《鳳凰專案》心得 博客來-鳳凰專案:看IT部門如何讓公司從谷底翻身的傳奇故事 (books.com.tw) 這本書是在講一個「半被迫」接下 CIO 位置的 IT 經理,如何把一間汽車零件生產廠的所有 IT … ← 在生成式AI泛滥时代,如何鉴别信息的真伪? Sympathy for the Nudgelords: Vermeule endorsing stupid and dangerous election-fraud claims and Levitt promoting climate change denial are like cool dudes in the 60s wearing Che T-shirts and thinking Chairman Mao was cool—we think they’re playing with fire, they think they’re cute contrarians pointing out contradictions in the system. For a certain kind of person, it’s fun to be a rogue. →