart Journal
2022/09/22 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Announcing the rOpenSci Champions Program!
2022/09/22 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
¡Anunciamos el programa de Campeones y Campeonas de rOpenSci!
2022/09/22 Freakonometrics
Risque de sécheresse et de subsidence
2022/09/22 Freakonometrics
Convention A, ASTIN-IAA session
2022/09/22 FlowingData
✚ Nonsense
2022/09/22 FlowingData
Developing a data design language for the World Health Organization
2022/09/21 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/09/21 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Designing Online Data Science Training for the Modern Age
2022/09/21 R-bloggers
R Users Group Gainesville: Experimenting with New Event Formats
2022/09/21 R-bloggers
R Shiny bslib – How to Work With Bootstrap Themes in Shiny
2022/09/21 R-bloggers
Optimizing my search for Data scientist jobs by scraping Indeed with R
2022/09/21 R-bloggers
Forest Plot in R-Quick Guide
2022/09/21 R-bloggers
Designing Online Data Science Training for the Modern Age
2022/09/21 R-bloggers
bayess’ back! [on CRAN]
2022/09/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Ted-talk attitudes reach New Mexico county commission
2022/09/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Calling all epidemiology-ish methodology-ish folks!
2022/09/21 Freakonometrics
Using “home made” statistics
2022/09/21 FlowingData
Climate and the San Francisco fog
2022/09/20 R-bloggers
The Benefits of Learning Data Skills
2022/09/20 R-bloggers
Presenting results for multinomial logistic regression: a marginal approach using propensity scores
2022/09/20 R-bloggers
GitHub – The Perks of Collaboration and Version Control
2022/09/20 R-bloggers
Enforcing Style in an R Project
2022/09/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The “You’re only allowed to publish 2 or 3 journal articles per year” rule
2022/09/20 Freakonometrics
Statistique bayésienne, data sciences et nouveaux risques
2022/09/20 FlowingData
Sonic landscape of Mexico City
2022/09/20 FlowingData
Border enforcement data collection
2022/09/19 R-bloggers
The Multinomial Distribution in R
2022/09/19 R-bloggers
Tackle Business problems with Data Science!
2022/09/19 R-bloggers
survex: model-agnostic explainability for survival analysis
2022/09/19 R-bloggers
Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process Intensity Modeling and Estimation using Measure Transport
2022/09/19 R-bloggers
Flat indices for arrays in R/Rcpp
2022/09/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some thoughts on academic research and advocacy
2022/09/19 Rob J Hyndman
2022/09/19 Freakonometrics
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik
2022/09/19 FlowingData
Oldest U.S. government
2022/09/18 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/09/18 R-bloggers
The Uniform Distribution in R
2022/09/18 R-bloggers
Squares & Spirals
2022/09/18 R-bloggers
Not Satisfied with statistical significance (p-value)
2022/09/18 R-bloggers
Minitutorial: make_logical any string
2022/09/18 R-bloggers
Minimax Estimation and Identity Testing of Markov Chains
2022/09/18 R-bloggers
Macroeconomic Determinants of Migration. A Comparative Analysis For Old vs New European Member States
2022/09/18 R-bloggers
How do augmented analytics work?
2022/09/18 R-bloggers
Fantasy Football Weekly Cheat Sheet: Week 2 (2022)
2022/09/18 R-bloggers
Curating R-Ladies’ Twitter Account – A Fun Ride!
2022/09/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s the origin of “Two truths and a lie”?
2022/09/18 中文博客 on Yongchao Fu | 付永超
2022/09/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Economic Pit and the Political Pendulum: Predicting Midterm Elections
2022/09/17 Freakonometrics
Workshop on Impacts of Climate Change on Economics, Finance, and Insurance
2022/09/16 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Announcing the 2022 Table Contest
2022/09/16 R-bloggers
The Role of Data Science in Preventing Fraud
2022/09/16 R-bloggers
Strange warning after loading own package
2022/09/16 R-bloggers
Error in rbind(deparse.level …) numbers of columns of arguments do not match
2022/09/16 R-bloggers
Announcing the 2022 Table Contest
2022/09/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some things, like cubes, tetrahedrons, and Venn diagrams, seem so simple and natural that it’s kind of a surprise when you learn that their supply is very limited.
2022/09/16 FlowingData
Untraced orphans in Ukraine since the war
2022/09/16 FlowingData
Map of mega warehouses in the United States
2022/09/15 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/09/15 R-bloggers
The ‘Reorient’ transformation
2022/09/15 R-bloggers
API as a package: Structure
2022/09/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The distinction between exploratory and confirmatory research cannot be important per se, because it implies that the time at which things are said is important”
2022/09/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
NBC TV series: The Irrational
2022/09/15 Freakonometrics
Collaborative Insurance Sustainability and Network Structure
2022/09/15 FlowingData
Serena Williams beat every Grand Slam champion
2022/09/15 FlowingData
✚ Munging Around
2022/09/14 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/09/14 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
R Markdown Lesser-Known Tips & Tricks #4: Looks Better, Works Better
2022/09/14 R-bloggers
Retrieving user access list to all reports in your PowerBI tenant using Powershell
2022/09/14 R-bloggers
R Markdown Lesser-Known Tips & Tricks #4: Looks Better, Works Better
2022/09/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why do Dickens novels have all those coincidences?
2022/09/14 FlowingData
Estimating the condition of the economy
2022/09/14 FlowingData
Choosing fonts for your charts
2022/09/13 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Update Your Machine Learning Pipeline With vetiver and Quarto
2022/09/13 R-bloggers
Update Your Machine Learning Pipeline With vetiver and Quarto
2022/09/13 R-bloggers
Reading Zarr files with R package stars
2022/09/13 R-bloggers
R Shiny & FontAwesome Icons – How to Use Them in Your Dashboards
2022/09/13 R-bloggers
R Percentage by Group Calculation
2022/09/13 R-bloggers
Mayo Clinic Announces Move from SAS’ JMP to BlueSky Statistics
2022/09/13 R-bloggers
Log Connection PIDs During Exploration
2022/09/13 R-bloggers
How to Concatenate Strings in R
2022/09/13 R-bloggers
How to Choose Appropriate Clustering Method for Your Dataset
2022/09/13 R-bloggers
Automate a Twitter bot with the rtweet package and RStudio Connect
2022/09/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Geoff Dyer Kazuo Ishiguro Owen Sheers David Leavitt Veronica Geng
2022/09/13 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
How to Participate with rOpenSci
2022/09/13 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Cómo participar en rOpenSci
2022/09/13 r4stats.com
Mayo Clinic Announces Move from SAS’ JMP to BlueSky Statistics
2022/09/13 Freakonometrics
Les biais, les discriminations et l’équité en assurance
2022/09/13 FlowingData
Animated charts to show sports results
2022/09/12 R-bloggers
Pledging My Time V: analysing race results in R
2022/09/12 R-bloggers
Minimum R version dependency in R packages
2022/09/12 R-bloggers
Kantorovich distance with the ‘ompr’ package
2022/09/12 R-bloggers
A Review of Games Written in R on CRAN
2022/09/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s the difference between Derek Jeter and preregistration?
2022/09/12 Home on Xianying's Blog
2022/09/12 FlowingData
Open cameras and AI to locate Instagram photos
2022/09/12 sesa blog
Great open-access data sets of public interest
2022/09/11 R-bloggers
How to crop an image to a circle in R with {cropcircles}
2022/09/11 R-bloggers
How to Apply AI to Small Data Sets?
2022/09/11 R-bloggers
Global vs. local assignment operators in R (‘<<-’ vs. ‘<-’)
2022/09/11 R-bloggers
Exploring OMPR with HiGHS solver
2022/09/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Merchants of doubt” operating within organized science
2022/09/11 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: Bugfix and Deprecation
2022/09/10 R-bloggers
The compound of five tetrahedra
2022/09/10 R-bloggers
Notes on Linear Algebra Part 3
2022/09/10 R-bloggers
How to Find Optimal Clusters in R?
2022/09/10 R-bloggers
Graphing California Electricity Supply using ggplot2
2022/09/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Vanishing Voices: An Assessment of Diverse Participation in NYC Government and Why it Matters for Communities”
2022/09/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Benford goes to Hollywood
2022/09/09 R-bloggers
Machine Learning Impact on your day-to-day life!
2022/09/09 theoretical ecology
Simulated Likelihood Ratio Tests for (Generalised) Linear Mixed Models (GLMMs)
2022/09/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Seth Roberts and political polarization
2022/09/09 FlowingData
Emissions from fires in the Arctic
2022/09/08 颜林林的个人网站
2022/09/08 R-bloggers
Y-Aware PCA
2022/09/08 R-bloggers
Taking on Virtual Events with Regular Structured and Casual Meetups ☕️
2022/09/08 R-bloggers
Python application deployment with RStudio Connect: Streamlit
2022/09/08 R-bloggers
NIMBLE virtual short course, January 4-6, 2023
2022/09/08 R-bloggers
Monty Hall problem, with Thompson sampling
2022/09/08 R-bloggers
Free MOOC course at openHPI.de: Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis (starts 25 Jan 2023)
2022/09/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“You should always (always) have a Naive model. It’s the simplest, cleanest, most intuitive way to explain whether your system is at least treading water. And if it is (that’s a big IF), how much better than Naive is it.”
2022/09/08 Rob J Hyndman
Time series and forecasting workshop: 9-10 November 2022
2022/09/08 Rob J Hyndman
Migrating from Disqus to giscus
2022/09/08 Julia Silge
Use Docker to deploy a model for #TidyTuesday LEGO sets
2022/09/08 Freakonometrics
Monty Hall problem, with Thompson sampling
2022/09/08 Freakonometrics
Exposé sur l’équité en assurance, pour la chaire DIALog et CNP Assurances
2022/09/08 FlowingData
✚ Unrestricted Visualization
2022/09/08 FlowingData
Images behind the generated images from Stable Diffusion
2022/09/07 R-bloggers
Using Shiny Server in Docker
2022/09/07 R-bloggers
Importance of Data Cleaning in Machine Learning
2022/09/07 R-bloggers
How strongly does German electricity demand react to high prices?
2022/09/07 R-bloggers
Fundamentals of Exploratory and Inferential Spatial Data Analysis in R workshop
2022/09/07 R-bloggers
DataCamp Recruit: A better way to hire data professionals
2022/09/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“School is, not only not prison, it is the opposite of prison”
2022/09/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Programmer position with our research group—at the University of Michigan!
2022/09/07 FlowingData
Color palette generator
2022/09/06 R-bloggers
The Package: learning how to build an R package
2022/09/06 R-bloggers
Talks to watch at the RSS International Conference
2022/09/06 R-bloggers
RObservations #38: Visualizing Average Delay Times On TTC Subway Stations
2022/09/06 R-bloggers
How to Avoid Overfitting?
2022/09/06 R-bloggers
Financial Industry Supports Robust Vienna R Community
2022/09/06 R-bloggers
Beneath and Beyond the Cox Model
2022/09/06 R-bloggers
Assess Performance of the Classification Model
2022/09/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“If you could invite 5 authors (dead or alive) to a dinner party – who would they be and why?”
2022/09/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Exploratory and confirmatory data analysis
2022/09/06 Rob J Hyndman
Migrating to Quarto
2022/09/06 Freakonometrics
Montréal AI Symposium 2022
2022/09/06 FlowingData
Science of the tennis toss
2022/09/06 FlowingData
Gerrymandering detection with simulations
2022/09/06 ewen
the atoxta tower
2022/09/05 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/09/05 R-bloggers
Tracking: announcing new R package TrackMateR
2022/09/05 R-bloggers
Oh, I’m sure it’s probably nothing
2022/09/05 R-bloggers
Multiple studies, one chart
2022/09/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Paul Campos: Should he stick to sports?
2022/09/05 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
GUI Automation with RobotJS
2022/09/04 R-bloggers
Training and Testing Data in Machine Learning
2022/09/04 R-bloggers
Making games in R- Nara and eventloop Game Changers
2022/09/04 R-bloggers
Data Science Challenges in R Programming Language
2022/09/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Which user?”: When chunking your math and your code, what seems thickerer depends on where you’re coming from.
2022/09/03 R-bloggers
What are the algorithms used in machine learning?
2022/09/03 R-bloggers
Retrieving list of users for all workspaces in your PowerBI tenant using Powershell
2022/09/03 R-bloggers
How to Implement the Sklearn Predict Approach?
2022/09/03 R-bloggers
Boosted Configuration (neural) Networks Pt. 2
2022/09/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The end of the pure writer/pundit
2022/09/02 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/09/02 R-bloggers
pkgdown and GDPR – How to host a pkgdown site in Germany
2022/09/02 R-bloggers
Looking at cash flows
2022/09/02 R-bloggers
Introducing {PrettyCols}
2022/09/02 R-bloggers
fast track & slow lane
2022/09/02 R-bloggers
Electricity markets: Can the EU deal with forward hedging when taxing infra-marginal profits?
2022/09/02 R-bloggers
23 New books added to Big Book of R
2022/09/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
He tried to report scientific misconduct. How did it go?
2022/09/02 FlowingData
Where memes from the past decade came from
2022/09/01 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
RStudio Community Monthly Events Roundup - September 2022
2022/09/01 R-bloggers
Use of Differential Privacy in the US Census–All for Nothing?
2022/09/01 R-bloggers
Python API deployment with RStudio Connect: FastAPI
2022/09/01 R-bloggers
Notes on Linear Algebra Part 2
2022/09/01 R-bloggers
How a Local Community Produced the First Nation-wide R useR Group
2022/09/01 R-bloggers
RStudio Community Monthly Events Roundup – September 2022
2022/09/01 R-bloggers
Australian Signals Directorate 50c Coin Decryption
2022/09/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
History, historians, and causality
2022/09/01 FlowingData
✚ Play With Your Data
2022/09/01 FlowingData
Where We Find Meaning in the Everyday
2022/08/31 R-bloggers
CO2 Emissions Comparing and Modeling for Global Warming
2022/08/31 R-bloggers
Building a Google Analytics Dashboard With R Shiny From Scratch – Part 2
2022/08/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Update on estimates of effects of college football games on election outcomes
2022/08/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Course of the Pandemic: What’s the story with Excess Deaths?
2022/08/31 FlowingData
Splitting the US population evenly, with arbitrary shapes
2022/08/31 叶寻的博客
2022/08/30 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
rstudio::glimpse() Newsletter
2022/08/30 R-bloggers
Top 10 online data science programs
2022/08/30 R-bloggers
rstudio::glimpse() Newsletter
2022/08/30 R-bloggers
Paste R plot image into MS Word
2022/08/30 R-bloggers
Flexible simulation in simstudy with customized distribution functions
2022/08/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I don’t think this study on discriminatory attitudes is useful.
2022/08/30 OmicX
Install and Usage of yt-dlp
2022/08/30 FlowingData
China’s possible blockade around Taiwan
2022/08/29 颜林林的个人网站
2022/08/29 R-bloggers
When Will NYC’s Subway Ridership Recover?
2022/08/29 R-bloggers
optimal Gaussian zorbing
2022/08/29 R-bloggers
July 2022: “Top 40” New CRAN Packages
2022/08/29 R-bloggers
Efficient list melting and unnesting with {rrapply}
2022/08/29 R-bloggers
A proposal for capping exploding electricity spot market prices without subsidies or supply reduction
2022/08/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Why Deep Breathing May Keep Us Calm”
2022/08/29 FlowingData
Losses and comebacks of Serena Williams
2022/08/29 FlowingData
Big diagram of metabolic pathways
2022/08/28 R-bloggers
What is the bias variance tradeoff?
2022/08/28 R-bloggers
Python is superior to R for writing quality codes
2022/08/28 R-bloggers
Little useless-useful R functions – Drawing randomly generated @Github contribution graph
2022/08/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The latest scientific fraud story: As is so often the case, people had been warning us about this guy for a long time but the people in charge weren’t listening.
2022/08/28 Thinking inside the box
littler 0.3.16 on CRAN: Package Updates
2022/08/27 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/08/27 R-bloggers
Surprising Things You Can Do With R
2022/08/27 R-bloggers
Natural Gas Prices for main Hubs in Europe, Asia, and US
2022/08/27 R-bloggers
Interpretability and explainability of predictive models
2022/08/27 R-bloggers
How to handle Imbalanced Data?
2022/08/27 R-bloggers
Extending network analysis in R with netUtils
2022/08/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What rule did Louis Menand use to select what went into book on U.S. “cold war” culture of 1945-1965?
2022/08/27 Freakonometrics
Interpretability and explainability of predictive models
2022/08/27 Freakonometrics
Interprétabilité et explicabilité (formalisé) des modèles prédictifs
2022/08/26 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, August 2022
2022/08/26 R-bloggers
Matematyka w komiksie, komiks w matematyce
2022/08/26 R-bloggers
‘Bring a Shiny App to Production’ the hands-on workshop
2022/08/26 R-bloggers
Analyzing Multiple Response Questions
2022/08/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Is there any heuristic we might use to identify wholly inappropriate stats and flag questionable papers?”
2022/08/26 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, August 2022
2022/08/26 FlowingData
Where restaurant chains dominate
2022/08/26 FlowingData
Introduction to Probability for Data Science, a free book
2022/08/25 R-bloggers
Word documents update from R with doconv
2022/08/25 R-bloggers
the Kelly criterion and then some
2022/08/25 R-bloggers
Python API deployment with RStudio Connect: Flask
2022/08/25 R-bloggers
How to Turn Off Scientific Notation in R?
2022/08/25 R-bloggers
Combine Rows with Same Column Values in R
2022/08/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Here Comes the Stats: The Impact of Incidental Contextual Factors on Research Acquisition
2022/08/25 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, August 2022 Roundup
2022/08/25 FlowingData
Meteorologist delighted by surprise map interaction
2022/08/25 Another Dayu
【翻译】罗素 1959 年 BBC 采访片段 love is wise, hatred is foolish.
2022/08/25 Thinking inside the box
RApiSerialize 0.1.2 on CRAN: Small Bugfix
2022/08/24 R-bloggers
Exploring Types of Subway Fares with Hierarchical Forecasting
2022/08/24 R-bloggers
Base-R and Tidyverse Code, Side-by-Side
2022/08/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Update: a possible answer to the Gladwell / Penn State question
2022/08/24 FlowingData
Network for Marvel Cinematic Universe
2022/08/24 FlowingData
Incomplete crime data
2022/08/24 ewen
comedy in UK rave culture
2022/08/24 Home on Jinji
2022/08/23 颜林林的个人网站
解决Django Timeout问题
2022/08/23 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2022/08/23 R-bloggers
Which programming language should I learn?
2022/08/23 R-bloggers
R-Ladies Taipei Hopes to Host Hybrid Events in the Future
2022/08/23 R-bloggers
Hello Shiny Python
2022/08/23 R-bloggers
Exploding German Electricity Prices: Some Time Series
2022/08/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I agree with Dean Eckles that this study, “Effects of Political versus Expert Messaging on Vaccination Intentions of Trump Voters,” is too noisy to be useful. When will we reach the point where researchers can catch this sort of problem with their own designs, rather than just jumping in, gathering data, and inappropriately drawing conclusions from random patterns that happen to be “statistically significant” in the data?
2022/08/23 Rob J Hyndman
Decomposing time series with complex seasonality
2022/08/23 FlowingData
Welcome to Meltsville
2022/08/22 R-bloggers
Monthly Movement and Losses of the Luftwaffe 1939-1945 Infographic
2022/08/22 R-bloggers
Building a Google Analytics Dashboard With r Shiny From Scratch – Part 1
2022/08/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Referendums as a way of reducing political polarization: Some discussion
2022/08/22 FlowingData
Megaflood scenario
2022/08/21 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2022/08/21 R-bloggers
Spiders, facets, and dots, oh my!
2022/08/21 R-bloggers
Corona-Superspreading or just “Wiesn-flu”? Should the Oktoberfest be cancelled again?
2022/08/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Science says: Get married at age Whatever You Want (and these are the odds of divorce)”
2022/08/21 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Training Tissue-specific Gene Embeddings on GTEx Data
2022/08/20 R-bloggers
Please Subscribe to My New (German) Data Science YouTube Channel!
2022/08/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My Das Boot story
2022/08/20 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Automate HTML to PDF Printing with {promises} and {chromote}
2022/08/19 R-bloggers
RObservations #37: Demistifying the tapply() function and comparing it to the “tidy” approach.
2022/08/19 R-bloggers
Online Shiny Training von eoda – Erzählen Sie Ihre Data Story
2022/08/19 R-bloggers
Is Data Science a Dying Profession?
2022/08/19 R-bloggers
Installation of R 4.2 on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS and tips for spatial packages
2022/08/19 R-bloggers
How to Label Outliers in Boxplots in ggplot2?
2022/08/19 R-bloggers
Bootstrapping An {ojs} Quarto Document With An Observable Notebook
2022/08/19 R-bloggers
‘Advanced Shiny Development’ the hands-on workshop
2022/08/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Krueger Uber $100,000 update
2022/08/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
preregistered vs adaptable Bayesian workflow, and who should do the work ?
2022/08/19 FlowingData
Breaking down the higher price on a restaurant receipt
2022/08/18 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Talk recordings and workshop materials from rstudio::conf(2022)
2022/08/18 R-bloggers
Tinier 0.5.0
2022/08/18 R-bloggers
Talk recordings and workshop materials from rstudio::conf(2022)
2022/08/18 R-bloggers
From Novice to Industry Professionals, the East Bay R Enthusiasts Welcomes Everyone
2022/08/18 R-bloggers
Difference Between cat() and paste() in R
2022/08/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Statistics: A Life Cycle View”
2022/08/18 FlowingData
Worst drought in Europe, in 500 years
2022/08/18 FlowingData
✚ Visualization for One
2022/08/18 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: Double Update
2022/08/17 R-bloggers
Learn data skills, earn points and win money prizes daily with Datacamp!
2022/08/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Could referendums defuse political polarization?
2022/08/17 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
The Past and Future of Shiny Keynote at rstudio::conf(2022)
2022/08/17 FlowingData
How much gas European sites have stored for the winter
2022/08/16 R-bloggers
Hurst Exponent using R code
2022/08/16 R-bloggers
Functionality of the fastGLCM R package
2022/08/16 R-bloggers
Designing #TidyTuesday visualisations for mobile (with Quarto)
2022/08/16 R-bloggers
A New Approach to Fairness in Machine Learning
2022/08/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some concerns about the recent Chetty et al. study on social networks and economic inequality, and what to do next?
2022/08/16 FlowingData
Tracked while reading about being tracked at work
2022/08/16 FlowingData
Google Maps incorrectly pointing people to crisis pregnancy centers
2022/08/15 R-bloggers
Online Event – Design and Analysis of Experiments with R Syntax
2022/08/15 R-bloggers
Little useless-useful R functions – Greedy Salesman
2022/08/15 R-bloggers
Learn to ‘Make a Shiny App sparkle’ with us
2022/08/15 R-bloggers
Find out which data skills are most in demand?
2022/08/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some project opportunities for Ph.D. students!
2022/08/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2022/08/15 FlowingData
Visual explanations for machine learning
2022/08/14 R-bloggers
R code snippet : Read Historical Prices of Stock Index
2022/08/14 R-bloggers
R code snippet : Read Historical Daily Exchange Rates
2022/08/14 R-bloggers
Best Books About Data Analytics
2022/08/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Recursive plagiarism!
2022/08/14 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo used by 1001 CRAN Packages
2022/08/13 R-bloggers
R code snippet : Read Historical Prices of Cryptocurrencies
2022/08/13 R-bloggers
¿Es Pi Aleatorio?
2022/08/13 Nathan's Lemma
2022/08/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to win the Sloan Sports hackathon
2022/08/13 free range statistics
Pacific island population pyramids
2022/08/12 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
New statistical geoms in {ggxmean}
2022/08/12 R-bloggers
New statistical geoms in {ggxmean}
2022/08/12 R-bloggers
Kernel SHAP
2022/08/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Using large language models to generate trolling at scale
2022/08/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2022/08/12 FlowingData
Where the data from your car flows
2022/08/12 FlowingData
Looking for falsified images in Alzheimer’s study
2022/08/11 R-bloggers
Valuable Webinar in Parallel Computing in R
2022/08/11 R-bloggers
Schools in England
2022/08/11 R-bloggers
Observe Function in R Shiny – How to Implement a Reactive Observer
2022/08/11 R-bloggers
Highlights from rstudio::conf(2022)
2022/08/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bets as forecasts, bets as probability assessment, difficulty of using bets in this way
2022/08/11 FlowingData
Serena Williams’ career rankings
2022/08/11 FlowingData
✚ Edit the Chart
2022/08/11 FlowingData
EV charging road trip
2022/08/10 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/08/10 R-bloggers
Sonnet to infix function
2022/08/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayesian inference continues to completely solve the multiple comparisons problem
2022/08/10 FlowingData
Finding illegal airstrips in Brazil
2022/08/09 R-bloggers
Working with Qualtrics Data – Part 2: Excluding Data
2022/08/09 R-bloggers
Simulating data from a non-linear function by specifying a handful of points
2022/08/09 R-bloggers
Namibia R Users Group: Fostering the Budding R Community in Namibia
2022/08/09 R-bloggers
Linux Packages for R
2022/08/09 R-bloggers
Downstream Bioinformatics Analysis of Omics Data with edgeR
2022/08/09 R-bloggers
Diffify – 3 months on
2022/08/09 R-bloggers
Counting Kaggle Followers through Meta Kaggle
2022/08/09 R-bloggers
‘Build your first Shiny App’ with us
2022/08/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Weak separation in mixture models and implications for principal stratification
2022/08/09 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Working with Qualtrics Data - Part 2: Excluding Data
2022/08/09 FlowingData
Indicators for a recession
2022/08/08 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Bring Your Own Binary Packages with RSPM
2022/08/08 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Four announcements from rstudio::conf(2022)
2022/08/08 R-bloggers
RObservations # 36: Opinions on RStudio’s name change. A Bayesian approach with Stan
2022/08/08 R-bloggers
Labelling the points of a ‘ggplot’ with Shiny
2022/08/08 R-bloggers
Just show me the data, baseball edition
2022/08/08 R-bloggers
Image Annotation
2022/08/08 R-bloggers
Four announcements from rstudio::conf(2022)
2022/08/08 R-bloggers
Bring Your Own Binary Packages with RSPM
2022/08/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Just show me the data, baseball edition
2022/08/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
At last! Incontrovertible evidence (p=0.0001) that people over 40 are older, on average, than people under 40.
2022/08/08 FlowingData
Sequoia tree wildfire protection
2022/08/08 FlowingData
Mapping extreme heat
2022/08/08 Home on Jinji
2022/08/07 R-bloggers
Historical Weather Data
2022/08/07 R-bloggers
Base-R Is Alive and Well
2022/08/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I know it might sound strange but I believe you’ll be coming back before too long
2022/08/07 Thinking inside the box
RApiSerialize 0.1.1 on CRAN: Updates
2022/08/06 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/08/06 R-bloggers
Generate hours of white, pink and brown noise in R
2022/08/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
From chatbots and understanding to appliance repair and statistical practice
2022/08/06 Thinking inside the box
RcppCCTZ 0.2.11 on CRAN: Updates
2022/08/05 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/08/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The scandal isn’t what’s illegal, the scandal is what’s legal”: application of Kinsley’s rule to science
2022/08/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stan downtown intern posters: scikit-stan & constraining transforms
2022/08/05 FlowingData
Mapping the cool spots in hot cities
2022/08/05 Thinking inside the box
RcppXts 0.0.5 on CRAN: Routine Refreshment
2022/08/04 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
R Markdown 制作 beamer 幻灯片(2022 版)
2022/08/04 R-bloggers
Theming diffify for accessibility: Part 2
2022/08/04 R-bloggers
How to Set Up Quarto with Docker, Part 2: Dynamic Content
2022/08/04 R-bloggers
How to Scale Only Numeric Columns in R
2022/08/04 R-bloggers
How to replace multiple occurrences of a text within an R string?
2022/08/04 R-bloggers
Case Study: Modularizing a Package
2022/08/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Does having kids really protect you from serious COVID‑19 symptoms?
2022/08/04 Julia Silge
Sliding windows for #TidyTuesday rents in San Francisco
2022/08/04 FlowingData
✚ Focus Change
2022/08/04 FlowingData
Amtrak train route explorer
2022/08/03 R-bloggers
Spirals and trigonometric functions: R exercise #9
2022/08/03 R-bloggers
From the R Business Working Group – R is for actuaRies
2022/08/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Still more on the Heckman Curve!
2022/08/03 FlowingData
More friendships between rich and poor might mean less poverty
2022/08/03 叶寻的博客
119~259 元蓝牙半入耳耳机简评
2022/08/02 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Workbench Session Information Improvements
2022/08/02 R-bloggers
Working with Qualtrics Data – Part 1: Importing Data
2022/08/02 R-bloggers
Workbench Session Information Improvements
2022/08/02 R-bloggers
rstudio::conf(2022) restrospective
2022/08/02 R-bloggers
R Program to Write to a File
2022/08/02 R-bloggers
R Program to Trim Leading and Trailing Whitespaces
2022/08/02 R-bloggers
R Program to Format Decimal Places
2022/08/02 R-bloggers
R Program to Find the Statistical Mode
2022/08/02 R-bloggers
R Program to Add Leading Zeros to Vector
2022/08/02 R-bloggers
Easy R Tutorials with Dev Containers
2022/08/02 R-bloggers
Complex Exponential Smoothing
2022/08/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Solution to that little problem to test your probability intuitions, and why I think it’s poorly stated
2022/08/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A two-week course focused on basic math, probability, and statistics skills
2022/08/02 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Working with Qualtrics Data - Part 1: Importing Data
2022/08/02 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Parsing Human-Readable Text Data from the Web with Readability.js and R
2022/08/02 FlowingData
Most notable person, everywhere in the world
2022/08/01 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Keep the party going after rstudio::conf
2022/08/01 R-bloggers
R Program to Find the Length of a String
2022/08/01 R-bloggers
R Program to Concatenate Two Strings
2022/08/01 R-bloggers
Script monkey! 🐒
2022/08/01 R-bloggers
Keep the party going after rstudio::conf
2022/08/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Here’s a little problem to test your probability intuitions:
2022/08/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Can some major media outlet please give David Weakliem a regular column, as soon as possible?
2022/08/01 FlowingData
Mapping how far you can travel by train in five hours, from any European station
2022/07/31 R-bloggers
Soccer Analytics Tutorial: Scraping EPL Data using R (2022 Update)
2022/07/31 R-bloggers
Best Books for Data Analytics
2022/07/31 R-bloggers
Access and map the latest monkeypox case data in R
2022/07/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
This journal is commissioning a sequel to one of my smash hits. How much will they pay me for it? You can share negotiation strategies in the comments section.
2022/07/30 R-bloggers
Survivor Confessionals Data: Dataset showcase for {survivoR}
2022/07/30 R-bloggers
Best Books to Learn Statistics for Data Science
2022/07/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
If the outcome is that rare, then nothing much can be learned from pure statistics.
2022/07/29 R-bloggers
R code snippet : Read and Concatenate Prices of Constituents of a Stock Index
2022/07/29 R-bloggers
June 2022: “Top 40” New CRAN Packages
2022/07/29 R-bloggers
How to extract a time series subset in R?
2022/07/29 R-bloggers
How to Add Superscripts and Subscripts to Plots in R?
2022/07/29 R-bloggers
Comparing Plastic Pollution: Modeling with Tidymodels and Variable Importance
2022/07/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Discussion on identifiability and Bayesian inference
2022/07/29 FlowingData
Odds of winning the big Mega Millions prize
2022/07/29 FlowingData
Data visualization(-ish) in the style of famous artists
2022/07/28 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/07/28 颜林林的个人网站
2022/07/28 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Announcing Quarto, a new scientific and technical publishing system
2022/07/28 R-bloggers
Theming diffify for accessibility: Part 1
2022/07/28 R-bloggers
How to Standardize Data in R?
2022/07/28 R-bloggers
How to Set Axis Limits in ggplot2?
2022/07/28 R-bloggers
How to convert characters from upper to lower case in R?
2022/07/28 R-bloggers
Announcing Quarto, a new scientific and technical publishing system
2022/07/28 R-bloggers
An introductory workshop in Shiny, August 3rd to 5th
2022/07/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What can $100,000 get you nowadays? (Discussion of the market for papers in economics.)
2022/07/28 Freakonometrics
Le MANDASS est toujours annoncé pour la rentrée prochaine
2022/07/28 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, July 2022 Roundup
2022/07/28 FlowingData
Housing displacement after disasters
2022/07/27 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
RStudio is becoming Posit
2022/07/27 R-bloggers
Time to upskill in R? EARL’s workshop lineup has something for every data practitioner.
2022/07/27 R-bloggers
RStudio is becoming Posit
2022/07/27 R-bloggers
How to Set Up Quarto with Docker, Part 1: Static Content
2022/07/27 R-bloggers
How to Create an Interaction Plot in R?
2022/07/27 R-bloggers
Error in rbind(deparse.level, …) : numbers of columns of arguments do not match
2022/07/27 R-bloggers
Charity R Workshops in support of Ukraine
2022/07/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How Music Works by David Byrne, and Sweet Anticipation by David Huron
2022/07/27 FlowingData
RStudio changes name to Posit
2022/07/27 FlowingData
Revisiting data science, the career
2022/07/27 sesa blog
FontAwesome in R and R Markdown
2022/07/27 sesa blog
FontAwesome in ggplot
2022/07/26 R-bloggers
{rspm}: easy access to RSPM binary packages with automatic management of system requirements
2022/07/26 R-bloggers
R Ladies Philly is Making a Difference with its Annual Datathon Focused on Local Issues
2022/07/26 R-bloggers
New Package yfR
2022/07/26 R-bloggers
How to Create Summary Tables in R
2022/07/26 R-bloggers
Efficient list recursion in R with {rrapply}
2022/07/26 R-bloggers
Comments on the New R OOP System, R7
2022/07/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Playroom!
2022/07/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
PPL Workshop this Friday (29 July 2022)
2022/07/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Job opportunity for a Stan user at Dugway
2022/07/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
effectsize: A new Python package for computing effect sizes / standardized differences
2022/07/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
After-work socializing . . . alcohol . . . car crashes?
2022/07/26 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
New Package yfR
2022/07/26 FlowingData
Pizza Exchange Rate
2022/07/25 earfanfan | 袁凡
用 DT 包子复现 reactable 包子的案例之 Women's World Cup
2022/07/25 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
rstudio::conf(2022) Starts Today!
2022/07/25 R-bloggers
Simulating Turnout in Tunisia’s Constitutional Referendum
2022/07/25 R-bloggers
rstudio::conf(2022) Starts Today!
2022/07/25 R-bloggers
Interview with Ehouman Evans – Experience with R and Use with Agroforestry in Cotonou, West Africa
2022/07/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Details of implementation of machine learning algorithms
2022/07/25 FlowingData
Florence Nightingale’s use of data visualization to persuade in the 19th century
2022/07/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Recently in the sister blog
2022/07/24 Rob J Hyndman
Probabilistic forecast reconciliation: properties, evaluation and score optimisation
2022/07/24 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
Let's search the web like we heard about linux for the first time
2022/07/24 sesa blog
Preparing German weather data
2022/07/24 sesa blog
Penguins Lasso with Tidymodels
2022/07/24 sesa blog
Minimal tidymodels example with the Lasso
2022/07/24 sesa blog
German weather
2022/07/23 R-bloggers
What’s the fastest way to search and replace strings in a data frame?
2022/07/23 R-bloggers
Programming a simple minimax chess engine in R
2022/07/23 Econometrics and Free Software
What's the fastest way to search and replace strings in a data frame?
2022/07/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A professional writing coach gets GPT-3 to write an entire five-paragraph essay, complete with fake references!
2022/07/22 R-bloggers
Unhappy in its Own Way
2022/07/22 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, July 2022
2022/07/22 R-bloggers
R code snippet : Transform from long format to wide format
2022/07/22 R-bloggers
A Kaggle Dataset of R Package History for rstudio::conf(2022)
2022/07/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Conflicting attitudes on immigration
2022/07/22 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, July 2022
2022/07/22 OmicX
Bulk Load Tsv File Into SQLite Database
2022/07/22 FlowingData
Visualizing Delaunay Triangulation
2022/07/22 FlowingData
A plea to stop climate change from the guy who makes maps
2022/07/22 Home on Jinji
2022/07/21 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Join rstudio::conf(2022) Virtually
2022/07/21 R-bloggers
Upgrading rtweet
2022/07/21 R-bloggers
Meta-analysis for a single study. Is it possible?
2022/07/21 R-bloggers
Learning Path: Introduction to R Shiny
2022/07/21 R-bloggers
Join rstudio::conf(2022) Virtually
2022/07/21 R-bloggers
How to compare the values of two vectors in R?
2022/07/21 R-bloggers
ggdensity: A new R package for plotting high-density regions
2022/07/21 R-bloggers
Campus useR Group Frankfurt Using Non-Traditional Techniques to Increase Information Sharing
2022/07/21 R-bloggers
Boosted Configuration (_neural_) Networks for classification
2022/07/21 R-bloggers
Best Books for Data Engineers
2022/07/21 R-bloggers
An introductory workshop in Shiny, July 25st to 28st
2022/07/21 R-bloggers
Adding continent and country names with {countrycode}, and subsetting a data frame using sample()
2022/07/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Predicting consumers’ choices in the age of the internet, AI, and almost perfect tracking: Some things change, the key challenges do not”
2022/07/21 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Upgrading rtweet
2022/07/21 FlowingData
Timelines for record temperatures
2022/07/21 FlowingData
✚ Ambiguous Units of Measurement
2022/07/20 earfanfan | 袁凡
使用 R 中 DT 包为表格填充渐变颜色的笔记
2022/07/20 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2022/07/20 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2022/07/20 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
RStudio 2022.07.0: What's New
2022/07/20 R-bloggers
When To Use Which in R?
2022/07/20 R-bloggers
simstudy updated to version 0.5.0
2022/07/20 R-bloggers
R Color
2022/07/20 R-bloggers
Part 3 of 3: 300+ milestone for Big Book of R
2022/07/20 R-bloggers
ISF2022: How to make ETS work with ARIMA
2022/07/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Unsupervised learning” gets a bad rap
2022/07/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A professional writing coach gets GPT-3 to write an entire five-paragraph essay, complete with fake references!
2022/07/20 FlowingData
Melting popsicles to visualize a heat wave
2022/07/20 sellorm
What are we optimising for?
2022/07/19 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2022/07/19 R-bloggers
Refine your R Skills with Free Access to DataCamp
2022/07/19 R-bloggers
R repeat Loop
2022/07/19 R-bloggers
R Functions
2022/07/19 R-bloggers
R break and next
2022/07/19 R-bloggers
Leaving a PhD Program
2022/07/19 R-bloggers
How to use %in% operator in R
2022/07/19 R-bloggers
How to handle missing data in r
2022/07/19 R-bloggers
Allocating Wealth Both Across Goals and Across Investments
2022/07/19 R-bloggers
Accessibility Web Development – How to Make R Shiny Apps Accessible
2022/07/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
If this study is valuable at all, it’s for the data. If the data aren’t available, it’s pretty much useless.
2022/07/19 FlowingData
Rhythm in plant cells
2022/07/19 FlowingData
Database of feathers
2022/07/18 R-bloggers
R Read and Write xlsx Files
2022/07/18 R-bloggers
R Matrix
2022/07/18 R-bloggers
R Date
2022/07/18 R-bloggers
Part 2 of 3: 300+ milestone for Big Book of R
2022/07/18 R-bloggers
Mapping a marathon with {rStrava}
2022/07/18 R-bloggers
Get tickets for An introductory course in Shiny on July 19th & 21th at 15 USD
2022/07/18 R-bloggers
Generalized Linear Models, Part I: The Logistic Model
2022/07/18 R-bloggers
Draft position for players in the NBA for the 2020-21 season
2022/07/18 R-bloggers
2022 Projections & FFA App Updates
2022/07/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Where did the expression “six-sided number cube” come from?
2022/07/18 FlowingData
Period trackers and legal implications
2022/07/18 FlowingData
Country-wide housing shortage
2022/07/17 R-bloggers
How to Calculate Percentiles in R
2022/07/17 R-bloggers
Extracting numbers from a stacked density plot
2022/07/17 R-bloggers
Academicons: my first quarto extension
2022/07/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What happens to the Wall Street Journal’s reputation when they publish a regular column by someone associated with fraudulent research?
2022/07/16 R-bloggers
TBATS Time Series Modelling in R
2022/07/16 R-bloggers
Part 1 of 3: 300+ milestone for Big Book of R
2022/07/16 R-bloggers
Expanding a polynomial with ‘caracas’, part 2
2022/07/16 R-bloggers
Create groups based on the lowest and highest values in R?
2022/07/16 R-bloggers
Best Books to learn Tensorflow
2022/07/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Don’t believe the (dental anxiety) hype
2022/07/16 About | 关于 on
2022/07/15 R-bloggers
Why this is the year you should take the stage at EARL 2022…
2022/07/15 R-bloggers
Slices of an implicit hypersurface with R
2022/07/15 R-bloggers
RObservations #35 : Predicting Rubik’s Cube Rotations with CNNs
2022/07/15 R-bloggers
How to change the column positions in R?
2022/07/15 R-bloggers
Goats do room
2022/07/15 R-bloggers
EARL your way: book your tickets now!
2022/07/15 R-bloggers
Beta version of NIMBLE with automatic differentiation, including HMC sampling and Laplace approximation
2022/07/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The “Mapping the Terrain” survey of students, teachers, and parents in majority Muslim societies:
2022/07/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Nimby/Yimby thread
2022/07/15 FlowingData
Full scope of gun deaths in the U.S.
2022/07/15 FlowingData
Empty school buses as a representation of student lives lost
2022/07/14 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
rstudio::glimpse() Newsletter
2022/07/14 R-bloggers
The Impact of Ordinal Scales on Gaussian Mixture Recovery
2022/07/14 R-bloggers
Subset rows based on their integer locations-slice in R
2022/07/14 R-bloggers
Recreating the Shiny App tutorial with a Plumber API + React: Part 2
2022/07/14 R-bloggers
R Ladies Santa Rosa Leading with Other R Communities in Latin America to Create More Accessibility
2022/07/14 R-bloggers
Eight R Tidyverse tips for everyday data engineering
2022/07/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The messy reality in between”
2022/07/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How much should theories guide learning through experiments?
2022/07/14 FlowingData
✚ Develop Your Judgement
2022/07/14 FlowingData
Data Visualization Humble Bundle
2022/07/14 叶寻的博客
Windows 10 简易安装教程
2022/07/13 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/07/13 R-bloggers
How to write a function in R and apply it to a data frame using map functions from {purr}
2022/07/13 R-bloggers
How to do Conditional Mutate in R?
2022/07/13 R-bloggers
How much has COVID cost the NYC Subway system in “lost fares”?
2022/07/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
J. Robert Lennon on working with your closest collaborator
2022/07/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Don’t go back to Rockville: Possible scientific fraud in the traffic model for a highway project?
2022/07/13 FlowingData
Why the galaxy pictures from the Webb telescope are pretty cool
2022/07/13 Thinking inside the box
rfoaas 2.3.2: New upstream accessors
2022/07/12 R-bloggers
rOpenSci Code of Conduct Update
2022/07/12 R-bloggers
Random Forest Machine Learning Introduction
2022/07/12 R-bloggers
Jumping Rivers and the Data Science Community
2022/07/12 R-bloggers
Indy UseR Growing as New Businesses like Insurance and Pharmaceuticals Move into Indianapolis
2022/07/12 R-bloggers
Appsilon Staff Picks – Must See rstudio::conf(2022) Presentations
2022/07/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Clearing up confusions about the interpretation of logistic regression coefficients on the probability scale
2022/07/12 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Code of Conduct Update
2022/07/12 Freakonometrics
Collaborative insurance and network structure
2022/07/12 Freakonometrics
What is the future of predictive probabilities in insurance?
2022/07/12 Freakonometrics
Insurance, biaises, discrimination and fairness
2022/07/12 FlowingData
Income ladder for the children of immigrants
2022/07/12 FlowingData
A lot of galaxies
2022/07/12 首页 on 楚新元 | All in R
2022/07/11 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/07/11 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/07/11 R-bloggers
shapviz goes H2O
2022/07/11 R-bloggers
How to Use Mutate function in R
2022/07/11 R-bloggers
Combine project management and data analysis using Tiddlywiki and RMarkdown
2022/07/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Forking paths in the estimate of the value premium?
2022/07/11 FlowingData
Where there is more livestock than people in the United States
2022/07/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Gaurav Sood’s review of the book Noise by Kahneman et al.: In writing about noise in human judgment, the authors didn’t wrestle with the problem of noise in behavioral-science research. But behavioral-science research is the product of human judgment.
2022/07/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Data in Wonderland”: A course on storytelling with data:
2022/07/10 Rob J Hyndman
Creating social good for forecasters
2022/07/10 Freakonometrics
The scientific approach in times of crisis
2022/07/10 Freakonometrics
On consequences of Goodhart’s law
2022/07/10 首页 on 楚新元 | All in R
2022/07/09 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2022/07/09 R-bloggers
The Ascribed Advantage
2022/07/09 R-bloggers
Rcpp 1.0.9 on CRAN: Regular Updates
2022/07/09 R-bloggers
How to Rank by Group in R?
2022/07/09 R-bloggers
Convert Multiple Columns to Numeric in R
2022/07/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Columbia Loses Its No. 2 Spot in the U.S. News Rankings”
2022/07/09 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Reproducible genomic data science
2022/07/09 Thinking inside the box
Rcpp 1.0.9 on CRAN: Regular Updates
2022/07/09 Mikko Marttila
What version of a package added a function; or, binary search in R
2022/07/08 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
边界 2022
2022/07/08 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2022/07/08 R-bloggers
Select the First Row by Group in R
2022/07/08 R-bloggers
How to Create a Frequency Table by Group in R?
2022/07/08 R-bloggers
Containerizing Interactive R Markdown Documents
2022/07/08 R-bloggers
Colorful R Plots with Wes Anderson Palettes – Pirate Ships
2022/07/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
StatRetro and StatPapers
2022/07/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Krugman in the uncanny valley: A theory about east coast pundits and California
2022/07/08 FlowingData
Money distribution for streaming music
2022/07/07 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2022/07/07 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
2022/07/07 R-bloggers
Recreating the Shiny App tutorial with a Plumber API + React: Part 1
2022/07/07 R-bloggers
R Ladies Cuernavaca Partners with Biotechnology Institute to Quickly Expand Reach in 2022
2022/07/07 R-bloggers
One-sample Wilcoxon test in R
2022/07/07 R-bloggers
Introducing {weatherkit}: The Eventual Replacement R Package for {darksky}
2022/07/07 R-bloggers
How to Calculate Relative Frequencies in R?
2022/07/07 R-bloggers
How many languages do we need to learn about responsible machine learning? useR! 2022 Conference
2022/07/07 R-bloggers
Fixed vs. random effects for browsing data – a simulation
2022/07/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Consequences are often intended. And, yes, religion questions in surveys are subject to social desirability bias.
2022/07/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Back in the USA
2022/07/07 Freakonometrics
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Versicherungs- und Finanzmathematik
2022/07/07 Freakonometrics
Predicting Drought and Subsidence Risks in France
2022/07/07 FlowingData
Shrinking middle-class
2022/07/07 FlowingData
✚ More Literal, Less Abstract
2022/07/06 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2022/07/06 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
How I Use Stories to Share Data at Meetings
2022/07/06 R-bloggers
Readable code with base R (part 2)
2022/07/06 R-bloggers
modelDown: Automate Explainable AI (Machine Learning) in R
2022/07/06 R-bloggers
How to Replace String in Column in R
2022/07/06 R-bloggers
How to install R 3.6.3 (NOT 4+) on Linux MINT 19.x (19.1, 19.2, 19.3)
2022/07/06 R-bloggers
How I Use Stories to Share Data at Meetings
2022/07/06 R-bloggers
Get tickets for An introductory course in Shiny on July 11th & 13th or 12th & 14th at 30 USD
2022/07/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Solving inverse problems using Bayesian inference with FFT in Stan, from Python . . . this example has it all!
2022/07/06 Freakonometrics
Assurance, biais, discrimination et équité
2022/07/06 FlowingData
Absurd trolly problems
2022/07/05 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2022/07/05 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2022/07/05 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
RStudio Recap From the Appsilon Shiny Conference
2022/07/05 R-bloggers
Virtual Events Opened New Horizons for R-Ladies Dallas
2022/07/05 R-bloggers
RStudio Recap From the Appsilon Shiny Conference
2022/07/05 R-bloggers
R LightGBM Regression
2022/07/05 R-bloggers
Get tickets for An introductory course in Shiny on July 6th and 8th at 10 USD
2022/07/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
3 examples of post-publication review (ecology, the underground economy, and “lockdowns”)
2022/07/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Fun July 4th statistics story! Too many melons, not enough dogs.
2022/07/05 Freakonometrics
Government Intervention in Catastrophe Insurance Markets
2022/07/05 FlowingData
Imagining carbon food labels
2022/07/04 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/07/04 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2022/07/04 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2022/07/04 R-bloggers
Bayes Rules! [book review]
2022/07/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Eventually all information will belong to whoever has the best lawyers.”
2022/07/04 FlowingData
Wildfires caused by fireworks
2022/07/03 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/07/03 R-bloggers
Slight inconsistency between forcats’ fct_lump_min and fct_lump_prop
2022/07/03 R-bloggers
Nelson-Siegel-Svensson Yield Curve model using R code
2022/07/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Historical journal records reveal a surge of methodological distortions in recent decades
2022/07/03 Freakonometrics
What responsibility for the algorithms?
2022/07/03 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
use random forest and boost trees to find marker genes in scRNAseq data
2022/07/02 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang | 黄湘云
你遭遇 PUA 了吗?
2022/07/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I know what they meant to say here; it was just funny how they expressed it
2022/07/02 Freakonometrics
Rethinking responsibility and causality
2022/07/01 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2022/07/01 R-bloggers
Evaluating GitHub Activity for Contributors
2022/07/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Taking theory more seriously in psychological science
2022/07/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Here’s what the highest salary of any university president in America was in 1983 in 2022 dollars: $342,000.
2022/07/01 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Evaluating GitHub Activity for Contributors
2022/07/01 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting for Social Good
2022/07/01 Freakonometrics
Journal of Risk and Insurance
2022/07/01 Freakonometrics
Insurance and discrimination, what role for actuaries?
2022/07/01 FlowingData
Analysis of compound curse words used on Reddit
2022/06/30 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2022/06/30 R-bloggers
RObservations #34: Using NLP with keras to understand market sentiment with LSTM networks
2022/06/30 R-bloggers
Mapping a picture on a donut or a Hopf torus
2022/06/30 R-bloggers
How to Join Multiple Data Frames in R
2022/06/30 R-bloggers
Food Crisis Analysis and, Forecasting with Neural Network Autoregression
2022/06/30 R-bloggers
Developing React Applications in RStudio Workbench
2022/06/30 R-bloggers
Building a Kaggle Leaderboard with gtExtras
2022/06/30 R-bloggers
An introductory course in Shiny – July sessions
2022/06/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stan goes mountain climbing, also a suggestion of 3*Alex
2022/06/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Moving cross-validation from a research idea to a routine step in Bayesian data analysis
2022/06/30 Rob J Hyndman
LoMEF: A Framework to Produce Local Explanations for Global Model Time Series Forecasts
2022/06/30 Julia Silge
Three ways to look at #TidyTuesday UK pay gap data
2022/06/30 Freakonometrics
The myth of interpretability and explicability of models
2022/06/30 Freakonometrics
Reconciling collective risks and individual decisions
2022/06/30 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, June 2022 Roundup
2022/06/30 FlowingData
Football field to show population change in the UK
2022/06/29 R-bloggers
UseR!2022: Best Practices
for Shiny Apps with Docker and More
2022/06/29 R-bloggers
Replace NA with Zero in R
2022/06/29 R-bloggers
R Shiny Caching – Top 3 Ways to Cache Interactive Elements in R Shiny
2022/06/29 R-bloggers
R Lille Group Organizer, Mickaël Canouil, Talks About Guiding New Users
2022/06/29 R-bloggers
How to Find Unmatched Records in R
2022/06/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The science bezzle
2022/06/29 Freakonometrics
Journée d’étude “Genre, Algorithmes et Droit” à Aix-en-Provence
2022/06/29 FlowingData
Visualising Knowledge
2022/06/29 FlowingData
15 years
2022/06/28 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
10 ways you can provide value with RStudio Connect
2022/06/28 R-bloggers
North East Data Scientists Meetup
2022/06/28 R-bloggers
May 2022: “Top 40” New CRAN Packages
2022/06/28 R-bloggers
Find the Maximum Value by Group in R
2022/06/28 R-bloggers
Agile is the worst approach to research projects — except for all the others that have been tried*
2022/06/28 R-bloggers
10 ways you can provide value with RStudio Connect
2022/06/28 Bayesian Spectacles
Bayesian Modeling for Cognitive Science: A Workshop in Amsterdam
2022/06/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Published estimates of group differences in multisensory integration are inflated”
2022/06/28 FlowingData
Personal life dashboard
2022/06/28 FlowingData
Introduction to statistical learning
2022/06/27 earfanfan | 袁凡
使用 R 中 DT 包创建多层表头的笔记
2022/06/27 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Shiny and Arrow
2022/06/27 R-bloggers
Shiny and Arrow
2022/06/27 R-bloggers
Servus, es ist wieder soweit: Online Shiny Trainings in German
2022/06/27 Bayesian Spectacles
Theory and Practice of Bayesian Hypothesis Testing: A Hybrid JASP Workshop in Amsterdam
2022/06/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Scientific communication: over the wine-dark sea to the rose-fingered dawn
2022/06/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Academic jobs in Bayesian workflow and decision making
2022/06/27 FlowingData
Active shooter endings
2022/06/26 earfanfan | 袁凡
R 中制作幻灯片(ioslides)的笔记
2022/06/26 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2022/06/26 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2022/06/26 颜林林的个人网站
2022/06/26 R-bloggers
What To Do (And Not to Do) with Modeling Proportions/Fractional Outcomes
2022/06/26 R-bloggers
How to Group and Summarize Data in R
2022/06/26 R-bloggers
distributions3 @ useR! 2022
2022/06/26 R-bloggers
An introductory course in Shiny
2022/06/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2022/06/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How much should we trust assessments in systematic reviews? Let’s look at variation among reviews.
2022/06/26 Nathan's Lemma
2022/06/25 R-bloggers
Tips for Rearranging Columns in R
2022/06/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
This blog is like a Masterclass except the production values are close to zero, it’s free, and we don’t claim that reading it will make you better at anything.
2022/06/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayes factors measure prior predictive performance
2022/06/25 sellorm
5 Tips for Using pins with R
2022/06/24 R-bloggers
useR! 2022: My ‘Futureverse: Profile Parallel Code’ Slides
2022/06/24 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, June 2022
2022/06/24 R-bloggers
RObservations #33: Merging Excel Spreadsheets with Base R and openxlsx
2022/06/24 R-bloggers
How to Recode Values in R
2022/06/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Example of inappropriate use of causal language from observational data
2022/06/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
High-intensity exercise, some new news
2022/06/24 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, June 2022
2022/06/24 Freakonometrics
The taboo of the exponential
2022/06/24 Freakonometrics
Modeling contagion
2022/06/24 Freakonometrics
Are there acceptable deaths? or how to end a pandemic
2022/06/24 FlowingData
When Americans Had Intercourse with Opposite Sex for the First Time
2022/06/24 FlowingData
Increased distance to the nearest clinic
2022/06/23 R-bloggers
flextable 0.7.2 is out
2022/06/23 R-bloggers
Custom colour palettes for {ggplot2}
2022/06/23 R-bloggers
Charting Kaggle’s growth to 10 million users
2022/06/23 R-bloggers
A {shiny} app to wrap BlasterJS and visualize NCBI blast results locally
2022/06/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A garland of retractions for the Ohio State Department of Chutzpah Cancer Biology and Genetics
2022/06/23 FlowingData
✚ Visually Inefficient
2022/06/23 FlowingData
Diagram of watercolors from the 17th century
2022/06/22 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
My Talk at useR! 2022 on blogdown
2022/06/22 R-bloggers
Visualizing the Invasion of the Soviet Union with Luftwaffe Locations
2022/06/22 R-bloggers
R Shiny Google Analytics: How to Add GA to Shiny Apps
2022/06/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Kaiser Fung’s review of “Don’t Trust Your Gut: Using Data to Get What You Really Want in Life” (and a connection to “Evidence-based medicine eats itself”)
2022/06/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Imperfectly Bayesian-like intuitions reifying naive and dangerous views of human nature
2022/06/22 FlowingData
Mapping the boundaries of history
2022/06/22 cderv's blog
A tour of {knitr} engines: {knitr} not only knits R
2022/06/21 R-bloggers
Presentamos a la nueva Community Manager de rOpenSci, Yanina Bellini Saibene
2022/06/21 R-bloggers
Offload Shiny’s Workload: COVID-19 processing for the WHO/Europe
2022/06/21 R-bloggers
Introducing rOpenSci new Community Manager, Yanina Bellini Saibene
2022/06/21 R-bloggers
Create new variables from existing variables in R
2022/06/21 R-bloggers
Bind together two data frames by their rows or columns in R
2022/06/21 Alison Hill, PhD
The untold story of palmerpenguins
2022/06/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Data Knitualization: An Exploration of Knitting as a Visualization Medium”
2022/06/21 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Introducing rOpenSci new Community Manager, Yanina Bellini Saibene
2022/06/21 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Presentamos a la nueva Community Manager de rOpenSci, Yanina Bellini Saibene
2022/06/21 FlowingData
Pie charts of dogs
2022/06/21 FlowingData
✚ How to Make an Animated Donut Chart in R
2022/06/20 R-bloggers
R Percentile
2022/06/20 R-bloggers
R min() and max()
2022/06/20 R-bloggers
Little useless-useful R functions – Plotting the decimal and binary conversion
2022/06/20 R-bloggers
How to Find Unmatched Records in R
2022/06/20 R-bloggers
Beautiful complex functions
2022/06/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Webinar: On using expert information in Bayesian statistics
2022/06/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Don’t believe the “Breaking News” hype (NYT science section version)
2022/06/20 r4stats.com
Updated Comparison of R Graphical User Interfaces
2022/06/20 FlowingData
Shifting flight paths for wealthy Russians
2022/06/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Propagation of responsibility
2022/06/19 Thinking inside the box
#38: Faster Feedback Systems
2022/06/18 R-bloggers
How to Join Data Frames for different column names in R
2022/06/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The local bookstore is trolling me
2022/06/17 R-bloggers
2022/06/17 R-bloggers
Scrollbar for the Shiny sidebar
2022/06/17 R-bloggers
R programming and package development – Workshops
2022/06/17 R-bloggers
New year, new laptop, new library location, new version of R!
2022/06/17 R-bloggers
How to Use “not in” operator in Filter
2022/06/17 R-bloggers
Frank’s R Workflow
2022/06/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Walker/Guzey media appearances, a comparison:
2022/06/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Tips for designing interactive visualizations
2022/06/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Postdoc opportunity in San Francisco: methods research in public health
2022/06/17 FlowingData
Possible lead exposure around small airports
2022/06/16 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
rstudio::conf(2022) Conference Schedule
2022/06/16 R-bloggers
Why You Should (or Shouldn’t) Build an API Client
2022/06/16 R-bloggers
useR! 2022 – all virtual – is next week!
2022/06/16 R-bloggers
rstudio::conf(2022) Conference Schedule
2022/06/16 R-bloggers
R Vectors
2022/06/16 R-bloggers
New R Community in Botswana Wants to Implement Data Into Local Businesses
2022/06/16 R-bloggers
Filter Using Multiple Conditions in R
2022/06/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The academic plagiarism landscape
2022/06/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
From Anna Menacher: A timeline of the most important statistical ideas of the past 50 years
2022/06/16 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Why You Should (or Shouldn't) Build an API Client
2022/06/16 FlowingData
✚ Gridlines
2022/06/16 FlowingData
Cumulative 3-pointers for the Splash Brothers
2022/06/16 FlowingData
Communicating risk in the context of daily living
2022/06/16 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Partial least square regression for marker gene identification in scRNAseq data
2022/06/15 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Automated Survey Reporting With googlesheets4, pins, and R Markdown
2022/06/15 R-bloggers
What is the best way to filter by row number in R?
2022/06/15 R-bloggers
Automated Survey Reporting With googlesheets4, pins, and R Markdown
2022/06/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Considering the recent NYT age-adjustment error as a particular example: When an error a misleading headline is published, when is there pressure to get it changed?
2022/06/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I was looking through the wrong end of the telescope.
2022/06/15 Julia Silge
Use resampling to understand #TidyTuesday drought in TX
2022/06/15 Freakonometrics
Y-a-t-il des morts acceptables ? ou comment finir une pandémie
2022/06/15 FlowingData
Unreliable FBI crime data
2022/06/15 FlowingData
Hands-On Data Visualization, an open-access book on interactive visualization for beginners
2022/06/15 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: New Upstream
2022/06/15 Thinking inside the box
AsioHeaders 1.22.1-1 on CRAN
2022/06/14 R-bloggers
Shiny in Production Update
2022/06/14 R-bloggers
R Shiny Hotjar – How To Monitor User Behavior in R Shiny Apps
2022/06/14 R-bloggers
R Fundamentals – From Syntax to Control Structures
2022/06/14 R-bloggers
North East Data Scientists Group Works As a Professional Group
2022/06/14 R-bloggers
How to Filter Rows In R?
2022/06/14 R-bloggers
Exploring your database with shiny
2022/06/14 R-bloggers
Communication & Collaboration with Contributors in an Open-Source Organization
2022/06/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Statistics and science reform: My conversation with economist Noah Smith
2022/06/14 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Communication & Collaboration with Contributors in an Open-Source Organization
2022/06/14 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
The zlib Algorithm for Text/Binary File Classification
2022/06/14 FlowingData
Different languages, but similar information rates
2022/06/13 R-bloggers
What Is the Best Way to Filter by Date in R?
2022/06/13 R-bloggers
RObservations #32: Creating an Instant Answer Oracle with httr and Shiny
2022/06/13 R-bloggers
R Strings
2022/06/13 R-bloggers
How to use multiple colour scales in ggplot with {ggnewscale}
2022/06/13 R-bloggers
Hopf torus, circle by circle
2022/06/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Unjournal”: Action plan, writing, resources
2022/06/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Statistical graphics discussion with Laura Wattenberg about the NameGrapher
2022/06/13 Freakonometrics
Exposé à un webinaire IVADO-OBVIA sur l’équité (algorithmique) en assurance
2022/06/13 Freakonometrics
Présentation au Réseau de recherche en sécurité routière du Québec
2022/06/13 FlowingData
Map of closest airports everywhere
2022/06/13 sesa blog
Free resources for aspiring data adepts
2022/06/13 cderv's blog
Improve Your Rmd Skills
2022/06/12 R-bloggers
Then, Now(IPL 2022), Beyond : Insights from GooglyPlusPlus
2022/06/12 R-bloggers
Filtering for Unique Values in R- Using the dplyr
2022/06/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Fill in the blank: “_____ _____ is going to usher forth a revolution in peer review: a revolution of fairness, effectiveness, consistency, and kindness.”
2022/06/11 R-bloggers
Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD) using R
2022/06/11 R-bloggers
Timing data.table Operations
2022/06/11 R-bloggers
Crosstab calculation in R
2022/06/11 R-bloggers
An example of the Minkowski addition
2022/06/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Would Democratic Socialism Be Better?”
2022/06/11 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Variable Selection under Logistic Regression for Compositional Functional Data
2022/06/10 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Changes (for the better) in {gt} 0.6.0
2022/06/10 R-bloggers
Visualize SHAP Values without Tears
2022/06/10 R-bloggers
Survivor Advantages: Dataset showcase for {survivoR}
2022/06/10 R-bloggers
Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test in R
2022/06/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Spam! It’s funny, but it’s evil.
2022/06/10 FlowingData
Browser share over time
2022/06/09 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Announcing vetiver for MLOps in R and Python
2022/06/09 R-bloggers
Survival Analysis in R (in under 10-minutes)
2022/06/09 R-bloggers
rOpenSci Dev Guide 0.8.0: Updates
2022/06/09 R-bloggers
parallelly: Support for Fujitsu Technical Computing Suite High-Performance Compute (HPC) Environments
2022/06/09 R-bloggers
droplevels in R with examples
2022/06/09 R-bloggers
Announcing vetiver for MLOps in R and Python
2022/06/09 R-bloggers
An introduction to H2O.ai
2022/06/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Excellent graphical data storytelling from Australian Broadcasting Corporation on the recent election
2022/06/09 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Dev Guide 0.8.0: Updates
2022/06/09 FlowingData
✚ Using Absolute vs. Relative Scales
2022/06/09 FlowingData
History of heat records in major U.S. cities
2022/06/08 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang
2022/06/08 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
The Critical Shift to Data in the Finance Industry
2022/06/08 R-bloggers
The Critical Shift to Data in the Finance Industry
2022/06/08 R-bloggers
parallelly 1.32.0: makeClusterPSOCK() Didn’t Work with Chinese and Korean Locales
2022/06/08 R-bloggers
Cumulative Sum calculation in R
2022/06/08 R-bloggers
A-State R User Group Hope to Make a Comeback with Physical Events This Summer
2022/06/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How can a top scientist be so confidently wrong? (R. A. Fisher and smoking example)
2022/06/08 FlowingData
Maps of noise
2022/06/08 FlowingData
Garbage in space
2022/06/08 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
My odyssey of obtaining scRNAseq metadata
2022/06/07 R-bloggers
New training courses
2022/06/07 R-bloggers
How to Count Distinct Values in R
2022/06/07 R-bloggers
Expanding a polynomial with ‘caracas’
2022/06/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Epidemiologist being sued by a company whose scientific claims she’d criticized
2022/06/07 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Sensible Defaults
2022/06/07 Freakonometrics
Soscience, keynote
2022/06/07 FlowingData
Commonness of Divorce in America
2022/06/06 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Grow Your Data Science Skills With Academy
2022/06/06 R-bloggers
R-Ladies Cotonou Talks About Running an R users Group in Benin, West Africa
2022/06/06 R-bloggers
Grow Your Data Science Skills With Academy
2022/06/06 R-bloggers
Count Observations by Group in R
2022/06/06 R-bloggers
Another case for redesigning dual axis charts
2022/06/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Should we spend so much time talking about cheaters and fraudsters?
2022/06/06 FlowingData
Time splits from a visualization freelancer
2022/06/06 FlowingData
Cancer and statistics
2022/06/05 R-bloggers
The cricketdata package
2022/06/05 R-bloggers
How to add columns to a data frame in R
2022/06/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“When you do applied statistics, you’re acting like a scientist. Why does this matter?”: My talk at the NYR conference this Thursday
2022/06/05 Rob J Hyndman
The cricketdata package
2022/06/04 R-bloggers
Update of ‘gyro’
2022/06/04 R-bloggers
How to Remove Columns from a data frame in R
2022/06/04 R-bloggers
A quirk when using data.table?
2022/06/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Pizzagate and “Nudge”: An opportunity lost
2022/06/04 sesa blog
Vorher-Nachher-Messung und Vergleich zwischen Gruppen
2022/06/03 R-bloggers
Remove Rows from the data frame in R
2022/06/03 R-bloggers
Bakersfield Data Analytics and R Users Group: Collaboration and the Need to Reach Out to Students
2022/06/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Unsustainable research on corporate sustainability
2022/06/03 FlowingData
Calculating the new cost of your summer road trip
2022/06/03 数の舍
2022/06/02 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang
2022/06/02 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Announcing pins for Python
2022/06/02 R-bloggers
The Most Overlooked R Package (That Can Get You Through A Data Science Job Interview)
2022/06/02 R-bloggers
R will always be arcane to those who do not make a serious effort to learn it…
2022/06/02 R-bloggers
R Packages for Organizations
2022/06/02 R-bloggers
Collection, Management, and Analysis of Twitter Data
2022/06/02 R-bloggers
Becoming an R developer: the workshop
2022/06/02 R-bloggers
Arrange the rows in a specific sequence in R
2022/06/02 R-bloggers
Announcing pins for Python
2022/06/02 Econometrics and Free Software
R will always be arcane to those who do not make a serious effort to learn it...
2022/06/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What is the role of evidence-free, implausible, or flat-out false anecdotes in social science?
2022/06/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Contest for critically engaging with effective altruism
2022/06/02 Lijin Zhang
2022/06/02 FlowingData
✚ Three Questions to Visualize Data Effectively
2022/06/02 FlowingData
Examination of songs after virality on TikTok
2022/06/02 FlowingData
Catching students cheating with R
2022/06/01 earfanfan | 袁凡
R 中使用 sparkline(迷你图)的笔记
2022/06/01 earfanfan | 袁凡
使用 R 中 crosstalk 包为图形和表格添加刷选和过滤功能的笔记
2022/06/01 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
RStudio Community Monthly Events Roundup - June 2022
2022/06/01 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Announcing RStudio for Microsoft Azure ML
2022/06/01 R-bloggers
RStudio Community Monthly Events Roundup – June 2022
2022/06/01 R-bloggers
Arrange Data by Month in R with example
2022/06/01 R-bloggers
Understanding PCA 3 Factors of the Yield Curve using R code
2022/06/01 R-bloggers
Announcing RStudio for Microsoft Azure ML
2022/06/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Debarkle: The epic saga of how a culture war came to consume science fiction’s most famous literary award”
2022/06/01 FlowingData
Cost of breastfeeding, seen in self-tracked data
2022/05/31 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Designing the Data Science Classroom Workshop at rstudio::conf(2022)
2022/05/31 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Deep Learning with R, Second Edition Book Launch
2022/05/31 R-bloggers
Text Prediction Shiny App pt 1
2022/05/31 R-bloggers
R Shiny in Agriculture – Top 5 Dashboard Examples
2022/05/31 R-bloggers
Non-linear Optimization by using constrOptim.nl R function
2022/05/31 R-bloggers
Modeling with Interaction Terms, and Waffle Chart for Comparing: Immigration Flow to the West
2022/05/31 R-bloggers
Interactive 3d plot in R-Quick Guide
2022/05/31 R-bloggers
{ggblanket}: common x and y scale adjustments
2022/05/31 R-bloggers
Editorial Automation: Why & How to Set Up Chat-Ops for your Own Review System on GitHub
2022/05/31 R-bloggers
Designing the Data Science Classroom Workshop at rstudio::conf(2022)
2022/05/31 R-bloggers
Deep Learning with R, Second Edition Book Launch
2022/05/31 R-bloggers
Creating a Reproducible Example
2022/05/31 Bayesian Spectacles
Let’s Make Some Enemies: A Podcast on “Learning Bayesian Statistics”
2022/05/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Multilevel Regression and Poststratification Case Studies
2022/05/31 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Editorial Automation: Why & How to Set Up Chat-Ops for your Own Review System on GitHub
2022/05/31 FlowingData
Interest levels for political issues mapped
2022/05/30 R-bloggers
How to Perform a Log Rank Test in R
2022/05/30 R-bloggers
April: “Top 40” New CRAN Packages
2022/05/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Troubling conflict of interest at Stat News
2022/05/30 FlowingData
Election modeling explained
2022/05/29 颜林林的个人网站
2022/05/29 R-bloggers
How to compare variances in R
2022/05/29 R-bloggers
8 New Books added to Big Book of R
2022/05/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
B.S. pseudo-expertise has many homes. (Don’t blame the Afghanistan/Iraq war on academic specialization.)
2022/05/28 R-bloggers
Two Sample Proportions test in R-Complete Guide
2022/05/28 R-bloggers
Street Maps (of Some Cities)
2022/05/28 R-bloggers
leaRn! (learn R)
2022/05/28 R-bloggers
Best Books on Data Science with Python
2022/05/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Tuning-Free Generalized Hamiltonian Monte Carlo”
2022/05/28 Home on Xianying's Blog
2022/05/27 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/05/27 R-bloggers
useR! 2022 is almost here / casi ha llegado / approche à grands pas
2022/05/27 R-bloggers
Splitting RCGAL… and the connected components
2022/05/27 R-bloggers
Revisiting a lying chart
2022/05/27 R-bloggers
Natural Gas Prices Are Again on an Unsustainable Upward Trajectory …
2022/05/27 R-bloggers
Calculate the p-Value from Z-Score in R
2022/05/27 R-bloggers
Calculate the P-Value from Chi-Square Statistic in R
2022/05/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
More implausible numbers from Columbia University’s U.S. News ranking
2022/05/27 FlowingData
Charting software that pre-dates Excel
2022/05/26 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/05/26 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang
2022/05/26 R-bloggers
useR! 2022 [all virtual]
2022/05/26 R-bloggers
Think like a programmeR: the workshop
2022/05/26 R-bloggers
Some learnings from functional programming you can use to write safer programs
2022/05/26 R-bloggers
R Packages Download Stats
2022/05/26 R-bloggers
How to Connect Google Earth Engine with R Shiny
2022/05/26 R-bloggers
Biggest Social Advertisers on Facebook
2022/05/26 R-bloggers
An invitation to translate jamovi
2022/05/26 Econometrics and Free Software
Some learnings from functional programming you can use to write safer programs
2022/05/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The worst of both worlds: A comparative analysis of errors in learning from data in psychology and machine learning
2022/05/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Public opinion isn’t always as polarized as you think (no, longstanding opposition to GMOs is not “mostly left,” at least not in the U.S.)
2022/05/26 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, May 2022 Roundup
2022/05/25 R-bloggers
One sample proportion test in R-Complete Guide
2022/05/25 R-bloggers
Calling R From Python With rpy2
2022/05/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why not look at Y?
2022/05/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Failure of Null Hypothesis Significance Testing When Studying Incremental Changes, and What to Do About It
2022/05/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Applied statistics job at Leeds University, research in weather and climate change in partnership with the U.K. Meteorological Office
2022/05/25 FlowingData
U.S. still the outlier for gun homicide rate
2022/05/25 FlowingData
Final texts
2022/05/25 FlowingData
Deaths by Firearm, Compared Against Injury-Related Deaths
2022/05/25 FlowingData
Children exposed to school shootings
2022/05/25 Thinking inside the box
RcppAPT 0.0.9: Minor Update
2022/05/24 R-bloggers
Top 3 Tools to Monitor User Adoption in R Shiny
2022/05/24 R-bloggers
RObservations #31: Using the magick and tesseract packages to examine asterisks within the Noam Elimelech
2022/05/24 R-bloggers
How to add labels at the end of each line in ggplot2?
2022/05/24 R-bloggers
Artificial Intelligence Examples-Quick View
2022/05/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Stylized Facts in the Social Sciences”
2022/05/24 FlowingData
Shrinking war mapped
2022/05/24 FlowingData
Generative sea creatures
2022/05/23 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Real-Time Collaborative Editing on RStudio Cloud
2022/05/23 R-bloggers
Research Software in Academic Hiring and Promotion: A proposal for how to assess it
2022/05/23 R-bloggers
Real-Time Collaborative Editing on RStudio Cloud
2022/05/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Yelp reviews for scientists and pundits?
2022/05/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Webinar: Design of Statistical Modeling Software
2022/05/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
New Yorker : Spy :: Kieran Healy : Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2022/05/23 FlowingData
Lives cut short by Covid
2022/05/23 sesa blog
Ableitung der Koeffizienten der einfachen Regression
2022/05/23 主页 on tc&xy
爱死机 虫群
2022/05/22 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/05/22 R-bloggers
Non-linear Optimization of Nelson-Siegel model using nloptr R package
2022/05/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What happened to that Los Angeles tunnel that Axios was saying was coming “soon” . . . in 2018?
2022/05/22 Home on Jinji
2022/05/21 R-bloggers
Get packages that introduce unique syntax adopted less?
2022/05/21 R-bloggers
Error in sum(List) : invalid ‘type’ (list) of argument
2022/05/21 Econometrics and Free Software
Get packages that introduce unique syntax adopted less?
2022/05/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Film Dialogue from 2,000 screenplays, Broken Down by Gender and Age”
2022/05/21 Thinking inside the box
#37: Introducing r2u with 2 x 19k CRAN binaries for Ubuntu 22.04 and 20.04
2022/05/20 R-bloggers
Sorting in r: sort, order & rank R Functions
2022/05/20 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, May 2022
2022/05/20 R-bloggers
Hierarchical data visualization with Shiny and D3
2022/05/20 R-bloggers
‘Data analysis with tidyverse’ workshop
2022/05/20 R-bloggers
Animated multibarchart with (R)nvd3
2022/05/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The problem with (some) science: How much is it a problem with process and how much is it a problem with substance?
2022/05/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Abortion attitudes in Oklahoma
2022/05/20 Home on Xianying's Blog
2022/05/20 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, May 2022
2022/05/20 FlowingData
R packages useful for sports analytics
2022/05/20 FlowingData
✚ This Time With Purpose
2022/05/20 FlowingData
Nuclear winter explained visually
2022/05/19 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
TinyTeX Users can Install the Full TeX Live Now (It's a few Gigabytes)
2022/05/19 R-bloggers
Subsetting with multiple conditions in R
2022/05/19 R-bloggers
Automating and downloading Google Chrome images with Selenium
2022/05/19 R-bloggers
Accessibility in R applications: {shiny}
2022/05/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Am I the Cookie?
2022/05/19 FlowingData
A color tool for accessible schemes
2022/05/18 earfanfan | 袁凡
echarts4r 包分面及引入新数据的笔记
2022/05/18 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
R Markdown Tips and Tricks #3: Time-savers & Trouble-shooters
2022/05/18 R-bloggers
What is Nylas, why did I join and why should you care?
2022/05/18 R-bloggers
Using R and {paws} to populate DynamoDB tables #2
2022/05/18 R-bloggers
R Markdown Tips and Tricks #3: Time-savers & Trouble-shooters
2022/05/18 R-bloggers
chronicler is now available on CRAN
2022/05/18 Econometrics and Free Software
chronicler is now available on CRAN
2022/05/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Doing Mister P with multiple outcomes
2022/05/18 FlowingData
Behind the million
2022/05/17 R-bloggers
Using Leonardo SVG Palettes in R
2022/05/17 R-bloggers
Top 5 Data Science Take-Home Challenges in R Programming Language
2022/05/17 R-bloggers
New nonlinear least squares solvers in R with {gslnls}
2022/05/17 R-bloggers
googleVis 0.7.0 adds Gantt charts
2022/05/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I had big plans for that four-fifths of a penny: False precision and fraud
2022/05/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Do celebrated scientists have the free will to admit they are wrong? Not always!
2022/05/17 FlowingData
Statistical personality quiz matches you to fictional characters
2022/05/16 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Software Development Resources for Data Scientists
2022/05/16 R-bloggers
Software Development Resources for Data Scientists
2022/05/16 R-bloggers
Requiring 2FA for Our Main GitHub Organization
2022/05/16 R-bloggers
Part 3 – Yet Another PSO Article with R
2022/05/16 R-bloggers
Launch of R Screencasts
2022/05/16 R-bloggers
Koh-Lanta 2022: the ambassadors probability problem
2022/05/16 R-bloggers
How to draw heatmap in r: Quick and Easy way
2022/05/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
More discussion of differential privacy at the Census
2022/05/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Buying things vs. buying experiences (vs. buying nothing at all): Again, we see a stock-versus-flow confusion
2022/05/16 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Requiring 2FA for Our Main GitHub Organization
2022/05/16 Lijin Zhang
2022/05/16 Freakonometrics
Défi tête rasée (seconde note personnelle)
2022/05/16 FlowingData
Reaching 1 million deaths
2022/05/15 R-bloggers
Self-documenting {ggplot}s thanks to the power of monads!
2022/05/15 R-bloggers
Player Performance Estimation using AI Collaborative Filtering
2022/05/15 R-bloggers
Change ggplot2 Theme Color in R ggthemr Package
2022/05/15 R-bloggers
Best Books to Learn R Programming
2022/05/15 Econometrics and Free Software
Self-documenting {ggplot}s thanks to the power of monads!
2022/05/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“A much bigger problem is the tension between the difficulty of statistics and the demand for it to be simple and readily available.”
2022/05/15 Freakonometrics
20 ans du Master Mathématiques et applications – Actuariat – à Paris Dauphine
2022/05/15 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
marker gene selection using logistic regression and regularization for scRNAseq
2022/05/15 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: Updates
2022/05/14 R-bloggers
Mastering Shiny — 4.8 Exercise 1: Next and Back Button
2022/05/14 R-bloggers
IRRBB Interest Rate Shock Scenarios using R code
2022/05/14 R-bloggers
How to make a rounded corner bar plot in R?
2022/05/14 R-bloggers
ggblanket: making beautiful ggplot2 visualisation simpler
2022/05/14 R-bloggers
Boolean operations on meshes with R(CGAL)
2022/05/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Causal” is like “error term”: it’s what we say when we’re not trying to model the process.
2022/05/13 R-bloggers
Shiny in Production (2022)
2022/05/13 R-bloggers
‘R basics – objects, functions and operations’ workshop
2022/05/13 R-bloggers
How to perform the Kruskal-Wallis test in R?
2022/05/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
We have really everything in common with machine learning nowadays, except, of course, language.
2022/05/13 FlowingData
Inflation based on your spending
2022/05/12 R-bloggers
The importance of web accessibility standards
2022/05/12 R-bloggers
Free workshop on how to learn R
2022/05/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
New twitter feed: StatPapers
2022/05/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Provisional draft of the Neurips code of ethics
2022/05/12 FlowingData
How Much Time We Spend Alone and With Others
2022/05/11 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/05/11 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Two Upcoming Changes in TinyTeX and tinytex
2022/05/11 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Exploring RStudio's Visual Markdown Editor
2022/05/11 R-bloggers
Exploring RStudio’s Visual Markdown Editor
2022/05/11 R-bloggers
Alignment cheatsheet
2022/05/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Jamaican me crazy one more time
2022/05/11 Julia Silge
Predict #TidyTuesday NYT bestsellers
2022/05/11 FlowingData
Chart used as drink label
2022/05/11 sesa blog
Importing data into R
2022/05/10 Robin Lovelace
The power of open, interactive, dynamic and participatory data in transport planning
2022/05/10 R-bloggers
5 Key Data Visualization Principles Explained – Examples in R
2022/05/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
New twitter feed: StatRetro
2022/05/10 FlowingData
Scale of one million deaths
2022/05/09 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/05/09 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/05/09 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/05/09 R-bloggers
New Member Pfizer Joins R Consortium
2022/05/09 R-bloggers
Learning Path: Introduction to R
2022/05/09 R-bloggers
How to embed a Shiny app into your blog posts
2022/05/09 R-bloggers
Building a multi-session {shiny} application with {brochure}
2022/05/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Public opinion on abortion (David Weakliem’s summary of the polls)
2022/05/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Ben Lerner is a reboot of Jonathan Franzen (and that’s a good thing)
2022/05/09 Rob J Hyndman
MSTL: A Seasonal-Trend Decomposition Algorithm for Time Series with Multiple Seasonal Patterns
2022/05/09 FlowingData
Formula 1 car redesign
2022/05/09 FlowingData
F1 Racing results plotted as lightning
2022/05/09 sesa blog
Rowwise NA
2022/05/09 sesa blog
Comparing Jamovi and rstanarm
2022/05/08 R-bloggers
Comparing performances of CSV to RDS, Parquet, and Feather file formats in R
2022/05/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How should journals handle submissions of non-reproducible research?
2022/05/07 R-bloggers
Color-Swapping Film Palettes in R with imager, ggplot2, and kmeans
2022/05/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“How fake science is infiltrating scientific journals”
2022/05/07 主页 on tc&xy
2022/05/06 R-bloggers
Model evaluation with presence points and raster predictions
2022/05/06 R-bloggers
Key Rate Duration using R code
2022/05/06 R-bloggers
Analyze your Twitter timeline with {rtweet} and {lubridate}
2022/05/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My (remote) talks at UNC biostat, 12-13 May
2022/05/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Ask the polling expert
2022/05/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Opportunity for political scientists and economists to participate in the Multi100 replication project!
2022/05/06 FlowingData
Global warming bike path
2022/05/06 Thinking inside the box
RProtoBuf 0.4.19 on CRAN: Updates
2022/05/06 Home on Jinji
2022/05/05 Robin Lovelace
The Potential of `Bike & Ride' To Prioritize Investment in Suburban Cycling and Public Transport Infrastructure: A Case Study of Seville
2022/05/05 R-bloggers
The Success Paradox: Why even a little Bit of Luck often beats Skill
2022/05/05 R-bloggers
The link between Food Hygiene Ratings and Deprivation
2022/05/05 R-bloggers
The basics of prototyping and exporting your plots in R
2022/05/05 R-bloggers
Mastering Git and GitHub: the hands-on workshop
2022/05/05 R-bloggers
A short note on the startsWith function
2022/05/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Giving an honest talk
2022/05/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Controversy over California Math Framework report
2022/05/05 FlowingData
✚ Chart Tool Snob
2022/05/05 FlowingData
Number of abortions in each state, by restriction status
2022/05/05 Thinking inside the box
RQuantLib 0.4.16 on CRAN: Small Updates
2022/05/04 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
RStudio Community Monthly Events Roundup - May 2022
2022/05/04 R-bloggers
Storytelling in ggplot using rounded rectangles
2022/05/04 R-bloggers
RStudio Community Monthly Events Roundup – May 2022
2022/05/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A journal is like a crew
2022/05/04 Home on Xianying's Blog
2022/05/04 FlowingData
Procedural dungeons in R
2022/05/04 FlowingData
Map of clinics at risk of closure
2022/05/04 FlowingData
Beef and the rainforest
2022/05/03 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/05/03 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/05/03 R-bloggers
truncated mixtures
2022/05/03 R-bloggers
ML for the Lazy: Can AutoML Beat My Model?
2022/05/03 R-bloggers
{fusen} v0.4 – 14 developers tips and tricks
2022/05/03 R-bloggers
Data Cleaning in R: 2 R Packages to Clean and Validate Datasets
2022/05/03 R-bloggers
Carry and Roll-Down on a Yield Curve using R code
2022/05/03 R-bloggers
Announcing R/Medicine 2022!
2022/05/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Humans interacting with the human-computer interaction literature
2022/05/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Google’s problems with reproducibility
2022/05/03 Rob J Hyndman
Distributed ARIMA Models for Ultra-long Time Series
2022/05/03 Lijin Zhang
2022/05/03 FlowingData
Tucker Carlson word usage and patterns
2022/05/03 FlowingData
State policy if Roe v. Wade were overturned
2022/05/03 FlowingData
Scale of atoms
2022/05/02 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Announcing Sitewide Search on rstudio.com
2022/05/02 R-bloggers
New Workshops Series Kick-off
2022/05/02 R-bloggers
Announcing Sitewide Search on rstudio.com
2022/05/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Probabilistic feature analysis of facial perception of emotions
2022/05/02 FlowingData
A test for a potentially flawed study on randomness and age
2022/05/02 sesa blog
Kontigenztabellen in R
2022/05/02 sesa blog
Energie sparen (!)
2022/05/02 sesa blog
Empirische Verteilungsfunktion
2022/05/01 R-bloggers
Little useless-useful R functions – Finding total sum of all sub-arrays and sum of maximums
2022/05/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
They start out so friendly and they end up so bossy. What’s with that? (This is a job for Wolfram Research.)
2022/05/01 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Honey, I Serialized the Data
2022/04/30 R-bloggers
Using R and {paws} to populate DynamoDB tables
2022/04/30 R-bloggers
Separating Code from Presentation in Jupyter Notebooks
2022/04/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2022/04/29 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
With Quarto Coming, is R Markdown Going Away? No.
2022/04/29 颜林林的个人网站
2022/04/29 R-bloggers
Military Expenditure Estimation with RJAGS Simulation
2022/04/29 R-bloggers
Little useless-useful R functions – Animating datasets
2022/04/29 R-bloggers
2022/04/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How many clusters? And a Declaration of Selection Bias.
2022/04/29 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Don't Lose your HEAD over Default Branches
2022/04/29 Freakonometrics
Equité et discrimination en assurance
2022/04/28 earfanfan | 袁凡
用 R 中 echarts4r 包画花的笔记
2022/04/28 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Substitute the magrittr Pipe '%>%' with R's Native Pipe Operator '|>'
2022/04/28 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
rstudio::conf(2022) Workshops
2022/04/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why I’m skeptical of “steelmanning”: By bending over backward to see things from the other person’s point of view, you’re implicitly dismissing other perspectives.
2022/04/28 L. Collado-Torres
Data-driven Identification of Total RNA Expression Genes (TREGs) for Estimation of RNA Abundance in Heterogeneous Cell Types
2022/04/28 L. Collado-Torres
SpatialExperiment: infrastructure for spatially resolved transcriptomics data in R using Bioconductor
2022/04/28 Freakonometrics
Report des voix entre les deux tours aux élections présidentielles en France
2022/04/28 Freakonometrics
Pareto models for top incomes and wealth
2022/04/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey, check this out, it’s really cool: A Bayesian framework for interpreting findings from impact evaluations.
2022/04/26 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Speed Up Data Analytics and Wrangling With Parquet Files
2022/04/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Elites giving advice to elites giving advice to elites
2022/04/26 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
RSS, fantastic tool for keeping up-to-date
2022/04/25 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
RStudio Community Table Gallery
2022/04/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Webinar: Making synthetic data look real using conditional GANs
2022/04/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Dan Luu on internet writing
2022/04/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
More news on Columbia University’s apparent manipulation of numbers that go into its U.S. News ranking. (Spoiler: it’s not good news.)
2022/04/25 cderv's blog
Updating existing tools in Github-hosted runners on GHA
2022/04/25 Home on Jinji
2022/04/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The perils of (apparently) logical thinking
2022/04/24 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Five Minute Shiny: Skeleton Loading Screen
2022/04/24 Homepage on Jemma Stachelek
Book review - The Ministry for the Future
2022/04/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Warner Music Group wants to hire Bayesians!
2022/04/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bo’s Bagels is good.
2022/04/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How junk science persists in academia, news media, and social media: Resistance to the resistance
2022/04/22 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, April 2022
2022/04/22 Freakonometrics
Talk at the ASTIN-IAA Webinar on discrimination and fairness
2022/04/22 Posts on Cyrus Yip | 叶寻
小米 9 SE 刷欧版 MIUI 记录
2022/04/21 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Successfully Putting Shiny in Production
2022/04/21 R-bloggers
Successfully Putting Shiny in Production
2022/04/21 R-bloggers
Shiny Workshops and Tutorials – Appsilon Shiny Conference
2022/04/21 R-bloggers
RObservations #30: Fixing R’s “messy string concatenation” with a special function
2022/04/21 R-bloggers
How to create your own functions in R
2022/04/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Jamaican me crazy: the return of the overestimated effect of early childhood intervention
2022/04/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Despite its title, tomorrow’s post is not about beef patties.
2022/04/21 FlowingData
✚ Stuck in a Form – The Process 186
2022/04/21 FlowingData
Earth Reviews
2022/04/20 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang
2022/04/20 R-bloggers
Re-introducing mirai – a minimalist async evaluation framework for R
2022/04/20 R-bloggers
Announcing Ascent as the new hosts for EARL 2022
2022/04/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Politics and covid: Interesting example of aggregation and correlation
2022/04/20 L. Collado-Torres
BiocMAP: A Bioconductor-friendly, GPU-Accelerated Pipeline for Bisulfite-Sequencing Data
2022/04/20 Freakonometrics
Workshop on fairness and discrimination in insurance (on May 13th)
2022/04/20 FlowingData
Calculating win probabilities
2022/04/20 FlowingData
Agent-based modeling in JavaScript
2022/04/20 主页 on 铜牙铁岚纪晓嘴
2022/04/19 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Advocate for Data Science at Your Organization
2022/04/19 R-bloggers
Theory and Methods for Inference in Multi-armed Bandit Problems
2022/04/19 R-bloggers
MLDataR – Real-world Datasets for Machine Learning Applications
2022/04/19 R-bloggers
Getting started with Python using R and reticulate
2022/04/19 R-bloggers
Editorial Challenges and Solutions in Software Peer Review
2022/04/19 R-bloggers
Designing a Kaggle Notebooks Competition
2022/04/19 R-bloggers
Advocate for Data Science at Your Organization
2022/04/19 Bayesian Spectacles
Henri Poincaré: Unconscious Thought Theory Avant la Lettre
2022/04/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When are cognitive forcing functions interesting?
2022/04/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Code. Never. Lies.
2022/04/19 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Editorial Challenges and Solutions in Software Peer Review
2022/04/19 FlowingData
Wildfires and floods, a geographic before and after
2022/04/19 FlowingData
Scraping public data ruled legal
2022/04/19 sesa blog
3D Regression plane with scatter plot
2022/04/18 R-bloggers
Text Analysis of Job Descriptions for Data Scientists, Data Engineers, Machine Learning Engineers and Data Analysts
2022/04/18 R-bloggers
Linking R and Python to retrieve financial data and plot a candlestick
2022/04/18 R-bloggers
Bayesian analyses made easy: GLMMs in R package brms
2022/04/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Again on the problems with technology that makes it more convenient to gamble away your money
2022/04/18 FlowingData
Tax services want your data
2022/04/18 FlowingData
Redrafting the NBA, based on past player performance
2022/04/17 R-bloggers
WTF is Kubernetes and Should I Care as R User?
2022/04/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Asymmetries in research misconduct in collaborations
2022/04/17 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Five Minute Shiny: File Input Area Widget
2022/04/16 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/04/16 R-bloggers
Simple R merge method and how to compare it with T-SQL
2022/04/16 R-bloggers
Ever wondered how the probability of the null hypothesis being true changes given a significant result?
2022/04/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Spam is so much fun! But sometimes it’s baffling.
2022/04/15 R-bloggers
Trends in Back Pain
2022/04/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Switch 500,000 (not 45,000) votes and Trump would’ve tied in the electoral college.
2022/04/15 Lijin Zhang
2022/04/15 Freakonometrics
Défi tête rasée (petite note personnelle)
2022/04/15 FlowingData
Tonga shockwave around the world
2022/04/15 FlowingData
Ross Ihaka, co-creator of R, reflects on the language
2022/04/14 R-bloggers
R-Ladies Cologne joins the family
2022/04/14 R-bloggers
How to collect dataviz from Twitter into your note-taking system
2022/04/14 R-bloggers
Billionaires and Taxes
2022/04/14 R-bloggers
Appsilon Shiny Conference Panels
2022/04/14 R-bloggers
A *simple* introduction to ggplot2 (for plotting your data!)
2022/04/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2022/04/14 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Five Minute Shiny: Implement the Missing Switch Input with Bootstrap 5
2022/04/14 FlowingData
✚ Manually – The Process 185
2022/04/14 FlowingData
Comparing rich people incomes and the taxes they pay
2022/04/13 R-bloggers
Selection bias and observed values
2022/04/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The accidental experiment that saved 700 lives
2022/04/13 FlowingData
Social Media Usage by Age
2022/04/13 Thinking inside the box
drat 0.2.3 on CRAN: Arm M1 Support
2022/04/12 Yongfu's Blog
2022/04/12 R-bloggers
Windows update: JAGS 4.3.1 is released
2022/04/12 R-bloggers
To impute or not: the case of an RCT with baseline and follow-up measurements
2022/04/12 R-bloggers
The sftime Package
2022/04/12 R-bloggers
Propensity Score Matching
2022/04/12 R-bloggers
Predicting Twenty 20 Cricket Result with Tidy Models
2022/04/12 R-bloggers
Bayesian Estimation of Nelson-Siegel model using rjags R package
2022/04/12 Bayesian Spectacles
A Deterministic View on Life
2022/04/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Gigerenzer: “On the Supposed Evidence for Libertarian Paternalism”
2022/04/12 FlowingData
When people eat dinner in Europe
2022/04/12 Blogs on GeoHealth
Building R packages
2022/04/11 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
RStudio Connect Python Minimum Version Update
2022/04/11 R-bloggers
Why you should(n’t) care about Monads if you’re an R programmer
2022/04/11 R-bloggers
The first draft of “Forecasting and Analytics with ADAM”
2022/04/11 R-bloggers
RStudio Connect Python Minimum Version Update
2022/04/11 Econometrics and Free Software
Why you should(n't) care about Monads if you're an R programmer
2022/04/11 The Coatless Professor
RcppEnsmallen v0. Released - New Optimizers Yogi, DemonSGD, DemonAdam, AdaBelief, and AdaSqrt!
2022/04/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Does Ben Lerner play poker?
2022/04/11 FlowingData
Jeff Bezos wealth to scale
2022/04/11 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Robust Analysis of Cancer Heterogeneity for High-dimensional Data
2022/04/10 R-bloggers
Indexing Iterations with set_names()
2022/04/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Mark Palko, Doug Rivers, and Nate Silver scooped us!
2022/04/10 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Building Paginated News Lists in R Markdown and Shiny with DT
2022/04/10 About on Aaron Simumba
2022/04/10 Thinking inside the box
RcppRedis 0.2.1: Maintenance
2022/04/09 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/04/09 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/04/09 颜林林的个人网站
2022/04/09 R-bloggers
Bayesian Estimation by using rjags Package
2022/04/09 R-bloggers
A Fresh Lick of Paint
2022/04/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey—check out this post from 2006 when I was mellow . . . actually too mellow, too nice, and too understanding
2022/04/09 Julia Silge
Handling model coefficients for #TidyTuesday collegiate sports
2022/04/08 R-bloggers
Why I like XPath, XML and HTML
2022/04/08 R-bloggers
Upcoming R conferences (2022)
2022/04/08 R-bloggers
Iterating on the GSS
2022/04/08 R-bloggers
Australian GP FP2
2022/04/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some discussion of “how to get confident with statistics”: Reading, practicing, talking, and questioning
2022/04/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Different effect sizes used in statistics/psychometrics or machine learning; what should this researcher do?
2022/04/08 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Why I like XPath, XML and HTML
2022/04/08 FlowingData
More gender-neutral names
2022/04/08 sesa blog
Das arithmetische Mittel minimiert die Abweichungsquadrate
2022/04/08 sesa blog
Median minimiert Absolutabweichungen
2022/04/08 Thinking inside the box
RcppEigen on CRAN: Maintenance
2022/04/08 About | 关于 on
Some Resources for Alternative Grading
2022/04/07 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/04/07 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Make robust, modular dashboards with golem and graveler
2022/04/07 R-bloggers
SFTP in R on a Mac
2022/04/07 R-bloggers
Make robust, modular dashboards with golem and graveler
2022/04/07 R-bloggers
A Macroeconomics Dashboard on Turkey Inflation
2022/04/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Continuing uncertainty regarding what was going on in Santa Clara county, California, in April 2020
2022/04/07 FlowingData
Working the triple peak
2022/04/07 FlowingData
✚ Overlapping Lines – The Process 184
2022/04/07 Home on Jinji
Endless Pain Comes from Ignorance
2022/04/06 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Mark Your Calendar for the Appsilon Shiny Conference
2022/04/06 R-bloggers
RObservations #28 Canada’s Political Leadership and Inflation (Another Kaggle Contribution)
2022/04/06 R-bloggers
R Users Group Seville, Spain Looks Forward to Interactive Hybrid Events in the Future
2022/04/06 R-bloggers
Paper: ‘Semi-Markov modeling for cancer insurance’
2022/04/06 R-bloggers
How to make a boxplot in R
2022/04/06 R-bloggers
Finding Economic Articles with Data: Now with URL Parameters
2022/04/06 R-bloggers
Dynamic schema, table and column names in SQL Server queries as a gateway to functional programming with R
2022/04/06 R-bloggers
Dynamic schema, table and column names in SQL Server queries as a gateway to functional programming with R
2022/04/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What should he read to pivot into research with a Bayesian focus?
2022/04/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Teaching visualization
2022/04/06 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Adaptive ggplot2 Color Scales with Color Interpolation
2022/04/06 Freakonometrics
Manuel d’Assurance, dernière ligne droite
2022/04/06 FlowingData
Oscar outfits as public health graphs
2022/04/06 FlowingData
Lessons learned from making covid dashboards
2022/04/05 颜林林的个人网站
Google Analytics升级至v4
2022/04/05 R-bloggers
R Shiny in Government – Top 7 Dashboards You Should See
2022/04/05 R-bloggers
8 (octo!) GitHub Tips
2022/04/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
(Further ranting on Public Choice’s terrible decision:) If Uri Geller submits a paper claiming to have photographs of the Loch Ness monster, you don’t just say, Hey, the photos look real, let’s go publish!
2022/04/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Confidence intervals, compatability intervals, uncertainty intervals
2022/04/05 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
8 (octo!) GitHub Tips
2022/04/05 Freakonometrics
Modéliser la contagion
2022/04/05 FlowingData
Ukraine’s defense in Kyiv
2022/04/05 首页 on 楚新元 | All in R
用 R 调用高德地图实现网点位置可视化
2022/04/04 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Teaching Data Science in the Cloud
2022/04/04 R-bloggers
Update On ESC/POS Package Work
2022/04/04 R-bloggers
Teaching Data Science in the Cloud
2022/04/04 R-bloggers
R Access to Twitter’s V2 API
2022/04/04 R-bloggers
Python and R have matrix and simple loops. What can you use in T-SQL?
2022/04/04 R-bloggers
News from ESGtoolkit, ycinterextra, and nnetsauce
2022/04/04 R-bloggers
{emayili} Encrypted Email with Mailfence
2022/04/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Two truths and a lie” as a class-participation activity (and some more general comments on integrating active learning into a statistics class)
2022/04/04 FlowingData
Literacy Scores by Country, in Reading, Math, and Science
2022/04/04 Alison Hill
We don't talk about Quarto
2022/04/04 Thinking inside the box
RcppSpdlog 0.0.8 on CRAN: Upstream Update
2022/04/04 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: Upstream Updates
2022/04/03 R-bloggers
Turning {ggplot2} Into a PoS (Point-of-Sale) System
2022/04/03 R-bloggers
IPL 2022: Near real-time analytics with GooglyPlusPlus!!!
2022/04/03 R-bloggers
Greatly Revised Edition of Tidyverse Skeptic
2022/04/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The journal Public Choice goes the way of Lancet and publishes a paper that is “riddled with errors” but comes to a political conclusion that they want to support.
2022/04/02 R-bloggers
DuckDB: Quacking SQL
2022/04/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Why the New Pollution Literature is Credible” . . . but I’m still guessing that the effects are being overestimated:
2022/04/02 sesa blog
Visualizing variation in data, simple ideas
2022/04/02 sesa blog
Simple nomnoml in R examples
2022/04/02 sesa blog
How to import GoogleSheets into R
2022/04/01 earfanfan | 袁凡
oracle 笔记-排序和递归查询
2022/04/01 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
RStudio Community Monthly Events Roundup - April 2022
2022/04/01 R-bloggers
New features in R 4.2.0
2022/04/01 R-bloggers
RStudio Community Monthly Events Roundup – April 2022
2022/04/01 Econometrics and Free Software
The {chronicler} package, an implementation of the logger monad in R
2022/04/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The epidemiologists and the Kardashians, and the difficulty of introducing satire in scientific discourse
2022/04/01 FlowingData
Russia’s logistics problems
2022/04/01 FlowingData
1950 Census released by U.S. National Archives
2022/04/01 Thinking inside the box
RInside 0.2.17
2022/03/31 R-bloggers
What is a horizon chart?
2022/03/31 R-bloggers
New(ish) paper: Share the code, not just the data: A case study of the reproducibility of JML articles published under the open data policy
2022/03/31 R-bloggers
New R package yfR
2022/03/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Non-stochastic probability”??
2022/03/31 Freakonometrics
Algorithmes : garder le contrôle
2022/03/31 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, March 2022 Roundup
2022/03/31 FlowingData
Climate spiral to show temperature change
2022/03/30 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/03/30 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Track Shiny App User Activity With the RStudio Connect Server API
2022/03/30 R-bloggers
Track Shiny App User Activity With the RStudio Connect Server API
2022/03/30 R-bloggers
How I analyze 100+ ggplots at once
2022/03/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
One-sided journalism and the fundamental attribution error
2022/03/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
International Workshop on Statistical Modelling – IWSM 2022 in Trieste (Italy)
2022/03/30 Home on Xianying's Blog
Render Rnw and Email PDF reports in RStudio Connect
2022/03/30 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Architecting Large Shiny Apps with Minimal First Contentful Paint Time
2022/03/30 FlowingData
Most people think their employers don’t care about their well-being
2022/03/30 FlowingData
Defining color palettes for all your charts
2022/03/30 Posts on Cyrus Yip | 叶寻
为何红茶叫 black tea
2022/03/29 R-bloggers
Using R to detect the pressure wave from the 2022 Hunga Tonga eruption in personal weather station data
2022/03/29 R-bloggers
Simulating time-to-event outcomes with non-proportional hazards
2022/03/29 R-bloggers
Search through your ecological data with the ‘grep()’ function
2022/03/29 R-bloggers
scikit-learn models in R with reticulate
2022/03/29 R-bloggers
rsnps 0.5.0: New ncbi_snp_query() Features
2022/03/29 R-bloggers
R Shiny in Life Sciences – Top 7 Dashboard Examples
2022/03/29 R-bloggers
How to download Kobotoolbox data in R
2022/03/29 R-bloggers
COVID-19 Data Hub Paper Published in Nature Scientific Data
2022/03/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“We should only let data speak for themselves when they have learned to clean themselves”
2022/03/29 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rsnps 0.5.0: New ncbi_snp_query() Features
2022/03/29 FlowingData
Potential coronavirus mutations
2022/03/29 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Single-Cell Analysis 101: Current Approaches and Open Questions
2022/03/29 Thinking inside the box
RcppBDT 0.2.5: Maintenance
2022/03/28 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Shiny Wordle Word Journey
2022/03/28 R-bloggers
Using R/fitzRoy to ask: how many times a V/AFL team with the same lineup has played together?
2022/03/28 R-bloggers
Shiny Wordle Word Journey
2022/03/28 R-bloggers
RObservations #27: Canadian Prime Minister’s Dataset (my “first” Kaggle submission)
2022/03/28 R-bloggers
Nuclear Threat Projection with Neural Network Time Series Forecasting
2022/03/28 R-bloggers
Kadane’s algorithm – finding maximum sum in contigous sub-array
2022/03/28 R-bloggers
February 2022: “Top 40” New CRAN Packages
2022/03/28 R-bloggers
An R alternative to pairs for -omics QC
2022/03/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Open AI gets GPT-3 to work by hiring an army of humans to fix GPT’s bad answers. Interesting questions involving the mix of humans and computer algorithms in Open AI’s GPT-3 program
2022/03/28 FlowingData
Charting all the vehicles of James Bond
2022/03/28 sesa blog
Simulation des wiederholten Stichprobenziehens
2022/03/28 Posts on R-Ladies Blog
Request for Proposal - Javascript Development (Contract Work)
2022/03/28 Thinking inside the box
RcppCNPy 0.2.11
2022/03/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The examples you see in the textbooks are not representative of the sorts of problems you see in the real world
2022/03/26 R-bloggers
Codegolfing Minecraft Lighting
2022/03/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Evolutionary psychology in economics: Mo papers, mo problems
2022/03/26 Freakonometrics
Simulation & IA 2022, in Corsica
2022/03/25 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/03/25 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Announcing A Stroke of Innovation
2022/03/25 R-bloggers
The Mondrianomies
2022/03/25 R-bloggers
How to use functional programming for ggplot
2022/03/25 R-bloggers
Announcing A Stroke of Innovation
2022/03/25 R-bloggers
55,000 in Awards for Energy & Buildings Hackathon, Sponsored by NYSERDA
2022/03/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Harvard got conned.
2022/03/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Advice for the government on communicating uncertainty
2022/03/25 FlowingData
Partisan excess deaths
2022/03/25 FlowingData
Intercepted Russian radio communications
2022/03/25 free range statistics
Smoothing charts of Supreme Court Justice nomination results
2022/03/24 R-bloggers
Wide To Long Form data in R
2022/03/24 R-bloggers
Kruskal-Wallis test, or the nonparametric version of the ANOVA
2022/03/24 R-bloggers
Joe Cheng and Winston Chang at the Appsilon Shiny Conference
2022/03/24 R-bloggers
How to use Lowess Smoothing in R with example
2022/03/24 R-bloggers
EU’s Natural Gas Imports from Russia. Numbers and Thoughts.
2022/03/24 R-bloggers
CRAN package development is addictive
2022/03/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Teddy, don’t be a hero, don’t fall in love with your story / Teddy, don’t be a hero, there’s more to science than glory
2022/03/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
He’s a devops engineer and he wants to set some thresholds. Where should he go to figure out what to do?
2022/03/24 Freakonometrics
Journée de l’actuariat IARD
2022/03/24 Freakonometrics
Journée COVEA sur l’équité en assurance
2022/03/24 FlowingData
✚ Double Check Twice, Edit Once – The Process 182
2022/03/24 FlowingData
Pollution by the rich versus poor
2022/03/24 FlowingData
Days since record-high temperatures
2022/03/24 Home on Jinji
2022/03/23 Homepage on Liangliang's Homepage
绘制不同分布的 QQ 图
2022/03/23 R-bloggers
The cursed Morgan Stanley Covid-19 visualization
2022/03/23 R-bloggers
Summer School on Statistical Methods for Linguistics and Psychology, Sept. 12-16, 2022 (applications close April 1)
2022/03/23 R-bloggers
Short course and keynote on statistical methods at Ghent Summer School on Methods in Language Sciences
2022/03/23 R-bloggers
Select Columns by Index Using dplyr
2022/03/23 R-bloggers
Searching and browsing the R universe
2022/03/23 R-bloggers
New paper in Computational Brain and Behavior: Sample size determination in Bayesian Linear Mixed Models
2022/03/23 R-bloggers
Median of Numbers-Definition, Formula
2022/03/23 R-bloggers
Learning about data structures in R
2022/03/23 R-bloggers
How to Use do.call in R with examples
2022/03/23 R-bloggers
Developer diary for {ggshakeR} 0.1.2 (a package for soccer analytics viz): Implementing Github Actions CI tools (codecov, lintr, etc.) into the workflow!
2022/03/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Could the so-called “fragility index” be useful as a conceptual tool even though it would be a bad idea to actually use it?
2022/03/23 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Searching and browsing the R universe
2022/03/23 FlowingData
Total refugees from Ukraine, compared to other countries
2022/03/23 sesa blog
Streaming aus den Hörsaal, ein einfacher Ansatz
2022/03/22 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Creating APIs for Data Science With plumber
2022/03/22 R-bloggers
Shiny: Fast Data Loading with fst
2022/03/22 R-bloggers
Safeguards and Backups for GitHub Organizations
2022/03/22 R-bloggers
paste & paste0 Functions in R to Concatenate Strings
2022/03/22 R-bloggers
How to Use R and Python Together? Try These 2 Packages
2022/03/22 R-bloggers
How long would you live if you were immortal?
2022/03/22 R-bloggers
Creating APIs for Data Science With plumber
2022/03/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Pushing back at pushing back at generational stereotypes
2022/03/22 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Safeguards and Backups for GitHub Organizations
2022/03/22 Rob J Hyndman
Developing good research habits
2022/03/22 FlowingData
Who Takes Care of the Kids, By Household Income
2022/03/22 FlowingData
Imports to Russia from countries that imposed sanctions and not
2022/03/21 R-bloggers
R Summary Statistics Table
2022/03/21 R-bloggers
Little useless-useful R functions – benchmarking vectors and data.frames on simple GroupBy problem
2022/03/21 R-bloggers
Data Science on Blockchain with R. Part III: Helium based IoT is taking the world
2022/03/21 R-bloggers
Coding style, coding etiquette
2022/03/21 R-bloggers
Best Way to Upgrade to R 4.1.3 with RStudio Desktop Mac/Windows/Linux in 2022
2022/03/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The horseshoe rears its ugly head once more (Lancet edition)
2022/03/21 OmicX
Run MrBayes Along With Beagle-lib
2022/03/21 FlowingData
US spending on Ukraine
2022/03/20 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/03/20 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/03/20 R-bloggers
Scale: Organisms & Organizations
2022/03/20 R-bloggers
Projects for Data Science Beginners
2022/03/20 R-bloggers
Mesmerizing multi-scale Turing patterns in R with Rcpp
2022/03/20 R-bloggers
Group wise Correlation in R
2022/03/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Sleep, cats, and statistical significance: This one hits the Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science sweet spot!
2022/03/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Cleverly brute force”
2022/03/20 Freakonometrics
Du “Fichier des Victimes Indemnisées” à DataJust (et inversement)
2022/03/19 R-bloggers
String pad to the column in R
2022/03/19 R-bloggers
Finding Happiness in ‘The Smoke’
2022/03/19 R-bloggers
5 New books added to Big Book of R
2022/03/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
People are complicated.
2022/03/19 Freakonometrics
Exposé à Nanterre sur les accidents corporels
2022/03/19 首页 on 楚新元 | All in R
2022/03/18 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Call for talks deadline extended!
2022/03/18 R-bloggers
Using R to Win Worldle
2022/03/18 R-bloggers
Time for a new workshop series!
2022/03/18 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, March 2022
2022/03/18 R-bloggers
nanonext – how it provides a concurrency framework for R
2022/03/18 R-bloggers
Call for talks deadline extended!
2022/03/18 R-bloggers
Bootstrap Confidence Interval R
2022/03/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The spread of misinformation: A pattern we see over and over
2022/03/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The 100 percent figure was rounded up”
2022/03/18 Home on Xianying's Blog
2022/03/18 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, March 2022
2022/03/18 FlowingData
Sunrise times with permanent Day Light Saving
2022/03/17 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/03/17 R-bloggers
{tvthemes 1.3.0} is on CRAN: ‘Steven Universe’-themed color palettes for ggplot2!
2022/03/17 R-bloggers
How to remove Scientific Notation in R
2022/03/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Lysenko! He’s baaaaack . . .
2022/03/17 FlowingData
✚ For Your Own Approval – The Process 181
2022/03/17 FlowingData
Abortion restrictions in the U.S. mapped
2022/03/17 Thinking inside the box
Rcpp Hotfixing Hotfix
2022/03/16 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Announcing RStudio Academy
2022/03/16 R-bloggers
UPDATE: Successful R-based Test Package Submitted to FDA
2022/03/16 R-bloggers
R Data types 101, or What kind of data do I have?
2022/03/16 R-bloggers
How to calculate proportion in a table
2022/03/16 R-bloggers
How to Add Text to a Plot in R
2022/03/16 R-bloggers
Copy ‘plotly’ image to the clipboard
2022/03/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Economic Fables” by Ariel Rubinstein
2022/03/16 Julia Silge
Poisson regression for #TidyTuesday counts of R package vignettes
2022/03/16 FlowingData
Your place in the world population
2022/03/16 FlowingData
✚ How to Make Cartograms in R
2022/03/15 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Curating Your Data Science Content on RStudio Connect
2022/03/15 R-bloggers
measurement units
2022/03/15 R-bloggers
How to Calculate a Bootstrap Standard Error in R
2022/03/15 R-bloggers
Deutschsprachiges Online Shiny Training von eoda
2022/03/15 R-bloggers
Dashboards in R Shiny
2022/03/15 R-bloggers
Curating Your Data Science Content on RStudio Connect
2022/03/15 R-bloggers
Adding competing risks in survival data generation
2022/03/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Talks from our mini-conference, MRI Together: A global workshop on Open Science and Reproducible MR Research
2022/03/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A checklist for data graphics
2022/03/15 FlowingData
NameGrapher to explore past baby name trends
2022/03/15 FlowingData
Increasing mortality baseline
2022/03/14 R-bloggers
The E8 root polytope
2022/03/14 R-bloggers
Confidence Intervals Explained
2022/03/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to think about intellectual diversity in academia? The case of astrology and Dr. Oz
2022/03/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Postdoc and research software engineer positions at Aalto University, Finland
2022/03/14 FlowingData
Percentage breakdowns of pandemic life
2022/03/13 R-bloggers
repoRter.nih: a convenient R interface to the NIH RePORTER Project API
2022/03/13 R-bloggers
Predictive Analytics Models in R
2022/03/13 R-bloggers
Markov Chain Introduction in R
2022/03/13 R-bloggers
A zsh Helper Script For Updating macOS RStudio Daily Electron + Quarto CLI Installs
2022/03/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Baby Name Voyager is back!
2022/03/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
DST controversy!
2022/03/12 R-bloggers
Stock Market Predictions Next Week
2022/03/12 R-bloggers
Monte Carlo Analysis in R
2022/03/12 Econometrics and Free Software
Capture errors, warnings and messages
2022/03/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Auto accidents and “isolation and disruption”
2022/03/12 Thinking inside the box
RcppGSL 0.3.11: Small Maintenance
2022/03/11 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/03/11 Yongfu's Blog
2022/03/11 R-bloggers
Which data science skills are important ($50,000 increase in salary in 6-months)
2022/03/11 R-bloggers
Something to note when using the merge function in R
2022/03/11 R-bloggers
Markov Switching Multifractal (MSM) model using R package
2022/03/11 R-bloggers
{golem} 0.3.2 is now available
2022/03/11 R-bloggers
Dashboard Framework Part 2: Running Shiny in AWS Fargate with CDK
2022/03/11 R-bloggers
Convert column to categorical in R
2022/03/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Science and science communication in an era of too much science
2022/03/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Exhibition of illustrations at the Society for Illustrators on East 63 St.
2022/03/11 Home on Xianying's Blog
Some Notes on LaTeX
2022/03/11 FlowingData
Wordle analysis through the lens of 15m tweets
2022/03/11 sesa blog
Programming the tidyverse: quoted and unqouted parameters
2022/03/11 Thinking inside the box
Rcpp Hotfix release per CRAN request
2022/03/10 R-bloggers
simplevis: new & improved!
2022/03/10 R-bloggers
Data Challenges for R Users
2022/03/10 R-bloggers
Checking the inputs of your R functions
2022/03/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
An anti #slatepitch? “We Need to Admit Masking Kids at School Has Some Downsides”
2022/03/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Sampling: Design and Analysis,” third edition, by Sharon Lohr
2022/03/10 FlowingData
✚ Stepping Towards a Finished Chart – The Process 180
2022/03/10 FlowingData
Price increases people have noticed
2022/03/10 FlowingData
World Bank’s Gender Data Portal
2022/03/10 Thinking inside the box
dtts 0.1.0 on CRAN: New Package
2022/03/09 R-bloggers
Imputing missing values in R
2022/03/09 R-bloggers
Creating a Dashboard Framework with AWS (Part 1)
2022/03/09 R-bloggers
BensstatsTalks#3: 5 Tips for Landing a Data Professional Role
2022/03/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to think about the large estimated effects from taking an ethnic studies class in high school?
2022/03/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
PhD student position in Stuttgart . . . to work on Stan! Latent variable models in psychology and the social sciences. With Paul “brms” Buerkner!
2022/03/09 FlowingData
Oldest, Youngest, and Middle Children, in Differently Sized U.S. Households
2022/03/09 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Annual postdoc Alternative careers event King's College London
2022/03/08 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/03/08 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/03/08 Yongfu's Blog
2022/03/08 R-bloggers
Live COVID-19 Swiss vaccination analysis
2022/03/08 R-bloggers
Complete tutorial on using ‘apply’ functions in R
2022/03/08 R-bloggers
Bootstraps & Bandings
2022/03/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Elasticities are typically between 0 and 1
2022/03/08 Lijin Zhang
2022/03/08 FlowingData
Scale of Ukrainian cities
2022/03/08 Thinking inside the box
RcppRedis 0.2.0: Major Updates
2022/03/07 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
rstudio::conf(2022) is open for registration!
2022/03/07 R-bloggers
Some thoughts about the use of cloud services and web APIs in social science research
2022/03/07 R-bloggers
rstudio::conf(2022) is open for registration!
2022/03/07 R-bloggers
How to Calculate a Cumulative Average in R
2022/03/07 R-bloggers
Convert data frame to array in R
2022/03/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Own your design choices: We should express findings in paper titles by referring to what was measured rather than the general construct that was being aimed for.
2022/03/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“An Investigation of the Facts Behind Columbia’s U.S. News Ranking”
2022/03/07 FlowingData
Reducing the risk of nuclear war
2022/03/07 FlowingData
Inflation explained with eggs
2022/03/06 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/03/06 R-bloggers
Retweet Network Analysis in Cryptocurrencies
2022/03/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Who whips the whippers? An infinite regress of political economy
2022/03/06 Thinking inside the box
nanotime 0.3.6 on CRAN: Updates
2022/03/05 R-bloggers
Version 0.12.2 of NIMBLE released, including an important bug fix for some models using Bayesian nonparametrics with the dCRP distribution
2022/03/05 R-bloggers
Poisson Functions in R Programming
2022/03/05 R-bloggers
How to Get Twitter Data using R
2022/03/05 R-bloggers
Complete Cases in R with Examples
2022/03/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Statistics is hard etc, again
2022/03/04 R-bloggers
Random Number Generator with Random Package
2022/03/04 R-bloggers
How to use Fonts and Icons in ggplot
2022/03/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Yuling’s talk, “From mixture model to continuous model extension to operator-based probabilistic inference”
2022/03/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Biology as a cumulative science, and the relevance of this idea to replication
2022/03/04 FlowingData
Unregulated location data industry
2022/03/04 FlowingData
Investors bought up a lot of houses in 2021
2022/03/04 FlowingData
Empty Ukrainian airspace
2022/03/03 R-bloggers
WAFEDA (Web App For Exploratory Data Analysis): Built on RShiny
2022/03/03 R-bloggers
Model Selection in Machine Learning
2022/03/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Where do design freedoms fall in the list of things experimentalists should be wary of?
2022/03/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Should a dog’s sniff be enough to convict a person of murder?”
2022/03/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
An Easy Layup for Stan
2022/03/03 Lijin Zhang
2022/03/03 FlowingData
Visual forensics to spot fake videos and photos
2022/03/03 FlowingData
Seeing just the questions
2022/03/03 FlowingData
Recontextualized media
2022/03/03 FlowingData
✚ Navigating Through the Uncertainty and Messiness of Data – The Process 179
2022/03/03 Home on Jinji
Martial Arts Curriculum Vitae
2022/03/02 R-bloggers
Proposal Deadline Extension – March 13
2022/03/02 R-bloggers
NIMBLE in-person short course, June 1-3, Lisbon, Portugal
2022/03/02 R-bloggers
How to use pipes to clean up your R code
2022/03/02 R-bloggers
Best AI Courses Online-Free
2022/03/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
God is present in the sweeping gestures, but the devil is in the details
2022/03/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Duality between multilevel models and multiple comparisons adjustments, and the relevance of this to some discussions of replication failures
2022/03/02 FlowingData
Why Russia is invading Ukraine, a visual guide
2022/03/02 FlowingData
Tracking the sanctions against Russia
2022/03/02 FlowingData
Colors for All, R package
2022/03/02 FlowingData
Rerouted flights to avoid Russian airspace
2022/03/01 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
RStudio Community Monthly Events Roundup - March 2022
2022/03/01 R-bloggers
Interaction Plot in R: How to Visualize Interaction Effect Between Variables
2022/03/01 R-bloggers
The modified stereographic projection
2022/03/01 R-bloggers
RStudio Community Monthly Events Roundup – March 2022
2022/03/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What is spatial epidemiology, anyway?
2022/03/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Surgisphere is back!
2022/03/01 Rob J Hyndman
Seasonal functional autoregressive models
2022/03/01 Rob J Hyndman
Visualizing probability distributions across bivariate cyclic temporal granularities
2022/03/01 L. Collado-Torres
Amygdala and anterior cingulate transcriptomes from individuals with bipolar disorder reveal downregulated neuroimmune and synaptic pathways
2022/03/01 L. Collado-Torres
Genetics and Brain Transcriptomics of Completed Suicide
2022/03/01 Freakonometrics
Talk at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
2022/03/01 FlowingData
Change in Common Household Types in the U.S.
2022/02/28 R-bloggers
Working in CRAN’s World
2022/02/28 R-bloggers
Portable, Reproducible R Content — YakData SmartDesktop with RStudio Desktop
2022/02/28 R-bloggers
Meta-Learning: Boosting and Bagging for Time Series Forecasting
2022/02/28 R-bloggers
Hyperbolic gircope – using ‘cxhull’ and ‘gyro’
2022/02/28 R-bloggers
Eswatini R Users Group Forging Ahead Despite Pandemic Hurdles
2022/02/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Priors for hyperparameters in meta-analysis
2022/02/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Exploring some questions about meta-analysis (using ivermectin as an example), with R and Stan code
2022/02/28 FlowingData
Stat-driven view on how American conservatives shifted against vaccine
2022/02/28 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Inference on Selected Subgroups in Clinical Trials
2022/02/27 R-bloggers
Regime Switching State Space Model with R code
2022/02/27 R-bloggers
Experimenting with multi-level and hierarchical splines in PyMC
2022/02/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Did Chinese laborers on the Yangtze pay someone to whip them? Why can’t political scientists and economists resist telling this evidence-free story? And why do they keep embellishing it?
2022/02/26 颜林林的个人网站
[不靠谱颜论] 情绪推至,善亦易恶
2022/02/26 R-bloggers
Volume under surface from points
2022/02/26 R-bloggers
R Programming For Data Science
2022/02/26 R-bloggers
NAs introduced by coercion
2022/02/26 R-bloggers
Create a hyper-marketing model using Naïve Bayes
2022/02/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Americans’ Satisfaction With Their Personal Lives and the Direction of the U.S.”
2022/02/25 R-bloggers
Best Course For Data Analytics Free
2022/02/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Weakliem on public opinion and politics
2022/02/25 Freakonometrics
A fair pricing model via adversarial learning
2022/02/25 FlowingData
Fashion industry’s environmental impact
2022/02/25 Thinking inside the box
It was twenty years ago today …
2022/02/24 R-bloggers
Streamlit Tutorial: How to Deploy Streamlit Apps on RStudio Connect
2022/02/24 R-bloggers
R & Python Rosetta Stone: Reading files and column transformations
2022/02/24 R-bloggers
Last Call for Proposals – Appsilon Shiny Conference
2022/02/24 R-bloggers
How I selected my starting word for Wordle using simulations and R
2022/02/24 R-bloggers
Automatic website with the Geocomputation with R solutions
2022/02/24 The Coatless Professor
ohoegdm v0.1.0 Released: Ordinal Higher-Order Exploratory General Diagnostic Model for Polytomous Data
2022/02/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Masks block some fraction of viral particles from dispersing from those who are infected and from infecting those who are susceptible . . . studies that did not find masks to be effective had limited statistical power and therefore do not imply that masks are ineffective . . . The studies that did not find statistically significant effects prove only that masks cannot offer protection if they are not worn.”
2022/02/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Grover Norquist, Anne-Marie Slaughter, and a rabbi walk into a bar . . .
2022/02/24 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting the old-age dependency ratio to determine a sustainable pension age
2022/02/24 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, February 2022 Roundup
2022/02/24 FlowingData
Map of invasion in Ukraine
2022/02/24 FlowingData
Many Ukraine maps
2022/02/24 FlowingData
Distribution of snowfall estimates to show uncertainty
2022/02/24 Thinking inside the box
Rcpp now used by 2500 CRAN packages!
2022/02/23 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Challenges in Package Management
2022/02/23 R-bloggers
polished 0.6.0 is now on CRAN!
2022/02/23 R-bloggers
Online Course R Statistics: Statistics with R
2022/02/23 R-bloggers
Monash time series forecasting repository
2022/02/23 R-bloggers
How to use the group_by function with your ecological data
2022/02/23 R-bloggers
Challenges in Package Management
2022/02/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Testing fractional doses of COVID-19 vaccines
2022/02/23 Rob J Hyndman
Monash time series forecasting repository
2022/02/23 FlowingData
Statistician answers stat questions
2022/02/23 sesa blog
Data sets for for teaching
2022/02/23 Thinking inside the box
#36: pub/sub for live market monitoring with R and Redis
2022/02/22 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang
空间数据可视化与 R 语言(下篇)
2022/02/22 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
RStudio Workbench 2022.02.0 Release
2022/02/22 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
RStudio 2022.02.0: What's New
2022/02/22 R-bloggers
WoRdle: Solve Wordle with R!
2022/02/22 R-bloggers
Systematic Random Sampling in R with Example
2022/02/22 R-bloggers
My 4 most important explainable AI visualizations (modelStudio)
2022/02/22 R-bloggers
How to Share R Shiny Apps – Top 3 Methods Explained
2022/02/22 R-bloggers
Follow-up: simstudy function for generating parameters for survival distribution
2022/02/22 R-bloggers
Endcoding networks as character vectors with ‘rgraph6’
2022/02/22 R-bloggers
Best Way to Download & Install RStudio Desktop Mac/Windows in 2022
2022/02/22 R-bloggers
BensstatsTalks #2: Two hard truths you need to know before breaking into break into tech
2022/02/22 Bayesian Spectacles
From p-values to Bayes Factors with 3p√n
2022/02/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Report on an online seminar on statistical significance and p-values
2022/02/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Former editor of British Medical Journal says we should “assume that the research is fraudulent until there is some evidence to support it having happened and been honestly reported”
2022/02/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
footBayes: an R package for football (soccer) modeling using Stan
2022/02/22 Home on Xianying's Blog
2022/02/22 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
A Simple Link Checker for Hugo and Blogdown Websites
2022/02/22 FlowingData
More readable writing illustrated with more readable writing
2022/02/21 R-bloggers
Wordle Data Analysis
2022/02/21 R-bloggers
SangerTools – a R package for working with population health datasets has arrived
2022/02/21 R-bloggers
Employee Turnover Prediction
2022/02/21 R-bloggers
Best Data Science Books For Beginners
2022/02/21 The Coatless Professor
cIRT v1.3.2 Released: Maintenance Release
2022/02/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Fake Data Pretend
2022/02/21 Alison Hill
Empowering women in data (science)
2022/02/20 R-bloggers
Stratified Sampling in R With Examples
2022/02/20 R-bloggers
Error: Can’t rename columns that don’t exist.
2022/02/20 R-bloggers
Cluster Sampling in R With Examples
2022/02/20 R-bloggers
Changing the column names for model.matrix output
2022/02/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Pen and notebook recommendations?
2022/02/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hierarchical model golf putting success!
2022/02/20 ewen
allan saint-maximin appreciation post
2022/02/19 R-bloggers
NLP Courses Online (Natural Language Processing)
2022/02/19 R-bloggers
Machine Learning Algorithms Top 5
2022/02/19 R-bloggers
Kim (1994) Smoother Algorithm in Regime Switching Model using R code
2022/02/19 R-bloggers
Avoid loops in R! Really?
2022/02/19 R-bloggers
4 Ways to use colors in ggplot more efficiently
2022/02/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The important “It exists, and it’s not going away” argument, as it applies to economics, political science, sabermetrics, and many aspects of statistics
2022/02/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Efficacy of Ivermectin Treatment on Disease Progression Among Adults With Mild to Moderate COVID-19 and Comorbidities The I-TECH Randomized Clinical Trial”
2022/02/18 颜林林的个人网站
[不靠谱颜论] 如何用Linux命令删除空行 | 技巧
2022/02/18 Blog - Statistics.com: Data Science, Analytics & Statistics Courses
Table Test
2022/02/18 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
2022 Internships
2022/02/18 The R-Podcast
Saranjeet Kaur Bhogal
2022/02/18 The R-Podcast
Heather Turner
2022/02/18 The R-Podcast
Episode 34: Enriching the Next Generation of R-Core Development
2022/02/18 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, February 2022
2022/02/18 R-bloggers
2022 Internships
2022/02/18 Econometrics and Free Software
Add logging to your functions using my newest package `{loud}`
2022/02/18 The Coatless Professor
RcppEnsmallen v0. Released - Fix Epoch Timing
2022/02/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hierarchical model golf putting struggle
2022/02/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A himmicane . . . spotted in the wild!
2022/02/18 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, February 2022
2022/02/18 FlowingData
Trendiest Baby Name Every Year Since 1930, in the U.S.
2022/02/18 Thinking inside the box
RcppSimdJson 0.1.7 on CRAN: Maintenance
2022/02/17 颜林林的个人网站
[不靠谱颜论] 从最近各路神仙打架想到的
2022/02/17 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Working With Databases and SQL in RStudio
2022/02/17 R-bloggers
Working With Databases and SQL in RStudio
2022/02/17 R-bloggers
View data frame in r: use of View() function in R
2022/02/17 R-bloggers
Running R and Debian Linux in the Browser Via WASM
2022/02/17 R-bloggers
Registration Open – 2022 Appsilon Shiny Conference
2022/02/17 R-bloggers
Lists to Data.Frames with imap
2022/02/17 R-bloggers
How to include all levels of a factor variable in a model matrix in R
2022/02/17 R-bloggers
Hamilton Regime Switching Model using R code
2022/02/17 R-bloggers
Feature Scaling in Machine Learning-Introduction
2022/02/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some Bayesian Methods for Causal Inference (my remote talk next Monday at the University of Wisconsin Population Health Sciences Seminar)
2022/02/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
SBC: A new R package for simulation-based calibration of Bayesian models!
2022/02/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Welcome to the American Causal Inference Conference 2022 Data Challenge!
2022/02/17 Freakonometrics
Assurance, biais, discrimination et équité, chez IVADO
2022/02/17 FlowingData
Russian gas supplies in Europe
2022/02/17 FlowingData
✚ Very Unprofessional – The Process 177
2022/02/17 FlowingData
Map of Russian gas exports
2022/02/16 颜林林的个人网站
[不靠谱颜论] 如何在产学两界都做到游刃有余 | 书评
2022/02/16 R-bloggers
What Does the P/E Ratio Tell You About Investor Expectations?
2022/02/16 R-bloggers
Reinforcement Learning in Machine Learning
2022/02/16 R-bloggers
How I won an In-Class Kaggle Competition
2022/02/16 R-bloggers
Hiring a New Community Manager for rOpenSci
2022/02/16 R-bloggers
CRAN “Golden Oldies” and “One Hit Wonders”
2022/02/16 R-bloggers
Become a Shiny Expert: Online Shiny Training & Free Development Guide
2022/02/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Understanding Spatial Models in Context (my talk this Friday at the Getis-Ord Lecture in Spatial Analysis)
2022/02/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey! I got an exclusive invitation to this off-the-record conference . . . but I think I’ll take 3515 Jamaican beef patties instead.
2022/02/16 FlowingData
Interactive traffic simulator
2022/02/15 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2022/02/15 R-bloggers
Using R to Model UK Residential Property by Giles Heywood
2022/02/15 R-bloggers
Types of Regression Techniques Guide
2022/02/15 R-bloggers
Rotating log files in Rust, and assembling them for inspection
2022/02/15 R-bloggers
How to use R Markdown (part two): for learning R!
2022/02/15 R-bloggers
A Journey to gghdr
2022/02/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayesian Methods in Causal Inference and Decision Making (my talk at Criteo Mon 7 Mar)
2022/02/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
He’s attempting to overhaul his company’s model of retail demand. Which makes me think of multilevel models . . .
2022/02/15 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
A Journey to gghdr
2022/02/15 FlowingData
Weighted Olympic medal counts
2022/02/15 FlowingData
Snowboarding composite photos
2022/02/14 Homepage on Liangliang's Homepage
2022/02/14 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Save the date for rstudio::conf(2022)!
2022/02/14 R-bloggers
nanonext for Cross-language Data Exchange
2022/02/14 R-bloggers
Does Icing the Kicker Really Work? A Causal Inference Exercise
2022/02/14 R-bloggers
Calculating the probability for both teams to score in R
2022/02/14 R-bloggers
Bias Variance Tradeoff Machine Learning Tutorial
2022/02/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“There are no equal opportunity infectors”
2022/02/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A probability thought for Valentine’s Day
2022/02/14 FlowingData
Premier League territory control
2022/02/13 R-bloggers
Understanding Hamilton Regime Switching Model using R package
2022/02/13 R-bloggers
SQL vs. NoSQL for Data Science
2022/02/13 R-bloggers
Rafa 21 Grand Slams and gganimate
2022/02/13 R-bloggers
How To Make A PowerPoint Presentation Using R Markdown
2022/02/13 R-bloggers
Data Analytics Courses for Beginners-Certifications
2022/02/13 R-bloggers
Best Courses For Data Visualization Online
2022/02/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Gambling is fun but it can ruin addicts
2022/02/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Driving about 85 m.p.h. in a 45 m.p.h. zone on the winding Southern California road when he lost control of his SUV. . . . He was not charged with any legal violation.”
2022/02/13 flujoo
My Approach to Automatic Musical Composition
2022/02/12 R-bloggers
Switching testthat editions and how it affects testing functions and formulas
2022/02/12 R-bloggers
New version of nnetsauce — various quasi-randomized networks
2022/02/12 R-bloggers
ICESat-2 Altimeter Data using R
2022/02/12 R-bloggers
How to become a Machine Learning Engineer?
2022/02/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Alexey Guzey on sleep: Put this guy on Rogan and give him a Ted talk.
2022/02/11 R-bloggers
Nice DT filters
2022/02/11 R-bloggers
Create Your Own Data Visualization Gallery
2022/02/11 R-bloggers
Best SQL Courses Online-Free Course List
2022/02/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
10 quick tips to improve your regression modeling
2022/02/11 Julia Silge
Inference for #TidyTuesday aircraft and rank of Tuskegee airmen
2022/02/11 Freakonometrics
L’équité de l’apprentissage machine en assurance
2022/02/11 FlowingData
Age of Moms When Kids are Born
2022/02/11 sesa blog
Die logististische Regression (glm) modelliert die zweite Stufe
2022/02/10 R-bloggers
Yearly goals: Tracking tools & visuals
2022/02/10 R-bloggers
Top 8 Skills To Become a Data Scientist
2022/02/10 R-bloggers
Polished Now Supports Shiny Rmds
2022/02/10 R-bloggers
Beginner’s guide to machine learning in R (with step-by-step tutorial)
2022/02/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Answering a question about MRP with non-census variables
2022/02/10 FlowingData
✚ Good Redundant – The Process 176
2022/02/10 FlowingData
Modernized version of a mid-19th century encylopedia
2022/02/09 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang
如何用 R 语言绘制中国地图
2022/02/09 R-bloggers
R Graphical User Interface Comparison
2022/02/09 R-bloggers
Notion of non-dominated solutions
2022/02/09 R-bloggers
How to use R Markdown (part one)
2022/02/09 R-bloggers
How to calculate Power Regression in R (Step-by-Step Guide)
2022/02/09 R-bloggers
Data Analysis Courses For Beginners-15 Online Courses
2022/02/09 R-bloggers
A blank post for a blank site
2022/02/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A question on multilevel modeling with correlated outcomes
2022/02/09 r4stats.com
R Graphical User Interface Comparison
2022/02/09 FlowingData
Past redlining still seen in the present
2022/02/09 FlowingData
Frequency trails in the snow
2022/02/09 FlowingData
✚ How to Make a Line Chart with a Color Gradient in R
2022/02/08 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
How BI and Data Science Deliver Deeper Insight Together
2022/02/08 R-bloggers
Simulating survival outcomes: setting the parameters for the desired distribution
2022/02/08 R-bloggers
Recent Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference
2022/02/08 R-bloggers
How BI and Data Science Deliver Deeper Insight Together
2022/02/08 R-bloggers
Free Data Science Course-Online 2022
2022/02/08 R-bloggers
Descriptive Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics
2022/02/08 R-bloggers
Data Visualization Best Practices: Bar Plots for Shiny Developers
2022/02/08 R-bloggers
Boosting in Machine Learning-Complete Guide
2022/02/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey, Google engineer! I need your help. Can you please run these queries through your chatbot (with no pre-tuning)?
2022/02/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Free Bayesian Data Analysis course targeted for Global south
2022/02/08 Home on Xianying's Blog
2022/02/08 FlowingData
Improving electric vehicle adoption rates
2022/02/08 FlowingData
Figure skating animated jumps
2022/02/08 sesa blog
Checking Moodle test log data
2022/02/07 R-bloggers
Tabnet for R
2022/02/07 R-bloggers
SEM Stochastic Simulation and Optimal Control
2022/02/07 R-bloggers
ODDS Ratio Interpretation Quick Guide
2022/02/07 R-bloggers
Linear Discriminant Analysis: A step by step Guide
2022/02/07 R-bloggers
Accessing Snowflake with R
2022/02/07 Bayesian Spectacles
A Many-Analysts Approach to the Relation Between Religiosity and Well-being
2022/02/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The claimed effect size is about a zillion times higher than is plausible.
2022/02/07 FlowingData
Bubble tea combinations, a visual breakdown
2022/02/07 Thinking inside the box
x13binary 1.1.57-3 on CRAN: Packaging Updates
2022/02/06 R-bloggers
Statistical Hypothesis Testing-A Step by Step Guide
2022/02/06 R-bloggers
Simulating shared segments between relatives
2022/02/06 R-bloggers
Nonparametric Value-at-Risk (VaR)
2022/02/06 R-bloggers
GooglyPlusPlus2022 optimizes batting/bowling lineup
2022/02/06 R-bloggers
Carter-Kohn algorithm for State Space Models in R : Univariate Case
2022/02/06 R-bloggers
11 New Books added to Big Book of R
2022/02/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Thinking Bayesianly about the being-behind-at-halftime effect in basketball
2022/02/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How many patents by African Americans were there in the “golden age of innovation,” 1870-1940?
2022/02/05 R-bloggers
Gyrotriangle (aka hyperbolic triangle) with moving colors
2022/02/05 R-bloggers
Decision tree regression and Classification
2022/02/05 R-bloggers
Comparing the Bradley Terry model to betting odds
2022/02/05 R-bloggers
Bagging in Machine Learning Guide
2022/02/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a debunked research claim being recirculated in the news media — forever.
2022/02/04 R-bloggers
Walmart’s (WMT) 7-Year Nonlinear Market Trend at ‘Critical Juncture’
2022/02/04 R-bloggers
Bifurcation diagram for nonautonomous SIR model
2022/02/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Police violence reduces civilian cooperation and engagement with law enforcement”
2022/02/04 FlowingData
Accuracy of groundhog weather prediction
2022/02/04 Thinking inside the box
corels 0.0.4 on CRAN: M1 Update
2022/02/03 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Build and Share Jupyter Notebooks on RStudio Team
2022/02/03 R-bloggers
Some simple RStudio addins
2022/02/03 R-bloggers
Random forest machine learning Introduction
2022/02/03 R-bloggers
Projet Optimisation multicritères du portefeuille (French)
2022/02/03 R-bloggers
Google Summer of Code and mlr3
2022/02/03 The Coatless Professor
Template for Auto-Deploying Quarto-Book on GitHub with GitHub Pages
2022/02/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Warner Music Group wants to hire a Stan programmer as VP Audience Data Science!
2022/02/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Epistemic and aleatoric uncertainty: The role of context
2022/02/03 FlowingData
When There Were More Deaths Than Births in the U.S.
2022/02/03 FlowingData
✚ Editing Carefully and That White House Bar Chart with the Weird y-axis – The Process 175
2022/02/02 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
RStudio Community Monthly Events Roundup - February 2022
2022/02/02 R-bloggers
RStudio on Kubernetes
2022/02/02 R-bloggers
RStudio Community Monthly Events Roundup – February 2022
2022/02/02 R-bloggers
Little useless-useful R functions – Making boxplot from a picture
2022/02/02 R-bloggers
Guidelines for writing good R code
2022/02/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When it comes to error correction, Wikipedia is the worst form of government . . . except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.
2022/02/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Excellent performance of machine learning algorithms in a major time series competition. And then what is the role of statistical modeling? Here’s the answer:
2022/02/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Not only did this guy not hold the world record in the 100 meter or 110-yard dash for 35 years, he didn’t even run the 110-yard dash in 10.8 seconds, nor did he see a million patients, nor was he on the Michigan football and track teams, nor did Michigan even have a track team when he attended the university. It seems likely that he did know Jack Dempsey, though.
2022/02/02 Rob J Hyndman
Feature-based time series analysis
2022/02/02 FlowingData
Crisis Text Line and data sharing
2022/02/02 FlowingData
Charts showing Tom Brady’s standout career
2022/02/01 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang
空间数据可视化与 R 语言
2022/02/01 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
What's New on RStudio Cloud - February 2022
2022/02/01 R-bloggers
What is the Bradley-Terry model?
2022/02/01 R-bloggers
RStudio Cloud – How to Get Started For Free
2022/02/01 R-bloggers
Conditional Mean in R with examples
2022/02/01 R-bloggers
A new R package for Business Analytics… radiant
2022/02/01 R-bloggers
pkgcheck now available as a GitHub action!
2022/02/01 R-bloggers
Error: ‘list’ object cannot be coerced to type ‘double’
2022/02/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A question about exercise 4.9 in Regression and Other Stories: My questioner asked for a Bayesian solution but in that case I was thinking of a simple classical approach based on linearly transforming a confidence interval
2022/02/01 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
pkgcheck now available as a GitHub action!
2022/02/01 Rob J Hyndman
Probabilistic forecasts using expert judgment: the road to recovery from COVID-19
2022/02/01 OmicX
Install and Setup Jellyfin Docker Image
2022/02/01 FlowingData
Diversity of federal judge picks, compared by president
2022/02/01 FlowingData
Crypto volatility charts
2022/01/31 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/01/31 R-bloggers
#RObservations #24: Using Tesseract-OCR to Scan Bank Documents and Extract Relevant Data
2022/01/31 R-bloggers
Murcia R Users Group (UMUR) in Spain Didn’t Let the Pandemic Break its Momentum
2022/01/31 R-bloggers
How to Compare Strings in R with examples
2022/01/31 R-bloggers
A Blend of Package Build Failures
2022/01/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Modeling and Poststratification for Descriptive and Causal Inference (my talk this Thursday at the CUNY Graduate School of Public Health & Health Policy)
2022/01/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Forking paths and gerrymandering
2022/01/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why not spend your February modeling cherry blossoms?
2022/01/31 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
A Blend of Package Build Failures
2022/01/31 FlowingData
Questioning Novak Djokovic’s Covid tests, based on data
2022/01/31 FlowingData
A game to gerrymander your party to power
2022/01/31 sesa blog
Erbie: Einfache, reproduzierbare Beispiele Ihres Problems mit (R-)Syntax
2022/01/31 Thinking inside the box
#35: apt install rstudio quarto
2022/01/31 Home on Jinji
2022/01/30 R-bloggers
SQL for Data Science Beginners Guide
2022/01/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Vaccines in the army
2022/01/30 Home on Xianying's Blog
2022/01/29 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/01/29 R-bloggers
Quartile in Statistics: Detailed overview with solved examples
2022/01/29 R-bloggers
How Abidjan R User Group Is Leveraging Online Meetups To Go Beyond Borders
2022/01/29 R-bloggers
Hopf torus with dynamic colors
2022/01/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Fools at the Hoover Institution: The gift that keeps on giving
2022/01/29 Homepage on Kang Yu
2022/01/28 R-bloggers
2022/01/28 R-bloggers
‘gifski’ as a bash command using R
2022/01/28 R-bloggers
Call for Abstracts: Appsilon Shiny Conference 2022
2022/01/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What is fame? The perspective from Niles, Michigan. Including an irrelevant anecdote about “the man who invented hedging”
2022/01/28 Julia Silge
Predict ratings for #TidyTuesday board games
2022/01/28 FlowingData
Chicken egg color spectrum
2022/01/28 sesa blog
Wissenschaftliche Notation in R an und ausstellen
2022/01/28 sesa blog
Kurs: "Vorhersage-Modellierung"
2022/01/28 sesa blog
Kurs "Bayes:Start"
2022/01/28 sesa blog
Bayes-Software installieren für R
2022/01/28 sesa blog
Bayes in fünf Minuten, für Fortgeschrittene
2022/01/27 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Develop, Collaborate, and Scale Across R and Python
2022/01/27 R-bloggers
Progress update: Geocomputation with R Second Edition Part 1
2022/01/27 R-bloggers
Happy birthday easystats! A retrospective
2022/01/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Regression and Other Stories free pdf!
2022/01/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Freedom is not user friendly”
2022/01/27 FlowingData
Spotting spurious correlations in health news
2022/01/27 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, January 2022 Roundup
2022/01/27 sesa blog
Warum Bayes anstelle von Frequentismus?
2022/01/27 sesa blog
Visualizing error distribution in regression analysis
2022/01/27 sesa blog
Bayes in fünf Minuten
2022/01/26 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
How to Win the RStudio Shiny Contest
2022/01/26 R-bloggers
Riddle: Estimate effect of x on y if you only have two noisy measures of x.
2022/01/26 R-bloggers
R-Ladies Galapagos Chapter on Collaborations, Challenges, and Opportunities During the Pandemic
2022/01/26 R-bloggers
How to join tables in R
2022/01/26 R-bloggers
Association Rules with Interactive Charts
2022/01/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A Cure for Gravity
2022/01/26 Freakonometrics
Le tabou de l’exponentielle
2022/01/26 Freakonometrics
Exposé au CIMMUL, à Québec
2022/01/26 FlowingData
How Much Americans Make
2022/01/26 Thinking inside the box
td 0.0.6 on CRAN: Minor Bugfix
2022/01/25 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/01/25 R-bloggers
Upgrading R
2022/01/25 R-bloggers
simstudy update: ordinal data generation that violates proportionality
2022/01/25 R-bloggers
RObservations #23: Solving Linked List Problems in R with R6 objects
2022/01/25 R-bloggers
Rating Each Drivers 2021 Season – 10 – 1
2022/01/25 R-bloggers
How to Develop an R Shiny Dashboard In 10 Minutes or Less
2022/01/25 R-bloggers
Forgotten features of R 4.0.0
2022/01/25 R-bloggers
DataCamp Competition – Was a website redesign successful
2022/01/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I’m skeptical of that claim that “Cash Aid to Poor Mothers Increases Brain Activity in Babies”
2022/01/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How do things work at top econ journals, exactly? This is one weird-ass story:
2022/01/25 FlowingData
Optimized Wordle solver
2022/01/25 FlowingData
✚ How to Make UpSet Plots in R, with ggplot2 and ggupset
2022/01/25 Alison Hill
Tidy your mental models
2022/01/25 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: Upstream Updates
2022/01/24 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/01/24 R-bloggers
Predicting When Kickers Get Iced with {tidymodels}
2022/01/24 R-bloggers
December 2021: “Top 40” New CRAN Packages
2022/01/24 R-bloggers
Automatic differentiation in R with Stan Math
2022/01/24 R-bloggers
A Comparative Review of the R-Instat GUI for R
2022/01/24 Bayesian Spectacles
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Jeffreys-Lindley Paradox But Were Afraid to Ask
2022/01/24 The Coatless Professor
Our Lovely, Lovely Car Ride
2022/01/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How large a sample size does he actually need? He got statistical significance twice; isn’t that enough??
2022/01/24 r4stats.com
A Comparative Review of the R-Instat GUI for R
2022/01/24 FlowingData
Scale of the Tonga eruption
2022/01/23 R-bloggers
Plotting Bee Colony Observations and Distributions using {ggbeeswarm} and {geomtextpath}
2022/01/23 R-bloggers
Introducing scale model in greybox
2022/01/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Mister P when you don’t have the full poststratification table, you only have margins
2022/01/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Controversies over high school math curriculum, a hope for the expectation of more parent involvement, despair over politicization, . . . the usual stuff.
2022/01/23 OmicX
Install and Setup OneDrive Client in a Headless Debian Server
2022/01/22 R-bloggers
Non-linear model of serial dilutions with Stan
2022/01/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Kaiser Fung on Axis Zero and Spiral Charts
2022/01/21 earfanfan | 袁凡
点解no png support in this version of R?
2022/01/21 R-bloggers
Using the Local Dialect to Teach R Programming
2022/01/21 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, January 2022
2022/01/21 R-bloggers
Predicting future recessions
2022/01/21 R-bloggers
{emayili} Message Templates
2022/01/21 R-bloggers
Detecting multicollinearity — it’s not that easy sometimes
2022/01/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Did volcanic eruptions turn Venus into a hothouse?
2022/01/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
More on p-values etc etc etc
2022/01/21 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, January 2022
2022/01/21 Julia Silge
Text predictors for #TidyTuesday chocolate ratings
2022/01/21 FlowingData
Joke machine learning projects to advance your career
2022/01/21 FlowingData
How N95 masks work
2022/01/21 Thinking inside the box
qlcal 0.0.2 on CRAN: Updates
2022/01/20 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/01/20 R-bloggers
{emayili} Sending Email from Shiny
2022/01/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Could voting restrictions be increasing election fraud?
2022/01/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
About that A/C repairman story . . .
2022/01/20 Freakonometrics
Assurance, biais, discrimination et équité, une (courte) introduction
2022/01/20 FlowingData
✚ Boring Charts – The Process 173
2022/01/20 FlowingData
Declining U.S. Births
2022/01/20 Thinking inside the box
RQuantLib 0.4.15: Regular Update
2022/01/19 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/01/19 R-bloggers
The robustness of food webs to species extinctions
2022/01/19 R-bloggers
Funny 3D Voronoï diagrams
2022/01/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Whitehead, no Russell. Chicken, no chaser.
2022/01/19 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Font Variant Numeric
2022/01/19 FlowingData
Death rates by vaccination booster status
2022/01/18 Homepage on Liangliang's Homepage
如何使用 ggplot2 绘制双轴分离图?
2022/01/18 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/01/18 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Three Videos to Supercharge Your R Skills
2022/01/18 R-bloggers
Playing Wordle in R
2022/01/18 R-bloggers
One of the First Steps to Become a Data Scientist
2022/01/18 R-bloggers
Including uncertainty when comparing response rates across clusters
2022/01/18 R-bloggers
Building R 4.2 for Windows with OpenBLAS
2022/01/18 R-bloggers
Announcing the Appsilon Shiny Conference: 27-29 April 2022
2022/01/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Not-so-obviously heuristic-proof reforms to statistical communication
2022/01/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Djokovic, data sleuthing, and the Case of the Incoherent Covid Test Records
2022/01/18 FlowingData
Global ripple effect from underwater volcano
2022/01/18 FlowingData
Analytics for U.S. government websites
2022/01/18 Posts on Cyrus Yip | 叶寻
在 Linux 上使用京东京造(Keychron)K1 SE 的功能键(F1~F12)
2022/01/17 R-bloggers
{emayili} Message Templates
2022/01/17 R-bloggers
Announcing Tabnet
2022/01/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
More on the oldest famous person
2022/01/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Deep Maps model of the labor force: The impact of the current employment crisis on places and people”
2022/01/17 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting the future and the future of forecasting
2022/01/16 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/01/16 R-bloggers
Tips for building a Twitter bot with R and Github Actions
2022/01/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What went wrong in the labeling of those cool graphs of y(t) vs. y'(t)?
2022/01/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Jobs using statistical modeling (including Stan) in biotech!
2022/01/15 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/01/15 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/01/15 Yongfu's Blog
2022/01/15 R-bloggers
Surface reconstruction with R(CGAL)
2022/01/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The oldest famous person
2022/01/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Disbelief is not an option. You have no choice but to accept that the major conclusions of these studies are true.
2022/01/15 ewen
Listening, 2021
2022/01/14 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/01/14 R-bloggers
Solving the ‘preserving the sum after rounding’ problem for a soccer waffle viz
2022/01/14 R-bloggers
Shinywordle: A shiny app to solve the game Worldle and the power of regular expressions
2022/01/14 R-bloggers
RTutor: Gasoline Taxes and Consumer Behavior
2022/01/14 R-bloggers
Handling Categorical Data in R – Part 4
2022/01/14 R-bloggers
Community Management Transition for rOpenSci. A Message from Stefanie Butland
2022/01/14 R-bloggers
Clipping an isosurface to a ball, and more
2022/01/14 R-bloggers
A dashboard illustrating bivariate time series forecasting with `ahead`
2022/01/14 R-bloggers
10 New books added to Big Book of R
2022/01/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A chatbot challenge for Blaise Agüera y Arcas and Gary Smith
2022/01/14 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Community Management Transition for rOpenSci. A Message from Stefanie Butland
2022/01/14 FlowingData
Congressmen who enslaved people
2022/01/14 FlowingData
A visual and audio tour of sound at Nap Nap Swamp
2022/01/14 sesa blog
Visualizing a log-y regression model
2022/01/13 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Sharing Secure and Scalable Shiny Apps on RStudio Connect
2022/01/13 R-bloggers
Universal estimation with Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD)
2022/01/13 R-bloggers
rOpenSci Code of Conduct Annual Review
2022/01/13 R-bloggers
rOpenSci 2021 Code of Conduct Transparency Report
2022/01/13 R-bloggers
How to Build a Custom Login Page for RStudio Connect
2022/01/13 R-bloggers
Handling Categorical Data in R – Part 3
2022/01/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The fairy tale of the mysteries of mixtures
2022/01/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Postdoc, research fellow, and doctoral student positions in ML / AI / Bayes in Finland
2022/01/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Chatbots: Still Dumb After All These Years”
2022/01/13 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci 2021 Code of Conduct Transparency Report
2022/01/13 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Code of Conduct Annual Review
2022/01/13 FlowingData
✚ Debating About Visualization – The Process 172
2022/01/13 FlowingData
New shopping search patterns from the pandemic
2022/01/13 FlowingData
All-time temperature records broken in 2021
2022/01/13 Thinking inside the box
Rcpp 1.0.8: Updated, Strict Headers
2022/01/12 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/01/12 R-bloggers
Salt Lake City R User Group Looks to Meld In-person and Online Activities
2022/01/12 R-bloggers
Handling Categorical Data in R – Part 2
2022/01/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
This is a great graph: Plotting y(t) vs y'(t), tracing over time with a dot for each year
2022/01/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Responsible Machine Learning” and “Statistical Analysis Illustrated”
2022/01/12 FlowingData
Settling all the internet debates in one go with a bunch of polling
2022/01/11 R-bloggers
How To Connect R Shiny to Postgres Database – The Definite Guide
2022/01/11 R-bloggers
Gather on the rOpenSci Forum
2022/01/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why do we prefer familiarity in music and surprise in stories?
2022/01/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A new kind of spam
2022/01/11 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Gather on the rOpenSci Forum
2022/01/11 FlowingData
Play miniature golf, learn about congressional redistricting
2022/01/10 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/01/10 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Using RStudio on Amazon SageMaker: Questions from the Community
2022/01/10 R-bloggers
How to use the dollar sign ($) in R
2022/01/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The real problem of that nudge meta-analysis is not that it includes 12 papers by noted fraudsters; it’s the GIGO of it all
2022/01/10 FlowingData
Scale of the bigger, more detailed universe
2022/01/10 FlowingData
Powers of Ten
2022/01/10 FlowingData
A Quick and Easy Way to Make Spiral Charts in R
2022/01/09 R-bloggers
RObservations #22: Creating a Simple Blockchain with R6 Objects
2022/01/09 R-bloggers
Finally understanding what “statistical significance” and p-values mean: A simple example (with R code)
2022/01/09 R-bloggers
A new way to discover R Programming books!
2022/01/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Object of the class Jacques Cousteau
2022/01/09 Thinking inside the box
Rblpapi 0.3.13: Some Fixes and Documentation
2022/01/08 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/01/08 R-bloggers
Using bayesian optimisation to tune a XGBOOST model in R
2022/01/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My new article, “Failure and success in political polling and election forecasting” . . . and the tangled yet uninteresting story of how it came to be
2022/01/08 Home on Xianying's Blog
2022/01/07 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/01/07 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/01/07 R-bloggers
Little useless-useful R functions – Mastermind board game for R
2022/01/07 R-bloggers
Handling Categorical Data in R – Part 1
2022/01/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
PNAS GIGO QRP WTF: This meta-analysis of nudge experiments is approaching the platonic ideal of junk science
2022/01/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Institute for Replication, and the usual concerns
2022/01/07 FlowingData
Spiral graph to show Covid-19 cases
2022/01/07 FlowingData
Four decades of oceanic wave moments, as a surfing game
2022/01/06 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
R Markdown Lesser-Known Tips & Tricks #2: Cleaning Up Your Code
2022/01/06 R-bloggers
Top 7 Best R Shiny Books and Courses That Are Completely Free
2022/01/06 R-bloggers
Reconciling the Gaussian and Whittle Likelihood with an application to estimation in the frequency domain
2022/01/06 R-bloggers
How to do Uniform Distribution in R
2022/01/06 R-bloggers
How renv restores packages from r-universe for reproducibility or production
2022/01/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What I learned from teaching online
2022/01/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Shreddergate! And an idea for a Museum of Scholarly Misconduct.
2022/01/06 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
How renv restores packages from r-universe for reproducibility or production
2022/01/06 FlowingData
Scale of black holes
2022/01/06 FlowingData
✚ Finding New Visualization Tools for a New Point of View – The Process 171
2022/01/05 Yongfu's Blog
2022/01/05 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
News from knitr v1.35 to v1.37: Alternative Syntax for Chunk Options, and Some New Engines
2022/01/05 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
RStudio Community Monthly Events - January 2022
2022/01/05 R-bloggers
Wordless Song: Benchmarking Wordle performance using R
2022/01/05 R-bloggers
Why R? Foundation 2022-01-05 10:18:19
2022/01/05 R-bloggers
Why R? Foundation 2022-01-05 10:18:19
2022/01/05 R-bloggers
Using R to create column charts featuring 95% confidence intervals
2022/01/05 R-bloggers
Simple examples to understand what confounders, colliders, mediators, and moderators are and how to “control for” variables in R with regression and propensity-score matching
2022/01/05 R-bloggers
R Studio with great new feature – multiple code panes
2022/01/05 R-bloggers
MANOVA in R – How To Implement and Interpret One-Way MANOVA
2022/01/05 R-bloggers
A package of Machine Learning datasets has arrived for R – MLDataR
2022/01/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Theranos built a unicorn, and we just built a better horse. You can get more money for a unicorn, even though—or especially because—unicorns don’t exist.
2022/01/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Zoom colloquium’s song
2022/01/05 Rob J Hyndman
Job advertisements
2022/01/05 FlowingData
Drop rain anywhere in the world and see where it ends up
2022/01/04 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
2021 at RStudio: A Year in Review
2022/01/04 R-bloggers
Systematic Sampling in R with example
2022/01/04 R-bloggers
Starting 2022 Off With A Fairly Complex {ggplot2} Recreation Plot
2022/01/04 R-bloggers
Skeptical Bayesian priors might help minimize skepticism about subgroup analyses
2022/01/04 R-bloggers
Naive Approach Forecasting Example
2022/01/04 R-bloggers
Most popular posts – 2021
2022/01/04 R-bloggers
Making your first plot in R
2022/01/04 R-bloggers
Announcing mlr3spatial
2022/01/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What works in a talk? What doesn’t work?
2022/01/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I’m unhappy to report that I anticipated the future.
2022/01/04 Home on Xianying's Blog
2022/01/04 rud.is
Starting 2022 Off With A Fairly Complex {ggplot2} Recreation Plot
2022/01/04 FlowingData
What the omicron numbers tell us and do not tell us
2022/01/04 FlowingData
Analysis of Facebook groups before January 6
2022/01/03 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/01/03 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/01/03 R-bloggers
SurvCART: Constructing Survival Tree in R
2022/01/03 R-bloggers
Natural Gas Prices Fall 42% in 3 Months Following Breach of ‘Nonlinear Stealth Support’
2022/01/03 R-bloggers
How to perform Eta Squared in R
2022/01/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The gullibility connection: How do the “Joe Rogans” in the media decide where to be skeptical and where to be credulous? Remember the The Chestertonian Principle.
2022/01/03 FlowingData
False positives with prenatal tests for rare conditions
2022/01/02 earfanfan | 袁凡
2022/01/02 R-bloggers
Using databases with Shiny
2022/01/02 R-bloggers
Uncovered Interest Rate Parity and F-test on Regression Parameters using R
2022/01/02 R-bloggers
How to perform the Sobel test in R
2022/01/02 R-bloggers
Binary image classification using Keras in R: Using CT scans to predict patients with Covid
2022/01/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“I don’t want ‘crowd peer review’ or whatever you want to call it,” he said. “It’s just too burdensome and I’d rather have a more formal peer review process.”
2022/01/01 R-bloggers
How to install (and update!) R and RStudio
2022/01/01 R-bloggers
Chi-Square Goodness of fit formula in R
2022/01/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Most controversial posts of 2021
2022/01/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
If only we could save organized science from itself.
2021/12/31 R-bloggers
How to find a Trimmed Mean in R
2021/12/31 The Coatless Professor
Book Recommendations
2021/12/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Published in 2021 (and to be published in 2022)
2021/12/31 FlowingData
Best Data Visualization Projects of 2021
2021/12/31 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Review 2021
2021/12/30 R-bloggers
Simulating dice bingo
2021/12/30 R-bloggers
More player analysis with gganimate()
2021/12/30 R-bloggers
Little useless-useful R functions – Creating tiny Fireworks with R
2021/12/30 R-bloggers
Introduction to Geospatial Visualization with the tmap package
2021/12/30 R-bloggers
Get and Set working directory (setwd / getwd) in R
2021/12/30 R-bloggers
COVID Is Accelerating the Growth and Reach of the R-Ladies Johannesburg Community
2021/12/30 R-bloggers
Battery Storage ROI Analysis
2021/12/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A new approach to scientific publishing and reviewing based on distributed research contracts?
2021/12/30 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Resources, December 2021 Roundup
2021/12/30 FlowingData
Church of the 95% Confidence Interval
2021/12/29 R-bloggers
Exploring the XI Correlation Coefficient
2021/12/29 R-bloggers
Examining College Football Conference Realignment with {ggraph}
2021/12/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stop talking about “statistical significance and practical significance”
2021/12/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The most discriminatory federal judges” update
2021/12/29 flujoo
2021/12/29 FlowingData
David Rumsey Map Center, cataloging historical works
2021/12/29 FlowingData
Anonymized data is rarely anonymous
2021/12/28 R-bloggers
Some Interesting Issues in VECM using R
2021/12/28 R-bloggers
Sample and Population Variance in R
2021/12/28 R-bloggers
Gold-Mining Week 17 (2021)
2021/12/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The hot hand and the nudgelords
2021/12/28 FlowingData
xkcd: Unknowable truth
2021/12/28 FlowingData
Covid-19 mortality before and after vaccine eligibility
2021/12/28 Home on Jinji
2021/12/27 R-bloggers
How the Lagos R User Group Has Leveraged the Pandemic
2021/12/27 R-bloggers
Exploring College Football Non-Conference Rivalries with {ggraph}
2021/12/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Is “choosing your favorite” an optimization problem?
2021/12/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A problem with that implicit-racism thing
2021/12/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My problems with Superior
2021/12/27 FlowingData
World Chess Championship in charts
2021/12/27 Posts on Cyrus Yip | 叶寻
在 KDE Plasma 将 Caps 键换成 Esc 键
2021/12/27 Posts on Cyrus Yip | 叶寻
修复键盘映射在 VS Code 失效的问题
2021/12/26 R-bloggers
How to Read Sourav Chatterjee’s Basic XICOR Definition
2021/12/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Unrepresentative big surveys significantly overestimated US vaccine uptake,” and the problem of generalizing from sample to population
2021/12/26 About | 关于 on
Turning Typora into an IDE
2021/12/25 R-bloggers
Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) using R
2021/12/25 R-bloggers
Advent of 2021, Day 25 – Spark literature, documentation, courses and books
2021/12/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Patterns on the complex floor: A fun little example of simulation-based experimentation in mathematics
2021/12/24 earfanfan | 袁凡
2021/12/24 R-bloggers
Inclusion Process and Sticky Brownian Motions
2021/12/24 R-bloggers
Advent of 2021, Day 24 – Data Visualisation with Spark
2021/12/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The odd overlap of political left and right that’s associated with much of “neoliberal” social science
2021/12/24 FlowingData
Virtual proctoring simulation
2021/12/24 Posts on Cyrus Yip | 叶寻
VSCodeVim 自动切换 Fcitx5
2021/12/24 Home on Jinji
2021/12/23 earfanfan | 袁凡
2021/12/23 R-bloggers
Target II: Monitoring a running goal in R
2021/12/23 R-bloggers
Analyzing player performance with animated charts!
2021/12/23 R-bloggers
Analysing seed germination and emergence data with R: a tutorial. Part 5
2021/12/23 R-bloggers
Adventures in x86 ASM with rx86
2021/12/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
James Loewen
2021/12/23 FlowingData
Shifting currents and melting ice in the Antarctic
2021/12/22 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
RStudio Connect 2021 Year in Review
2021/12/22 R-bloggers
Remote R Shiny Developer Jobs
2021/12/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What should we expect in comparing human causal inference to Bayesian models?
2021/12/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What color is your parachute bike car?
2021/12/22 FlowingData
✚ How to Make Frequency Trails in Excel
2021/12/22 FlowingData
A catalog of all the Covid visualizations
2021/12/21 earfanfan | 袁凡
使用RStudio Server笔记之连接数据库
2021/12/21 R-bloggers
Why R? 2021 Conference Summary
2021/12/21 R-bloggers
Thinking about maps and ice cream
2021/12/21 R-bloggers
Package modEvA 3.0 is now on CRAN!
2021/12/21 R-bloggers
New Data Science Degree in Zimbabwe Universities Fueling Interest and Growth in R Programming
2021/12/21 R-bloggers
Controlling Type I error in RCTs with interim looks: a Bayesian perspective
2021/12/21 R-bloggers
ANOVA in R – How To Implement One-Way ANOVA From Scratch
2021/12/21 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
[XJTLU HES Workshop] Git: a Collabration Platform
2021/12/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Accounting Theory as a Bayesian Discipline”
2021/12/21 FlowingData
Launching a telescope to explore the Big Bang
2021/12/20 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Integrating Dynamic R and Python Models in Tableau Using plumbertableau
2021/12/20 R-bloggers
X-Mas Tree with 10 Lines of R Code
2021/12/20 R-bloggers
Why R? 2021 Conference Summary
2021/12/20 R-bloggers
rOpenSci Announces $400k Award from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to Empower Historically Excluded Groups as Community Leaders in Scientific Open Source Projects
2021/12/20 R-bloggers
J.League Soccer 2021 Season Review!
2021/12/20 R-bloggers
Introducing portfoliodown: The Data Science Portfolio Website Builder
2021/12/20 R-bloggers
Hundreds of Statistical/Machine Learning models for univariate time series, using ahead, ranger, xgboost, and caret
2021/12/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The so-called “lucky golf ball”: The Association for Psychological Science promotes junk science while ignoring the careful, serious work of replication
2021/12/20 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Announces $400k Award from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to Empower Historically Excluded Groups as Community Leaders in Scientific Open Source Projects
2021/12/20 FlowingData
Mapping the weather disasters of 2021
2021/12/19 earfanfan | 袁凡
使用RStudio Server笔记之安装R包
2021/12/19 R-bloggers
Verifying a stat from The Athletic NBA Show
2021/12/19 R-bloggers
NBA Analytics Tutorial: Using R to Display Player Career Stats
2021/12/19 R-bloggers
Generating data from a uniform distribution using R, without using R’s runif function
2021/12/19 R-bloggers
‘fusen’ v0.3: Better project templates, grouped functions and numerous other enhancements
2021/12/19 R-bloggers
Comparing Distributions
2021/12/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Did this study really identify “the most discriminatory federal judges”?
2021/12/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Estimates of “false positive” rates in various scientific fields
2021/12/19 Thinking inside the box
RcppSMC 0.2.6 on CRAN: Compiler Update
2021/12/18 earfanfan | 袁凡
2021/12/18 R-bloggers
Import CSV Files into R Step-by-Step Guide
2021/12/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Use stacking rather than Bayesian model averaging.
2021/12/17 Shane Lynn
Build a Sentiment & Entity Detection API with FastAPI (2/2)
2021/12/17 R-bloggers
Thank You to the rOpenSci Community, 2021
2021/12/17 R-bloggers
How to write code that returns (Rmarkdown) code
2021/12/17 R-bloggers
Calgary R User Group on the Importance of Math Education
2021/12/17 R-bloggers
Advent of 2021, Day 17 – Watermarking and joins for Spark streaming
2021/12/17 Econometrics and Free Software
How to write code that returns (Rmarkdown) code
2021/12/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Why and How We Should Join the Shift From Significance Testing to Estimation”
2021/12/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Graphing advice: “If zero is in the neighborhood, invite it in.”
2021/12/17 Home on Xianying's Blog
2021/12/17 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Thank You to the rOpenSci Community, 2021
2021/12/17 OmicX
Install and Setup MetaPhlAn 3.0
2021/12/17 FlowingData
Why we listen to the same Christmas songs
2021/12/17 FlowingData
What works in visualization, scientifically speaking
2021/12/17 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: Bugfixes
2021/12/16 Shane Lynn
How to Build a Sentiment and Entity Detection API with Python (1/2)
2021/12/16 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Winners of the 2021 Table Contest
2021/12/16 R-bloggers
TidyModels hands on for the NHS-R community – building a supervised ML classification model from scratch
2021/12/16 R-bloggers
Stats and R is 2 years old!
2021/12/16 R-bloggers
RObservations #20: Solving “Tree Includes” Problems for Binary Trees
2021/12/16 R-bloggers
How to Use the scale() Function in R
2021/12/16 R-bloggers
How to google R stuff
2021/12/16 R-bloggers
How Many Shiny Apps Can You Host for Free?
2021/12/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What we know about designing graphs
2021/12/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
An important skill for woodworkers and social science researchers
2021/12/16 FlowingData
✚ Sorting Usefully – The Process 169
2021/12/16 FlowingData
NASA solar probe touched the sun
2021/12/16 Thinking inside the box
RProtoBuf 0.4.18: Multiple Updates
2021/12/16 Thinking inside the box
BH 1.78.0-0: New Upstream, Two New Libraries
2021/12/16 Thinking inside the box
BH 1.78.0-0: New Upstream, Two New Libraries
2021/12/15 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Sharing Data With the pins Package
2021/12/15 R-bloggers
Topic modeling for #TidyTuesday Spice Girls lyrics
2021/12/15 R-bloggers
RObservations # 19: Breadth-first search for Binary Trees
2021/12/15 R-bloggers
How to Find Unique Values in R
2021/12/15 R-bloggers
Awardees of Supporting grant for Women in Data Science
2021/12/15 R-bloggers
Advent of 2021, Day 14 – Introduction to Spark Streaming
2021/12/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stan for the climate!
2021/12/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Economics as a community
2021/12/15 中文博客 on Yongchao Fu | 付永超
CAR T的细胞动力学模型
2021/12/15 Julia Silge
Topic modeling for #TidyTuesday Spice Girls lyrics
2021/12/15 Freakonometrics
Last talk of the year…
2021/12/15 FlowingData
Vaccination rates compared against country wealth
2021/12/14 R-bloggers
RObservations #18: Depth-first search for Binary Trees.
2021/12/14 R-bloggers
Optimising dplyr
2021/12/14 R-bloggers
New paper in Computational Brain and Behavior: Sample size determination for Bayesian hierarchical models commonly used in psycholinguistics
2021/12/14 R-bloggers
How to split vector and data frame in R
2021/12/14 R-bloggers
How to Split data into train and test in R
2021/12/14 R-bloggers
GooglyPlusPlus2021: Towards more picturesque analytics!
2021/12/14 R-bloggers
Gold-Mining Week 15 (2021)
2021/12/14 R-bloggers
Awardees of Community award for Outstanding Community Leaders
2021/12/14 R-bloggers
10 Tips and Tricks for Data Scientists Vol.12
2021/12/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Webinar: Predicting future forest tree communities and winegrowing regions with Stan
2021/12/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The obesity wars and the education of a researcher: A personal account”
2021/12/14 FlowingData
Flowchart for pandemic supply chain issues
2021/12/14 FlowingData
Climate change postcards from every country
2021/12/14 Thinking inside the box
RDieHarder 0.2.3 on CRAN: Packaging Updates
2021/12/14 Thinking inside the box
RcppCCTZ 0.2.10: Updates
2021/12/14 Thinking inside the box
nanotime 0.3.5 on CRAN: Update
2021/12/13 R-bloggers
Top 7 Skills to Get Hired in Data Science in 2022
2021/12/13 R-bloggers
Top 21 #RStats tweets of 2021
2021/12/13 R-bloggers
Oslo UseR! Group’s Diverse and Inclusive Environment Has Fostered a Resilient R Community
2021/12/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The NFL regression puzzle . . . and my discussion of possible solutions:
2021/12/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Another example to trick Bayesian inference
2021/12/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Wilkinson’s contribution to interactive visualization
2021/12/13 Freakonometrics
Talk on climate models and insurance
2021/12/13 FlowingData
Most used emoji for the year
2021/12/13 FlowingData
Leland Wilkinson, creator of The Grammar of Graphics, passed away
2021/12/12 R-bloggers
An easy to convert list to long table
2021/12/12 R-bloggers
Advent of 2021, Day 12 – Spark SQL
2021/12/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Lee Wilkinson
2021/12/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Causal inference and generalization
2021/12/11 R-bloggers
Pastor and Stambaugh (2003) Liquidity Measure – Individual Stock
2021/12/11 R-bloggers
How to Make R Markdown Snow
2021/12/11 R-bloggers
Advent of 2021, Day 11 – Working with packages and spark dataFrames
2021/12/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Learning from failure
2021/12/11 Home on Xianying's Blog
使用UTF8作为默认编码的Window R快来了
2021/12/11 Home on Xianying's Blog
Rust and R on Mac M1的一个注意事项
2021/12/10 R-bloggers
Advent of 2021, Day 10 – Working with data frames
2021/12/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Lying to people by associating health care with conspiracy theories—it’s a tradition. Here’s a horrible example from an old-school science fiction writer:
2021/12/10 FlowingData
Stephen Curry career threes compared to other players
2021/12/10 FlowingData
Animated map of microplastics in the ocean
2021/12/10 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Enable comment section in this blog
2021/12/09 R-bloggers
Why R? 2021 Starts Tomorrow
2021/12/09 R-bloggers
Advent of 2021, Day 9 – RDD Operations
2021/12/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Interpreting apparently sparse fitted models
2021/12/09 FlowingData
What People Spend Most of Their Money On, By Income Group, Relatively Speaking
2021/12/09 FlowingData
✚ Get Input – The Process 168
2021/12/09 Thinking inside the box
qlcal 0.0.1 on CRAN: New Package
2021/12/08 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Using Keras for Deep Learning with R
2021/12/08 R-bloggers
Why R? 2021 Discussion Panels
2021/12/08 R-bloggers
The COVID19 package, an interface to the COVID-19 Data Hub
2021/12/08 R-bloggers
Sketchy, Hand-drawn-like Maps in R
2021/12/08 R-bloggers
Referring to American Presidents
2021/12/08 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
XJTLU Library Workshop: Modern Statistical Graphs with R
2021/12/08 theoretical ecology
Can p-values be interpreted as continuous measures of evidence for an effect?
2021/12/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Objectively worse, but practically better: an example from the World Chess Championship
2021/12/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Christopher Columbus And The Replacement-Level Historical Figure”
2021/12/08 FlowingData
Clock shows percentage of life lived so far
2021/12/08 Thinking inside the box
#34: Less Is More
2021/12/07 R-bloggers
Why R? 2021 Pearson Session
2021/12/07 R-bloggers
Shinytableau – How To Create Tableau Dashboard Extensions With R Shiny
2021/12/07 R-bloggers
Gold-Mining Week 14 (2021)
2021/12/07 R-bloggers
Generating Pretty Instagram Quote Images in R
2021/12/07 R-bloggers
Exploring design effects of stepped wedge designs with baseline measurements
2021/12/07 R-bloggers
Advent of 2021, Day 7 – Starting Spark with R and Python
2021/12/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Two sides, no vig: The problem with generative and inferential reasoning in social science
2021/12/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Eliciting expert knowledge in applied machine learning
2021/12/07 FlowingData
TikTok algorithms work because of a lot of data
2021/12/07 FlowingData
Family safety app sells location data to third parties
2021/12/07 Thinking inside the box
Rblpapi 0.3.12: Fixes and Updates
2021/12/06 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Three Ways to Program in Python With RStudio
2021/12/06 R-bloggers
Why R? 2021 Jumping Rivers Session
2021/12/06 R-bloggers
Summer internships at Flatiron Institute’s Center for Computational Mathematics
2021/12/06 R-bloggers
Shiny Weekly: News from the R Shiny Community
2021/12/06 R-bloggers
Indexing from zero in R
2021/12/06 R-bloggers
Advent of 2021, Day 6 – Setting up IDE
2021/12/06 R-bloggers
A 2nd look at vaccination breakthroughs in Switzerland
2021/12/06 R-bloggers
9 new books added to Big Book of R
2021/12/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Summer internships at Flatiron Institute’s Center for Computational Mathematics
2021/12/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Journals submit article with fake data, demonstrate that some higher education journal you’d never heard of is as bad as PNAS, Psychological Science, Lancet, etc etc etc. And an ice cream analogy:
2021/12/06 FlowingData
Shrinking the Mercator projection to equal area
2021/12/06 FlowingData
AI-powered artwork app
2021/12/06 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
The histologic phenotype of lung cancers may be driven by transcriptomic features rather than genomic characteristics
2021/12/06 Thinking inside the box
tidyCpp 0.0.6 on CRAN: Package Maintenance
2021/12/05 R-bloggers
Writing Functions in R: Working Example One
2021/12/05 R-bloggers
Easy Interpretations of ADF Test in R
2021/12/05 R-bloggers
Advent of 2021, Day 5 – Setting up Spark Cluster
2021/12/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Being Alive
2021/12/05 Thinking inside the box
RcppSpdlog 0.0.7 on CRAN: Package Maintenance
2021/12/04 R-bloggers
Why R? 2021 Invited Talks
2021/12/04 R-bloggers
Sea Monsters that Lost their Way
2021/12/04 R-bloggers
Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) Test in R
2021/12/04 R-bloggers
Advent of 2021, Day 4 – Spark Architecture – Local and cluster mode
2021/12/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
They call him Dr. Manhattan because he updates in one dimension at a time.
2021/12/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2021/12/04 Thinking inside the box
RcppAPT 0.0.8: Package Maintenance
2021/12/03 earfanfan | 袁凡
2021/12/03 R-bloggers
Where to ask for help when coding in R
2021/12/03 R-bloggers
Mapping iNaturalist Data in R
2021/12/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Prior knowledge elicitation: The past, present, and future
2021/12/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2021/12/03 Rob J Hyndman
Reconstructing missing and anomalous data collected from high-frequency in-situ sensors in fresh waters
2021/12/03 FlowingData
Emissions and energy usage from Ethereum network
2021/12/03 FlowingData
Bees use social distancing
2021/12/03 Home on 算是紀錄一下
近期 paper 記錄隨筆
2021/12/03 Thinking inside the box
littler 0.3.15 on CRAN: Package Updates
2021/12/03 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Managing QEMU/Libvirt hook scripts
2021/12/02 earfanfan | 袁凡
2021/12/02 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
RStudio Community Monthly Events - December 2021
2021/12/02 R-bloggers
Why R? 2021 Keynotes
2021/12/02 R-bloggers
What statistical test should I do?
2021/12/02 R-bloggers
Two day trainings ‘Introduction to Responsible ML in R or Python’— schedule for 2022
2021/12/02 R-bloggers
Leaflet vs. Tmap – Which Should You Use to Build Interactive Maps with R and R Shiny
2021/12/02 R-bloggers
Advent of 2021, Day 2 – Installing Apache Spark
2021/12/02 R-bloggers
2021 Advent of Code Day 02 “Don’t Try This At Home” Edition
2021/12/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When confidence intervals include unreasonable values . . . When confidence intervals include only unreasonable values . . .
2021/12/02 rud.is
2021 Advent of Code Day 02 “Don’t Try This At Home” Edition
2021/12/02 Freakonometrics
Talk at Sherbrooke University
2021/12/02 FlowingData
Rapidly growing African cities
2021/12/02 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Resources, November 2021 Roundup
2021/12/02 FlowingData
FlowingData Shop is Open, Temporarily
2021/12/02 Thinking inside the box
drat 0.2.2 on CRAN: Package Maintenance
2021/12/02 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Setting up Intel GVT-g for QEMU/Libvirt VMs
2021/12/02 Home on Jinji
2021/12/01 怡然轩
2021/12/01 R-bloggers
Why R? 2021 agenda is published!
2021/12/01 R-bloggers
The virtual 2021 R Government & Public Sector Conference is coming December 9th & 10th
2021/12/01 R-bloggers
R Consortium Funding Delivers New Format for the R Journal
2021/12/01 R-bloggers
Advent of Code 2021
2021/12/01 R-bloggers
Advent of 2021, Day 1 – What is Apache Spark?
2021/12/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
An interesting research problem at the intersection of graphical perception and comparative politics.
2021/12/01 Home on Xianying's Blog
2021/12/01 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
More Than 1,500 File Extensions Are Used Inside R Packages
2021/12/01 FlowingData
Bird power rankings
2021/12/01 sesa blog
Simulation on controlling confounders
2021/12/01 Thinking inside the box
digest 0.6.29 on CRAN: Package Maintenance
2021/12/01 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Modify raw image file in Linux
2021/11/30 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, November 2021
2021/11/30 R-bloggers
R shiny web apps at scale on AWS with ShinyProxy
2021/11/30 R-bloggers
Lagged Predictors in Regression Models and Improving by Bootstrapping and Bagging
2021/11/30 R-bloggers
A Hiring Manager’s review of the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate syllabus
2021/11/30 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
2021/11/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Importance of understanding variation when considering how a treatment effect will scale
2021/11/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Nudge! For reals.
2021/11/30 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, November 2021
2021/11/30 flujoo
My Early Music
2021/11/30 FlowingData
Thanksgiving Ravine
2021/11/30 FlowingData
Simpson’s Paradox in vaccination data
2021/11/30 sesa blog
Installation von R und seiner Freunde
2021/11/29 R-bloggers
Why R? 2021 agenda is almost there!
2021/11/29 R-bloggers
EARL 2021 charity donation
2021/11/29 R-bloggers
Detecting topics in mails, tweets, etc.: How to create a text classification algorithm in R
2021/11/29 R-bloggers
AWS Athena dplyr unload
2021/11/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Have we been thinking about the pandemic wrong? The effect of population structure on transmission”
2021/11/29 L. Collado-Torres
recount3: summaries and queries for large-scale RNA-seq expression and splicing
2021/11/29 FlowingData
Map made of candy corn to show corn production
2021/11/29 FlowingData
Inflation in the context of age generations
2021/11/29 Posts on Cyrus Yip | 叶寻
修复变慢的 Arch Linux(起因:auto-cpufreq)
2021/11/29 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Check VM's IP address from the host
2021/11/28 R-bloggers
Vector Autoregressive Model (VAR) using R
2021/11/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Design of Surveys in a Non-Probability Sampling World (my talk this Wed in virtual Sweden)
2021/11/28 flujoo
Generate Accompaniment Progression
2021/11/27 R-bloggers
Custom Formats in gt Tables
2021/11/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A little correlation puzzle, leading to a discussion of the connections between intuition and brute force
2021/11/27 Home on Xianying's Blog
2021/11/27 Julia Silge
Predicting viewership for #TidyTuesday Doctor Who episodes
2021/11/27 sesa blog
Analyse einiger RKI-Coronadaten: Eine reproduzierbare Fallstudie
2021/11/26 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2021/11/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“What, are you nuts? We don’t have time in AP Stats to explain to students what stats actually means. We have to just get them to grind through the computations.”
2021/11/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Open positions in the Columbia statistics department
2021/11/26 FlowingData
All the provisions in the Build Back Better bill
2021/11/25 R-bloggers
Creating your google chat R bot in under 5 minutes
2021/11/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Spufford: “Semi-bamboozled” and cookery vs. science (special Thanksgiving post)
2021/11/25 OmicX
RStudio and R Markdown Tips
2021/11/24 R-bloggers
Why R? Community award for Outstanding Community Leaders
2021/11/24 R-bloggers
RSS feeds of package updates in r-universe
2021/11/24 R-bloggers
Likelihood Ratio Test in R with Example
2021/11/24 R-bloggers
Biplots are everywhere: where do they come from?
2021/11/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2021/11/24 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
RSS feeds of package updates in r-universe
2021/11/24 Home on JIN Li
2021/11/24 FlowingData
Calculating where you should live
2021/11/24 Thinking inside the box
nanotime 0.3.4 on CRAN: Maintenance Update
2021/11/23 R-bloggers
Why R? Webinars are back
2021/11/23 R-bloggers
The design effect of a cluster randomized trial with baseline measurements
2021/11/23 R-bloggers
RTutor: What explains the employment drop in the great recession 2007-2009?
2021/11/23 R-bloggers
parallelly 1.29.0: New Skills and Less Communication Latency on Linux
2021/11/23 R-bloggers
MANOVA(Multivariate Analysis of Variance) using R
2021/11/23 R-bloggers
I got my first package onto CRAN, and YOU CAN TOO
2021/11/23 R-bloggers
How to Build Interactive Google Maps With R Shiny – A Complete Guide
2021/11/23 R-bloggers
Gold-Mining Week 12 (2021)
2021/11/23 R-bloggers
Eskisehir R Users Group in Turkey Talks About Pushing Boundaries During the Lockdown
2021/11/23 R-bloggers
cffr: Create a CITATION.cff File for your R Package
2021/11/23 R-bloggers
Backstage: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Responsible Machine Learning
2021/11/23 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2021/11/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Kelloggs in the house!
2021/11/23 Home on Xianying's Blog
2021/11/23 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
How I Test cffr on (about) 2,000 Packages using GitHub Actions and R-universe
2021/11/23 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
cffr: Create a CITATION.cff File for your R Package
2021/11/23 flujoo
Three Types of Music Analysis
2021/11/23 FlowingData
Most Common Daily Routines
2021/11/22 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
R Markdown Lesser-Known Tips & Tricks #1: Working in the RStudio IDE
2021/11/22 R-bloggers
How to Scrape and Store Strava Data Using R
2021/11/22 R-bloggers
How to calculate Whites Test in R
2021/11/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some unexpected insights from Dan Ariely’s Wall Street Journal’s advice column!
2021/11/22 FlowingData
Euler diagram to illustrate base rate fallacy
2021/11/22 FlowingData
Communicating effectiveness of boosters
2021/11/21 R-bloggers
Application of Bayes Theorem in R
2021/11/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Just another day at the sausage factory . . . It’s just funny how regression discontinuity analyses routinely produce these ridiculous graphs and the authors and journals don’t even seem to notice.
2021/11/21 Home on Xianying's Blog
我为什么要用RStudio Team
2021/11/20 earfanfan | 袁凡
2021/11/20 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang
数据产品与 R Shiny 应用
2021/11/20 R-bloggers
How to Perform Univariate Analysis in R
2021/11/20 R-bloggers
cusumcharter available on CRAN
2021/11/20 R-bloggers
cusumcharter available on CRAN
2021/11/20 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
[第14届中国R语言会议]mindr:R 语言制作思维导图
2021/11/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The connection between junk statistics and the lack of appreciation for variation
2021/11/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Not so easy to estimate the effects of school mask requirements . . . how to think about this?
2021/11/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Design choices and user experience in Stan and TensorFlow Probability
2021/11/19 R-bloggers
Calculate Polychoric Correlation in R
2021/11/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Drawing Maps of Model Space with Modular Stan
2021/11/19 FlowingData
3-D modeling the french fry universe
2021/11/18 R-bloggers
What Is New in ShinyProxy 2.6.0
2021/11/18 R-bloggers
Running R clusters on an AMD Threadripper 3990X in Windows 11 (update)
2021/11/18 R-bloggers
rOpenSci Dev Guide 0.7.0: Updates
2021/11/18 R-bloggers
R Shiny Apps in 100 Seconds
2021/11/18 R-bloggers
Deploying xaringan Slides with GitHub Pages
2021/11/18 R-bloggers
Calculate Confidence Intervals in R
2021/11/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Fake drug studies
2021/11/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Event frequencies and my dated MLB analogy
2021/11/18 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Dev Guide 0.7.0: Updates
2021/11/18 FlowingData
✚ Connecting Data to Practicality – The Process 166
2021/11/18 FlowingData
Job growth was underestimated
2021/11/18 FlowingData
Increased maternal death in the United States
2021/11/18 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: Bugfix, New Features
2021/11/17 earfanfan | 袁凡
2021/11/17 earfanfan | 袁凡
2021/11/17 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
Announcing the RStudio Blog’s New Vision and Design
2021/11/17 R-bloggers
Why R? 2021 Conference – Last days of Call for Papers
2021/11/17 R-bloggers
It’s so hard to compare the efficiency of MCMC samplers
2021/11/17 R-bloggers
Homoscedasticity in Regression Analysis
2021/11/17 R-bloggers
Exclusive Services and Benefits around RStudio with eoda GmbH
2021/11/17 R-bloggers
Darwin to the Rescue: Using Phylogenetic Information to Overcome the Raunkiaeran Shortfall
2021/11/17 Bayesian Spectacles
Adjusting for Publication Bias with JASP & R
2021/11/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
It’s so hard to compare the efficiency of MCMC samplers
2021/11/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Comparing bias and overfitting in learning from data across social psych and machine learning
2021/11/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
An economist and his lonely belief
2021/11/17 Rob J Hyndman
Feasts & fables: modern tools for time series analysis
2021/11/17 Rob J Hyndman
Detecting distributional differences between temporal granularities for exploratory time series analysis
2021/11/17 FlowingData
Census Mapper, a tool to visualize population and racial shifts
2021/11/16 R-bloggers
How to Make Stunning Histograms in R: A Complete Guide with ggplot2
2021/11/16 R-bloggers
Gold-Mining Week 11 (2021)
2021/11/16 R-bloggers
Creating A Custom MaxMind mmdb File For Cloud Provider Ranges
2021/11/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A forecasting error in law school admissions. Could this have been avoided?
2021/11/16 rud.is
Creating A Custom MaxMind mmdb File For Cloud Provider Ranges
2021/11/16 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
How to Cite R and R Packages
2021/11/16 FlowingData
Partisan gap in Covid death counts
2021/11/15 RStudio | Open source & professional software for data science teams on RStudio
How To Augment Tableau With R & Python - A Webinar and Case Study from Sweden
2021/11/15 R-bloggers
Birmingham R talks about the difficulties of socializing in an online space
2021/11/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Simulation-based inference and approximate Bayesian computation in ecology and population genetics
2021/11/15 FlowingData
Map of highway signs
2021/11/15 sesa blog
Jedes dritte Intensivbett mit Geimpften belegt, also bringt Impfen nix? Falsch.
2021/11/15 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
在十年老笔记本上装了 FreeBSD
2021/11/14 R-bloggers
{attachment} v0.2.3: fill the Remotes field
2021/11/14 R-bloggers
2021-02 Groups, Compositing Operators, and Affine Transformations in R Graphics
2021/11/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“A mix of obvious, perhaps useful, and somewhat absurd”
2021/11/14 Freakonometrics
Week in France
2021/11/14 flujoo
My Music Album "Night"
2021/11/13 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang
交互式网页图形与 R 语言
2021/11/13 R-bloggers
Walking the line between reproducibility and efficiency in R Markdown: Three methods
2021/11/13 R-bloggers
Type hinting a list subclass in Python with function overloading
2021/11/13 R-bloggers
Tackling knitting errors in R Markdown
2021/11/13 R-bloggers
Random Forests with Monotonic Constraints
2021/11/13 R-bloggers
How to Calculate Jaccard Similarity in R
2021/11/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“That Viral List of Top Baby Names Is BS”
2021/11/12 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
blogdown v1.6: Support for the config/ Directory, and Improvements in install_hugo()/new_post()
2021/11/12 R-bloggers
What a NHS-R Community Conference it was – simply wow!
2021/11/12 R-bloggers
Trending & Hot on GitHub – Launching Episode 1
2021/11/12 R-bloggers
How to do Chow Test in R
2021/11/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Webinar: The Current State and Evolution of Stan
2021/11/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
TFW you can add “Internationally exhibited” to your resume
2021/11/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Don’t Call Me Shirley, Mr. Feynman!
2021/11/12 Freakonometrics
Le mythe de l’interprétabilité et de l’explicabilité des modèles
2021/11/12 FlowingData
Scale of ocean depths
2021/11/12 FlowingData
Optimizing retail spaces
2021/11/12 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Fast alignment and preprocessing of chromatin profiles with Chromap
2021/11/11 R-bloggers
How to perform Rolling Correlation in R
2021/11/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Holland academic statistics horror story
2021/11/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Comparison of MCMC effective sample size estimators
2021/11/11 FlowingData
✚ Goodbye, Chartjunk – The Process 164
2021/11/11 FlowingData
Palm oils and rainforest destruction
2021/11/10 R-bloggers
Mapping the confusion matrix
2021/11/10 R-bloggers
How to Cite R and R Packages
2021/11/10 R-bloggers
{binance} P2P Trades
2021/11/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Smoking and Covid
2021/11/10 FlowingData
Commuting calculator
2021/11/09 R-bloggers
simstudy update: adding flexibility to data generation
2021/11/09 R-bloggers
How to Make Stunning Boxplots in R: A Complete Guide with ggplot2
2021/11/09 R-bloggers
Gold-Mining Week 10 (2021)
2021/11/09 R-bloggers
Chile’s R Ladies Group is Open and Inclusive
2021/11/09 R-bloggers
Anderson-Darling Test in R (Quick Normality Check)
2021/11/09 Bayesian Spectacles
Bayesian Model-Averaged Meta-Analysis in Medicine
2021/11/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Chevron, Donziger, and rationality
2021/11/09 FlowingData
How Much Women and Men Work
2021/11/09 Posts on Cyrus Yip | 叶寻
修复 BitLocker 错误:The system cannot find the file specified
2021/11/08 R-bloggers
Starting the South Coast MA UseR Group: A first year in review
2021/11/08 R-bloggers
Should I Move to a Database?
2021/11/08 R-bloggers
ShinyProxy 2.6.0
2021/11/08 R-bloggers
Lies, damned lies, and rankings: the problem with Bloomberg’s COVID resilience ranking
2021/11/08 R-bloggers
Granger Causality Test in R (with Example)
2021/11/08 R-bloggers
{binance} Spot Trading: Liquidity
2021/11/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A new idea for a science core course based entirely on computer simulation
2021/11/08 FlowingData
Painbow color scale
2021/11/08 Cartesian Faith
Lies, damned lies, and rankings: the problem with Bloomberg’s COVID resilience ranking
2021/11/08 RStudio Blog
Building Code Movies With flipbookr
2021/11/07 earfanfan | 袁凡
2021/11/07 R-bloggers
Why You Should Use RStudio Connect Authentication And How to Set It Up
2021/11/07 R-bloggers
Time series cross-validation using `crossvalidation` (Part 2)
2021/11/07 R-bloggers
GooglyPlusPlus2021 now with power play, middle and death over analysis
2021/11/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Nooooooooooooo (another hopeless sex ratio study)
2021/11/06 R-bloggers
The Return Distribution of Bitcoin
2021/11/06 R-bloggers
String Manipulation in R
2021/11/06 R-bloggers
Bond Forward Pricing using R code
2021/11/06 R-bloggers
Benchmarking Rcpp code with RcppClock
2021/11/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Lying as kicking the can down the road
2021/11/05 R-bloggers
Spatial resampling for #TidyTuesday and the #30DayMapChallenge
2021/11/05 R-bloggers
Find optimal portfolios using particle swarm optimisation in R
2021/11/05 R-bloggers
{binance} Spot Trading: Limit Orders
2021/11/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Pendulum versus policy explanations of the 2021 elections
2021/11/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Is There a Replication Crisis in Finance?
2021/11/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Learn Stan, get a job doing Bayesian modeling. How cool is that??
2021/11/05 Julia Silge
Spatial resampling for #TidyTuesday and the #30DayMapChallenge
2021/11/05 FlowingData
Rising prices of everything
2021/11/04 R-bloggers
Under The Same Name: Journal titles and band names
2021/11/04 R-bloggers
error: No CurrentVersion entry in Software/JavaSoft registry!
2021/11/04 R-bloggers
An R Community Public Library
2021/11/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Fast state, slow state: what’s the matter with Connecticut?”
2021/11/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A quick fix in science communication: Switch from the present to the past tense. Here’s an example from New Zealand:
2021/11/04 OmicX
Fix Corrupted EndNote Library
2021/11/04 FlowingData
Sonified animation of London Covid-19 rates
2021/11/04 FlowingData
✚ Not the Best List of Visualization Tools – The Process 164
2021/11/03 R-bloggers
Why R? 2021 Conference – Call for Papers and Registration
2021/11/03 R-bloggers
RStudio Community Monthly Events – November 2021
2021/11/03 R-bloggers
EARL competition winner
2021/11/03 R-bloggers
Bump chart of Scottish greenhouse gas emissions
2021/11/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Journalists and social scientists team up to discover that Census data is not perfect
2021/11/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
General Social Survey releases new data!
2021/11/03 Rob J Hyndman
Uncertain futures: AAS2021
2021/11/03 FlowingData
Where cancer risk is greater due to air pollution
2021/11/03 RStudio Blog
RStudio Community Monthly Events - November 2021
2021/11/02 R-bloggers
What’s Neural Network?
2021/11/02 R-bloggers
User authentication in R Shiny – sneak peek of shiny.users and shiny.admin packages
2021/11/02 R-bloggers
Top R Packages for Visualizing Table Data – Make Stunning Tables in Minutes
2021/11/02 R-bloggers
How the “Clusterbuster” Shiny App Helps Hundreds of Doctors and Epidemiologists Battle COVID-19 in the Netherlands
2021/11/02 R-bloggers
Gold-Mining Week 9 (2021)
2021/11/02 R-bloggers
Enhancing Software Peer Review with GitHub Automation
2021/11/02 R-bloggers
Announcing RStudio on Amazon SageMaker
2021/11/02 R-bloggers
#30DayMapChallenge 2021 Day 2: Lines
2021/11/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How do you measure success in an academic field such as astronomy?
2021/11/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Election update
2021/11/02 rud.is
#30DayMapChallenge 2021 Day 2: Lines
2021/11/02 FlowingData
Tracking the Lenna image
2021/11/02 RStudio Blog
How the "Clusterbuster" Shiny App Helps Hundreds of Doctors and Epidemiologists Battle COVID-19 in the Netherlands
2021/11/02 RStudio Blog
Announcing RStudio on Amazon SageMaker
2021/11/02 Thinking inside the box
RDieHarder 0.2.2 on CRAN: Simpler Build, Fixes
2021/11/01 earfanfan | 袁凡
2021/11/01 earfanfan | 袁凡
2021/11/01 R-bloggers
lambda.min, lambda.1se and Cross Validation in Lasso : Continuous Response
2021/11/01 R-bloggers
Smooth flow maps and a new edge bundling algorithm
2021/11/01 R-bloggers
Little useless-useful R functions – Interactive Voronoi diagram generator using R and x11()
2021/11/01 R-bloggers
{ExclusionTable} a package for keeping track of exclusions and inclusions
2021/11/01 R-bloggers
{binance} Spot Trading: Market Orders
2021/11/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What can we learn from COVID burnout?
2021/11/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How different are causal estimation and decision-making?
2021/11/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Approximate leave-future-out cross validation for Bayesian time series models
2021/11/01 FlowingData
Check the frequency of salmonella in your chicken
2021/10/31 R-bloggers
Fast and scalable forecasting with ahead::ridge2f
2021/10/31 R-bloggers
Data Science on Blockchain with R. Part II: Tracking the NFTs
2021/10/31 R-bloggers
Cross Validation in R with Example
2021/10/31 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2021/10/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The Truants,” by William Barrett
2021/10/31 Freakonometrics
Semaine Risques & Incertitude (Le Mans, 15-19 novembre)
2021/10/30 earfanfan | 袁凡
2021/10/30 R-bloggers
The Polarization of Death
2021/10/30 R-bloggers
lambda.min, lambda.1se and Cross Validation in Lasso : Binomial Response
2021/10/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“While critique is certainly an important part of improving scientific fields, we do not want to set a precedent or encourage submission of articles that only critique the methods used by others.”
2021/10/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A survey of oldsters. Can someone explain why they do it this way?
2021/10/30 Freakonometrics
Modélisation du risque subsidence en France, 9 novembre 2021
2021/10/30 Thinking inside the box
RcppQuantuccia 0.1.0 on CRAN: Full QuantLib Business Calendar Support
2021/10/30 Home on Jinji
2021/10/29 Homepage on Liangliang's Homepage
2021/10/29 R-bloggers
Interpretable Segmentation of Medical Free-Text Records Based on Word Embeddings
2021/10/29 R-bloggers
Importance of Statistical Analysis in Business
2021/10/29 R-bloggers
Exclusive Lasso and Group Lasso using R code
2021/10/29 R-bloggers
‘Bring a Shiny App to production’ the hands-on workshop
2021/10/29 R-bloggers
Awesome Marker Legends in Leaflet
2021/10/29 R-bloggers
Announcing RStudio on Amazon SageMaker
2021/10/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Replicating the literature on meritocratic promotion in China, or It’s all about ethics in social science workflow
2021/10/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayesian approaches to differential gene expression
2021/10/29 FlowingData
2021/10/29 RStudio Blog
Announcing RStudio on Amazon SageMaker
2021/10/29 Thinking inside the box
dang 0.0.15: Small Correction
2021/10/28 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Turn an Ordered List on an HTML Page into a Collapsible FAQ List
2021/10/28 R-bloggers
Why R? 2021 Conference – Remote
2021/10/28 R-bloggers
September 2021: “Top 40” New CRAN Packages
2021/10/28 R-bloggers
R and Athena update
2021/10/28 R-bloggers
Model Selection in R (AIC Vs BIC)
2021/10/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
No, it’s not a “witch hunt”
2021/10/28 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Resources, October 2021 Roundup
2021/10/28 FlowingData
Mapping the probable heat around the world
2021/10/28 FlowingData
✚ How to Make a Custom Stacked Area Chart in R
2021/10/28 FlowingData
Bend the emissions curve
2021/10/28 Thinking inside the box
td 0.0.5 on CRAN: New Reference Accessors
2021/10/27 R-bloggers
RStudio at R/Pharma 2021
2021/10/27 R-bloggers
R : httr in R and MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP in Excel VBA
2021/10/27 R-bloggers
How-to: Facebook Robyn marketing mix modeling
2021/10/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Sheffield Graduate Certificate in Statistics
2021/10/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Is the accuracy of Bayesian Improved Surname Geocoding bad news for privacy protection at the Census? Technically no, PR-wise probably.
2021/10/27 FlowingData
Drought extent by region
2021/10/27 RStudio Blog
RStudio at R/Pharma 2021
2021/10/27 RStudio Blog
Announcing the RStudio 2021 Communications Survey
2021/10/26 R-bloggers
Sample size requirements for a Bayesian factorial study design
2021/10/26 R-bloggers
RStudio Professional Drivers 2021.10.0
2021/10/26 R-bloggers
Robservations #16: Using the MapBox API with Leaflet
2021/10/26 R-bloggers
How to Start a Career as an R Shiny Developer
2021/10/26 R-bloggers
How Data Scientists and Security Teams Can Effectively Work Together
2021/10/26 R-bloggers
Gold-Mining Week 8 (2021)
2021/10/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Estimating basketball shooting ability while it varies over time
2021/10/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
An urgent puzzle
2021/10/26 FlowingData
Television Genres Over Time
2021/10/26 RStudio Blog
RStudio Professional Drivers 2021.10.0
2021/10/26 RStudio Blog
How Data Scientists and Security Teams Can Effectively Work Together
2021/10/26 Nathan's Lemma
2021/10/26 Home on Jinji
2021/10/25 R-bloggers
Simple Linear Regression in r
2021/10/25 R-bloggers
R Accra Talks About Expanding R in Ghana
2021/10/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Writing negative blog posts
2021/10/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Current State of Undergraduate Bayesian Education and Recommendations for the Future
2021/10/25 Freakonometrics
FAIR+AI (Cachan, 18-19 novembre)
2021/10/25 FlowingData
Are you statistically normal?
2021/10/24 R-bloggers
Suggestion for limiting the boundaries for causal effects
2021/10/24 R-bloggers
Analysis of Variance in R: 3 Steps
2021/10/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Rainy Day Women #13 & 36
2021/10/24 Posts on Cyrus Yip | 叶寻
Arch Linux 备份、加密、还原教程
2021/10/23 R-bloggers
Grouping Data in R- Tidyverse Approach
2021/10/23 R-bloggers
Gold-Mining Week 7 (2021)
2021/10/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
0/0 = . . . 0? That’s Australian math, mate!
2021/10/23 Thinking inside the box
RcppQuantuccia 0.0.5 on CRAN: Updated and Calendar Focus
2021/10/22 R-bloggers
The INSPIRE U2 Program: Student Reflections on Data Science Training
2021/10/22 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, October 2021
2021/10/22 R-bloggers
RObservations #15: I reverse-engineered Atlas.co (well, some of it)
2021/10/22 R-bloggers
Predict #TidyTuesday giant pumpkin weights with workflowsets
2021/10/22 R-bloggers
My slides and paper submissions for Prob Prog 2021
2021/10/22 R-bloggers
Little useless-useful R functions – Useless interface for learning irregular verbs
2021/10/22 R-bloggers
Automatic Forecasting with `ahead::dynrmf` and Ridge regression
2021/10/22 R-bloggers
‘Advanced Shiny Development’ the hands-on workshop
2021/10/22 R-bloggers
2020 Training Review
2021/10/22 The Coatless Professor
RcppEnsmallen v0. Released - Gradient Stability Techniques and Bugfixes!
2021/10/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How did the international public health establishment fail us on covid? By “explicitly privileging the bricks of RCT evidence over the odd-shaped dry stones of mechanistic evidence”
2021/10/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My slides and paper submissions for Prob Prog 2021
2021/10/22 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, October 2021
2021/10/22 Rob J Hyndman
Leave-one-out kernel density estimates for outlier detection
2021/10/22 Julia Silge
Predict #TidyTuesday giant pumpkin weights with workflowsets
2021/10/22 FlowingData
Spending bill in a treemap box
2021/10/22 RStudio Blog
The INSPIRE U2 Program: Student Reflections on Data Science Training
2021/10/21 R-bloggers
Row-wise operations with the {tidyverse}
2021/10/21 R-bloggers
Excess Deaths in 2020
2021/10/21 R-bloggers
Embedding Shiny apps in Tableau Dashboards Using shinytableau
2021/10/21 R-bloggers
Descriptive Statistics in R
2021/10/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I like Steven Pinker’s new book. Here’s why:
2021/10/21 Home on Xianying's Blog
2021/10/21 FlowingData
✚ I Want to Visualize Aspects of the Data – The Process 162
2021/10/21 FlowingData
3-D rendering of Dixie fire smoke clouds
2021/10/21 RStudio Blog
Embedding Shiny apps in Tableau Dashboards Using shinytableau
2021/10/20 R-bloggers
Visually assessing the parallel trends assumption for DID estimation with control variables
2021/10/20 R-bloggers
Tidy Time Series Forecasting in R with Spark
2021/10/20 R-bloggers
The INSPIRE U2 Program: Training Students in Big Data and Statistics Using RStudio
2021/10/20 R-bloggers
NIMBLE online tutorial, November 18, 2021
2021/10/20 R-bloggers
A closer look at vaccination breakthroughs in Switzerland
2021/10/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
New blog formatting
2021/10/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How does post-processed differentially private Census data affect redistricting? How concerned should we be about gerrymandering with the new DAS?
2021/10/20 FlowingData
Search every USPS mail route
2021/10/20 Home on 算是紀錄一下
2021/10/20 RStudio Blog
The INSPIRE U2 Program: Training Students in Big Data and Statistics Using RStudio
2021/10/19 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
An Upcoming Breaking Change in knitr on Unbalanced Chunk Delimiters
2021/10/19 Blog – Statistics.com: Data Science, Analytics & Statistics Courses
Oct 19: Data Literacy – The Chainsaw Case
2021/10/19 R-bloggers
Using Data Science in Pharma – Top 10 Real-World Examples
2021/10/19 R-bloggers
Sampling, conditional probability, and random number generation
2021/10/19 R-bloggers
R infrastructure enables accurate Covid reporting across health partnership organisations
2021/10/19 R-bloggers
How to achieve efficient data management in Managed RStudio
2021/10/19 R-bloggers
HCRIS Field Labels
2021/10/19 R-bloggers
Git: Moving from Master to Main
2021/10/19 R-bloggers
DataFest Tbilisi talks about AI, the need for people, and setting up teaching programs
2021/10/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Webinar: Kernel Thinning and Stein Thinning
2021/10/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Cross validation and model assessment comparing models with different likelihoods? The answer’s in Aki’s cross validation faq!
2021/10/19 FlowingData
A view from the Moon’s south pole
2021/10/18 Blog – Statistics.com: Data Science, Analytics & Statistics Courses
Data Literacy – The Chainsaw Case
2021/10/18 R-bloggers
RvsPython #6: LinkedIn has spoken!
2021/10/18 R-bloggers
parcats 0.0.3 released
2021/10/18 R-bloggers
Little useless-useful R functions – Useless animated showcase of plot() function
2021/10/18 R-bloggers
Largest Data Journalism Conference in Latin America Coda.Br Starts Nov 8
2021/10/18 R-bloggers
How to do Binning in R?
2021/10/18 R-bloggers
GooglyPlusPlus2021:ICC WC T20:Pavilion-view analytics as-it-happens!
2021/10/18 R-bloggers
Expanding Software Peer Review: Statistical Package Standards at rOpenSci
2021/10/18 R-bloggers
{emayili} Message Threads
2021/10/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Found poetry 2021
2021/10/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
American Causal Inference Conference 2022
2021/10/18 FlowingData
Treemap tour of political donations
2021/10/18 Thinking inside the box
RVowpalWabbit 0.0.16: One More CRAN Request
2021/10/17 R-bloggers
Update to piwikproR: fetching DateTimes via API
2021/10/17 R-bloggers
Robustness Check for Maximum Smoothness Forward Rates using R
2021/10/17 R-bloggers
Gold-Mining Week 6 (2021)
2021/10/17 R-bloggers
Data Normalization in R
2021/10/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Suburban Dicks
2021/10/17 Home on JIN Li
2021/10/17 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Be careful when left_join tables with duplicated rows
2021/10/17 首页 on 楚新元 | All in R
用 R 更优雅的分享图片
2021/10/17 Thinking inside the box
dang 0.0.14: Several Updates
2021/10/16 R-bloggers
Setting up Appwrite on DigitalOcean
2021/10/16 R-bloggers
R Packages for Data Science
2021/10/16 R-bloggers
Maximum Smoothness Forward Rates by Inverse Matrix using R
2021/10/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Causal Impact of Masks, Policies, Behavior on Early Covid-19 Pandemic in the U.S”: Chernozhukov et al. respond to Lemoine’s critique
2021/10/16 Home on JIN Li
2021/10/15 R-bloggers
What is the Atkinson index?
2021/10/15 R-bloggers
Simplifying polygons layers
2021/10/15 R-bloggers
Shiny Basics-Introduction
2021/10/15 R-bloggers
Learn to ‘Make a Shiny App sparkle’ with us
2021/10/15 R-bloggers
Guide through jungle of models! What’s more about the forester R package?
2021/10/15 R-bloggers
Forecasting with `ahead`
2021/10/15 R-bloggers
{emayili} Support for Gmail, SendGrid & Mailgun
2021/10/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Standard Deviation by Katherine Heiny
2021/10/15 FlowingData
How the Longest Running Shows Rated Over Episodes
2021/10/15 首页 on 楚新元 | All in R
用 R 自动整理不同类型的文件
2021/10/14 R-bloggers
Why Your Data Science Team Might Need a Shiny Deployment Engineer
2021/10/14 R-bloggers
Generating and customizing badges in r-universe
2021/10/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I have some skepticism about this “Future Directions for Applying Behavioral Economics to Policy” project
2021/10/14 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Generating and customizing badges in r-universe
2021/10/14 FlowingData
Simulating how just a little gender bias in the workplace can lead to big effects up the chain
2021/10/14 FlowingData
✚ Keep Them Separated – The Process 161
2021/10/14 FlowingData
How the 3-point line changed basketball
2021/10/14 Posts on Cyrus Yip | 叶寻
解决 Miix 510-12IKB(Miix 5 Plus)在 Arch Linux 休眠后触控板失效的问题
2021/10/14 首页 on 楚新元 | All in R
用 R 计算给定日期的前一个季度的最后一天的日期
2021/10/14 首页 on 楚新元 | All in R
用 R 调用高德地图实现路径规划
2021/10/14 RStudio Blog
Why Your Data Science Team Might Need a Shiny Deployment Engineer
2021/10/13 Blog – Statistics.com: Data Science, Analytics & Statistics Courses
Word of the Week – Drift
2021/10/13 R-bloggers
Version 0.12.1 of NIMBLE released
2021/10/13 R-bloggers
Using R To Calculate A Simple Speed Model For Rally Stage Routes
2021/10/13 R-bloggers
GSOC 2021: New Graphics for ChemoSpec
2021/10/13 R-bloggers
Adams and Deventer Maximum Smoothness Forward Rate Curve using R code
2021/10/13 The Coatless Professor
sitmo v2.0.2 Released - Bag of Bugfixes and Modernizations
2021/10/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why are goods stacking up at U.S. ports?
2021/10/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
As Seung-Whan Choi explains: Just about any dataset worth analyzing is worth reanalyzing. (The story of when I was “canceled” by Perspectives on Politics. OK, not really.)
2021/10/13 FlowingData
Possible cheating seen in a scatterplot
2021/10/12 R-bloggers
Your first D3 visualisation with {r2d3} and Scooby-Doo
2021/10/12 R-bloggers
Think like a programmeR: the workshop
2021/10/12 R-bloggers
RTutor: Does Bank Lending Increase Before Elections?
2021/10/12 R-bloggers
RStudio Connect 2021.09.0 Tableau Analytics Extensions
2021/10/12 R-bloggers
How to Make a Heatmap of Customers in R [Video]
2021/10/12 R-bloggers
How to build a basic particle swarm optimiser from scratch in R
2021/10/12 R-bloggers
GSL nonlinear least squares fitting in R
2021/10/12 R-bloggers
Announcing New Software Peer Review Editors: Emily Riederer, Adam Sparks, and Jeff Hollister
2021/10/12 R-bloggers
A one-liner for generating random participant IDs
2021/10/12 R-bloggers
A Bayesian analysis of a factorial design focusing on effect size estimates
2021/10/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Can the “Dunning-Kruger effect” be explained as a misunderstanding of regression to the mean?
2021/10/12 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Announcing New Software Peer Review Editors: Emily Riederer, Adam Sparks, and Jeff Hollister
2021/10/12 Rob J Hyndman
Monash Time Series Forecasting Archive
2021/10/12 FlowingData
A data visualization magazine
2021/10/12 RStudio Blog
RStudio Connect 2021.09.0 Tableau Analytics Extensions
2021/10/12 Thinking inside the box
RcppQuantuccia 0.0.4 on CRAN: Updated Calendar
2021/10/12 Thinking inside the box
GitHub Streak: Round Eight
2021/10/11 R-bloggers
The R series ‘Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps’ book is available in print!
2021/10/11 R-bloggers
GooglyPlusPlus2021 enhanced with drill-down batsman, bowler analytics
2021/10/11 R-bloggers
Boxplot in R Language
2021/10/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Learning by confronting the contradictions in our statements/actions/beliefs (and how come the notorious Stanford covid contrarians can’t do it?)
2021/10/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Comments on a Nobel prize in economics for causal inference
2021/10/11 FlowingData
Scientists with bad data
2021/10/11 FlowingData
Reducing methane to slow climate change
2021/10/11 Posts on Cyrus Yip | 叶寻
以 WPS 为例,手动构建和安装 AUR 的包
2021/10/11 cderv's blog
Signed git commit with Keybase and Gpg on Windows 10
2021/10/10 R-bloggers
Black-Derman-Toy Interest Rate model using R
2021/10/10 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2021/10/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Oooh, I hate it when people call me “disingenuous”:
2021/10/09 R-bloggers
Gold-Mining Week 5 (2021)
2021/10/09 R-bloggers
‘Build your first Shiny App’ with us
2021/10/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Fun example of an observational study: Effect of crowd noise on home-field advantage in sports
2021/10/09 Posts on Cyrus Yip | 叶寻
给本地电脑配置 UFW(Uncomplicated Firewall)防火墙
2021/10/09 Posts on Cyrus Yip | 叶寻
本地 SSH 连接教程
2021/10/09 Terence Junjie LIU
New Place to Live
2021/10/08 R-bloggers
FairPAN — bringing fairness to neural networks
2021/10/08 R-bloggers
Data Visualization with R-Scatter plots
2021/10/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
This is a wonderful graph, because it clearly reveals that . . .
2021/10/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s a good supply demand model to study visualization equilibria in rideshare/taxi routing?
2021/10/08 Freakonometrics
Individual risks and collective decisions
2021/10/08 FlowingData
Spike maps in R
2021/10/08 Posts on Cyrus Yip | 叶寻
解决 Arch Linux(KDE Plasma)中 Locale LANG=C 的问题
2021/10/08 Thinking inside the box
corels 0.0.3 on CRAN: Update
2021/10/08 Terence Junjie LIU
Mathematical Statistics Notes
2021/10/07 R-bloggers
TidyModels or CARET – how they compare?
2021/10/07 R-bloggers
RObservations #14: Comparing the Calculated Square Roots of Symmetric Postive Matrices
2021/10/07 R-bloggers
Deep Belief Networks and Autoencoders
2021/10/07 R-bloggers
A bug related to R factor
2021/10/07 theoretical ecology
Bayesian, frequentist and statistical learning perspectives on penalising model complexity
2021/10/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When to use ordered categorical regression?
2021/10/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The COVID wager: results are in
2021/10/07 Home on Xianying's Blog
2021/10/07 FlowingData
✚ Data Visualization Freelance Advice, from Someone Who Doesn’t Freelance and Has No Clue What He is Talking About – The Process 160
2021/10/07 FlowingData
Comparing abortion limits in the U.S. against other countries
2021/10/07 Thinking inside the box
RcppGSL 0.3.10: Small Update
2021/10/06 R-bloggers
Teaching a Biomedical Data Science Course Using RStudio Cloud
2021/10/06 R-bloggers
Replicating Plots: Oil Pathways with Radial Gradient
2021/10/06 R-bloggers
{emayili} Message Precedence
2021/10/06 R-bloggers
Agile in R: Appsilon Speakers at Agile By Example 2021
2021/10/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
ProbProg 2021 is Oct 20–22 and registration is open
2021/10/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2021/10/06 L. Collado-Torres
Single-nucleus transcriptome analysis reveals cell-type-specific molecular signatures across reward circuitry in the human brain
2021/10/06 FlowingData
Visualizing time-based data
2021/10/06 RStudio Blog
Teaching a Biomedical Data Science Course Using RStudio Cloud
2021/10/06 Thinking inside the box
RQuantLib 0.4.14: More Calendars plus Update
2021/10/05 earfanfan | 袁凡
2021/10/05 R-bloggers
Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM)
2021/10/05 R-bloggers
R in Pharma works to allow an open inclusive environment
2021/10/05 R-bloggers
{emayili} Message Integrity
2021/10/05 R-bloggers
COVID-19: The Incredible Shrinking Boost of the Booster Shot
2021/10/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Pundits continue to push the white-men-are-dying story, even though the real change is occurring among women.
2021/10/05 FlowingData
Heatmap of average IMDb ratings for all the shows
2021/10/05 cderv's blog
Business Reports with R Markdown
2021/10/04 R-bloggers
Working with Really Wide Data
2021/10/04 R-bloggers
The ‘Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps’ book is available in print!
2021/10/04 R-bloggers
R Hispano talks about the growth of local groups
2021/10/04 R-bloggers
R-bloggers.com is moving to send daily/weekly update e-mails via a self-hosted solution (instead of follow.it)
2021/10/04 R-bloggers
pins 1.0.0
2021/10/04 R-bloggers
Novel Algebraic Approaches to Maximum Likelihood Estimation
2021/10/04 R-bloggers
Multiple linear regression made simple
2021/10/04 R-bloggers
Introduction to Recurrent Neural Networks
2021/10/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
If you put an o on understo, you’ll ruin my thunderstorm.
2021/10/04 FlowingData
Visual guide for protecting your home from wildfire
2021/10/04 FlowingData
How Facebook disappeared from the internet
2021/10/04 RStudio Blog
pins 1.0.0
2021/10/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Trash talkin’
2021/10/03 Home on Xianying's Blog
2021/10/02 earfanfan | 袁凡
2021/10/02 R-bloggers
Convolutional Neural Networks
2021/10/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I can’t quite say I’m shocked that people aren’t more shocked about Harvard and the CDC’s latest misdeeds . . . but I’m disappointed that people aren’t more disappointed.
2021/10/01 earfanfan | 袁凡
2021/10/01 R-bloggers
Using Java functions from JAR file in R using rJava
2021/10/01 R-bloggers
September 2021 ISC Call for Proposals – Now Open!
2021/10/01 R-bloggers
Crash Course in R Model Deployment with Docker and friends
2021/10/01 R-bloggers
Running R code for all combinations of some parameters with lapply karate
2021/10/01 R-bloggers
RObservations #13: Simulating FSAs in lieu of real postal code data.
2021/10/01 R-bloggers
Introduction to Deep Learning
2021/10/01 R-bloggers
A Simple Two-Stage Stochastic Linear Programming using R
2021/10/01 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2021/10/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Harvard behaving badly (it’s all about Jesus)
2021/10/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
CDC as bad as Harvard? . . . no, but they could still do better
2021/10/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Your projects for the Communicating Data and Statistics course
2021/10/01 FlowingData
Your location for sale
2021/10/01 Home on Jinji
2021/09/30 R-bloggers
Solving Einstein’s Puzzle with Constraint Programming
2021/09/30 R-bloggers
rOpenSci News Digest, September 2021
2021/09/30 R-bloggers
Optimal disclosure risk assessment
2021/09/30 R-bloggers
error: JAVA_HOME cannot be determined from the Registry
2021/09/30 R-bloggers
Competition to win free training closes today
2021/09/30 R-bloggers
An RStudio Table Contest for 2021
2021/09/30 R-bloggers
Advances in Difference-in-Differences in Econometrics
2021/09/30 Bayesian Spectacles
Literal and Liberal Translations of Bertrand’s Box Paradox
2021/09/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The problem with p-hacking is not the “hacking,” it’s the “p” (or, Fisher is just fine on this one)
2021/09/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
PhD position at the University of Iceland: Improved 21st century projections of sub-daily extreme precipitation by spatio-temporal recalibration
2021/09/30 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, September 2021
2021/09/30 FlowingData
✚ Backwards Visualization Critique – The Process 159
2021/09/30 FlowingData
Age and Occupation
2021/09/30 RStudio Blog
An RStudio Table Contest for 2021
2021/09/29 R-bloggers
RStudio 2021.09.0 Update: What’s New
2021/09/29 R-bloggers
‘R basics – objects, functions and operations’ workshop
2021/09/29 R-bloggers
Multiclass predictive modeling for #TidyTuesday NBER papers
2021/09/29 R-bloggers
Introduction to Machine Learning with TensorFlow
2021/09/29 R-bloggers
How to Use shinyMatrix and plotly Graphs as Inputs in a Shiny App
2021/09/29 R-bloggers
Error in character string is not in a standard unambiguous format
2021/09/29 R-bloggers
Decorators in R
2021/09/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2021/09/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hiring postdocs and research scientists at Flatiron Institute’s Center for Computational Mathematics
2021/09/29 Julia Silge
Multiclass predictive modeling for #TidyTuesday NBER papers
2021/09/29 flujoo
2021/09/29 FlowingData
Mapping climate change in the Arctic
2021/09/29 FlowingData
A Succinct Intro to R
2021/09/29 RStudio Blog
RStudio 2021.09.0 Update: What's New
2021/09/29 RStudio Blog
How to Use shinyMatrix and plotly Graphs as Inputs in a Shiny App
2021/09/28 earfanfan | 袁凡
2021/09/28 earfanfan | 袁凡
2021/09/28 R-bloggers
What’s New on RStudio Cloud – September 2021
2021/09/28 R-bloggers
The Story Behind rspatialdata
2021/09/28 R-bloggers
Teaching stats and programming
2021/09/28 R-bloggers
R Numbers
2021/09/28 R-bloggers
R ifelse() Function
2021/09/28 R-bloggers
R if…else
2021/09/28 R-bloggers
R for Loop
2021/09/28 R-bloggers
Quantargo Workspace Now Out of Beta
2021/09/28 R-bloggers
Gold-Mining Week 4 (2021)
2021/09/28 R-bloggers
Creating a Dataset from an Image in R Markdown using reticulate
2021/09/28 R-bloggers
calmcode.io > video tutorials for open source tools
2021/09/28 R-bloggers
Analyzing a factorial design by focusing on the variance of effect sizes
2021/09/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Webinar: Towards responsible patient-level causal inference: taking uncertainty seriously
2021/09/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Not statistically significant” is not the same as zero
2021/09/28 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
The Story Behind rspatialdata
2021/09/28 Rob J Hyndman
Feasts & fables: Time series analysis using R
2021/09/28 FlowingData
This is a good Venn diagram.
2021/09/28 Posts on Cyrus Yip | 叶寻
Arch Linux 安装与配置记录
2021/09/28 RStudio Blog
What's New on RStudio Cloud - September 2021
2021/09/28 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Rescue partition table after major update of Windows via parted
2021/09/28 Nathan's Lemma
2021/09/27 R-bloggers
Using Microsoft365R with Shiny
2021/09/27 R-bloggers
Understanding the Parquet file format
2021/09/27 R-bloggers
R Data Types
2021/09/27 R-bloggers
R Booleans (Comparison and Logical Operators)
2021/09/27 R-bloggers
Post election update: Will the German parliament have a gigantic size?
2021/09/27 R-bloggers
August 2021: “Top 40” New CRAN Packages
2021/09/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“When Should Clinicians Act on Non–Statistically Significant Results From Clinical Trials?”
2021/09/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Postdoc in machine learning and computational statistics for cosmology
2021/09/27 FlowingData
Assessment of the Covid-19 dashboards
2021/09/27 Terence Junjie LIU
2021/09/26 earfanfan | 袁凡
2021/09/26 R-bloggers
A Simple ALM Cash Flow Matching using Excel and R
2021/09/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What are my statistical principles? What are yours?
2021/09/26 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Build a PC During the Great GPU Shortage
2021/09/25 R-bloggers
6 New books added to BigBookofR: Javascript, Business Case Analysis, Indicator Dev and a bunch for Motorsports!
2021/09/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Why Some Important Findings Remain Uncited”
2021/09/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Ivermectin Research Has a Big Fraud Problem, Scientists Say Numerous studies suggesting ivermectin can treat or prevent covid-19 have dodgy data behind them, according to an international group of researchers.”
2021/09/24 R-bloggers
Will the next German parliament have a gigantic size? A law and coding challenge…
2021/09/24 R-bloggers
Error in x[6, ]: subscript out of bounds
2021/09/24 R-bloggers
{emayili} Right-to-Left
2021/09/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to think about evil thoughts expressed by entertainers on news shows?
2021/09/24 FlowingData
Sand mining viewed from above
2021/09/24 首页 on 楚新元
用 R 批量生成制式化的 Word 文档
2021/09/24 Posts on R-Ladies Blog
R-Ladies+ Feat. useR! 2021
2021/09/23 R-bloggers
Roll up, roll up the NHS-R Community Conference 2021 is coming to town
2021/09/23 R-bloggers
{emayili} Styling Figures
2021/09/23 R-bloggers
Easy Rolling Means with MazamaRollUtils
2021/09/23 R-bloggers
2021/09/23 R-bloggers
Data Science Conference Austria 2021
2021/09/23 R-bloggers
Curating for @WeAreRLadies on Twitter
2021/09/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Making better data charts: From communication goals to graphics design
2021/09/23 FlowingData
SVG pattern repository
2021/09/23 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, September 2021 Roundup
2021/09/23 FlowingData
Americans are dying too much
2021/09/23 首页 on 楚新元
用 R 生成日历
2021/09/23 RStudio Blog
Curating for @WeAreRLadies on Twitter
2021/09/22 R-bloggers
The Most Dangerous Equation, or Why Small is Not Beautiful!
2021/09/22 R-bloggers
RStudio Package Manager 2021.09.0 – Capturing and Maintaining Working Repositories
2021/09/22 R-bloggers
R Variables and Constants
2021/09/22 R-bloggers
R Print Output
2021/09/22 R-bloggers
R Comments
2021/09/22 R-bloggers
Numerical Calculation of FRN Duration in R
2021/09/22 R-bloggers
Mistakes: you’ll make a few
2021/09/22 R-bloggers
Learning Path: Shiny
2021/09/22 R-bloggers
How to Rotate Axis Labels in ggplot2?
2021/09/22 R-bloggers
GxP Compliance in Pharma Made Easier: Good Documentation Practices with R Markdown and {officedown}
2021/09/22 R-bloggers
{emayili} Managing CSS
2021/09/22 R-bloggers
Current approaches to Species Distribution Modelling in R
2021/09/22 R-bloggers
Another 9 R books added to BigBookofR
2021/09/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
posteriordb: a database of Bayesian posterior inference
2021/09/22 FlowingData
✚ How to Make Print-ready Graphics in R, with ggplot2
2021/09/22 FlowingData
A flag planted for every Covid-19 death
2021/09/22 Posts on Cyrus Yip | 叶寻
解决用笔记本作 OpenWrt 路由器遇到的免密码登陆与屏幕常亮问题
2021/09/22 RStudio Blog
RStudio Package Manager 2021.09.0 - Capturing and Maintaining Working Repositories
2021/09/21 R-bloggers
Why and How to Model Conditional Variance, with an Application to my Letterboxd Data
2021/09/21 R-bloggers
Side-by-Side plots with ggplot2
2021/09/21 R-bloggers
RStudio Workbench Load Balancing Changes
2021/09/21 R-bloggers
GooglyPlusPlus2021: Restarting IPL 2021 as-it-happens!!!
2021/09/21 R-bloggers
Gold-Mining Week 3 (2021)
2021/09/21 R-bloggers
Getting Started With R
2021/09/21 R-bloggers
forester: An AutoML R package for Tree-based Models
2021/09/21 R-bloggers
EARL online 2021: highlights
2021/09/21 R-bloggers
Creando Tu R-universe
2021/09/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
More on that claim that scientific citations are worth $100,000 each
2021/09/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Albert-Laszlo Barabasi is underpaid. By a lot!
2021/09/21 Home on Xianying's Blog
2021/09/21 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Creando Tu R-universe
2021/09/21 FlowingData
How Men and Women Spend Their Days
2021/09/21 RStudio Blog
RStudio Workbench Load Balancing Changes
2021/09/21 Home on Jinji
2021/09/20 R-bloggers
Price and Duration of Floating Rate Note using R
2021/09/20 R-bloggers
How to Change Legend Position in ggplot2
2021/09/20 R-bloggers
{emayili} R Markdown Parameters
2021/09/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
f2f is better
2021/09/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Biographies of scientists vs. biographies of authors
2021/09/20 FlowingData
Using rates for more relatable Covid-19 numbers
2021/09/20 Posts on Cyrus Yip | 叶寻
树莓派 4B 超频教程
2021/09/19 earfanfan | 袁凡
2021/09/19 R-bloggers
Machine Learning : Workflow
2021/09/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
More on the epidemiologists who other epidemiologists don’t trust
2021/09/18 R-bloggers
How to Change Background Color in ggplot2
2021/09/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Students and Their Style”
2021/09/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“For a research assistant, do you think there is an ethical responsibility to inform your supervisor/principal investigator if they change their analysis plan multiple times during the research project in a manner that verges on p-hacking?”
2021/09/17 R-bloggers
Fast and {furrr}-ious: real time economic monitoring using R
2021/09/17 R-bloggers
{emayili} Rendering R Markdown
2021/09/17 R-bloggers
Common mistakes we Data Scientists make
2021/09/17 R-bloggers
Applications are open: 2022 summer school on stats methods for ling and psych
2021/09/17 theoretical ecology
Can we predict the diversification of life on Earth?
2021/09/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Comparing collaborative to non-collaborative research
2021/09/17 FlowingData
Data visualization activities for kids
2021/09/17 Nathan's Lemma
2021/09/16 R-bloggers
The Advantages of Code-First Data Science
2021/09/16 R-bloggers
RTutor: Insurance and the Church
2021/09/16 R-bloggers
Little useless-useful R functions – Useless analog and digital clocks
2021/09/16 R-bloggers
How to Identify Outliers-Grubbs’ Test in R
2021/09/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Wanna bet? A COVID-19 example.
2021/09/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
BREAKING: Benford’s law violations in California. Hollywood TV and movie franchises got some splainin to do!
2021/09/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Reassessing Nate Silver’s claim from last month that Democrats’ successful (in retrospect) 1-and-Done campaign against the California recall was “self-destructive . . . bad advice . . . a mistake”
2021/09/16 中文博客 on Yongchao Fu | 付永超
2021/09/16 Rob J Hyndman
The geometry of forecast reconciliation
2021/09/16 FlowingData
✚ Dot Patterns – The Process 157
2021/09/16 FlowingData
Humorous charts to organize thoughts
2021/09/16 FlowingData
Beautiful News, a book charting the good things in the world
2021/09/16 sesa blog
Simulation sample and interval sizes for proportions
2021/09/16 RStudio Blog
The Advantages of Code-First Data Science
2021/09/15 earfanfan | 袁凡
2021/09/15 R-bloggers
The Statsomat Apps with R and Python
2021/09/15 R-bloggers
RObservations #12: Making a Candlestick plot with the ggplot2 and tidyquant packages
2021/09/15 R-bloggers
Register now! PSI Scientific Meeting: Generating Insights through Modern Applications of Data Visualisation
2021/09/15 R-bloggers
Netting income
2021/09/15 R-bloggers
Learning Path: Introduction to R
2021/09/15 R-bloggers
Finding the Eras of MTV’s The Challenge Through Clustering
2021/09/15 R-bloggers
Does 100 m equal 1 km ?
2021/09/15 R-bloggers
Dimensionality reduction for #TidyTuesday Billboard Top 100 songs
2021/09/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Bayesian cringe
2021/09/15 Julia Silge
Dimensionality reduction for #TidyTuesday Billboard Top 100 songs
2021/09/15 FlowingData
Black neighborhoods split by highways
2021/09/15 Posts on Cyrus Yip | 叶寻
在 OpenWrt 控制树莓派 Argon Mini Fan
2021/09/15 Alison Hill
Introduction to Machine Learning with Tidymodels
2021/09/14 R-bloggers
Tidy Parallel Processing in R with furrr
2021/09/14 R-bloggers
PythonMusings #6: dplyr in Python? First impressions of the siuba (小巴) module
2021/09/14 R-bloggers
Ogive curve in R
2021/09/14 R-bloggers
Nonlinear Market Forecasting using ‘Stealth Curves’
2021/09/14 R-bloggers
Is the Stock Market Efficient? Let your ZIP Compression Tool give an Answer!
2021/09/14 R-bloggers
How do you use Shiny to communicate to 8 million people?
2021/09/14 R-bloggers
Gold-Mining Week 2 (2021)
2021/09/14 R-bloggers
Drawing the wrong conclusion about subgroups: a comparison of Bayes and frequentist methods
2021/09/14 R-bloggers
Download recently published book – Learn Data Science with R
2021/09/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Public opinion on vaccine mandates etc.
2021/09/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“As you all know, first prize is a Cadillac El Dorado. Anyone wanna see second prize? Second prize is you’re governor of California. Third prize is you’re fired.”
2021/09/14 FlowingData
Where Americans Live
2021/09/14 RStudio Blog
How do you use Shiny to communicate to 8 million people?
2021/09/13 R-bloggers
Why I’m Excited to Join RStudio, Told Through a {blogdown} Metadata Project
2021/09/13 R-bloggers
Little useless-useful R functions – Useless Year Progress bar with spinning cursor
2021/09/13 R-bloggers
How to Use System Commands in your R Script or Package
2021/09/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Citizen Keane: The Big Lies Behind the Big Eyes”
2021/09/13 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
How to Use System Commands in your R Script or Package
2021/09/13 FlowingData
How the demographics of your neighborhood changed
2021/09/13 FlowingData
Cases, hospitalizations, and deaths for vaccinated vs. unvaccinated
2021/09/12 R-bloggers
Another 9 R books added to BigBookofR
2021/09/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Progress! (cross validation for Bayesian multilevel modeling)
2021/09/12 Freakonometrics
Emeritus Celebration Prof. Jan Beirlant
2021/09/12 Freakonometrics
Post-pandemic Actuary: Online Joint Section Colloquia 2021
2021/09/12 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Reproducible research in genomic data science
2021/09/11 earfanfan | 袁凡
2021/09/11 R-bloggers
Examination of the K-Means Broken-Line Method
2021/09/11 R-bloggers
Bond Convexity in Excel and R
2021/09/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s the best way to interact with a computer? Do we want conversations, or do we want to poke it like a thing?
2021/09/10 R-bloggers
Video tutorial on the essentials of R for ecology cheatsheet
2021/09/10 R-bloggers
Object detection and tracking in Python
2021/09/10 R-bloggers
{emayili} Rendering Plain Markdown
2021/09/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s the difference between xkcd and Freakonomics?
2021/09/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Hello, World!” with Emoji (Stan edition)
2021/09/10 Rob J Hyndman
GRATIS: GeneRAting TIme Series with diverse and controllable characteristics
2021/09/10 FlowingData
Data recorded in fabric quilt
2021/09/09 R-bloggers
{clockify} Time Tracking from R
2021/09/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayesian workflow for disease transmission modeling in Stan!
2021/09/09 FlowingData
✚ Chart Types or Visual Encodings – The Process 156
2021/09/09 FlowingData
Atlas of the Invisible
2021/09/09 Home on Jinji
2021/09/08 R-bloggers
Gold-Mining Week 1 (2021)
2021/09/08 R-bloggers
Are my (bio)pharmaceutical assay performances reliable? Only probability of success counts !
2021/09/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why did Bill Gates say this one weird thing about Bad Blood, the story of Theranos??
2021/09/08 FlowingData
Black mortality gap
2021/09/07 R-bloggers
The Pólya Urn Model: A simple Simulation of “The Rich get Richer”
2021/09/07 R-bloggers
The Four Pipes of magrittr
2021/09/07 R-bloggers
10 Tips And Tricks For Data Scientists Vol.11
2021/09/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
We were wrong about redistricting.
2021/09/07 Freakonometrics
Assurance et discrimination, quel rôle pour les actuaires ?
2021/09/07 FlowingData
Bitcoin power usage
2021/09/07 RStudio Blog
My Excel and R Journey in Financial Services
2021/09/06 R-bloggers
RSwitch 2.1.2b Bug-fix Release
2021/09/06 R-bloggers
Geocomputation with R: Second Edition feedback
2021/09/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Rodents Performing Visual Tasks
2021/09/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Job opening for a statistician at a femtech company in Berlin
2021/09/06 rud.is
RSwitch 2.1.2b Bug-fix Release
2021/09/06 首页 on 楚新元
2021/09/06 Nathan's Lemma
2021/09/05 earfanfan | 袁凡
2021/09/05 R-bloggers
Testing rounded data for a circular uniform distribution
2021/09/05 R-bloggers
Speedrunning row-oriented workflows
2021/09/05 R-bloggers
Simulation Smoother using RcppArmadillo
2021/09/05 R-bloggers
Pre-Commit Hook for Processing README.Rmd
2021/09/05 R-bloggers
Mistakes: You’ll make a few
2021/09/05 Econometrics and Free Software
Speedrunning row-oriented workflows
2021/09/04 R-bloggers
The quest for fast(er?) row-oriented workflows
2021/09/04 R-bloggers
Function With Special Talent from ‘caret’ package in R — NearZeroVar()
2021/09/04 R-bloggers
Climate circles
2021/09/04 Econometrics and Free Software
The quest for fast(er?) row-oriented workflows
2021/09/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Losing one night’s sleep may increase risk factor for Alzheimer’s, study says”
2021/09/04 Home on Xianying's Blog
2021/09/04 首页 on 楚新元
利用 livecode 包在局域网实时分享代码
2021/09/03 R-bloggers
rOpenSci docs are now built on r-universe
2021/09/03 R-bloggers
{emayili} Interpolating Message Content
2021/09/03 R-bloggers
Covid Trajectories
2021/09/03 R-bloggers
Bond Modified Duration in R
2021/09/03 R-bloggers
An Integrated Method for Estimation and Optimisation
2021/09/03 R-bloggers
A way of creating clear, transparent, and unified data visualizations
2021/09/03 R-bloggers
A technical interview question
2021/09/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Simulation-based calibration: Some challenges and directions for future research
2021/09/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“There are no equal opportunity infectors: Epidemiological modelers must rethink our approach to inequality in infection risk”
2021/09/03 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci docs are now built on r-universe
2021/09/03 FlowingData
How Much More Time We Spent at Home
2021/09/03 首页 on 楚新元
利用 R 批量转数据文件格式
2021/09/02 R-bloggers
Weibull Distribution in R
2021/09/02 R-bloggers
PDF editing
2021/09/02 R-bloggers
Hosting Shiny Apps with ShinyProxy: a Review
2021/09/02 R-bloggers
Basic R : Read so many CSV files
2021/09/02 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
雪豹网:R 语言培训
2021/09/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Martin Modrák’s tutorial on simulation-based calibration
2021/09/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Adjusting for stratification and clustering in coronavirus surveys
2021/09/02 L. Collado-Torres
Genome-wide sequencing-based identification of methylation quantitative trait loci and their role in schizophrenia risk
2021/09/02 FlowingData
✚ A Bar Chart Would Be Worse – The Process 155
2021/09/02 FlowingData
New Orleans power outage seen via satellite imagery
2021/09/01 R-bloggers
Bayesian Regression Analysis with Rstanarm
2021/09/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
He was fooled by randomness—until he replicated his study and put it in a multilevel framework. Then he saw what was (not) going on.
2021/09/01 Julia Silge
Fit and predict with tidymodels for #TidyTuesday bird baths in Australia
2021/09/01 FlowingData
Tracking wildfires in the west
2021/09/01 FlowingData
How Humans Judge Machines
2021/08/31 Yongfu's Blog
Podcast 隨筆與《遊牧人生》
2021/08/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
There often seems to be an assumption that being in the elite and being an outsider are mutually exclusive qualities, but they’re not.
2021/08/31 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, August 2021
2021/08/31 FlowingData
AI-generated movie posters
2021/08/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Teaching in person!
2021/08/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A study comparing young and middle-aged adults who got covid to similarly-aged people who were vaccinated
2021/08/30 FlowingData
Repulsive curves
2021/08/30 RStudio Blog
RStudio Connect 2021.08.0 Python Updates
2021/08/30 RStudio Blog
RStudio Connect 2021.08.0 Custom Branding
2021/08/30 RStudio Blog
Announcing Calendar Based Versioning for All Commercial RStudio Products
2021/08/29 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang
开发企业级 shiny 应用的技术栈
2021/08/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Instead of comparing two posterior distributions, just fit one model including both possible explanations of the data.
2021/08/28 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
雪豹网的 R 语言培训
2021/08/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Counterfactual history and historical fiction
2021/08/28 Rob J Hyndman
Detecting time series outliers
2021/08/28 Freakonometrics
Talk at Intel India
2021/08/28 欢迎来到 R 的世界 on 楚新元
分享几个 R 好玩的功能
2021/08/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Shots taken, shots returned regarding the Census’ motivation for using differential privacy (and btw, it’s not an algorithm)
2021/08/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
LambertW × FX transforms in Stan
2021/08/27 FlowingData
Lightning algorithm
2021/08/27 RStudio Blog
Practical Advice for R in Production - Answering Your Questions
2021/08/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Review of Art Studio, Volume 1, by James Watt
2021/08/26 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources, August 2021
2021/08/26 FlowingData
Cycle of Many, a 24-hour snapshot for a day in the life of Americans
2021/08/26 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Matrix Factorization for single-cell RNAseq data
2021/08/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Accounting for uncertainty during a pandemic
2021/08/25 FlowingData
Machine learning explained at five difficulty levels
2021/08/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Why do people prefer to share misinformation, even when they value accuracy and are able to identify falsehoods?”
2021/08/24 Julia Silge
Modeling human/computer interactions on Star Trek from #TidyTuesday with workflowsets
2021/08/24 FlowingData
Diversity within the Asian population
2021/08/24 欢迎来到 R 的世界 on 楚新元
2021/08/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The horrible convoluted statistical procedures that are used to make decisions about something as important as Alzheimer’s treatments
2021/08/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Ph.D. position on Bayesian workflow! In Stuttgart! With Paul “brms” Buerkner!
2021/08/23 FlowingData
Inflation isn’t that exciting
2021/08/23 RStudio Blog
Cheatsheet Updates
2021/08/23 欢迎来到 R 的世界 on 楚新元
利用 R 实现考生和考题随机匹配
2021/08/23 欢迎来到 R 的世界 on 楚新元
利用 R 进行多元回归估计
2021/08/23 欢迎来到 R 的世界 on 楚新元
从 n 个 Excel 工作表或工作簿汇总数据
2021/08/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What happened with HMOs?
2021/08/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Does the “Table 1 fallacy” apply if it is Table S1 instead?
2021/08/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Alex Jones and the fallacy of the one-sided bet
2021/08/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Tokyo Track revisited: no, I don’t think the track surface is “1-2% faster”
2021/08/21 Thinking inside the box
RcppFastFloat 0.0.3: Maintenance
2021/08/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What is a claim in ML-oriented research, and when is it not reproducible?
2021/08/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Color schemes in data graphics
2021/08/20 中文博客 on Yongchao Fu | 付永超
2021/08/20 FlowingData
NBA carry jobs
2021/08/20 欢迎来到 R 的世界 on 楚新元
用 openxlsx 定制个性化报表后自动打印成 PDF 格式
2021/08/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Ten ways to rank the Tokyo Olympics, with 10 different winners, and no one losing
2021/08/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A scandal in Tedhemia: Noted study in psychology first fails to replicate (but is still promoted by NPR), then crumbles with striking evidence of data fraud
2021/08/19 FlowingData
✚ Different Points of View from the Same Data – The Process 153
2021/08/19 FlowingData
Daily Routine, 2020
2021/08/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Measuring the information in an empirical prior
2021/08/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Coronavirus and Simpson’s paradox: Oldsters are more likely to be vaccinated and more likely to have severe infections, so you need to adjust for age when comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated people
2021/08/18 FlowingData
Generative art with R
2021/08/18 RStudio Blog
Announcing bookdown v0.23
2021/08/18 欢迎来到 R 的世界 on 楚新元
用 R 生成字符动画
2021/08/18 欢迎来到 R 的世界 on 楚新元
利用 pdftools 包解决 PDF 加密文件打印问题
2021/08/18 欢迎来到 R 的世界 on 楚新元
用 R 将 MS Office 文件转为 PDF 文件
2021/08/18 欢迎来到 R 的世界 on 楚新元
愉快地通过 Git 向 GitLab 推送更新
2021/08/18 欢迎来到 R 的世界 on 楚新元
用 R 获取中国国债收益率曲线数据
2021/08/18 欢迎来到 R 的世界 on 楚新元
为 ecce 包制作一个六角贴
2021/08/18 欢迎来到 R 的世界 on 楚新元
2021/08/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Here’s why I don’t trust the Nudgelords . . .
2021/08/17 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Introduces Monthly Social Coworking and Office Hours
2021/08/17 Rob J Hyndman
Uncertain futures: what can we forecast and when should we give up?
2021/08/17 FlowingData
How vaccines can make a difference with the Delta variant
2021/08/17 RStudio Blog
Using Shiny in Healthcare: Examples from the 2021 Shiny Contest
2021/08/17 欢迎来到 R 的世界 on 楚新元
R 语言编程
2021/08/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Adjusting for pre-treatment variables: Coronavirus vaccine edition
2021/08/16 FlowingData
Race and ethnicity map of dots
2021/08/16 FlowingData
Multiracial people counted in the census
2021/08/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Remote workshop happening today: “Bayesian Causal Inference for Real World Interactive Systems”
2021/08/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
National Academy of Sciences scandal and the concept of countervailing power
2021/08/15 Julia Silge
Predict housing prices in Austin TX with tidymodels and xgboost
2021/08/15 Thinking inside the box
RcppBDT 0.2.4 on CRAN: Updates
2021/08/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I got an email from Gabe Kaplan!
2021/08/14 Freakonometrics
Could there be incentives to cycle through a red light?
2021/08/14 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
Postgres 跨版本数据库迁移
2021/08/14 Thinking inside the box
RApiDatetime 0.0.5 (and 0.0.6): Updated (Twice)
2021/08/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“What are your latest thoughts on how to use a posterior from a previous fit as the prior for a subsequent fit after collecting new data?”
2021/08/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The comments we live for
2021/08/13 rud.is
Some Covid Donuts To End The Week
2021/08/13 Julia Silge
Supervised Machine Learning for Text Analysis in R is now complete
2021/08/13 FlowingData
Shift in white population vs. people of color
2021/08/13 FlowingData
More detailed data release from Census 2020
2021/08/13 FlowingData
Maps of racial population change
2021/08/12 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
2021/08/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to convince yourself that multilevel modeling (or, more generally, any advanced statistical method) has benefits?
2021/08/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Climate change as a biological accelerator
2021/08/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Forecast displays that emphasize uncertainty
2021/08/12 RStudio Blog
RStudio Voices - Julia Silge
2021/08/12 Thinking inside the box
x13binary 1.1.57-2 on CRAN: Packaging Updates
2021/08/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayesian hierarchical stacking: Some models are (somewhere) useful
2021/08/11 sesa blog
MAD SD und 1.483
2021/08/10 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
2021/08/10 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
2021/08/10 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
Modern Statistical Graphs: My 7 Prides and 3 Regrets
2021/08/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Pathfinder: A parallel quasi-Newton algorithm for reaching regions of high probability mass
2021/08/10 Rob J Hyndman
A Look at the Evaluation Setup of the M5 Forecasting Competition
2021/08/10 RStudio Blog
Democratizing Data with R, Python, and Slack
2021/08/09 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
Han, L., Zhao, P. & Zetzsch, C. Heterogeneous Reaction of OH Radicals with Terbuthylazine on Self-synthesized Silica Particles in an Aerosol Smog Chamber at Different Temperatures. Aerosol Sci Eng (2021).
2021/08/09 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
Han, L., Zhao, P. & Zetzsch, C. Heterogeneous Reaction of OH Radicals with Terbuthylazine on Self-synthesized Silica Particles in an Aerosol Smog Chamber at Different Temperatures. Aerosol Sci Eng (2021).
2021/08/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Take the American Statistical Association’s “”How Well Do You Know Your Federal Data Sources?” quiz!
2021/08/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Controversy over “Facial recognition technology can expose political orientation from naturalistic facial images”
2021/08/09 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting: Principles and Practice
2021/08/09 Thinking inside the box
nanotime 0.3.3 on CRAN: Some Updates
2021/08/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Teaching and the separation of form and content
2021/08/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Incentives and test performance
2021/08/08 sesa blog
Anteil schätzen auf bayesianisch
2021/08/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bill James on secondary average
2021/08/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Tracking excess mortality across countries during the COVID-19 pandemic with the World Mortality Dataset”
2021/08/07 Julia Silge
Tune xgboost models with early stopping to predict shelter animal status
2021/08/07 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
How to test if two distributions are different
2021/08/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The 60-Year-Old Scientific Screwup That Helped Covid Kill”
2021/08/05 Blog – Statistics.com: Data Science, Analytics & Statistics Courses
Word of the Week – Label Spreading
2021/08/05 Blog – Statistics.com: Data Science, Analytics & Statistics Courses
Book Review – Noise
2021/08/05 Blog – Statistics.com: Data Science, Analytics & Statistics Courses
Aug 5: AI success does not always lead to business success
2021/08/05 Blog – Statistics.com: Data Science, Analytics & Statistics Courses
AI Success, but Not Business Success
2021/08/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The ML uncertainty revolution is … now?
2021/08/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Identifying airborne transmission as the dominant route for the spread of COVID-19” followup
2021/08/05 RStudio Blog
RStudio Cloud: An inclusive solution for learning R
2021/08/04 Homepage on Liangliang's Homepage
2021/08/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some researchers retrospect on their mistakes
2021/08/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How much faster is the Tokyo track?
2021/08/04 Thinking inside the box
x13binary 1.1.57-1 on CRAN: New Upstream, New M1 Binary
2021/08/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Polling using the collective recognition heuristic to get a better sense of popularity?
2021/08/03 RStudio Blog
R in Healthcare Meetup Q&A
2021/08/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
In which we learn through the logical reasoning of a 33-year-old book that B. H. Liddell Hart wasn’t all that.
2021/08/02 Thinking inside the box
RcppFarmHash 0.0.2: Maintenance
2021/08/01 怡然轩
2021/08/01 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
RDF (研究发展经费)
2021/08/01 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
PGRS (博士研究生奖学金)
2021/08/01 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
RDF (Research Development Fund)
2021/08/01 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
PGRS (Postgraduate Research Scholarship)
2021/08/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The lawsuit that never happened (Niall Ferguson vs. Pankaj Mishra)
2021/07/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Struggling to estimate the effects of policies on coronavirus outcomes
2021/07/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Infections in vaccinated Americans are rare, compared with those in unvaccinated people . . . But when they occur, vaccinated people may spread the virus just as easily.”
2021/07/30 Econometrics and Free Software
Is it worth the weight?
2021/07/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“I’m not a statistician, but . . .”
2021/07/30 L. Collado-Torres
I'm disappointed by the reaction against the Tokyo 2020 Mexican Women Softball team
2021/07/30 Posts on R-Ladies Blog
R-Ladies Global Turns Five!
2021/07/30 Thinking inside the box
RcppAnnoy 0.0.19 on CRAN: Maintenance
2021/07/29 Homepage on Liangliang's Homepage
2021/07/29 Homepage on Liangliang's Homepage
100个统计学 & R语言学习资源网站
2021/07/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
‘No regulatory body uses Bayesian statistics to make decisions’
2021/07/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Claim of police shootings causing low birth weights in the neighborhood
2021/07/29 Julia Silge
Use racing methods to tune xgboost models and predict home runs
2021/07/29 sesa blog
Vergleich verschiedener Signifikanztstests bei einem Datensatz
2021/07/29 RStudio Blog
RStudio Connect 1.9.0 - Content Curation Tools
2021/07/28 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
2021/07/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Famous people with Tourette’s syndrome
2021/07/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Is an improper uniform prior informative? It isn’t by any accepted measure of information I know of
2021/07/28 rud.is
Hasty Bug-fix Release of RSwitch v2
2021/07/27 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
2021/07/27 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
PhD studentship, Environmental Science (Full-time)
2021/07/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Sponsored products related to this item”
2021/07/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Measuring the sensitivity of Gaussian processes to kernel choice”
2021/07/27 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
The Story Behind censo2017, the First rOpenSci Package to be Reviewed in Spanish
2021/07/27 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
La Historia de censo2017, el Primer Paquete de rOpenSci Revisado en Español
2021/07/27 Freakonometrics
A new GEE method to account for heteroscedasticity using asymmetric least-square regressions
2021/07/27 RStudio Blog
Shiny Apps from Concept to Production - An RStudio Community X-Session with Appsilon
2021/07/27 Alison Hill
Up and running with officedown
2021/07/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A counterexample to the potential-outcomes model for causal inference
2021/07/26 Freakonometrics
Predicting Drought and Subsidence Risks in France
2021/07/26 Thinking inside the box
RcppFarmHash 0.0.1: New CRAN Package
2021/07/25 Homepage on Liangliang's Homepage
2021/07/25 Homepage on Liangliang's Homepage
2021/07/25 Homepage on Liangliang's Homepage
使用 blogdown 创建你的博客(2)
2021/07/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some open questions in chess
2021/07/25 rud.is
Acoustic: Solving a CyberDefenders PCAP SIP/RTP Challenge with R, Zeek, tshark (& friends)
2021/07/25 Rob J Hyndman
Hierarchical forecast reconciliation with machine learning
2021/07/24 The Coatless Professor
searcher v0.0.6 Released - Search Ecosia and Rseek!
2021/07/24 The Coatless Professor
edmdata v1.2.0 Released: New Oracle Strategy Sets and Probability Assessment Data
2021/07/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Not-so-recently in the sister blog
2021/07/24 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
狗不能吃葡萄和葡萄干 🍇 🙅🏻 🐕
2021/07/24 Thinking inside the box
littler 0.3.13: Moar Goodies
2021/07/23 Homepage on Liangliang's Homepage
esquisse包——不写代码生成 ggplot 图
2021/07/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Feud
2021/07/23 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, July 2021
2021/07/22 Blog – Statistics.com: Data Science, Analytics & Statistics Courses
July 22: Odds and Betting
2021/07/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to interpret inferential statistics when your data aren’t a random sample
2021/07/22 RStudio Blog
Top 3 Coding Best Practices from the Shiny Contest
2021/07/22 Alison Hill
Revealing research
2021/07/22 Thinking inside the box
RcppSpdlog 0.0.6 on CRAN: New upstream
2021/07/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A regression puzzle . . . and its solution
2021/07/21 OmicX
Setup RStudio Server Over Nginx Https
2021/07/20 Homepage on Liangliang's Homepage
使用 blogdown 搭建个人博客
2021/07/20 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Reprogramming of bivalent chromatin states in NRAS mutant melanoma suggests PRC2 inhibition as a therapeutic strategy
2021/07/20 RStudio Blog
Advice to Aspiring Sports Analytics Professionals
2021/07/20 Thinking inside the box
pkgKitten 0.2.2 on CRAN: Small Updates
2021/07/19 Blog – Statistics.com: Data Science, Analytics & Statistics Courses
Word of the Week – Incidence versus Prevalence
2021/07/19 Blog – Statistics.com: Data Science, Analytics & Statistics Courses
Why Statisticians Like Odds
2021/07/19 Nathan's Lemma
2021/07/18 Yongfu's Blog
2021/07/17 Thinking inside the box
ttdo 0.0.7: Micro-tweak
2021/07/16 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: A New Upstream
2021/07/15 RStudio Blog
A CEO’s View of Open Source Data Science in the Enterprise
2021/07/14 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
刘妍妍,杨雷峰,谢丹平,泽仁央宗,黄志炯,杨俊,赵鹏,韩静磊,贾文超,袁自冰. 湖南省臭氧污染基本特征分析及长期趋势变化主控因素识别. 环境科学 (2021). 已接收.
2021/07/14 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
Liu, Y., Yang L., Xie D., Ze-Ren Y., Huang Z., Yang J., Zhao P., Han J., Jia W., Yuan, Z.. Environmental Science (2021). Accepted.
2021/07/14 sesa blog
Links in Markdown-Tabellen
2021/07/13 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2021/07/13 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
New package katex: rendering math to HTML and MathML in R
2021/07/13 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
How to become a better R code detective?
2021/07/13 Julia Silge
Predict which #TidyTuesday Scooby Doo monsters are REAL with a tuned decision tree model
2021/07/13 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
HieRFIT: A hierarchical cell type classification tool for projections from complex single-cell atlas datasets
2021/07/12 Homepage on Liangliang's Homepage
2021/07/12 RStudio Blog
Shiny, Tableau, and PowerBI: Better Business Intelligence
2021/07/10 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2021/07/10 Thinking inside the box
drat 0.2.1: Small Tweak
2021/07/09 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2021/07/08 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2021/07/08 Bayesian Spectacles
Preprint: Computing and Using Inclusion Bayes Factors for Mixed Fixed and Random Effect Diffusion Decision Models
2021/07/08 Freakonometrics
Collaborative Insurance Sustainability and Network Structure
2021/07/08 sesa blog
Metadaten von Forschungsartikeln herunterladen
2021/07/08 cderv's blog
Extend the functionality of your R Markdown document
2021/07/07 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2021/07/07 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2021/07/07 sesa blog
Zeitungsartikel per API herunterladen
2021/07/07 Thinking inside the box
Rcpp 1.0.7: More Updates
2021/07/06 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2021/07/06 The Coatless Professor
RcppEnsmallen v0. Released - Support for Multiobjective Optimizers!
2021/07/06 中文博客 on Yongchao Fu | 付永超
2021/07/06 sesa blog
Vorhersage-Modellierung des Diamantenpreises
2021/07/06 Thinking inside the box
ttdo 0.0.7: Small tinytest update
2021/07/05 Homepage on Liangliang's Homepage
如何快速创建 Rproject 文件?
2021/07/04 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2021/07/02 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci at useR!2021 - Presentations from Staff and Community
2021/07/01 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
SURF (暑期本科生研究项目)
2021/07/01 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
SURF (Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship)
2021/07/01 Freakonometrics
United As One, IME 2021
2021/07/01 sesa blog
Diagrams with mermaid
2021/06/30 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2021/06/30 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2021/06/30 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Draw me a project
2021/06/30 Julia Silge
Create a custom metric with tidymodels and NYC Airbnb prices
2021/06/29 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2021/06/29 Rob J Hyndman
Probabilistic ensemble forecasting of Australian COVID-19 cases
2021/06/29 cderv's blog
Retrieve all `fig.alt` in a single appendix
2021/06/28 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2021/06/28 RStudio Blog
RStudio Professional Drivers 1.8.0
2021/06/27 sesa blog
Estimating the exponential growth rate approximating a linear function
2021/06/26 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2021/06/26 Thinking inside the box
RcppRedis 0.1.11: Minor Update
2021/06/25 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2021/06/25 Freakonometrics
Économétrie des données imparfaites : méthodes et applications
2021/06/25 Freakonometrics
Changement Climatique et Assurance
2021/06/25 sesa blog
Talk on the the quantitative method in the sciences
2021/06/25 cderv's blog
New (old) blog: Welcome!
2021/06/24 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2021/06/24 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
How We Curate Our Monthly Newsletter
2021/06/24 OmicX
Setup BD Single Cell Genomics Rhapsody Analysis
2021/06/24 sesa blog
Talent and Looks -- Collider bias
2021/06/24 RStudio Blog
Winners of the 3rd annual Shiny Contest
2021/06/24 RStudio Blog
Strategic Analytics at Monash University: How RStudio Accelerated the Transformation
2021/06/23 Homepage on Liangliang's Homepage
2021/06/23 sesa blog
Overlaying facetted histograms with normal curve using ggplot2
2021/06/23 cderv's blog
2021/06/23 Thinking inside the box
RcppGSL 0.3.9: Polish and More Builds
2021/06/22 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
How to create your personal CRAN-like repository on R-universe
2021/06/22 OmicX
Install QEMU/KVM Server on Debian 10 Headless Server
2021/06/21 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, June 2021
2021/06/21 Julia Silge
Class imbalance and classification metrics with aircraft wildlife strikes
2021/06/21 cderv's blog
Boost Your R Markdown Skills
2021/06/18 Bayesian Spectacles
Preprint: No Need to Choose: Robust Bayesian Meta-Analysis With Competing Publication Bias Adjustment Methods
2021/06/18 Rob J Hyndman
Useful extensions for online books
2021/06/18 sesa blog
Rücktransformation logarithmierter y-Werte
2021/06/17 sesa blog
Ein Beispiel zum Nutzen einer Log-Transformation
2021/06/17 sesa blog
Beispiel zur Interpretation des Interaktionseffekts
2021/06/17 RStudio Blog
R in Supply Chain Management: Meetup Q&A
2021/06/16 sesa blog
Kurzprofil: Datenvisualisierung Praxiskurs
2021/06/16 sellorm
Getting started with logging in R
2021/06/15 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
One Little Thing: Spin a Child Script via knitr::spin_child()
2021/06/15 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Server-side MathJax rendering with R?
2021/06/15 Freakonometrics
Insurance Data Science
2021/06/15 sesa blog
Vektorisierter Mittelwert in R
2021/06/15 sesa blog
ARM, Kap. 4 Syntax im Tidyverse-Stil
2021/06/15 RStudio Blog
Debunking the Myths of R vs. Python
2021/06/14 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2021/06/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The University of California statistics department paid at least $329,619.84 to an adjunct professor who did no research, was a terrible teacher, and engaged in sexual harassment
2021/06/14 FlowingData
Drought in the Western United States
2021/06/13 Homepage on Liangliang's Homepage
2021/06/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
MRP and Missing Data Question
2021/06/13 Freakonometrics
2021/06/13 free range statistics
Principal components and penguins
2021/06/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Whassup with the FDA approval of that Alzheimer’s drug? A “disgraceful decision” or a good idea?
2021/06/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayesian forecasting challenge!
2021/06/11 Bayesian Spectacles
Take Part in a Bayesian Forecasting Study (the Winner Receives €100/$120)
2021/06/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
This one is for fans of George V. Higgins
2021/06/11 FlowingData
Tapestry for reflective data visualization
2021/06/10 On Your Mark
2021/06/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When MCMC fails: The advice we’re giving is wrong. Here’s what we you should be doing instead. (Hint: it’s all about the folk theorem.)
2021/06/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
This system too often rewards cronyism rather than hard work or creativity — and perpetuates the gross inequalities in representation …
2021/06/10 FlowingData
All the passes in soccer visualized at once
2021/06/10 RStudio Blog
Building Effective Data Science Teams: Answering Your Questions
2021/06/09 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Simulating the OLS Consistency When X and ε are Dependent
2021/06/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Leaving a Doll’s House, by Claire Bloom
2021/06/09 FlowingData
Billionaire tax rates
2021/06/09 RStudio Blog
RStudio v1.4 Update: What's New
2021/06/09 Thinking inside the box
#33: Collaborative Editing and Execution in Shared Byoby Sessions
2021/06/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
About those claims that the election forecasts hurt the Democrats in November
2021/06/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Who’s afraid?
2021/06/08 rud.is
New TabularData Available in Swift on macOS Monterery (et al)
2021/06/08 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Celebrating World Ocean Day rOpenSci Style
2021/06/08 Freakonometrics
Exposé à la conférence annuelle de la Société Canadienne de Statistique
2021/06/08 FlowingData
Seeing How Much We Ate Over the Years
2021/06/08 RStudio Blog
Upcoming Webinar - Incorporating R into your Clinical Legacy Workflows
2021/06/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2021/06/07 FlowingData
Rockhounding in California
2021/06/07 FlowingData
Money-in-politics nonprofits merge their datasets
2021/06/06 Yongfu's Blog
A Timer for Interval Training
2021/06/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
4 years of an unpopular Republican president –> bad news for Republican support among young voters –> continuation of unprecedented generation gap –> I’m not sure what this implies for politics
2021/06/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
He wants to test whether his distribution has infinite variance. I have other ideas . . .
2021/06/05 Thinking inside the box
td 0.0.4 on CRAN: More Maintenance
2021/06/05 sesa blog
Normalverteilung der Residuen, nicht Normalverteilung von Y
2021/06/05 sesa blog
ARM, Kap. 3 Syntax im Tidyverse-Stil
2021/06/04 Econometrics and Free Software
Building your own knitr compile farm on your Raspberry Pi with {plumber}
2021/06/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When does a misunderstanding reach the point where it is recognized to be flat-out ridiculous?
2021/06/04 Rob J Hyndman
Understanding links between water-quality variables and nitrate concentration in freshwater streams using high-frequency sensor data
2021/06/04 FlowingData
Writing about probability in a way that people will understand
2021/06/03 Yongfu's Blog
我的 R 開放課程
2021/06/03 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Let Your Markdown Breathe!
2021/06/03 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
One Little Thing: The Docco Style with knitr::rocco()
2021/06/03 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
News from formatR v1.9 to v1.11
2021/06/03 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Full-width Figures with Two Lines of CSS
2021/06/03 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
crandalf: Use Github Actions to Check Reverse Dependencies of an R Package
2021/06/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Post-doc to work on developing Bayesian workflow tools
2021/06/03 Rob J Hyndman
STR: Seasonal-Trend decomposition using Regression
2021/06/03 Rob J Hyndman
What is forecasting?
2021/06/03 FlowingData
Myth of the Asian American model minority, explained with charts
2021/06/03 RStudio Blog
Building Effective Data Science Teams
2021/06/02 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Don't Know Which LaTeX Package(s) to Install When Getting a LaTeX Error?
2021/06/02 Blog – Statistics.com: Data Science, Analytics & Statistics Courses
June 2: From Data Science to Data Engineering
2021/06/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Why I blog about apparent problems in science”
2021/06/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I have a feeling this lawsuit will backfire.
2021/06/02 FlowingData
Where chess pieces are most often captured
2021/06/02 FlowingData
Seeing how devices talk to each other
2021/06/02 RStudio Blog
RStudio Workbench: VS Code Sessions
2021/06/02 RStudio Blog
Announcing RStudio Workbench
2021/06/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Rasslin’ over writin’ teachin’
2021/06/01 Rob J Hyndman
Fast forecast reconciliation using linear models
2021/06/01 FlowingData
Colors of Bob Ross explored
2021/05/31 Blog – Statistics.com: Data Science, Analytics & Statistics Courses
Words of the Week – Inference and Confidence
2021/05/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
More institutional failure by universities that refuse to grapple with potential research misconduct by their faculty
2021/05/31 FlowingData
Recreation of the neighborhood in the Tulsa race massacre
2021/05/31 Thinking inside the box
inline 0.3.19: Another Update
2021/05/31 sesa blog
Logarithmen und Exponenten in Regressionen: Wer braucht sowas?
2021/05/30 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
blogdown: Knit on Save, or Save on Knit?
2021/05/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Your tax dollars at work (junk social science edition)
2021/05/30 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Chromatin state dynamics confers specific therapeutic strategies in enhancer subtypes of colorectal cancer
2021/05/30 Thinking inside the box
td 0.0.3 on CRAN: Maintenance release
2021/05/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Still cited only 3 times
2021/05/28 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
One Little Thing: Reusing Code Chunks and Chunk Options with knitr
2021/05/28 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
2021/05/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
We should all routinely criticize our own work.
2021/05/28 Rob J Hyndman
Situational assessment of COVID-19 in Australia
2021/05/28 Julia Silge
Partial dependence plots with tidymodels and DALEX for #TidyTuesday Mario Kart world records
2021/05/28 FlowingData
Where wind and solar needs to grow by 2050
2021/05/28 FlowingData
Official LEGO world map set
2021/05/28 sesa blog
YACSDA Seitensprünge
2021/05/27 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2021/05/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What can the anthropic principle tell us about visualization?
2021/05/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Short course on football (soccer) analytics using Stan
2021/05/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Headline permutations
2021/05/27 FlowingData
A short film on giving up privacy, for better or worse
2021/05/27 RStudio Blog
(Re)Introducing the "Solutions" website
2021/05/27 sesa blog
Zeilenweise Operationen (tidyverse-Stil)
2021/05/27 sesa blog
Datensatz flights: Finde den Tag mit den meisten Abflügen
2021/05/27 sesa blog
Beispiel für pivot_longer()
2021/05/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A fun activity for your statistics class: One group of students comes up with a stochastic model for a decision process and simulates fake data from this model; another group of students takes this simulated dataset and tries to learn about the underlying process.
2021/05/26 rud.is
archinfo v0.4.0 Released
2021/05/26 FlowingData
Jobs that Marry Together the Most
2021/05/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Causal Inference: The Mixtape”
2021/05/25 FlowingData
Map shows you where a raindrop ends up
2021/05/25 RStudio Blog
Centralizing your Analytics Infrastructure with eoda and Covestro
2021/05/25 sesa blog
Modellierung Diamantenpreis 2
2021/05/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The revelation came while hearing a background music version of Iron Butterfly’s “In A Gadda Da Vida” at a Mr. Steak restaurant in Colorado
2021/05/24 FlowingData
Hospitalization rates for the unvaccinated
2021/05/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Thinking fast, slow, and not at all: System 3 jumps the shark
2021/05/23 L. Collado-Torres
recount3: summaries and queries for large-scale RNA-seq expression and splicing
2021/05/23 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: New Upstream
2021/05/23 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Change swap size in Ubuntu
2021/05/22 Homepage on Liangliang's Homepage
Dashboards 入门教程
2021/05/22 Shane Lynn
PostgreSQL: Find slow, long-running and Blocked Queries
2021/05/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Philip Roth biographies, and literary biographies in general
2021/05/22 rud.is
A {swiftr} Brief Interlude While Awaiting {cdcfluview} CRAN Checks
2021/05/22 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
2021/05/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The insider-outsider perspective (Jim Bouton example)
2021/05/21 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, May 2021
2021/05/21 Posts on Guy Abel
Animated Sankey Plots of Global Migrant Populations
2021/05/21 FlowingData
How perception can save lives
2021/05/21 FlowingData
Four types of people who prevent full vaccination
2021/05/20 Homepage on Liangliang's Homepage
2021/05/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Jordan Ellenberg’s new book, “Shape”
2021/05/20 FlowingData
✚ Looking at What’s Not There – The Process 140
2021/05/20 FlowingData
Most common professional marriages
2021/05/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2020: What happened?
2021/05/19 Freakonometrics
Talk at the ASTIN Online Colloquium
2021/05/19 FlowingData
Coping with the big numbers
2021/05/19 sesa blog
Vohrersgage-Modellierung des Preises von Diamanten
2021/05/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
New book coming out by Fischer Black!
2021/05/18 FlowingData
Coming and Going Age Generations
2021/05/18 Thinking inside the box
inline 0.3.18: Routine Update
2021/05/18 Fenguoerbian's Blog
2021/05/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Another estimate of excess deaths during the pandemic.
2021/05/17 FlowingData
Transform an image into a pixel-ly visual
2021/05/17 Fenguoerbian's Blog
pkgdown: an easy way to build website for your R package
2021/05/17 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Marginal False Discovery Rates
2021/05/16 Infinity Loop
如何在 Mac 环境下提取 QQ 语音消息内容
2021/05/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Feeling like a pariah (even when you’re not)
2021/05/16 Rob J Hyndman
Time series cross-validation using fable
2021/05/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Life is long.
2021/05/15 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
时间进程上的两种不确定性如何影响预测, PNAS, 4.6
2021/05/15 Freakonometrics
Un double centenaire : Treatise on probabilities de John Maynard Keynes et Risk, Uncertainty and Profit de Frank Knight
2021/05/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Tableau and the Grammar of Graphics
2021/05/14 L. Collado-Torres
2021/05/14 FlowingData
Historical shifts in where people live
2021/05/14 FlowingData
Climate normals mapped over time
2021/05/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When are Bayesian model probabilities overconfident?
2021/05/13 FlowingData
✚ Making a Quick, Custom Prevalence Map – The Process 139
2021/05/13 FlowingData
Map of people moving during pandemic
2021/05/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Estimating excess mortality in rural Bangladesh from surveys and MRP
2021/05/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2 reasons why the CDC and WHO were getting things wrong: (1) It takes so much more evidence to correct a mistaken claim than to establish it in the first place; (2) The implicit goal of much of the public health apparatus is to serve the health care delivery system.
2021/05/12 FlowingData
Information Graphic Visionaries, a book series
2021/05/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
If a value is “less than 10%”, you can bet it’s not 0.1%. Usually.
2021/05/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Frank Sinatra (3) vs. Virginia Apgar; Julia Child advances
2021/05/11 Rob J Hyndman
Quantile forecasting with ensembles and combinations
2021/05/11 Freakonometrics
Insurance against Natural Catastrophes: Balancing Actuarial Fairness and Social Solidarity
2021/05/11 FlowingData
Where People are Married and Not
2021/05/11 FlowingData
‘Less than 10 percent’ outdoors
2021/05/11 Rob J Hyndman
Quantile forecasting with ensembles and combinations
2021/05/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Javert paradox rears its ugly head
2021/05/10 Rob J Hyndman
Principles and Algorithms for Forecasting Groups of Time Series: Locality and Globality
2021/05/10 FlowingData
Visualization accessibility
2021/05/10 FlowingData
Rankings for YouTube video greetings
2021/05/10 Nathan's Lemma
2021/05/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Doubting the IHME claims about excess deaths by country
2021/05/09 rud.is
Using the new Plot Javascript Exploratory Visualization Library Sans-Observable
2021/05/09 rud.is
Feedly Mini Extension Removed From Chrome Store Due To “Malware”
2021/05/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Blast from the past
2021/05/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Raymond Smullyan on Ted Cruz, Al Sharpton, and those scary congressmembers
2021/05/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Formalizing questions about feedback loops from model predictions
2021/05/07 FlowingData
Varying demographics within the Asian American population
2021/05/07 FlowingData
All the art in the Oval Office
2021/05/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Postmodernism for zillionaires
2021/05/06 rud.is
COVID-19 U.S. County Vaccination Tracker With An Observable Notebook Using Datasettes and {Plot}
2021/05/06 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting elements that stand the test of time
2021/05/06 Julia Silge
Predict availability in #TidyTuesday water sources with random forest models
2021/05/06 FlowingData
✚ Visualization, Manually – The Process 138
2021/05/06 FlowingData
Bird song sonographs show distinct drawing patterns
2021/05/05 Blog – Statistics.com: Data Science, Analytics & Statistics Courses
May 5: Deceptive Data Leaks
2021/05/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Indeed, the standard way that statistical hypothesis testing is taught is a 2-way binary grid. Both these dichotomies are inappropriate.
2021/05/05 FlowingData
See if you live in a political bubble
2021/05/04 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2021/05/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Whassup with the weird state borders on this vaccine hesitancy map?
2021/05/04 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
What's New in terrainr 0.4.0?
2021/05/04 FlowingData
Divorce Rates and Income
2021/05/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Whatever you’re looking for, it’s somewhere in the Stan documentation and you can just google for it.
2021/05/03 FlowingData
Stephen Curry’s record-setting month for shooting threes
2021/05/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Responding to Richard Morey on p-values and inference
2021/05/01 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang
R Markdown 制作 beamer 幻灯片
2021/05/01 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2021/05/01 Infinity Loop
在东京参加「AWS 认证云从业者」考试记录
2021/05/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Thoughts inspired by “the Gospel of Jesus’s Wife”
2021/05/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science gets results!
2021/05/01 L. Collado-Torres
SPEAQeasy: a scalable pipeline for expression analysis and quantification for R/Bioconductor-powered RNA-seq analyses
2021/04/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When can a predictive model improve by anticipating behavioral reactions to its predictions?
2021/04/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Nicky Guerreiro and Ethan Simon write a Veronica Geng-level humor piece
2021/04/30 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
行为主体的认知状态影响被试的因果归因, Cognition, 4.28
2021/04/30 FlowingData
Climate change and uncertainty
2021/04/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Off white: A preliminary taxonomy”
2021/04/29 Pat's blog (data science)
2021/04/29 L. Collado-Torres
spatialLIBD: an R/Bioconductor package to visualize spatially-resolved transcriptomics data
2021/04/29 FlowingData
Melting glaciers
2021/04/29 FlowingData
Maps of land required to get to net-zero emissions
2021/04/28 Biomedical science and Mathematics
Keep good dry lab habits
2021/04/28 Infinity Loop
《AWS 云从业者基础知识》对考点查漏补缺
2021/04/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Probability problem involving multiple coronavirus tests in the same household
2021/04/28 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Set Up Your Package to Foster a Community - Community Call Summary
2021/04/28 OmicX
Batch Calculate and Verify MD5 Checksum With GNU Parallel
2021/04/28 Julia Silge
Estimate change in #TidyTuesday CEO departures with bootstrap resampling
2021/04/28 Freakonometrics
Mathematics for Public Health (MfPH)
2021/04/28 FlowingData
Population Growth and Seats Gained
2021/04/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hullman’s theorem of graphical perception
2021/04/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Pandemic: how bad is it really?
2021/04/27 L. Collado-Torres
BioTuring webinar
2021/04/27 Freakonometrics
« Plus un pays est égalitaire et prospère, moins on trouve de femmes en sciences »
2021/04/27 FlowingData
Surprise, Less Happiness During Pandemic
2021/04/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The Multiverse of Methods: Extending the Multiverse Analysis to Address Data-Collection Decisions”
2021/04/26 FlowingData
Where people moved during the pandemic
2021/04/26 FlowingData
Using noise in creative coding
2021/04/26 FlowingData
Seat apportionment over time
2021/04/25 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2021/04/25 Infinity Loop
《AWS 认证云从业者》阅读学习笔记
2021/04/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Open data and quality: two orthogonal factors of a study
2021/04/25 rud.is
A Small macOS (Big Sur+) to Extract Indicators of Compromise
2021/04/25 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
元认知决策和内部概率判断, Neuron, 4.21
2021/04/25 sellorm
Running a shiny app in a docker container
2021/04/25 Andriy Koval
Income Assistance in Alberta
2021/04/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Analysis challenges slew of studies claiming ocean acidification alters fish behavior”
2021/04/24 rud.is
Making macOS Universal Apps in Swift with Universal Golang Static Libraries
2021/04/24 Freakonometrics
Reinforcement Learning in Economics and Finance, a state-of-the-art
2021/04/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Prediction Markets in a Polarized Society”
2021/04/23 Julia Silge
Which #TidyTuesday Netflix titles are movies and which are TV shows?
2021/04/23 FlowingData
Compare the scale of any area in the world
2021/04/23 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Fast analysis of scATAC-seq data using a predefined set of genomic regions
2021/04/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Chess.com cheater-detection bot pisses someone off
2021/04/22 FlowingData
Visual deconstruction of popular songs
2021/04/22 sellorm
Thinking about your career
2021/04/22 Thinking inside the box
drat 0.2.0: Now with ‘docs/’
2021/04/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Cancer patients be criming? Some discussion and meta-discussion of statistical modeling, causal inference, and social science:
2021/04/21 FlowingData
Trending hobbies during the pandemic
2021/04/21 FlowingData
Maps of migration to smaller cities
2021/04/21 sellorm
Product maturity curve in R
2021/04/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Can you trust international surveys? A follow-up:
2021/04/20 OmicX
Step by Step Install Open Source Pymol 2.x in Windows by Conda
2021/04/20 FlowingData
Pandemic migrations
2021/04/20 FlowingData
Converting Minecraft worlds to photorealistic ones using neural networks
2021/04/20 Thinking inside the box
Rblpapi 0.3.11: Several Updates
2021/04/19 Infinity Loop
Splunk 中计算每个 IP 的访问量与同期平均值的比较
2021/04/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hierarchical modeling of excess mortality time series
2021/04/19 FlowingData
Voting and vaccination rate
2021/04/19 FlowingData
Particles on a plane
2021/04/19 sesa blog
Deutschlandkarten zeichnen mit R, für Anfänger
2021/04/18 Homepage on Liangliang's Homepage
2021/04/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
One reason why that estimated effect of Fox News could’ve been so implausibly high.
2021/04/18 OmicX
Create a Hugo Blog, along with Isso comment server
2021/04/17 Econometrics and Free Software
Dealing with non-representative samples with post-stratification
2021/04/17 theoretical ecology
Hurricanes and Himmicanes revisited with DHARMa
2021/04/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Questions about our old analysis of police stops
2021/04/17 Freakonometrics
Journée IVADO sur l’intelligence numérique collaborative
2021/04/17 Thinking inside the box
RcppAPT 0.0.7: Micro Update
2021/04/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
In making minimal corrections and not acknowledging that he made these errors, Rajan is dealing with the symptoms but not the underlying problem, which is that he’s processing recent history via conventional wisdom.
2021/04/16 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci News Digest, April 2021
2021/04/16 OmicX
Migrate to Hugo
2021/04/16 FlowingData
Tracking airfare as a proxy for summer travel plans
2021/04/16 FlowingData
Generate a color analysis by uploading an image
2021/04/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Do you come from Liverpool?”
2021/04/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Conference on digital twins
2021/04/15 rud.is
Avoiding The mdls Command Line Round Trip With swiftr::swift_function()
2021/04/15 FlowingData
Stopping a pandemic before it starts
2021/04/15 Thinking inside the box
Announcing ‘Introductions to Emacs Speaks Statistics’
2021/04/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Which sorts of posts get more blog comments?
2021/04/14 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting podcasts
2021/04/14 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
减法思维比加法思维更难, 4.7, Nature
2021/04/14 Julia Silge
Which #TidyTuesday post offices are in Hawaii?
2021/04/14 FlowingData
How your state might lose or gain representation with Census count
2021/04/14 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting podcasts
2021/04/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
More on that credulity thing
2021/04/13 rud.is
Quick Hit: Processing macOS Application Metadata Weirdly Fast with mdls and R
2021/04/13 FlowingData
Domestic terrorism incidents plotted over time
2021/04/13 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: New Upstream ‘Plus’
2021/04/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Relative vs. absolute risk reduction . . . 500 doctors want to know!
2021/04/12 rud.is
Check ‘Developer Tools’ First To Avoid Heavy-ish Dependencies
2021/04/12 Rob J Hyndman
Seriously social podcast
2021/04/12 Homepage on J Stachelek
Jem posting: a notice of my name and gender
2021/04/12 FlowingData
Guide for React with D3.js
2021/04/12 FlowingData
Code (data) as therapy
2021/04/12 Rob J Hyndman
Seriously social podcast
2021/04/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When can we challenge authority with authority?
2021/04/11 Nathan's Lemma
2021/04/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s the biggest mistake revealed by this table? A puzzle:
2021/04/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why did it take so many decades for the behavioral sciences to develop a sense of crisis around methodology and replication?
2021/04/09 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Publishing and browsing articles on R-universe
2021/04/09 OmicX
Install beagle-lib for NVidia Tesla V100 on Debian buster
2021/04/09 FlowingData
Vaccine efficacy rates explained
2021/04/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some issues when using MRP to model attitudes on a gun control attitude question on a 1–4 scale
2021/04/08 Freakonometrics
Big data, the tech giants, and insurance
2021/04/08 FlowingData
Tooth Fairy Exchange Rate
2021/04/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Understanding the value of bloc voting, using the Congressional Progressive Caucus as an example:
2021/04/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Adjusting for differences between treatment and control groups: “statistical significance” and “multiple testing” have nothing to do with it
2021/04/07 FlowingData
Stores that closed on famous shopping streets
2021/04/07 FlowingData
Collecting reports of anti-Asian hate crimes
2021/04/07 sesa blog
Ableitung der Koeffizienten der einfachen Regression
2021/04/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
This one’s for all the Veronica Geng fans out there . . .
2021/04/06 Freakonometrics
Dynamic Programming in Distributional Reinforcement Learning
2021/04/06 FlowingData
When you don’t own your face
2021/04/06 FlowingData
Public agencies using facial recognition software without oversight
2021/04/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The 2019 project: How false beliefs in statistical differences still live in social science and journalism today
2021/04/05 FlowingData
Technopolitics of the U.S. census
2021/04/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
HCQ: “The clinical trials they summarized were predominantly in young healthy people so even the best drug in the world wouldn’t look good under their framework.”
2021/04/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
More background on our research on constructing an informative prior from a corpus of comparable studies
2021/04/02 Homepage on Liangliang's Homepage
2021/04/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Call for a moratorium on the use of the term “prisoner’s dilemma”
2021/04/02 FlowingData
Coronavirus variant tracker
2021/04/01 Infinity Loop
处理 blogdown 中 Rmd 和 md 文章代码块高亮主题的问题
2021/04/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I have these great April Fools ideas but there’s no space for them in the margin of this blog
2021/04/01 FlowingData
Rise of a variant in the U.K.
2021/04/01 FlowingData
GDP and vaccination rates
2021/03/31 On Your Mark
2021/03/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Many years ago, when he was a baby economist . . .
2021/03/31 Simply Statistics
Streamline - tidy data as a service
2021/03/31 FlowingData
Exploring your Google search history
2021/03/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A tale of two epidemiologists: It was the worst of times.
2021/03/30 rud.is
Help Your Mac Stand Between The Darkness And The Light with GreyWatch
2021/03/30 FlowingData
Guess who the neighborhood voted for
2021/03/30 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
STAT115 single cell ATACseq lecture
2021/03/30 Thinking inside the box
x13binary 1.1.39-3 on CRAN: (Imperfect) Package Updates
2021/03/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Estimating the college wealth premium: Not so easy
2021/03/29 L. Collado-Torres
Detection of pathogenic splicing events from RNA-sequencing data using dasper
2021/03/29 FlowingData
What if a giant banana was orbiting Earth
2021/03/28 Econometrics and Free Software
The link between keyboard layouts and typing speed - Data collection phase
2021/03/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Like a harbor clotted with sunken vessels”: update
2021/03/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Is he … you know…?
2021/03/28 Thinking inside the box
RcppSpdlog 0.0.5 on CRAN: New upstream versions
2021/03/27 Infinity Loop
为 Splunk 用户准备的数据分析实践指南阅读笔记(第六章)
2021/03/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2021/03/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Question on multilevel modeling reminds me that we need a good modeling workflow (building up your model by including varying intercepts, slopes, etc.) and a good computing workflow
2021/03/26 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting the old-age dependency ratio to determine a sustainable pension age
2021/03/26 Rob J Hyndman
Dimension reduction for outlier detection using DOBIN
2021/03/26 Freakonometrics
Assurances et véhicules autonomes
2021/03/26 FlowingData
The Data Journalism Handbook
2021/03/26 Rob J Hyndman
Dimension reduction for outlier detection using DOBIN
2021/03/26 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting the old-age dependency ratio to determine a sustainable pension age
2021/03/25 Jean-Paul Fox
Upcoming online seminar (statistics department of UCONN)
2021/03/25 Jean-Paul Fox
Online seminar (statistics department of UCONN)
2021/03/25 Bayesian Spectacles
The Torture of Straw Men: A Critical Impression of Devezer et al., “The Case for Formal Methodology in Scientific Reform”
2021/03/25 Bayesian Spectacles
Straw Men Revised
2021/03/25 Infinity Loop
为 Splunk 用户准备的数据分析实践指南阅读笔记(第五章)
2021/03/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Death and Lockdowns”
2021/03/25 FlowingData
Income in Each State, Adjusted for Cost of Living
2021/03/24 theoretical ecology
How much overdispersion is too much in typical GLMMs?
2021/03/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The 100 Worst Ed-Tech Debacles of the Decade”
2021/03/24 Julia Silge
Dimensionality reduction of #TidyTuesday United Nations voting patterns
2021/03/24 FlowingData
Which color scale to use for your charts
2021/03/24 sesa blog
Modeling your research data: A crash course using R
2021/03/23 Infinity Loop
2021/03/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Chernobyl disaster and Matthew Walker’s “Why We Sleep”
2021/03/23 FlowingData
Teaching statistical models with wine tasting
2021/03/23 Rob J Hyndman
Developing good research habits
2021/03/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Richard Hamming’s “The Art of Doing Science and Engineering”
2021/03/22 FlowingData
Inadequate hate crime statistics
2021/03/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Whassup with the haphazard coronavirus statistics?
2021/03/20 Infinity Loop
为 Splunk 用户准备的数据分析实践指南阅读笔记(第四章)
2021/03/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Priors for counts in binomial and multinomial models
2021/03/20 Thinking inside the box
An Ode to Stable Interfaces: R and R Core Deserve So Much Praise
2021/03/19 Econometrics and Free Software
How to treat as many files as fit on your hard disk without loops (sorta) nor running out of memory all the while being as lazy as possible
2021/03/19 Infinity Loop
为 Splunk 用户准备的数据分析实践指南阅读笔记(第三章)
2021/03/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to figure out what went wrong with this model?
2021/03/19 Freakonometrics
Louis Bachelier Fellowship
2021/03/19 FlowingData
Career Timelines for Every Basketball Player Who Has Played an NBA Game
2021/03/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Huge partisan differences in who wants to get vaccinated
2021/03/18 FlowingData
Rising number of anti-Asian attacks
2021/03/18 FlowingData
✚ Maybe All Charts are Bad – The Process 131
2021/03/18 FlowingData
Mapping all of the voters
2021/03/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Answers to your questions about polling and elections.
2021/03/17 FlowingData
Evolution of Chinese names
2021/03/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The garden of forking paths: Why multiple comparisons can be a problem, even when there is no “fishing expedition” or “p-hacking” and the research hypothesis was posited ahead of time
2021/03/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How much granularity do you need in your Mister P?
2021/03/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
PhD student and postdoc positions in Norway for doing Bayesian causal inference using Stan!
2021/03/16 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Latest rOpenSci News Digest
2021/03/16 FlowingData
Analysis of skin tones in beauty ads on Instagram
2021/03/15 Homepage on Liangliang's Homepage
2021/03/15 Infinity Loop
r3dmol v0.1.2 Release Note
2021/03/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A Bayesian state-space model for the German federal election 2021 with Stan
2021/03/15 OmicX
Tips: Pavian Load Large Data
2021/03/15 FlowingData
Pandemic timeline as animated dot density map
2021/03/15 FlowingData
Facebook feed comparison between groups
2021/03/14 Infinity Loop
为 Splunk 用户准备的数据分析实践指南阅读笔记(第二章)
2021/03/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The 5-sigma rule in physics
2021/03/14 Freakonometrics
From multinomial regression to binary classification on some Siamese data
2021/03/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
No, I don’t like talk of false positive false negative etc but it can still be useful to warn people about systematic biases in meta-analysis
2021/03/13 rud.is
Retrieve Process Run-time Architecture on Apple Silicon Macs On The Command Line with `archinfo`
2021/03/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The social sciences are useless. So why do we study them? Here’s a good reason:
2021/03/12 Nan-Hung Hsieh
Bayesian Population Analysis of Age-Related Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model of Pyrethroids in Rats
2021/03/12 FlowingData
Seeing CO2 is a playable data visualization
2021/03/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Regression discontinuity analysis is often a disaster. So what should you do instead? Here’s my recommendation:
2021/03/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
It was a year ago today . . .
2021/03/11 L. Collado-Torres
Developmental Profile of Psychiatric Risk Associated With Voltage-Gated Cation Channel Activity
2021/03/11 FlowingData
DeepTomCruise breakdown
2021/03/11 FlowingData
Bird migration forecast maps
2021/03/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The presumption of wisdom and/or virtue causes intellectuals to personalize situations where contending ideas are involved.”
2021/03/10 FlowingData
Minimum Wage and Cost of Living
2021/03/10 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
clustered dotplot for single-cell RNAseq
2021/03/10 sesa blog
Fallstudie: Modellierung von Flugverspätungen
2021/03/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Ahhhh, Cornell!
2021/03/09 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Statistical Software Testing and Peer Review - Community Call Summary
2021/03/09 FlowingData
10 statistical lessons from the past pandemic year
2021/03/09 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo on CRAN: New Upstream Patch Release
2021/03/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Yes, there is such a thing as Eurocentric science (Gremlins edition)
2021/03/08 L. Collado-Torres
Megadepth: efficient coverage quantification for BigWigs and BAMs
2021/03/08 Freakonometrics
Autocalibration for Insurance Pricing with Machine Learning
2021/03/08 FlowingData
Forecasting Covid-19 cases in the early goings
2021/03/08 sesa blog
EDA zu Flugverspätungen
2021/03/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayesian methods and what they offer compared to classical econometrics
2021/03/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My talk’s on April Fool’s but it’s not actually a joke
2021/03/06 Infinity Loop
Visualize CRAN Package Downloads
2021/03/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
This one pushes all my buttons
2021/03/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Alan Sokal on exponential growth and coronavirus rebound
2021/03/05 Econometrics and Free Software
Using explainability methods to understand (some part) of the spread of COVID-19 in a landlocked country
2021/03/05 The Coatless Professor
RcppEnsmallen v0. Released - Better Unit Tests and Bug Fixes!
2021/03/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Earliest Known Uses of Some of the Words of Mathematics
2021/03/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Marshmallow update
2021/03/05 FlowingData
Bats and outbreaks
2021/03/05 Andriy Koval
United States Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, January-November 2020
2021/03/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A new approach to pandemic control by informing people of their social distance from exposure
2021/03/04 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
A first look at the R-universe build infrastructure
2021/03/04 Julia Silge
Bootstrap confidence intervals for #TidyTuesday Super Bowl commercials
2021/03/04 FlowingData
RAWGraphs 2.0, an open-source tool to visualize data
2021/03/04 sesa blog
Estimating population effect size, some thoughts
2021/03/03 Jean-Paul Fox
Special Issue on Item Response Theory in Medical Studies
2021/03/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Statistical fallacies as they arise in political science (from Bob Jervis)
2021/03/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Drew Bailey on backward causal questions and forward causal inference
2021/03/03 FlowingData
Schools should open their windows for ventilation
2021/03/02 Econometrics and Free Software
Server(shiny)-less dashboards with R, {htmlwidgets} and {crosstalk}
2021/03/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s the best novel ever written by an 85-year-old?
2021/03/02 Freakonometrics
Spring break
2021/03/02 FlowingData
How Much Minimum Wage Changed in Each State
2021/03/02 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting for Social Good
2021/03/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Here is how you should title the next book you write.
2021/03/01 rud.is
Brimming With Possibilities: Query zqd & Mine Logs with zq from R
2021/03/01 Freakonometrics
Unusual data for insurance, joint research initiative
2021/03/01 FlowingData
Definition of an algorithm
2021/03/01 Thinking inside the box
RPushbullet 0.3.4: Small Update, Nicer Docs
2021/02/28 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2021/02/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“I looked for questions on the polio vaccine and saw one in 1954 that asked if you wanted to get it—60% said yes and 31% no.”
2021/02/28 Homepage on Joseph Stachelek
Interpreting the new ESA Open Science policy
2021/02/27 On Your Mark
Fedora 系统每年更新版本太快
2021/02/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Meg Wolitzer and George V. Higgins
2021/02/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stanford prison experiment
2021/02/26 FlowingData
Social distancing when we’re back in the office
2021/02/26 sesa blog
How to standardize variables in R
2021/02/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Men Appear Twice as Often as Women in News Photos on Facebook”
2021/02/25 FlowingData
Scale of the pandemic compared to the past
2021/02/25 FlowingData
500,000 lives lost, an individual scale
2021/02/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Should we judge pundits based on their demonstrated willingness to learn from their mistakes?
2021/02/24 Julia Silge
Getting started with k-means and #TidyTuesday employment status
2021/02/24 FlowingData
How Spending Changed for Different Income Groups
2021/02/24 Thinking inside the box
RcppSimdJson 0.1.4 on CRAN: Small Bugfix
2021/02/24 sesa blog
Modelling movie successes: linear regression
2021/02/24 sesa blog
Exercises to data wrangling with the tidyverse
2021/02/24 sesa blog
Exercises (no solutions): data vizualization on flight delays using tidyverse tools
2021/02/24 sesa blog
Case study: data vizualization on flight delays using tidyverse tools
2021/02/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What is the relevance of “bad science” to our understanding of “good science”?
2021/02/23 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Dev Guide 0.6.0: Updates
2021/02/23 FlowingData
Introducing a New Course on Mapping Geographic Data in R, with ggplot2
2021/02/23 FlowingData
How that iceberg would really float
2021/02/23 sesa blog
Data Science Memes
2021/02/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Luc Sante reviews books by Nick Hornby and Geoffrey O’Brien on pop music
2021/02/22 OmicX
Install R and RStudio server in Debian
2021/02/22 Freakonometrics
Principal Component Analysis: A Generalized Gini Approach
2021/02/22 FlowingData
Bird flight patterns captured through long-exposure photography
2021/02/22 Thinking inside the box
pkgKitten 0.2.1: Now with roxygen2 support
2021/02/21 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2021/02/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Statisticians don’t use statistical evidence to decide what statistical methods to use. Also, The Way of the Physicist.
2021/02/20 Econometrics and Free Software
R makes it too easy to write papers
2021/02/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Is sqrt(2) a normal number?
2021/02/19 Bayesian Spectacles
SpaceX Spaceship SN10 Landing
2021/02/19 Jay's Notes
One or two things I wish I had learned in school, the beginning
2021/02/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Simulated-data experimentation: Why does it work so well?
2021/02/19 rud.is
Getting Into the Rhythm of Chart Typography with {ragg} and {hrbragg} (a.k.a. It’s {ragg}-time}
2021/02/19 FlowingData
Simulation for different immunity scenarios
2021/02/19 sesa blog
Scraping Cochrane Reviews, some trials
2021/02/18 Bayesian Spectacles
Strong Public Claims May Not Reflect Researchers’ Private Convictions
2021/02/18 Infinity Loop
コロナワクチンのデータを R で可視化する
2021/02/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Smell the Data”
2021/02/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Computation+Journalism 2021 this Friday
2021/02/18 中文博客 on Yongchao Fu | 付永超
2021/02/18 FlowingData
Sim Daltonism, an intuitive app that simulates color blindness
2021/02/18 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Simple introduction to quantmod and tushare
2021/02/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Is the right brain hemisphere more analog and Bayesian?
2021/02/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
COVID and Vitamin D…and some other things too.
2021/02/17 FlowingData
Low temperatures map of the United States
2021/02/17 Thinking inside the box
dang 0.0.13: New intradayMarketMonitor
2021/02/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Who are the culture heroes of today?
2021/02/16 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Make Your R Package Easier to Cite
2021/02/16 FlowingData
Improving vaccine distribution in all states
2021/02/16 FlowingData
Map of power outages
2021/02/15 Infinity Loop
为新手准备的现代化 R 包开发流程
2021/02/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Creatures of their time: Shirley Jackson and John Campbell
2021/02/15 Rob J Hyndman
Manifold learning with approximate nearest neighbours
2021/02/15 Rob J Hyndman
Manifold learning with approximate nearest neighbours
2021/02/14 Jay's Notes
2021 external speaking, hugo-xmin, and distill
2021/02/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Our underpowered trial provides no indication that X has a positive or negative effect on Y”
2021/02/14 rud.is
Extracting Heart Rate Data (Two Ways!) from Apple Health XML Export Files Using R (a.k.a. The Least Romantic Valentine’s Day R Post Ever)
2021/02/13 Bayesian Spectacles
Preprint: Bayesian Estimation of Single-Test Reliability Coefficients
2021/02/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s your “Mathematical Comfort Food”?
2021/02/13 Rob J Hyndman
Assessing mortality inequality in the US: What can be said about the future?
2021/02/13 free range statistics
Making a database of security prices and volumes
2021/02/13 Rob J Hyndman
Assessing Longevity Inequality in the US: What Can Be Said About the Future?
2021/02/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Lakatos was a Stalinist
2021/02/12 Julia Silge
Understand your models with #TidyTuesday inequality in student debt
2021/02/12 Freakonometrics
Some general thoughts on Partial Dependence Plots with correlated covariates
2021/02/12 FlowingData
Data visualization crossword puzzle
2021/02/12 Thinking inside the box
RcppSimdJson 0.1.4 on CRAN: New Improvements
2021/02/11 Infinity Loop
2021/02/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Reflections on Lakatos’s “Proofs and Refutations”
2021/02/11 Freakonometrics
Accidents de la circulation : transaction ou action ?
2021/02/11 FlowingData
Half of coronavirus deaths were in the winter
2021/02/11 Thinking inside the box
td 0.0.1 on CRAN: New Finance Data Package
2021/02/11 sesa blog
Explorative Datenanalyse zum Datensatz "OECD Wellbeing"
2021/02/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Further comments on “Assessing mandatory stay‐at‐home and business closure effects on the spread of COVID‐19”
2021/02/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Maybe we should’ve called it Arianna”
2021/02/10 FlowingData
How quickly the U.S. is vaccinating vs. how long it’ll take to get back to “normal”
2021/02/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to track covid using hospital data collection and MRP
2021/02/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Toronto Data Workshop on Reproducibility
2021/02/09 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
coder Makes Medical Coding less Messy
2021/02/09 FlowingData
Comparing live music recordings against the studio versions
2021/02/09 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo New Upstream Release
2021/02/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My thoughts on “What’s Wrong with Social Science and How to Fix It: Reflections After Reading 2578 Papers”
2021/02/08 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Rebranding R Packages with Hexagon Stickers: A Minimalist Approach
2021/02/08 L. Collado-Torres
Transcriptome-scale spatial gene expression in the human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
2021/02/08 FlowingData
AI-generated candy hearts
2021/02/07 Jay's Notes
A glimpse of change, or just another day with a win over Duke
2021/02/07 Infinity Loop
2021/02/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Nudgelords: Given their past track record, why should I trust them this time? (Don’t call me Stasi)
2021/02/07 rud.is
Getting a Handle on macOS App Entitlements with R
2021/02/07 rud.is
Fully Native M1/Apple Silicon R Setup
2021/02/06 Econometrics and Free Software
How to draw a map of arbitrary contiguous regions, or visualizing the spread of COVID-19 in the Greater Region
2021/02/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to incorporate new data into our understanding? Sturgis rally example.
2021/02/06 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting impact podcast
2021/02/06 Rob J Hyndman
Leave-one-out kernel density estimates for outlier detection
2021/02/06 sesa blog
Plotting multiple plots using purrr::map and ggplot
2021/02/05 Bayesian Spectacles
Preprint: Expert Agreement in Prior Elicitation and its Effects on Bayesian Inference
2021/02/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Where in your education were you taught about intellectual honesty?”
2021/02/05 FlowingData
Pandemic Graphics Archive
2021/02/05 Thinking inside the box
RcppFastFloat 0.0.1: New Package, Already on CRAN
2021/02/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“There ya go: preregistered, within-subject, multilevel”
2021/02/04 FlowingData
Data Visualization in Society
2021/02/04 Posts on R-Ladies Blog
The R-Ladies Mentoring Program: R-Ladies Cotonou journey
2021/02/04 free range statistics
Visualising stock prices and volume
2021/02/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
New research suggests: “Targeting interventions – including transmission-blocking vaccines – to adults aged 20-49 is an important consideration in halting resurgent epidemics and preventing COVID-19-attributable deaths.”
2021/02/03 rud.is
Amazon Athena {dbplyr} Implicit Usage of Presto Functions and Making JSON Casting Great Again
2021/02/03 FlowingData
Sonification of Covid-19 deaths
2021/02/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Will the pandemic cause a decline in births? We’ll be able to resolve this particular debate in about 9 months . . .
2021/02/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Data Detective, by Tim Harford
2021/02/02 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
How rOpenSci Runs Community Calls
2021/02/02 Julia Silge
Learn tidytext with my new learnr course
2021/02/02 FlowingData
Precinct-level map of 2020 election results
2021/02/01 Infinity Loop
Calculate Estimated R in Japan
2021/02/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
About that claim that “SARS-CoV-2 is not a natural zoonosis but instead is laboratory derived”
2021/02/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayesian inference completely solves the multiple comparisons problem
2021/02/01 FlowingData
The Data Detective
2021/02/01 FlowingData
The Art of Statistics
2021/02/01 FlowingData
Living in Data
2021/01/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Small Steps to Accuracy: Incremental Updaters are Better Forecasters”
2021/01/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“How We’re Duped by Data” and how we can do better
2021/01/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Mortality data 2015-2020 around the world
2021/01/30 rud.is
Parler Whack-a-Mole
2021/01/30 Thinking inside the box
RcppDate 0.0.2: Regular Update
2021/01/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Scott Atlas, Team Stanford, and their friends
2021/01/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I was drunk at the podium, and I knew my results weren’t strong
2021/01/29 FlowingData
When the U.S. could be vaccinated
2021/01/29 FlowingData
Snowflake generator
2021/01/29 sellorm
Using the Raspberry Pi Pico Python SDK with a Mac
2021/01/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
There is only one reality (and we cannot demand consistency from any other)
2021/01/28 L. Collado-Torres
2021/01/28 L. Collado-Torres
CDC/ATSDR R User Group
2021/01/28 Freakonometrics
IRE (HEC) – CREEI Seminar, HEC Montréal, on Monday
2021/01/28 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Learning Resources – January 2021 Roundup
2021/01/28 FlowingData
Dot density to show Covid-19 deaths over time
2021/01/28 FlowingData
✚ How to Make Small Multiples in Excel
2021/01/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The textbook paradox: “Textbooks more than a very few years old cannot even be given away, but new textbooks are mostly made by copying from former ones”
2021/01/27 rud.is
Making It Easier To Experiment With Compiled Swift Code In R
2021/01/27 L. Collado-Torres
SpatialExperiment: infrastructure for spatially resolved transcriptomics data in R using Bioconductor
2021/01/26 Bayesian Spectacles
Exegesis of “Bayesian Thinking for Toddlers”
2021/01/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Three coronavirus quickies
2021/01/26 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Learn All About HTTP Testing: Book Update
2021/01/26 FlowingData
Satellite imagery at a cute angle
2021/01/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The norm of entertainment
2021/01/25 Freakonometrics
3rd Insurance Data Science Conference
2021/01/25 Freakonometrics
Assurance et graphs
2021/01/25 FlowingData
Parsing a table from an image
2021/01/25 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Precious lessons I learned from my Mom
2021/01/25 Alison Hill
Introduce yourself online
2021/01/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Tessa Hadley on John Updike
2021/01/24 rud.is
Calling [Compiled] Swift from R: Part 2
2021/01/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My reply: Three words. Fake. Data. Simulation.
2021/01/23 rud.is
SwiftR Switcheroo: Calling [Compiled] Swift from R!
2021/01/23 Thinking inside the box
prrd 0.0.4: More tweaks
2021/01/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey! Here’s a cool new book of stories about the collection of social data
2021/01/22 rud.is
Soon May the Vendorman Come
2021/01/22 FlowingData
Video series on all the chart types
2021/01/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
New textbook, “Statistics for Health Data Science,” by Etzioni, Mandel, and Gulati
2021/01/21 FlowingData
Car cost vs. emissions
2021/01/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What about that new paper estimating the effects of lockdowns etc?
2021/01/20 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Introducing the rOpenSci Community Contributing Guide
2021/01/20 Rob J Hyndman
Forecast reconciliation: A geometric view with new insights on bias correction
2021/01/20 FlowingData
Scaled-down Biden inauguration
2021/01/20 Rob J Hyndman
Forecast reconciliation: A geometric view with new insights on bias correction
2021/01/20 sesa blog
Grading a prediction contest
2021/01/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Sharon Begley
2021/01/19 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Introducing BaseSet for mathematical sets
2021/01/19 FlowingData
Parler video feed of the mob at the Capitol
2021/01/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Simulation-based calibration: Two theorems
2021/01/17 On Your Mark
2021/01/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Weights in statistics
2021/01/16 On Your Mark
2021 新年计划
2021/01/16 On Your Mark
2021/01/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
You’re a data scientist at a local hospital and you’ve been asked to present to the physicians on communicating statistical information to patients. What should you say?
2021/01/16 rud.is
New SwiftR Chapter Up: Building an R-backed SwiftUI macOS App
2021/01/15 On Your Mark
2021/01/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Reflections on a talk gone wrong
2021/01/15 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Stingy Beanie baby webscraping
2021/01/15 Julia Silge
Explore art media over time in the #TidyTuesday Tate collection dataset
2021/01/15 FlowingData
Random number generation with lava lamps
2021/01/15 Rob J Hyndman
The road to recovery from COVID-19 for Australian tourism
2021/01/15 Thinking inside the box
Rcpp 1.0.6: Some Updates
2021/01/14 The Coatless Professor
edmdata v1.1.0 Released: New Low Attribute Oracle Q and Documentation Fixes
2021/01/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Sketching the distribution of data vs. sketching the imagined distribution of data
2021/01/14 FlowingData
Food recipe cards to preserve family’s culture
2021/01/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Routine hospital-based SARS-CoV-2 testing outperforms state-based data in predicting clinical burden.
2021/01/13 FlowingData
Mining Parler data
2021/01/12 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2021/01/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“They adjusted for three hundred confounders.”
2021/01/12 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
2021/01/12 FlowingData
Machine learning to find a recipe for a baked good that’s half cake and half cookie
2021/01/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“A Headline That Will Make Global-Warming Activists Apoplectic” . . . how’s that one going, Freakonomics team?
2021/01/11 FlowingData
What is a particle?
2021/01/10 Shane Lynn
Pandas Drop: Delete DataFrame Rows & Columns
2021/01/10 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2021/01/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Include all design information as predictors in your regression model, then postratify if necessary. No need to include survey weights: the information that goes into the weights will be used in any poststratification that is done.
2021/01/10 rud.is
Nos Autem Non In Antebellum; Bella Iam Inceperat
2021/01/10 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo Minor update
2021/01/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Enhancing Academic Freedom and Transparency in Publishing Through Post-Publication Debate”: Some examples in the study of political conflict
2021/01/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Weakliem on air rage and himmicanes
2021/01/08 rud.is
Safety Checking Locally Installed Package URLs
2021/01/08 FlowingData
Map of the voting in Georgia, the runoff vs. the general election
2021/01/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
xkcd: “Curve-fitting methods and the messages they send”
2021/01/07 中文博客 on Yongchao Fu | 付永超
2021/01/07 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci 2020 Code of Conduct Transparency Report
2021/01/07 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Code of Conduct Annual Review
2021/01/07 Freakonometrics
Les conséquences de la loi de Goodhart
2021/01/07 FlowingData
How the mob broke into the U.S. Capitol
2021/01/07 Thinking inside the box
#32: Portable Continuous Integration using r-ci
2021/01/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
NYT editor described columnists as ““people who are paid to have very, very strong convictions, and to believe that they’re right.”
2021/01/06 FlowingData
Neural network creates images from text
2021/01/06 sellorm
Create a simple web server with plumber
2021/01/05 Homepage on Liangliang's Homepage
2021/01/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Megan Higgs (statistician) and Anna Dreber (economist) on how to judge the success of a replication
2021/01/05 Freakonometrics
Lilliefors, Kolmogorov-Smirnov and cross-validation
2021/01/05 Freakonometrics
Webinaire sur l’assurance collaborative et la théorie des grahs
2021/01/05 FlowingData
Turn images into LEGO builds in R
2021/01/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Most controversial posts of 2020
2021/01/04 rud.is
Bringing R to Swift on macOS
2021/01/04 Julia Silge
Predicting injuries for Chicago traffic crashes
2021/01/04 FlowingData
How the Census translates to power, a cat comic
2021/01/04 Jan's Page
Least Squares Multidimensional Scaling
2021/01/04 Posts on Brodie Gaslam
Rtini Part II: Vectorize the Absolute $#!+ Out of This
2021/01/03 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang
2021/01/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Maybe the better analogy is that these people are museum curators and we’re telling them that their precious collection of Leonardos, which they have been augmenting at a rate of about one per month, include some fakes.”
2021/01/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Translation Plagiarism”
2021/01/02 Freakonometrics
Exposé au Meetup Data Driven Montréal
2021/01/02 ewen
listening, 2020
2021/01/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What we did in 2020, and thanks to all our collaborators and many more
2021/01/01 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting Swiss Exports using Bayesian Forecast Reconciliation
2021/01/01 Rob J Hyndman
Anomaly detection in high-dimensional data
2021/01/01 Rob J Hyndman
Nonlinear mixed effects models for time series forecasting of smart meter demand
2021/01/01 Rob J Hyndman
Hierarchical Probabilistic Forecasting of Electricity Demand with Smart Meter Data
2021/01/01 Rob J Hyndman
Hierarchical Probabilistic Forecasting of Electricity Demand with Smart Meter Data
2021/01/01 Rob J Hyndman
Nonlinear mixed effects models for time series forecasting of smart meter demand
2021/01/01 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting Swiss Exports using Bayesian Forecast Reconciliation
2021/01/01 Rob J Hyndman
Anomaly detection in high-dimensional data
2020/12/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Three unblinded mice
2020/12/31 FlowingData
Pollution exposure plotted, a comparison between two kids’ day
2020/12/31 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Review 2020
2020/12/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why We Sleep—a tale of non-replication.
2020/12/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
One dose or two? This epidemiologist suggests we should follow Bugs Bunny and go for two.
2020/12/30 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
2020/12/30 FlowingData
Mapping disappearing beaches in Hawaii
2020/12/30 Econometrics and Free Software
A year in review
2020/12/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Retired computer science professor argues that decisions are being made by “algorithms that are mathematically incapable of bias.” What does this mean?
2020/12/29 中文博客 on Yongchao Fu | 付永超
2020/12/29 FlowingData
2020/12/29 叶寻的博客
2020/12/29 叶寻的博客
2020/12/29 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Fix throttling of T490 in Linux
2020/12/28 Publishable Stuff
The Tidyverse in a Table
2020/12/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“End of novel. Beginning of job.”: That point at which you make the decision to stop thinking and start finishing
2020/12/28 FlowingData
Climate change in 2020
2020/12/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Does regression discontinuity (or, more generally, causal identification + statistical significance) make you gullible?
2020/12/27 blog.jemu.name
Importing your Trakt.tv Movies to Letterboxd
2020/12/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
No, this senatorial stock-picking study does not address concerns about insider trading:
2020/12/26 Jozef's Rblog
Optimizing partitioning for Apache Spark database loads via JDBC for performance
2020/12/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Flaxman et al. respond to criticisms of their estimates of effects of anti-coronavirus policies
2020/12/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Dream Investigation Results: Official Report by the Minecraft Speedrunning Team”
2020/12/24 FlowingData
Best Data Visualization Projects of 2020
2020/12/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Red Team prepublication review update
2020/12/23 FlowingData
Evolution of coronavirus strains
2020/12/22 Bayesian Spectacles
Preprint: Decisions About Equivalence: A Comparison of TOST, HDI-ROPE, and the Bayes Factor
2020/12/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
No, It’s Not a Prisoner’s Dilemma (the second in a continuing series):
2020/12/22 中文博客 on Yongchao Fu | 付永超
2020/12/22 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Phonetic Fieldwork and Experiments with the phonfieldwork Package for R
2020/12/22 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
2020/12/22 FlowingData
Historical cost of light
2020/12/22 Alison Hill
M-F-E-O: postcards + distill
2020/12/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Publishing in Antarctica
2020/12/21 Freakonometrics
Time for a break
2020/12/21 FlowingData
Who catches the most fish
2020/12/20 Infinity Loop
中国 R 会演讲之《访问总量 1700万+ 的疫情数据可视化应用的开发故事》
2020/12/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
More on the Heckman curve
2020/12/20 free range statistics
Shiny in production for commercial clients
2020/12/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
In this particular battle between physicists and economists, I’m taking the economists’ side.
2020/12/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Inferring the effectiveness of government interventions against COVID-19”
2020/12/18 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
2 Months in 2 Minutes - rOpenSci News, December 2020
2020/12/18 Freakonometrics
Insurance Pricing Game
2020/12/18 FlowingData
Tracking world’s biggest iceberg
2020/12/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2020/12/17 FlowingData
Blob Opera is a machine learning model you can make music with
2020/12/17 Thinking inside the box
RcppEigen New upstream
2020/12/17 Jan's Page
Gifi Analysis of Multivariate Data
2020/12/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Deterministic thinking meets the fallacy of the one-sided bet
2020/12/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Literally a textbook problem: if you get a positive COVID test, how likely is it that it’s a false positive?
2020/12/16 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Donate to rOpenSci this Giving Season
2020/12/16 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
2020/12/16 Julia Silge
Upcoming changes to tidytext: threat of COLLAPSE
2020/12/16 FlowingData
Basketball court designed as a national park map
2020/12/16 FlowingData
✚ How to Make an Animated Beeswarm Chart
2020/12/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
You can figure out the approximate length of our blog lag now.
2020/12/15 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Thank You to the rOpenSci Community, 2020
2020/12/15 Freakonometrics
Soutenances de mémoires, à Brest
2020/12/15 FlowingData
Infrared to show air particles from your talk hole
2020/12/15 Thinking inside the box
RcppAnnoy 0.0.18: Tweaks
2020/12/15 sesa blog
Vorhersagen mit lm
2020/12/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Debate involving a bad analysis of GRE scores
2020/12/14 FlowingData
Unemployment and Occupation
2020/12/14 sesa blog
titanic-tidymodels: rf1
2020/12/14 sesa blog
titanic-tidymodels: glm1
2020/12/14 sesa blog
titanic-tidymodels: boost
2020/12/14 sesa blog
titanic-tidymodels: boost simple
2020/12/14 sesa blog
titanic-tidymodels: rf2
2020/12/14 sesa blog
titanic-tidymodels: tree
2020/12/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What do Americans think about coronavirus restrictions? Let’s see what the data say . . .
2020/12/13 Alison Hill
Teaching students to talk about data science
2020/12/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
17 state attorney generals, 100 congressmembers, and the Association for Psychological Science walk into a bar
2020/12/12 Dean Attali
Migrating from TravisCI to GitHub Actions for R packages
2020/12/12 Alison Hill
A Spoonful of Hugo: How much Hugo do I need to know?
2020/12/12 Econometrics and Free Software
(Half) Lies, (half) truths and (half) statistics
2020/12/12 sesa blog
Kaggle Notebook on the Titanic competition using tidymodels
2020/12/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“I Can’t Believe It’s Not Better”
2020/12/11 FlowingData
Charting and ranking apocalyptic events
2020/12/11 Thinking inside the box
RcppSpdlog 0.0.4: New upstream
2020/12/10 Bayesian Spectacles
Redefine Statistical Significance XIX: Monkey Business
2020/12/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What about this idea of rapid antigen testing?
2020/12/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“It’s turtles for quite a way down, but at some point it’s solid bedrock.”
2020/12/10 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Storytime preparedness with av
2020/12/10 Freakonometrics
Big data, the tech giants, and insurance
2020/12/10 FlowingData
Visualizing 16th century letter correspondence of the Tudor government
2020/12/10 sesa blog
Modellannahmen grafisch überprüfen
2020/12/10 sesa blog
Beispiel für eine Vorwärts-schrittweise-Regression
2020/12/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What are the most important statistical ideas of the past 50 years?
2020/12/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The p-value is 4.76×10^−264 1 in a quadrillion
2020/12/09 FlowingData
NBA Players Traded, Historical Percentages
2020/12/09 FlowingData
Bill Nye on masks, with a map and some props
2020/12/09 sesa blog
Example for Meng's 2018 article on big data bias
2020/12/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“A better way to roll out Covid-19 vaccines: Vaccinate everyone in several hot zones”?
2020/12/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Covid crowdsourcing
2020/12/08 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Accessing GrahpQL from R
2020/12/08 FlowingData
Interactive explainer for how cameras and lenses work
2020/12/08 Alison Hill
The download
2020/12/08 楚新元个人主页
2020/12/08 sesa blog
Plotting a regression surface (3D)
2020/12/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Unlike MIT, Scientific American does the right thing and flags an inaccurate and irresponsible article that they mistakenly published. Here’s the story:
2020/12/07 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Bayesian Lasso with greta
2020/12/07 FlowingData
Defining “essential worker” to distribute vaccine
2020/12/07 FlowingData
Data Sketches, the book
2020/12/07 sesa blog
Ex: Visualizing diamonds
2020/12/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
From the Archives of Psychological Science
2020/12/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Are we constantly chasing after these population-level effects of these non-pharmaceutical interventions that are hard to isolate when there are many good reasons to believe in their efficacy in the first instance?
2020/12/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Quine’s be Quining
2020/12/05 Econometrics and Free Software
Poorman's automated translation with R and Google Sheets using {googlesheets4}
2020/12/05 sesa blog
Simple Knime workflow for the Titanic Kaggle competition using a random forest model
2020/12/05 sesa blog
Execution time for largish data
2020/12/05 sesa blog
Comparison of R and Knime: Largish data set 1 (taxi rides 2020-06)
2020/12/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Discussion of uncertainties in the coronavirus mask study leads us to think about some issues . . .
2020/12/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s Google’s definition of retractable?
2020/12/04 FlowingData
Vaccine contracts
2020/12/04 FlowingData
Through the eyes of the algorithm
2020/12/04 free range statistics
Animated map of World War I UK ship positions
2020/12/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to think about correlation? It’s the slope of the regression when x and y have been standardized.
2020/12/03 Julia Silge
Tune random forests for #TidyTuesday IKEA prices
2020/12/03 FlowingData
Searching for Blue Moon ice cream
2020/12/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Shrinkage Trilogy: How to be Bayesian when analyzing simple experiments
2020/12/02 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
2020/12/02 FlowingData
Scented candle reviews on Amazon and Covid-19
2020/12/02 Thinking inside the box
RcppTOML 0.1.7: Support for g++-11, Minor Updates
2020/12/02 sesa blog
ModernDive, Chapter 05 - Exercises/Aufgaben (in Deutsch)
2020/12/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Understanding Janet Yellen
2020/12/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo using an adjoint-differentiated Laplace approximation: Bayesian inference for latent Gaussian models and beyond
2020/12/01 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Selecting the Best Phylogenetic Evolutionary Model
2020/12/01 FlowingData
Mapping 250,000 people
2020/11/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Basbøll’s Audenesque paragraph on science writing, followed by a resurrection of a 10-year-old debate on Gladwell
2020/11/30 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
2020/11/30 Freakonometrics
Trees and forests
2020/11/30 FlowingData
Leftover Turkey Flowchart
2020/11/30 Thinking inside the box
inline 0.3.17: Refactored and New Tests
2020/11/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“We’ve got to look at the analyses, the real granular data. It’s always tough when you’re looking at a press release to figure out what’s going on.”
2020/11/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Unfair to James Watson?
2020/11/28 sesa blog
2020/11/28 sesa blog
Comparing Knime and R: Simple Random Forest
2020/11/28 sesa blog
Comparing Knime and R: ETL_Basics
2020/11/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bishops of the Holy Church of Embodied Cognition and editors of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Christ
2020/11/27 Freakonometrics
Can historical demography benefit from the collaborative data of genealogy websites?
2020/11/27 Freakonometrics
La démographie historique peut-elle tirer profit des données collaboratives des sites de généalogie ?
2020/11/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A very short statistical consulting story
2020/11/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2 PhD student positions on Bayesian workflow! With Paul Bürkner!
2020/11/26 Freakonometrics
GLM, STT5100
2020/11/25 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
R Workshop: Modern Statistical Graphs with R
2020/11/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A new hot hand paradox
2020/11/25 Rob J Hyndman
ASSA New Fellows Presentations
2020/11/25 FlowingData
What to Call Your Distant Relative
2020/11/25 Rob J Hyndman
ASSA New Fellows Presentations
2020/11/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Further formalization of the “multiverse” idea in statistical modeling
2020/11/24 Simply Statistics
The Four Jobs of the Data Scientist
2020/11/24 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
2020/11/24 FlowingData
Fake faces created by AI and where this might be headed
2020/11/24 r4stats.com
BlueSky Statistics Intro and User Guides Now Available
2020/11/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Greek statistician is in trouble for . . . telling the truth!
2020/11/23 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Tanka: A Minimalist Bootstrap 4 Theme for Hugo and Blogdown
2020/11/23 Freakonometrics
Recent Econometric Techniques for Macroeconomic and Financial Data
2020/11/23 FlowingData
Where there are hospital staff shortages
2020/11/23 FlowingData
Why small gatherings can be dangerous too
2020/11/23 Posts on R-Ladies
Reduced Service Mode for R-Ladies Global
2020/11/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The 200-year-old mentor
2020/11/22 sellorm
Updates to Awesome-Blogdown.com
2020/11/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Best comics of 2010-2019?
2020/11/21 rud.is
Updated Apache Drill R JDBC Interface Package {sergeant.caffeinated} With {dbplyr} 2.x Compatibility
2020/11/21 Econometrics and Free Software
Graphical User Interfaces were a mistake but you can still make things right
2020/11/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Today in spam
2020/11/20 FlowingData
Analysis of representation in crossword puzzles
2020/11/19 Bayesian Spectacles
Call for Crowdsourced Analysis: Many Analysts Religion Project (MARP)
2020/11/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Mister P for the 2020 presidential election in Belarus
2020/11/19 Freakonometrics
ACT6100, analyse supervisée
2020/11/19 Freakonometrics
Concilier risques collectifs et décisions individuelles
2020/11/19 FlowingData
State restrictions and hospitalizations
2020/11/18 Shane Lynn
Plot your Fitbit data in Python (API v1.2)
2020/11/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Is vs. ought in the study of public opinion: Coronavirus “opening up” edition
2020/11/18 rud.is
Apple Silicon + Big Sur + RStudio + R Field Report
2020/11/18 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
2020/11/18 L. Collado-Torres
Genetic and environmental regulation of caudate nucleus transcriptome: insight into schizophrenia risk and the dopamine system
2020/11/18 Freakonometrics
Insurance Data Science Conference 2021 (online)
2020/11/18 FlowingData
Voting gains for 2020, compared to 2016 election
2020/11/18 Data Se
The mean minimizes the sum of squares
2020/11/18 Data Se
Simple derivation of linear regression coefficients
2020/11/17 Bayesian Spectacles
Overwhelming Evidence for Vaccine Efficacy in the Pfizer Trial: An Interim Bayesian Analysis
2020/11/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Authors repeat same error in 2019 that they acknowledged and admitted was wrong in 2015
2020/11/17 Freakonometrics
Insurance against Natural Catastrophes: Balancing Actuarial Fairness and Social Solidarity
2020/11/17 FlowingData
U.S. military buys location data from apps
2020/11/17 Rob J Hyndman
STR: Seasonal-Trend decomposition using Regression
2020/11/17 Fenguoerbian's Blog
HPC with R
2020/11/16 Bayesian Spectacles
Preprint: Same same but different? A closer look at the Sequential Probability Ratio Test and the Sequential Bayes Factor Test
2020/11/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What went wrong with the polls in 2020? Another example.
2020/11/16 Freakonometrics
Intervention au séminaire TransNum de Sciences Po
2020/11/16 FlowingData
Votes that won the presidency
2020/11/16 Thinking inside the box
2020/11/16 Thinking inside the box
RcppAnnoy 0.0.17
2020/11/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
You don’t need a retina specialist to know which way the wind blows
2020/11/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The rise and fall and rise of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in international development
2020/11/14 Dean Attali
Submitting a PR to {shiny} LIVE
2020/11/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
No, I don’t believe etc etc., even though they did a bunch of robustness checks.
2020/11/13 FlowingData
Student surveillance and online proctoring
2020/11/13 FlowingData
Coronavirus cases rising in prisons
2020/11/13 free range statistics
Reproduce analysis of a political attitudes experiment
2020/11/13 Data Se
Fallstudie zur Regressionsanalyse -- ggplot2movies
2020/11/12 Bayesian Spectacles
A Hidden History of the TOP Guidelines
2020/11/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How science and science communication really work: coronavirus edition
2020/11/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Pfizer-Biontech Vaccine May Be A Lot More Effective Than You Think?
2020/11/12 FlowingData
✚ How to Make Marimekko Charts in Excel
2020/11/12 Alison Hill
InspiRing InstRuction: A panel on teaching #rstats for all audiences
2020/11/12 Thinking inside the box
tidyCpp 0.0.2: More documentation and features
2020/11/12 Data Se
Fallstudie zur Datenvisualisierung -- Datensatz "flights"
2020/11/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“In the world of educational technology, the future actually is what it used to be”
2020/11/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Lying with statistics
2020/11/11 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
Reframing Social Cognition: Relational Versus Representational Mentalizing
2020/11/11 FlowingData
Tour of the D3 ecosystem
2020/11/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My scheduled talks this week
2020/11/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayesian Workflow
2020/11/10 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Using Open-Access Tools (rentrez, taxize) to Find Coronaviruses, Their Genetic Sequences, and Their Hosts
2020/11/10 FlowingData
Minimalist creative coding environment
2020/11/10 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
PACT meeting update: single-cell and bulk ATAC-seq analysis pipelines
2020/11/10 Andriy Koval
Using Reproducible Data Visualisations to Augment Decision-Making During Suppression of Small Counts
2020/11/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What happens to the median voter when the electoral median is at 52/48 rather than 50/50?
2020/11/09 FlowingData
Estimate your Covid-19 risk, given location and activities
2020/11/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stop-and-frisk data
2020/11/08 rud.is
It’s [Almost] Over; Much Damage Has Been Done; But I [We] Have A Call To Unexpected Action
2020/11/08 Nan-Hung Hsieh
A Bayesian Population Compartmental Absorption and Transit Modeling Approach to Support Generic Drug Development: Application to Bupropion Hydrochloride Oral Dosage Forms
2020/11/08 Nan-Hung Hsieh
Well-tempered MCMC simulations for population pharmacokinetic models
2020/11/08 ewen
understanding relative age effect in English football
2020/11/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What would would mean to really take seriously the idea that our forecast probabilities were too far from 50%?
2020/11/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Comparing election outcomes to our forecast and to the previous election
2020/11/06 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
Single-source publishing for R users
2020/11/06 Dean Attali
How isolate() can bite you in the butt
2020/11/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Here’s why rot13 text looks so cool.
2020/11/05 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
2020/11/05 L. Collado-Torres
Bioconductor Technical Advisory Board
2020/11/05 FlowingData
Watch the election percentages for votes counted so far
2020/11/05 FlowingData
Spike past 100k Covid-19 cases in a day
2020/11/05 FlowingData
✚ The Process 114 – Data, the Fuzzy and Fragile Representation of Real Life
2020/11/05 Dean Attali
{shinyscreenshot}: Finally, an easy way to take screenshots in Shiny apps!
2020/11/05 Econometrics and Free Software
It's time to retire the "data scientist" label
2020/11/04 The Coatless Professor
RcppEnsmallen v0. Released - New Callback: Optimization Summary Report
2020/11/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Post-election post
2020/11/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How the election might have looked in a world without polls
2020/11/04 Home on Xianying's Blog
2020/11/04 FlowingData
Testing voting scenarios while we wait for the counts
2020/11/04 FlowingData
Election needles are back
2020/11/04 Data Se
On a popular confidence interval myth
2020/11/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why it can be rational to vote
2020/11/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Sh*ttin brix in the tail…
2020/11/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
As a forecaster, how important is it to “have a few elections under your belt”?
2020/11/03 Rob J Hyndman
Self-promotion for researchers
2020/11/03 L. Collado-Torres
Cleaning up my R packages and config files
2020/11/03 FlowingData
Waves of distraction
2020/11/03 FlowingData
Electoral coloring page
2020/11/03 FlowingData
Early voting by state
2020/11/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
So, what’s with that claim that Biden has a 96% chance of winning? (some thoughts with Josh Miller)
2020/11/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Merlin and me talk on the Bayesian podcast about forecasting the election
2020/11/02 Rob J Hyndman
Modern strategies for time series regression
2020/11/02 FlowingData
Long-term timelines for judicial appointments
2020/11/02 FlowingData
Election map design challenges
2020/11/02 FlowingData
How masks work to filter out particles
2020/11/02 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
MAESTRO: Model-based Analyses of Single-cell Transcriptome and Regulome
2020/11/02 Rob J Hyndman
Modern strategies for time series regression
2020/11/02 Thinking inside the box
RcppSimdJson 0.1.2: New Upstream, New Utilities
2020/11/02 Data Se
Prove of a local optimum of k-means (exercise in Witten et al., 2013)
2020/11/01 Robin Lovelace
Different People, Different Incentives? Examining the Public Acceptance of Smartphone-Based Persuasive Strategies for Sustainable Travel Using Psychographic Segmentation
2020/11/01 The Coatless Professor
msos v1.2.0 Released: Unbalanced data bug fix and a pkgdown site!
2020/11/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Fake Facts in Covid-19 Science: Kentucky vs. Tennessee.”
2020/11/01 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
2020/10/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My proposal is to place criticism within the scientific, or social-scientific, enterprise, rather than thinking about it as something coming from outside, or as something that is tacked on at the end.
2020/10/31 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
2020/10/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why is this graph actually ok? It’s the journey, not just the destination.
2020/10/30 FlowingData
Comparing correlation in the FiveThirtyEight and Economist election forecasts
2020/10/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My theory of why TV sports have become less popular
2020/10/29 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
2020/10/29 Julia Silge
Tune and interpret decision trees for #TidyTuesday wind turbines
2020/10/29 FlowingData
Political search interest in 2020
2020/10/29 FlowingData
Illustrations show how to reduce risk at small gatherings
2020/10/29 FlowingData
How your state makes electricity
2020/10/29 Dean Attali
Debugging with Dean: My first YouTube screencast
2020/10/29 ELLA KAYE
How to get help in R
2020/10/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Concerns with our Economist election forecast
2020/10/28 Rob J Hyndman
COVID-19 impacts on our energy system
2020/10/28 FlowingData
Maps of Home
2020/10/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Public health researchers explain: “Death by despair” is a thing, but not the biggest thing
2020/10/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Don’t Hate Undecided Voters
2020/10/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Prediction markets and election forecasts
2020/10/27 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Announcing New Software Peer Review Editors: Laura DeCicco, Julia Gustavsen, Mauro Lepore
2020/10/27 Rob J Hyndman
Ten years of forecast reconciliation
2020/10/27 FlowingData
Money raised for the presidential election – by geography, time, and demographic
2020/10/27 FlowingData
Early voting volumes
2020/10/27 Rob J Hyndman
Ten years of forecast reconciliation
2020/10/26 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2020/10/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stephen Wolfram invented a time machine but has been too busy to tell us about it
2020/10/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Valid t-ratio Inference for instrumental variables”
2020/10/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Birthday data!
2020/10/26 Rob J Hyndman
Call for papers: Innovations in hierarchical forecasting
2020/10/26 FlowingData
Halloween logicals
2020/10/26 Rob J Hyndman
Call for papers: Innovations in hierarchical forecasting
2020/10/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Body language and machine learning
2020/10/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Reverse-engineering the problematic tail behavior of the Fivethirtyeight presidential election forecast
2020/10/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Merlin did some analysis of possible electoral effects of rejections of vote-by-mail ballots . . .
2020/10/23 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2020/10/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Interactive analysis needs theories of inference
2020/10/23 FlowingData
Vintage relief maps
2020/10/23 ewen
making a Studio Ghibli wallpaper carousel (for MacOS)
2020/10/23 Thinking inside the box
RcppSpdlog 0.0.3: New features and much more docs
2020/10/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
An odds ratio of 30, which they (sensibly) don’t believe
2020/10/22 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Dev Guide 0.5.0: Updates
2020/10/22 FlowingData
Fires in the west and climate change
2020/10/21 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
SCUT: R in Academia
2020/10/21 Bayesian Spectacles
Out Now: Bayesian Thinking for Toddlers
2020/10/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Model takes many hours to fit and chains don’t converge”: What to do? My advice on first steps.
2020/10/21 Rob J Hyndman
Model selection in reconciling hierarchical time series
2020/10/21 FlowingData
Making map art in R
2020/10/21 Thinking inside the box
RcppZiggurat 0.1.6
2020/10/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Presidents as saviors vs. presidents as being hired to do a job
2020/10/20 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Searching medRxiv and bioRxiv Preprint Data
2020/10/20 Rob J Hyndman
Co-authorships for sale
2020/10/20 OmicX
Install hdf5r package in R 4.0.2
2020/10/20 FlowingData
Tips for not letting polls and forecasts occupy your mind for two weeks
2020/10/20 FlowingData
Interactive data essays on climate change
2020/10/20 Thinking inside the box
2020/10/19 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2020/10/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Estimated “house effects” (biases of pre-election surveys from different pollsters) and here’s why you have to be careful not to overinterpret them:
2020/10/19 FlowingData
Data visualization in virtual reality
2020/10/19 Data Se
A simple solution to ditch the question "what's the path of my data?" when importing data to R
2020/10/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Pre-register post-election analyses?
2020/10/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Between-state correlations and weird conditional forecasts: the correlation depends on where you are in the distribution
2020/10/17 Thinking inside the box
digest 0.6.26: Blake3 and Tuning
2020/10/17 楚新元个人主页
2020/10/17 Data Se
Visualizing decision trees
2020/10/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Reference for the claim that you need 16 times as much data to estimate interactions as to estimate main effects
2020/10/16 FlowingData
2020/10/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Calibration problem in tails of our election forecast
2020/10/15 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
2 Months in 2 Minutes - rOpenSci News, October 2020
2020/10/15 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
MEEG 数据报告的基本要求
2020/10/15 Freakonometrics
Talk at UConn
2020/10/15 FlowingData
✚ The Process 111 – Excel Limit
2020/10/15 FlowingData
Covid-19 cases and state partisanship
2020/10/14 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
Build an Academic Website if What You Study Is a Mess
2020/10/14 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
Friday Salon @ HES XJTLU
2020/10/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
She’s wary of the consensus based transparency checklist, and here’s a paragraph we should’ve added to that zillion-authored paper
2020/10/14 Julia Silge
Predicting class membership for the #TidyTuesday Datasaurus Dozen
2020/10/14 FlowingData
Visual tour through the technology hype cycle
2020/10/14 FlowingData
Who Makes More Money
2020/10/14 Thinking inside the box
dang 0.0.12: Two new functions
2020/10/13 Bayesian Spectacles
The Proportion of People Who Wear a Face Mask in a Dutch Indoor Shopping Mall
2020/10/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
We are stat professors with the American Statistical Association, and we’re thrilled to talk to you about the statistics behind voting. Ask us anything!
2020/10/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Fiction as a window into other cultures
2020/10/13 中文博客 on Yongchao Fu | 付永超
2020/10/13 rud.is
Short & Sweet: {cdcfluview} 0.9.2 Is On Its Way to CRAN Mirrors
2020/10/13 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Covidpreprints.com: Automating Website Updates with the europepmc and rAltmetric Packages
2020/10/13 FlowingData
Exploration of 12 timelines along Sunset Boulevard
2020/10/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
More on martingale property of probabilistic forecasts and some other issues with our election model
2020/10/12 中文博客 on Yongchao Fu | 付永超
2020/10/12 FlowingData
Making a convincing deepfake
2020/10/12 Thinking inside the box
GitHub Streak: Round Seven
2020/10/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Everybody wants to be Jared Diamond”
2020/10/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Response to a question about a reference in one of our papers
2020/10/10 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
2020/10/10 Freakonometrics
Moindres carrés, STT5100
2020/10/10 free range statistics
Hamlet, data models, interaction graphs and other cool stuff
2020/10/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: Ivy League law professor writes a deepthoughts think piece explaining a seemingly irrational behavior that doesn’t actually exist.”
2020/10/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Sleep injury spineplot
2020/10/09 Freakonometrics
ACT6100, analyse non-supervisée
2020/10/09 FlowingData
Reconstructing protests in Minneapolis using hundreds of livestreams
2020/10/09 FlowingData
NBA playoff win probabilities, animated over time
2020/10/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stan receives its second Nobel prize.
2020/10/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Misrepresenting data from a published source . . . it happens all the time!
2020/10/08 FlowingData
Colour Controversy is a game of perception and labeling
2020/10/08 Thinking inside the box
RcppSimdJson 0.1.2: Upstream update
2020/10/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Alexey Guzey plays Stat Detective: How many observations are in each bar of this graph?
2020/10/07 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
2020/10/07 Julia Silge
Modeling #TidyTuesday NCAA women's basketball tournament seeds
2020/10/07 FlowingData
Breaking down the $4 trillion bailout
2020/10/07 Alison Hill
R Markdown for Pharma
2020/10/07 Alison Hill
Learning without a net
2020/10/07 Thinking inside the box
littler 0.3.12: Exciting updates
2020/10/07 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Change virtual disk image
2020/10/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Reasoning under uncertainty
2020/10/06 Home on Xianying's Blog
2020/10/06 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Hacktober? Any Month is a Good Month to Contribute to rOpenSci
2020/10/06 FlowingData
Shape of unemployment
2020/10/05 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
DNA 损伤与植物干细胞的诱导
2020/10/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The view that the scientific process is “red tape,” just a bunch of hoops you need to jump through so you can move on with your life
2020/10/05 Home on Xianying's Blog
2020/10/05 FlowingData
Coronavirus infection timeline
2020/10/05 Dean Attali
"package 'foo' is not available" - What to do when R tells you it can't install a package
2020/10/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Uri Simonsohn’s Small Telescopes
2020/10/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some wrong lessons people will learn from the president’s illness, hospitalization, and expected recovery
2020/10/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Covid-19 -> Kovit-17 (following the himmicanes principle)
2020/10/03 free range statistics
Facebook survey data for the Covid-19 Symptom Data Challenge
2020/10/03 Thinking inside the box
pinp 0.0.10: More Tweaks
2020/10/02 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2020/10/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
It’s kinda like phrenology but worse. Not so good for the “Nature” brand name, huh? Measurement, baby, measurement.
2020/10/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Quino y Mafalda
2020/10/02 FlowingData
Seems relevant
2020/10/02 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
compare slopes in linear regression
2020/10/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to think about extremely unlikely events (such as Biden winning Alabama, Trump winning California, or Biden winning Ohio but losing the election)?
2020/10/01 FlowingData
Millions of people experienced unhealthy air in 2020
2020/09/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Randomized but unblinded experiment on vitamin D as a coronavirus treatment. Let’s talk about what comes next. (Hint: it involves multilevel models.)
2020/09/30 FlowingData
Exhibition of historical visualization
2020/09/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A question of experimental design (more precisely, design of data collection)
2020/09/29 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Rectifying Hand-Drawn Marks on Maps With the mapscanner Package
2020/09/29 Freakonometrics
Talk in Storrs, Connecticut
2020/09/29 FlowingData
Air Quality Mapped Over Time
2020/09/29 Dean Attali
Exciting updates to my top 4 Shiny packages
2020/09/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Information, incentives, and goals in election forecasts
2020/09/28 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Fuzz Testing Your R Code
2020/09/28 FlowingData
I am a book. I am a portal to the universe.
2020/09/28 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Network setup in KVM
2020/09/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Postmortem of a replication drama in computer science”
2020/09/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Does this fallacy have a name?
2020/09/27 Econometrics and Free Software
Building apps with {shinipsum} and {golem}
2020/09/27 Thinking inside the box
pkgKitten 0.2.0: Now with tinytest and new docs
2020/09/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Political polarization of professions
2020/09/26 Freakonometrics
Cours à distance et capsules vidéos
2020/09/26 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
2020/09/26 Thinking inside the box
#30: Easy, Reliable, Fast and Portable Linux and macOS Continuous Integration
2020/09/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
If something is being advertised as “incredible,” it probably is.
2020/09/25 FlowingData
What states are doing to make mail-in ballots clearer
2020/09/25 free range statistics
Free text in surveys - important issues in the 2017 New Zealand Election Study
2020/09/25 Rob J Hyndman
Visualizing probability distributions across bivariate cyclic temporal granularities
2020/09/25 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Folder sharing between host and KVM guest systems
2020/09/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Pictures represent facts, stories represent acts, and models represent concepts.”
2020/09/24 Freakonometrics
D’un abus de langage…
2020/09/24 FlowingData
Trump’s criminal justice ad spending on Facebook
2020/09/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
(1) The misplaced burden of proof, and (2) selection bias: Two reasons for the persistence of hype in tech and science reporting
2020/09/23 Julia Silge
Handle class imbalance in #TidyTuesday climbing expedition data with tidymodels
2020/09/23 Freakonometrics
Talk at UNSW
2020/09/23 Freakonometrics
Webinaire Big Data et Économétrie à AMSE
2020/09/23 FlowingData
Shift of Covid-19 deaths to medium and small cities
2020/09/23 Dean Attali
How to set up MULTIPLE GitHub Pages websites with custom domains
2020/09/23 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Device passthrough in KVM
2020/09/23 Data Se
Help me help you: Wie man ein R-Problem so formuliert, dass einem geholfen werden kann
2020/09/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“this large reduction in response rats”
2020/09/22 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
The treedata.table Package
2020/09/22 FlowingData
Randomization to preserve anonymity
2020/09/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bill James is back
2020/09/21 OmicX
Resume aria2 download in ariang
2020/09/21 L. Collado-Torres
The start of a new phase for me
2020/09/21 FlowingData
Map of climate threats where you live
2020/09/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
His data came out in the opposite direction of his hypothesis. How to report this in the publication?
2020/09/20 Econometrics and Free Software
The Raspberry Pi 4B as a shiny server
2020/09/20 Thinking inside the box
RcppSpdlog 0.0.2: New upstream, awesome new stopwatch
2020/09/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Derived quantities and generative models
2020/09/19 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Migrating from Disqus to Utterances
2020/09/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The challenge of fitting “good advice” into a coherent course on statistics
2020/09/18 FlowingData
Smoke from the U.S. West Coast travels east and overseas
2020/09/18 FlowingData
Election night might take weeks
2020/09/17 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2020/09/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
We want certainty even when it’s not appropriate
2020/09/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Election Scenario Explorer using Economist Election Model
2020/09/17 Julia Silge
Introducing our new book, Tidy Modeling with R
2020/09/17 FlowingData
Friends sitcom transcript dataset
2020/09/17 FlowingData
Arquero, a JavaScript library to query and transform datasets
2020/09/17 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Create Windows VM using libvirt
2020/09/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
In case you’re wondering . . . this is why the U.S. health care system is the most expensive in the world
2020/09/16 FlowingData
Elevation data molded in the base of a pint glass
2020/09/16 Thinking inside the box
RcppSpdlog 0.0.1: New and Exciting Logging Package
2020/09/15 Wannabe Rstats-fu
Some more notes about using Rust code in R packages
2020/09/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Taking the bus
2020/09/15 FlowingData
Mapping tree loss in rain forests over time
2020/09/14 Infinity Loop
一个访问量高达 1300 万的 shiny 应用的诞生故事
2020/09/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Figure 1 looks like random variation to me” . . . indeed, so it does. And Figure 2 as well! But statistical significance was found, so this bit of randomness was published in a top journal. Business as usual in the statistical-industrial complex. Still, I’d hope the BMJ could’ve done better.
2020/09/14 FlowingData
Voting guide for your state
2020/09/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2 econ Nobel prizes, 1 error
2020/09/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What are my statistical principles?
2020/09/12 Freakonometrics
Modèles épidémiologiques pour analyse coût-efficacité sous incertitude
2020/09/12 free range statistics
Trying out Processing
2020/09/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Congressional Representation: Accountability from the Constituent’s Perspective”
2020/09/11 FlowingData
Disappearing animals as a matrix of dots
2020/09/10 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
2020/09/10 The Coatless Professor
RcppEnsmallen v0. Released - New NSGA2 optimizer and Bug Fixes!
2020/09/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why we kept the trig in golf: Mathematical simplicity is not always the same as conceptual simplicity
2020/09/10 Freakonometrics
STT5100, semaine 1
2020/09/10 FlowingData
A Timeline of California Wildfires
2020/09/10 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Enhancement of scRNAseq heatmap using complexheatmap
2020/09/09 Yongfu's Blog
Getting Tabular Data Through JavaScript in Compiled R Markdown Documents
2020/09/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
They want “statistical proof”—whatever that is!
2020/09/09 Freakonometrics
ACT6100, semaine 1
2020/09/09 FlowingData
Math behind wearing masks
2020/09/09 楚新元个人主页
2020/09/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Information, incentives, and goals in election forecasts
2020/09/08 FlowingData
Telling stories in visual, data-driven essays
2020/09/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Day science” and “Night science” are the same thing—if done right!
2020/09/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Here’s a question for the historians of science out there: How modern is the idea of a scientific “anomaly”?
2020/09/06 Freakonometrics
Insurance data analytics : some case studies of advanced algorithms and applications
2020/09/06 Freakonometrics
Reprise des cours pour l’automne
2020/09/06 Thinking inside the box
inline 0.3.16: Now with system2()
2020/09/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Psychology’s Zombie Ideas”
2020/09/05 Econometrics and Free Software
Gotta go fast with "{tidytable}"
2020/09/05 free range statistics
Mixture distributions and reporting times for Covid-19 deaths in Florida
2020/09/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Econ grad student asks, “why is the government paying us money, instead of just firing us all?”
2020/09/04 FlowingData
Design your own election scenario
2020/09/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Battle of the open-science asymmetries
2020/09/03 FlowingData
Wanna know somefing?
2020/09/03 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo 0.9.900.3.0
2020/09/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Post-stratified longitudinal item response model for trust in state institutions in Europe
2020/09/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Parallel in Stan
2020/09/02 Julia Silge
Train and analyze many models for #TidyTuesday crop yields
2020/09/02 FlowingData
Choose your own election outcome
2020/09/02 Gianluca Baio
SODF2: IV Dissolution similarity of tablets made at two manufacturing sites
2020/09/02 Gianluca Baio
SODF1: Estimating the Probability of meeting the USP<711> standard
2020/09/02 Gianluca Baio
SODF1: Estimating the Probability of meeting the USP<711> standard
2020/09/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Automatic data reweighting!
2020/09/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Problem of the between-state correlations in the Fivethirtyeight election forecast
2020/09/01 FlowingData
How to vote in each state
2020/08/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
More on that Fivethirtyeight prediction that Biden might only get 42% of the vote in Florida
2020/08/31 Freakonometrics
Talk at the risk and actuarial seminar, Sydney, Australia
2020/08/31 FlowingData
Minimizing risk
2020/08/30 Posts on Data Science Blog: Understand. Implement. Succed.
Automating the Documentation of ML Experiments using Python and AsciiDoc
2020/08/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Update on social science debate about measurement of discrimination
2020/08/30 Andriy Koval
Florida Suicides (2) - Youth Trends
2020/08/30 Thinking inside the box
RcppSMC 0.2.2: Small updates
2020/08/30 Thinking inside the box
RcppCCTZ 0.2.9: API Header Added
2020/08/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The NBA strike and what does it take to keep stories in the news
2020/08/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Coronavirus dreams
2020/08/28 FlowingData
Dying mid-range mall
2020/08/28 free range statistics
Time series cross validation of effective reproduction number nowcasts
2020/08/28 Rob J Hyndman
The geometry of forecast reconciliation
2020/08/28 Thinking inside the box
anytime 0.3.9: More Minor Maintenance
2020/08/27 Bayesian Spectacles
Preprint: Evaluating Multinomial Order Restrictions with Bridge Sampling
2020/08/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
More limitations of cross-validation and actionable recommendations
2020/08/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Florida. Comparing Economist and Fivethirtyeight forecasts.
2020/08/27 FlowingData
Shot chart for Aug 26 2020 NBA playoffs
2020/08/27 Alison Hill
Introduction to Machine Learning with the Tidyverse
2020/08/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hilarious reply-all loop
2020/08/26 Simply Statistics
Palantir Shows Its Cards
2020/08/26 Freakonometrics
Concilier risques collectifs et décisions individuelles
2020/08/26 FlowingData
Redefining Old Age
2020/08/26 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
dplyr::count misses factor levels: a case in comparing scRNAseq cell type abundance
2020/08/26 Thinking inside the box
#29: Easy, Reliable, Fast Linux CRAN Binaries via BSPM
2020/08/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Rob Kass: “The truth of a theory is contingent on both our state of knowledge and the purposes to which it will be put.”
2020/08/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Statistics is hard, especially if you don’t know any statistics (FDA edition)
2020/08/25 FlowingData
How long before there is gender equality in the U.S. House and Senate
2020/08/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
53 fever!
2020/08/24 FlowingData
Visits to businesses compared year-over-year in each state
2020/08/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Do we trust this regression?
2020/08/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
David Spiegelhalter wants a checklist for quality control of statistical models?
2020/08/22 free range statistics
Lines of best fit
2020/08/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“MIT Built a Theranos for Plants”
2020/08/21 FlowingData
Analyzing the topics of cable TV news
2020/08/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Their findings don’t replicate, but they refuse to admit they might’ve messed up. (We’ve seen this movie before.)
2020/08/20 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
2 Months in 2 Minutes - rOpenSci News, August 2020
2020/08/20 FlowingData
Inference of key shape from the sound it makes in the lock
2020/08/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“I just wanted to say that for the first time in three (4!?) years of efforts, I have a way to estimate my model. . . .”
2020/08/19 FlowingData
Scale of the explosion in Beirut
2020/08/19 FlowingData
2020/08/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Theorizing, thought experiments, fake-data simulation
2020/08/18 中文博客 on Yongchao Fu | 付永超
2020/08/18 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Developing dittodb
2020/08/18 Freakonometrics
Machine Learning in Actuarial Science and Insurance
2020/08/18 FlowingData
Where schools are ready to reopen
2020/08/17 The Coatless Professor
edmdata v1.0.0 Released: Pre-made data sets for Diagnostic Modeling!
2020/08/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Where are the collaborative novels?
2020/08/17 FlowingData
Stock market mountains
2020/08/17 FlowingData
Stock market charts turned into illustrated landscapes
2020/08/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some thoughts inspired by Lee Cronbach (1975), “Beyond the two disciplines of scientific psychology”
2020/08/16 Freakonometrics
R0 and the exponential growth of a pandemic
2020/08/15 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang
求学 10 年和工作 10 月
2020/08/15 Posts on Data Science Blog: Understand. Implement. Succed.
Introducing the Data Science Tech Radar
2020/08/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How much of public health work “involves not technology but methodicalness and record keeping”?
2020/08/15 Jozef's Rblog
A guide to retrieval and processing of data from relational database systems using Apache Spark and JDBC with R and sparklyr
2020/08/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Comments on the new fivethirtyeight.com election forecast
2020/08/14 Rob J Hyndman
Ensemble forecasts using fable
2020/08/14 FlowingData
2020 Progress Bars
2020/08/14 Rob J Hyndman
Ensemble forecasts using fable
2020/08/13 Posts on Data Science Blog: Understand. Implement. Succed.
The Essential Protobuf Guide for Python
2020/08/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Thomas Basbøll will like this post (analogy between common—indeed, inevitable—mistakes in drawing, and inevitable mistakes in statistical reasoning).
2020/08/13 FlowingData
Who can vote by mail
2020/08/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Heckman Curve Update Update
2020/08/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
This is your chance to comment on the U.S. government’s review of evidence on the effectiveness of home visiting. Comments are due by 1 Sept.
2020/08/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Himmicanes again
2020/08/12 Freakonometrics
Hidding values in the output of the summary function for a (linear) regression
2020/08/12 FlowingData
Using a slime mold simulation for generative art
2020/08/11 Posts on Data Science Blog: Understand. Implement. Succed.
Boost your Data Science Research with a Free GPU Server
2020/08/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
That “not a real doctor” thing . . . It’s kind of silly for people to think that going to medical school for a few years will give you the skills necessary to be able to evaluate research claims in medicine or anything else.
2020/08/11 Julia Silge
Build a #TidyTuesday predictive text model for The Last Airbender
2020/08/11 Freakonometrics
MSc and PhD scolarships
2020/08/11 FlowingData
New dating timeline
2020/08/11 Dean Attali
{shinycssloaders} v1.0: You can now use your own image, plus 3 years' worth of new features!
2020/08/11 Posts on Brodie Gaslam
On Quosures
2020/08/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Know your data, recode missing data codes
2020/08/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The U.S. high school math olympiad champions of the 1970s and 1980s: Where were they then?
2020/08/10 FlowingData
DIY satellite ground station to receive images from NOAA
2020/08/10 Rob J Hyndman
Principles and Algorithms for Forecasting Groups of Time Series: Locality and Globality
2020/08/10 Thinking inside the box
nanotime 0.3.1: Misc Build Fixes for Yuge New Features!
2020/08/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Regression and Other Stories translated into Python!
2020/08/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Probabilistic forecasts cause general misunderstanding. What to do about this?
2020/08/09 Freakonometrics
Sharing pictures from holidays in the Canadian Rockies (with R)
2020/08/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
StanCon 2020 is on Thursday!
2020/08/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Getting all negative about so-called average power
2020/08/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Coding and drawing
2020/08/08 rud.is
Quick Hit: Speeding Up Data Frame Creation
2020/08/08 free range statistics
Essentially random isn't the same as actually random
2020/08/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Don’t say your data “reveal quantum nature of human judgments.” Be precise and say your data are “consistent with a quantum-inspired model of survey responses.” Yes, then your paper might not appear in PNAS, but you’ll feel better about yourself in the morning.
2020/08/07 rud.is
Quick Hit: Comparison of “Whole File Reading” Methods
2020/08/07 FlowingData
✚ Small Tools for Visualization (The Process 101)
2020/08/07 FlowingData
Malofiej winners announced for 2019
2020/08/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Updates of bad forecasts: Let’s follow them up and see what happened!
2020/08/06 FlowingData
Distribution of unemployment at the tract level
2020/08/06 Thinking inside the box
nanotime 0.3.0: Yuge New Features!
2020/08/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Kafka comes to the visa office
2020/08/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2020/08/05 FlowingData
Electricity sources by state
2020/08/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Which experts should we trust?
2020/08/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
StanCon 2020 program is now online!
2020/08/04 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
OSF: A Project Management Service Built for Research
2020/08/04 OmicX
Enable certbot automatic renewal for cloudflare CDN
2020/08/04 L. Collado-Torres
Promoting the next wave of R/Bioconductor developers in Latin America starting in Mexico
2020/08/04 FlowingData
Finding the New Age, for Your Age
2020/08/04 Rob J Hyndman
Probabilistic forecast reconciliation: properties, evaluation and score optimisation
2020/08/04 Thinking inside the box
RcppCCTZ 0.2.8: Minor API Extension
2020/08/04 Posts on R-Ladies
The R-Ladies Mentoring Program: R-Ladies Cotonou journey
2020/08/03 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2020/08/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Getting negative about the critical positivity ratio: when you talk about throwing out the bathwater, really throw out the bathwater! Don’t try to pretend it has some value. Give it up. Let it go. You can do this and still hold on to the baby at the same time!
2020/08/03 L. Collado-Torres
Launch of CDSB2020
2020/08/03 FlowingData
Illustrated color catalog of minerals
2020/08/03 r4stats.com
R GUI Update: BlueSky User’s Guide, New Features
2020/08/03 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
复习下 Logistic 回归基础
2020/08/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The typical set and its relevance to Bayesian computation
2020/08/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“RA Fisher and the science of hatred”
2020/08/02 中文博客 on Yongchao Fu | 付永超
肿瘤增长 抑制数学模型
2020/08/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
On deck through Jan 2021
2020/08/01 free range statistics
Visualisation options to show growth in occupations in the Australian health industry
2020/08/01 ELLA KAYE
2020/08/01 ELLA KAYE
2020/08/01 ELLA KAYE
2020/07/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Thinking about election forecast uncertainty
2020/07/31 Nan-Hung Hsieh
Well-tempered MCMC simulations for population pharmacokinetic models
2020/07/31 FlowingData
Five years from now
2020/07/31 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Robust Subgroup Analysis for High-dimensional Data(preprint)
2020/07/31 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Robust Subgroup Analysis and Variable Selection
2020/07/30 Posts on datascienceblog.net: R for Data Science
How to Bypass Corporate Firewalls?
2020/07/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The history of low-hanging intellectual fruit
2020/07/30 FlowingData
What YouTube recommendations look like for others
2020/07/30 Cartesian Faith
Slides for “Achieving Practical Reproducibility with Transparency and Accessibility” (DSSV 2020)
2020/07/30 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Setup Academic Theme
2020/07/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The flashy crooks get the headlines, but the bigger problem is everyday routine bad science done by non-crooks
2020/07/29 L. Collado-Torres
BioC2020 Birds of a Feather on the CDSB community
2020/07/29 L. Collado-Torres
Transcriptome-scale spatial gene expression in the human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
2020/07/29 FlowingData
Tic-Tac-Toe the Hard Way is a podcast about the human decisions in building a machine learning system
2020/07/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
BMJ FAIL: The system is broken. (Some reflections on bad research, scientism, the importance of description, and the challenge of negativity)
2020/07/28 Julia Silge
Get started with tidymodels and #TidyTuesday Palmer penguins
2020/07/28 FlowingData
If the unemployed lose $600 per week
2020/07/28 Dean Attali
{shinydisconnect}: Show a nice message when a Shiny app disconnects or errors
2020/07/28 Thinking inside the box
Installing and Running Ubuntu on a 2015-ish MacBook Air
2020/07/28 Thinking inside the box
ttdo 0.0.6: Bugfix
2020/07/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Which, in your personal judgment, is worse, if you could only choose ONE? — (a) A homosexual (b) A doctor who refuses to make a house call to someone seriously ill?”
2020/07/27 L. Collado-Torres
BioC2020 recount workshop
2020/07/27 FlowingData
Defining ’90s music
2020/07/26 Posts | Xiaokai's Notebook
2020/07/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Who was the first literary schlub?
2020/07/25 Posts | Xiaokai's Notebook
pymc3 快速入门
2020/07/25 Posts | Xiaokai's Notebook
2020/07/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
BMJ update: authors reply to our concerns (but I’m not persuaded)
2020/07/25 Jozef's Rblog
A review of my experience with the Big Data Analysis with Scala and Spark course
2020/07/25 Freakonometrics
Time for a summer break
2020/07/24 Posts on datascienceblog.net: R for Data Science
REST API Development with Flask
2020/07/24 The Coatless Professor
uiucthemes v0.3.1 Released - Upstream compatibility fixes and maintenance
2020/07/24 The Coatless Professor
RcppEnsmallen v0. Released - Early Stopping with Lambdas and Update Deployment Automation
2020/07/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Recently in the sister blog
2020/07/24 rud.is
Aligning the Dots On COVID Prison Waffles
2020/07/24 Rob J Hyndman
Contraceptive forecasting competition
2020/07/24 Julia Silge
Supervised Machine Learning for Text Analysis in R
2020/07/24 FlowingData
Visualizing periodicity with animations
2020/07/24 Rob J Hyndman
Contraceptive forecasting competition
2020/07/24 Thinking inside the box
anytime 0.3.8: Minor Maintenance
2020/07/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The importance of descriptive social science and its relation to causal inference and substantive theories
2020/07/23 FlowingData
Park sounds before and during the pandemic
2020/07/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Negativity (when applied with rigor) requires more care than positivity.
2020/07/22 FlowingData
Remote work and industry
2020/07/22 Data Se
Mean of the upper half of a Gaussian
2020/07/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Can the science community help journalists avoid science hype? It won’t be easy.
2020/07/21 FlowingData
This Age is the New Age
2020/07/21 Rob J Hyndman
Distributed ARIMA Models for Ultra-long Time Series
2020/07/20 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2020/07/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Would we be better off if randomized clinical trials had never been born?
2020/07/20 Freakonometrics
Machine Learning in Actuarial Science and Insurance
2020/07/20 FlowingData
Unemployment for different groups
2020/07/19 怡然轩
2020/07/19 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2020/07/19 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2020/07/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Sorry, there is no peer review to display for this article.” Huh? Whassup, BMJ?
2020/07/19 Rob J Hyndman
Podcast episode: the curious quant
2020/07/19 Rob J Hyndman
Podcast episode: the curious quant
2020/07/19 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Test post
2020/07/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2020/07/17 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2020/07/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The War on Data: Now we play the price
2020/07/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Association Between Universal Curve Fitting in a Health Care Journal and Journal Acceptance Among Health Care Researchers
2020/07/17 Rob J Hyndman
Estimating temporal variation in transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and physical distancing behaviour in Australia
2020/07/17 FlowingData
✚ Automatic Visualization is Still Not Useful (The Process 098)
2020/07/17 Dean Attali
Beautiful Jekyll v4: Huge updates to one of the most popular GitHub Pages themes
2020/07/17 free range statistics
Estimating Covid-19 reproduction number with delays and right-truncation
2020/07/17 Rob J Hyndman
Estimating temporal variation in transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and physical distancing behaviour in Australia
2020/07/17 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo 0.9.900.2.0
2020/07/16 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2020/07/16 Bayesian Spectacles
The Lab’s First Compelling Replication of a Counterintuitive Result
2020/07/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What can be our goals, and what is too much to hope for, regarding robust statistical procedures?
2020/07/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2020/07/16 中文博客 on Yongchao Fu | 付永超
2020/07/16 FlowingData
A million dollars vs. a billion visualized with a road trip
2020/07/15 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2020/07/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What does it take to be omniscient?
2020/07/15 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Community Captioning of rOpenSci Community Calls
2020/07/15 L. Collado-Torres
Characterizing the dynamic and functional DNA methylation landscape in the developing human cortex
2020/07/15 Julia Silge
Bagging with tidymodels and #TidyTuesday astronaut missions
2020/07/15 Freakonometrics
Régression sur des variables corrélées, un peu de géométrie
2020/07/15 FlowingData
Cataloging All the Charts
2020/07/15 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
setting up Travis CI for github repos
2020/07/14 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2020/07/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Further debate over mindset interventions
2020/07/14 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Maintaining an R Package - Community Call Summary
2020/07/14 Rob J Hyndman
Spatial modelling of the two-party preferred vote in Australian federal elections: 2001-2016
2020/07/14 Freakonometrics
Des régressions en cascade
2020/07/14 FlowingData
Parenting and Work Schedule During the Pandemic
2020/07/14 Rob J Hyndman
Spatial modelling of the two-party preferred vote in Australian federal elections: 2001-2016
2020/07/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“To Change the World, Behavioral Intervention Research Will Need to Get Serious About Heterogeneity”
2020/07/13 Freakonometrics
Regression discontinuity model for TV series
2020/07/13 FlowingData
Comparing the coronavirus to past deadly events
2020/07/12 Posts on datascienceblog.net: R for Data Science
Becoming an AWS Certified Cloud Solutions Architect Associate
2020/07/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Adjusting for Type M error
2020/07/12 Homepage on Joseph Stachelek
Automated roxygen documentation of R package data
2020/07/11 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2020/07/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Korean translation of BDA3!
2020/07/11 Rob J Hyndman
Early classification of spatio-temporal events using partial information
2020/07/11 Blogs on GeoHealth
Mobility flows from cellphone location data
2020/07/11 Rob J Hyndman
Early classification of spatio-temporal events using partial information
2020/07/11 Thinking inside the box
drat 0.1.7: New functionality
2020/07/11 Blogs on GeoHealth
Mobility flows from cellphone location data
2020/07/10 Posts on datascienceblog.net: R for Data Science
Plagiarism in Academia
2020/07/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Coronavirus escaping from prison
2020/07/10 rud.is
A Look at PAN-OS Versions with a Bit of R
2020/07/10 FlowingData
Race and the virus
2020/07/10 FlowingData
Increase in cases since states reopened
2020/07/09 Bayesian Spectacles
Bayesian Scepsis About SWEPIS: Quantifying the Evidence That Early Induction of Labour Prevents Perinatal Deaths
2020/07/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The “scientist as hero” narrative
2020/07/09 R Psychologist RSS feed (last 10 posts)
Why linear mixed-effects models are probably not the solution to your missing data problems
2020/07/09 Freakonometrics
Du deuxième effet kiss-cool (régression multiple, scoring et évaluation)
2020/07/09 FlowingData
Hidden trackers on your phone
2020/07/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Ugly code is buggy code
2020/07/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Regression and Other Stories is available!
2020/07/08 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
How I Taught Scientific Blogging with R Markdown, Online
2020/07/08 Posts on Guy Abel
Expand broom::tidy() output for categorical parameter estimates
2020/07/08 FlowingData
Everlasting pie chart
2020/07/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Time Travel in the Brain”
2020/07/07 FlowingData
Map of Foreign Students
2020/07/07 FlowingData
Data on loans issued through the Paycheck Protection Program
2020/07/07 Data Se
Randomization in presence of an interaction effect
2020/07/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Statistical controversy on estimating racial bias in the criminal justice system
2020/07/06 FlowingData
Why time feels weird right now
2020/07/06 FlowingData
Coronavirus counts across Europe
2020/07/06 FlowingData
Cases vs. testing
2020/07/06 Thinking inside the box
Rcpp 1.0.5: Several Updates
2020/07/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
New England Journal of Medicine engages in typical academic corporate ass-covering behavior
2020/07/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Priors on effect size in A/B testing
2020/07/04 Jozef's Rblog
Exploring and plotting positional ice hockey data on goals, penalties and more from R with the {nhlapi} package
2020/07/04 Thinking inside the box
Rcpp now used by 2000 CRAN packages–and one in eight!
2020/07/04 ELLA KAYE
Working with Text in R
2020/07/03 Posts on datascienceblog.net: R for Data Science
Rewriting History with Git
2020/07/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Who were the business superstars of the 1970s?
2020/07/03 Homepage on Joseph Stachelek
Curriculum Vitae
2020/07/03 FlowingData
Increased case counts not just from increased testing
2020/07/03 Thinking inside the box
#28: Welcome RSPM and test-drive with Bionic and Focal
2020/07/03 Data Se
First grade math exercise
2020/07/02 Bayesian Spectacles
This Statement by Sir Ronald Fisher Will Shock You
2020/07/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
No, I don’t believe that claim based on regression discontinuity analysis that . . .
2020/07/02 FlowingData
Restaurant Reopenings
2020/07/02 FlowingData
Map shows where to go to get away from fireworks
2020/07/02 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
build your own singularity image
2020/07/02 Home on Sungpil Han, M.D/Ph.D
sasLM R package
2020/07/01 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
Zou Y., Pan S., Zhao P., Han L., Wang X., Hemerik L., et al. Outbreak analysis with a logistic growth model shows COVID-19 suppression dynamics in China. PLoS ONE 2020, 15(6): e0235247.
2020/07/01 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
Zou Y., Pan S., Zhao P., Han L., Wang X., Hemerik L., et al. Outbreak analysis with a logistic growth model shows COVID-19 suppression dynamics in China. PLoS ONE 2020, 15(6): e0235247.
2020/07/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The value of thinking about varying treatment effects: coronavirus example
2020/07/01 FlowingData
Decade-long time-lapse of the sun
2020/06/30 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2020/06/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Understanding the “average treatment effect” number
2020/06/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Embracing Variation and Accepting Uncertainty (my talk this Wed/Tues at a symposium on communicating uncertainty)
2020/06/30 Julia Silge
The Bechdel test and the X-Mansion with tidymodels and #TidyTuesday
2020/06/30 FlowingData
When the world shut down, seen through global flights
2020/06/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
This one quick trick will allow you to become a star forecaster
2020/06/29 FlowingData
✚ How to Make a Spiral Chart in R
2020/06/29 FlowingData
Cataloging all the house number styles
2020/06/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Validating Bayesian model comparison using fake data
2020/06/28 Freakonometrics
Summer School on Machine Learning for Economists, in Nova Scotia
2020/06/27 Yongfu's Blog
2020/06/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The two most important formulas in statistics
2020/06/26 Posts on datascienceblog.net: R for Data Science
The Roles You will Encounter in Most IT Projects
2020/06/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Why do the results of immigrant students depend so much on their country of origin and so little on their country of destination?”
2020/06/26 Rob J Hyndman
Terminology matters
2020/06/26 FlowingData
LEGO relief map
2020/06/26 Rob J Hyndman
Terminology matters
2020/06/26 Data Se
How to sort the labels of the legend in a ggplot-diagram
2020/06/25 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
2020/06/25 Bayesian Spectacles
Preprint: Robust Bayesian Meta-Analysis: Addressing Publication Bias with Model-Averaging
2020/06/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Roll Over Mercator: Awesome map shows the unreasonable effectiveness of mixture models
2020/06/25 FlowingData
Face depixelizer with machine learning, and some assumptions
2020/06/25 FlowingData
Algorithm leads to arrest of the wrong person
2020/06/25 Thinking inside the box
RcppSimdJson 0.0.6: New Upstream, New Features!
2020/06/25 blog.jemu.name
MPMP: Take-Away Triangles
2020/06/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stacking for Non-mixing Bayesian Computations: The Curse and Blessing of Multimodal Posteriors
2020/06/24 L. Collado-Torres
SynGAP isoforms differentially regulate synaptic plasticity and dendritic development
2020/06/24 FlowingData
Who is responsible for climate change?
2020/06/24 FlowingData
Bad bar chart
2020/06/24 Posts on R-Ladies
Cómo hacer una reunión virtual inolvidable (sin morir en el intento)
2020/06/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Resolving confusions over that study of “Teacher Effects on Student Achievement and Height”
2020/06/23 L. Collado-Torres
Programmatic access to bacterial regulatory networks with regutools
2020/06/23 FlowingData
Age Generation Populations
2020/06/23 楚新元个人主页
2020/06/23 楚新元个人主页
在R Markdown文档中使用表情
2020/06/22 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
2020/06/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Retraction of racial essentialist article that appeared in Psychological Science
2020/06/22 Freakonometrics
Personalization as a promise: Can Big Data change the practice of insurance?
2020/06/22 FlowingData
Extract data from a plot in a flat image file
2020/06/22 Andriy Koval
Visualizing the Pandemic
2020/06/22 楚新元个人主页
2020/06/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Against overly restrictive definitions: No, I don’t think it helps to describe Bayes as “the analysis of subjective
beliefs” (nor, for that matter, does it help to characterize the statements of Krugman or Mankiw as not being “economics”)
2020/06/21 Thinking inside the box
RcppGSL 0.3.8: More fixes and polish
2020/06/21 Thinking inside the box
T^4 #7 and R^4 #5: R and CRAN Binaries for Ubuntu
2020/06/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The Intellectuals and the Masses”
2020/06/20 Posts on Guy Abel
Global Migrant Stock Chord Diagrams
2020/06/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Do we really believe the Democrats have an 88% chance of winning the presidential election?
2020/06/19 FlowingData
“Take On Me” by a-ha recreated in Excel
2020/06/18 Bayesian Spectacles
Struggling with de Finetti’s Representation Theorem
2020/06/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Estimating the effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 in Europe”
2020/06/18 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
2 Months in 2 Minutes - rOpenSci News, June 2020
2020/06/18 FlowingData
Race and Origin in the United States, by State
2020/06/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The point here is not the face masks; it’s the impossibility of assumption-free causal inference when the different treatments are entangled in this way.
2020/06/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Worthwhile content in PNAS”
2020/06/17 Julia Silge
Impute missing data for #TidyTuesday voyages of captive Africans with tidymodels
2020/06/17 Freakonometrics
Lancement du groupe en épidémiologie et en santé publique du centre de recherches mathématiques
2020/06/17 FlowingData
Making a map table using IKEA furniture
2020/06/17 Data Se
Simulating data for a Gamma regression
2020/06/16 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang
2020/06/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Am I missing something here? This estimate seems off by several orders of magnitude!
2020/06/16 中文博客 on Yongchao Fu | 付永超
杂谈 谈抽象
2020/06/16 Freakonometrics
Machine learning for economists and applied social scientists
2020/06/16 FlowingData
Unemployment Rate Changes
2020/06/16 楚新元个人主页
2020/06/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How unpredictable is the 2020 election?
2020/06/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Advice for a yoga studio that wants to reopen?
2020/06/15 Freakonometrics
Modeling Joint Lives within Families
2020/06/15 FlowingData
Data visualization wallpaper
2020/06/15 楚新元个人主页
2020/06/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Challenges to the Reproducibility of Machine Learning Models in Health Care; also a brief discussion about not overrating randomized clinical trials
2020/06/14 Thinking inside the box
RVowpalWabbit 0.0.14: More Keeping CRAN happy
2020/06/14 Thinking inside the box
T^4 #6: Byobu Sessions
2020/06/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
MIT’s science magazine misrepresents critics of Stanford study
2020/06/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Making fun of Ted talks
2020/06/13 Jozef's Rblog
A review of my experience with the Functional Programming Principles in Scala course
2020/06/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Two good news articles on trends in baseball analytics
2020/06/12 free range statistics
Fixing scientific publishing and peer review
2020/06/11 Bayesian Spectacles
PROBABILITY DOES NOT EXIST (Part V): De Finetti’s 1974 Preface (Part III)
2020/06/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
bla bla bla PEER REVIEW bla bla bla
2020/06/11 中文博客 on Yongchao Fu | 付永超
2020/06/11 FlowingData
✚ Adjust Your Baseline for Better Comparisons (The Process 093)
2020/06/11 FlowingData
2020 election forecast
2020/06/11 楚新元个人主页
2020/06/10 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
使用 R 语言进行学术交流
2020/06/10 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
使用 R 语言进行学术交流
2020/06/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Faster than ever before: Hamiltonian Monte Carlo using an adjoint-differentiated Laplace approximation
2020/06/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
One more Bolivia election fraud fraud thing
2020/06/10 L. Collado-Torres
Incomplete annotation has a disproportionate impact on our understanding of Mendelian and complex neurogenetic disorders
2020/06/10 FlowingData
Why “flatten the curve” chart worked
2020/06/10 Thinking inside the box
binb 0.0.6: Small enhancements
2020/06/10 Data Se
Spell out your model explicitly
2020/06/10 Data Se
Absolute vs. relative Covid cases in modelling
2020/06/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What are the best scientific papers ever written?
2020/06/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bolivia election fraud fraud update
2020/06/09 Freakonometrics
Talk on Reinforcement Learning at IACS
2020/06/09 FlowingData
Police Perception vs. Public Perception
2020/06/09 Thinking inside the box
Rcpp Webinar Recording Available
2020/06/09 楚新元个人主页
2020/06/09 Data Se
Distribution of residuals is of interest for linear models, not the distribution of y
2020/06/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why X’s think they’re the best
2020/06/08 FlowingData
Pen plotter used as storytelling device
2020/06/08 FlowingData
Health conditions and income
2020/06/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Using the rank-based inverse normal transformation
2020/06/07 Thinking inside the box
T^4 #5: More About Byobu
2020/06/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Vaccine development as a decision problem
2020/06/06 Posts on R-Ladies
#BlackLivesMatter: A joint statement by Forwards and R-Ladies
2020/06/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Sequential Bayesian Designs for Rapid Learning in COVID-19 Clinical Trials
2020/06/05 FlowingData
Visualizing black America in 1900
2020/06/05 free range statistics
Forecasts for the 2020 New Zealand elections using R and Stan
2020/06/05 Thinking inside the box
corels 0.0.2 on CRAN: Initial upload!
2020/06/05 楚新元个人主页
2020/06/05 Data Se
simulating values according to some distribution
2020/06/05 Data Se
Simulation based inference for non-parametric tests, and a trick
2020/06/04 On Your Mark
2020/06/04 Bayesian Spectacles
PROBABILITY DOES NOT EXIST (Part IV): De Finetti’s 1974 Preface (Part II)
2020/06/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Thank you, James Watson. Thank you, Peter Ellis. (Lancet: You should do the right thing and credit them for your retraction. Actually, do one better and invite them to write a joint editorial in your journal.)
2020/06/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Thank you, James Watson. Thank you, Peter Ellis. (Lancet: You should do the right thing and credit them for your retraction. Actually, do one better and invite them to write a joint editorial in your journal.)
2020/06/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Association for Psychological Science claims that they can “add our voice and expertise to bring about positive change and to stand against injustice and racism in all forms” . . . but I’m skeptical.
2020/06/04 FlowingData
Protecting your mobile data and privacy while at a protest
2020/06/04 FlowingData
✚ Seeing the Dust (The Process 092)
2020/06/04 FlowingData
Failed CDC data pipeline
2020/06/04 Data Se
When adding variable hurts – The collider bias
2020/06/04 Data Se
Chi-squared test using simulation based inference
2020/06/03 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2020/06/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Super-duper online matrix derivative calculator vs. the matrix normal (for Stan)
2020/06/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Harvard-laundering (the next stage of the Lancet scandal)
2020/06/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Can someone build a Bayesian tool that takes into account your symptoms and where you live to estimate your probability of having coronavirus?
2020/06/03 rud.is
The Avatar Is Blue
2020/06/03 FlowingData
A comic on spotting misinformation
2020/06/03 Rob J Hyndman
Hierarchical forecast reconciliation with machine learning
2020/06/03 Thinking inside the box
littler 0.3.10: Some more updates
2020/06/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
This one’s important: Bayesian workflow for disease transmission modeling in Stan
2020/06/02 Freakonometrics
ENBIS Seminar, about Covid-19
2020/06/02 FlowingData
Racial Divide
2020/06/02 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
reproducible computing for your own benifit
2020/06/02 Alison Hill
How I Taught Tidymodels, Virtually
2020/06/02 楚新元个人主页
2020/06/02 Data Se
Plot for mean comparison
2020/06/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
This one’s for the Lancet editorial board: A trolley problem for our times (involving a plate of delicious cookies and a steaming pile of poop)
2020/06/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Statistical Workflow and the Fractal Nature of Scientific Revolutions (my talk this Wed at the Santa Fe Institute)
2020/06/01 rud.is
{sergeant} 0.9.0 Is On Its Way to CRAN Mirrors!
2020/06/01 FlowingData
Guides for Visualizing Reality
2020/06/01 楚新元个人主页
2020/05/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Note sure what the lesson for data analysis quality control is here is here, but interesting to wonder about how that mistake was not caught pre-publication.”
2020/05/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Association for Psychological Science takes a hard stand against criminal justice reform
2020/05/31 Freakonometrics
SSC conference is canceld
2020/05/31 Alison Hill
Introduction to Machine Learning with the Tidyverse
2020/05/31 楚新元个人主页
2020/05/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The good news about this episode is that it’s kinda shut up those people who were criticizing that Stanford antibody study because it was an un-peer-reviewed preprint. . . .” and a P.P.P.S. with Paul Alper’s line about the dead horse
2020/05/30 Thinking inside the box
drat 0.1.6: Rewritten macOS binary support
2020/05/30 楚新元个人主页
2020/05/30 Data Se
Various methods for plotting 3d bivariate Gaussians
2020/05/30 Data Se
Plotting a correlated bivariate Gaussian
2020/05/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The Moral Economy of Science”
2020/05/29 FlowingData
Impact on Households in the United States
2020/05/29 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Evaluating single-cell cluster stability using the Jaccard similarity index
2020/05/29 free range statistics
A health data firm making extraordinary claims about its data
2020/05/28 Bayesian Spectacles
PROBABILITY DOES NOT EXIST (Part III): De Finetti’s 1974 Preface (Part I)
2020/05/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Blast from the past
2020/05/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
An open letter expressing concerns regarding the statistical analysis and data integrity of a recently published and publicized paper
2020/05/28 FlowingData
What the federal government has been buying and where from
2020/05/28 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Resources – May 2020 Roundup
2020/05/28 FlowingData
54 ways coronavirus changed the world
2020/05/28 Alison Hill
How I Teach R Markdown
2020/05/28 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
VPS 防暴指南——用 fail2ban 和密钥登录加固远程服务器的 SSH
2020/05/27 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
R Markdown: A Story behind the Website nCoV2020.org
2020/05/27 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
R Markdown: A Story behind the Website nCoV2020.org
2020/05/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
This is not a post about remdesivir.
2020/05/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Age-period-cohort analysis.
2020/05/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Last post on hydroxychloroquine (perhaps)
2020/05/27 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting the Future & the Future of Forecasting
2020/05/27 Freakonometrics
INF7100, statistiques
2020/05/27 FlowingData
Map shows increasing confirmed cases in rural areas
2020/05/27 FlowingData
Anatomy of an outbreak
2020/05/27 ewen
introducing GRIMENET
2020/05/26 Yongfu's Blog
What if I Have No Server?
2020/05/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Alexey Guzey’s sleep deprivation self-experiment
2020/05/26 Julia Silge
tidylo is now on CRAN! 🎉
2020/05/26 Freakonometrics
INF7100, “rappels” de maths
2020/05/26 FlowingData
Based on poll, a lot of people think Bill Gates is plotting to inject a tracker via coronavirus vaccine?
2020/05/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hydroxychloroquine update
2020/05/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Be careful when estimating years of life lost: quick-and-dirty estimates of attributable risk are, well, quick and dirty.
2020/05/25 rud.is
RSwitch 1.7.0 Has Been Released
2020/05/25 blog.jemu.name
Hugo Theme Components, Modules, and All I Wanted Was Some Shortcodes
2020/05/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Banishing ‘Black/White Thinking’: A Trio of Teaching Tricks”
2020/05/24 Rob J Hyndman
Seasonal mortality rates
2020/05/24 Freakonometrics
INF7100, les données
2020/05/24 Freakonometrics
Talk at CMAP on optimal Control and COVID-19
2020/05/24 Rob J Hyndman
Seasonal mortality rates
2020/05/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Create your own community (if you need to)
2020/05/23 FlowingData
They Were Us.
2020/05/23 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
customize FeaturePlot in Seurat for multi-condition comparisons using patchwork
2020/05/23 Thinking inside the box
RcppSimdJson 0.0.5: Updated Upstream
2020/05/23 jemsu
An Alfred Workflow for R Users
2020/05/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
New report on coronavirus trends: “the epidemic is not under control in much of the US . . . factors modulating transmission such as rapid testing, contact tracing and behavioural precautions are crucial to offset the rise of transmission associated with loosening of social distancing . . .”
2020/05/22 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Customize Syntax Highlighting for R distill Websites
2020/05/22 free range statistics
Ordering bars within their clumps in a bar chart
2020/05/21 Bayesian Spectacles
Book Review of “Bayesian Statistics the Fun Way”
2020/05/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some thoughts on another failed replication in psychology
2020/05/21 Rob J Hyndman
Excess deaths for 2020
2020/05/21 Julia Silge
Tune XGBoost with tidymodels and #TidyTuesday beach volleyball
2020/05/21 Freakonometrics
INF7100, début des cours
2020/05/21 FlowingData
Reopening states and how they currently measure up
2020/05/21 FlowingData
✚ Improving the Georgia Cases Chart (The Process 090)
2020/05/21 FlowingData
Households that lost income
2020/05/21 Andriy Koval
Online Courses and Textbooks
2020/05/21 Rob J Hyndman
Excess deaths for 2020
2020/05/20 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2020/05/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
OK, here’s a hierarchical Bayesian analysis for the Santa Clara study (and other prevalence studies in the presence of uncertainty in the specificity and sensitivity of the test)
2020/05/20 Freakonometrics
Talk at the Paris Machine Learning Meetup
2020/05/20 FlowingData
Drawing the coronavirus
2020/05/20 FlowingData
Rivers know this
2020/05/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
This one’s important: Designing clinical trials for coronavirus treatments and vaccines
2020/05/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey, I think something’s wrong with this graph! Free copy of Regression and Other Stories to the first commenter who comes up with a plausible innocent explanation of this one.
2020/05/19 rud.is
Mining R 4.0.0 Changelog for Nuggets of Gold: #1 stopifnot()
2020/05/19 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
When Field or Lab Work is not an Option - Leveraging Open Data Resources for Remote Research
2020/05/19 FlowingData
Machine learning to make a dictionary of words that do not exist
2020/05/19 Jan's Page
Arrays from R to C and Back
2020/05/19 Data Se
Plotting equivalence class for confounder triangle
2020/05/19 Data Se
Adjustment set exercise from Elwert 2013
2020/05/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
No, average statistical power is not as high as you think: Tracing a statistical error as it spreads through the literature
2020/05/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stan pedantic mode
2020/05/18 FlowingData
Where unemployment benefits are higher than lost wages
2020/05/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Are informative priors “[in]compatible with standards of research integrity”? Click to find out!!
2020/05/17 Rob J Hyndman
You are what you vote: the social and demographic factors that influence your vote
2020/05/17 FlowingData
LEGO normal distribution animation
2020/05/17 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo 0.9.880.1.0
2020/05/17 Thinking inside the box
#2 T^4: Customizing The Shell Prompt
2020/05/17 jemsu
Migrating Themes and Overhauling the Rest
2020/05/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What a difference a month makes (polynomial extrapolation edition)
2020/05/16 rud.is
Attach Your R Code To Charts You Tweet For Reproducible R Tweets!
2020/05/16 free range statistics
Incidence of COVID-19 in Texas after adjusting for test positivity
2020/05/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Baby alligators: Adorable, deadly, or endangered? You decide.
2020/05/15 Julia Silge
Learn tidymodels with my supervised machine learning course
2020/05/15 FlowingData
Map shows US typefaces named after cities in their geographic location
2020/05/15 Thinking inside the box
Let’s celebrate Anna!
2020/05/15 Data Se
Statistical power: Why small effects need big samples – An intuition
2020/05/14 Bayesian Spectacles
Concerns About the Default Cauchy Are Often Exaggerated: A Demonstration with JASP 0.12
2020/05/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
So much of academia is about connections and reputation laundering
2020/05/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Years of Life Lost due to coronavirus
2020/05/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
If the outbreak ended, does that mean the interventions worked? (Jon Zelner talk tomorrow)
2020/05/14 FlowingData
Explore Explain is a new visualization podcast about how the charts get made
2020/05/14 Data Se
Crashkurs 'Umfrageforschung'
2020/05/13 On Your Mark
2020/05/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Is JAMA potentially guilty of manslaughter?
2020/05/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Get your research project reviewed by The Red Team: this seems like a good idea!
2020/05/13 Julia Silge
Multinomial classification with tidymodels and #TidyTuesday volcano eruptions
2020/05/13 Freakonometrics
COVID19 pandemic control: balancing detection policy and lockdown intervention under ICU sustainability
2020/05/13 FlowingData
Change in Instacart searches after the coronavirus
2020/05/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Stay-at-home” behavior: A pretty graph but I have some questions
2020/05/12 FlowingData
Making stupid Excel bar charts
2020/05/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“1919 vs. 2020”
2020/05/11 FlowingData
First unified geologic map of the moon
2020/05/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Uncertainty and variation as distinct concepts
2020/05/10 Recent posts on Jemsu Blog
A confused look at Nicolas Cage movies
2020/05/10 Thinking inside the box
#1 T^4: Adding Some Color to the Shell
2020/05/09 On Your Mark
计算方法系列I - 求积分
2020/05/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Standard deviation, standard error, whatever!
2020/05/09 Thinking inside the box
ttdo 0.0.5: Reflect tinytest update
2020/05/08 怡然轩
2020/05/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“So the real scandal is: Why did anyone ever listen to this guy?”
2020/05/08 FlowingData
Famous Hope Quotes as Charts
2020/05/08 free range statistics
Test positivity rates and actual incidence and growth of diseases
2020/05/07 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
2020/05/07 Bayesian Spectacles
A Primer on Bayesian Model-Averaged Meta-Analysis
2020/05/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
We need better default plots for regression.
2020/05/07 Freakonometrics
Prédire le nombre de morts, suite
2020/05/07 FlowingData
Who should receive care first, an ethical dilemma
2020/05/07 Thinking inside the box
Rcpp Virtual Talk on June 5
2020/05/06 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
Challenges and opportunities of quantifying local CO2 advection at a mountain forest in the Alps
2020/05/06 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
2020/05/06 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
Challenges and opportunities of quantifying local CO2 advection at a mountain forest in the Alps
2020/05/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Positive Claims get Publicity, Refutations do Not: Evidence from the 2020 Flu”
2020/05/06 Julia Silge
Sentiment analysis with tidymodels and #TidyTuesday Animal Crossing reviews
2020/05/06 FlowingData
Possible vaccine timelines
2020/05/05 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
2020/05/05 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2020/05/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Calibration and recalibration. And more recalibration. IHME forecasts by publication date
2020/05/05 FlowingData
Coronavirus testing accuracy
2020/05/05 FlowingData
Comparing Covid-19 models
2020/05/05 Posts on Brodie Gaslam
Standard and Non-Standard Evaluation in R
2020/05/04 Biomedical science and Mathematics
Some useful R code
2020/05/04 Biomedical science and Mathematics
How to convert webm to gif on Linux
2020/05/04 On Your Mark
2020/05/04 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
2020/05/04 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2020/05/04 The Coatless Professor
Dynamically Retriving Latest Pandoc from GitHub and Deploying on the Illinois Campus Cluster
2020/05/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayesian analysis of Santa Clara study: Run it yourself in Google Collab, play around with the model, etc!
2020/05/04 FlowingData
Playable simulations to decide what happens next
2020/05/03 On Your Mark
2020/05/03 On Your Mark
2020/05/03 On Your Mark
2020/05/03 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
2020/05/03 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2020/05/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
NPR’s gonna NPR (special coronavirus junk science edition)
2020/05/03 Thinking inside the box
#0: Introducing T^4: Tips, Tricks, Tools, and Toys
2020/05/02 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
2020/05/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Statistics controversies from the perspective of industrial statistics
2020/05/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How scientists perceive advancement of knowledge from conflicting review reports
2020/05/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Then the flaming sheet, with the whirr of a liberated phoenix, would fly up the chimney to join the stars.”
2020/05/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey, you. Yeah, you! Stop what you’re doing RIGHT NOW and read this Stigler article on the history of robust statistics
2020/05/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Updated Santa Clara coronavirus report
2020/05/01 FlowingData
Looking for generational gaps in music
2020/04/30 Bayesian Spectacles
Omit Needless Words: An Unapproachable Example of Conciseness Related by the Traveling Chinese Story-teller Kai Lung
2020/04/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Updated Imperial College coronavirus model, including estimated effects on transmissibility of lockdown, social distancing, etc.
2020/04/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Resolving the cathedral/bazaar problem in coronavirus research (and science more generally): Could we follow the model of genetics research (as suggested by some psychology researchers)?
2020/04/30 Simply Statistics
Asymptotics of Reproducibility
2020/04/30 Rob J Hyndman
GRATIS: GeneRAting TIme Series with diverse and controllable characteristics
2020/04/30 FlowingData
Who Funds the World Health Organization
2020/04/30 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools, Datasets, and Resources – April 2020 Roundup
2020/04/30 FlowingData
Neural network generates convincing songs by famous singers
2020/04/30 Rob J Hyndman
GRATIS: GeneRAting TIme Series with diverse and controllable characteristics
2020/04/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some of you must have an idea of the answer to this one.
2020/04/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Coronavirus Quickies
2020/04/29 Simply Statistics
Amplifying people I trust on COVID-19
2020/04/29 Freakonometrics
Testing for Covid-19 in the U.S.
2020/04/29 FlowingData
Text-to-speech models trained on celebrity voices
2020/04/29 FlowingData
Pretend mall map to show at-risk brands
2020/04/29 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
编译安装 R 并启用 Intel MKL 支持
2020/04/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Reverse-engineering priors in coronavirus discourse
2020/04/28 Freakonometrics
Telematics: a revolution ?
2020/04/28 FlowingData
Text from press briefings categorized
2020/04/28 FlowingData
Excess deaths
2020/04/27 怡然轩
2020/04/27 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2020/04/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Tracking R of COVID-19 & assessing public interventions; also some general thoughts on science
2020/04/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2020/04/27 FlowingData
Search trends during the pandemic
2020/04/27 Econometrics and Free Software
Exploring NACE codes
2020/04/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The return of the red state blue state fallacy
2020/04/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
More than one, always more than one to address the real uncertainty.
2020/04/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Controversy regarding the effectiveness of Remdesivir
2020/04/26 Freakonometrics
INF7100, à distance
2020/04/26 Thinking inside the box
#26: Upgrading to R 4.0.0
2020/04/25 The Coatless Professor
Sending an Email from R with Blastula to Groups of Students
2020/04/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
No, they won’t share their data.
2020/04/25 Jan's Page
Minimum of the Interpolating Polynomial with Applications in Cyclic Coordinate Descent
2020/04/24 The Coatless Professor
Uninstalling the R development toolchain on macOS
2020/04/24 The Coatless Professor
R Compiler Tools for Rcpp on macOS
2020/04/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
New York coronavirus antibody study: Why I had nothing to say to the press on this one.
2020/04/24 FlowingData
Visualization helping us during the pandemic
2020/04/24 Home on Sungpil Han, M.D/Ph.D
R에서 머신러닝
2020/04/24 Posts on R-Ladies
R-Ladies Infrastructure for Online Meetups
2020/04/23 Yongfu's Blog
Searching Interlinear Glosses Written in Word Documents
2020/04/23 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
2020/04/23 Bayesian Spectacles
Preprint: A Tutorial on Bayesian Multi-Model Linear Regression with BAS and JASP
2020/04/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Information or Misinformation During a Pandemic: Comparing the effects of following Nassim Taleb, Richard Epstein, or Cass Sunstein on twitter.
2020/04/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“In any case, we have a headline optimizer that A/B tests different headlines . . .”
2020/04/23 FlowingData
How We Reopen
2020/04/23 test on Robin Lovelace's website. Energy. Transport. Technology. Change the World.
Seminars, invited talks and workshops
2020/04/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
New analysis of excess coronavirus mortality; also a question about poststratification
2020/04/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2020/04/22 Julia Silge
Modeling #TidyTuesday GDPR violations with tidymodels
2020/04/22 Freakonometrics
Estimer la surmortalité
2020/04/22 FlowingData
People of the Pandemic, a game that simulates social distancing in your ZIP Code
2020/04/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
New coronavirus forecasting model
2020/04/21 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Automatic Code Cleaning in R with Rclean
2020/04/21 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
How to showcase CSS+JS+HTML snippets with Hugo?
2020/04/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
MRP with R and Stan; MRP with Python and Tensorflow
2020/04/20 FlowingData
Change in Google searches since the virus
2020/04/20 Econometrics and Free Software
No excuse not to be a Bayesian anymore
2020/04/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Concerns with that Stanford study of coronavirus prevalence
2020/04/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The best coronavirus summary so far
2020/04/19 Rob J Hyndman
Anomaly detection in streaming nonstationary temporal data
2020/04/19 Rob J Hyndman
Anomaly detection in streaming nonstationary temporal data
2020/04/19 Thinking inside the box
prrd 0.0.3: More improvements
2020/04/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The Evidence and Tradeoffs for a ‘Stay-at-Home’ Pandemic Response: A multidisciplinary review examining the medical, psychological, economic and political impact of ‘Stay-at-Home’ implementation in America”
2020/04/18 Jozef's Rblog
Automating R package checks across platforms with GitHub Actions and Docker in a portable way
2020/04/17 Bayesian Spectacles
Preprint: A Bayesian Multiverse Analysis of Many Labs 4
2020/04/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I’m frustrated by the politicization of the coronavirus discussion. Here’s an example:
2020/04/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Come up with a logo for causal inference!
2020/04/17 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
2 Months in 2 Minutes - rOpenSci News, April 2020
2020/04/17 FlowingData
Sheltering in small places
2020/04/17 free range statistics
Pragmatic prediction intervals from a quasi-likelihood GLM
2020/04/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Marc Hauser: Victim of statistics?
2020/04/16 rud.is
Dairy-Free No-Fail Biscuits
2020/04/16 Data Se
Simulating Berkson's paradox
2020/04/15 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Accidentally Pressing 'm' on xaringan Slides
2020/04/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Number of deaths or number of deaths per capita
2020/04/15 FlowingData
Curves for the 1918 flu pandemic
2020/04/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey! Let’s check the calibration of some coronavirus forecasts.
2020/04/14 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Dev Guide 0.4.0: Updates
2020/04/14 Julia Silge
PCA and the #TidyTuesday best hip hop songs ever
2020/04/14 FlowingData
Social distancing demonstrated with balls and mousetraps
2020/04/14 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo 0.9.860.2.0
2020/04/14 Thinking inside the box
gettz 0.0.4
2020/04/13 Shane Lynn
Bar Plots in Python using Pandas DataFrames
2020/04/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
John Conway
2020/04/13 FlowingData
Change in consumer spending since the virus
2020/04/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The checklist manifesto and beyond
2020/04/12 Econometrics and Free Software
How to basic: bar plots
2020/04/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Fall Guy, by James Lasdun
2020/04/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Given that 30% of Americans believe in astrology, it’s no surprise that some nontrivial percentage of influential American psychology professors are going to have the sort of attitude toward scientific theory and evidence that would lead them to have strong belief in weak theories supported by no good evidence.
2020/04/11 rud.is
New Package — {cdccovidview} — To Work with the U.S. CDC’s New COVID-19 Trackers: COVIDView and COVID-NET
2020/04/11 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Disposable Computing with callr
2020/04/11 Thinking inside the box
#24: Test, test, test, … those R 4.0.0 binaries with Ubuntu and Rocker
2020/04/11 楚新元个人主页
2020/04/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A better way to visualize the spread of coronavirus in different countries?
2020/04/10 Freakonometrics
Une courte histoire des expériences randomisées
2020/04/10 Freakonometrics
STT5100, quiz (régression de Poisson #1)
2020/04/10 FlowingData
Flow of prison population
2020/04/09 Biomedical science and Mathematics
working with VCF files
2020/04/09 Bayesian Spectacles
On the Beauty of Publishing an Ugly Registered Report
2020/04/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Upholding the patriarchy, one blog post at a time
2020/04/09 FlowingData
Slowing down the rate of deaths, aka breaking the wave
2020/04/09 Thinking inside the box
Rcpp Bug fix interim version
2020/04/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Big trouble coming with the 2020 Census
2020/04/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Webinar on approximate Bayesian computation
2020/04/08 Rob J Hyndman
Optimal non-negative forecast reconciliation
2020/04/08 Freakonometrics
De la démarche scientifique en période de crise
2020/04/08 FlowingData
DIY masks, balancing filtration and breathability
2020/04/08 FlowingData
Change in internet usage since the virus
2020/04/08 Rob J Hyndman
Optimal non-negative forecast reconciliation
2020/04/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The Generalizability Crisis” in the human sciences
2020/04/07 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
10 Things We Learned in Creating the Blog Guide with bookdown
2020/04/06 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
2020/04/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Pandemic cats following social distancing
2020/04/06 FlowingData
Different cough coverings, varying air spread
2020/04/05 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang
安装配置 orca
2020/04/05 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
2020/04/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Interesting y-axis
2020/04/05 rud.is
Adzuki & Andouille Soup
2020/04/05 Rob J Hyndman
Why log ratios are useful for tracking COVID-19
2020/04/05 free range statistics
How to make that crazy Fox News y axis chart with ggplot2 and scales
2020/04/05 Rob J Hyndman
Why log ratios are useful for tracking COVID-19
2020/04/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Model building is Lego, not Playmobil. (toward understanding statistical workflow)
2020/04/04 Freakonometrics
Slides 21 – Poisson vs. Binomiale
2020/04/03 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
2020/04/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Noise-mining as standard practice in social science
2020/04/03 Freakonometrics
Slides 20 – GLM et sélection de variables (stepwise)
2020/04/03 Freakonometrics
STT5100, quiz (régression logistique)
2020/04/03 Freakonometrics
Slides 19 – GLM et résultats non-asymptotiques
2020/04/03 Freakonometrics
Slides 18 – Tests et GLM
2020/04/03 Freakonometrics
Slides 17 – Sur-dispersion
2020/04/03 Freakonometrics
Slides 16 – Poids et modèle Tweedie
2020/04/03 Freakonometrics
Slides 15 – déviance et résidus
2020/04/03 Freakonometrics
Slides 14 – Lien et variance
2020/04/03 FlowingData
Social distancing isn’t available for everyone
2020/04/02 Bayesian Spectacles
Preprint: A Bayesian Reanalysis of the Effects of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin on Viral Carriage in Patients with COVID-19 (Reply to Gautret et al. 2020)
2020/04/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What can we learn from super-wide uncertainty intervals?
2020/04/02 Julia Silge
Bootstrap resampling with #TidyTuesday beer production data
2020/04/02 Freakonometrics
Slides 12 – famille exponentielle
2020/04/02 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
KMT2D Deficiency Impairs Super-Enhancers to Confer a Glycolytic Vulnerability in Lung Cancer
2020/04/02 Thinking inside the box
RQuantLib 0.4.12: Small QuantLib 1.18 update
2020/04/01 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
2020/04/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Moving blog to twitter
2020/04/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stasi’s back in town. (My last post on Cass Sunstein and Richard Epstein.)
2020/04/01 Home on Xianying's Blog
2020/04/01 rud.is
{uaparserjs} Updated on CRAN & Using webpack to Make {V8} Application Bundles
2020/04/01 Freakonometrics
Slides 7 – modèle de Poisson
2020/04/01 FlowingData
Challenges of making a reliable Covid-19 model
2020/03/31 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
2020/03/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“How to be Curious Instead of Contrarian About COVID-19: Eight Data Science Lessons From Coronavirus Perspective”
2020/03/31 Home on Xianying's Blog
2020/03/31 Rob J Hyndman
Developing good research habits
2020/03/31 Freakonometrics
Slides 4 – régression logistique sur variable(s) catégorielle(s)
2020/03/31 Freakonometrics
Slides 3 – régression multinomiale
2020/03/31 FlowingData
Evolution of Census questions
2020/03/31 r4stats.com
Updates to R GUIs: BlueSky, jamovi, JASP, & RKWard
2020/03/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Structural equation modeling and Stan
2020/03/30 Freakonometrics
Slides 1 – loi binomiale
2020/03/29 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
2020/03/29 Freakonometrics
IME2020 in Montréal, canceled
2020/03/29 FlowingData
Toilet Paper Calculator
2020/03/28 The Coatless Professor
Addressing uuid_t error when compiling with Rcpp 1.0.4 on macOS
2020/03/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I’m still struggling to understand hypothesis testing . . . leading to a more general discussion of the role of assumptions in statistics
2020/03/28 OmicX
Nginx + Letsencrypt + Aria2
2020/03/28 Thinking inside the box
RProtoBuf 0.4.17: Robustified
2020/03/27 Bayesian Spectacles
Corona and the Statistics Wars
2020/03/27 Home on Xianying's Blog
2020/03/27 Freakonometrics
Reprise des cours (à venir)
2020/03/27 Andriy Koval
Florida Demographic Growth
2020/03/27 Econometrics and Free Software
What would a keyboard optimised for Luxembourguish look like?
2020/03/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The value (or lack of value) of preregistration in the absence of scientific theory
2020/03/26 rud.is
The Waffle House Index
2020/03/26 Julia Silge
Tuning random forest hyperparameters with #TidyTuesday trees data
2020/03/26 FlowingData
Unemployment spike
2020/03/26 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Resources, March 2020 Roundup – The Process 082
2020/03/26 FlowingData
Johns Hopkins providing course on using epidemiology to understand the Covid-19 numbers
2020/03/25 Freakonometrics
Il était prévisible que Léonard DiCaprio ne survive pas au naufrage du Titanic
2020/03/25 FlowingData
2020/03/25 Jan's Page
Faster Multivariate Moments
2020/03/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Why We Sleep — a tale of institutional failure”
2020/03/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What is the probability that someone you know will die from COVID-19 this year?
2020/03/24 Freakonometrics
Reinforcement Learning in Economics and Finance
2020/03/24 FlowingData
Communicating a crisis
2020/03/24 Home on Sungpil Han, M.D/Ph.D
About reactivity of Shiny
2020/03/24 Thinking inside the box
New package RcppDate 0.0.1 now on CRAN!
2020/03/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some recommendations for design and analysis of clinical trials, with application to coronavirus
2020/03/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
New dataset: coronavirus tracking using data from smart thermometers
2020/03/23 Home on Xianying's Blog
2020/03/23 FlowingData
Break the chain
2020/03/22 On Your Mark
2020/03/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Estimating Covid-19 prevalence using Singapore and Taiwan”
2020/03/22 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting COVID-19
2020/03/22 FlowingData
Particle flows show how the coronavirus ramped up
2020/03/22 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting COVID-19
2020/03/21 The Coatless Professor
errum v0.0.3 Released: Model an Exploratory Reduced Reparameterized Unified Model!
2020/03/21 Jozef's Rblog
Setting up R with Visual Studio Code quickly and easily with the languageserversetup package
2020/03/21 Jan's Page
Least Squares Absolute Value Regression
2020/03/21 Jan's Page
Faster Multivariate Cumulants
2020/03/20 On Your Mark
2020/03/20 Yongfu's Blog
以 Python 實作 Concordancer
2020/03/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My best thoughts on priors
2020/03/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
COVID19 Global Forecasting Kaggle
2020/03/20 Freakonometrics
Qui a survécu au naufrage du Titanic?
2020/03/20 Freakonometrics
Modeling pandemics (2)
2020/03/20 Freakonometrics
Modeling Pandemics (3)
2020/03/20 Freakonometrics
Modeling pandemics (1)
2020/03/20 FlowingData
Wheel of emotional words, in case you’re having trouble finding the words these days
2020/03/20 FlowingData
Deer crossing across highway corridors
2020/03/20 FlowingData
Coronavirus Explained and What You Should Do
2020/03/20 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Fast analysis of scATAC-seq data using a predefined set of genomic regions
2020/03/20 free range statistics
Impact of a country's age breakdown on COVID-19 case fatality rate
2020/03/20 一路嘿嘿
如何解决 R CMD check 出现 NOTE: "no visible binding for global variable"
2020/03/19 Blog on Emil Hvitfeldt
#tidytuesday: Part-of-Speech and textrecipes with The Office
2020/03/19 Bayesian Spectacles
Preprint: Default Bayes Factors for Testing the (In)equality of Several Population Variances
2020/03/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
We need to practice our best science hygiene.
2020/03/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The New Yorker fiction podcast: how it’s great and how it could be improved
2020/03/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Another Bayesian model of coronavirus progression
2020/03/19 Home on Xianying's Blog
2020/03/19 L. Collado-Torres
Transcriptome-Scale Spatial Gene Expression in the Human Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex
2020/03/19 FlowingData
Restaurant struggles
2020/03/19 FlowingData
✚ Simulating the Unknown; Working From Home – The Process 081
2020/03/19 FlowingData
How washing your hands for 20 seconds does the trick
2020/03/19 FlowingData
Hospital bed occupancy
2020/03/19 Thinking inside the box
RProtoBuf 0.4.16: Now with JSON
2020/03/18 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
K さん
2020/03/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Just some numbers from Canada
2020/03/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hilda Bastian and John Ioannidis on coronavirus decision making; Jon Zelner on virus progression models
2020/03/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Estimates of the severity of COVID-19 disease: another Bayesian model with poststratification
2020/03/18 L. Collado-Torres
You just committed a large file and can't push to GitHub
2020/03/18 Freakonometrics
De la qualité d’un classifieur
2020/03/18 FlowingData
Understanding data and statistics in the medical literature
2020/03/18 FlowingData
How to Flatten the Curve, a Social Distancing Simulation and Tutorial
2020/03/18 Thinking inside the box
RcppCCTZ 0.2.7
2020/03/18 一路嘿嘿
github 开源项目如何选择协议
2020/03/17 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2020/03/17 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2020/03/17 Blog on Emil Hvitfeldt
Word Rank Slope Charts
2020/03/17 The Coatless Professor
Enabling libssh2 for git2r and usethis
2020/03/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Prior predictive, posterior predictive, and cross-validation as graphical models
2020/03/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Do these data suggest that UPS, Amazon, etc., should be quarantining packages?
2020/03/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“A Path Forward for Stan,” from Sean Talts, former director of Stan’s Technical Working Group
2020/03/17 rud.is
Dairy-free Chocolate Chip Muffins
2020/03/17 Julia Silge
LASSO regression using tidymodels and #TidyTuesday data for The Office
2020/03/17 FlowingData
Lagging coronavirus testing in the US
2020/03/17 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
stacked violin plot for visualizing single-cell data in Seurat
2020/03/17 Thinking inside the box
Rcpp 1.0.4: Lots of goodies
2020/03/16 Blog on Emil Hvitfeldt
Using stm to Investigate if Stemming is Appropriate
2020/03/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Breaking the feedback loop: When people don’t correct their errors
2020/03/16 L. Collado-Torres
Profiling gene expression in the human dentate gyrus granule cell layer reveals insights into schizophrenia and its genetic risk
2020/03/16 L. Collado-Torres
Research Scientist: an academic career launch pad
2020/03/16 François Husson
All you need to know on Multiple Factor Analysis …
2020/03/16 FlowingData
Possible coronavirus deaths compared against other causes
2020/03/16 free range statistics
COVID-19 cumulative observed case fatality rate over time
2020/03/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Older Americans are more worried about coronavirus — unless they’re Republican”
2020/03/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Are Relational Inferences from Crowdsourced and Opt-in Samples Generalizable? Comparing Criminal Justice Attitudes in the GSS and Five Online Samples”
2020/03/15 朴素
LaTeX 使用总结
2020/03/15 朴素
2020/03/15 FlowingData
Simulations for virus spread with social distancing
2020/03/14 黄湘云 on Xiangyun Huang
从 R 连接 MySQL
2020/03/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Road Back
2020/03/14 Thinking inside the box
RcppAPT 0.0.6
2020/03/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Sponsor a Stan postdoc or programmer!
2020/03/13 FlowingData
Change in foot traffic in outbreak cities
2020/03/12 Bayesian Spectacles
David Spiegelhalter’s Gullible Skeptic, and a Bayesian “Hard-Nosed Skeptic” Reanalysis of the ANDROMEDA-SHOCK Trial
2020/03/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
100 Things to Know, from Lane Kenworthy
2020/03/12 François Husson
All you need to know on clustering with Factoshiny…
2020/03/12 FlowingData
How gears work
2020/03/12 FlowingData
Coronavirus, a Visual Rundown – The Process 080
2020/03/12 FlowingData
A view of the coronavirus outbreak through data
2020/03/12 Thinking inside the box
RInside 0.2.16
2020/03/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Naming conventions for variables, functions, etc.
2020/03/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Computer-generated writing that looks real; real writing that looks computer-generated
2020/03/11 FlowingData
Map of all the trees and forests
2020/03/11 FlowingData
Coronavirus life cycle
2020/03/11 Thinking inside the box
AsioHeaders 1.12.2-1
2020/03/11 blog.sellorm.com
Advice for managers new to remote working
2020/03/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
We taught a class using Zoom yesterday. Here’s what we learned.
2020/03/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A factor of 40 speed improvement . . . that’s not something that happens every day!
2020/03/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Coronavirus model update: Background, assumptions, and room for improvement
2020/03/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bernie electability update
2020/03/10 Julia Silge
Preprocessing and resampling using #TidyTuesday college data
2020/03/10 FlowingData
Visual explanation of exponential growth and epidemics
2020/03/10 Econometrics and Free Software
Explainbility of {tidymodels} models with {iml}
2020/03/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Woof! for descriptive statistics
2020/03/09 François Husson
All you need to know to analyse a survey with MCA …
2020/03/09 FlowingData
Flatten the coronavirus curve
2020/03/09 FlowingData
Dataset as worldview
2020/03/09 FlowingData
All data is wrong
2020/03/09 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Tools and tricks for a data scientist
2020/03/08 On Your Mark
2020/03/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Non-disclosure is not just an unfortunate, but unfixable, accident. A methodology can be disclosed at any time.”
2020/03/08 Econometrics and Free Software
Machine learning with {tidymodels}
2020/03/08 Thinking inside the box
RcppAnnoy 0.0.16
2020/03/08 楚新元个人主页
2020/03/07 On Your Mark
2020/03/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Coronavirus age-specific fatality ratio, estimated using Stan, and (attempting) to account for underreporting of cases and the time delay to death. Now with data and code.
2020/03/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Estimating the mortality rate from corona?
2020/03/07 Main on Jemsu Blog
Auto-deploying a blogdown blog the needlessly hard way
2020/03/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Junk Science Then and Now
2020/03/06 FlowingData
Responsible mapping
2020/03/06 FlowingData
Responsible coronavirus charts
2020/03/06 free range statistics
New Zealand Election Study webtool
2020/03/05 Bayesian Spectacles
Misconception: The Relative Belief Ratio Equals the Marginal Likelihood
2020/03/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
You don’t want a criminal journal… you want a criminal journal
2020/03/05 FlowingData
✚ Uncertain
2020/03/05 FlowingData
Machine learning to help you not touch your face
2020/03/05 ewen
funky gemz
2020/03/05 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Monty Hall problem- a peek through simulation
2020/03/05 楚新元个人主页
2020/03/05 楚新元个人主页
2020/03/04 The R-Podcast
Episode 33: Shiny and JavaScript wizardry with Garrick Aiden-Buie
2020/03/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“What is the conclusion of a clinical trial where p=0.6?”
2020/03/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Is data science a discipline?
2020/03/04 rud.is
{catchpole} Redux and Hashing Files & Websites with {ssdeepr}
2020/03/04 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Community Call - Maintaining an R Package
2020/03/04 François Husson
All you need to know on Correspondence Analysis …
2020/03/04 FlowingData
How different groups voted on Super Tuesday
2020/03/04 FlowingData
Cycling and mapping all the streets in London
2020/03/04 Thinking inside the box
RcppSimdJson 0.0.3: Second Update!
2020/03/03 On Your Mark
2020/03/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Coronavirus PANIC news
2020/03/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
As usual, I agree with Paul Meehl: “It is not a reform of significance testing as currently practiced in soft-psych. We are making a more heretical point than any of these: We are attacking the whole tradition of null-hypothesis refutation as a way of appraising theories.”
2020/03/03 FlowingData
SVG and CSS animations, without JavaScript
2020/03/03 FlowingData
R turned 20 years old
2020/03/03 楚新元个人主页
2020/03/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
So . . . what about that claim that probabilistic election forecasts depress voter turnout?
2020/03/02 rud.is
Make WSJ-esque Über Tuesday Democrat Delegate Cartograms in R with {catchpole}
2020/03/02 FlowingData
Super Tuesday simulator
2020/03/02 FlowingData
Small multiples pizza baby
2020/03/02 Thinking inside the box
RcppAnnoy 0.0.15
2020/03/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Conditioning on a statistical method as a “meta” version of conditioning on a statistical model
2020/03/01 Freakonometrics
Gini index, poverty and top shares
2020/03/01 Freakonometrics
Function basis and regression
2020/02/29 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2020/02/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Paterno Defence: Gladwell’s Tipping Point?
2020/02/29 Maëlle's R blog on Maëlle Salmon's personal website
What to know before you adopt Hugo/blogdown
2020/02/29 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
Graphical Statistical Tools Based on R
2020/02/29 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
Graphical Statistical Tools Based on R
2020/02/29 L. Collado-Torres
2020/02/29 L. Collado-Torres
Diving together into the unknown world of spatial transcriptomics
2020/02/29 free range statistics
Log transform or log link? And confounding variables.
2020/02/28 Biomedical science and Mathematics
How to set up Samba on CentOS
2020/02/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Different challenges in replication in biomedical vs. social sciences
2020/02/28 François Husson
All you need to know on PCA …
2020/02/28 FlowingData
Testing Gmail’s tab choices on presidential candidates’ emails
2020/02/28 FlowingData
✚ How to Make a Dynamic Multi-population Pyramid in Excel
2020/02/27 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
A demo for citation in blogdown
2020/02/27 Bayesian Spectacles
Absence of Evidence and Evidence of Absence in the FLASH Trial: A Bayesian Reanalysis
2020/02/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Great Society, Reagan’s revolution, and generations of presidential voting
2020/02/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Mike Pence and Rush Limbaugh on smoking, cancer, and the coronavirus
2020/02/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2020/02/27 Rob J Hyndman
On normalization and algorithm selection for unsupervised outlier detection
2020/02/27 Freakonometrics
Richesse et espérance de vie
2020/02/27 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools, Datasets, and Resources — February 2020 Roundup (The Process #78)
2020/02/27 FlowingData
Living room corner pie chart
2020/02/27 FlowingData
Face mask respirator and its usefulness with different beard styles
2020/02/27 Alison Hill
Take a Sad Script & Make it Better: Tidymodels Edition
2020/02/27 Rob J Hyndman
On normalization and algorithm selection for unsupervised outlier detection
2020/02/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What can we do with complex numbers in Stan?
2020/02/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“New research suggests Sanders would drive swing voters to Trump — and need a youth turnout miracle to compensate.”
2020/02/26 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Self-Hosting Shiny Apps with Linode and Cloudflare
2020/02/26 FlowingData
BellTopo Sans is is a free typeface based on maps from 1800s
2020/02/25 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Quick Notes on Some rstudio::conf(2020) Talks after I Watched the Videos
2020/02/25 Blog on Emil Hvitfeldt
Use prismatic with after_scale() for finer control of colors in ggplot2
2020/02/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to embrace variation and accept uncertainty in linguistic and psycholinguistic data analysis
2020/02/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Deep learning workflow
2020/02/25 L. Collado-Torres
Regulatory sites for splicing in human basal ganglia are enriched for disease-relevant information
2020/02/25 FlowingData
Map shows how NASA satellites collect global rain data
2020/02/24 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
My First Uncoast Unconference in 2019
2020/02/24 The Coatless Professor
errorist v0.1.0 Released: Improved automatic warning searches
2020/02/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Vaping statistics controversy update: A retraction and some dispute
2020/02/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Rank-normalization, folding, and localization: An improved R-hat for assessing convergence of MCMC
2020/02/24 FlowingData
Grandpa Chad distribution
2020/02/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Recent unpublished papers
2020/02/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Holes in Bayesian Statistics
2020/02/23 Econometrics and Free Software
Synthetic micro-datasets: a promising middle ground between data privacy and data analysis
2020/02/22 Yongfu's Blog
Recreating Leipizig.js with Vue for Interlinear Glossing
2020/02/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What up with red state blue state?
2020/02/22 Jozef's Rblog
R is turning 20 years old next Saturday. Here is how much bigger, stronger and faster it got over the years
2020/02/22 free range statistics
Body Mass Index
2020/02/22 Thinking inside the box
RcppSimdJson 0.0.2: First Update!
2020/02/22 Thinking inside the box
digest 0.6.25: Spookyhash bugfix
2020/02/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s the American Statistical Association gonna say in their Task Force on Statistical Significance and Replicability?
2020/02/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
MRP Conference registration now open!
2020/02/21 rud.is
BIMI Up, Scotty! A look at Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) Adoption with R and the Alexa Top 1m
2020/02/21 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci's Leadership in #rstats Culture
2020/02/21 Freakonometrics
INF7100 – Initiation à la science des données et à l’intelligence artificielle
2020/02/21 FlowingData
Map of mathematics
2020/02/21 FlowingData
Canceled flights due to coronavirus
2020/02/21 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
compare kallisto-bustools and cellranger for single nuclei sequencing data
2020/02/21 Home on Sungpil Han, M.D/Ph.D
uptodate 대체
2020/02/20 Bayesian Spectacles
Rationale and Origin of the One-Sided Bayes Factor Hypothesis Test
2020/02/20 The Coatless Professor
RcppEnsmallen v0. Released - Memory leak fix and other goodies!
2020/02/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Calling all cats
2020/02/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
An article in a statistics or medical journal, “Using Simulations to Convince People of the Importance of Random Variation When Interpreting Statistics.”
2020/02/20 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
2 Months in 2 Minutes - rOpenSci News, February 2020
2020/02/20 L. Collado-Torres
Recounting the FANTOM CAGE–Associated Transcriptome
2020/02/20 Freakonometrics
Nice Thematic Semester in Montréal: The Mathematics of Decision Making
2020/02/20 Freakonometrics
Testing for a causal effect (with 2 time series)
2020/02/20 FlowingData
Scale of Bloomberg net worth
2020/02/20 FlowingData
✚ A Better Chart, Limitations Considered: Exit Poll Results (The Process #77)
2020/02/20 FlowingData
Bloomberg ad spending, relative to other candidates’
2020/02/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
This study could be just fine, or not. Maybe I’ll believe it if there’s an independent preregistered replication.
2020/02/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A normalizing flow by any other name
2020/02/19 FlowingData
Forgotten map types
2020/02/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Is it really true that candidates who are perceived as ideologically extreme do even worse if “they actually pose as more radical than they really are”?
2020/02/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How many patients do doctors kill by accident?
2020/02/18 Julia Silge
Hyperparameter tuning and #TidyTuesday food consumption
2020/02/18 Freakonometrics
Lasso Regression (home made)
2020/02/18 FlowingData
Most often missed areas while washing hands
2020/02/18 FlowingData
Datylon Graph is a visualization extension for Illustrator
2020/02/18 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
cellranger mk reference with transgenes
2020/02/18 一路嘿嘿
CentOS 7 R 中安装 hdf5r 包
2020/02/17 Wannabe Rstats-fu
gghighlight 0.2.0
2020/02/17 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Is that a Mickey Mouse Blowing a Trumpet?
2020/02/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Researcher offers ridiculous reasons for refusing to reassess work in light of serious criticism
2020/02/17 Freakonometrics
Quantile Regression (home made, part 2)
2020/02/16 Jay's Notes
Screen like RStudio Project
2020/02/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Making differential equation models in Stan more computationally efficient via some analytic integration
2020/02/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Sometimes research just has to start somewhere, and subject itself to criticism and potential improvement.”
2020/02/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Coronavirus “hits all the hot buttons” for promoting the scientist-as-hero narrative (cognitive psychology edition)
2020/02/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Repeating the experiment” as general advice on data collection
2020/02/14 FlowingData
Botnet, a social network where it’s just you and a lot of bots
2020/02/14 Econometrics and Free Software
Dynamic discrete choice models, reinforcement learning and Harold, part 2
2020/02/14 一路嘿嘿
2020/02/13 Bayesian Spectacles
Follow-up: A Bayesian Perspective on the FDA Guidelines for Adaptive Clinical Trials
2020/02/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Intended consequences are the worst
2020/02/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How good is the Bayes posterior for prediction really?
2020/02/13 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
taxadb: A High-Performance Local Taxonomic Database Interface
2020/02/13 Freakonometrics
De la pratique de la régression
2020/02/13 FlowingData
✚ Big Money You Can Relate To (The Process #76)
2020/02/13 FlowingData
Printing money at the speed of various wages
2020/02/13 Thinking inside the box
RcppSimdJson 0.0.1 now on CRAN!
2020/02/12 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Down? Not My Fault...
2020/02/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Summer training in statistical sampling at University of Michigan
2020/02/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Monte Carlo and winning the lottery
2020/02/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Expert writes op-ed in NYT recommending that we trust the experts
2020/02/12 L. Collado-Torres
Jaffelab: learn from our search history
2020/02/12 L. Collado-Torres
Learning from our search history
2020/02/12 François Husson
Factoshiny: an updated version on CRAN!
2020/02/12 FlowingData
Blanket visualizes daily high and low temperatures
2020/02/12 FlowingData
Federal budget scaled to per person dollars
2020/02/12 Thinking inside the box
digest 0.6.24: Some more refinements
2020/02/11 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
On a Clear Night
2020/02/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
MRP Conference at Columbia April 3rd – April 4th 2020
2020/02/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“It just happens to be in the nature of knowledge that it cannot be conserved if it does not grow.”
2020/02/11 Julia Silge
#TidyTuesday hotel bookings and recipes
2020/02/11 FlowingData
A tour of the king’s tattoos
2020/02/10 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
An open-access data website for novel coronavirus data
2020/02/10 Posts on Home
How to understand QQ plot in GWAS
2020/02/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The 100-day writing challenge
2020/02/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Evidence-based medicine eats itself
2020/02/10 FlowingData
Billionaire’s spending scaled to your net worth
2020/02/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A Collection of Word Oddities and Trivia
2020/02/09 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo 0.9.850.1.0
2020/02/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The hot hand fallacy fallacy rears its ugly ugly head
2020/02/08 Thinking inside the box
RProtoBuf 0.4.15: One fix, some updates, depcrecation coming
2020/02/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Putting Megan Higgs and Thomas Basbøll in the room together
2020/02/07 Rob J Hyndman
Electricity demand data in tsibble format
2020/02/07 FlowingData
Privacy algorithm could lead to Census undercount of small towns
2020/02/07 FlowingData
Good state naming
2020/02/07 FlowingData
Data problems in Iowa caucus results
2020/02/07 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Align multiple ggplot2 plots by axis
2020/02/07 Rob J Hyndman
Electricity demand data in tsibble format
2020/02/06 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Back from rstudio::conf(2020)
2020/02/06 The R-Podcast
Episode 32: RStudio's Big Move and Kevin Ushey
2020/02/06 Posts on datascienceblog.net: R for Data Science
Two Environment Variables for More Robust R Code
2020/02/06 Bayesian Spectacles
Ramsey’s Farmer
2020/02/06 The Coatless Professor
searcher v0.0.5 Released - Search Twitter and Search Experience Customizations!
2020/02/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Misleading vote reporting
2020/02/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Advice for a Young Economist at Heart
2020/02/06 rud.is
Prying “.R” Script Files Away from Xcode (et al) on macOS
2020/02/06 Homepage on Joseph Stachelek
Book review - Climate leviathan: a polictical theory of our planetary future.
2020/02/06 Freakonometrics
L’assurance aujourd’hui
2020/02/06 FlowingData
✚ Misleading or Not? A Chart Showing Coronavirus Fatality Rate (The Process #75)
2020/02/06 FlowingData
Mapping the construction of railroads in America
2020/02/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How much of Trump’s rising approval numbers can be attributed to differential nonresponse?
2020/02/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
StanCon 2020: August 11-14. Registration now open!
2020/02/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Abuse of expectation notation
2020/02/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When I was asked, Who do you think is most likely to win the Democratic nomination?, this is how I responded . . .
2020/02/05 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
The Fun of Building Things and the Challenge of Learning - the rOpenSci OzUnconf 2019
2020/02/05 Julia Silge
#TidyTuesday and tidymodels
2020/02/05 Freakonometrics
On my way to Brussels, Belgium
2020/02/05 FlowingData
CineShader, for cinematic shaders
2020/02/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The importance of measurement in psychology
2020/02/04 FlowingData
Faking traffic on Google Maps with a wagon of 99 smartphones
2020/02/04 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
add pct_in for each cluster for scRNAseq result table using list column
2020/02/03 On Your Mark
Gilead RdRP聚合酶制剂会不会封神呢
2020/02/03 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2020/02/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
MRP Carmelo Anthony update . . . Trash-talking’s fine. But you gotta give details, or links, or something!
2020/02/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Is there any scientific evidence that humans don’t like uncertainty?
2020/02/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Fugitive and cloistered virtues
2020/02/03 Freakonometrics
Quelle responsabilité pour les algorithmes ?
2020/02/03 Freakonometrics
On my way to London, UK
2020/02/03 FlowingData
Layer Cake, a graphics framework for more flexible web graphics
2020/02/03 L. Collado-Torres
Conference feelings: from newbie to sponsor
2020/02/02 Biomedical science and Mathematics
2019 nCoV
2020/02/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The fallacy of the excluded rationality
2020/02/02 Data Se
Folien für den Workshop zur simulationsbasierten Inferenz, 2020-02-05
2020/02/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Forget about multiple testing corrections. Actually, forget about hypothesis testing entirely.
2020/02/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“It’s not just that the emperor has no clothes, it’s more like the emperor has been standing in the public square for fifteen years screaming, I’m naked! I’m naked! Look at me! And the scientific establishment is like, Wow, what a beautiful outfit.”
2020/02/01 Rob J Hyndman
Hospital characteristics, rather than surgical volume, predict length of stay following colorectal cancer surgery
2020/02/01 Freakonometrics
Combiner les modalités d’une variable factorielle
2020/02/01 Rob J Hyndman
Hospital characteristics, rather than surgical volume, predict length of stay following colorectal cancer surgery
2020/02/01 Gianluca Baio
Economic Evaluation and Cost-Effectiveness of Health Care Interventions
2020/02/01 Gianluca Baio
Bayesian methods in pharmaceutical research
2020/02/01 Gianluca Baio
Bayesian Background
2020/02/01 Gianluca Baio
Bayesian Modeling for Economic Evaluation Using "Real World Evidence"
2020/01/31 The R-Podcast
Kevin Ushey
2020/01/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Don’t talk about hypotheses as being “either confirmed, partially confirmed, or rejected”
2020/01/31 FlowingData
Presidential Hopefuls screensaver bounces heads around based on polling data
2020/01/31 free range statistics
Lewis Carroll's proposed rules for tennis tournaments
2020/01/30 Yongfu's Blog
2020/01/30 Bayesian Spectacles
2020/01/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
They added a hierarchical structure to their model and their parameter estimate changed a lot: How to think about this?
2020/01/30 Rob J Hyndman
How Rmarkdown changed my life
2020/01/30 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools, Datasets, and Resources — January 2020 Roundup (The Process #74)
2020/01/30 FlowingData
Flow Fields, a generative art tool
2020/01/30 Rob J Hyndman
How Rmarkdown changed my life
2020/01/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Rao-Blackwellization and discrete parameters in Stan
2020/01/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
David Leavitt and Meg Wolitzer
2020/01/29 rud.is
Monitoring Website SSL/TLS Certificate Expiration Times with R, {openssl}, {pushoverr}, and {DT}
2020/01/29 FlowingData
Nationwide database of credibly accused Catholic clergy
2020/01/29 FlowingData
✚ How to Visualize Hierarchical Graphs in R, with ggraph and tidygraph
2020/01/28 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2020/01/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Are GWAS studies of IQ/educational attainment problematic?
2020/01/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Causal inference in AI: Expressing potential outcomes in a graphical-modeling framework that can be fit using Stan
2020/01/28 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Call BEAST2 for Bayesian evolutionary analysis from R
2020/01/28 FlowingData
Dataset for rejected license plate applications
2020/01/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My review of Ian Stewart’s review of my review of his book
2020/01/27 Rob J Hyndman
Tidy time series & forecasting in R
2020/01/27 FlowingData
Questionable science diagrams
2020/01/27 ewen
introducing tracklister
2020/01/27 Alison Hill
Introduction to Machine Learning with the Tidyverse
2020/01/27 Alison Hill
Introduction to Machine Learning with the Tidyverse
2020/01/27 Rob J Hyndman
Tidy time series & forecasting in R
2020/01/27 Posts on R-Ladies
Recipe for a year-end video
2020/01/27 Posts on Brodie Gaslam
RTINI Part I: Visualizing MARTINI
2020/01/26 On Your Mark
2020/01/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Which teams have fewer fans than their namesake? I pretty much like this person’s reasoning except when we get to the chargers and raiders.
2020/01/26 Econometrics and Free Software
Dynamic discrete choice models, reinforcement learning and Harold, part 1
2020/01/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The intellectual explosion that didn’t happen
2020/01/25 free range statistics
Analysing the effectiveness of tennis tournament seeding
2020/01/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The latest Perry Preschool analysis: Noisy data + noisy methods + flexible summarizing = Big claims
2020/01/24 Rob J Hyndman
ABS time series as tsibbles
2020/01/24 Freakonometrics
Le R² pour justifier la causalite…
2020/01/24 FlowingData
Google Dataset Search moves out of beta
2020/01/24 Rob J Hyndman
ABS time series as tsibbles
2020/01/24 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo 0.9.800.4.0
2020/01/23 Bayesian Spectacles
2020/01/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Are the tabloids better than we give them credit for?
2020/01/23 FlowingData
✚ Making the Name Guesser (The Process #73)
2020/01/23 FlowingData
Geography of FM radio
2020/01/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Where are the famous dogs? Where are the famous animals?
2020/01/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2020/01/22 FlowingData
To get your personal data, provide more personal data
2020/01/22 FlowingData
How police use facial recogntion
2020/01/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Top 5 literary descriptions of poker
2020/01/21 rud.is
Davos 2020 World Economic Forum 2020 Global Risk Report Cyber Cliffs Notes
2020/01/21 FlowingData
Guessing Names Based on What They Start With
2020/01/20 Blog on Emil Hvitfeldt
Deploy your bookdown project to Netlify with Github Actions
2020/01/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Pocket Kings by Ted Heller
2020/01/20 FlowingData
Make a streets map of anywhere in the world
2020/01/20 Thinking inside the box
anytime 0.3.7
2020/01/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some Westlake quotes
2020/01/19 Freakonometrics
More on Random dollars for everyone !
2020/01/19 Thinking inside the box
RPushbullet 0.3.3
2020/01/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Graphs of school shootings in the U.S.
2020/01/18 Freakonometrics
Random dollars for everyone !
2020/01/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
In Bayesian inference, do people cheat by rigging the prior?
2020/01/17 Freakonometrics
IME 2020, next July, in Montréal
2020/01/17 FlowingData
Cow representation in the Senate
2020/01/16 Bayesian Spectacles
Workshop “Design and Analysis of Replication Studies”, January 23-24
2020/01/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Is it accurate to say, “Politicians Don’t Actually Care What Voters Want”?
2020/01/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
American Causal Inference May 2020 Austin Texas
2020/01/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Call for proposals for a State Department project on estimating the prevalence of human trafficking
2020/01/16 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci 2019 Code of Conduct Transparency Report
2020/01/16 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Code of Conduct Annual Review
2020/01/16 FlowingData
Quiz to see which Democratic candidate agrees with you most
2020/01/16 FlowingData
✚ Misleading Map, or Misinterpreted? (The Process #72)
2020/01/16 Thinking inside the box
RcppRedis 0.1.10: Switch to tinytest
2020/01/15 Biomedical science and Mathematics
How to draw multiple ggplot2 figures on a page
2020/01/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Will decentralised collaboration increase the robustness of scientific findings in biomedical research? Some data and some causal questions.
2020/01/15 Freakonometrics
On Cochran Theorem (and Orthogonal Projections)
2020/01/15 FlowingData
UK government org charts
2020/01/15 Thinking inside the box
RQuantLib 0.4.11: More polish
2020/01/14 The Coatless Professor
RcppEnsmallen v0. Released - New Optimizers and Documentation Improvements!
2020/01/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Steven Pinker on torture
2020/01/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey—the New York Times is hiring an election forecaster!
2020/01/14 Freakonometrics
On the conjugate function
2020/01/14 FlowingData
Man takes picture of himself every day for 20 years
2020/01/14 FlowingData
Best Directors Who Were Not White Men
2020/01/14 r4stats.com
Biomedical Data Science Textbook Available
2020/01/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to get out of the credulity rut (regression discontinuity edition): Getting beyond whack-a-mole
2020/01/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2020/01/13 rud.is
Convert Apple Card PDF Statements to Tidy Data (i.e. for CSV/Excel/database export)
2020/01/13 FlowingData
Schedule change with a baby
2020/01/13 blog.sellorm.com
Add the Current Git Branch to Your Bash Prompt
2020/01/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Four projects in the intellectual history of quantitative social science
2020/01/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Of Manhattan Projects and Moonshots
2020/01/10 Posts on datascienceblog.net: R for Data Science
Navigating in Gridworld using Policy and Value Iteration
2020/01/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Linear or logistic regression with binary outcomes
2020/01/10 R Psychologist
Heterogeneous treatment effects and homogeneous outcome variances
2020/01/10 FlowingData
Scale of Australia bushfires shown with unit charts
2020/01/10 FlowingData
Can’t find Iran on a map
2020/01/10 Data Se
Cluster analysis and image size reduction
2020/01/09 Bayesian Spectacles
Poisson Regression in Labor Law
2020/01/09 theoretical ecology
Can we simultaneously infer time-varying speciation and extinction rates from extant phylogenies?
2020/01/09 The Coatless Professor
msos v1.1.1 Released: House keeping and CRAN Task View Status for Teaching Statistics!
2020/01/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
No, I don’t think that this study offers good evidence that installing air filters in classrooms has surprisingly large educational benefits.
2020/01/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Exciting postdoc opening in spatial statistics at Michigan: Coccidioides is coming, and only you can stop it!
2020/01/09 FlowingData
Squirrel census count in Central Park
2020/01/09 FlowingData
✚ Just Enough Chart (The Process #71)
2020/01/09 FlowingData
✚ How to Make Line Charts in Python, with Pandas and Matplotlib
2020/01/09 Thinking inside the box
rfoaas 2.1.0: New upstream so new access point!
2020/01/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Generalizer
2020/01/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to “cut” using Stan, if you must
2020/01/08 FlowingData
Where the Australia fires are burning
2020/01/08 FlowingData
Visual guide for the fires in Australia
2020/01/08 FlowingData
Misinterpreted or misleading fire maps
2020/01/08 Thinking inside the box
BH 1.72.0-3 on CRAN
2020/01/07 On Your Mark
2020/01/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
This graduate student wants to learn statistics to be a better policy analyst
2020/01/07 Rob J Hyndman
Calendar-based graphics for visualizing people's daily schedules
2020/01/07 FlowingData
Weight gain lines
2020/01/07 Andriy Koval
Managing Data Analysis with RStudio
2020/01/07 Rob J Hyndman
Calendar-based graphics for visualizing people's daily schedules
2020/01/06 Biomedical science and Mathematics
Dijkstra's algorithm
2020/01/06 On Your Mark
2020/01/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Royal Society spam & more
2020/01/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Of book reviews and selection bias
2020/01/06 Rob J Hyndman
Hierarchical forecasting
2020/01/06 FlowingData
Draw a ridgeline map showing elevation, for anywhere on Earth
2020/01/06 Rob J Hyndman
Hierarchical forecasting
2020/01/05 Biomedical science and Mathematics
Kruskal's algorithm
2020/01/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Votes vs. $
2020/01/05 楚新元个人主页
2020/01/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Open forensic science, and some general comments on the problems of legalistic thinking when discussing open science
2020/01/04 Rob J Hyndman
A new tidy data structure to support exploration and modeling of temporal data
2020/01/04 Jozef's Rblog
Releasing and open-sourcing the Using Spark from R for performance with arbitrary code series
2020/01/04 Rob J Hyndman
A new tidy data structure to support exploration and modeling of temporal data
2020/01/03 On Your Mark
2020/01/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Smoothness, or lack thereof, in MRP estimates over time
2020/01/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why I Rant
2020/01/03 rud.is
Writing Frictionless R Package Wrappers — Building A Basic R Package
2020/01/03 Rob J Hyndman
FFORMA: Feature-based Forecast Model Averaging
2020/01/03 FlowingData
Timelines to make you feel old
2020/01/03 Rob J Hyndman
FFORMA: Feature-based Forecast Model Averaging
2020/01/02 Biomedical science and Mathematics
How to rename files
2020/01/02 On Your Mark
2020/01/02 Blog on Emil Hvitfeldt
Real Emojis in ggplot2
2020/01/02 Bayesian Spectacles
Unpacking the Disagreement: Guest Post by Donkin and Szollosi
2020/01/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
On deck for the first half of 2020
2020/01/02 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting in social settings: the state of the art
2020/01/02 FlowingData
Urban growth via satellite imagery
2020/01/02 FlowingData
✚ Technical Know-How is Part One (The Process #70)
2020/01/02 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting in social settings: the state of the art
2020/01/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Progress in the past decade
2020/01/01 rud.is
Yeast-raised Apple Cider Doughnuts
2020/01/01 rud.is
Writing Frictionless R Package Wrappers — Introduction
2020/01/01 Rob J Hyndman
A brief history of forecasting competitions
2020/01/01 Home on Sungpil Han, M.D/Ph.D
2020/01/01 Rob J Hyndman
A brief history of forecasting competitions
2020/01/01 Fenguoerbian's Blog
2019/12/31 Biomedical science and Mathematics
What has happended to me in 2019
2019/12/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
It happens all the time
2019/12/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Criminologists be (allegedly) crimin’ . . . and a statistical New Year’s toast for you.
2019/12/31 Julia Silge
Modeling salary and gender in the tech industry
2019/12/31 FlowingData
One leaked file, the location of 12 million smartphones
2019/12/31 FlowingData
2019/12/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2019/12/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
DAGS in Stan
2019/12/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Knives Out
2019/12/30 Freakonometrics
Pareto models for risk management
2019/12/30 FlowingData
Scripts from The Office, the dataset
2019/12/30 FlowingData
Making invisible gas leaks visible
2019/12/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Science is science writing; science writing is science
2019/12/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Do we still recommend average predictive comparisons? Click here to find the surprising answer!
2019/12/29 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
The end of 2019
2019/12/28 怡然轩
MCMC 探秘(一)
2019/12/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Fitting big multilevel regressions in Stan?
2019/12/27 Posts on datascienceblog.net: R for Data Science
The SOLID Principles: a Guide for Object-Oriented Design
2019/12/27 Bayesian Spectacles
The Support Interval
2019/12/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Why we sleep” data manipulation: A smoking gun?
2019/12/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Lorraine Daston (1994): “How Probabilities Came to Be Objective and Subjective”
2019/12/27 rud.is
Short Attention Span Theatre: Reproducing Axios’ “1 Big Thing” Google Trends 2019 News In Review with {ggplot2}
2019/12/27 FlowingData
Arctic ice melting
2019/12/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Whassup with Why We Sleep?
2019/12/26 Shichen
data.table 与 pandas
2019/12/25 Posts on datascienceblog.net: R for Data Science
The 5 Skills of Successful PhD Students
2019/12/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The long pursuit
2019/12/25 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
YAP: Yet Another Probabilistic Neural Network
2019/12/24 Posts on datascienceblog.net: R for Data Science
Preventing Spam Using ReCAPTCHA and Staticman
2019/12/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How did our advice about research ethics work out, four years later?
2019/12/24 FlowingData
Analysis of online sermons
2019/12/24 Adamistics
Chronic Wasting Disease in Wisconsin Deer
2019/12/23 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
Biomet alumni
2019/12/23 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/12/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How many lobsters would you trade off for a human?
2019/12/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
They’re looking to hire a Bayesian.
2019/12/23 rud.is
Using #rstats to Help Santa Deliver Presents This Christmas!
2019/12/23 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Thank You, 2019
2019/12/23 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Want to Intern with rOpenSci’s Community Manager?
2019/12/23 Freakonometrics
Personalization as a Promise: Can Big Data Change the Practice of Insurance?
2019/12/23 FlowingData
Where Christmas trees come from
2019/12/23 Alison Hill
Learning to Teach Machines to Learn
2019/12/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Is it true that “Most polls misrepresent the Democratic electorate” and that this “skews the results”?
2019/12/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
New Democratic Primary Debate Rules
2019/12/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“But when we apply statistical models, do we need to care about whether a model can retrieve the relationship between variables?”
2019/12/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“What if your side wins?”
2019/12/21 Jozef's Rblog
4 great free tools that can make your R work more efficient, reproducible and robust
2019/12/21 free range statistics
Analysing large data on your laptop with a database and R
2019/12/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The opposite of “black box” is not “white box,” it’s . . .
2019/12/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
External vs. internal validity of causal inference from natural experiments: The example of charter school lottery studies
2019/12/20 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
2 Months in 2 Minutes - rOpenSci News, December 2019
2019/12/20 FlowingData
Color breakdown of Scientific American covers
2019/12/19 Bayesian Spectacles
Preprint: A Cautionary Note on Estimating Effect Size
2019/12/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Causal inference, adjusting for 300 pre-treatment predictors
2019/12/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2019/12/19 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools, Data, and Resources Roundup – December 2019 Roundup (The Process #69)
2019/12/19 FlowingData
Best visual illusion of the year
2019/12/19 FlowingData
Best Data Visualization Projects of 2019
2019/12/18 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/12/18 Blog on Emil Hvitfeldt
Paletteer version 1.0.0
2019/12/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Horns! Have we reached a new era in skeptical science journalism? I hope so.
2019/12/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Attempts at providing helpful explanations of statistics must avoid instilling misleading or harmful notions: ‘Statistical significance just tells us whether or not something definitely does or definitely doesn’t cause cancer’
2019/12/18 rud.is
Quickly Create (Mostly) Responsive HTML Columns With {htmltools}
2019/12/18 FlowingData
How online school ratings are flawed
2019/12/18 FlowingData
Deaths from child abuse, a starting dataset
2019/12/18 Posts on R-Ladies
Gabriela de Queiroz steps down from the R-Ladies Global Leadership Team
2019/12/18 Gianluca Baio
Two lectureships in Health Economics at UCL
2019/12/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Elon Musk and George Lucas
2019/12/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Response to criticisms of Bayesian statistics
2019/12/17 FlowingData
Color palettes browsable in context
2019/12/17 r4stats.com
SAS Language Clone Now Free for Commercial Use
2019/12/17 Thinking inside the box
BH 1.72.0-2 on CRAN
2019/12/17 Home on Another Random Blog
showcase for responsive DT table
2019/12/17 Home on Another Random Blog
Preparing journal paper draft with Rmarkdown
2019/12/16 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/12/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
‘Sumps and rigor
2019/12/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Beautiful paper on HMMs and derivatives
2019/12/16 FlowingData
Occupation Growth and Decline
2019/12/16 FlowingData
✚ How to Make a Grid Map with Histograms in R, with ggplot
2019/12/16 FlowingData
✚ How to Make Interactive Frequency Trails with D3.js
2019/12/16 Thinking inside the box
BH 1.72.0-1 on CRAN
2019/12/16 blog.sellorm.com
Vector Pre Allocation in R - a Simple Example
2019/12/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Causal inference and within/between person comparisons
2019/12/15 ewen
listening, jul-dec '19
2019/12/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What does it mean when they say there’s a 30% chance of rain?
2019/12/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Oscar win probability as a function of age. And many other things . . .
2019/12/14 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
New Packages on CRAN: tidycwl and biocompute
2019/12/13 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
2019/12/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What happened to the hiccups?
2019/12/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Postdoctoral research position on survey research with us at Columbia School of Social Work
2019/12/13 FlowingData
Using old ship logs as a window into the weather in the 1800s
2019/12/13 FlowingData
Datawrapper updates pricing structure, do more for free
2019/12/12 Bayesian Spectacles
Compensatory Control and Religious Beliefs: A Registered Replication Report Across Two Countries
2019/12/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Judith Rich Harris on the garden of forking paths
2019/12/12 FlowingData
✚ Moratorium On Bar Chart Races; When Impractical Visualization is More Practical (The Process #68)
2019/12/12 FlowingData
Haikus generated based on your map location and OpenStreetMap data
2019/12/12 Gianluca Baio
Come and work with us!
2019/12/12 Gianluca Baio
Better late than never
2019/12/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Macbook Pro (16″ 2019) quick review
2019/12/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Inferential statistics as descriptive statistics”
2019/12/11 FlowingData
Shifts in Job Distribution
2019/12/11 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Mixing mouse and human 10x single cell RNAseq data
2019/12/11 Gianluca Baio
Time to think about the summer
2019/12/10 theoretical ecology
Scientists keep warning, I stopped signing
2019/12/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Deep Origins” and spatial correlations
2019/12/10 FlowingData
AI-generated pies
2019/12/10 r4stats.com
A Comparative Review of the R AnalyticFlow GUI for R
2019/12/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How many Stan users are there?
2019/12/09 Nan-Hung Hsieh
Application of Monte Carlo simulation and Markov Chain Monte Carlo in pharmacokinetic modeling
2019/12/09 Nan-Hung Hsieh
Overview of Pharmacokinetic Models and Computational Toolkits
2019/12/09 FlowingData
Everything in the universe
2019/12/09 Thinking inside the box
RcppClassic 0.9.12
2019/12/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to think about “medical reversals”?
2019/12/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Field goal kicking—like putting in 3D with oblong balls
2019/12/08 Rob J Hyndman
Machine learning applications in time series hierarchical forecasting
2019/12/08 Rob J Hyndman
Predicting the whole distribution with methods for depth data analysis demonstrated on a colorectal cancer treatment study
2019/12/08 Rob J Hyndman
Machine learning applications in time series hierarchical forecasting
2019/12/08 Rob J Hyndman
Predicting the whole distribution with methods for depth data analysis demonstrated on a colorectal cancer treatment study
2019/12/08 一路嘿嘿
ggplot 中文字体
2019/12/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“There is this magic that our DNA enables”
2019/12/07 Thinking inside the box
RDieHarder 0.2.1
2019/12/07 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo 0.9.800.3.0
2019/12/07 Nan-Hung Hsieh on Nan-Hung Hsieh
Overview of Pharmacokinetic Models and Computational Toolkits
2019/12/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The tone problem in psychology
2019/12/06 Freakonometrics
Tarification et individualisation
2019/12/06 FlowingData
All the Foreign Bodies That Got Stuck
2019/12/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Pfizer had clues its blockbuster drug could prevent Alzheimer’s. Why didn’t it tell the world?”
2019/12/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Measuring Fraud and Fairness (Sharad Goel’s two talks at Columbia next week)
2019/12/05 FlowingData
Scroll, scroll, scroll through the depths of the ocean
2019/12/05 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools, Datasets, and Resources — November 2019 Roundup (The Process #67)
2019/12/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s wrong with null hypothesis significance testing
2019/12/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Would Republicans pay a price if they vote to impeach the president? Here’s what we know from 1974.”
2019/12/04 Simply Statistics
Is Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizing Environmental Health?
2019/12/04 FlowingData
Compare your city’s air pollution to the rest of the world
2019/12/03 Bayesian Spectacles
What Makes Science Transparent? A Consensus-Based Checklist
2019/12/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s wrong with Bayes
2019/12/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey—the 2nd-best team in baseball is looking for a Bayesian!
2019/12/03 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Introducing Mark Padgham, rOpenSci’s new Software Research Scientist
2019/12/03 Freakonometrics
Le rôle des actuaires
2019/12/03 FlowingData
Looking for similar NBA games, based on win probability time series
2019/12/03 FlowingData
✚ How to Draw Maps with Hatching Lines in R
2019/12/03 Rob J Hyndman
Fast forecast reconciliation using linear models
2019/12/02 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/12/02 Posts on datascienceblog.net: R for Data Science
Transitioning from Academia to Industry
2019/12/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s wrong with Bayes; What’s wrong with null hypothesis significance testing
2019/12/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Unquestionable Research Practices
2019/12/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A Bayesian view of data augmentation.
2019/12/02 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Improve General Regression Neural Network by Monotonic Binning
2019/12/02 FlowingData
Fashion runway color palette
2019/12/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Some call it MRP, some Mister P, but the full name is . . .”
2019/12/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Don’t believe people who say they can look at your face and tell that you’re lying.
2019/12/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Amazing coincidence! What are the odds?
2019/12/01 Homepage on Joseph Stachelek
Limnology papers year end review 2019
2019/12/01 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Doctoral Forum at Fudan University
2019/12/01 blog.sellorm.com
In Data Science, ML and AI, Words Matter
2019/11/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What comes after Vixra?
2019/11/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When speculating about causes of trends in mortality rates: (a) make sure that what you’re trying to explain has actually been happening, and (b) be clear where your data end and your speculations begin.
2019/11/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
In short, adding more animals to your experiment is fine. The problem is in using statistical significance to make decisions about what to conclude from your data.
2019/11/29 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
GRNN with Small Samples
2019/11/28 Bayesian Spectacles
Preprint: BFpack — Flexible Bayes Factor Testing of Scientific Theories in R
2019/11/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The default prior for logistic regression coefficients in Scikit-learn
2019/11/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Controversies in vaping statistics, leading to a general discussion of dispute resolution in science
2019/11/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Life Expectancy and Mortality Rates in the United States, 1959-2017”
2019/11/27 FlowingData
Traveling Salesman art
2019/11/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why “bigger sample size” is not usually where it’s at.
2019/11/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Machine Learning Under a Modern Optimization Lens” Under a Bayesian Lens
2019/11/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some recent progress in the Stan community
2019/11/26 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rnassqs: accessing USDA agricultural data via API
2019/11/26 FlowingData
Teaching R to 7th graders
2019/11/26 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Modeling single cell RNAseq data with multinomial distribution
2019/11/26 Andriy Koval
Managing Data Analysis with RStudio
2019/11/25 Blog on Emil Hvitfeldt
Refactoring Tests
2019/11/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Should we be suspicious of the vote counting in Bolivia?
2019/11/25 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
NumFOCUS recognizes Melina Vidoni and Will Landau for their contributions to rOpenSci
2019/11/25 FlowingData
How parents spend time with their kids
2019/11/25 FlowingData
2,774 miles traveled by a lone wolf
2019/11/25 Data Se
Pictogram waffle plot using emojifont
2019/11/24 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/11/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Why We Sleep” update: some thoughts while we wait for Matthew Walker to respond to Alexey Guzey’s criticisms
2019/11/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A reduction in error rate of 400-600%: Pretty good, huh?
2019/11/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Whether something is statistically significant is itself a very random feature of data, so in this case you’re essentially outsourcing your modeling decision to a random number”
2019/11/24 Data Se
How to draw a waffle plot
2019/11/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Psychological Methods Feed
2019/11/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
No, Bayes does not like Mayor Pete. (Pitfalls of using implied betting market odds to estimate electability.)
2019/11/23 Jozef's Rblog
Using Spark from R for performance with arbitrary code - Part 5 - Exploring the invoke API from R with Java reflection and examining invokes with logs
2019/11/23 free range statistics
Cost-benefit analysis in R
2019/11/23 Thinking inside the box
digest 0.6.23: More sha1 refinements
2019/11/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What happens when frauds are outed because of whistleblowing?
2019/11/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Econometrics postdoc and computational statistics postdoc openings here in the Stan group at Columbia
2019/11/22 FlowingData
Hours of daylight mapped as a function of latitude and time of year
2019/11/21 Bayesian Spectacles
Crowdsourcing Hypothesis Tests: The Bayesian Perspective
2019/11/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What does a “statistically significant difference in mortality rates” mean when you’re trying to decide where to send your kid for heart surgery?
2019/11/21 FlowingData
Quietest highway route in each state
2019/11/21 FlowingData
✚ Bar Chart Baselines Don’t Have to Start at Zero? (The Process #66)
2019/11/21 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
negative bionomial distribution in (single-cell) RNAseq
2019/11/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s the evidence on the effectiveness of psychotherapy?
2019/11/20 FlowingData
Data life cycle
2019/11/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stan saves Australians $20 billion
2019/11/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Break out the marshmallows, friends: Ego depletion is due to change sign!
2019/11/19 Freakonometrics
Exposé à la banque de France – Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR)
2019/11/19 Freakonometrics
PhD Defense and Talk at the Chaire PARI Seminar
2019/11/19 FlowingData
KPI overload
2019/11/19 Data Se
Plotting functions in 3d
2019/11/19 Data Se
Plotting functions in 3D in R
2019/11/19 Data Se
Correlation cannot be more extreme than +1/-1, proof using Cauchy-Schwarz inequality
2019/11/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My talk at Yale this Thursday
2019/11/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Is Matthew Walker’s “Why We Sleep” Riddled with Scientific and Factual Errors?
2019/11/18 Freakonometrics
Talks at the ESSEC Seminar, Paris
2019/11/18 FlowingData
Salary and Occupation
2019/11/18 FlowingData
✚ How to Make a Bump Chart in R, with ggplot
2019/11/18 FlowingData
✚ How to Make a Multi-Series Dot Plot in Excel
2019/11/18 Thinking inside the box
ttdo 0.0.4: Extension
2019/11/18 Nan-Hung Hsieh on Nan-Hung Hsieh
Concentration-response modeling of in vitro bioactivity data from complex mixtures of priority Superfund compounds
2019/11/18 Data Se
Some intution on the Gaussian distribution formula
2019/11/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
In research as in negotiation: Be willing to walk away, don’t paint yourself into a corner, leave no hostages to fortune
2019/11/16 Posts on Hao Zhu
Setting up Jupyter Notebook on an AWS machine without admin access
2019/11/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why do a within-person rather than a between-person experiment?
2019/11/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Ballot order effects in the news; I’m skeptical of the claimed 5% effect.
2019/11/16 Freakonometrics
On my way to Paris, France
2019/11/16 Thinking inside the box
2019/11/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Zombie semantics spread in the hope of keeping most on the same low road you are comfortable with now: Delaying the hardship of learning better methodology.
2019/11/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Should we mind if authorship is falsified?
2019/11/15 FlowingData
Making the most detailed map of auto emissions in America
2019/11/14 Bayesian Spectacles
Preprint: Practical Challenges and Methodological Flexibility in Prior Elicitation
2019/11/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Is “abandon statistical significance” like organically fed, free-range chicken?
2019/11/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I (inadvertently) misrepresented others’ research in a way that made my story sound better.
2019/11/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Dow Jones probability calculation
2019/11/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Call for Paper proposals for the American Political Science Association: Symposium on Forecasting the 2020 American National Elections
2019/11/14 Home on Xianying's Blog
2019/11/14 Home on Xianying's Blog
2019/11/14 Freakonometrics
On my way to Waterloo, Ontario
2019/11/14 FlowingData
Why scientists need to be better at visualization
2019/11/14 FlowingData
✚ The Best Visualization Course I Ever Took; Membership Update with New Points of View (The Process #65)
2019/11/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What if it’s never decorative gourd season?
2019/11/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Instead of replicating studies with problems, let’s replicate the good studies. (Consider replication as an honor, not an attack.)
2019/11/13 FlowingData
Map of nighttime lights normalized by population
2019/11/13 FlowingData
Growing Your Visualization Toolset (and Mine), a FlowingData Membership Update
2019/11/13 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
negative binomial distribution
2019/11/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
To do: Construct a build-your-own-relevant-statistics-class kit.
2019/11/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Participate in Brazilian Reproducibility Initiative—even if you don’t live in South America!
2019/11/12 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Community Call - Last Night, Testing Saved my Life
2019/11/12 FlowingData
How Much You Should Be Saving for Retirement
2019/11/12 Thinking inside the box
RcppAnnoy 0.0.14
2019/11/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The hot hand and playing hurt
2019/11/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey! Participants in survey experiments aren’t paying attention.
2019/11/11 Pat's blog (data science)
Reproducibility of parallel tasks in R
2019/11/11 FlowingData
xkcd-style charts in JavaScript
2019/11/11 Gianluca Baio
A Bayesian hierarchical framework to evaluate policy effects through quasi-experimental designs
2019/11/11 Data Se
Some notes on data transformations for regression
2019/11/11 Data Se
Most important asssumption in linear models ... and the second most
2019/11/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When Prediction Markets Fail
2019/11/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Australian polls failed. They didn’t do Mister P.
2019/11/09 Jozef's Rblog
Using Spark from R for performance with arbitrary code - Part 4 - Using the lower-level invoke API to manipulate Spark's Java objects from R
2019/11/09 Econometrics and Free Software
Intrumental variable regression and machine learning
2019/11/09 Thinking inside the box
Rcpp 1.0.3: More Spit and Polish
2019/11/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Battle for the headline: Hype and the effect of statistical significance on the ability of journalists to engage in critical thinking
2019/11/08 FlowingData
Saving for Retirement and Age
2019/11/08 FlowingData
Paying for Elizabeth Warren’s proposed policies
2019/11/08 free range statistics
A small simple random sample will often be better than a huge not-so-random one
2019/11/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“I’m sick on account I just ate a TV dinner.”
2019/11/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Padres need Stan
2019/11/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Epic Pubpeer thread continues
2019/11/07 Freakonometrics
S’ennuyer en cours de maths…
2019/11/07 Freakonometrics
Repenser la responsabilité, et la causalité
2019/11/07 FlowingData
Sephora dataset is a collection of makeup reviews that mention crying
2019/11/07 FlowingData
Randall Munroe of xkcd on Data Stories
2019/11/07 FlowingData
✚ Cleaning and Formatting Data, What I Use (The Process #64)
2019/11/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Have prices have risen more quickly for people at the bottom of the income distribution than for those at the top? Lefty window-breakers wait impatiently while economists struggle to resolve this dispute.
2019/11/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Columbia statistics department is hiring!
2019/11/06 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Announces a New Award From The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to Improve the Scientific Package Ecosystem for R
2019/11/06 FlowingData
Data shelf life
2019/11/06 Andriy Koval
Implementing Reproducible Visualizations
2019/11/05 Bayesian Spectacles
A Breakdown of “Preregistration is Redundant, at Best”
2019/11/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The incentives are all wrong (causal inference edition)
2019/11/05 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
tidync: scientific array data from NetCDF in R
2019/11/05 Freakonometrics
Des modeles prédictifs en assurance
2019/11/05 FlowingData
Daylight Saving Time gripe assistant tool
2019/11/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The paper has been blind peer-reviewed and published in a highly reputable journal, which is the gold standard in scientific corroboration. Thus, all protocol was followed to the letter and the work is officially supported.”
2019/11/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Filling/emptying the half empty/full glass of profitable science: Different views on retiring versus retaining thresholds for statistical significance.
2019/11/04 FlowingData
Scale of space browser
2019/11/03 Posts on datascienceblog.net: R for Data Science
Studying Bioinformatics: Is it Worth it?
2019/11/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to teach sensible elementary statistics to lower-division undergraduates?
2019/11/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey, Stan power users! PlayStation is Hiring.
2019/11/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The dropout rate in his survey is over 60%. What should he do? I suggest MRP.
2019/11/02 Econometrics and Free Software
Multiple data imputation and explainability
2019/11/02 free range statistics
Re-creating survey microdata from marginal totals
2019/11/02 Thinking inside the box
binb 0.0.5: More improvements
2019/11/01 The Coatless Professor
Advice for Students Looking for a Job in Data Science
2019/11/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The climate economics echo chamber: Gremlins and the people (including a Nobel prize winner) who support them
2019/11/01 FlowingData
How people laugh online
2019/10/31 Bayesian Spectacles
How to Evaluate a Subjective Prior Objectively
2019/10/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When did “by” become “after”?
2019/10/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The 5,000 Retractions of Dr. E
2019/10/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I’m no expert
2019/10/31 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
2019/10/31 flujoo
2019/10/31 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools, Datasets, and Resources, October 2019 Roundup (The Process #63)
2019/10/31 FlowingData
Mapping chemical plants, the pollution around them, and more chemical plants
2019/10/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Software for multilevel conjoint analysis in marketing
2019/10/30 FlowingData
When Americans Reach $100k in Savings
2019/10/30 L. Collado-Torres
Characterizing the dynamic and functional DNA methylation landscape in the developing human cortex
2019/10/30 Posts on Brodie Gaslam
Visualizing Algorithms
2019/10/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Non-randomly missing data is hard, or why weights won’t solve your survey problems and you need to think generatively
2019/10/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Kool-aid != Dogfood, and Certainty is no substitute for knowledge.
2019/10/29 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
(Re)introducing skimr v2 - A year in the life of an open source R project
2019/10/29 Rob J Hyndman
The journal game
2019/10/29 FlowingData
Worst performing circuits mapped with fire risk
2019/10/29 FlowingData
High-resolution satellite image of Kincade fire, up close from far away
2019/10/29 Rob J Hyndman
The journal game
2019/10/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What happens to your metabolism when you eat ultra-processed foods?
2019/10/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Is Statistics Good for Democracy?
2019/10/28 rud.is
Spelunking macOS ‘ScreenTime’ App Usage with R
2019/10/28 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
2019/10/28 FlowingData
The Myth of ‘Dumbing Down’
2019/10/28 FlowingData
Kincade fire in Sonoma County via satellite imagery
2019/10/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Many Ways to Lasso
2019/10/27 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
2019/10/27 Thinking inside the box
littler 0.3.9: More nice new features
2019/10/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Any research object with a strong and obvious series of inconsistencies may be deemed too inaccurate to trust, irrespective of their source. In other words, the description of inconsistency makes no presumption about the source of that inconsistency.”
2019/10/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
It’s Job City today for Bayesians: University of Michigan wants to hire you too!
2019/10/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Givewell is hiring; wants someone to help figure out how to give well; Bayesian methods may be relevant here
2019/10/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Afternoon decision fatigue
2019/10/25 FlowingData
Visualizing the Friends sitcom
2019/10/25 FlowingData
How Charts Lie
2019/10/25 FlowingData
✚ How to Use IPUMS Extraction Tools to Download Survey Data
2019/10/24 Bayesian Spectacles
Did Alan Turing Invent the Bayes factor?
2019/10/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The devil’s in the details…and also in the broad strokes. Is this study ridiculous, or am I badly misjudging it?
2019/10/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Causal Processes in Psychology Are Heterogeneous”
2019/10/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Alternative titles for Regression and Other Stories
2019/10/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
We’re hiring an econ postdoc!
2019/10/24 Lijin Zhang
2019/10/24 FlowingData
✚ Analysis as Detective Work (The Process #62)
2019/10/24 FlowingData
Cleaning your data with Excel and Google Spreadsheets
2019/10/24 Thinking inside the box
dang 0.0.11: Small improvements
2019/10/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Bullshitters. Who Are They and What Do We Know about Their Lives?”
2019/10/23 Freakonometrics
Principal Component Analysis: A Generalized Gini Approach
2019/10/23 FlowingData
Photographs from above, an Overview
2019/10/23 Thinking inside the box
linl 0.0.4: Now with footer
2019/10/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The Role of Nature versus Nurture in Wealth and Other Economic Outcomes and Behaviors”
2019/10/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayesian analysis of data collected sequentially: it’s easy, just include as predictors in the model any variables that go into the stopping rule.
2019/10/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Statistician positions at RAND
2019/10/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2019/10/22 FlowingData
Mapping When and Where People Start their Commute
2019/10/22 FlowingData
How data changes the design process at every stage
2019/10/22 Thinking inside the box
pkgKitten 0.1.5: Creating R Packages that purr
2019/10/22 Posts on R-Ladies
R-Ladies Global's response to the DataCamp Assessment Report
2019/10/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Starting at the beginning again can be exhausting and stressful. But, opportunities are finally coming into focus . . .”
2019/10/21 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rmangal: making ecological networks easily accessible
2019/10/21 FlowingData
Scientology city takeover
2019/10/21 Thinking inside the box
digest 0.6.22: More goodies!
2019/10/21 Data Se
Some ways for plotting 3D linear models
2019/10/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
He’s looking for a Bayesian book
2019/10/20 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Permutation Feature Importance (PFI) of GRNN
2019/10/20 Thinking inside the box
RcppGSL 0.3.7: Fixes and updates
2019/10/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Social science plaig update
2019/10/19 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Partial Dependence Plot (PDP) of GRNN
2019/10/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The real lesson learned from those academic hoaxes: a key part of getting a paper published in a scholarly journal is to be able to follow the conventions of the journal. And some people happen to be good at that, irrespective of the content of the papers being submitted.
2019/10/18 Freakonometrics
De l’abus de notation dans les modèles de régression
2019/10/18 FlowingData
Microsoft’s visual data explorer SandDance open sourced
2019/10/18 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasts are always wrong
2019/10/17 Bayesian Spectacles
“Prior Distributions for Objective Bayesian Analysis”
2019/10/17 Jay's Notes
R Markdown centered data analysis workflow
2019/10/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Here’s an interesting story right in your sweet spot”
2019/10/17 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
2 Months in 2 Minutes - rOpenSci News, October 2019
2019/10/17 Rob J Hyndman
Non-Gaussian forecasting using fable
2019/10/17 FlowingData
Techniques for adding context to visualization
2019/10/17 FlowingData
✚ Less Time With Methods, More Time With Questions and Context (The Process #61)
2019/10/17 Rob J Hyndman
Non-Gaussian forecasting using fable
2019/10/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The status-reversal heuristic
2019/10/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My talk on visualization and data science this Sunday 9am
2019/10/16 FlowingData
How Much Commuting is Too Much?
2019/10/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to think scientifically about scientists’ proposals for fixing science
2019/10/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The virtue of fake universes: A purposeful and safe way to explain empirical inference.
2019/10/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A heart full of hatred: 8 schools edition
2019/10/15 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Merge MLP And CNN in Keras
2019/10/15 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
What are Your Use Cases for rOpenSci Tools and Resources?
2019/10/15 Freakonometrics
Machine Learning and Econometrics
2019/10/15 FlowingData
Study retracted after finding a mistaken recoding of the data
2019/10/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Rachel Tanur Memorial Prize for Visual Sociology
2019/10/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Poetry corner
2019/10/14 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Assess Variable Importance In GRNN
2019/10/14 FlowingData
FiveThirtyEight launches new NBA metric for predictions
2019/10/14 Posts on John (JP) Coene
2019/10/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When presenting a new method, talk about its failure modes.
2019/10/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The best is the enemy of the good. It is also the enemy of the not so good.
2019/10/13 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Hyper-Parameter Optimization of General Regression Neural Networks
2019/10/13 Econometrics and Free Software
Cluster multiple time series using K-means
2019/10/12 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/10/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
On the term “self-appointed” . . .
2019/10/12 Julia Silge
Opioid prescribing habits in Texas
2019/10/12 Jozef's Rblog
Using Spark from R for performance with arbitrary code - Part 3 - Using R to construct SQL queries and let Spark execute them
2019/10/12 Freakonometrics
On my way to Chicago
2019/10/12 Thinking inside the box
GitHub Streak: Round Six
2019/10/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s the p-value good for: I answer some questions.
2019/10/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Elsevier > Association for Psychological Science
2019/10/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Dan’s Paper Corner: Yes! It does work!
2019/10/11 FlowingData
Fall foliage colors mapped
2019/10/11 Data Se
P-values are equally distributed under the H0, a simulation
2019/10/10 Bayesian Spectacles
Book Review of “Bayesian Probability for Babies”
2019/10/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Automation and judgment, from the rational animal to the irrational machine
2019/10/10 FlowingData
✚ How Intentions Changed How People Read the Same Map (The Process #60)
2019/10/10 FlowingData
PG&E providing shapefiles, instead of a working map for shutoffs
2019/10/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Glenn Shafer: “The Language of Betting as a Strategy for Statistical and Scientific Communication”
2019/10/09 R Psychologist
Mediation, confounding, and measurement error
2019/10/09 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasts are always wrong (but we need them anyway)
2019/10/09 FlowingData
GitHub contribution graph to show burnout
2019/10/09 FlowingData
Fixing the ‘impeach this’ map with a transition to a cartogram
2019/10/09 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo 0.9.800.1.0
2019/10/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stan contract jobs!
2019/10/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My talk at the Brookings Institution this Fri 11am
2019/10/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
BizStat: Modeling performance indicators for deals
2019/10/08 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Dev Guide 0.3.0: Updates
2019/10/08 Freakonometrics
On my way to Madison, Wisconsin
2019/10/08 FlowingData
With terminal cancer, a patient tracks drug dose in a dashboard over her final days
2019/10/08 FlowingData
✚ How to Make Animated Visualization GIFs with ImageMagick
2019/10/08 楚新元个人主页
2019/10/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Are statistical nitpickers (e.g., Kaiser Fung and me) getting the way of progress or even serving the forces of evil?
2019/10/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Carol Nickerson
2019/10/07 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
2019/10/07 FlowingData
The early beginnings of visual thinking
2019/10/07 FlowingData
Animated line chart to show the rich paying less taxes
2019/10/07 Data Se
Some algebraic properties of z-scores
2019/10/07 Data Se
Simple proof that the correlation coefficient cannot exceed abs(1)
2019/10/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
More on that 4/20 road rage researcher: Dude could be a little less amused, a little more willing to realize he could be on the wrong track with a lot of his research.
2019/10/06 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Building Regularized Logistic Regressions from Scratch with Computational Graphs in R
2019/10/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Kaiser Fung suggests “20 paper ideas pre-approved for prestigious journals”
2019/10/05 Econometrics and Free Software
Split-apply-combine for Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a linear model
2019/10/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Golf example now a Stan case study!
2019/10/04 FlowingData
Differences between enterprise data visualization and data journalism
2019/10/04 Alison Hill
Plot Twist: 10 Bake Offs, Visualized 11 Ways
2019/10/03 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
An Introduction to xfun
2019/10/03 Bayesian Spectacles
Progesterone in Women with Bleeding in Early Pregnancy: Absence of Evidence, Not Evidence of Absence
2019/10/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
P-value of 10^-74 disappears
2019/10/03 Freakonometrics
Combining automatically factor levels with trees
2019/10/03 Freakonometrics
On leverage
2019/10/03 FlowingData
✚ Visualization for Analysis vs. Visualization for an Audience (The Process #59)
2019/10/03 FlowingData
Game: How many US cities can you name?
2019/10/02 The Coatless Professor
uiucthemes v0.3.0 Released - Illinois-themed Metropolis HTML and Beamer Templates
2019/10/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Map Is Not The Territory
2019/10/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Schoolmarms and lightning bolts: Data faker meets Edge foundation in an unintentional reveal of problems with the Great Man model of science
2019/10/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Jeff Leek: “Data science education as an economic and public health intervention – how statisticians can lead change in the world”
2019/10/02 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
Peak Experience
2019/10/02 Posts on Maëlle's R blog
Goodbye, Disqus! Hello, Utterances!
2019/10/02 FlowingData
The ‘impeach this’ map has some issues
2019/10/02 FlowingData
Animating a lot of dots with WebGL and REGL.js
2019/10/02 Alison Hill
The Art of Literate Projecting
2019/10/01 Blog on Emil Hvitfeldt
Manipulating colors with {prismatic}
2019/10/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Less Wow and More How in Social Psychology”
2019/10/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
That study about the health risks of red meat: An excellent news report
2019/10/01 FlowingData
Diverging line plot as the perfect comic
2019/10/01 Nan-Hung Hsieh on Nan-Hung Hsieh
Uncertainty, Variability, and Sensitivity Analyses in Toxicological Modeling
2019/09/30 The Coatless Professor
RcppEnsmallen v0. Released - Backwards compatibility and vignette example!
2019/09/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Troubling Trends in Machine Learning Scholarship”
2019/09/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Many perspectives on Deborah Mayo’s “Statistical Inference as Severe Testing: How to Get Beyond the Statistics Wars”
2019/09/30 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Modeling Practices of Operational Losses in CCAR
2019/09/30 FlowingData
Pixelation to represent endangered species counts
2019/09/30 Alison Hill
Communicating with R Markdown Workshop
2019/09/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Here’s a supercool controversy for ya
2019/09/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Convergence diagnostics for Markov chain simulation
2019/09/29 Rob J Hyndman
Tidy forecasting in R
2019/09/29 Rob J Hyndman
Tidy forecasting in R
2019/09/29 Blog on Credibly Curious
Just Quickly: The unexpected use of functions as arguments
2019/09/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Controversies in the theory of measurement in mathematical psychology
2019/09/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Columbia statistics department hiring teachers and researchers
2019/09/28 朴素
2019/09/28 Freakonometrics
“Tout est poison, rien n’est poison : c’est la dose qui fait le poison”
2019/09/28 Data Se
Looping over function arguments using purrr
2019/09/27 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/09/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Econ corner: A rational reason (beyond the usual “risk aversion” or concave utility function) for wanting to minimize future uncertainty in a decision-making setting
2019/09/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I’m hyper-organized when writing but disorganized when teaching.
2019/09/27 rud.is
100% Stacked Chicklets
2019/09/27 Rob J Hyndman
Feature-based time series analysis
2019/09/27 Rob J Hyndman
Tidy time series analysis in R
2019/09/27 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
论文写作中如何取悦读者、主编、和自己 ?
2019/09/27 FlowingData
Detailed generative art in R
2019/09/27 Rob J Hyndman
Feature-based time series analysis
2019/09/27 Rob J Hyndman
Tidy time series analysis in R
2019/09/26 Bayesian Spectacles
Preprint: Laypeople Can Predict Which Social Science Studies Replicate
2019/09/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Glenn Shafer tells us about the origins of “statistical significance”
2019/09/26 Rob J Hyndman
Tidy time series analysis in R
2019/09/26 FlowingData
Street suffixes show the organization of cities
2019/09/26 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Resources, September 2019 Roundup (The Process #58)
2019/09/26 Alison Hill
Take a Sad Plot & Make It Better
2019/09/26 L. Collado-Torres
Divergent neuronal DNA methylation patterns across human cortical development reveal critical periods and a unique role of CpH methylation
2019/09/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Junk science and fake news: Similarities and differences
2019/09/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Chow and Greenland: “Unconditional Interpretations of Statistics”
2019/09/25 Freakonometrics
Intelligence artificielle et assurance IARD
2019/09/25 FlowingData
Statistical fallacies in the news
2019/09/25 FlowingData
Analysis of street network orientation in cities
2019/09/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Persistent metabolic youth in the aging female brain”??
2019/09/24 FlowingData
Jewelry based on your GPS traces
2019/09/23 Posts | Xiaokai's Notebook
2019/09/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
They misreport their experiments and don’t fess up when they’ve been caught.
2019/09/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Funny citation-year thing
2019/09/23 Julia Silge
(Re)Launching my supervised machine learning course
2019/09/23 FlowingData
History of Tetris randomizers
2019/09/23 FlowingData
AI-generated faces as stock photos
2019/09/23 Thinking inside the box
RcppAnnoy 0.0.13
2019/09/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bank Shot
2019/09/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The State of the Art
2019/09/21 rud.is
RSwitch 1.5.1 Released
2019/09/21 Jozef's Rblog
Using Spark from R for performance with arbitrary code - Part 2 - Constructing functions by piping dplyr verbs
2019/09/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Suppose that you work in a restaurant…”
2019/09/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Challenge of A/B testing in the presence of network and spillover effects
2019/09/20 FlowingData
AI-generated voice used to fake phone call and steal money
2019/09/20 Thinking inside the box
digest 0.6.21
2019/09/20 一路嘿嘿
2019/09/20 一路嘿嘿
浅析ggplot `aes(group=var)`的用法
2019/09/19 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/09/19 Bayesian Spectacles
Book Review of “Thinking in Bets”, Part 2 of 2
2019/09/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Laplace Calling
2019/09/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Dan’s Paper Corner: Can we model scientific discovery and what can we learn from the process?
2019/09/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Josh Miller’s alternative, more intuitive, formulation of Monty Hall problem
2019/09/19 FlowingData
✚ Reddit Follow-up; Chart Like Nobody’s Looking (The Process #57)
2019/09/19 FlowingData
How well players drafted in fantasy football
2019/09/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Superior: The Return of Race Science,” by Angela Saini
2019/09/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Brief summary notes on Statistical Thinking for enabling better review of clinical trials.
2019/09/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
All the names for hierarchical and multilevel modeling
2019/09/18 FlowingData
Who owns the most land in the U.S.
2019/09/18 楚新元个人主页
2019/09/18 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/09/18 L. Collado-Torres
Windows user space issues with installing R packages
2019/09/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Statistical Inference Enables Bad Science; Statistical Thinking Enables Good Science”
2019/09/17 Rob J Hyndman
A feature-based procedure for detecting technical outliers in water-quality data from in situ sensors
2019/09/17 FlowingData
Sprawling flood waters across the Midwest and South
2019/09/17 Rob J Hyndman
A feature-based framework for detecting technical outliers in water-quality data from in situ sensors
2019/09/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Harking, Sharking, Tharking
2019/09/16 Rob J Hyndman
Feature-based time series analysis
2019/09/16 FlowingData
School diversity visualized with moving bubbles
2019/09/16 Rob J Hyndman
Feature-based time series analysis
2019/09/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Boston Globe Columnist Suspended During Investigation Of Marathon Bombing Stories That Don’t Add Up”
2019/09/15 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Develop Performance Benchmark with GRNN
2019/09/15 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
用 layout() 进行图形组合
2019/09/15 Thinking inside the box
pinp 0.0.9: Real Fix and Polish
2019/09/15 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/09/14 Posts on Hao Zhu
Implementing Gaussian Process in Python and R
2019/09/14 The Coatless Professor
Overriding RStudio's Startup Hook inside Rprofile
2019/09/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I think that science is mostly “Brezhnevs.” It’s rare to see a “Gorbachev” who will abandon a paradigm just because it doesn’t do the job. Also, moving beyond naive falsificationism
2019/09/14 rud.is
Twitter “Account Analysis” in R
2019/09/14 rud.is
September 2019 Democratic Debates Added to {ggchicklet}
2019/09/14 rud.is
RSwitch 1.5.0 Release Now Also Corrals RStudio Server Connections
2019/09/14 朴素
Markdown 使用总结
2019/09/14 Main on Blog Jemu
Yes yes yes no
2019/09/14 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/09/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Deterministic thinking (“dichotomania”): a problem in how we think, not just in how we act
2019/09/13 FlowingData
Sleep Schedule, From the Inconsistent Teenage Years to Retirement
2019/09/13 Thinking inside the box
ttdo 0.0.3: New package
2019/09/12 Bayesian Spectacles
Book Review of “Thinking in Bets”, Part 1 of 2
2019/09/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The uncanny valley of Malcolm Gladwell
2019/09/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My math is rusty
2019/09/12 FlowingData
Stacking Apple apps in the App Store
2019/09/12 FlowingData
✚ That Time My Chart Was on the Reddit Front Page and Everyone Hated It (The Process #56)
2019/09/12 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
My opinionated selection of books/urls for bioinformatics/data science curriculum
2019/09/12 Alison Hill
R Markdown for Medicine Workshop
2019/09/12 Alison Hill
R Markdown for Medicine
2019/09/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Let’s try this again: It is nonsense to say that we don’t know whether a specific weather event was affected by climate change. It’s not just wrong, it’s nonsensical.
2019/09/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Exchange with Deborah Mayo on abandoning statistical significance
2019/09/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I hate Bayes factors (when they’re used for null hypothesis significance testing)
2019/09/11 朴素
Hyper-V 使用总结
2019/09/11 FlowingData
Statistical uncertainty as certainty
2019/09/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Was Thomas Kuhn evil? I don’t really care.
2019/09/10 FlowingData
All of the plastic bottles purchased in a day, Eiffel Tower for scale
2019/09/10 FlowingData
NOAA chief scientist highlights the forecast contradiction
2019/09/10 FlowingData
A sim to show self-driving car challenges
2019/09/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Here’s a puzzle: Why did the U.S. doctor tell me to drink more wine and the French doctor tell me to drink less?
2019/09/09 FlowingData
Looking at the Amazon fires wrong
2019/09/09 Data Se
Slides for my workshop on Markdown and Git
2019/09/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Here’s why you need to bring a rubber band to every class you teach, every time.
2019/09/08 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
学习怎么用 R 画多边形
2019/09/08 Thinking inside the box
pinp 0.0.8: Bugfix
2019/09/07 The Coatless Professor
RcppEnsmallen v0. Released - Callbacks added and more types!
2019/09/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Things I didn’t have time to talk about yesterday at the Metascience conference
2019/09/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A world of Wansinks in medical research: “So I guess what I’m trying to get at is I wonder how common it is for clinicians to rely on med students to do their data analysis for them, and how often this work then gets published”
2019/09/07 一路嘿嘿
ggplot 修改离散坐标的顺序
2019/09/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
It’s not just p=0.048 vs. p=0.052
2019/09/06 FlowingData
Restless Sleep With Age
2019/09/06 FlowingData
Quiet Observer
2019/09/06 free range statistics
Poisson point processes, mass shootings and clumping
2019/09/05 Bayesian Spectacles
Redefine Statistical Significance XVIII: A Shockingly Honest Counterargument
2019/09/05 The Coatless Professor
Installing Hugo on Dreamhost's Ubuntu 18.04LTS version
2019/09/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The ladder of social science reasoning, 4 statements in increasing order of generality, or Why didn’t they say they were sorry when it turned out they’d messed up?
2019/09/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Calibration and sharpness?
2019/09/05 FlowingData
✚ Straying from the Blue-Pink Color Scheme to Represent Gender in Visualization (The Process #55)
2019/09/05 FlowingData
Bird’s-eye view of D3.js
2019/09/05 Blog Jemu
Bookdown is neat and automation is hard
2019/09/05 一路嘿嘿
git rebase 变基提交
2019/09/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My talk at the Metascience symposium Fri 6 Sep
2019/09/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
More golf putting, leading to a discussion of how prior information can be important for an out-of-sample prediction or causal inference problem, even if it’s not needed to fit existing data
2019/09/04 FlowingData
Useful and not so useful Statistics
2019/09/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“There is no way to prove that [an extreme weather event] either was, or was not, affected by global warming.”
2019/09/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Wife
2019/09/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The methods playroom: Mondays 11-12:30
2019/09/03 Freakonometrics
Big Data, GAFA et Assurance
2019/09/03 FlowingData
What that hurricane map means
2019/09/03 FlowingData
Gallery of uncertainty visualization methods
2019/09/03 Econometrics and Free Software
{disk.frame} is epic
2019/09/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
He says it again, but more vividly.
2019/09/02 朴素
LaTeX 使用总结
2019/09/02 FlowingData
Map shows long-term record of fires around the world
2019/09/02 Thinking inside the box
RcppArmadillo 0.9.700.2.0
2019/09/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayesian post-selection inference
2019/09/01 rud.is
RSwitch 1.4.1 Released
2019/08/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Is the effect they found too large to believe? (the effect of breakfast macronutrients on social decisions)
2019/08/31 Jozef's Rblog
Using Spark from R for performance with arbitrary code - Part 1 - Spark SQL translation, custom functions, and Arrow
2019/08/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Seeking postdoc (or contractor) for next generation Stan language research and development
2019/08/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“I am a writer for our school newspaper, the BHS Blueprint, and I am writing an article about our school’s new growth mindset initiative.”
2019/08/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s the origin of the term “chasing noise” as applying to overinterpreting noisy patterns in data?
2019/08/30 Rob J Hyndman
Time series graphics using feasts
2019/08/30 FlowingData
Where salaries stretch the farthest
2019/08/30 Rob J Hyndman
Time series graphics using feasts
2019/08/29 Bayesian Spectacles
A Cartoon to Explain How Blinding Works
2019/08/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When people make up victim stories
2019/08/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How much of the change from 2016 was due to different people voting vs. the same people changing their vote choice?
2019/08/29 Rob J Hyndman
Tidy time series data using tsibbles
2019/08/29 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Resources, August 2019 Roundup (The Process #54)
2019/08/29 FlowingData
Optimizing a Pokémon team with simulation
2019/08/29 Rob J Hyndman
Tidy time series data using tsibbles
2019/08/29 Thinking inside the box
anytime 0.3.6
2019/08/28 test on Robin Lovelace's website. Energy. Transport. Technology. Change the World.
CASA summer school on geographic data
2019/08/28 Eryk Walczak
PostcodesioR 0.1.1 is on CRAN
2019/08/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Beyond Power Calculations: Some questions, some answers
2019/08/28 Simply Statistics
You can replicate almost any plot with R
2019/08/28 FlowingData
The Most Gender-Switched Names in US History
2019/08/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“No, cardiac arrests are not more common on Monday mornings, study finds”
2019/08/27 Simply Statistics
So You Want to Start a Podcast
2019/08/27 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Using rOpenSci Software Peer Review Guidelines for Teaching
2019/08/27 FlowingData
Cartogram of where presidential candidates campaign
2019/08/27 Jan's Page
Convergence of SMACOF
2019/08/27 Jan's Page
Blast from the Past
2019/08/27 Data Se
Computing rater accuracy across multiple raters and multiple criteria
2019/08/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
More on the piranha problem, the butterfly effect, unintended consequences, and the push-a-button, take-a-pill model of science
2019/08/26 rud.is
RSwitch 1.4.0 Released
2019/08/26 Blog on Kevin Davenport Engineering & ML blog
Anchorage, Alaska
2019/08/26 Julia Silge
Practice using lubridate... THEATRICALLY
2019/08/26 FlowingData
Where and why the Amazon rainforest is on fire
2019/08/26 FlowingData
Detected fires in the Amazon rain forest, monthly
2019/08/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The importance of talking about the importance of measurement: It depends on the subfield
2019/08/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Forming a hyper-precise numerical summary during a research crisis can improve an article’s chance of achieving its publication goals.
2019/08/25 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Dummy Is As Dummy Does
2019/08/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
More on why Cass Sunstein should be thanking, not smearing, people who ask for replications
2019/08/24 free range statistics
Inferring a continuous distribution from binned data
2019/08/24 Thinking inside the box
RcppExamples 0.1.9
2019/08/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Yes, you can include prior information on quantities of interest, not just on parameters in your model
2019/08/23 rud.is
Polyglot FizzBuzz in R (Plus: “Why Can’t Johnny Code?”)
2019/08/23 rud.is
Improvements to RSwitch in v1.3.0
2019/08/23 Rob J Hyndman
Predicting sediment and nutrient concentrations from high-frequency water-quality data
2019/08/23 FlowingData
History of slavery in America
2019/08/23 Rob J Hyndman
Predicting sediment and nutrient concentrations in rivers using high-frequency water quality surrogates
2019/08/23 Jan's Page
2019/08/22 怡然轩
2019/08/22 Bayesian Spectacles
Flexible Yet Fair: Blinding Analyses in Experimental Psychology
2019/08/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stancon is happening now.
2019/08/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Multilevel structured (regression) and post-stratification
2019/08/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Coney Island
2019/08/22 rud.is
Quick Hit: A new 64-bit Swift 5 RSwitch App
2019/08/22 FlowingData
✚ Chart Different, Then Adjust (The Process #53)
2019/08/22 FlowingData
How much warmer your city will get
2019/08/22 FlowingData
✚ How to Make a Polar Density Plot in R
2019/08/22 Posts on Brodie Gaslam
Hydra Chronicles Part V: Loose Ends
2019/08/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
You should (usually) log transform your positive data
2019/08/21 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting is not prophecy: dealing with high-dimensional probabilistic forecasts in practice
2019/08/21 FlowingData
People who answer “don’t know” to obvious questions
2019/08/21 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting is not prophecy: dealing with high-dimensional probabilistic forecasts in practice
2019/08/21 Thinking inside the box
Rcpp now used by 1750 CRAN packages
2019/08/21 Jan's Page
Fitting Distances by Least Squares
2019/08/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Did that “bottomless soup bowl” experiment ever happen?
2019/08/20 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Introducing Open Forensic Science in R
2019/08/20 FlowingData
Fantasy football draft rankings, with weekly projections
2019/08/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The issue of how to report the statistics is one that we thought about deeply, and I am quite sure we reported them correctly.”
2019/08/19 FlowingData
Democratic candidates who Iowa fairgoers could name
2019/08/19 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Harvard FAS informatics nanocourse
2019/08/19 Thinking inside the box
RcppQuantuccia 0.0.3
2019/08/19 Jan's Page
I am a Rock, I am an Island
2019/08/19 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/08/18 Posts on Home
2019/08/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“I feel like the really solid information therein comes from non or negative correlations”
2019/08/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What can be learned from this study?
2019/08/17 Rob J Hyndman
High-dimensional time series analysis
2019/08/17 Econometrics and Free Software
Modern R with the tidyverse is available on Leanpub
2019/08/17 Rob J Hyndman
High-dimensional time series analysis
2019/08/17 Rob J Hyndman
Seasonal functional autoregressive models
2019/08/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayesian Computation conference in January 2020
2019/08/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Amending Conquest’s Law to account for selection bias
2019/08/16 FlowingData
Measuring pop music’s falsetto usage
2019/08/15 Yongfu's Blog
閱讀筆記:The Secret of Our Success
2019/08/15 Bayesian Spectacles
The Liberating Feeling of Relinquishing Control: Advice for Advisors
2019/08/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why does my academic lab keep growing?
2019/08/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Replication police methodological terrorism stasi nudge shoot the messenger wtf
2019/08/15 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
2 Months in 2 Minutes - rOpenSci News, August 2019
2019/08/15 Freakonometrics
Insurance data science : Networks
2019/08/15 FlowingData
✚ Annotate Charts to Help Your Data Speak, Because the Data Has No Idea What It Is Doing (The Process #52)
2019/08/15 FlowingData
Predicting whether you are Democrat or Republican
2019/08/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
As always, I think the best solution is not for researchers to just report on some preregistered claim, but rather for them to display the entire multiverse of possible relevant results.
2019/08/14 Freakonometrics
Insurance data science : Text
2019/08/14 FlowingData
Least Preferred Sandwich
2019/08/14 FlowingData
Everyday charts book
2019/08/14 ewen
Resident Advisor podcast appearance rankings
2019/08/14 Econometrics and Free Software
Using linear models with binary dependent variables, a simulation study
2019/08/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Beyond ‘Treatment Versus Control’: How Bayesian Analysis Makes Factorial Experiments Feasible in Education Research”
2019/08/13 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Synthesizing population time-series data from the USA Long Term Ecological Research Network
2019/08/13 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
2019/08/13 Freakonometrics
Insurance data science : Pictures
2019/08/13 FlowingData
Warped shape of the galaxy
2019/08/13 Blog on Credibly Curious
Explore longitudinal data with brolgar
2019/08/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Here are some examples of real-world statistical analyses that don’t use p-values and significance testing.
2019/08/12 FlowingData
Why you shouldn’t use ZIP Codes for spatial analysis
2019/08/12 ewen
A decade of Berghain parties, in data
2019/08/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Attorney General of the United States less racist than Nobel prize winning biologist
2019/08/11 Freakonometrics
Les autorités publiques face aux risques, de la confiance au doute
2019/08/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
For each parameter (or other qoi), compare the posterior sd to the prior sd. If the posterior sd for any parameter (or qoi) is more than 0.1 times the prior sd, then print out a note: “The prior distribution for this parameter is informative.”
2019/08/10 Jozef's Rblog
Using parallelization, multiple git repositories and setting permissions when automating R applications with Jenkins
2019/08/10 Freakonometrics
La valeur de la vie humaine
2019/08/09 Blog on Emil Hvitfeldt
Authorship classification with tidymodels and textrecipes
2019/08/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Conditional probability and police shootings
2019/08/09 FlowingData
How an earthquake can trigger others on the opposite side of the world
2019/08/09 FlowingData
Earthquake trigger
2019/08/08 Posts | Xiaokai's Notebook
2019/08/08 Bayesian Spectacles
Preprint: “Because it is the Right Thing to Do”: Taking Stock of the Peer Reviewers’ Openness Initiative
2019/08/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Study finds ‘Growth Mindset’ intervention taking less than an hour raises grades for ninth graders”
2019/08/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Multilevel Bayesian analyses of the growth mindset experiment
2019/08/08 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Community Call - Reproducible Workflows at Scale with drake
2019/08/08 FlowingData
✚ Who Inspired Visualization Practitioners to Become Visualization Practitioners (The Process #51)
2019/08/08 FlowingData
Imaging Earth on the daily
2019/08/07 Posts | Xiaokai's Notebook
2019/08/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey, look! The R graph gallery is back.
2019/08/07 FlowingData
Light from the center of the galaxy
2019/08/07 Thinking inside the box
RQuantLib 0.4.10: Pure maintenance
2019/08/07 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/08/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
You are invited to join Replication Markets
2019/08/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Are supercentenarians mostly superfrauds?
2019/08/06 Freakonometrics
Insurance data science : use and value of unusual data #1
2019/08/06 FlowingData
Best Burger Ranks
2019/08/06 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Develop Bioconductor packages with docker container
2019/08/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Holes in Bayesian Philosophy: My talk for the philosophy of statistics conference this Wed.
2019/08/05 FlowingData
A quiz to see if you’re rich
2019/08/05 Thinking inside the box
#23: Debugging with Docker and Rocker – A Concrete Example helping on macOS
2019/08/05 楚新元个人主页
2019/08/05 楚新元个人主页
2019/08/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A weird new form of email scam
2019/08/03 The R-Podcast
Episode 31: Data Science education with R
2019/08/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Allowing intercepts and slopes to vary in a logistic regression: how does this change the ROC curve?
2019/08/03 Thinking inside the box
RcppCCTZ 0.2.6
2019/08/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
This one goes in the Zombies category, for sure.
2019/08/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Causal inference workshop at NeurIPS 2019 looking for submissions
2019/08/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Causal Inference and Generalizing from Your Data to the Real World (my talk tomorrow, Sat., 6pm in Berlin)
2019/08/02 FlowingData
Gerry, a font based on gerrymandered congressional districts
2019/08/02 Andriy Koval
What Lies Beyond Acute Care Data
2019/08/02 Boettiger Group, UC Berkeley on Boettiger Group
Coupled Natural-Human Systems Modeling Postdoc
2019/08/02 Data Se
Performance measures for `caret` and `lm()`
2019/08/01 Bayesian Spectacles
The Invigorating Pleasure of Witnessing a Well-Contested Rat-Fight
2019/08/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The garden of forking paths
2019/08/01 FlowingData
Why People Move
2019/08/01 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Resources, July 2019 Roundup (The Process #50)
2019/07/31 The R-Podcast
Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel
2019/07/31 The R-Podcast
Alison Hill
2019/07/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“This is a case where frequentist methods are simple and mostly work well, and the Bayesian analogs look unpleasant, requiring inference on lots of nuisance parameters that frequentists can bypass.”
2019/07/31 FlowingData
Natural selection simulation
2019/07/31 FlowingData
✚ How to Make Baseline Charts in R
2019/07/30 Blog on Emil Hvitfeldt
Creating RStudio addin to modify selection
2019/07/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Just forget the Type 1 error thing.
2019/07/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I don’t have a clever title but this is an interesting paper
2019/07/30 FlowingData
Illustrated color theory
2019/07/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Concerned about demand effects in psychology experiments? Incorporate them into the design.
2019/07/29 FlowingData
Peak accommodation type at national parks
2019/07/29 Alison Hill
Teaching Students to Talk about Data Science
2019/07/29 楚新元个人主页
2019/07/29 Data Se
Geoplotting - update to my MODAR-book
2019/07/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Swimming upstream? Monitoring escaped statistical inferences in wild populations.
2019/07/28 Home on Xianying's Blog
The only few Git commands that I use
2019/07/28 Thinking inside the box
anytime 0.3.5
2019/07/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Economist does Mister P
2019/07/27 rud.is
Two New Testing-themed Addins + One New and One Updated CRAN Package
2019/07/27 Jozef's Rblog
Using environment variables and parametrized builds for automating R applications with Jenkins
2019/07/27 free range statistics
Forecasting unemployment
2019/07/26 Bayesian Spectacles
A Demon Army in Santiago: Explaining Bayesian Model-Averaging With a Cartoon
2019/07/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
From deviance, DIC, AIC, etc., to leave-one-out cross-validation
2019/07/26 Home on Xianying's Blog
Create a database connection that can be disconnected automatically
2019/07/26 FlowingData
Maps of the movies and their characters
2019/07/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Software release strategies
2019/07/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2019/07/25 FlowingData
Blanket pattern visualizes baby’s sleep data
2019/07/25 Thinking inside the box
Rcpp 1.0.2: Small Polish
2019/07/25 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/07/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Developing Digital Privacy: Children’s Moral Judgments Concerning Mobile GPS Devices”
2019/07/24 FlowingData
Searching for the densest square kilometer in different cities
2019/07/24 FlowingData
Isotype, a picture language
2019/07/24 Posts on Brodie Gaslam
Hydra Chronicles, Part IV: Reformulation of Statistics
2019/07/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
New Data Science Health Innovation Fellowship at the University of California
2019/07/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Discussion with Nassim Taleb about sexism and racism in the Declaration of Independence
2019/07/23 Simply Statistics
The data deluge means no reasonable expectation of privacy - now what?
2019/07/23 FlowingData
How practitioners learned data visualization
2019/07/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Guarantee” is another word for “assumption”
2019/07/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Alison Mattek on physics and psychology, philosophy, models, explanations, and formalization
2019/07/22 FlowingData
Airport runway orientation reveals wind patterns
2019/07/22 Home on Sungpil Han, M.D/Ph.D
DDI 평가
2019/07/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s published in the journal isn’t what the researchers actually did.
2019/07/21 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Improve GRNN Efficiency by Weighting
2019/07/21 Freakonometrics
Time for a break…
2019/07/21 Thinking inside the box
RPushbullet 0.3.2
2019/07/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Gendered languages and women’s workforce participation rates
2019/07/19 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2019/07/19 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2019/07/19 Posts on Home
Sources of Genetic Variation
2019/07/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The most mysterious star in the galaxy”
2019/07/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A rise in premature publications among politically engaged researchers may be linked to Trump’s election, study says
2019/07/19 Simply Statistics
More datasets for teaching data science: The expanded dslabs package
2019/07/19 Freakonometrics
SIDE Summer School, day 6
2019/07/19 Freakonometrics
SIDE Summer School, days 4 and 5
2019/07/19 FlowingData
Exploration of players’ shot improvement in the NBA
2019/07/19 Econometrics and Free Software
Statistical matching, or when one single data source is not enough
2019/07/19 free range statistics
Time series forecast cross-validation
2019/07/18 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2019/07/18 Bayesian Spectacles
If Your First Baby is Early, Will Your Second Baby be Early?
2019/07/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What does it take to repeat them?
2019/07/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Pre-results review: Some results
2019/07/18 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Hiring for New Position in Statistical Software Testing and Peer Review
2019/07/18 FlowingData
✚ Adjusting the Point of Reference to Highlight Different Aspects of the Data (The Process #49)
2019/07/18 FlowingData
Animation in visualization, revisited a decade later
2019/07/18 Home on Sungpil Han, M.D/Ph.D
bioequivalence test
2019/07/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Blindfold play and sleepless nights
2019/07/17 FlowingData
Machine learning to erase penis drawings
2019/07/17 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Snakemake pipeline post-processing scATAC-seq
2019/07/17 Data Se
Slides (in German) for my talk on "Datenkompetenz für alle" at the R-User-Group Nürnberg July 2019
2019/07/16 Yongfu's Blog
2019/07/16 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Romain Lesur: The Most Wonderful Collaborator I Have Ever Worked With
2019/07/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Update on keeping Mechanical Turk responses trustworthy
2019/07/16 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Aggregating spatial data with the grainchanger package
2019/07/16 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
2019/07/16 Freakonometrics
SIDE Summer School, day 3
2019/07/16 Freakonometrics
SIDE Summer School, day 2
2019/07/16 FlowingData
How the American Work Day Changed in 15 Years
2019/07/15 Posts on datascienceblog.net: R for Data Science
Why Academic Software Sucks
2019/07/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Voter turnout and vote choice of evangelical Christians
2019/07/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Endless citations to already-retracted articles
2019/07/15 rud.is
Quick Hit: A Different (Diminutive) Look At Distributions With {ggeconodist}
2019/07/15 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Announces $678K Award from the Sloan Foundation to Expand Software Peer Review
2019/07/15 Freakonometrics
SIDE Summer School, day 1
2019/07/15 FlowingData
Modern reproduction of an 1868 catalog of flower illustrations
2019/07/15 ewen
What's in a Hardwax, or Honest Jons, review?
2019/07/15 r4stats.com
Is Scholarly Use of R Use Beating SPSS Already?
2019/07/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Gigerenzer: “The Bias Bias in Behavioral Economics,” including discussion of political implications
2019/07/14 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Yet Another R Package for General Regression Neural Network
2019/07/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Healthier kids: Using Stan to get more information out of pediatric respiratory data
2019/07/13 test on Robin Lovelace's website. Energy. Transport. Technology. Change the World.
Three great things about UseR 2019 (and six assorted observations)
2019/07/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
They’re looking to hire someone with good working knowledge of Bayesian inference algorithms development for multilevel statistical models and mathematical modeling of physiological systems.
2019/07/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Leonard Shecter’s coauthor has passed away.
2019/07/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Calibrating patterns in structured data: No easy answers here.
2019/07/12 rud.is
Quick Hit: {waffle} 1.0 Font Awesome 5 Pictograms and More
2019/07/12 FlowingData
Make charts that ask readers to predict the line
2019/07/12 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Writing technical content in Academic
2019/07/11 Bayesian Spectacles
An Inconvenient Truth
2019/07/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Causal inference using repeated cross sections
2019/07/11 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Community Call - Reproducible Research with R
2019/07/11 FlowingData
✚ Select Your Weapon (The Process #48)
2019/07/11 FlowingData
Data-driven hipster reading list
2019/07/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Widely cited study of fake news retracted by researchers”
2019/07/10 Freakonometrics
On my way to Bertinoro (Forlì-Cesena, Italia)
2019/07/10 FlowingData
Bachelor’s Degree Movers
2019/07/10 Blog on Credibly Curious
Just Quickly: How to show verbatim inline R code
2019/07/10 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/07/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Did Austerity Cause Brexit?”
2019/07/09 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Monotonic Binning Driven by Decision Tree
2019/07/09 FlowingData
Atlas of all the moons in our solar system
2019/07/09 FlowingData
Animated maps of seasonal Earth
2019/07/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2019/07/08 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Chat with rOpenSci Contributors at useR!2019
2019/07/08 Julia Silge
Introducing tidylo
2019/07/08 FlowingData
Cost of a Census undercount
2019/07/08 Jan's Page
Friends and Formulas
2019/07/08 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/07/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Collinearity in Bayesian models
2019/07/07 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Chunk Averaging of GLM
2019/07/07 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Latin Hypercube Sampling in Hyper-Parameter Optimization
2019/07/07 Blog on Credibly Curious
Glue magic Part I
2019/07/06 Yongfu's Blog
Convert SVGs to PNGs with Your Web Browser
2019/07/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a computer, calculating the number of angels who can dance on the head of a pin—forever.
2019/07/06 Blog on Credibly Curious
Curly Curly: How to pass bare variable arguments to things?
2019/07/06 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/07/05 The Coatless Professor
searcher v0.0.4 Released - Search RStudio Community and Read about Search Patterns!
2019/07/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Reproducibility problems in the natural sciences
2019/07/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Read this: it’s about importance sampling!
2019/07/05 Freakonometrics
Optimal transport on large networks
2019/07/05 FlowingData
What is R, what it was, and what it will become
2019/07/04 Posts on Home
Properties of Single Locus
2019/07/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Causal inference with time-varying mediators
2019/07/04 Freakonometrics
Pareto Models for Top Incomes
2019/07/04 Thinking inside the box
digest 0.6.20
2019/07/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to read (in quantitative social science). And by implication, how to write.
2019/07/03 R2
Análisis de Sentimientos de libros en Español con R
2019/07/03 FlowingData
✚ Failure to Communicate (The Process #47)
2019/07/03 FlowingData
Amazon stores voice recordings indefinitely
2019/07/03 Data Se
Testing multiple vectors for equality
2019/07/03 Data Se
Testing for equality rowwise
2019/07/03 Data Se
Generalized rowwise operations using purrr::pmap
2019/07/03 Data Se
Collapse rows to eliminate NAs
2019/07/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
This is a great example for a statistics class, or a class on survey sampling, or a political science class
2019/07/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Miscreant’s Way
2019/07/02 FlowingData
Machine learning to steal baseball signs
2019/07/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
On deck through the end of 2019
2019/07/01 Julia Silge
Reordering and facetting for ggplot2
2019/07/01 FlowingData
Differences Between Women and Men’s Everyday with Kids
2019/06/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What if that regression-discontinuity paper had only reported local linear model results, and with no graph?
2019/06/30 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Parallel R: Socket or Fork
2019/06/30 rud.is
Make Refreshing Segmented Column Charts with {ggchicklet}
2019/06/30 Thinking inside the box
RProtoBuf 0.4.14
2019/06/30 Fenguoerbian's Blog
2019/06/29 The Coatless Professor
rvw 0.6.0: First release
2019/06/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
It’s a lot of pressure to write a book!
2019/06/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
All I need is time, a moment that is mine, while I’m in between
2019/06/29 Econometrics and Free Software
Curly-Curly, the successor of Bang-Bang
2019/06/29 Thinking inside the box
rvw 0.6.0: First release
2019/06/28 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
On TIOBE Index
2019/06/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Racism is a framework, not a theory
2019/06/28 rud.is
Quick hit: ‘dig’-ging Into r-project.org DNS Records with {processx}
2019/06/28 FlowingData
Guide to manipulated video
2019/06/28 Data Se
How to document a conference talk in citation manager software
2019/06/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The garden of 603,979,752 forking paths
2019/06/27 FlowingData
✚ Visualization Tools and Resources, June 2019 Roundup (The Process #46)
2019/06/27 FlowingData
Unproven aggression detectors, more surveillance
2019/06/27 free range statistics
Too important to leave to the data scientists
2019/06/27 Nan-Hung Hsieh on Nan-Hung Hsieh
Using Collaborative Cross Mouse Population to Fill Data Gaps in Risk Assessment: A Case Study of Population-Based Analysis of Toxicokinetics and Kidney Toxicodynamics of Tetrachloroethylene
2019/06/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How does Stan work? A reading list.
2019/06/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Book Review: Good to Go, by Christine Aschwanden
2019/06/26 rud.is
Quick Hit: Above the Fold; Hard wrapping text at ‘n’ characters
2019/06/26 FlowingData
Wikipedia views and every line of Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start the Fire”
2019/06/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Another Regression Discontinuity Disaster and what can we learn from it
2019/06/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
AnnoNLP conference on data coding for natural language processing
2019/06/25 FlowingData
Machine boss
2019/06/25 FlowingData
A view on despair
2019/06/25 Thinking inside the box
RcppTOML 0.1.6: Tinytest support and more robustification
2019/06/25 楚新元个人主页
Stata和R Markdown
2019/06/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
We should be open-minded, but not selectively open-minded.
2019/06/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
And, if we really want to get real, let’s be open to the possibility that the effect is positive for some people in some scenarios, and negative for other people in other scenarios, and that in the existing state of our knowledge, we can’t say much about where the effect is positive and where it is negative.
2019/06/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A supposedly fun thing I definitely won’t be repeating (A Pride post)
2019/06/24 FlowingData
Four Cs of data and design
2019/06/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to think about reported life hacks?
2019/06/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Freud expert also a Korea expert
2019/06/22 OmicX
Create pdf file for huge phylogenetic tree
2019/06/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How much is your vote worth?
2019/06/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to simulate an instrumental variables problem?
2019/06/21 L. Collado-Torres
Comprehensive assessment of multiple biases in small RNA sequencing reveals significant differences in the performance of widely used methods
2019/06/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The writer who confesses that he is ‘not good at attention to detail’ is like a pianist who admits to being tone deaf”
2019/06/20 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
2 Months in 2 Minutes - rOpenSci News, June 2019
2019/06/20 ewen
listening, jan-jun '19
2019/06/20 Blog on Credibly Curious
Upcoming Talk: Canberra July 2019
2019/06/19 Posts on Home
Philosophy of Bayesian Statistics
2019/06/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Random patterns in data yield random conclusions.
2019/06/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Harvard dude calls us “online trolls”
2019/06/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I agree it’s a problem but it doesn’t surprise me. It’s pretty random what these tabloids publish, as they get so many submissions.
2019/06/19 Rob J Hyndman
Advancing forecasting research and practice
2019/06/19 Rob J Hyndman
A feast of time series tools
2019/06/19 Rob J Hyndman
A feast of time series tools
2019/06/19 Rob J Hyndman
Advancing forecasting research and practice
2019/06/19 Jan's Page
Generalized Full-dimensional Scaling
2019/06/19 Blog on Credibly Curious
Rmarkdown for Scientists in Canberra 3rd July 2019
2019/06/19 Blog on Credibly Curious
Just Quickly: What I usually want from stringr
2019/06/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Causal inference: I recommend the classical approach in which an observational study is understood in reference to a hypothetical controlled experiment
2019/06/17 Posts on Home
Phenotypic Variation and the Resemblance Between Relatives
2019/06/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The publication asymmetry: What happens if the New England Journal of Medicine publishes something that you think is wrong?
2019/06/17 R2
Utilizando CKAN para acceder a datos públicos
2019/06/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
We’re done with our Applied Regression final exam (and solution to question 15)
2019/06/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Question 15 of our Applied Regression final exam (and solution to question 14)
2019/06/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Pharmacometrics meeting in Paris on the afternoon of 11 July 2019
2019/06/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Algorithmic bias and social bias
2019/06/15 flujoo
2019/06/14 Posts on Home
Review of Distributions
2019/06/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Question 14 of our Applied Regression final exam (and solution to question 13)
2019/06/14 Rob J Hyndman
Optimal forecast reconciliation for hierarchical and grouped time series through trace minimization
2019/06/14 Rob J Hyndman
Optimal forecast reconciliation for hierarchical and grouped time series through trace minimization
2019/06/14 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/06/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Question 13 of our Applied Regression final exam (and solution to question 12)
2019/06/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Naomi Wolf and David Brooks
2019/06/13 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Community Call - Involving Multilingual Communities
2019/06/13 Alison Hill
Summer of blogdown: Day 04
2019/06/13 L. Collado-Torres
Recounting the FANTOM Cage Associated Transcriptome
2019/06/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Question 12 of our Applied Regression final exam (and solution to question 11)
2019/06/12 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Taking over maintenance of a software package
2019/06/12 Alison Hill
Summer of blogdown: Day 03
2019/06/12 Econometrics and Free Software
Intermittent demand, Croston and Die Hard
2019/06/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Question 11 of our Applied Regression final exam (and solution to question 10)
2019/06/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How statistics is used to crush (scientific) dissent.
2019/06/11 Home on Nan Xiao | 肖楠
2019/06/11 Alison Hill
Summer of blogdown: Day 02
2019/06/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Question 10 of our Applied Regression final exam (and solution to question 9)
2019/06/10 Alison Hill
Summer of blogdown: Day 01
2019/06/10 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
alluvial diagram 冲积图
2019/06/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Question 9 of our Applied Regression final exam (and solution to question 8)
2019/06/09 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Run Rstudio server with singularity on HPC
2019/06/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Question 8 of our Applied Regression final exam (and solution to question 7)
2019/06/08 Rob J Hyndman
Quantification of energy savings from energy conservation measures in buildings using machine learning
2019/06/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Question 7 of our Applied Regression final exam (and solution to question 6)
2019/06/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Question 6 of our Applied Regression final exam (and solution to question 5)
2019/06/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Question 5 of our Applied Regression final exam (and solution to question 4)
2019/06/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Tony nominations mean nothing
2019/06/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Question 4 of our Applied Regression final exam (and solution to question 3)
2019/06/04 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Access Publisher Copyright & Self-Archiving Policies via the 'SHERPA/RoMEO' API
2019/06/04 Econometrics and Free Software
Using cosine similarity to find matching documents: a tutorial using Seneca's letters to his friend Lucilius
2019/06/04 L. Collado-Torres
Regional heterogeneity in gene expression, regulation, and coherence in the frontal cortex and hippocampus across development and schizophrenia
2019/06/04 楚新元个人主页
2019/06/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Question 3 of our Applied Regression final exam (and solution to question 2)
2019/06/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Still at work on the piranha theorems
2019/06/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Question 2 of our Applied Regression final exam (and solution to question 1)
2019/06/02 flujoo
2019/06/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Question 1 of our Applied Regression final exam
2019/05/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
New! from Bales/Pourzanjani/Vehtari/Petzold: Selecting the Metric in Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
2019/05/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Data is Personal” and the maturing of the literature on statistical graphics
2019/05/31 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
ggplot2 学习 第三部分:The Master List (下)
2019/05/31 楚新元个人主页
2019/05/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why edit a journal? More generally, how to contribute to scientific discussion?
2019/05/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My (remote) talk this Friday 3pm at the Department of Cognitive Science at UCSD
2019/05/30 Alison Hill
Using blogdown to Connect Beyond the Classroom
2019/05/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Let’s publish everything.
2019/05/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Concurve plots consonance curves, p-value functions, and S-value functions
2019/05/29 Simply Statistics
Research quality data and research quality databases
2019/05/29 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Calculate scATACseq TSS enrichment score
2019/05/29 Hypertidy website
mesh3d - recent changes in rgl workhorse format
2019/05/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What pieces do chess grandmasters move, and when?
2019/05/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Peter Ellis on Forecasting Antipodal Elections with Stan
2019/05/28 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
ramlegacy: a package for RAM Legacy Database
2019/05/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
They’re working for the clampdown
2019/05/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I have zero problem with people reporting results they found with p=0.1. Or p=0.2. Whatever. The problem is with the attitude that publication should imply some sort of certainty.
2019/05/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Crystallography Corner: The result is difficult to reproduce, but the result is still valid.
2019/05/26 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
WoE Transformation for Loss Given Default Models
2019/05/26 Rob J Hyndman
Poll position: statistics and the Australian federal election
2019/05/26 Rob J Hyndman
Poll position: statistics and the Australian federal election
2019/05/26 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/05/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Donald J. Trump and Robert E. Lee
2019/05/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
John Le Carre is good at integrating thought and action
2019/05/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Against Arianism 3: Consider the cognitive models of the field
2019/05/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Pushing the guy in front of the trolley
2019/05/23 OmicX
Install conda compiler tools
2019/05/22 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
From RTFM to ITFM (Improve The Fine Manual)
2019/05/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Going beyond the rainbow color scheme for statistical graphics
2019/05/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
(from Yair): What Happened in the 2018 Election
2019/05/22 Nan-Hung Hsieh on Nan-Hung Hsieh
GNU MCSim tutorial 3 - Markov Chain Monte Marlo Calibration
2019/05/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What are some common but easily avoidable graphical mistakes?
2019/05/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Neural nets vs. regression models
2019/05/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My talks at the University of Chicago this Thursday and Friday
2019/05/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Alternatives and reality
2019/05/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Abortion attitudes: The polarization is among richer, more educated whites
2019/05/20 Simply Statistics
I co-founded a company! Meet Problem Forward Data Science
2019/05/20 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/05/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Vigorous data-handling tied to publication in top journals among public heath researchers
2019/05/19 Econometrics and Free Software
The never-ending editor war (?)
2019/05/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey, people are doing the multiverse!
2019/05/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Data quality is a thing.
2019/05/18 Econometrics and Free Software
For posterity: install {xml2} on GNU/Linux distros
2019/05/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Did Jon Stewart elect Donald Trump?”
2019/05/17 Rob J Hyndman
You are what you vote
2019/05/17 ewen
Presenting the Does This Spark Joy mix
2019/05/17 Rob J Hyndman
You are what you vote
2019/05/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“In 1997 Latanya Sweeney dramatically demonstrated that supposedly anonymized data was not anonymous,” but “Over 20 journals turned down her paper . . . and nobody wanted to fund privacy research that might reach uncomfortable conclusions.”
2019/05/16 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Dev Guide 0.2.0: Updates Inside and Out
2019/05/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“MRP is the Carmelo Anthony of election forecasting methods”? So we’re doing trash talking now??
2019/05/15 Nan-Hung Hsieh on Nan-Hung Hsieh
GNU MCSim tutorial 2 - Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis
2019/05/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Scandal! Mister P appears in British tabloid.
2019/05/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Horse-and-buggy era officially ends for survey research
2019/05/14 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
POWER to the People
2019/05/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When we had fascism in the United States
2019/05/13 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Faster Way to Slice Dataframe by Row
2019/05/13 Jan's Page
Global Minima by Penalized Full-dimensional Scaling
2019/05/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Name this fallacy!
2019/05/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Did blind orchestra auditions really benefit women?
2019/05/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Maintenance cost is quadratic in the number of features
2019/05/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
That illusion where you think the other side is united and your side is diverse
2019/05/09 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Open Trade Statistics
2019/05/08 The R-Podcast
Episode 30: The origins and future of RStudio with Tareef Kawaf
2019/05/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Gremlin time: “distant future, faraway lands, and remote probabilities”
2019/05/08 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Granular Weighted Binning by Generalized Boosted Model
2019/05/08 Nan-Hung Hsieh on Nan-Hung Hsieh
Application of Global Sensitivity Analysis in Bayesian Population Physiologically Based Kinetic Modeling
2019/05/08 L. Collado-Torres
recount-brain: a curated repository of human brain RNA-seq datasets metadata
2019/05/08 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/05/07 The R-Podcast
Tareef Kawaf
2019/05/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Arkansas paradox
2019/05/07 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/05/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stan examples in Harezlak, Ruppert and Wand (2018) Semiparametric Regression with R
2019/05/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Difference-in-difference estimators are a special case of lagged regression
2019/05/06 Home on Xianying's Blog
The special unicode character \uff0d in MS SQLServer
2019/05/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Do regression structures affect research capital? The case of pronoun drop. (also an opportunity to quote Bertrand Russell: This is one of those views which are so absurd that only very learned men could possibly adopt them.)
2019/05/05 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
Postgres + MIMIC 从头到尾
2019/05/05 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/05/04 Robin Lovelace
Example Page 2
2019/05/04 Robin Lovelace
Example Page 1
2019/05/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Post-Hoc Power PubPeer Dumpster Fire
2019/05/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
13 Reasons not to trust that claim that 13 Reasons Why increased youth suicide rates
2019/05/04 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Why Use Weight of Evidence?
2019/05/04 ELLA KAYE
Example Page 1
2019/05/04 Andriy Koval
Example Page 2
2019/05/04 Andriy Koval
Example Page 1
2019/05/04 Econometrics and Free Software
Fast food, causality and R packages, part 2
2019/05/04 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Example Page 2
2019/05/04 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Example Page 1
2019/05/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Olivia Goldhill and Jesse Singal report on the Implicit Association Test
2019/05/03 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
clustering scATACseq data: the TF-IDF way
2019/05/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“One should always beat a dead horse because the horse is never really dead”
2019/05/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A thought on Bayesian workflow: calculating a likelihood ratio for data compared to peak likelihood.
2019/05/02 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/05/01 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
August 12, 1991 Review of S-PLUS Statistical Software
2019/05/01 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
2019/05/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2019/05/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Boosting intelligence analysts’ judgment accuracy: What works, what fails?”
2019/05/01 Homepage on Joseph Stachelek
What is the scope of NEON lakes data?
2019/04/30 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Naming Software Packages with Common Words
2019/04/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A debate about effect-size variation in psychology: Simmons and Simonsohn; McShane, Böckenholt, and Hansen; Judd and Kenny; and Stanley and Doucouliagos
2019/04/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
We shouldn’t’ve called it “Stan”; I should’ve listened to Bob and Hadley
2019/04/30 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Relaunching the qualtRics package
2019/04/30 test on Robin Lovelace's website. Energy. Transport. Technology. Change the World.
Geocomputation with R: from inception to physical book
2019/04/30 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
Statistics note
2019/04/30 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
Statistics notes
2019/04/30 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
R notes
2019/04/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Continuing discussion of status threat and presidential elections, with discussion of challenge of causal inference from survey data
2019/04/29 Simply Statistics
Generative and Analytical Models for Data Analysis
2019/04/29 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
plot 10x scATAC coverage by cluster/group
2019/04/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“How many years do we lose to the air we breathe?” Or not.
2019/04/28 Econometrics and Free Software
Fast food, causality and R packages, part 1
2019/04/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Conditioning on post-treatment variables when you expect self-selection
2019/04/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Automatic voter registration impact on state voter registration
2019/04/27 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
More General Weighted Binning
2019/04/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s the upshot?
2019/04/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Incentives to Learn”: How to interpret this estimate of a varying treatment effect?
2019/04/26 flujoo
2019/04/26 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
NgAgo 翻案了吗?
2019/04/26 blog.sellorm.com
Download, build and install R from source
2019/04/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Several post-doc positions in probabilistic programming etc. in Finland
2019/04/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Ballot order update
2019/04/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Postdoctoral position in Vancouver! Using Stan! Working on wine! For reals.
2019/04/25 Nan-Hung Hsieh on Nan-Hung Hsieh
GNU MCSim tutorial 1 - Walk-through of working models
2019/04/25 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/04/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Appendix: Why we are publishing this here instead of as a letter to the editor in the journal”
2019/04/24 L. Collado-Torres
recount-brain: a curated repository of human brain RNA-seq datasets metadata
2019/04/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why “statistical significance” doesn’t work: An example.
2019/04/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
R-squared for multilevel models
2019/04/23 Rob J Hyndman
Translations of "Forecasting: principles and practice"
2019/04/23 Rob J Hyndman
Translations of "Forecasting: principles and practice"
2019/04/23 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/04/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Wanted: Statistical success stories
2019/04/22 Rob J Hyndman
Revealing high-frequency trading provision of liquidity with visualization
2019/04/22 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
R 启动文件配置文件的加载
2019/04/22 Rob J Hyndman
Revealing high-frequency trading provision of liquidity with visualization
2019/04/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
No, its not correct to say that you can be 95% sure that the true value will be in the confidence interval
2019/04/21 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Binning with Weights
2019/04/21 Pat's blog (data science)
Using ccache to speed up R package checks on Travis CI
2019/04/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Claims about excess road deaths on “4/20” don’t add up
2019/04/20 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Batch Deployment of WoE Transformations
2019/04/20 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/04/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A question about the piranha problem as it applies to A/B testing
2019/04/19 Homepage on Joseph Stachelek
Are Google Earth Engine analyses reproducible?
2019/04/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Lessons about statistics and research methods from that racial attitudes example
2019/04/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Sometimes all we have left are pictures and fear”: Dan Simpson talk in Columbia stat dept, 4pm Monday
2019/04/18 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
When Standards Go Wild - Software Review for a Manuscript
2019/04/18 Nan-Hung Hsieh on Nan-Hung Hsieh
GNU MCSim tutorial 0 - Introductory
2019/04/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Changing racial differences in attitudes on changing racial differences
2019/04/17 Simply Statistics
Tukey, Design Thinking, and Better Questions
2019/04/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The network of models and Bayesian workflow, related to generative grammar for statistical models
2019/04/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Abandoning statistical significance is both sensible and practical
2019/04/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Parliamentary Constituency Factsheet for Indicators of Nutrition, Health and Development in India
2019/04/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
State-space models in Stan
2019/04/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
All statistical conclusions require assumptions.
2019/04/14 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Batch Processing of Monotonic Binning
2019/04/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Works of art that are about themselves
2019/04/13 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/04/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Several reviews of Deborah Mayo’s new book, Statistical Inference as Severe Testing: How to Get Beyond the Statistics Wars
2019/04/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Active learning and decision making with varying treatment effects!
2019/04/12 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/04/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What sort of identification do you get from panel data if effects are long-term? Air pollution and cognition example.
2019/04/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What is the most important real-world data processing tip you’d like to share with others?
2019/04/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Prestigious journal publishes sexy selfie study
2019/04/10 L. Collado-Torres on L. Collado-Torres
The evolution of my academic career as seen through posters and talks thanks to hugo academic 4.1
2019/04/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“How Sloppy Science Creates Worthless Cures, Crushes Hope, and Wastes Billions” . . . and still stays around even after it’s been retracted
2019/04/09 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Community Call - Security for R
2019/04/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Emile Bravo and agency
2019/04/08 flujoo
2019/04/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Research topic on the geography of partisan prejudice (more generally, county-level estimates using MRP)
2019/04/07 Pat's blog (data science)
Emoji support for Notion.so on Linux
2019/04/07 Andriy Koval
An example preprint / working paper
2019/04/07 Econometrics and Free Software
Historical newspaper scraping with {tesseract} and R
2019/04/07 Fenguoerbian's Blog
An example preprint / working paper
2019/04/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Heckman curve” update: The data don’t seem to support the claim that human capital investments are most effective when targeted at younger ages.
2019/04/06 test on Robin Lovelace's website. Energy. Transport. Technology. Change the World.
Keynote talk on geocomputation, SatRdays Newcastle
2019/04/05 Jay's Notes
R Markdown in Vim
2019/04/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
StanCon 2019: 20–23 August, Cambridge, UK
2019/04/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Treatment interactions can be hard to estimate from data.
2019/04/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The Long-Run Effects of America’s First Paid Maternity Leave Policy”: I need that trail of breadcrumbs.
2019/04/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Some Stan and Bayes short courses!
2019/04/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What’s a good default prior for regression coefficients? A default Edlin factor of 1/2?
2019/04/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
N=1 survey points to Beto O’Rourke as Democratic nominee in 2020
2019/04/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Thinking about “Abandon statistical significance,” p-values, etc.
2019/04/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
An R package for multiverse analysis and counting researcher degrees of freedom
2019/04/02 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Getting your toes wet in R: Hydrology, meteorology, and more
2019/04/02 L. Collado-Torres on L. Collado-Torres
How to write academic documents with GoogleDocs
2019/04/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Impact of published research on behavior and avoidable fatalities
2019/04/01 Simply Statistics
Interview with Abhi Datta
2019/04/01 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/03/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Here’s an idea for not getting tripped up with default priors . . .
2019/03/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Another bit from Art Owen, this time dunking on ripoff publishers
2019/03/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A comment about p-values from Art Owen, upon reading Deborah Mayo’s new book
2019/03/31 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Monotonic Binning with GBM
2019/03/31 Econometrics and Free Software
Get text from pdfs or images using OCR: a tutorial with {tesseract} and {magick}
2019/03/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
David Weakliem on the U.S. electoral college
2019/03/30 blog.sellorm.com
Build your own CRAN-like repo
2019/03/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How to approach a social science research problem when you have data and a couple different ways you could proceed?
2019/03/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Ben Lambert. 2018. A Student’s Guide to Bayesian Statistics.
2019/03/29 blog.sellorm.com
Lifting the lid on CRAN
2019/03/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Understanding how Anova relates to regression
2019/03/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
An interview with Tina Fernandes Botts
2019/03/28 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Reproducible research in bioinformatics
2019/03/28 Home on Another Random Blog
Tufte Handout
2019/03/28 Home on Another Random Blog
2019/03/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Surgeon promotes fraudulent research that kills people; his employer, a leading hospital, defends him and attacks whistleblowers. Business as usual.
2019/03/27 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Deployment of Binning Outcomes in Production
2019/03/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Most Americans like big businesses.
2019/03/26 Home on Another Random Blog
Project File management with R
2019/03/26 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/03/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Mister P for surveys in epidemiology — using Stan!
2019/03/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Markov chain Monte Carlo doesn’t “explore the posterior”
2019/03/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Jonathan (another one) does Veronica Geng does Robert Mueller
2019/03/25 flujoo
2019/03/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Should we talk less about bad social science research and more about bad medical research?
2019/03/23 The R-Podcast
Episode 29: Chicago R Unconference Recap
2019/03/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Yes, I really really really like fake-data simulation, and I can’t stop talking about it.
2019/03/23 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/03/22 flujoo
2019/03/22 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/03/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Postdoc in Chicago on statistical methods for evidence-based policy
2019/03/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
New golf putting data! And a new golf putting model!
2019/03/21 Antequated - maps for the rest of us
Get antequated with SOmap
2019/03/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Retire Statistical Significance”: The discussion.
2019/03/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My two talks in Montreal this Friday, 22 Mar
2019/03/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
He asks me a question, and I reply with a bunch of links
2019/03/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Maybe it’s time to let the old ways die; or We broke R-hat so now we have to fix it.
2019/03/20 Rob J Hyndman
Developing good research habits
2019/03/20 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
KRAS-IRF2 Axis Drives Immune Suppression and Immune Therapy Resistance in Colorectal Cancer
2019/03/20 Econometrics and Free Software
Pivoting data frames just got easier thanks to `pivot_wide()` and `pivot_long()`
2019/03/20 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
Bioconductor 中的 ExpressionSet 数据类型
2019/03/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When and how do politically extreme candidates get punished at the polls?
2019/03/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
C’est le fin! Riad Sattouf gagne.
2019/03/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
It’s the finals! The Japanese dude who won the hot dog eating contest vs. Riad Sattouf
2019/03/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Are male doctors better for male heart attack patients and female doctors better for female heart attack patients?
2019/03/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Riad Sattouf (1) vs. Pele; the Japanese dude who won the hot dog eating contest advances
2019/03/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Estimating treatment effects on rates of rare events using precursor data: Going further with hierarchical models.
2019/03/17 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
Logistic 回归模型的拟合优度 (goodness of fit) 检验
2019/03/17 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/03/17 blog.sellorm.com
Sellorm is WFH - Notes on the last 6 months of working from home
2019/03/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Statistical-significance thinking is not just a bad way to publish, it’s also a bad way to think
2019/03/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
It’s the semifinals! The Japanese dude who won the hot dog eating contest vs. Bruce Springsteen (1)
2019/03/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Pele wins. On to the semifinals!
2019/03/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
One more reason I hate letters of recommendation
2019/03/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Raghuram Rajan: “The Third Pillar: How Markets and the State Leave the Community Behind”
2019/03/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Something I noticed about this college admissions scandal
2019/03/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Pele vs. Meryl Streep; Riad Sattouf advances
2019/03/14 flujoo
2019/03/14 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/03/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
stanc3: rewriting the Stan compiler
2019/03/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
From the Stan forums: “I’m just very thirsty to learn and this thread has become a fountain of knowledge”
2019/03/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Riad Sattouf (1) vs. Veronica Geng; Bruce Springsteen advances
2019/03/13 Simply Statistics
10 things R can do that might surprise you
2019/03/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
R package for Type M and Type S errors
2019/03/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Dorothy Parker (2) vs. Bruce Springsteen (1); the Japanese dude who won the hot dog eating contest advances
2019/03/12 Homepage on Kang Yu
2019/03/12 Homepage on Kang Yu
2019/03/12 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
Chemical contribution to the vertical gradient measurement for reactive gases – a novel kinetic model study & tool development
2019/03/12 Nan-Hung Hsieh on Nan-Hung Hsieh
pksensi: an R package to apply sensitivity analysis in pharmacokinetic modeling
2019/03/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Junk science + Legal system = Disaster
2019/03/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Jim Thorpe (1) vs. the Japanese dude who won the hot dog eating contest
2019/03/11 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Community Call - Research Applications of rOpenSci Taxonomy and Biodiversity Tools
2019/03/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Political Polarization and Gender Gap: I Don’t Get Romer’s Beef with Bacon.
2019/03/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Meryl Streep advances; it’s down to the quarterfinals!
2019/03/10 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
A Summary of My Home-Brew Binning Algorithms for Scorecard Development
2019/03/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Remember that paper we wrote, The mythical swing voter? About shifts in the polls being explainable by differential nonresponse? Mark Palko beat us to this idea, by 4 years.
2019/03/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
LeBron James (3) vs. Meryl Streep; Pele advances
2019/03/09 Rob J Hyndman
Detection of cybersecurity attacks through analysis of web browsing activities using principal component analysis
2019/03/09 Rob J Hyndman
Detection of cybersecurity attacks through analysis of web browsing activities using principal component analysis
2019/03/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Not Dentists named Dennis, but Physicists named Li studying Li
2019/03/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Alan Turing (4) vs. Pele; Veronica Geng advances
2019/03/08 ewen
2019/03/08 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
R 里的随机数种子 set.seed()
2019/03/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Veronica Geng vs. Nora Ephron; Riad Sattouf advances
2019/03/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The neurostatistical precursors of noise-magnifying statistical procedures in infancy
2019/03/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Riad Sattouf (1) vs. Mel Brooks; Bruce Springsteen advances
2019/03/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A corpus in a single survey!
2019/03/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Abandon / Retire Statistical Significance”: Your chance to sign a petition!
2019/03/06 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
sinx: R fortunes in Chinese
2019/03/05 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2019/03/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Julia Child (2) vs. Bruce Springsteen (1); Dorothy Parker advances
2019/03/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
(back to basics:) How is statistics relevant to scientific discovery?
2019/03/05 Econometrics and Free Software
Classification of historical newspapers content: a tutorial combining R, bash and Vowpal Wabbit, part 2
2019/03/05 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
R 中因子型变量的有序与无序
2019/03/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Yes on design analysis, No on “power,” No on sample size calculations
2019/03/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Steve Martin (4) vs. Dorothy Parker (2); the Japanese dude who won the hot dog eating contest advances
2019/03/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Journalist seeking scoops is as bad as scientist doing unreplicable research
2019/03/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Albert Brooks vs. the Japanese dude who won the hot dog eating contest; Jim Thorpe advances
2019/03/03 Rob J Hyndman
Time Series Data Library
2019/03/03 Econometrics and Free Software
Classification of historical newspapers content: a tutorial combining R, bash and Vowpal Wabbit
2019/03/03 Rob J Hyndman
Time Series Data Library
2019/03/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Yes, not only am I suspicious of the claims in that op-ed, I’m also suspicious of all the individual claims from the links in these two sentences”
2019/03/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Round 3 begins: Jim Thorpe (1) vs. Sid Caesar
2019/03/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Meryl Streep advances and the second round is over!
2019/03/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Good news! Researchers respond to a correction by acknowledging it and not trying to dodge its implications
2019/02/28 The R-Podcast
Max Kuhn
2019/02/28 The R-Podcast
Episode 28: Tidymodels with Max Kuhn (rstudio::conf 2019)
2019/02/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My talk this coming Monday in the Columbia statistics department
2019/02/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Meryl Streep vs. Yakov Smirnoff; LeBron James advances
2019/02/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
George Orwell meets statistical significance: “Politics and the English Language” applied to science
2019/02/28 L. Collado-Torres on L. Collado-Torres
CDSBMexico: remember to apply for BioC2019 travel scholarships
2019/02/28 Nathan's Lemma
2019/02/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Statistical-significance filtering is a noise amplifier.
2019/02/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Light Privilege? Skin Tone Stratification in Health among African Americans”
2019/02/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Ellen DeGeneres vs. LeBron James (3); Pele advances
2019/02/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“We’ve Got More Than One Model: Evaluating, comparing, and extending Bayesian predictions”
2019/02/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Pele vs. Pierre Simon Laplace (2); Alan Turing advances
2019/02/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Data For Progress’s RuPaul-Predict-a-Looza
2019/02/26 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
stats19: a package for road safety research
2019/02/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Oprah Winfrey (1) vs. Alan Turing (4); Nora Ephron advances
2019/02/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Evidence distortion in clinical trials
2019/02/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Don’t worry, the post will be coming . . . eventually
2019/02/25 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Bayesian Optimization for Hyper-Parameter
2019/02/25 Robin Lovelace's website. Energy. Transport. Technology. Change the World.
stplanr paper published
2019/02/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Voltaire (4) vs. Nora Ephron; Veronica Geng advances
2019/02/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Does diet soda stop cancer? Two Yale Cancer Center docs have diametrically opposite views!
2019/02/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
HMC step size: How does it scale with dimension?
2019/02/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
George H. W. Bush (2) vs. Veronica Geng; Mel Brooks advances
2019/02/23 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Gradient-Free Optimization for GLMNET Parameters
2019/02/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Kevin Lewis has a surefire idea for a project for the high school Science Talent Search
2019/02/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Boris Karloff (3) vs. Mel Brooks; Riad Sattouf advances
2019/02/22 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Use docopt to write command line R utilities
2019/02/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Riad Sattouf (1) vs. Lance Armstrong; Bruce Springsteen advances
2019/02/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“News Release from the JAMA Network”
2019/02/21 Simply Statistics
Open letter to journal editors: dynamite plots must die
2019/02/21 Rob J Hyndman
Post-docs in wind and solar power forecasting
2019/02/21 Alison Hill
Hugo Page Bundles
2019/02/21 Rob J Hyndman
Post-docs in wind and solar power forecasting
2019/02/21 Home on Another Random Blog
Differences of Rmd/Rmarkdown/md in blogdown
2019/02/20 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
The Ultimate Infinite Moon Reader for xaringan Slides
2019/02/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Statmodeling Retro
2019/02/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Monty Python vs. Bruce Springsteen (1); Julia Child advances
2019/02/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Geoff Pullum, the linguist who hates Strunk and White, is speaking at Columbia this Friday afternoon
2019/02/20 Alison Hill
The netlify.toml File
2019/02/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My talk today (Tues 19 Feb) 2pm at the University of Southern California
2019/02/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Julia Child (2) vs. Frank Sinatra (3); Dorothy Parker
2019/02/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
I believe this study because it is consistent with my existing beliefs.
2019/02/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Update on that study of p-hacking
2019/02/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
R fixed its default histogram bin width!
2019/02/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A. J. Liebling vs. Dorothy Parker (2); Steve Martin advances
2019/02/18 Simply Statistics
Interview with Stephanie Hicks
2019/02/18 Blog on Credibly Curious
Announcing 'Just Three Things'
2019/02/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Serena Williams vs. Steve Martin (4); The Japanese dude who won the hot dog eating contest advances
2019/02/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Do you have any recommendations for useful priors when datasets are small?”
2019/02/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
P-hacking in study of “p-hacking”?
2019/02/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Japanese dude who won the hot dog eating contest vs. Oscar Wilde (1); Albert Brooks advances
2019/02/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
More on that horrible statistical significance grid
2019/02/15 blog.sellorm.com
My interview on the Datacast podcast
2019/02/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Simulation-based statistical testing in journalism
2019/02/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Paul Erdos vs. Albert Brooks; Sid Caesar advances
2019/02/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Book reading at Ann Arbor Meetup on Monday night: Probability and Statistics: a simulation-based introduction
2019/02/14 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Split a 10xscATAC bam file by cluster
2019/02/14 Robin Lovelace's website. Energy. Transport. Technology. Change the World.
Aggregating lines, part II
2019/02/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Sid Caesar vs. Babe Didrikson Zaharias (2); Jim Thorpe advances
2019/02/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Michael Crichton on science and storytelling
2019/02/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Should he go to grad school in statistics or computer science?
2019/02/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Halftime! And Jim Thorpe (1) vs. DJ Jazzy Jeff
2019/02/12 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Community Call Follow-up - Governance of Open Source Research Software Organizations
2019/02/12 Home on Sungpil Han, M.D/Ph.D
임상약리학: 1상 임상시험 및 초기 약물 개발
2019/02/12 L. Collado-Torres on L. Collado-Torres
Why do you like living where you live?
2019/02/11 The R-Podcast
Episode 27: Get the {gt} tables! (rstudio::conf 2019)
2019/02/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Yakov Smirnoff advances, and Halftime!
2019/02/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Global warming? Blame the Democrats.
2019/02/11 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Direct Optimization of Hyper-Parameter
2019/02/11 blog.sellorm.com
Gartner-style charts in R with ggplot2
2019/02/10 The R-Podcast
Rich Iannone
2019/02/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Using 26,000 diary entries to show ovulatory changes in sexual desire and behavior”
2019/02/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Harry Houdini (1) vs. Yakov Smirnoff; Meryl Streep advances
2019/02/10 Econometrics and Free Software
Manipulating strings with the {stringr} package
2019/02/10 Home on Sungpil Han, M.D/Ph.D
과학기술통신부 장관상 수상
2019/02/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Our hypotheses are not just falsifiable; they’re actually false.
2019/02/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Alice Waters (4) vs. Meryl Streep; LeBron James advances
2019/02/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
LeBron James (3) vs. Eric Antoine; Ellen DeGeneres advances
2019/02/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Fitting multilevel models when the number of groups is small
2019/02/08 Nan-Hung Hsieh on Nan-Hung Hsieh
Sobol Sensitivity Analysis for PK Model
2019/02/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Wanted: Statistics-related research projects for high school students
2019/02/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Ian McKellen (2) vs. Ellen DeGeneres; Pierre-Simon Laplace advances
2019/02/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The Stan Core Roadmap
2019/02/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Pierre-Simon Laplace (2) vs. John Belushi; Pele advances
2019/02/06 Rob J Hyndman
A framework for automated anomaly detection in high frequency water-quality data from in situ sensors
2019/02/06 Rob J Hyndman
A framework for automated anomaly detection in high frequency water-quality data from in situ sensors
2019/02/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Facial feedback is back
2019/02/05 Pat's blog (data science)
i3wm: Introducing my Linux desktop setup
2019/02/05 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Evaluating single cell RNAseq cluster stability
2019/02/05 Andriy Koval
2019/02/05 Andriy Koval
Display Jupyter Notebooks with Academic
2019/02/05 Fenguoerbian's Blog
2019/02/05 Fenguoerbian's Blog
Display Jupyter Notebooks with Academic
2019/02/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The algorithm is named after Hamiltonian dynamics, a model of physics that is used to construct the steps of the computation, and Monte Carlo, the town in Monaco that is associated with casinos and random algorithms more generally.”
2019/02/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Penn and Teller (3) vs. Pele; Alan Turing advances
2019/02/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
New estimates of the effects of public preschool
2019/02/04 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Sobol Sequence vs. Uniform Random in Hyper-Parameter Optimization
2019/02/04 Econometrics and Free Software
Building a shiny app to explore historical newspapers: a step-by-step guide
2019/02/03 Wannabe Rstats-fu
Enhancing gather() and spread() by Using "Bundled" data.frames
2019/02/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
If you want to measure differences between groups, measure differences between groups.
2019/02/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Alan Turing (4) vs. David Blaine; Oprah Winfrey advances
2019/02/03 L. Collado-Torres on L. Collado-Torres
The power of tapping into your community for support
2019/02/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Oprah Winfrey (1) vs. Martin Gardner; Nora Ephron advances
2019/02/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Of multiple comparisons and multilevel models
2019/02/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stan This Month
2019/02/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Carl Friedrich Gauss (1) vs. Nora Ephron; Voltaire advances
2019/02/01 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci Software Peer Review: Still Improving
2019/01/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Voltaire (4) vs. Benoit Mandelbrot; Veronica Geng advances
2019/01/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Principal Stratification on a Latent Variable (fitting a multilevel model using Stan)
2019/01/31 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Announcing new software peer review editors: Melina Vidoni and Brooke Anderson
2019/01/31 About on Zhan, Likan | 战立侃
A better cross-lagged panel model, from Hamaker et al. (2015)
2019/01/31 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
rosr News: a Shiny GUI and RStudio addin for choosing and creating sub-projects
2019/01/31 Econometrics and Free Software
Using Data Science to read 10 years of Luxembourguish newspapers from the 19th century
2019/01/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
David Sedaris (3) vs. Stanislaw Ulam; George H. W. Bush advances
2019/01/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Autodiff! (for the C++ jockeys in the audience)
2019/01/30 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
科学上网笔记:Shadowsocks 和 v2ray
2019/01/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Objective: Generate evidence for the comparative effectiveness for each pairwise comparison of depression treatments for a set of outcomes of interest.”
2019/01/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
George H. W. Bush (2) vs. William Carlos Willams; Mel Brooks advances
2019/01/29 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Interacting with The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Program data
2019/01/29 Blog on Credibly Curious
Introducing 'R-Miss-Tastic'
2019/01/28 Rbind Support
EnTyrely Too Much
2019/01/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Chris Christie (2) vs. Mel Brooks; Boris Karloff advances
2019/01/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The bullshit asymmetry principle
2019/01/28 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
How to make a transcript to gene mapping file
2019/01/28 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
rosr: Create academic R markdown projects for open science and reproducible research
2019/01/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What should JPSP have done with Bem’s ESP paper, back in 2010? Click to find the surprisingly simple answer!
2019/01/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Boris Karloff (3) vs. Anastasia Romanoff; Lance Armstrong advances
2019/01/26 Posts on
2019/01/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bobby Fischer (4) vs. Lance Armstrong; Riad Sattouf advances
2019/01/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
If this article portrays things accurately, the nutrition literature is in even worse shape than I thought
2019/01/26 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
rmd: Easily Install, Load and Explore the R Markdown Family
2019/01/26 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
mindr v.1.2.0 released: universal function and directory tree
2019/01/26 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
[New Features on beginr] Automatically generate a self-contained package
2019/01/26 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
ggplot2 学习 第三部分:The Master List (上)
2019/01/26 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
ggplot2 学习 第二部分:外观自定义
2019/01/25 Wannabe Rstats-fu
A Survival Guide To Install rlang From GitHub On Windows
2019/01/25 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Back from rstudio::conf 2019
2019/01/25 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2019/01/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Transforming parameters in a simple time-series model; debugging the Jacobian
2019/01/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When doing regression (or matching, or weighting, or whatever), don’t say “control for,” say “adjust for”
2019/01/25 Rob J Hyndman
Feature-based forecasting algorithms for large collections of time series
2019/01/25 Rob J Hyndman
Advice to PhD applicants
2019/01/25 Rob J Hyndman
Feature-based forecasting algorithms for large collections of time series
2019/01/25 Rob J Hyndman
Advice to PhD applicants
2019/01/24 Wannabe Rstats-fu
gather() and spread() Explained By gt
2019/01/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Riad Sattouf (1) vs Leonhard Euler; Springsteen advances
2019/01/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
One more reason to remove letters of recommendation when evaluating candidates for jobs or scholarships.
2019/01/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
No, I don’t buy that claim that Fox news is shifting the vote by 6 percentage points
2019/01/24 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
ggplot2 学习 第一部分:介绍
2019/01/23 The R-Podcast
Episode 26: The Podcast Trifecta (rstudio::conf 2019)
2019/01/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water . . . SHARK ATTACKS in the Journal of Politics
2019/01/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Science as an intellectual “safe space”? How to do it right.
2019/01/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Darrell Huff (4) vs. Monty Python; Frank Sinatra advances
2019/01/22 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
wateRinfo - Downloading tidal data to understand the behaviour of a migrating eel
2019/01/21 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2019/01/21 The R-Podcast
Nick Tierney
2019/01/21 The R-Podcast
Hilary Parker
2019/01/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The butterfly effect: It’s not what you think it is.
2019/01/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Frank Sinatra (3) vs. Virginia Apgar; Julia Child advances
2019/01/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Moneyball for evaluating community colleges
2019/01/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Julia Child (2) vs. Ira Glass; Dorothy Parker advances
2019/01/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Either the results are completely wrong, or Nasa has confirmed a major breakthrough in space propulsion.”
2019/01/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Dorothy Parker (2) vs. Simone Biles; Liebling advances
2019/01/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A ladder of responses to criticism, from the most responsible to the most destructive
2019/01/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Google on Responsible AI Practices
2019/01/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Anthony Bourdain (3) vs. A. J. Liebling; Steve Martin advances
2019/01/18 Simply Statistics
The Tentpoles of Data Science
2019/01/18 Rob J Hyndman
forecast 8.5
2019/01/18 Rob J Hyndman
forecast 8.5
2019/01/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A thought on the hot hand in basketball and the relevance of defense
2019/01/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Steve Martin (4) vs. David Letterman; Serena Williams advances
2019/01/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
M. F. K. Fisher (1) vs. Serena Williams; Oscar Wilde advances
2019/01/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Data partitioning as an essential element in evaluation of predictive properties of a statistical method
2019/01/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Causal inference data challenge!
2019/01/16 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
Logistic 回归中 AIC 和 BIC 用于变量筛选
2019/01/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Oscar Wilde (1) vs. Joe Pesci; the Japanese dude who won the hot dog eating contest advances
2019/01/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Does Harvard discriminate against Asian Americans in college admissions?
2019/01/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Carol Burnett (4) vs. the Japanese dude who won the hot dog eating contest; Albert Brooks advances
2019/01/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Storytelling: What’s it good for?
2019/01/14 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rOpenSci's new Code of Conduct
2019/01/13 Jay's Notes
Coping with worst loss at home
2019/01/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
How post-hoc power calculation is like a shit sandwich
2019/01/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
John van Neumann (3) vs. Albert Brooks; Paul Erdos advances
2019/01/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Coursera course on causal inference from Michael Sobel at Columbia
2019/01/13 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
Understanding p value, multiple comparisons, FDR and q value
2019/01/13 Econometrics and Free Software
Making sense of the METS and ALTO XML standards
2019/01/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
This is one offer I can refuse
2019/01/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Johnny Carson (2) vs. Paul Erdos; Babe Didrikson Zaharias advances
2019/01/12 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/01/11 Wannabe Rstats-fu
A Tip to Debug ggplot2
2019/01/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
NYC Meetup Thursday: Under the hood: Stan’s library, language, and algorithms
2019/01/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
New blog hosting!
2019/01/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Becker on Bohm on the important role of stories in science
2019/01/11 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2019/01/10 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
vitae: Dynamic CVs with R Markdown
2019/01/10 Andriy V. Koval on Andriy V. Koval
Time to gather, time to spread. Part 1.
2019/01/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
MRP (multilevel regression and poststratification; Mister P): Clearing up misunderstandings about
2019/01/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Babe Didrikson Zaharias (2) vs. Adam Schiff; Sid Caesar advances
2019/01/10 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
记一次 Debian sid 爆炸后的修复
2019/01/09 Simply Statistics
How Data Scientists Think - A Mini Case Study
2019/01/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Reproducibility and Stan
2019/01/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Ed Sullivan (3) vs. Sid Caesar; DJ Jazzy Jeff advances
2019/01/08 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2019/01/08 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Continuing to Grow Community Together at ozunconf, 2018
2019/01/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Philip Roth (4) vs. DJ Jazzy Jeff; Jim Thorpe advances
2019/01/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The Book of Why” by Pearl and Mackenzie
2019/01/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Did she really live 122 years?
2019/01/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The seminar speaker contest begins: Jim Thorpe (1) vs. John Oliver
2019/01/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
On deck for the first half of 2019
2019/01/06 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Co-integration and Mean Reverting Portfolio
2019/01/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Objective Bayes conference in June
2019/01/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Announcing the ultimate seminar speaker contest: 2019 edition!
2019/01/06 一路嘿嘿
2019/01/05 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2019/01/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Dissolving the Fermi Paradox”
2019/01/04 About on Likan Zhan | 战立侃
An interactive learning widget for R
2019/01/04 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
permutation test for PCA components
2019/01/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Back by popular demand . . . The Greatest Seminar Speaker contest!
2019/01/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Robin Pemantle’s updated bag of tricks for math teaching!
2019/01/04 Econometrics and Free Software
Looking into 19th century ads from a Luxembourguish newspaper with R
2019/01/03 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2019/01/03 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2019/01/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Published in 2018
2019/01/02 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2018 年:迷茫与倒退
2019/01/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What to do when you read a paper and it’s full of errors and the author won’t share the data or be open about the analysis?
2019/01/01 Rob J Hyndman
Macroeconomic forecasting for Australia using a large number of predictors
2019/01/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Principles of posterior visualization”
2019/01/01 Rob J Hyndman
Macroeconomic forecasting for Australia using a large number of predictors
2018/12/31 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2018/12/31 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Authority figures in psychology spread more happy talk, still don’t get the point that much of the published, celebrated, and publicized work in their field is no good (Part 2)
2018/12/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Combining apparently contradictory evidence
2018/12/30 Econometrics and Free Software
R or Python? Why not both? Using Anaconda Python within R with {reticulate}
2018/12/30 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
Hugo + Blogdown + Github + Netlify 搭建博客记录
2018/12/30 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
Netlify 的第一篇博客
2018/12/30 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
2018/12/29 Mara Averick
Top Tweets of 2018
2018/12/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Check yourself before you wreck yourself: Assessing discrete choice models through predictive simulations”
2018/12/28 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2018/12/28 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
The end of 2018
2018/12/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Using multilevel modeling to improve analysis of multiple comparisons
2018/12/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Back to the Wall
2018/12/27 Econometrics and Free Software
Some fun with {gganimate}
2018/12/26 ZedR Blog - Data Science . R . Stock Markets
Deploying Metabase through Heroku App
2018/12/26 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
On Marketing (on Social Media)
2018/12/26 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Statistical Assessments of AUC
2018/12/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
What is probability?
2018/12/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Thus, a loss aversion principle is rendered superfluous to an account of the phenomena it was introduced to explain.”
2018/12/24 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
On Disagreement
2018/12/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Zak David expresses critical views of some published research in empirical quantitative finance
2018/12/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
June is applied regression exam month!
2018/12/24 Econometrics and Free Software
Objects types and some useful R functions for beginners
2018/12/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“When Both Men and Women Drop Out of the Labor Force, Why Do Economists Only Ask About Men?”
2018/12/23 Jan's Page
Univariate Fans of Majorizers
2018/12/23 Jan's Page
Convergence Rate of Majorization Algorithms with Constraints
2018/12/23 Jan's Page
Some Incomplete Papers
2018/12/22 Rob J Hyndman
Network for early career researchers in forecasting
2018/12/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Carol Nickerson explains what those mysterious diagrams were saying
2018/12/22 Rob J Hyndman
Network for early career researchers in forecasting
2018/12/21 Infinity Loop
R + bat一键批量下载LINE贴图的方法
2018/12/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The causal hype ratchet
2018/12/21 Econometrics and Free Software
Using the tidyverse for more than data manipulation: estimating pi with Monte Carlo methods
2018/12/20 Infinity Loop
2018/12/20 ewen
listening, EOY 2018
2018/12/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Exploring model fit by looking at a histogram of a posterior simulation draw of a set of parameters in a hierarchical model
2018/12/20 一路嘿嘿
2018/12/19 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2018/12/19 Simply Statistics
The Netflix Data War
2018/12/19 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
A tale of two heatmap functions
2018/12/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
When “nudge” doesn’t work: Medication Reminders to Outcomes After Myocardial Infarction
2018/12/18 Posts on datascienceblog.net: R for Data Science
An Introduction to Forecasting
2018/12/18 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
rcites - The story behind the package
2018/12/18 Rob J Hyndman
Why doesn't auto.arima() return the model with the lowest AICc value?
2018/12/18 DNA confesses Data speak on DNA confesses Data speak
PCA in action
2018/12/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Comparing racism from different eras: If only Tucker Carlson had been around in the 1950s he could’ve been a New York Intellectual.
2018/12/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Classifying yin and yang using MRI
2018/12/18 Rob J Hyndman
Why doesn't auto.arima() return the model with the lowest AICc value?
2018/12/18 一路嘿嘿
2018/12/17 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Phillips-Ouliaris Test For Cointegration
2018/12/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why do sociologists (and bloggers) focus on the negative? 5 possible explanations. (A post in the style of Fabio Rojas)
2018/12/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Surprise-hacking: “the narrative of blindness and illusion sells, and therefore continues to be the central thesis of popular books written by psychologists and cognitive scientists”
2018/12/16 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
R 中缺失值的简单处理—— MICE 和 Amelia 篇
2018/12/16 一路嘿嘿
2018/12/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“My advisor and I disagree on how we should carry out repeated cross-validation. We would love to have a third expert opinion…”
2018/12/15 Econometrics and Free Software
Manipulate dates easily with {lubridate}
2018/12/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A couple of thoughts regarding the hot hand fallacy fallacy
2018/12/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Oh, I hate it when work is criticized (or, in this case, fails in attempted replications) and then the original researchers don’t even consider the possibility that maybe in their original work they were inadvertently just finding patterns in noise.
2018/12/12 Rob J Hyndman
Using ggplot2 for functional time series
2018/12/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Time series of Democratic/Republican vote share in House elections
2018/12/12 Rob J Hyndman
Using ggplot2 for functional time series
2018/12/11 Simply Statistics
The Role of Theory in Data Analysis
2018/12/11 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Generating reasonable starting trees for complex phylogenetic analyses
2018/12/11 Rob J Hyndman
Data visualization for functional time series
2018/12/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Do you have any recommendations for useful priors when datasets are small?”
2018/12/11 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
从芯片数据提取 lncRNA 探针
2018/12/11 Rob J Hyndman
Data visualization for functional time series
2018/12/10 ewen
2018/12/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Prior distributions for covariance matrices
2018/12/10 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
RNA-Seq 数据处理记录
2018/12/09 Posts on datascienceblog.net: R for Data Science
Prediction vs Forecasting
2018/12/09 Rob J Hyndman
Seasonal functional autoregressive models
2018/12/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Should we be concerned about MRP estimates being used in later analyses? Maybe. I recommend checking using fake-data simulation.
2018/12/09 Rob J Hyndman
Seasonal functional autoregressive models
2018/12/08 Posts on datascienceblog.net: R for Data Science
Interpreting ROC Curves, Precision-Recall Curves, and AUCs
2018/12/08 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My footnote about global warming
2018/12/07 Posts on datascienceblog.net: R for Data Science
Inference vs Prediction
2018/12/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Latour Sokal NYT
2018/12/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A parable regarding changing standards on the presentation of statistical evidence
2018/12/05 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Community Call - Governance strategies for open source research software projects
2018/12/05 Rob J Hyndman
High-dimensional time series analysis
2018/12/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Niall Ferguson and the perils of playing to your audience
2018/12/05 Rob J Hyndman
High-dimensional time series analysis
2018/12/04 Posts on datascienceblog.net: R for Data Science
Performance Measures for Multi-Class Problems
2018/12/04 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Detecting spatiotemporal groups in relocation data with spatsoc
2018/12/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Statistical insights into public opinion and politics” (my talk for the Columbia Data Science Society this Wed 9pm)
2018/12/04 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Bayes, statistics, and reproducibility: “Many serious problems with statistics in practice arise from Bayesian inference that is not Bayesian enough, or frequentist evaluation that is not frequentist enough, in both cases using replication distributions that do not make scientific sense or do not reflect the actual procedures being performed on the data.”
2018/12/03 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
An Utility Function For Monotonic Binning
2018/12/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
StanCon 2018 Helsinki talk slides, notebooks and code online
2018/12/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
My talk tomorrow (Tues) noon at the Princeton University Psychology Department
2018/12/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
In which I demonstrate my ignorance of world literature
2018/12/03 Peng Zhao on Peng Zhao
R, Open Science, and Reproducible Research
2018/12/02 Posts on datascienceblog.net: R for Data Science
Behind the Scenes: The First Month of datascienceblog.net
2018/12/02 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The p-value is 4.76×10^−264
2018/12/02 Econometrics and Free Software
What hyper-parameters are, and what to do with them; an illustration with ridge regression
2018/12/01 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“James Watson in his own words”
2018/11/30 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2018/11/30 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting competitions
2018/11/30 OmicX
通过 frp 穿透内网访问树莓派的 aria2
2018/11/30 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Stephen Wolfram explains neural nets
2018/11/30 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting competitions
2018/11/29 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Community Call Summary - Code Review in the Lab
2018/11/29 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“And when you did you weren’t much use, you didn’t even know what a peptide was”
2018/11/28 Rob J Hyndman
M4 Forecasting Conference
2018/11/28 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Another Stan related job in baseball!
2018/11/28 Rob J Hyndman
M4 Forecasting Conference
2018/11/28 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2018/11/27 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2018/11/27 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Co-localization analysis of fluorescence microscopy images
2018/11/27 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
$ vs. votes
2018/11/27 Home on Another Random Blog
My sublime text setup (and packages)
2018/11/26 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2018/11/26 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2018/11/26 Rob J Hyndman
Feature-based time series analysis
2018/11/26 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Economic predictions with big data” using partial pooling
2018/11/26 Rob J Hyndman
Feature-based time series analysis
2018/11/25 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2018/11/25 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Improving Binning by Bootstrap Bumping
2018/11/25 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
These 3 problems destroy many clinical trials (in context of some papers on problems with non-inferiority trials, or problems with clinical trials in general)
2018/11/25 Econometrics and Free Software
A tutorial on tidy cross-validation with R
2018/11/24 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
More Robust Monotonic Binning Based on Isotonic Regression
2018/11/24 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The evolution of pace in popular movies
2018/11/23 Wannabe Rstats-fu
How To Convert A Human To Waves By Magick Package
2018/11/23 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Creating List with Iterator
2018/11/23 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey! There are mathematicians out there who’ve never read Proofs and Refutations. Whassup with that??
2018/11/22 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“She also observed that results from smaller studies conducted by NGOs – often pilot studies – would often look promising. But when governments tried to implement scaled-up versions of those programs, their performance would drop considerably.”
2018/11/21 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
盲人 R 用户
2018/11/21 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
A Bayesian take on ballot order effects
2018/11/21 Econometrics and Free Software
The best way to visit Luxembourguish castles is doing data science + combinatorial optimization
2018/11/21 L. Collado-Torres on L. Collado-Torres
Non-coding Class Switch Recombination-Related Transcription in Human Normal and Pathological Immune Responses
2018/11/20 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2018/11/20 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Checklist Recipe - How we created a template to standardize species data
2018/11/20 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“The hype economy”
2018/11/19 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2018/11/19 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
XFrames: Another Convenient Python Interface to Spark
2018/11/19 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Tom Wolfe
2018/11/18 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Growing List vs Growing Queue
2018/11/18 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Graphs and tables, tables and graphs
2018/11/17 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Convert Data Frame to Dictionary List in R
2018/11/17 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Using numbers to replace judgment”
2018/11/16 OmicX
Install Nvidia CUDA in Debian Way
2018/11/16 OmicX
2018/11/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey, check this out: Columbia’s Data Science Institute is hiring research scientists and postdocs!
2018/11/16 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2018: How did people actually vote? (The real story, not the exit polls.)
2018/11/16 Econometrics and Free Software
Using a genetic algorithm for the hyperparameter optimization of a SARIMA model
2018/11/15 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The State of the Art
2018/11/15 Econometrics and Free Software
Searching for the optimal hyper-parameters of an ARIMA model in parallel: the tidy gridsearch approach
2018/11/14 Home on Xianying's Blog
use `base::serializer()` in the plumber API
2018/11/14 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Robustness checks are a joke
2018/11/14 Econometrics and Free Software
Easy time-series prediction with R: a tutorial with air traffic data from Lux Airport
2018/11/13 Home on Xianying's Blog
2018/11/13 Blog on rOpenSci - open tools for open science
The Antarctic/Southern Ocean rOpenSci community
2018/11/13 Andriy V. Koval on Andriy V. Koval
Health System Impact Fellowship
2018/11/13 Andriy V. Koval on Andriy V. Koval
Data Science Studio
2018/11/13 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Chocolate milk! Another stunning discovery from an experiment on 24 people!
2018/11/12 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
2018/11/12 Rbind Support
Data Science Blog: My Experiences with Data Science, Blogging, and R
2018/11/12 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Fetching Data From SAS Dataset to Lua Table
2018/11/12 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Data Wrangling with Astropy Package
2018/11/12 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Law professor Alan Dershowitz’s new book claims that political differences have lately been criminalized in the United States. He has it wrong. Instead, the orderly enforcement of the law has, ludicrously, been framed as political.”
2018/11/12 L. Collado-Torres on L. Collado-Torres
Asking for help is challenging but is typically worth it
2018/11/11 ZedR Blog - Data Science . R . Stock Markets
#DataHack4Fi twitter data
2018/11/11 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Hey! Here’s what to do when you have two or more surveys on the same population!
2018/11/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Matching (and discarding non-matches) to deal with lack of complete overlap, then regression to adjust for imbalance between treatment and control groups
2018/11/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2018: Who actually voted? (The real story, not the exit polls.)
2018/11/10 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
2018: What really happened?
2018/11/10 Econometrics and Free Software
Analyzing NetHack data, part 2: What players kill the most
2018/11/09 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Some of My JS Tricks to Enhance the HTML Output of Markdown
2018/11/09 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
On Cosmetic Changes in Pull Requests
2018/11/09 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
My Biggest Regret in the knitr Package
2018/11/09 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Recapping the recent plagiarism scandal”
2018/11/08 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
The Two Surprisingly Hard Things about the Otherwise Simple Markdown
2018/11/08 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Things are Getting Better and Better
2018/11/08 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Manipulating Dictionary List with SQLite Back-End
2018/11/07 ZedR Blog - Data Science . R . Stock Markets
African Markets indices tracker
2018/11/07 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
Winners Take All in the Dependency World (or Hell)
2018/11/07 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“35. What differentiates solitary confinement, county jail and house arrest” and 70 others
2018/11/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“Statistical and Machine Learning forecasting methods: Concerns and ways forward”
2018/11/06 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Postdocs and Research fellows for combining probabilistic programming, simulators and interactive AI
2018/11/06 L. Collado-Torres on L. Collado-Torres
A knot of threads: from CSHL to LCG-UNAM to Aldo Barrientos to diversity scholarship opportunities
2018/11/05 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Joining Dictionary Lists by Key
2018/11/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
Why it can be rational to vote
2018/11/05 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
The purported CSI effect and the retroactive precision fallacy
2018/11/03 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Aggregation of Dictionary List by Key
2018/11/03 ewen
ewenthemes (AKA how to mod hrbrthemes)
2018/11/03 Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science
“We are reluctant to engage in post hoc speculation about this unexpected result, but it does not clearly support our hypothesis”
2018/11/03 Econometrics and Free Software
Analyzing NetHack data, part 1: What kills the players
2018/11/03 Homepage on Liechi | 張列弛
2018/11/02 Homepage on Yihui Xie | 谢益辉
English is Still Hard for Me, and Thoughts on (Computer) Language Wars
2018/11/01 Nan-Hung Hsieh on Nan-Hung Hsieh
Comparative analysis of metabolism of trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene among mouse tissues and strains
2018/10/31 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Convert SAS Dataset to Dictionary List
2018/10/29 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Grouping Dictionary List by Key
2018/10/28 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Subset Dictionary by Values
2018/10/24 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Subset Dictionary by Keys
2018/10/22 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Import CSV as Dictionary List
2018/10/16 Rob J Hyndman
Writing for Researchers
2018/10/14 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Monotonic Binning with Equal-Sized Bads for Scorecard Development
2018/10/12 About on Likan Zhan | 战立侃
R Used in Literature
2018/10/01 R2
Análisis bibliométrico
2018/09/30 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Two-Stage Estimation of Switching Regression
2018/09/23 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
By-Group Summary with SparkR – Follow-up for A Reader Comment
2018/09/22 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Union Multiple Data.Frames with Different Column Names
2018/09/19 Home on Xianying's Blog
2018/09/18 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting the future of the power industry: What can you learn from smart meter data?
2018/09/17 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Why Vectorize?
2018/09/15 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
How to Avoid For Loop in R
2018/09/14 Stats, maths, computing and a bit fun
Logistic Regression as a Neural Network
2018/09/14 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
2018/09/11 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Modeling Frequency Outcomes with Ordinal Models
2018/09/09 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Playing Map() and Reduce() in R – Subsetting
2018/09/03 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Playing Map() and Reduce() in R – By-Group Calculation
2018/09/01 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Writing Wrapper in SAS
2018/08/30 Home on Xianying's Blog
2018/08/29 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
More Flexible Ordinal Outcome Models
2018/08/26 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Adjacent-Categories and Continuation-Ratio Logit Models for Ordinal Outcomes
2018/08/26 Rob J Hyndman
MeDaScIn 2018
2018/08/25 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
Python 里 NumPy 的 axis 参数的理解
2018/08/22 Rob J Hyndman
Developing good research habits
2018/08/21 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
跟着 mimic-code 探索 MIMIC 数据之 notebooks CRRT (三)
2018/08/19 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Ordered Probit Model and Price Movements of High-Frequency Trades
2018/08/19 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
Tmux 入门和初步配置
2018/08/16 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
跟着 mimic-code 探索 MIMIC 数据之 notebooks CRRT (二)
2018/08/15 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
跟着 mimic-code 探索 MIMIC 数据之 notebooks CRRT (一)
2018/08/10 Home on Xianying's Blog
在Linux下使用odbc包连接MSSQL Server
2018/08/09 Rob J Hyndman
Crude oil price forecasting based on internet concern using an extreme learning machine
2018/08/06 Rob J Hyndman
National Science Week Melbourne Mathematics Activities
2018/08/03 Rob J Hyndman
Saving ts objects as csv files
2018/08/03 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
跟着 mimic-code 探索 MIMIC 数据之 tutorials (二)
2018/08/01 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
跟着 mimic-code 探索 MIMIC 数据之 tutorials (一)
2018/07/29 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Co-integration and Pairs Trading
2018/07/28 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
SQLBolt 课程学习笔记五 (番外篇)
2018/07/28 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
SQLBolt 课程学习笔记四 (13-18+X 课)
2018/07/27 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
SQLBolt 课程学习笔记三 (9-12 课)
2018/07/26 Rob J Hyndman
ACEMS Forecasting Workshop
2018/07/26 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
SQLBolt 课程学习笔记二 (6-8 课)
2018/07/25 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
SQLBolt 课程学习笔记一 (1-5 课)
2018/07/20 Home on Data + Analysis
! [rejected] master -> master (non-fast-forward)
2018/07/15 Rob J Hyndman
UseR!2018 talks
2018/07/14 Rob J Hyndman
Seasonal decomposition of short time series
2018/07/14 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
Microsoft R Open 的安装和配置
2018/07/13 Rob J Hyndman
Tidy forecasting in R
2018/07/09 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
PostgreSQL 基础补课
2018/07/06 Rob J Hyndman
Bivariate smoothing of mortality surfaces with cohort and period ridges
2018/06/25 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting: principles and practice (NYC)
2018/06/24 Rob J Hyndman
A forecast ensemble benchmark
2018/06/21 Rob J Hyndman
Feature-based time series analysis
2018/06/21 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
MIMIC iii 数据 + PostgreSQL 数据库
2018/06/19 Rob J Hyndman
Tidy forecasting in R
2018/06/15 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
Shell 字符串取子集和输出重定向
2018/06/06 Rob J Hyndman
Meta-learning how to forecast time series
2018/06/03 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Subset by Index in Clojure
2018/05/29 Clean Code (and R-fun)
Sentiment of Security Now! over time
2018/05/20 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
SAS Implementation of ZAGA Models
2018/05/10 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Mimicking SQLDF with MonetDBLite
2018/05/07 Home on Xianying's Blog
2018/05/04 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
MLE with General Optimization Functions in R
2018/05/02 Home on Xianying's Blog
2018/04/29 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Read Random Rows from A Huge CSV File
2018/04/25 Home on Xianying's Blog
"human round"- Round to nearest, ties away from zero
2018/04/23 Rob J Hyndman
Upcoming talks: May-July 2018
2018/04/23 Rob J Hyndman
Forecasting in NYC: 25-27 June 2018
2018/04/22 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Updating Column Values in Clojure Map
2018/04/21 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Adding New Columns to Clojure Map
2018/04/21 Home on Xianying's Blog
non-ASCII {.tabset} headers in Rmarkdown
2018/04/16 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
LogRatio Regression – A Simple Way to Model Compositional Data
2018/04/14 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Transpose in Clojure
2018/04/14 Rob J Hyndman
forecast v8.3 now on CRAN
2018/04/12 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Clojure Integration with R
2018/04/12 Home on Xianying's Blog
Use sprintf() rather than as.character()
2018/04/12 Home on Xianying's Blog
The defaults of a function argument are not binded
2018/04/12 Home on Xianying's Blog
Hugo will not publish the "future" post by default
2018/04/11 Home on Xianying's Blog
Emoji (how to enable in Hugo and the cheatsheets)
2018/04/11 Rob J Hyndman
A brief history of time series forecasting competitions
2018/04/09 Rob J Hyndman
High dimensional time series analysis
2018/04/08 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Inner and Outer Joins in Clojure
2018/04/08 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Aggregation by Multiple Keys in Clojure
2018/04/02 Home on Xianying's Blog
2018/04/01 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
By-Group Statistical Summary in Clojure
2018/03/26 Rob J Hyndman
R package for M4 Forecasting Competition
2018/03/24 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Subset by Values in Clojure
2018/03/23 Rob J Hyndman
Research++: what you should know about being a researcher but probably don't
2018/03/21 Home on Xianying's Blog
2018/03/19 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Do We Really Need Dataframe in Clojure?
2018/03/18 Home on Xianying's Blog
2018/03/17 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Parse CSV File with Headers in Clojure
2018/03/17 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
For Loop and Map in Clojure
2018/03/14 Gianluca Baio on Gianluca Baio
Current and recent research
2018/03/13 Rob J Hyndman
IJF Tao Hong Award 2018
2018/03/12 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Clojure and SQLite
2018/03/12 Gianluca Baio
Evidence of bias in the Eurovision song contest: modelling the votes using Bayesian hierarchical models
2018/03/12 Gianluca Baio
Evidence of bias in the Eurovision song contest: modelling the votes using Bayesian hierarchical models
2018/03/11 Gianluca Baio
Bayesian computations for Value of Information measures using Gaussian processes, INLA and Moment Matching
2018/03/11 Gianluca Baio
Full Bayesian methods to handle missing data in health economic evaluations
2018/03/11 Gianluca Baio
Bayesian computations for Value of Information measures using Gaussian processes, INLA and Moment Matching
2018/03/11 Gianluca Baio
Full Bayesian methods to handle missing data in health economic evaluations
2018/03/08 Gianluca Baio
The Regression discontinuity design in epidemiology
2018/03/08 Gianluca Baio
The Regression discontinuity design in epidemiology
2018/02/28 Home on Jackie's Personal Blog
Linux 下的动态共享库
2018/02/25 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
MLE in R
2018/02/18 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Modeling Dollar Amounts in Regression Setting
2018/02/11 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
R Interfaces to Python Keras Package
2018/02/11 Mikko Marttila
Blogging: Getting started
2018/02/07 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Additional Thoughts on Estimating LGD with Proportional Odds Model
2018/02/04 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Estimating Parameters of A Hyper-Poisson Distribution in SAS
2018/02/04 Rob J Hyndman
Exploring the sources of uncertainty: why does bagging for time series forecasting work?
2018/02/01 Rob J Hyndman
Visualizing big energy data
2018/01/28 Yet Another Blog in Statistical Computing
Modeling LGD with Proportional Odds Model
2018/01/28 Home on Xianying's Blog
My very first blog
2018/01/11 Gianluca Baio
Health economic evaluation of HPV vaccination
2018/01/10 Shichen
[转] 互联网金融的大数据风控
2018/01/05 Shichen
使用 R 语言开发评分卡模型
2018/01/01 Rob J Hyndman
A note on the validity of cross-validation for evaluating autoregressive time series prediction